Joseph E. Santucci, Jr. (Attorney)
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Joseph E. Santucci, Jr. has been involved in the following cases:
10/31/2001 |
1:01-cv-03243-WMN |
May v. Roadway Express |
Roadway Express, Inc. |
Defendant |
5/8/2001 |
2:01-cv-00332-RBS |
Conrad v. Computer Sciences, et al |
Computer Sciences Corporation |
Defendant |
5/4/2001 |
1:01-cv-00789-SHR |
Bechtel v. Virtue, et al |
ABF Freight System, Incorporated |
Defendant |
5/16/2000 |
1:00-cv-00878-SHR |
Albright, et al v. Virtue, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
6/29/1998 |
2:98-cv-00731-HCM |
Conrad v. Computer Sciences, et al |
Computer Sciences Corporation |
Defendant |
3/12/1997 |
1:97-cv-00729-AH |
Kleiner, et al v. Carey, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
9/3/1996 |
1:96-cv-02779-AH |
Ryder, et al v. International, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
8/26/1996 |
1:96-cv-02703-AH |
Mittelstadt, et al v. Carey, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
8/8/1996 |
1:96-cv-02461-AH |
Cady, et al v. ABF Freight System, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
7/30/1996 |
1:96-md-01120-AH |
ABF Freight Systems, et al v. Labor Contract, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
5/31/1996 |
1:96-cv-01700-CCB |
Magee v. Human Genome |
Human Genome Sciences, Inc. |
Defendant |
3/18/1996 |
1:96-cv-00813-AH |
Gorge, et al v. Carey, et al |
ABF Freight System, Inc. |
Defendant |
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