Operation Asymptote
Operation Asymptote is an initiative designed to download as much of PACER as possible by spreading the burden across many individuals, none of whom need to spend anything by staying under PACER's $15.00 per quarter free access allowance.
What do I need to do this?
- You must have five minutes.
- You must have a valid credit or debit card, even though it will not be charged.
- You must have a computer with internet access that can run Firefox or Google Chrome.
- You must have a PACER account.
- You must have the free RECAP browser extension.
- You must download no more than $15.00 worth of PACER materials per calendar quarter.
You can check how much you have "spent" on the official PACER site. In order to avoid being billed for the quarter, simply stop downloading when you get close to $15.00.
Once you are ready...
Option 1: The Easy Way
Use this tool to download documents that we don't have in the system yet.
Option 2: The Other Way That's Still Pretty Easy
- Search for the U.S. Attorney for your district.
- Sign into the PACER site for your district.
- Use the Query tool to search for any Assistant U.S. Attorney or U.S. Attorney by filling in their name and changing the "Type" box at the very bottom (above the "Run Query" button) to "Attorney".
- Download dockets until you hit $15.00!