Storage Tech Corp v. Quantum Corporation

Federal Civil Lawsuit Colorado District Court, Case No. 1:03-cv-00672-RPM
District Judge Richard P. Matsch, presiding
District Judge Richard P. Matsch
Last Updated August 1, 2017 at 11:27 PM EDT (7.5 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Storage Technology Corporation, Plaintiff

Represented by Holme Roberts & Owen LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Blaine Jay Benard +1 801 521 5800 +1 801 521 9639
Space Matthew John Rita +1 303 866 0536 +1 303 866 0200

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy Robert Schulte +1 303 673 5989 +1 303 673 4151

Represented by United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nancy Johnson Gegenheimer +1 303 844 1000
No Logo Quantum Corporation, Counter-Claimant

Represented by Carver Schwarz McNab & Bailey, LLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stewart McNab +1 303 893 1815 +1 303 893 1829

Represented by Morrison & Foerster, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space J. Eric Elliff +1 303 592 1500 +1 303 592 1510
No Logo Quantum Corporation, Defendant

Represented by Carver Schwarz McNab & Bailey, LLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stewart McNab +1 303 893 1815 +1 303 893 1829

Represented by Howrey LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space MATTHEW E. HOCKER +1 650 798 3520
Space Christopher L. Kelley +1 415 848 4900 +1 415 848 4999
Space Floyd Reuben Nation +1 713 787 1661 +1 713 787 1440

Represented by Morrison & Foerster, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space J. Eric Elliff +1 303 592 1500 +1 303 592 1510
No Logo Storage Technology Corporation, Counter-Defendant

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy Robert Schulte +1 303 673 5989 +1 303 673 4151

Represented by United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nancy Johnson Gegenheimer +1 303 844 1000
Other Parties
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Interested Party
Officially listed as "3M"

Represented by Faegre Baker Daniels LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nina Y. Wang +1 303 335 2600 +6073 607 607 3600
International Business Machines Corporation International Business Machines Corporation, Interested Party
Officially listed as "IBM"
Officer/Director, Unison Software, Inc.
Officer/Director, Crossworlds Software, Inc.

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Tanya Eileen Milligan +1 303 295 8000 +1 303 295 8261
Office Denver
Filed 4/15/2003
Jury Demand Both
Demand $0
Nature of Suit 830 - Property Rights: Patent
Cause Section 35 U.S.C. § 271 Patent Infringement
Jurisdiction Federal Question
Disposition Dismissed - Settled
County Boulder
Terminated 2/28/2006
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Def Custody Status
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Legal Document 311 Filed: 3/16/2006, Entered: 3/16/2006 Receipt
RECEIPT for $1642.50 for Jury Fees by Quantum pursuant to 2/27/06 Order [307]. (lam, )
Legal Document 310 Filed: 3/16/2006, Entered: 3/16/2006 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of Payment of Jury Costs by Defendant Quantum Corporation (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 309 Filed: 3/8/2006, Entered: 3/9/2006 Receipt
RECEIPT for $1642.50 for Jury Fees by Holme Roberts & Owen LLP, Plaintiff's counsel pursuant to 2/27/06 Order [307]. (lam, )
Legal Document 308 Filed: 2/28/2006, Entered: 2/28/2006 Order Dismissing CaseCourt Filing
ORDER FOR DISMISSAL pursuant to Stipulated Dismissal with Prejudice [306] this civil action is dismissed in its entirety with prejudice, each party to bear own costs and attorneys fees. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/28/06. (lam, )
Legal Document 306 Filed: 2/28/2006, Entered: 2/28/2006 Stipulation of Dismissal of Case
STIPULATION of Dismissal of Case With Prejudice by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 307 Filed: 2/27/2006, Entered: 2/28/2006 Jury Trial BegunCourt Filing
Minute Entry - Courtroom Minutes for Jury Trial held on 2/27/2006 before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Counsel inform Court that parties have reached a settlement. ORDERED: Counsel shall file stipulation for dismissal papers. Jury costs assessed equally between parties.(Court Reporter FTR - K. Terasaki) (rpmcd)
Legal Document 305 Filed: 2/27/2006, Entered: 2/27/2006 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER for Payment of Assessed Jury Costs: that Storage Technology Corporation and Quantum Corporation shall each submit payment to the Clerk of this court the amount of $1,642.50 as one-half the costs of assembling the jury venire for this trial. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/27/06. (lam, )
Legal Document 304 Filed: 2/27/2006, Entered: 2/27/2006 Witness List
Witness List by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 303 Filed: 2/24/2006, Entered: 2/24/2006 Notice of Entry of Appearance
NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Blaine Jay Benard on behalf of Storage Technology Corporation (Benard, Blaine)
Legal Document 302 Filed: 2/23/2006, Entered: 2/23/2006 Brief in Opposition to Motion
BRIEF in Opposition re [301] MOTION to Strike [299] Exhibit List, [300] Supplement/Amendment filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Andelman, Ethan)
Legal Document 301 Filed: 2/23/2006, Entered: 2/23/2006, Terminated: 2/28/2006 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike [299] Exhibit List, [300] Supplement/Amendment by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1# (2) Exhibit 2)(Rita, Matthew)
Legal Document 300 Filed: 2/22/2006, Entered: 2/22/2006 Supplement/Amendment
SUPPLEMENT/AMENDMENT to [253] Brief Quantum's Supplemental Claim Construction Brief by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Andelman, Ethan)
Legal Document 299 Filed: 2/22/2006, Entered: 2/22/2006 Exhibit
Exhibit List Trial Exhibit List, Exhibits A-1 to M-5 by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment of exhibit list)(Elliff, J.)
Blank 298 Filed: 2/17/2006, Entered: 2/21/2006 Order on Motion to StrikeCourt Filing
Pursuant to the 2/17/2006 Courtroom Minutes: ORDER finding as moot [290] Motion to Strike by Judge Richard P. Matsch (Text entry only - no document attached). (rpmcd)
Legal Document 297 Filed: 2/17/2006, Entered: 2/21/2006 Status ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry - Courtroom Minutes for Status Conference held on 2/17/2006 before Judge Richard P. Matsch: Ordered: Plaintiff's [290] MOTION to Strike Quantum's Additional Objections to Video Taped Deposition Testimony of Ryan McCallister is moot, Counsel shall submit proposed statements to jury, agreed jury questionaire (60 copies), list witnesses and names of companies, and proposed instructions (paper and chamber's e-mail WordPerfect) by February 22,2006, Revised Final Pretrial Order approved. (Court Reporter FTR - K. Terasaki)(rpmcd)
Legal Document 296 Filed: 2/17/2006, Entered: 2/21/2006 Pretrial OrderCourt Filing
Revised Final PRETRIAL ORDER. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/17/06. (lam, )
Legal Document 294 Filed: 2/17/2006, Entered: 2/17/2006 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER Striking [284] Designation of Deposition Testimony filed by Storage Technology Corporation and [282] Designation of Deposition Testimony filed by Storage Technology Corporation, by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/17/06. (gms, )
Blank 295 Filed: 2/16/2006, Entered: 2/21/2006 Brief
Memorandum (BRIEF) and Exhibits A-D in Support of [287] Objection to Quantum's Exhibit L-28 [281] by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Public entry for Sealed Document [292] filed 2/16/06)Text only entry - no document attached. (lam, )
Legal Document 293 Filed: 2/16/2006, Entered: 2/16/2006 Order on Motion to Seal DocumentCourt Filing
ORDER granting [291] Plaintiff's Motion to File Under Seal [292]. That Plaintiff's Memorandum in Support of Objection to Quantum's Exhibit L-28 and Exhibits A,B and D thereto are to be filed under seal with this Court. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/16/06. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 292 Filed: 2/16/2006, Entered: 2/16/2006 Sealed Document +
SEALED DOCUMENT by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A (Part 1)# (2) Exhibit A1 (Part 2)# (3) Exhibit B# (4) Exhibit C# (5) Exhibit D (Part 1)# (6) Exhibit D (Part 2)# (7) Exhibit D (Part 3)# (8) Exhibit D (Part 4)# (9) Exhibit D (Part 5)# (10) Exhibit D (Part 6))(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 291 Filed: 2/16/2006, Entered: 2/16/2006, Terminated: 2/16/2006 ~Motion to Seal Document
MOTION to Seal Document by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order (PDF Only) Granting Plaintiff's Motion to File Under Seal)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 290 Filed: 2/16/2006, Entered: 2/16/2006, Terminated: 2/17/2006 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike [289] Objections by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 289 Filed: 2/15/2006, Entered: 2/15/2006 Objections
OBJECTIONS to Additional Objections to the Video Taped Deposition Testimony of Ryan McCallister by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 288 Filed: 2/15/2006, Entered: 2/15/2006 Reply
REPLY to StorageTek's Response to Quantum's Objections to Video Taped Deposition of George Saliba by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 287 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 Objections
OBJECTIONS to [281] Exhibit List by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 286 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 Exhibit
Exhibit List by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 285 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE Quantum Corporation's Designation of Video Taped Depositions by Defendant Quantum Corporation (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 284 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 Designation of Deposition Testimony
DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITION TESTIMONY OF RYAN MCCALLISTER by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy) (Stricken, pursuant to minute order of 2/17/06)(Modified on 2/17/2006 to indicate stricken) (gms, ).
