Illinois Central District Court
65,438 Dockets Available / 84,204 Total (77.71%) |
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Judges |
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District Judges
- Baker, Harold A.
- Bernthal, David G.
- Bruce, Colin Stirling
- Darrow, Sara
- Gorman, John A.
- Herndon, David R.
- Kauffman, Robert J.
- Kennelly, Matthew F.
- McCuskey, Michael P.
- McDade, Joe Billy
- Mihm, Michael M.
- Mills, Richard
- Myerscough, Sue E.
- Referred, Sara Darrow
- Scott, Jeanne E.
- Shadid, James E.
Magistrate Judges
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Case Archive |
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Most Frequent Filers |
United States of America
Garlock, Inc.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Asbestos Claims Management Corporation
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