Think Computer Corp v. Venchiarutti et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit California Northern District Court, Case No. 5:11-cv-05496-HRL
Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd, presiding
Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd
Last Updated October 23, 2023 at 3:03 AM EDT (1.3 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump
Think Computer Corporation is suing the State of California Department of Financial Institutions, alleging that the 2010 California Money Transmission Act (MTA) is unconstitutional.

There are three main claims: that the MTA violates the Due Process Clause by requiring companies to apply for licenses before learning their prerequisites for applying; that the MTA violates the Dormant Commerce Clause by regulating commerce outside of California; and that the MTA violates the Dormant Commerce Clause by causing uneven requirements for licensure across various states, and by imposing more of a burden on society than it creates benefits.

Last Edited by Aaron Greenspan

Think Computer Corporation Think Computer Corporation, Plaintiff

Represented by Law Offices of Marvin Cable

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Marvin Nathan Cable +1 413 268 6500 +1 888 691 9850

Represented by Law Offices of Michael Brooks Carroll

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Brooks Carroll +1 415 788 7600 +1 415 421 7379
No Logo Edmund Brown, Jr., Defendant

Represented by California Department Of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Peter Keller Southworth +1 213 897 2638 +1 213 897 2802
No Logo Jacob A Appelsmith, Defendant

Represented by California Department Of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Peter Keller Southworth +1 213 897 2638 +1 213 897 2802
Harris, Kamala Devi Harris, Kamala Devi, Defendant
Officially listed as "Kamala Harris"

Represented by California Department Of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Peter Keller Southworth +1 213 897 2638 +1 213 897 2802
No Logo Venchiarutti, Robert, Defendant
Officially listed as "Robert Venchiarutti"

Represented by California Department Of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Peter Keller Southworth +1 213 897 2638 +1 213 897 2802

Represented by Office of the California Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Ryan Marcroft +1 916 323 5313 +1 916 324 8835
No Logo Traci Stevens, Defendant

Represented by California Department Of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Peter Keller Southworth +1 213 897 2638 +1 213 897 2802
No Logo William Haraf, Defendant