Legal Document 283 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 Objections
OBJECTIONS to Plaintiff's Trial Exhibits 1-323 by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 282 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 Designation of Deposition Testimony
DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITION TESTIMONY OF GEORGE SALIBA by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy) (Stricken, pursuant to minute order of 2/17/06)(Modified on 2/17/2006 to indicate stricken)(gms, ).
Legal Document 281 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 Exhibit
Exhibit List Trial Exhibit List, Exhibits A-1 to L-42 by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 280 Filed: 2/7/2006, Entered: 2/7/2006 Response
RESPONSE to [269] Brief by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 279 Filed: 2/7/2006, Entered: 2/7/2006 Response
RESPONSE to [268] Brief by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Blank 278 Filed: 2/6/2006, Entered: 2/6/2006 Docket Annotation
Docket Annotation re [256] Order on Motions and Minute Entry [255]. These entries were modified to correct text and reference the rulings on Motions Doc. # 235 and 238 on 12/19/05 at Final Pretrial Conference. Text only entry - no document attached. (lam, )
Legal Document 277 Filed: 2/3/2006, Entered: 2/3/2006 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER setting a Conference to discuss issues to be determined prior to trial is set for 2/17/2006 02:30 PM in Conference Room before Judge Richard P. Matsch, by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/3/06. (lam, )
Legal Document 276 Filed: 2/1/2006, Entered: 2/1/2006 Order on Motion to Withdraw as AttorneyCourt Filing
ORDER granting Unopposed [274] Motion of Ann E. Citrin to Withdraw as Counsel for Quantum Corporation. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/1/06. (lam, )
Legal Document 275 Filed: 2/1/2006, Entered: 2/1/2006 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [244] MOTION to Strike the Expert and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 274 Filed: 1/31/2006, Entered: 1/31/2006, Terminated: 2/1/2006 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney
Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Ann E. Citrin by Defendant Quantum Corporation, Counter Claimant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order (PDF Only) Unopposed Motion of Ann E. Citrin to Withdraw as Counsel for Quantum Corporation)(Citrin, Ann)
Legal Document 273 Filed: 1/26/2006, Entered: 1/26/2006 Supplement/Amendment
SUPPLEMENT/AMENDMENT to [254] Brief Claim Construction Brief by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 272 Filed: 1/20/2006, Entered: 1/20/2006 Declaration
DECLARATION of Srecko Vidmar regarding Brief[271] by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit # (2) Exhibit # (3) Exhibit)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 271 Filed: 1/20/2006, Entered: 1/20/2006 Brief
BRIEF re [253] Brief by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 270 Filed: 1/20/2006, Entered: 1/20/2006 Response
RESPONSE to [254] Brief Quantum's Response to Storagetek's Claim Construction Brief by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 269 Filed: 1/17/2006, Entered: 1/17/2006 Brief
BRIEF in Support of Excluding Sales By Storagetek and IBM From Alleged Royalty Base by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 268 Filed: 1/17/2006, Entered: 1/17/2006 Brief
BRIEF in Support of Excluding Damages Based Upon Sales of SDLT Tape Prior to April 15, 2003 by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 267 Filed: 1/12/2006, Entered: 1/12/2006 Certificate of Mailing/Service
CERTIFICATE of Mailing/Service re [264] Notice of Change of Address for Christopher L. Kelley (Howrey) by Defendant Quantum Corporation, Counter Claimant Quantum Corporation. (Kelley, Christopher)
Legal Document 266 Filed: 1/12/2006, Entered: 1/12/2006 Certificate of Mailing/Service
CERTIFICATE of Mailing/Service re [265] Notice of Change of Address for Matthew E. Hocker (Howrey) by Defendant Quantum Corporation, Counter Claimant Quantum Corporation. (Hocker, Matthew)
Legal Document 265 Filed: 1/10/2006, Entered: 1/10/2006 Notice of Change of Address
NOTICE of Change of Address for Matthew E. Hocker (Howrey LLP) by Matthew E. Hocker (Hocker, Matthew)
Legal Document 264 Filed: 1/10/2006, Entered: 1/10/2006 Notice of Change of Address
NOTICE of Change of Address of Christopher L. Kelley (Howrey LLP) by Christopher L. Kelley (Kelley, Christopher)
Legal Document 263 Filed: 1/6/2006, Entered: 1/6/2006 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE Notification That Additional Financial Information Has Been Provided to Plaintiff by Defendant Quantum Corporation (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 262 Filed: 1/3/2006, Entered: 1/3/2006 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [244] MOTION to Strike the Expert and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 261 Filed: 12/30/2005, Entered: 12/30/2005 Order on Motion to CompelCourt Filing
ORDER Pursuant to FED.R.CIV.R.26(c) Regarding Production of Documents by Third Party 3M; the Court orders the disclosure of Dr. Moore's laboratory notebooks under the limitations as set forth in this Order [260]; denying as moot [250] Quantum's Renewed Motion to Compel. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 12/30/05. (lam, )
Legal Document 260 Filed: 12/30/2005, Entered: 12/30/2005, Terminated: 12/30/2005 Motion for Protective Order
Stipulated MOTION for Protective Order Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P.(c) Regarding Production of Documents by Third Party 3M by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order (PDF Only))(McNab, Stewart)
Blank 259 Filed: 12/28/2005, Entered: 12/29/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Final Pretrial Conference held on 12/19/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service. Pages: 1-57. (certified copy) Text Only Entry - Available in paper format at the Clerk's Office (gms, )
Legal Document 258 Filed: 12/21/2005, Entered: 12/21/2005 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE Notification of Anticipating Prior Art by Defendant Quantum Corporation (Elliff, J.)
Blank 257 Filed: 12/20/2005, Entered: 12/20/2005 Docket Annotation
Docket Annotation re: [256] Order on Motion in Limine. This docket entry was modified to correct the ruling on the motion from granting to denying. Text only entry - no document attached. (gms, )
Blank 256 Filed: 12/19/2005, Entered: 12/20/2005 Order on Motion in LimineCourt Filing
ORDER denying [251], [235], [238] Motions in Limine pursuant to the minutes by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 12/19/05, (Text only entry - no document attached) (gms, ) (Modified on 12/20/2005 to correct ruling to "denying") (gms, ). (Modified on 2/6/2006 to clarify text add Doc. # 235 and 238) (lam, ).
Legal Document 255 Filed: 12/19/2005, Entered: 12/20/2005 Pretrial Conference - FinalCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Final Pretrial Conference held on 12/19/2005. Denying [235]Storagetek's Motion in Limine to Preclude Quantum from (RE) Arguing Anticipation of the 363 Patent Before the Jury; Denying [238] Motion to Preclude Quantum From Reopening Discovery. Storagetek's Pla's request for supplementation of discovery (#6, Attachment F) is resolved. Denying [251] MOTION in Limine to Exclude Its Pending '289 Patent Application filed by Storage Technology Corporation, but introduction of examiner's opinion/rejection will not be permitted. Revised pretrial order to be submitted to chambers. (Court Reporter FTR - Kathy Terasaki.) (gms, ) (Modified on 2/6/2006 to add to text, rulings on Motions Doc. # 235, 238)(lam, ).
Legal Document 254 Filed: 12/19/2005, Entered: 12/19/2005 Brief
BRIEF for Claim Construction by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1# (2) Exhibit 2# (3) Exhibit 3# (4) Exhibit 4)(Rita, Matthew)
Legal Document 253 Filed: 12/19/2005, Entered: 12/19/2005 Brief
BRIEF Claim Construction Brief by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A# (2) Exhibit B# (3) Exhibit C# (4) Exhibit D# (5) Pages E# (6) Exhibit F# (7) Exhibit G# (8) Exhibit H# (9) Exhibit I# (10) Exhibit J)(Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 252 Filed: 12/16/2005, Entered: 12/16/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [235] MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum From (Re)Arguing Anticipation of the '363 Patent Before the Jury filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Rita, Matthew)
Legal Document 251 Filed: 12/16/2005, Entered: 12/16/2005, Terminated: 12/19/2005 Motion in Limine
MOTION in Limine to Exclude Its Pending '289 Patent Application by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Rita, Matthew)
Legal Document 250 Filed: 12/16/2005, Entered: 12/16/2005, Terminated: 12/30/2005 Motion to Compel
Renewed MOTION to Compel PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS BY THIRD-PARTY 3M COMPANY by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A# (2) Exhibit Exhibit B# (3) Exhibit Exhibit C)(McNab, Stewart)
Legal Document 249 Filed: 12/15/2005, Entered: 12/15/2005 Order on Motion for Extension of TimeCourt Filing
ORDER granting [247] StorageTek's Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time to 12/16/05 to file Reply in Support of Motion in Limine [235]. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 12/15/05. (lam, )
Blank 248 Filed: 12/15/2005, Entered: 12/15/2005 Docket Annotation
Docket Annotation re: [247] MOTION For Extension of Time to. This entry was modifed to clarify entry is to File a Reply in Support and add linkage to related Doc # 235, Motion in Limine. Text only entry - no document attached. (lam, )
Legal Document 247 Filed: 12/14/2005, Entered: 12/14/2005, Terminated: 12/15/2005 Motion for Extension of Time
MOTION For Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of Motion in Limine [235] by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Rita, Matthew) (Modified on 12/15/2005 to clarify entry and add linkage) (lam, ).
