Richards, Layton & Finger, PA
Aderis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Allan, Keith K
Anderson, Edward T
Andress, Thurmon
Angeloff, Dann V
Araca Investment Fund LLC
Aspect Medical Systems, Inc.
Authentec, Inc.
Aznar, Jose Maria
Bancroft, Natalie
Barnes, Peter
Barnes, Peter L
Barr, Jamison
Barrett, Barbara
Barrows, Timothy A
Barry, James
Bates, Thomas R Jr
Beaton, Douglas
Bendush, William E
Bentas, Lily
Bentley, Gregory S.
Berman, Bernard D
Bilodeau, Steven
Bilodeau, Steven J.
Biro, Jon C
Blue Apron Holdings Inc
Blue Ledge Resort, LLC
Boisi, Mark
Bradley, Julie MB
Braunstein, Douglas L
Breyer, James W
Brigham Exploration Co
Brigham, Ben M
Brigham, David T
Brooks, Michael C
Buckingham, Richard G
Burkhart, Mark
Burnham, Daniel
C M S Investment Holdings LLC
Camfex Associates LP
Canet, Gerardo
Carey, Chase
Carlisle Co Inc
Cavanagh, Michael
Chai, Ling
Chamoun, Nassib G.
Clarke, John U
Clinical Data, Inc.
Cohen, Rodney
Colliers International Property Consultants USA I
Colloredo Mansfield, Ferdinand
Colloredo-Mansfield, Ferdinand
Conde, Cristobal
Conexant Systems, Inc.
Connors, Dennis C
Cool, Tracy Britt
Corrao, Peter A
Coughlan, Elaine
Countrywide Financial Corp
Cowley, Kenneth E
Cumberland Farms, Inc.
Curagen Corp
Dahod, Ashraf M.
Dalton, Sean M
De Campos Meirelles, Henrique
De Oliveira, Ramon
Dell International L.l.c.
Dell Trinity Holdings Corp
Denali Holding Inc
Desch, Matthew J
Deutch, John
DeVita, Vincent T
DeVoe, David F
Dimitrov, Ivelin M
Dinh, Viet
Dolce, James A Jr
Drew, Ina
Duques, Henry C
Durrett, Joseph P
Eagle, J Breckenridge
Eddington, Rod
Eddington, Roderick I
Edwards, Julie H
Eichler, Kevin
Eisenstat, Albert A
Elliott, Darrell
Ellis, George H.
Emigrant Bancorp, Inc.
Enforsys, Inc.
Engelman, John
Everhart, Thomas
Farrill, F. Craig
Fifth Street Asset Management Inc
Fifth Street Holdings LP
Fifth Street Management LLC
Fireman, Paul
First American Financial Management Co
First Mazon Bancorp Inc
First Wind Kahuku Holdings LLC
Forsgren, John H
Fox, Kenneth A.
Frank, Alexander C
Freeman, Bradford
Fromkin, Andrew
G P Cellulose Group LLC
Galvin, John
Gilmore, Benjamin II
Goldberg, Adele
Goldberg, Ray
Goldman, Kenneth A.
Goldstein Bernard
Goodman, Robert P
Gulf Oil LP
Habelman, Ray
Halres LLC
Harrison, David H
Harrison, William B Jr
Haugen, Janet Brustchea
Hawthorne, H Robert
HC Corp
Hemeyer, Van A.
Hepp, Gerald W
Herder, Charles
Hickox, George K Jr
Higham, Jay
Hirshberg, Gary R
Horn, Paul
Horner, Larry
Howe, Michael
Hughes, Kevin
Hunt, John
Hurley, Stephen C
Integramed America, Inc.
Iyer, Balakrishnan S
Izhakoff, David
J P Morgan Chase & Co
James Cable, LLC
Jenko, Jerome
Jenzabar Inc.