Represented by California Department Of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Peter Keller Southworth +1 213 897 2638 +1 213 897 2802
Office San Jose
Filed 11/14/2011
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Demand $999000
Nature of Suit 950 - Other Statutes: Constitutionality of State Statutes
Cause Section 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question
Jurisdiction Federal Question
County Santa Clara
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Defendant Custody Status
Flags ADRMOP,E-Filing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 6/25/2015, Entered: None Judgment
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 69 Filed: 6/25/2015, Entered: None Response to Order to Show Cause
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 68 Filed: 6/10/2015, Entered: 6/10/2015 Order to Show Cause Court Filing
ORDER Directing Plaintiff to Show Cause Why This Case Should Not Be Dismissed and Judgment Entered for Defendants. Show Cause Response due by 6/24/2015. Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 6/10/2015. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/10/2015)
Legal Document 67 Filed: 6/4/2015, Entered: 6/4/2015 Statement
Statement in Response to Aaron Greenspan's Correspondence; Declaration of Ryan Marcroft in Support by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Certificate/Proof of Service)(Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 6/4/2015)
Legal Document 66 Filed: 5/7/2015, Entered: 5/7/2015 Order on Motion to DismissCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd granting [24] defendants' Motion to Dismiss. Plaintiff given 20 days leave to amend. Amended complaint due by 5/27/2015. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/7/2015)
Legal Document 65 Filed: 4/17/2015, Entered: 4/17/2015 Supplemental Brief
Responsive Brief to Plaintiff's Supplemental Brief in Opposition to 24] MOTION to Dismiss First Amended Complaint by State Defendants ) filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate/Proof of Service)(Related document(s)[24]) (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 4/17/2015) Modified text on 4/20/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 64 Filed: 4/17/2015, Entered: 4/17/2015 Opposition/Response to Motion
SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE BRIEF IN OPPOSITION to ( [24] MOTION to Dismiss First Amended Complaint by State Defendants ) filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Aschenbrener, Michael) (Filed on 4/17/2015) Modified text on 4/20/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 63 Filed: 4/2/2015, Entered: 4/2/2015 Opposition/Response to Motion
Supplemental Brief in Opposition to ( [24] MOTION to Dismiss First Amended Complaint by State Defendants) filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Aschenbrener, Michael) (Filed on 4/2/2015) Modified text on 4/3/2015 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 62 Filed: 4/2/2015, Entered: 4/2/2015 Supplemental Brief
Supplemental Brief in Support of [24] Motion to Dismiss filed byJacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 4/2/2015) Modified on 4/3/2015 linking entry to document #24 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 61 Filed: 3/3/2015, Entered: 3/3/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Setting Supplemental Briefing Deadlines. Supplemental briefs (no more than 15 pages) due by 4/2/2015. Responsive briefs (no more than 5 pages) due by 4/17/2015). Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 3/3/2015. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/3/2015)
Legal Document 60 Filed: 3/3/2015, Entered: 3/3/2015 Case Management Conference - InitialCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd: Initial Case Management Conference held on 3/3/2015.Court Reporter Name or FTR Time ftr 1:46-2:05. Plaintiff Attorney Michael Aschenbrener. Defendant Attorney Ryan Marcroft. (pmc, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 3/3/2015)
Legal Document 59 Filed: 2/26/2015, Entered: 2/26/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER re Supplemental Briefing. Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 2/26/2015. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/26/2015)
Legal Document 58 Filed: 2/24/2015, Entered: 2/24/2015 Joint Case Management Statement
JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 2/24/2015)
Legal Document 57 Filed: 1/7/2015, Entered: 1/7/2015 Order on StipulationCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER re [56] continuing case management conference to 3/3/2015, 1:30 PM. Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/7/2015)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 2/24/2015. Case Management Conference set for 3/3/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/7/2015)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 2/24/2015. Case Management Conference set for 3/3/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/7/2015)
Legal Document 56 Filed: 1/5/2015, Entered: 1/5/2015, Terminated: 1/7/2015 Stipulation and Proposed Order
STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Continue Initial Case Management Conference; Declaration of Ryan Marcroft in Support filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 1/5/2015)
Legal Document 55 Filed: 12/16/2014, Entered: 12/16/2014 Order on Motion to Shorten TimeCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd GRANTING AS MODIFIED [53] Motion to Shorten Time. Case management conference set for 2/24/2015, 1:30 PM. Joint case management statement due by 2/17/2015. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/16/2014)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 2/17/2015. Case Management Conference set for 2/24/2015 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/16/2014)
Legal Document 54 Filed: 12/12/2014, Entered: 12/12/2014 Opposition/Response to Motion
OPPOSITION (re [53] MOTION to Change Time of Initial Case Management Conference); Declaration of Ryan Marcroft in Support filed by Kamala Harris. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 12/12/2014) Modified text on 12/16/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 53 Filed: 12/8/2014, Entered: 12/8/2014, Terminated: 12/16/2014 Shorten Time