Legal Document 246 Filed: 12/14/2005, Entered: 12/14/2005 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE re [244] MOTION to Strike the Expert and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport (Notice of Corrected Proposed Order ) by Defendant Quantum Corporation (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Document Order Granting Defendant's Motion to Strike the Expert Report and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport)(Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 245 Filed: 12/13/2005, Entered: 12/13/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support re [244] MOTION to Strike the Expert and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Brief in Support of Motion to Exclude# (2) Exhibit B to M otion to Exclude)(Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 244 Filed: 12/13/2005, Entered: 12/13/2005, Terminated: 2/28/2006 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike the Expert and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order (PDF Only))(Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 243 Filed: 12/12/2005, Entered: 12/12/2005 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [238] MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum from Reopening Discovery filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A# (2) Exhibit B# (3) Exhibit C# (4) Exhibit D)(Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 242 Filed: 12/9/2005, Entered: 12/9/2005 Proposed Pretrial Order
Proposed Pretrial Order by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A# (2) Exhibit B# (3) Exhibit C# (4) Exhibit D# (5) Exhibit E# (6) Exhibit F# (7) Exhibit G)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 241 Filed: 12/8/2005, Entered: 12/8/2005 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File RespCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER granting [240] Quantum's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to [238] Plaintiff's MOTION to Preclude Reopening Discovery to 12/12/05, by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 12/8/05. (lam, )
Legal Document 240 Filed: 12/7/2005, Entered: 12/7/2005, Terminated: 12/8/2005 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Repl
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [238] MOTION in Limine to Preclude Reopening Discovery by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 239 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: 11/29/2005 Brief in Opposition to Motion
BRIEF in Opposition re [235] MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum From (Re)Arguing Anticipation of the '363 Patent Before the Jury filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A to Quantum's Opposition - Lemke Declaration# (2) Appendix A to Declaration of J. Lemke# (3) Exhibit B to Quantum's Opposition - Hearing Transcript)(Elliff, J.)
Legal Document 238 Filed: 11/18/2005, Entered: 11/18/2005, Terminated: 12/19/2005 Motion in Limine
MOTION in Limine by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Blank 237 Filed: 11/14/2005, Entered: 11/14/2005 Docket Annotation
Docket Annotation re: [236] Certificate of Compliance. This entry was modified to add a link to the related Doc. # 235. Text only entry - no document attached. (lam, )
Legal Document 236 Filed: 11/9/2005, Entered: 11/9/2005 Certificate of Compliance
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE With Local Rule 7.1A re: Motion in Limine [235] by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit # (2) Exhibit)(Gegenheimer, Nancy) (Modified on 11/14/2005 to create link to related document) (lam, )
Legal Document 235 Filed: 11/9/2005, Entered: 11/9/2005, Terminated: 12/19/2005 Motion in Limine
MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum From (Re)Arguing Anticipation of the '363 Patent Before the Jury by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit # (2) Exhibit # (3) Exhibit)(Gegenheimer, Nancy)
Legal Document 234 Filed: 10/31/2005, Entered: 10/31/2005 Order on Motion to Withdraw as AttorneyCourt Filing
ORDER of Withdrawal upon consideration of [233] Motion of Withdrawal of Appearance of Counsel. That Ernie L. Brooks, Thomas A. Lewry, and Mark D. Chuey are allowed to withdraw as counsel of STC.Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 10/31/05. (lam2, )
Legal Document 233 Filed: 10/28/2005, Entered: 10/28/2005, Terminated: 10/31/2005 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Lewry, Thomas)
Legal Document 232 Filed: 9/30/2005, Entered: 9/30/2005 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Setting Final Pretrial Conference for 12/19/2005 10:00 AM in Courtroom A before Judge Richard P. Matsch. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 9/29/05. (lam, )
Legal Document 231 Filed: 9/29/2005, Entered: 9/29/2005 Order on Motion to CompelCourt Filing
ORDER ON PENDING MOTIONS: ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motion [101] to compel documents from third party IBM Corporation is denied; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motion [104] to compel documents by third party 3M Corporation is denied; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that the motion [108] by 3M Corporation to reschedule the hearing on Quantum's motion to compel is moot; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motion to seal [128] is granted; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motions in limine numbers 1-7 [129] are denied. Motions in limine 5-7 were withdrawn by stipulation [177], and motions in limine 1-4 are denied. It is FURTHER ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motion [130] to strike the expert and supplemental reports and exclude the testimony of Irving S. Rapport was withdrawn by stipulation [177] and is moot; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motion [131] to strike the expert and rebuttal reports and exclude the testimony of William W. Cochran is denied; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that defendant Quantum Corporation's motion to seal [137] is granted; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's first motion in limine [138] to prevent Quantum Corporation from denying infringement of the 363 patent is denied; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's second motion in limine [143] to exclude testimony from Quantum's expert witnesses regarding invalidity is denied; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's fourth motion in limine [148] to exclude reference by Quantum to alleged alternative technologies was withdrawn by stipulation [177] and is moot; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's sixth motion in limine [154] to exclude evidence regarding StorageTek's pending patent application is denied; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's seventh motion in limine [156] to exclude testimony from Quantum's damages expert was withdrawn by stipulation [177] and is moot; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's eighth motion in limine [159] to exclude testimony that U.S. Patent No. 6,236,529 is not disclosed or enabled, was withdrawn by stipulation [177] and is moot; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation's motion in limine [205] regarding Quantum's 35 U.S.C. 102(g)(2) defenses is denied. The stipulated withdrawal without prejudice of motions not relevant to the March 21,2005 preliminary injunction hearing, docketed as a motion [177] requires no court action. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 9/29/05. (lam, )
Legal Document 230 Filed: 9/1/2005, Entered: 9/1/2005 Corporate Disclosure Statement
CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Suppl Disclosure of Corp. Affiliations and Financial Interest by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Lewry, Thomas)
Legal Document 229 Filed: 7/29/2005, Entered: 7/29/2005 Scheduling ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Scheduling Conference held on 7/29/2005; Two week jury trial is scheduled February 27, 2006. (Court Reporter - FTR) (lam, )
Legal Document 228 Filed: 7/29/2005, Entered: 7/29/2005 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER setting Jury Trial for 2/27/2006 09:00 AM in Courtroom A before Judge Richard P. Matsch. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 7/29/05. (lam, )
Legal Document 227 Filed: 7/14/2005, Entered: 7/14/2005 Notice of Change of Address
NOTICE of Change of Address by Floyd Reuben Nation (Nation, Floyd)
Legal Document 226 Filed: 7/1/2005, Entered: 7/1/2005 Order on Motion for Hearing/ConferenceCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER granting StorageTek's [225] Motion for Scheduling Conference and a conference has been set for 7/29/05 at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room. A trial date will be set by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 7/1/05. (lam, )
Legal Document 225 Filed: 6/22/2005, Entered: 6/22/2005, Terminated: 7/1/2005 Motion for Hearing/Conference
MOTION for Hearing/Conference (for Scheduling Conference) by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (Lewry, Thomas)
Blank 224 Filed: 5/17/2005, Entered: 5/17/2005 Order on Motion for Preliminary InjunctionCourt Filing
Findings, Conclusions and ORDER denying Plaintiff's [2] Motion for Preliminary Injunction . Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 5/17/05. (lam, )
Blank 223 Filed: 4/19/2005, Entered: 4/21/2005 Response
RESPONSE to Plaintiff's Memorandum Regarding Section 103 Obviousness Defense by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 222 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: 4/8/2005 Brief in Opposition to Motion
BRIEF in Opposition re [219] Quantum's MOTION for Leave to Respond to Pla's Memorandum regarding 103 Defense, filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (erv, )
Blank 220 Filed: 4/6/2005, Entered: 4/7/2005 Brief
Post-Hearing Memorandum (BRIEF) Regarding Obviousness (re [216] Hearing), by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 221 Filed: 4/5/2005, Entered: 4/7/2005 Order on Motion for LeaveCourt Filing
ORDER granting Quantum's [219] Motion for Leave to Respond to Pla's Memorandum Regarding Section 103 Defense by 4/28/05. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 4/5/05. (gms, )
Blank 219 Filed: 4/4/2005, Entered: 4/5/2005, Terminated: 4/5/2005 Motion for Leave
MOTION for Leave to Respond to Pla's Memorandum Regarding Section 103 Defense by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 218 Filed: 3/25/2005, Entered: 3/28/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Preliminary Injunction Hearing - Day 4 held on 3/24/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service, Inc. Pages: 685-793. (certified copy) (lam, )
Blank 217 Filed: 3/24/2005, Entered: 3/28/2005 Exhibits
Admitted Exhibits by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation, Defendant Quantum Corporation retained re [216] Preliminary Injunctions Motion Hearing [216]. (Placed in Exhibit Room) (lam, )
Blank 216 Filed: 3/24/2005, Entered: 3/28/2005 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch; Preliminary Injunction Hearing Day 4 : Motion Hearing held on 3/24/2005 re [2] Motion for Preliminary Injunction, motion take under advisement; Plaintiff permitted to submit brief regarding obviousness by 4/8/05; Admitted Exhibits retained. (Attached are Defendant and Plaintiff Exhibit Lists) (Court Reporter FTR) (lam, )
Blank 209 Filed: 3/24/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Preliminary Injunction Hearing - Day 3 held on 3/23/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service, Inc. Pages: 483-684. (certified copy) (lam, )
Blank -- Filed: 3/24/2005, Entered: 3/28/2005 Order on Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Pursuant to Minutes - Preliminary Injunction Hearing Day 4 [216] the [2] Motion for Preliminary Injunction is taken under advisement by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 3/24/05. (lam, )
Blank 215 Filed: 3/23/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Preliminary Injunction Hearing Day 3,Motion Hearing held on 3/23/2005 re [2] Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Storage Technology Corporation, (Court Reporter FTR Technician Kathy Terasaki.) (pap, )
Blank 208 Filed: 3/23/2005, Entered: 3/24/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Preliminary Injunction Hearing - Day 2 held on 3/22/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service, Inc. Pages: 246-482. (certified copy) (lam, ) (Modified Page no. on 3/25/2005) (lam, ).
