USA v. Hussey

Criminal Case Massachusetts District Court, Case No. 1:97-cr-10172-PBS
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United States of America United States of America, Plaintiff
Officially listed as "USA"

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Carmen M. Ortiz +1 617 748 3159 +1 617 748 3694
Office Boston
Filed 7/3/1997
County Essex
Terminated 10/15/1997
Magistrate Case
Offense Level
181703 being a Postal Service employee, unlawfully secret, destroy, detain delay and open three letters which came into her possession and which were intended to be conveyed by mail and carried and delivered by carriers and other employees of the Pos
Count 1
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1703A.F
Offense Level 4
181703 Destruction of Mail.
Defendant Custody Status Released
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Blank 24 Filed: 7/30/1998, Entered: 7/31/1998 Judgment*Court Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris. JUDGMENT for revocation of probation entered as to Angel M. Hussey. PROBATION: The defendant is hereby placed on probation for a term of 3 months. The defendant shall serve the remainder of the term of probation in home detention. The first thirty (30) days of home detention shall be with electronic monitoring. The home detention is to be consistent with child care needs. The term of probation will end on October 15, 1998. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SUPERVISION. ADDITIONAL PROBATION TERMS: The defendant shall serve the first thirty (30) days of home detention with electronic monitoring to be paid at the defendant's expense. The dafendant shall obtain employment and/or attend classes. (rca)
Blank 23 Filed: 7/29/1998, Entered: 7/31/1998 Description not availableCourt Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris. CLERK'S NOTES as to Angel M. Hussey re: Probation revocation hearing held; court hears from the Govt. on violations of conditions of probation; court hears from the defendant; the court modifies conditions of probation as follows: 30 days of home detention with electronic monitoring; remainder of sentence to be served in home detention without electronic monitoring; home detention to be consistent with child care needs; defendant to obtain employment or attend classes. Court Reporter: Cloonan (rca)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Preliminary Revocation Hearing
Probation Revocation Hearing as to Angel M. Hussey held . (rca)
Blank 20 Filed: 7/28/1998, Entered: 7/29/1998 Docket Annotation
Certified mail return receipt re: article no. Z 055 408 173 as to Angel M. Hussey (rca)
Blank 22 Filed: 7/22/1998, Entered: 7/31/1998 Summons Issued
Summons issued for Angel M. Hussey to appear for Violation of Condition of Probation on 7/29/98 at 10:00 a.m.. (rca)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Description not available
Judge Patti B. Saris. ENDORSED ORDER as to Angel M. Hussey regarding [21-1] petition for warrant or summons as to Angel M. Hussey (1). "The Court Orders: The issuance of a summons." (rca)
Blank 21 Filed: 7/10/1998, Entered: 7/31/1998 Motion to Show Cause re Modification/Revocation of Probation
Petition for Warrant or Summons for Offender Supervision filed by Probation Office as to Angel M. Hussey . (rca)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None JS-3 Closing Information
**JS3 Closing Card for Angel M. Hussey Terminated Defendant Angel M. Hussey (scj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Terminate Criminal Case
Case closed as to all defendants, as to Angel M. Hussey (scj)
Blank 16 Filed: 10/20/1997, Entered: 10/20/1997 Docket Annotation
Notification of Criminal Monetary Imposition by USA as to Angel M. Hussey (scj)
Blank 19 Filed: 10/16/1997, Entered: 10/21/1997 Sentencing MemorandumCourt Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris . MEMORANDUM RE SENTENCING HEARING and Report of Statement of Reasons, as to Angel M. Hussey , entered. (scj)
Blank 18 Filed: 10/16/1997, Entered: 10/21/1997 Judgment*Court Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris . JUDGMENT entered Angel M. Hussey (1) count(s) 1. The defendant pleaded guilty to Count One of the Indictment. The defendant is herby placed for a term of 12 months. The standard conditions of supervision are imposed. An assesment of $100.00, and a fine of $500.00 are imposed. The interest requirement has been waived as the Court has found the defendant does not have the ability to pay the interest. The defendant shall serve the first month in home detention without electronic monitoring. The defendant is to participate in a mental health program as directed by the United States Probation Office. The defendant shall seek and procure employment and notify the U.S. Probation Office of the same. The defendant shall comply with all terms of the restraining order entered by the state court. (scj)
Blank 17 Filed: 10/15/1997, Entered: 10/21/1997 Description not availableCourt Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris . CLERK'S NOTES as to Angel M. Hussey re: Sentencing Held; Court inquires of counsel regarding recommendation; Court inquires of Dft; Court sentences the Dft as stated in judgment. Dft is informed of his right to appeal sentence ; Court Reporter: Marie Cloonan (scj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Sentencing