MOTION to Change Time of initial CMC filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration, # (2) Proposed Order)(Aschenbrener, Michael) (Filed on 12/8/2014) Modified text on 12/9/2014 (dhmS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 52 Filed: 3/24/2014, Entered: 3/24/2014 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE by Think Computer Corporation re [24] MOTION to Dismiss First Amended Complaint by State Defendants; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support, [30] Opposition/Response to Motion, [31] Reply to Opposition/Response, [40] Motion Hearing under L.R. 7-13 that motion has been under submission for more than 120 days (Aschenbrener, Michael) (Filed on 3/24/2014)
Legal Document 51 Filed: 3/20/2014, Entered: 3/20/2014 Order on Motion to Withdraw as AttorneyCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd granting [49] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Marvin Nathan Cable terminated. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/20/2014)
Legal Document 50 Filed: 10/15/2013, Entered: 10/15/2013 Request For Judicial Notice
Request for Judicial Notice filed byThink Computer Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F)(Aschenbrener, Michael) (Filed on 10/15/2013)
Legal Document 49 Filed: 8/10/2013, Entered: 8/10/2013, Terminated: 3/20/2014 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney (pro hac vice) filed by Think Computer Corporation. Responses due by 8/26/2013. Replies due by 9/3/2013. (Cable, Marvin) (Filed on 8/10/2013)
Legal Document 48 Filed: 7/16/2013, Entered: 7/16/2013 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Michael James Aschenbrener for Plaintiff Think Computer Corp. (Aschenbrener, Michael) (Filed on 7/16/2013)
Legal Document 47 Filed: 3/14/2013, Entered: 3/14/2013 Request For Judicial Notice
Request for Judicial Notice filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Aaron Greenspan in Support of Plaintiff's Request for Judicial Notice) (Cable, Marvin) (Filed on 3/14/2013) Modified on 3/15/2013 (bwS, COURT STAFF).
  • Attachment 1 Declaration of Aaron Greenspan in Support of Plaintiff's Request for Judicial Notice
Legal Document 46 Filed: 2/27/2013, Entered: 2/27/2013 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Denying Without Prejudice [45] Plaintiff's Counsel's Motion to Withdraw. Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 2/27/2013. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/27/2013)
Legal Document 45 Filed: 2/19/2013, Entered: 2/19/2013 Notice of Change In Counsel
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF CO-COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF THINK COMPUTER CORPORATION Before the Honorable Howard R. Lloydby Michael Brooks Carroll (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 2/19/2013) Modified on 2/20/2013 (bwS, COURT STAFF).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The further ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 9/18/12 did not take place. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/18/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The further ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 9/18/12 did not take place. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/18/2012)
Legal Document 44 Filed: 7/17/2012, Entered: 7/17/2012 TranscriptCourt Filing
Transcript of Proceedings held on April 17, 2012, before Judge Howard R. Lloyd. Court Reporter/Transcriber Stacy Wegner, Telephone number 859-539-2802. Tape Number: FTR. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. Redaction Request due 8/7/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/17/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/15/2012. (jy, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/17/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Phone Conference held
ADR Remark: ADR Phone Conference held by RWS on 7/16/12. A further ADR Phone Conference has been scheduled for 9/18/12 at 2:30 p.m. Pacific. The call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/16/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Phone Conference held
ADR Remark: ADR Phone Conference held by RWS on 7/16/12. A further ADR Phone Conference has been scheduled for 9/18/12 at 2:30 p.m. Pacific. The call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/16/2012)
Legal Document 43 Filed: 5/18/2012, Entered: 5/18/2012 Request For Judicial Notice
Motion for Leave to File Request for Judicial Notice filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Supplement, # (2) Declaration)(Cable, Marvin) (Filed on 5/18/2012) Text modified on 5/18/2012 conforming to posted document caption (bw, COURT STAFF).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Phone Conference held
ADR Remark: ADR Phone Conference held by RWS on 5/15/12. A further ADR Phone Conference has been scheduled for 7/16/12 at 2:30 p.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Phone Conference held
ADR Remark: ADR Phone Conference held by RWS on 5/15/12. A further ADR Phone Conference has been scheduled for 7/16/12 at 2:30 p.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Phone Conference held
ADR Remark: ADR Phone Conference held by RWS on 5/15/12. A further ADR Phone Conference has been scheduled for 7/16/12 at 2:30 p.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/15/2012)
Legal Document 42 Filed: 5/10/2012, Entered: 5/10/2012 Order on StipulationCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd re [41] Continuing Initial Case Management Conference. Case management conference set for 5/29/2012 is continued to a date to be set by the court contemporaneous with its written ruling on defendants' motion to dismiss.(hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/10/2012)
Legal Document 41 Filed: 5/8/2012, Entered: 5/8/2012, Terminated: 5/10/2012 Stipulation