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription.
Blank 214 Filed: 3/22/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Preliminary Injunction Hearing Day 2,Motion Hearing held on 3/22/2005. Dft shall tak Mr. Evans deposition tonight 3/22/05. (Court Reporter FTR Technician Kathy Terasaki.) (pap, )
Blank 207 Filed: 3/22/2005, Entered: 3/23/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Preliminary Injunction Hearing held on 3/21/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service. Pages: 1-245. (certified copy) (gms, )
Blank 213 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Preliminary Injunction Hearing Day 1; Motion Hearing held on 3/21/2005. re: [145] MOTION in Limine filed by Storage Technology Corporation. [151] MOTION in Limine filed by Storage Technology Corporation. (Court Reporter FTR Technician Kathy Terasaki.) (pap, )
Blank 212 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Witness List
Amended Witness List for Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 211 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Statement
Technical Terms for Preliminary Injunction Hearing. (pap, )
Blank 210 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Witness List
Witness List for the Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (pap, )
Blank -- Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005 Order on Motion in Limine
Pursuant to Courtroom Minutes [213], [145] Order on Motion in Limine and [151] Order on Motion in Limine . Entered by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 3/21/05. (pap, )
Blank 206 Filed: 3/15/2005, Entered: 3/17/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support re [205] MOTION in Limine re: Quantum's 35 USC 102(g)(2) defense filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 205 Filed: 3/15/2005, Entered: 3/17/2005 Motion in Limine
MOTION in Limine re: Quantum's 35 USC 102(g)(2) defense by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 204 Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/15/2005 Brief
Preliminary Injunction BRIEF by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 203 Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/15/2005 Objections
OBJECTIONS to Plaintiff StorageTek's Exhibit Designations by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 202 Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/15/2005 Witness List
Amended Witness List for the Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 201 Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/15/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Christopher L. Kelley in Support of Defendant Quantum Corporation's Pre-Hearing Brief [200]. (lam, )
Blank 200 Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/15/2005 Brief
Pre-Hearing BRIEF by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 199 Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/15/2005 Statement
Joint Claim Construction STATEMENT by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation, Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam2, )
Blank 198 Filed: 3/11/2005, Entered: 3/14/2005 Witness List
Witness List for the Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 197 Filed: 3/8/2005, Entered: 3/10/2005 Witness List
Witness List for Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 193 Filed: 3/4/2005, Entered: 3/4/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY BRIEF in support of [143] Second MOTION in Limine to exclude testimony from Quantum's Expert Witnesses filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 196 Filed: 3/2/2005, Entered: 3/4/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY BRIEF in support of [154] Its Sixth MOTION in Limine to exclude StorageTek's pending patent application filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 195 Filed: 3/2/2005, Entered: 3/4/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY BRIEF in support of [151]Its Fifth MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum asserting prior inventorship and invalidity of the patents-in-suit in court contrary to positions taken in the PTO filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 194 Filed: 3/2/2005, Entered: 3/4/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY BRIEF in support of [145] Its Third MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum from Offering Evidence that was produced untimely filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (pap, )
Blank 192 Filed: 2/28/2005, Entered: 3/1/2005 Surreply
SURREPLY by Third Party 3M to dft's [104] MOTION to Compel production of documents by 3rd party 3M Corporation by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (dlb, )
Blank 191 Filed: 2/23/2005, Entered: 2/25/2005 Order Setting Hearing on MotionCourt Filing
Agreed Preliminary Injunction Hearing Plan and ORDER Setting Hearing on Motion [2] Motion for TROMotion for Preliminary Injunction: Motion Hearing set for 3/21/2005 08:30 AM in Courtroom A before Judge Richard P. Matsch. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/23/05. (gms, )
Blank 190 Filed: 2/22/2005, Entered: 2/24/2005 Order on Motion for LeaveCourt Filing
Minute ORDER granting 3rd Party 3M's [189] Motion for Leave to File a Sur-Reply to Dft Quantum's Motion to Compel by 2/28/05, by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/22/05. (gms, )
Blank 189 Filed: 2/22/2005, Entered: 2/23/2005, Terminated: 2/22/2005 Motion for Leave
MOTION for Leave to File a Sur-Reply to Dft Quantum's Motion to Compel by Interested Party 3M. (gms, )
Blank 188 Filed: 2/16/2005, Entered: 2/18/2005 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Plaintiff's [138] First MOTION in Limine Regarding Infringement of Claim 1 of U.S. Patent 6,549,363 filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 187 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) to Plaintiff's Sixth [154] MOTION in Limine to Exclude Plaintiff's Pending Patent Application filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 186 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Katherine L. Altemus in Support of Defendant's Response [185] to Plaintiff's Fifth MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum Asserting Prior Inventorship and Invalidity of the Patents-In-Suit [151]. (lam, )
Blank 185 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Plaintiff's [151] Fifth MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum Asserting Prior Inventorship and Invalidity of the Patents-In-Suit filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 184 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Christopher L. Kelley in Support of Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's [183] MOTION in Limine Number Three [145]. (lam, )
Blank 183 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Plaintiff's [145] Third MOTION in Limine Regarding So-Called "Untimely" Evidence filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 182 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Katherine L. Altemus in Support of Defendant's Opposition [181] to Plaintiff's Second MOTION in Limine [143]. (lam, )
Blank 181 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/17/2005 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) to Plaintiff's Second [143] MOTION in Limine filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 180 Filed: 2/14/2005, Entered: 2/16/2005 Certificate of Mailing/Service
Corrected CERTIFICATE of Service by hand delivery and US Mail re [179] Response to Motion [176] and Opposition to Motion by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 179 Filed: 2/10/2005, Entered: 2/15/2005 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Quantum's [129] MOTIONS in Limine Numbers 1-4 filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 178 Filed: 2/10/2005, Entered: 2/14/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to STC's Opposition to [104] MOTION to Compel 3M to Product Documents filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 177 Filed: 2/10/2005, Entered: 2/14/2005 Motion to Withdraw Document
Stipulated (MOTION) Withdrawal Without Prejudice of Motions Not Relevant to the 3/21/05 Preliminary Injunction Hearing: regarding [156] Seventh MOTION in Limine and [157] Brief in Support of Motion; [129] MOTION in Limine Numbers 1-7; [130], [132] MOTION and Brief to Strike; [159] Eighth MOTION in Limine and [160] Brief in Support of Motion; [148] Fourth MOTION in Limine and [149] Brief in Support of Motion by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation, Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 176 Filed: 2/10/2005, Entered: 2/14/2005 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) to Quantum's [131] MOTION to Strike Cochran's Expert and Rebuttal Reports and to Exclude his Testimony filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 175 Filed: 2/10/2005, Entered: 2/14/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings Motion to Compel Discovery and to Extend Discovery Deadline held on 2/3/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service, Inc. Pages: 1-48. (certified copy) (lam, )
Blank 174 Filed: 2/9/2005, Entered: 2/14/2005 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE by Quantum Corporation of reduced scope of [104] MOTION to Compel production of documents by 3rd party 3M (gms, )
Blank 173 Filed: 2/9/2005, Entered: 2/11/2005 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Pretrial Conference held on 1/28/05 before Judge Matsch. Prepared by: Federal Reporting Service, Inc. Pages: 1-36. (certified copy) (lam, )
Blank 172 Filed: 2/4/2005, Entered: 2/8/2005 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) to Quantum's [104] MOTION to Compel Discovery from 3M Corporation filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 171 Filed: 2/3/2005, Entered: 2/7/2005 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Motion Hearing held on 2/3/2005 re [109] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery after Document Disclosure by Defendant Quantum Corporation is DENIED filed by Quantum Corporation, (Court Reporter FTR.) (dlb, )
Blank -- Filed: 2/3/2005, Entered: 2/7/2005 Order on Motion to Compel
ORDER denying [109] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery after Document Disclosure by Defendant Quantum Corporation pursuant to minutes dated 2/3/05, #171 by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 2/3/05. (dlb, )
Blank 170 Filed: 2/1/2005, Entered: 2/7/2005 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of Election to Proceed with a Preliminary Injunction Hearing by Storage Technology Corporation re [161] Pretrial Conference - Final.(pap, )
Blank 169 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [115] Motion to Seal Exhibits to Plaintiff's Response to Quantum's Motion to Compel Discovery. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, )
Blank 168 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Order on Motion to Seal DocumentCourt Filing
ORDER granting [142] Motion to Seal Document [167] Position on Disputed Issues Expected to Arise at Trial by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 167 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Statement
Position Paper (STATEMENT) on Disputed Issues Expected to Arise at Trial by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (SEALED and placed with SEALED documents)(lam, ) (Text Modified on 2/4/2005 to indicate sealed) (gms, ).
