New York Southern Bankruptcy Court
22,462 Dockets Available |
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Judges |
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District Judges
- Beatty, Prudence Carter
- Bernstein, Stuart M.
- Blackshear, Cornelius
- Chapman, Shelley C.
- Gallet, Jeffry H.
- Garrity, James L.
- Gerber, Robert E.
- Glenn, Martin
- Gonzalez, Arthur J.
- Gropper, Allan L.
- Hardin, Adlai S.
- Judge, CorneliBlackshear
- Lane, Sean H.
- Lifland, Burton R.
- Morris, Cecelia G.
- Peck, James M.
- Vyskocil, Mary Kay
- Wiles, Michael E.
- 15-22872: Sammy Eljamal 15 Hits
- 12-01218: Melvyn Douglas Weintraub and Linda F Weintraub- Adversary Proceeding 12 Hits
- 10-05525: Administrative Case Re: 08-01789 (Securities Invest- Adversary Proceeding 12 Hits
- 10-05310-brl: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 11 Hits
- 11-11593: GMI USA Management, Inc. 11 Hits
- 09-10691: BearingPoint, Inc. 10 Hits
- 08-01789: The Bankruptcy Link- Adversary Proceeding 10 Hits
- 11-11593: Waterscape Resort LLC 9 Hits
- 17-11224: David Ebrahimzadeh 9 Hits
- 1:10-ap-4598: Dreier LLP 8 Hits
- 11-15463: AMR Corporation 8 Hits
- 16-10992: Hooper Holmes, Inc. 8 Hits
- 08-13555: Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 7 Hits
- 16-10407: Hooper Holmes, Inc. 7 Hits
- 1:09-ap-1369: Carmine Alessandro 7 Hits
- 11-02149: Administrative Case Re: 08-01789 (Securities Invest- Adversary Proceeding 7 Hits
- 12-13408: Paul Petku 5 Hits
- 09-01239: Administrative Case Re: 08-01789 (Securities Invest- Adversary Proceeding 5 Hits
- 01-42217: Ames Department Stores, Inc. 5 Hits
- 09-16230: Daniel Gordon 5 Hits
- 18-11449: Stephanie A Dobriansky 5 Hits
- 01-12191: Marshall Jablon 4 Hits
- 11-22925: Nicholas Lopano 4 Hits
- 14-08262: Elena Shamkovich- Adversary Proceeding 4 Hits
- 13-22748: Innovest Holdings, LLC 4 Hits
- 01-05080: Marshall Jablon and Marcia Jablon- Adversary Proceeding 4 Hits
- 14-11841: The Adoni Group, Inc. 4 Hits
- 17-35547: Bernard B. Beal 4 Hits
- 15-01063: Melissa Solnick- Adversary Proceeding 4 Hits
- 17-10562: Harriet Mouchly Weiss 4 Hits
- 1:10-ap-3802: Unknown Bankruptcy Case Title 3 Hits
- 09-01364: Residential Capital, LLC- Adversary Proceeding 3 Hits
- 11-22263: Pinches Braun 3 Hits
- 17-10018: Diane Jungk 3 Hits
- 11-13702: The Bankruptcy Link- Adversary Proceeding 3 Hits
- 17-36469: Michael C Finnegan, Sr 3 Hits
- 12-12321: Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP 3 Hits
- 16-12488: Garden of Eden Enterprises, Inc. 3 Hits
- 13-11493: Ultan Galligan 3 Hits
- : Robert Shiver 3 Hits
- 11-01487: Lighthouse Global Partners, LLC- Adversary Proceeding 3 Hits
- 11-14652: Contest Promotions-NY LLC 3 Hits
- 13-23915: Gene Branca 3 Hits
- 14-02245: Stillwater Asset Backed Offshore Fund Ltd.- Adversary Proceeding 2 Hits
- 17-36219: Anthony A. Biviano 2 Hits
- 15-11951: Airfasttickets, Inc. 2 Hits
- 22:22205-shl: Casabella Contracting of NY, Inc. 2 Hits
- 18-22643: Khalil Wahab and Jamie F Ross 2 Hits
- 09-01375: Lyondell Chemical Company and Millennium Custodial Trust- Adversary Proceeding 2 Hits
- 16-22310: Richard Puleo 2 Hits
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Most Frequent Filers |
Office of the United States Trustee
Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
Zircon Finance Ltd.
Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
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