STIPULATION TO CONTINUE INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE; DECLARATION OF RYAN MARCROFT IN SUPPORT and (Proposed) Order filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 5/8/2012) Modified on 5/8/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 40 Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: 4/18/2012 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 4/17/2012 before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd (Date Filed: 4/17/2012) re [24]. (Court Reporter ftr.) (pmc, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/17/2012)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: 4/17/2012 Motion HearingCourt Filing
*** FILED IN ERROR*** Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 4/17/2012 before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd (Date Filed: 4/17/2012) re [24] (Court Reporter ftr.) (pmc, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 4/17/2012) Modified on 4/18/2012 (pmc, COURT STAFF).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 38 Filed: 4/16/2012, Entered: 4/16/2012 Order on Motion for Pro Hac ViceCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd granting [36] Motion for Pro Hac Vice as to Marvin Cable.(hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/16/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 4/12/12 has been rescheduled to 5/15/12 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/10/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 4/12/12 has been rescheduled to 5/15/12 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/10/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 4/12/12 has been rescheduled to 5/15/12 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/10/2012)
Audio  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 4/17/2012 10:00 AM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/9/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 4/17/2012 10:00 AM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/9/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 4/17/2012 10:00 AM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/9/2012)
Legal Document 37 Filed: 4/6/2012, Entered: 4/11/2012 Proposed Order
(Proposed) Order Granting Application for Admission of Attorney Marvin Cable for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice re [36] by Think Computer Corporation. (gm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/6/2012) Modified on 4/13/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 36 Filed: 4/6/2012, Entered: 4/11/2012 Motion for Pro Hac Vice
Application for Admission of Attorney Marvin Cable for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 305.00, receipt number 34611072669.) Filing fee previously paid on 4/6/2012 filed by Think Computer Corporation. (gm, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/6/2012) Modified on 4/13/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 35 Filed: 3/16/2012, Entered: 3/16/2012 Order on Motion to Shorten TimeCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd denying [33] Plaintiff's Motion for an Order Shortening Time.(hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/16/2012)
Legal Document 34 Filed: 3/14/2012, Entered: 3/14/2012 Opposition/Response to Motion
Response and Partial Oppositon to Plainitff's Motion to Change Time re [33]; Declaration of Ryan Marcroft in Support filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 3/14/2012) Text modified, linkage added on 3/15/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 33 Filed: 3/13/2012, Entered: 3/13/2012, Terminated: 3/16/2012 Motion to Shorten Time
Motion to Change Time of Oral Argument Concerning Defendants' Motion To Dismiss And Scheduling Conference Pursuant to Local Rule 6-3 filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 3/13/2012) Text modified on 3/14/2012 (bwS, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 32 Filed: 3/12/2012, Entered: 3/12/2012 Clerks Notice
CLERKS NOTICE re Motion Hearing and Initial Case Management Conference. Hearing re [24] continued to 4/17/2012, 10:00 AM, Courtroom 2, San Jose. Case Management Statement due by 5/22/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 5/29/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/12/2012)
Legal Document 31 Filed: 3/6/2012, Entered: 3/6/2012 Reply to Opposition/Response
Reply Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of State Defendants' MOTION to Dismiss First Amended Complaint re [24] filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 3/6/2012) Modified on 3/8/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 30 Filed: 3/3/2012, Entered: 3/3/2012 Opposition/Response to Motion
Response and Opposition to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (re [24] filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 3/3/2012) Modified on 3/5/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 29 Filed: 3/3/2012, Entered: 3/3/2012 ~Notice (other)
Notice of Court of Filing of [Errata] Plaintiffs Response and Opposition To State Defendants Motion to Dismiss by Think Computer Corporation (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 3/3/2012) Modified on 3/5/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 28 Filed: 2/29/2012, Entered: 2/29/2012 Request For Judicial Notice
Request for Judicial Notice in Support of Response to Opposition to Motion to Dismiss and Exhibits A-B re [25] filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 2/29/2012) Modified on 3/1/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 27 Filed: 2/29/2012, Entered: 2/29/2012 Request For Judicial Notice
Exhibits C to Response and Opposition to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss re [25] filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 2/29/2012) Text modified on 3/1/2012 conforming to posted document caption; incorrect event type used when posting Exhibit (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 26 Filed: 2/28/2012, Entered: 2/28/2012 Request For Judicial Notice
Exhibits D-F to Response and Opposition to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss re [25] filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 2/28/2012) Text modified on 3/1/2012 conforming to posted document incorrect event type used when posting Exhibits (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 25 Filed: 2/28/2012, Entered: 2/28/2012 Opposition/Response to Motion