Blank 166 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Description not availableCourt Filing
ORDER granting [141] MOTION for Leave to File Out of Time Its Position Paper on Disputed Issues Expected to Arise at Trial by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, )
Blank 165 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Order on Motion to Seal DocumentCourt Filing
ORDER granting [147] Motion to Seal Document [146] StorageTech's Brief in Support of Third Motion in Limine . Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, ) (Text Modified on 2/4/2005 to correct spelling error) (gms, ).
Blank 164 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Order on Motion to Seal DocumentCourt Filing
ORDER granting [153] Motion to Seal Document [152] StorageTech's Brief in Support of Fifth Motion To Preclude Quantum Asserting Prior Inventorship and Invalidity of the Patents-in-Suit. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, ) (Text Modified on 2/4/2005 to correct spelling error)(gms, ).
Blank 163 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Order on Motion to Seal DocumentCourt Filing
ORDER granting [158] Motion to Seal Document [157] StorageTech's Brief in Support of Seventh Motion in Limine. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, ) (Text Modified on 2/4/2005 to correct spelling error) (gms, ).
Blank 162 Filed: 1/31/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Order on Motion to Seal DocumentCourt Filing
ORDER granting [150] Motion to Seal Document [149] StorageTech's Brief in Support of Motion its Fourth Motion in Limine. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/31/05. (lam, ) (Text Modified on 2/4/2005 to correct spelling error)(gms)
Blank 161 Filed: 1/28/2005, Entered: 2/3/2005 Pretrial Conference - FinalCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Richard P. Matsch : Final Pretrial Conference held on 1/28/2005. Jury Trial 3/21/05 is vacated. Motion Hearing set for 2/3/2005 02:15 PM in Courtroom A before Judge Richard P. Matsch re [109] MOTION to Compel MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery by Quantum Corporation, (Court Reporter FTR Technician Kathy Terasaki.) (pap, )
Blank 160 Filed: 1/27/2005, Entered: 1/28/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of Eighth [159] MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony that Claim 2 of U.S.P.N. 6,236,529 is not Disclosed or Enabled filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 159 Filed: 1/27/2005, Entered: 1/28/2005 Motion in Limine
Eighth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony that Claim 2 of U.S.P.N. 6,236,529 is Not Disclosed or Enabled by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 158 Filed: 1/27/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 ~Motion to Seal Document
Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document [157] Brief in Support of Seventh Motion in Limine by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 157 Filed: 1/27/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of Seventh [156] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 156 Filed: 1/27/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 9/29/2005 Motion in Limine
Seventh MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony from Quantum's Damages Expert, Michael Wagner by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 155 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of Sixth [154] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 154 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Motion in Limine
Sixth MOTION in Limine to Exclude StorageTek's Pending Patent Application by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 153 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 ~Motion to Seal Document
Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document [152] Brief in Support of Fifth Motion in Limine by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 152 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of Fifth [151] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 151 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Motion in Limine
Fifth MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum Asserting Prior Inventorship and Invalidity of the Patents-In-Suit in Court Contrary to Positions Taken in the PTO by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 150 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 ~Motion to Seal Document
Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document [149] Brief in Support of Fourth Motion in Limine by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 149 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of Fourth [148] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 148 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Motion in Limine
Fourth MOTION in Limine to Exclude Reference by Quantum to Alleged Alternative Technologies by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 147 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 ~Motion to Seal Document
Unopposed MOTION to Seal Document [146] Brief in Support of Third Motion in Limine by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 146 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support Third [145] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 145 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Motion in Limine
Third MOTION in Limine to Preclude Quantum From Offering Evidence that was Produced Untimely by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 144 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of Second [143] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 143 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Motion in Limine
Second MOTION in Limine to Exclude Testimony from Quantum's Expert Witnesses Regarding Invalidity Under U.S.C. sections 102(b) and 103 by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 142 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 ~Motion to Seal Document
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Under Seal [140] Tendered Document: Postition on Disputed Issues Expected to Arise at Trial by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 141 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 Motion for Extension of Time
MOTION for Leave to File Out of Time Its Position Paper on Disputed Issues Expected to Arise at Trial by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 140 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Tendered Document
TENDERED Document: Position Paper on Disputed Issues Expected to Arise at Trial by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 139 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support First [138] MOTION in Limine filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 138 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: 1/27/2005 Motion in Limine
First MOTION in Limine Regarding Infringement by Quantum Corporation of Claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 6,549,363 by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 137 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Motion to Seal
MOTION for Leave to File Under Seal the Declaration of Christopher L. Kelley in Supoort of Pre-Trial Brief [ 134] by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 136 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Christopher L. Kelley in support of Pre-Trial Brief[134] filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Part II - SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 135 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Christopher L. Kelley in support of Pre-Trial Brief [134] filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Part I SEALED and placed with SEALED Documents)(lam, ) (Text Modified on 1/24/2005 to indicate Part I is sealed)(gms, ).
Blank 134 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Trial Brief
PRE-TRIAL BRIEF by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 133 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of [131] MOTION to Strike the Expert and Rebuttal Reports and to Exclude the Testimony of William W. Cochran filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 132 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF in Support of [130] MOTION to Exclude the Reports and Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 131 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike the Expert and Rebuttal Reports to Exclude the Testimony of William W. Cochran by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 130 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike the Expert and Supplemental Reports and Exclude the Testimony of Irving S. Rappaport by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 129 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: 1/24/2005 Motion in Limine
MOTION in Limine Numbers 1-7 by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 126 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Ann E. Citrin in support of Quantum Corporation's Reply in Support of Defendant Quantum Corporation's Motion to Compel Documents from Third Party IBM Corporation [123]. (lam,)
Blank 125 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Stewart McNab in Support of Quantum Corporation's MOTION to Compel[104]. (lam, )
Blank 124 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Phil Ritti in support of Quantum Corporation's Reply in Support of Defendant Quantum Corporation's Motion to Compel Documents from Third Party IBM Corporation [123]. (lam, )
Blank 123 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY in Support of [101] MOTION to Compel Documents from Third Party IBM Corporation filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 122 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY in Support of [104] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by 3M Corporation filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Blank 128 Filed: 1/18/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Motion to Seal
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Reply to StorageTek's Opposition to Motion to Compel Production and Extend Discovery and Accompanying Exhibits [127] Under Seal by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 127 Filed: 1/18/2005, Entered: 1/20/2005 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to StorageTek's Response to [109] MOTION to Compel Production and Extend Discovery filed by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Blank 121 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005 Certificate Of Service.
