USA v. Hickey

Criminal Case Massachusetts District Court, Case No. 1:97-cr-10209-NG
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United States of America United States of America, Plaintiff
Officially listed as "USA"

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Carmen M. Ortiz +1 617 748 3159 +1 617 748 3694
Office Boston
Filed 8/13/1997
County Norfolk
Terminated 9/16/1997
Magistrate Case
Offense Level
181703 being a Postal Service Employee, did unlawfully secret, destroy, detain and delay letters and mail which came into her possession and were intended to be conveyed by mail and carried and delivered by carriers and other employees of the Postal
Count 1
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1701.P
Offense Level 1
Defendant Custody Status Released
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None JS-3 Closing Information
**JS3 Closing Card for Joan M. Hickey Terminated Defendant Joan M. Hickey (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Terminate Criminal Case
Case closed as to all defendants, as to Joan M. Hickey (tmc)
Blank 14 Filed: 11/14/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Judgment*Court Filing
Judge Nancy Gertner . JUDGMENT entered Joan M. Hickey (1) count(s) 1. Deft. pled guilty to count 1 of an information...the deft. is placed on probation for a term of 1 year...while on probation the deft. shall not commit another federal, state, or local crime, shall not illegally possess a controlled substance and shall not possess a firearm or destructive device...the deft. also shall comply with the standard conditions of supervision...deft. shall submit to a drug and alcohol evaluation, counseling and testing as recommended by the Chief Probation Officer...deft. shall payh a special assessment of $10.00. cc/cl (tmc)
Blank 13 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Set DeadlinesCourt Filing
Judge Nancy Gertner . CLERK'S NOTES as to Joan M. Hickey , re disposition. Disposition held on count 1 of an information...1 year probation; special assessment $10.00...Guidelines do not apply - class B misdemeanor offense...Waiver of presentence report filed in opend court...Probation Officer notified by telephone on 9/16/97...Court Reporter: SCOTT (tmc)
Blank 12 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Letter (non-motion)
Letter (non-motion) filed by Pretrial Services - David M. Sawyer as to Joan M. Hickey , dated: 9/16/97, re: RELEASE STATUS LETTER. (tmc)
Blank 11 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Plea Agreement
Plea Agreement as to Joan M. Hickey , filed. (tmc)
Blank 10 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Waiver of Presentence Investigation Report
WAIVER by Joan M. Hickey of the preparation OF PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT, filed. (filed on open court) (tmc)
Blank 9 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Notice of Attorney Appearance - Defendant
NOTICE of Appearance of counsel for Joan M. Hickey , by Attorney Miriam Conrad, filed... (tmc)
Blank 8 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Description not availableCourt Filing
Judge Nancy Gertner . CLERK'S NOTES as to Joan M. Hickey , re: Arraignment held...deft. sworn...a plea of guilty entered on 9/16/97; Procedural Order ISSUED...plea agreement filed...misdemeanor case...sentencing held...waiver of PSR filed in Court; Court Reporter: SCOTT (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Sentencing
Sentencing held Joan M. Hickey (1) count(s) 1 . (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Sentencing
Sentencing held Joan M. Hickey (1) count(s) 1 . (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Plea Entered
PLEA entered by Joan M. Hickey . Court accepts plea. Guilty: Joan M. Hickey (1) count(s) 1 (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Arraignment
Arraignment as to Joan M. Hickey held Joan M. Hickey (1) count(s) 1 . (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Appearance Through Counsel
First appearance through counsel as to Joan M. Hickey . Atty. Miriam Conrad... (tmc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Initial Appearance
Initial appearance as to Joan M. Hickey held (Defendant informed of rights.) . Appeared on information... (tmc)
Blank 7 Filed: 9/5/1997, Entered: 9/8/1997 Set Deadlines
NOTICE issued of Hearing/Conference as to Joan M. Hickey, set Change of Plea Hearing for 10:00 9/16/97 for Joan M. Hickey (fmr)
Blank 15 Filed: 8/13/1997, Entered: 11/21/1997 Information - Felony
INFORMATION filed as to Joan M. Hickey Joan M. Hickey (1) count(s) 1 (tmc)
Blank 6 Filed: 7/28/1997, Entered: 7/29/1997 Order Setting Conditions of ReleaseCourt Filing
Mag. Judge Zachary R. Karol . ORDER entered setting Conditions of Release for Joan M. Hickey : Defendant is released on Personal Recognizance. The defendant shall: maintain her current residence and report any new arrest to PTS within 24 hours [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank 3 Filed: 7/28/1997, Entered: 7/29/1997 Description not availableCourt Filing
Mag. Judge Zachary R. Karol . CLERK'S NOTES as to Joan M. Hickey , re: intial appearance;, set Preliminary Examination for 10:00 8/19/97 for Joan M. Hickey ; Court Reporter: Tape. Court informs the defendant of her rights; Defendant is released. [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Appearance Through Counsel
First appearance through counsel as to Joan M. Hickey . [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Initial Appearance
Initial appearance as to Joan M. Hickey held (Defendant informed of rights.) . [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank 5 Filed: 7/23/1997, Entered: 7/29/1997 Order Appointing Federal Defender Program.Court Filing
Mag. Judge Zachary R. Karol . ORDER entered Appointing Federal Public Defender for Joan M. Hickey . [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank 4 Filed: 7/13/1997, Entered: 7/29/1997 Financial Affidavit-CJA 23
CJA 23 FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT by Joan M. Hickey , as to Joan M. Hickey , filed. [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank 2 Filed: 6/30/1997, Entered: 6/30/1997 Summons Issued
Summons issued for Joan M. Hickey . [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Initial Appearance
Initial appearance as to Joan M. Hickey set for 11:00 7/28/97 for Joan M. Hickey . [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)
Blank 1 Filed: 6/26/1997, Entered: 6/30/1997 Complaint
COMPLAINT as to Joan M. Hickey , filed. Pretrial Services [ 1:97-m -1025 ] (fmr)


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