Sentencing held Angel M. Hussey (1) count(s) 1 . (scj)
Blank 15 Filed: 9/19/1997, Entered: 9/19/1997 Letter (non-motion)
Letter (non-motion) filed by USA by Carmen M. Ortiz as to Angel M. Hussey , dated: September 19, 1997, re: No objections to PSR. (scj)
Blank 14 Filed: 7/24/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 Set DeadlinesCourt Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris . Procedural order re sentencing hearing as to Angel M. Hussey entered. set Sentencing 2:30 on 10/15/97 for Angel M. Hussey before Judge Patti B. Saris See Order for specific (tmc)
Blank 13 Filed: 7/24/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 Plea Agreement
Plea Agreement as to Angel M. Hussey , filed. (tmc)
Blank 12 Filed: 7/24/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 Description not availableCourt Filing
Judge Patti B. Saris . CLERK'S NOTES as to Angel M. Hussey re: Deft. appears for a plea to an information; deft. files a waiver of indictment; plea agreement filed within the court; deft. sworn; deft. enters plea of guilty; court holds colloquy w/deft; court accepts guilty plea; dispo. date set for 10/15/97 at 2:30 pm...deft. released on personal recog; court orders psychiatric counseling on an outpatient basis between now and the disposition date; Court Reporter: MARIE CLOONAN (tmc)
Blank 11 Filed: 7/24/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 Information - Felony
INFORMATION filed as to Angel M. Hussey Pretrial Services (tmc)
Blank 10 Filed: 7/24/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 Waiver of Indictment
WAIVER OF INDICTMENT by Angel M. Hussey , filed. (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Plea Entered
PLEA entered by Angel M. Hussey . Court accepts plea. Guilty: Angel M. Hussey (1) count(s) 1 (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Arraignment
Arraignment as to Angel M. Hussey held Angel M. Hussey (1) count(s) 1 . (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Initial Appearance
Initial appearance as to Angel M. Hussey held (Defendant informed of rights.) . (tmc)
Blank 9 Filed: 7/8/1997, Entered: 7/16/1997 Set Deadlines
NOTICE issued of Hearing/Conference as to Angel M. Hussey, set Arraignment for 2:00 7/24/97 for Angel M. Hussey cc/cl. (ktb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Information - Felony
Felony Information received for filing . Angel M. Hussey (1) count(s) 1 (fbd)
Blank 8 Filed: 7/2/1997, Entered: 7/7/1997 Letter (non-motion)
Letter (non-motion) filed by Miriam Conrad , dated: 7/2/97, re: letter waiving preliminary examination. [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank 7 Filed: 6/12/1997, Entered: 6/16/1997 Order Setting Conditions of ReleaseCourt Filing
Mag. Judge Lawrence P. Cohen . ORDER entered setting Conditions of Release for Angel M. Hussey : The defendant shall: report to PTS on a regular basis; if arrested call PTS within 24 hours . [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank 6 Filed: 6/12/1997, Entered: 6/16/1997 Description not availableCourt Filing
Mag. Judge Lawrence P. Cohen . CLERK'S NOTES as to Angel M. Hussey , re: initial appearance and bail hearing; See order setting conditions of release ; Court Reporter: Tape [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Appearance Through Counsel
First appearance through counsel as to Angel M. Hussey . [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Bond Hearing
Bail hearing as to Angel M. Hussey held . [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Initial Appearance
Initial appearance as to Angel M. Hussey held (Defendant informed of rights.) . [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank 5 Filed: 6/11/1997, Entered: 6/16/1997 Order Appointing Federal Defender Program.Court Filing
Mag. Judge Lawrence P. Cohen . ORDER entered Appointing Federal Public Defender for Angel M. Hussey . [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank 4 Filed: 6/8/1997, Entered: 6/16/1997 Financial Affidavit-CJA 23
CJA 23 FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT by Angel M. Hussey , as to Angel M. Hussey , filed. [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank 3 Filed: 6/4/1997, Entered: 6/5/1997 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of intial appearance as to Angel M. Hussey , filed. notice sent out certified mail 6/4/97. [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Initial Appearance
Initial appearance as to Angel M. Hussey set for 12:00 6/12/97 for Angel M. Hussey . [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr) Modified on 07/28/1997
Blank 2 Filed: 5/23/1997, Entered: 5/27/1997 Docket Annotation
(written on Clerk note) Complaint filed and notice will issue for deft's appearance [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)
Blank 1 Filed: 5/22/1997, Entered: 5/27/1997 Complaint
COMPLAINT as to Angel M. Hussey , filed. Pretrial Services [ 1:97-m -70 ] (fmr)


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