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Quantum Corporation re [119] Supplement, [120] Declaration, [115] MOTION to Seal, [116] Exhibit, [117] Response to Motion, [118] Declaration (erv, )
Blank 120 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of Thomas A. Lewry in support of Pla's Response to Quantum's Motion to Compel Production and Extend Discovery [117]. (erv, )
Blank 119 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005 Supplement/Amendment
SUPPLEMENT to [113] IBM's Response in Opposition to Quantum's Motion to Compel, by Interested Party IBM. (erv, )
Blank 118 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005 Declaration
DECLARATION of John LeRoy in Opposition to Quantum's Motion to Compel Discovery [109]. (erv, )
Blank 117 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005 Response to Motion
RESPONSE to Quantum Corp's [109] MOTION to Compel Production and MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. filed by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (erv, )
Sealed Legal Document 116 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005 Trial Exhibit
EXHIBITS 1, 5, and 6 FILED UNDER SEAL to Decl of Thomas Lewry in support of Pla's Resp to Motion to Compel Production and Extend Discovery by Storage Technology Corporation. (erv, )
Blank 115 Filed: 1/5/2005, Entered: 1/7/2005, Terminated: 1/31/2005 Motion to Seal
Unopposed MOTION to Seal Exhibits to Pla's Response to Quantum's Motion to Compel Discovery. by Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (erv, )
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Blank 114 Filed: 1/4/2005, Entered: 1/6/2005 Response in Opposition to Motion
Opposition to [104] Quantum Corportion's MOTION to Compel production of documents filed by Interested Party 3M. (pap, )
Blank 113 Filed: 1/4/2005, Entered: 1/6/2005 Response in Opposition to Motion
Opposition to [104] Dft Quantum Corp's MOTION to Compel, filed by Interested Party IBM. (pap, )
Blank 112 Filed: 1/3/2005, Entered: 1/5/2005 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [111] Motion to Seal Quantum Corporation's Motion to Compel Production and Extend Discovery and Accompanying Exhibits Under Seal . Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 1/5/05. (lam, )
Blank 111 Filed: 12/16/2004, Entered: 12/20/2004, Terminated: 1/3/2005 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal Motion to Compel and Extend Discovery [109] and Declaration of by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 110 Filed: 12/16/2004, Entered: 12/20/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of Matthew E. Hocker in support of Quantum Corporations's MOTION to Compel Production and Extend Discovery [109]. (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam, )
Sealed Legal Document 109 Filed: 12/16/2004, Entered: 12/20/2004 Motion to Compel
MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery after Document Disclosure by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (Sealed, placed with sealed documents)(lam, ) (Text Modified on 12/20/2004 to indicate this document is under seal)(gms, ).
Blank 108 Filed: 12/15/2004, Entered: 12/17/2004 Motion to Reset
MOTION to Reschedule the Hearing on the Motion to Compel by Quantum Corp set 12/20/04. (gms, )
Blank 107 Filed: 12/14/2004, Entered: 12/16/2004 Order on Motion to ContinueCourt Filing
ORDER re: [106] Motion to Continue hearing set 12/20/04 by IBM. Hearing set 12/20/04 is vacated and IBM and 3M Corp are to file written responses to motion to compel by 1/4/05. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 12/14/04. (gms, )
Blank 106 Filed: 12/14/2004, Entered: 12/16/2004 Motion to Continue
Emergency MOTION to Continue the hearing re: Quantum's motion to compel set 12/20/04 by interested party IBM. (gms, )
Blank 105 Filed: 12/8/2004, Entered: 12/10/2004 Order Setting Hearing on MotionCourt Filing
Minute ORDER Setting Hearing on [101] MOTION to Compel, [104] MOTION to Compel: Motion Hearing set for 12/20/2004 10:30 AM in Conference Room before Judge Richard P. Matsch, by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 12/8/04. (gms, ) (Text Modified on 12/15/2004 to indicate it is a minute order) (gms, ).
Blank 104 Filed: 12/3/2004, Entered: 12/6/2004 Motion to Compel
MOTION to Compel production of documents by 3rd party 3M Corporation by Defendant Quantum Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 103 Filed: 11/30/2004, Entered: 12/1/2004 Order on Motion to Amend/Correct/ModifyCourt Filing
ORDER granting Joint [100] Motion to modify scheduling order. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 11/30/04. (gms, )
Blank 102 Filed: 11/30/2004, Entered: 12/1/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of Katharine L. Altemus in Support of Quantum's MOTION to Compel[101]. (gms, )
Blank 101 Filed: 11/30/2004, Entered: 12/1/2004, Terminated: 9/29/2005 Motion to Compel
MOTION to Compel Documents from Third Party IBM Corp by Defendant Quantum Corporation, Counter Claimant Quantum Corporation. (gms, )
Blank -- Filed: 11/30/2004, Entered: 12/1/2004 Set/Reset Deadlines:
Set/Reset Deadlines: Discovery due by 12/10/2003 per order on joint motion to modify scheduling order of 11/30/04. (gms, )
Blank 100 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: 11/30/2004, Terminated: 11/30/2004 Motion to Amend/Correct/Modify
Joint MOTION to modify discovery [84] Scheduling Order by Defendant Quantum Corporation, Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 99 Filed: 11/9/2004, Entered: 11/12/2004 Order on Motion to CompelCourt Filing
ORDER granting joint motion to withdraw motions and vacate hearings [97]. Withdrawing [80] Motion to Compel, withdrawing [85] Motion to Compel. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 11/9/04. (gms, )
Blank 98 Filed: 11/9/2004, Entered: 11/12/2004 Order on Motion to SealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [96] Motion to Seal reply to Storagetek's opposition to Quantum's motion to compel and accompanying declaration. Signed by Judge Richard P. Matsch on 11/9/04. (gms, )
Blank 97 Filed: 11/8/2004, Entered: 11/10/2004, Terminated: 11/9/2004 Motion to Vacate
Joint MOTION to Withdraw discovery moltions ([80] Motion to Compel and [85] Motion to Compel) and to vacate hearing of 11/10/04 by Defendant Quantum Corporation, Plaintiff Storage Technology Corporation. (gms, )
Blank 96 Filed: 10/27/2004, Entered: 10/28/2004, Terminated: 11/9/2004 Motion to Seal
Unopposed MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation to seal reply to pla's opp to mtn to compel and accompanying declaration of Hocker (lam)
Sealed Legal Document 95 Filed: 10/27/2004, Entered: 10/28/2004 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY by defendant Quantum Corporation to opposition of STC to motion to compel docs and responses from pla [80-1] and declaration of Matthew E. Hocker in support (SEALED, placed with sealed documents) (lam)
Blank 94 Filed: 10/22/2004, Entered: 10/26/2004 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch setting hearing on motion to compel discovery [85-1] 2:00 11/10/04, setting hearing on motion to compel docs and responses from pla [80-1] 2:00 11/10/04 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 10/26/04 (pap)
Blank 93 Filed: 10/20/2004, Entered: 10/21/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of Matthrew E. Hocker by defendant Quantum Corporation re: motion response [91-1], re: motion to compel discovery [85-1] (dlb)
Blank 92 Filed: 10/20/2004, Entered: 10/21/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of Shawn Hall by defendant Quantum Corporation re: motion response [91-1], re: motion to compel discovery [85-1] (dlb)
Blank 91 Filed: 10/20/2004, Entered: 10/21/2004 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) by defendant Quantum Corporation to motion to compel discovery [85-1] (dlb)
Blank 90 Filed: 10/13/2004, Entered: 10/14/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of Mark D. Chuey by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in opposition to Quantum's motion to discovery [80-1] (lam)
Blank 89 Filed: 10/13/2004, Entered: 10/14/2004 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to Quantum's motion to compel [80-1] (lam)
Blank 88 Filed: 10/5/2004, Entered: 10/8/2004 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch; pla shall file a written response on or before 10/20/04 regarding [85-1] motion to compel discovery (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 10/8/04 (pap)
Blank 87 Filed: 10/5/2004, Entered: 10/6/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of Mark D. Chuey by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp re: brief [86-1] in support of motion to compel discovery [85-1] (lam)
Blank 86 Filed: 10/5/2004, Entered: 10/6/2004 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in support of motion to compel discovery [85-1] (lam)
Blank 85 Filed: 10/5/2004, Entered: 10/6/2004 Motion to Compel
MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to compel discovery (lam)
Blank 84 Filed: 9/28/2004, Entered: 9/30/2004 Scheduling OrderCourt Filing
SCHEDULING ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; discovery cutoff 12/3/04 ;dispositive motions due 12/3/04 (cc: all counsel) (lam)
Blank 83 Filed: 9/28/2004, Entered: 9/28/2004 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Scheduling Conference on 9/17/04 before Judge Matsch ( pages: 1-23) Prepared By: Federal Reporting Service Inc. (certified copy) (lam)
Blank 82 Filed: 9/20/2004, Entered: 9/21/2004 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; jury trial set for 9:00 3/21/05 , ; pretrial conf set for 2:00 1/28/05 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 9/21/04 (dlb)