Response and Opposition to State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss re [24] filed by Think Computer Corporation. (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 2/28/2012) Modified on 3/1/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 2/22/12 has been rescheduled to 4/12/12 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/23/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 2/22/12 has been rescheduled to 4/12/12 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/23/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Remark
ADR Remark: The ADR Phone Conference scheduled for 2/22/12 has been rescheduled to 4/12/12 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific. Please note that the call-in information remains the same. (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/23/2012)
Legal Document 24 Filed: 2/14/2012, Entered: 2/14/2012, Terminated: 5/7/2015 Motion to DismissCourt Filing
Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint re [23] by State Defendants; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. Motion Hearing set for 3/27/2012 10:00 AM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose before Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd. Responses due by 2/28/2012. Replies due by 3/6/2012. (Attachments: # (1) (Proposed) Order Granting State Defendants' Motion to Dismiss)(Marcroft, Ryan) (Filed on 2/14/2012) Modified on 2/14/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 23 Filed: 1/31/2012, Entered: 1/31/2012 Amended Complaint
FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT For Declaratory and Injunctive Relief and jury demand against All Defendants. Filed byThink Computer Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Schedule B To First Amended Complaint) (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 1/31/2012) Modified on 1/31/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 22 Filed: 1/27/2012, Entered: 1/27/2012 Order on StipulationCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER re [20] by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd for Filing of Amended Complaint. Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint due by 1/31/2012. Defendants' answer or response due as per Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a). Initial case management conference continued to 4/17/2012, 1:30 PM.(hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/27/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 4/10/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 4/17/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/27/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 4/10/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 4/17/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/27/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 4/10/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 4/17/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/27/2012)
Legal Document 21 Filed: 1/24/2012, Entered: 1/24/2012 Consent to Proceed Before a US Magistrate JudgeCourt Filing
CONSENT to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge by Think Computer Corporation (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 1/24/2012) Modified on 1/24/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 20 Filed: 1/23/2012, Entered: 1/23/2012, Terminated: 1/27/2012 Stipulation
STIPULATION for Filing of Amended Complaint and (Proposed) Order filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Southworth, Peter) (Filed on 1/23/2012) Modified on 1/24/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Clerk's Notice Setting ADR Phone Conference
ADR Clerk Notice Setting ADR Phone Conference on 2/22/12 at 9:30 a.m. Pacific. The court will provide instructions for connecting to the call in a separate notice to the parties. (TEXT ONLY DOCKET ENTRY) (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Clerk's Notice Setting ADR Phone Conference
ADR Clerk Notice Setting ADR Phone Conference on 2/22/12 at 9:30 a.m. Pacific. The court will provide instructions for connecting to the call in a separate notice to the parties. (TEXT ONLY DOCKET ENTRY) (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None ADR Clerk's Notice Setting ADR Phone Conference
ADR Clerk Notice Setting ADR Phone Conference on 2/22/12 at 9:30 a.m. Pacific. The court will provide instructions for connecting to the call in a separate notice to the parties. (TEXT ONLY DOCKET ENTRY) (sgd, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/23/2012)
Legal Document 19 Filed: 1/18/2012, Entered: 1/18/2012 Consent to Proceed Before a US Magistrate JudgeCourt Filing
CONSENT to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti .. (Southworth, Peter) (Filed on 1/18/2012)
Legal Document 18 Filed: 1/13/2012, Entered: 1/13/2012 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER re [15] Extending Defendants' Time to Respond to Complaint. Defendants' answer or response to complaint due by 1/23/2012. Initial case management conference continued to 2/28/2012, 1:30 PM. No later than 1/24/2012, each party to file either consent or declination to proceed before a magistrate judge. Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 1/13/2012. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/13/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 2/21/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 2/28/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/13/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 2/21/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 2/28/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/13/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 2/21/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 2/28/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/13/2012)
Legal Document 17 Filed: 1/12/2012, Entered: 1/12/2012 Notice of need of ADR Phone Conference (ADR L.R. 3-5 d)