Jewell, Roy
Johnson, Sherwood
Jones, Norman
Kahnweiler, David
Kahuku Holdings LLC
Kania, Edwin M Jr
Keating, Melvin L
Kelley, Brian P.
Kimco Preferred Investor L Business Trust
King, Robert E.
Kirk, Randal
Kizhepat, Govind
Klein, Joel
Klein, Joel I
Knight, Andrew SB
Knoll, Allan
Knudson, Thomas C
Kohyama Susumu
Kozlowski, L Dennis
KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP
Land, James
Lee, Stephen III
Lewis, W Douglas
Lipp, Robert I
Lyon, General William
Lyon, William H
M G Z Corp
Madahavan, Rajeev
Maginn, Robert Jr
Maginness, Charles E
Magma Design Automation, Inc.
Magnum Hunter Resources Corp
Mahoney, James J., Jr.
Malman, Arthur
Mann, James L.
Massengill, Matthew E
May, Ralph
Mccarthy, Patrick M.
McMahen, Charles E
Meisenzahl, Stuart B
Mentor Graphics Corp
Mercer, D Scott
Meyer, Frank C
Mindshare Internet Campaigns LLC
Minnesota INVCO of RSA #10 Inc
Minnesota INVCO of RSA #7 Inc
Minnesota INVCO of RSA #8 Inc
Minnesota INVCO of RSA #9 Inc
Moon, Wayne R
Morgan Stanley
Natco Group Inc
Navy Acquisition Subsidiary Inc
Noble, James
Noreika, Steven M
O Connor, John J.
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
Offutt, Christi
Offutt, Ronald
Owens, Todd G
Patricelli, Robert E.
Patrick, Lawrence
Pegasus Partners Ii, LP
Performance Technologies, Inc.
Perilune Group LLC
Perkinelmer Hopkinton Co
Perkinelmer, Inc.
Perkins, Thomas J.
Petrocelli, Richard A
Philip, Robert W
Phillips, Thomas
Picard, Dennis
Pietersen, William
Pinkard, Wally
Podvin, Francis
Poses, Frederic
Potter, Martin
Prometheus Partners III LP
Quadrant Structured Products Co Ltd
Qwest Communications Corp
R D O Equipment Co
Raptor Holdco LLC
Reynolds, Stephen P
Roe, Wayne
Rohrs, Thomas
Ruddock, Malcolm I
Rudman, Warren
Ruettgers, Michael
Safdar, Shabbir
Salzberg, Matthew B
Sandelman Partners LP
Schafer, Edward
Scialli, Vincent P
Shannon, Timothy M.
Sheldon, Adelaide Keppelman
Sheldon, Huntington MD
Simonson, Lee S
Siskind, Arthur M
Slusser, John M
Smith, Edwin E
Smith, Hobart A
Smith, Ray Jr
Sobel, Burton
Softbrands, Inc.
Solomon, Daniel
Sonus Networks, Inc.
Spivey, William
Spring Bank Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Stanski, Donald R
Starent Networks Corp
Stead, Jerre L
Stuesser, Lawrence J
Sungard Data Systems, Inc.
Tallett, Elizabeth E
Tannenbaum, Leonard M
Tarriff, Scott
Thornton, John L
Thornton, Yvonne S MD
Tillman, Robert L
Tinker, Scott W
Tofteland, Randal B
United States Cellular Corp
Universal Acquisition Co
Urotronic, Inc.
US Bancorp Asset Management Inc
Verizon Delaware, LLC
Verizon Holdings Inc
Vertro, Inc.
Vorholt, Jeffrey
Waddell & Reed Financial, Inc.
Wallace, Richard
Wang, Lixiao
Watkins, James
Waycaster, B W
Weber, Larry
Weber, Lawrence
Wetmore, Elaine
Wigglesworth, Margaret
Williams Co Inc
Williams Power Co Inc
Windward V LP
Wolchok, Carey
Wolf, Douglas H
Zaraffa Management Co LLC
Zeien, Alfred
Zenner, Patrick J