Blank 81 Filed: 9/20/2004, Entered: 9/21/2004 Declaration
DECLARATION of J. Eric Elliff by defendant Quantum Corporation re: motion to compel docs and responses from pla [80-1] (dlb)
Blank 80 Filed: 9/20/2004, Entered: 9/21/2004 Motion to Compel
MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation to compel docs and responses from pla (dlb)
Blank 79 Filed: 9/17/2004, Entered: 9/20/2004 Minutes-MiscellaneousCourt Filing
COURTROOM MINUTES by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; rule 16 conf held on 9/17/04 ; pretrial conf set for 2:00 1/28/05 ; proposed pto ddl and position papers on disputed issues ddl set for 2:00 1/21/05 ; jury trial set for 3/21/05 entry date : 9/20/04 Court Reporter: FTR (lam)
Blank 78 Filed: 8/6/2004, Entered: 8/9/2004 Protective OrderCourt Filing
PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch : granting motion for protective order and the dft Quantum Corp is prohibited from taking the scheduled deposition [76-1] (cc: all counsel) (lam)
Blank 77 Filed: 8/5/2004, Entered: 8/6/2004 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in support of motion for protective order [76-1] (lam)
Blank 76 Filed: 8/5/2004, Entered: 8/6/2004, Terminated: 8/6/2004 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp for protective order re: subpoena issued from Western Dist of WA upon Durkee Richards (lam)
Blank 75 Filed: 7/27/2004, Entered: 8/5/2004 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch granting motion to reschedule the 9/3/04 scheduling conf [74-1] ; rule 16 conference reset for 2:30 9/17/04 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 8/5/04 (gms)
Blank 74 Filed: 7/26/2004, Entered: 8/5/2004, Terminated: 7/27/2004 Motion to Reset
Unopposed MOTION by defendant to reschedule the 9/3/04 scheduling conf (gms)
Blank 73 Filed: 7/12/2004, Entered: 7/14/2004 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch granting motion to continue 7/30/04 scheduling conf [72-1], [69-1] ; rule 16 conference reset for 2:30 9/3/04 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 7/14/04 (lam)
Blank 72 Filed: 7/9/2004, Entered: 7/12/2004, Terminated: 7/12/2004 Motion to Reset
Combined MOTION and brief by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to reschedule (reset) 7/30/04 scheduling conf (dlb)
Blank 71 Filed: 6/16/2004, Entered: 6/18/2004 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; rule 16 conference set for 2:30 7/30/04 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 6/18/04 (pap)
Blank 70 Filed: 6/16/2004, Entered: 6/18/2004 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch denying Quantum Corp's motion for summary judgment of invalidity [56-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 6/18/04 (pap)
Blank 69 Filed: 5/7/2004, Entered: 5/10/2004 Motion for Hearing/Conference
Unopposed MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp for scheduling conf to set a hearing date as soon as practicible (pap)
Blank 68 Filed: 3/18/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch denying joint motion for scheduling conf [67-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 3/19/04 (pap)
Blank 67 Filed: 3/16/2004, Entered: 3/17/2004, Terminated: 3/18/2004 Motion for Hearing/Conference
Jt MOTION by plaintiff, defendant for scheduling conf (lam)
Blank 66 Filed: 1/9/2004, Entered: 1/12/2004 Request
REQUEST by defendant Quantum Corporation for oral argument (dlb)
Blank 65 Filed: 1/9/2004, Entered: 1/9/2004 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY by defendant Quantum Corporation to response to motion for summary judgment of invalidity [56-1] (lam)
Blank 64 Filed: 12/29/2003, Entered: 12/30/2003 Supplement/Amendment
SUPPLEMENTAL Declaration of Durkee B. Richard, Exhibit 3 by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to motion response [59-1] (pap)
Blank 63 Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/24/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch granting motion to extend time to reply in support of mtn for sum jgm to 1/9/03 [62-1], regarding [56-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 12/24/03 (lam)
Blank 62 Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/22/2003, Terminated: 12/22/2003 Motion for Extension of Time
MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation to extend time to reply in support of mtn for sum jgm to 1/9/03 (lam) Modified on 12/24/2003
Blank 61 Filed: 12/16/2003, Entered: 12/17/2003 Declaration
Original Signatures for DECLARATIONS of Christopher M. Evans and Durkee B. Richard by plaintiff to Exhibits 2 and 3 to pla's opposition (response) [59-1], re: motion for summary judgment of invalidity [56-1] (dlb)
Blank 60 Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 Certificate of Mailing/Service
CERTIFICATE OF Service and MAILING by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp motion response [59-1] (pap)
Blank 59 Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 Response to Motion
Opposition (RESPONSE) by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to Quantum's motion for summary judgment of invalidity [56-1] (lam)
Blank 58 Filed: 12/1/2003, Entered: 12/2/2003 Witness List
Joint List of Witnesses, Exhibits and Stipulations of authenticity submitted by Storage Tech Corp, Quantum Corporation (lam)
Blank 57 Filed: 11/21/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF by defendant Quantum Corporation in support of motion for summary judgment of invalidity [56-1] (lam)
Blank 56 Filed: 11/21/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003, Terminated: 6/16/2004 Motion for Summary Judgment
MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation for summary judgment of invalidity (lam)
Blank 55 Filed: 11/4/2003, Entered: 11/4/2003 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Status Conf on 10/22/03 before Judge Matsch pages: 1-16) Prepared By: Federal Reporting Service, Inc. (certified copy) (lam)
Blank 54 Filed: 11/3/2003, Entered: 11/4/2003 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in support of its motion to strike confidentiality designation [37-1] (lam)
Blank 53 Filed: 10/22/2003, Entered: 10/24/2003 Minutes-MiscellaneousCourt Filing
COURTROOM MINUTES by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; status conf held 10/22/03; dispo mtns are to be filed w/in 30 days , responses and replies filed according to the rules; pla must elect to have Mr. Schulte as trial csl or in house csl, if Mr. Schulte is in house counsel then he shall not participate in depos ; entry date : 10/24/03 Court Reporter: FTR (lam)
Blank 52 Filed: 10/20/2003, Entered: 10/21/2003 Declaration
DECLARATION of J. Eric Elliff by defendant Quantum Corporation in support of opposition [51-1] to pla's req for preliminary injunction [2-2] (lam)
Blank 51 Filed: 10/20/2003, Entered: 10/21/2003 Response to Motion
Statement (RESPONSE) by defendant Quantum Corporation in opposition to plaintiff's req for preliminary injunction [2-2] (lam)
Blank 50 Filed: 10/20/2003, Entered: 10/21/2003 Statement
Summary of Case (STATEMENT) by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp (lam)
Blank 49 Filed: 10/15/2003, Entered: 10/16/2003 Response to Motion
RESPONSE by defendant Quantum Corporation to StorageTek's motion to strike confidentiality designations [37-1] (lam)
Blank 48 Filed: 10/9/2003, Entered: 10/10/2003 TranscriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Motions Hearing on 9/30/03 before Judge Matsch ( pages: 1-43) Prepared By: Federal Reporting Service Inc. (certified copy) (lam)
Blank 47 Filed: 10/6/2003, Entered: 10/8/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch granting motion to req a change in date of the status conf set 10/23/03 [46-1] ; status conf reset for 4:30 10/22/03 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 10/8/03 (lam)
Blank 46 Filed: 10/6/2003, Entered: 10/6/2003, Terminated: 10/6/2003 Motion to Reset
JT MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to req a change in date of the status conf set 10/23/03 (lam)
Blank 45 Filed: 10/6/2003, Entered: 10/6/2003 Notice of Entry of Appearance
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for plaintiff Storage Tech Corp by Nancy J. Gegenheimer (lam)
Blank 44 Filed: 10/2/2003, Entered: 10/3/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch allowing depos at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan as set forth int his Order re: [43-1], [32-1], [28-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 10/3/03 (lam)
Blank 43 Filed: 9/30/2003, Entered: 10/1/2003 Minutes-MiscellaneousCourt Filing
COURTROOM MINUTES (Hearing on Modification of Order) by Judge Richard P. Matsch: csl for pla shall provide the court with a declaration removing Mr. Schulte from all company responsibilites (patent applications and defenses) that would conflict with his work as csl in this case; granting Storage Tek's emergency motion for modification of the order allowing depos at the US Embassy in Tokoyo, Japan Oct. 27-31, 2003 subject to the receipt and approval of declaration and proposed order as requested [28-1] [32-1]; upon receipt and court approval of declaration Mr. Schulte may participate in depos; status conf set for 10/16/03 at 10:00 is reset for 120/23/03 at 4:30; csl's written explanation identifying reasons to pursue preliminary injunction are to be filed by 10/20/03 entry date : 10/1/03 Court Reporter: FTR (lam)
Blank 42 Filed: 9/30/2003, Entered: 10/1/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; status conf reset for 4:30 10/23/03 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : (lam) Modified on 10/01/2003