NOTICE of need for ADR Phone Conference by All Parties (ADR L.R. 3-5 d) (Southworth, Peter) (Filed on 1/12/2012) Modified on 1/13/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 16 Filed: 1/12/2012, Entered: 1/12/2012 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options
ADR Certification by Defendants and Counsel (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Southworth, Peter) (Filed on 1/12/2012) Modified on 1/13/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 15 Filed: 1/12/2012, Entered: 1/12/2012 Stipulation
STIPULATION to Extend Time to Respond to Complaint re [1] by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Southworth, Peter) (Filed on 1/12/2012) Modified on 1/13/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 14 Filed: 1/5/2012, Entered: 1/5/2012 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd denying as moot [2] Motion for Electronic Case Filing; denying as moot [5] Motion for Exemption from Local Rule 3-9(b); granting [13] defendants' Motion to Continue Initial Case Management Conference. Initial case management conference set for 1/31/2012, 1:30 PM. Related deadlines adjusted. Each party to file consent or declination to proceed before a magistrate judge by 1/24/2012. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/5/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 1/24/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 1/31/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/5/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 1/24/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 1/31/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/5/2012)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set Deadlines/Hearings:
Set Deadlines/Hearings: Case Management Statement due by 1/24/2012. Initial Case Management Conference set for 1/31/2012 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/5/2012)
Legal Document 13 Filed: 1/3/2012, Entered: 1/3/2012, Terminated: 1/5/2012 Motion to Continue
Unopposed Motion for Administrative Relief (to Continue Case Management Conference) filed by Jacob A Appelsmith, Edmund Brown, Jr, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti. (Attachments: # (1) (Proposed) Order)(Southworth, Peter) (Filed on 1/3/2012) Text modified on 1/5/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 12 Filed: 1/3/2012, Entered: 1/3/2012 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE OF COUNSEl by THINK COMPUTER CORPORATION (Carroll, Michael) (Filed on 1/3/2012) Modified on 1/5/2012 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 11 Filed: 11/28/2011, Entered: 11/29/2011 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to Traci Stevens. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/28/2011) Modified on 12/12/2011 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 10 Filed: 11/28/2011, Entered: 11/29/2011 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to Edmund Brown, Jr. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/28/2011)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 11/28/2011, Entered: 11/29/2011 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to Jacob A Appelsmith. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/28/2011)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 11/28/2011, Entered: 11/29/2011 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to William Haraf. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/28/2011)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 11/28/2011, Entered: 11/29/2011 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to Kamala Harris. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/28/2011)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 11/28/2011, Entered: 11/29/2011 Summons Issued
Summons Issued as to Robert Venchiarutti. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/28/2011)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 5 Filed: 11/17/2011, Entered: 11/17/2011, Terminated: 1/5/2012 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION for Exemption from Local rule 3-9(b) filed by Think Computer Corp;. Responses due by 12/1/2011. Replies due by 12/8/2011. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/17/2011) Modified on 11/28/2011 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 4 Filed: 11/14/2011, Entered: 11/15/2011 Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines
ADR SCHEDULING ORDER: Case Management Statement due by 1/3/2011. Case Management Conference set for 1/10/2011 01:30 PM in Courtroom 2, 5th Floor, San Jose. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2011)
Legal Document 3 Filed: 11/14/2011, Entered: 11/15/2011 Received Document
(Proposed) Order Granting MOTION for Permission for Electronic Case Filing re [2] by Think Computer Corp. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2011) Modified on 11/28/2011 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Legal Document 2 Filed: 11/14/2011, Entered: 11/15/2011 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION for Permission for Electronic Case Filing filed by Think Computer Corp. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2011) Modified on 11/28/2011 (bw, COURT STAFF).
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Legal Document 1 Filed: 11/14/2011, Entered: 11/15/2011 Complaint
COMPLAINT for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief (NO PROCESS: jury demand; against Jacob A Appelsmith, William Haraf, Kamala Harris, Traci Stevens, Robert Venchiarutti ( Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 54611010747). Filed by Think Computer Corp. (Attachments: # (1) Schedule A to Complaint, # (2) Civil Cover Sheet) (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2011) Modified on 11/28/2011 (bw, COURT STAFF).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Case Referred to ECF
CASE DESIGNATED for Electronic Filing. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2011)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Case Referred to ECF
CASE DESIGNATED for Electronic Filing. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/14/2011)


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