Blank 41 Filed: 9/29/2003, Entered: 9/30/2003 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY brief by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in support of its emergency motion for modification of the order allowing depos at the US Embassy in Tokoyo, Japan Oct. 27-31, 2003 [28-1] [32-1] (pap)
Blank 40 Filed: 9/26/2003, Entered: 9/29/2003 Response to Motion
RESPONSE by defendant Quantum Corporation to plaintiff's emergency motion for modification of the order allowing depos at the US Embassy in Tokoyo, Japan Oct. 27-31, 2003 [28-1] [32-1] (lam)
Blank 39 Filed: 9/25/2003, Entered: 9/29/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch granting pla's StorageTek's unopposed motion for leave to reply to Storagetek's Emergency Motion to 9/29/03 [36-1] regarding [32-1], [28-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 9/29/03 (lam)
Blank 38 Filed: 9/25/2003, Entered: 9/26/2003 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in support of motion to strike confidentiality designation [37-1] (lam)
Blank 37 Filed: 9/25/2003, Entered: 9/26/2003 Motion to Strike
MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to strike confidentiality designation (lam)
Blank 36 Filed: 9/25/2003, Entered: 9/26/2003, Terminated: 9/25/2003 Motion for Leave
Unopposed MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp for leave to reply to Storagetek's Emergency Motion to 9/29/03 by noon (lam)
Blank 35 Filed: 9/24/2003, Entered: 9/26/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge Richard P. Matsch setting hearing on pla's emergency motion for modification of the order allowing depos at the US Embassy in Tokoyo, Japan Oct. 27-31, 2003 [28-1] [32-1] 2:00 9/30/03 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 9/26/03 (lam)
Blank 34 Filed: 9/24/2003, Entered: 9/25/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Richard P. Matsch granting dft's unopposed motion for leave to respond to pla's emergency motion by 9/26/03 [33-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 9/25/03 (pap)
Blank 33 Filed: 9/24/2003, Entered: 9/25/2003, Terminated: 9/24/2003 Motion for Leave
Unopposed MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation for leave to respond to pla's emergency motion by 9/26/03 (pap)
Blank 32 Filed: 9/23/2003, Entered: 9/24/2003 Motion to Amend/Correct/Modify
Emergency MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp for modification of the order allowing depos at the US Embassy in Tokoyo, Japan Oct. 27-31, 2003 [28-1] (lam)
Blank 31 Filed: 9/19/2003, Entered: 9/23/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER of Reassignment by Judge Richard P. Matsch ; status conf set for 10:00 10/16/03 , Case reassigned to Judge Richard P. Matsch (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 9/23/03 (bpm)
Blank 30 Filed: 9/2/2003, Entered: 9/4/2003 Status Report
Joint STATUS REPORT by plaintiff, defendant (dlb)
Blank 29 Filed: 7/21/2003, Entered: 7/22/2003 Protective OrderCourt Filing
Stipulated PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge John L. Kane : granting motion for stipulated protective order [26-1] (cc: all counsel) (dlb)
Blank 28 Filed: 7/21/2003, Entered: 7/22/2003, Terminated: 9/30/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John L. Kane granting motion for order allowing depositions at the US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan [25-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 7/22/03 (dlb)
Blank 27 Filed: 7/21/2003, Entered: 7/22/2003 Transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Hrg on Discovery Issues on July 14, 2003 before John L. Kane, Jr. ( pages: 1 - 17) Prepared By: Kara Spitler (certified copy) (dlb)
Blank 26 Filed: 7/18/2003, Entered: 7/21/2003, Terminated: 7/21/2003 Motion for Protective Order
Unopposed MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation for stipulated protective order and proposed stipulated proto (renewed) (dlb)
Blank 25 Filed: 7/17/2003, Entered: 7/18/2003, Terminated: 7/21/2003 Motion for Order
MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation for order allowing depositions at the US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan (dlb)
Blank 24 Filed: 7/14/2003, Entered: 7/15/2003 Minutes-MiscellaneousCourt Filing
COURTROOM MINUTES by Judge John L. Kane re: motion for entry of modified form protective order [21-1]; counsel may modify the proposed stipualted proto submited 5/21/03 and rejected by the court ; in court hrg held 7/14/03 ; entry date : 7/15/03 Court Reporter: Kara Spitler (dlb)
Blank 23 Filed: 7/11/2003, Entered: 7/14/2003 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY brief by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to Letter (motion) to amend mini scheduling order [13-1] [17-1] (pap)
Blank 22 Filed: 7/9/2003, Entered: 7/10/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge John L. Kane discovery/in court hrg set for 2:00 7/14/03 (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 7/10/03 (dlb)
Blank 21 Filed: 7/8/2003, Entered: 7/9/2003 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation for entry of modified form protective order and proposed protective order (not attached) (pap)
Blank 20 Filed: 7/2/2003, Entered: 7/3/2003 Response to Motion
RESPONSE by defendant to pla's 6/10/03 correspondence ( motion to amend mini scheduling order [13-1] [17-1]) (gms)
Blank 19 Filed: 7/1/2003, Entered: 7/2/2003 Status Report
Joint STATUS REPORT by plaintiff and defendant (pap)
Blank 18 Filed: 6/17/2003, Entered: 6/18/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge John L. Kane regarding [17-1] (Letter) motion to amend mini scheduling order [13-1], dft have to 7/2/03 to respond (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 6/18/03 (dlb)
Blank 17 Filed: 6/10/2003, Entered: 6/17/2003 Motion to Amend/Correct/Modify
Letter (MOTION) by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp to amend mini scheduling order [13-1] (dlb)
Blank 16 Filed: 5/30/2003, Entered: 6/2/2003 Answer to Counterclaim
REPLY TO COUNTERCLAIM [11-2] by counter-defendant Storage Tech Corp (dlb)
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Blank 15 Filed: 5/28/2003, Entered: 5/29/2003 OrderCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER : by Judge John L. Kane denying (rejecting) motion for protective order re: confidential information [14-1] (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 5/29/03 (dlb)
Blank 14 Filed: 5/21/2003, Entered: 5/21/2003, Terminated: 5/28/2003 Motion for Protective Order
Unopposed MOTION by defendant Quantum Corporation for protective order re: confidential information (lam)
Blank 13 Filed: 5/15/2003, Entered: 5/16/2003 OrderCourt Filing
Mini-Scheduling ORDER by Judge John L. Kane regarding [2-2] motion for preliminary injunction (cc: all counsel) ; entry date : 5/16/03 (dlb)
Blank 12 Filed: 5/12/2003, Entered: 5/13/2003 Notice of Change of Address
NOTICE of Change of firm name of Howrey Simon Arnold & White LL (dlb)
Blank 11 Filed: 5/6/2003, Entered: 5/7/2003 Answer
ANSWER to complaint [1-1] and COUNTERCLAIM; jury demand by defendant Quantum Corporation against plaintiff Storage Tech Corp (dlb)
Blank 10 Filed: 5/5/2003, Entered: 5/6/2003 Statement
Joint Scheduling Proposal (STATEMENT) by plaintiff, defendant re: motion for temporary restraining order [2-1], re: motion for preliminary injunction [2-2] (dlb)
Blank 9 Filed: 4/30/2003, Entered: 5/1/2003 Statement
Corporate Disclosure STATEMENT by defendant Quantum Corporation (dlb)
Blank 8 Filed: 4/28/2003, Entered: 4/29/2003 Transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Hrg on Motion for TRO on April 21, 2003 before John L. Kane, Jr. ( pages: 1 - 34) Prepared By: Gwen Daniel (certified copy) (dlb)
Blank 7 Filed: 4/21/2003, Entered: 4/22/2003 Minutes-MiscellaneousCourt Filing
COURTROOM MINUTES by Judge John L. Kane denying motion for temporary restraining order [2-1], regarding [2-2] motion for preliminary injunction, within 10 days the parties shall notify the court of the amount of time necessary of the hearing; entry date : 4/22/03 Court Reporter: Gwen Daniel (dlb)
Blank 6 Filed: 4/21/2003, Entered: 4/22/2003 Brief in Opposition to Motion
Memorandum (BRIEF) by defendant Quantum Corporation in opposition to pla's motion for temporary restraining order [2-1], motion for preliminary injunction [2-2] (dlb)
Blank 5 Filed: 4/18/2003, Entered: 4/21/2003 Declaration
DECLARATION of Michael L. Leonhardt by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp re: brief [3-1], re: motion for temporary restraining order [2-1], re: motion for preliminary injunction [2-2] *large document (dlb)
Blank 4 Filed: 4/18/2003, Entered: 4/21/2003 Declaration
DECLARATION of Thomas A. Lewry by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp re: brief [3-1], re: motion for temporary restraining order [2-1], re: motion for preliminary injunction [2-2] (dlb)
Blank 3 Filed: 4/18/2003, Entered: 4/21/2003 Brief in Support of Motion
BRIEF by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp in support of motion for temporary restraining order [2-1], motion for preliminary injunction [2-2] (dlb)
Blank 2 Filed: 4/18/2003, Entered: 4/21/2003 Motion for TRO
MOTION by plaintiff Storage Tech Corp for temporary restraining order and for preliminary injunction (dlb) (Modified on 2/25/2005 to reactivate motion) (gms2, ).
Blank 1 Filed: 4/15/2003, Entered: 4/16/2003 Complaint
COMPLAINT (Summons(es) issued); jury demand (bpm)
Blank -- Filed: 4/15/2003, Entered: 4/16/2003 Filing Fee Received
FILING FEE PAID: on 4/15/03 in the amount of $ 150, receipt # 242763. (bpm)


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