Weinstein, et al v. WorldCom, Inc., et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit New York Southern District Court, Case No. 1:03-cv-02841
District Judge Denise L. Cote, presiding
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District Judge Denise L. Cote
Last Updated September 14, 2016 at 1:00 AM EDT (8.4 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Grace Weinstein, Plaintiff

Represented by Chitwood Harley Harnes LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY Edward H. Nicholson, Jr. +1 404 873 3900 +1 404 876 4476 ehn@classlaw.com

Represented by Glancy Binkow & Goldberg LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Brian Phillip Murray +1 212 682 1818 +1 212 682 1892 bmurray@murrayfrank.com
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated Brian P Murray +1 212 682 5340 +1 212 884 0988 bmurray@glancylaw.com

Represented by Labaton Sucharow, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Eric James Belfi +1 212 907 0878 +1 212 818 0477 ebelfi@labaton.com
No Logo Sylvia Carraway, Plaintiff

Represented by Glancy Binkow & Goldberg LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated Brian P Murray +1 212 682 5340 +1 212 884 0988 bmurray@glancylaw.com
Arthur Andersen LLP Arthur Andersen LLP, Defendant

Represented by United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Daniel Robbins Marcus +1 212 696 8829 +1 917 368 8829 marcusd@sec.gov
Ebbers, Bernard J. Ebbers, Bernard J., Defendant
Officially listed as "Bernard J. Ebbers"
No Logo Bert C. Roberts, Jr., Defendant

Represented by Cooper, Ridge & Lantinberg, PA

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED George Edward Ridge +1 904 353 6555 +1 904 353 7550 gridge@attorneyjax.com
No Logo Buford Yates, Jr., Defendant
No Logo Carl J. Aycock, Defendant
No Logo Clifford L. Alexander, Defendant
No Logo Francesco Galesi, Defendant
No Logo Gordon S. Macklin, Defendant
No Logo Jack Grubman, Defendant
No Logo JAMES C. ALLEN, Defendant

Represented by Elarbee Thompson Sapp & Wilson

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY Brent L. Wilson +1 404 659 6700 +1 404 222 9718 BWilson@elarbeethompson.com

Represented by Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY Paul C. Curnin +1 212 455 2000 +1 212 455 2502 pcurnin@stblaw.com

Represented by Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY Alana R. Black +1 404 853 8000
No Logo John Porter, Defendant

Represented by Allen & Overy, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY Pamela Rogers Chepiga +1 212 610 6300 +1 212 610 6399 pamela.chepiga@allenovery.com
No Logo John W. Sidgmore, Defendant
No Logo Judith Areen, Defendant
No Logo Lawrence Tucker, Defendant
No Logo Max E. Bobbitt, Defendant
No Logo Salomon Smith Barney, Defendant
No Logo SCOTT SULLIVAN, Defendant
No Logo Stiles A. Kellett, Jr., Defendant
Worldcom, Inc. Worldcom, Inc., Defendant
Other Parties
No Logo Alan G. Hevesi, Movant
Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. Citigroup Global Markets Ltd., Movant

Represented by Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Joyce Szuyun Huang +1 212 373 3000 +1 212 757 3990 jhuang@paulweiss.com
No Logo Cynthia R. Levin Moulton, Objector
Citation Unknown
Nature of Suit 850 - Other Statutes: Securities/Commodities/Exchange
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 12/7/2012, Entered: None
LEAD PLAINTIFF'S REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF FINAL APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP OF CONTINGENT PAYMENT CLAIM AND IN FURTHER SUPPORT OF LEAD COUNSEL'S APPLICATION FOR AN AWARD OF ATTORNEYS' FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES re: (25 in 1:02-cv-04973-DLC, 25 in 1:02-cv-04973-DLC, 25 in 1:02-cv-04973-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09516-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09516-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09516-DLC, 41 in 1:03-cv-02841-DLC, 41 in 1:03-cv-02841-DLC, 41 in 1:03-cv-02841-DLC, 31 in 1:02-cv-05224-DLC, 31 in 1:02-cv-05224-DLC, 31 in 1:02-cv-05224-DLC, 40 in 1:02-cv-03647-DLC, 40 in 1:02-cv-03647-DLC, 40 in 1:02-cv-03647-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08229-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08229-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08229-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-08228-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-08228-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-08228-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09514-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09514-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09514-DLC, 32 in 1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 32 in 1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 32 in 1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09519-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09519-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09519-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-04946-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-04946-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-04946-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-05057-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-05057-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-05057-DLC, 21 in 1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 21 in 1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 21 in 1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08234-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08234-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08234-DLC, 31 in 1:02-cv-03416-DLC, 31 in 1:02-cv-03416-DLC, 31 in 1:02-cv-03416-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-09521-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-09521-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-09521-DLC, 25 in 1:03-cv-03592-DLC, 25 in 1:03-cv-03592-DLC, 25 in 1:03-cv-03592-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08226-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08226-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-08226-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-03771-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-03771-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-03771-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-05108-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-05108-DLC, 27 in 1:02-cv-05108-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-04958-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-04958-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-04958-DLC, 36 in 1:02-cv-04990-DLC, 36 in 1:02-cv-04990-DLC, 36 in 1:02-cv-04990-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09513-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09513-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09513-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09515-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09515-DLC, 26 in 1:02-cv-09515-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-05087-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-05087-DLC, 30 in 1:02-cv-05087-DLC, 28 in 1:02-cv-08230-DLC, 28 in 1:02-cv-08230-DLC, 28 in 1:02-cv-08230-DLC, 34 in 1:02-cv-03508-DLC, 34 in 1:02-cv-03508-DLC, 34 in 1:02-cv-03508-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 29 in 1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 34 in 1:02-cv-05285-DLC, 34 in 1:02-cv-05285-DLC, 34 in 1:02-cv-05285-DLC, 32 in 1:02-cv-04719-DLC, 32 in 1:02-cv-04719-DLC, 32 in 1:02-cv-04719-DLC) MOTION to Approve llll. MOTION for Attorney Fees. MOTION llll. Document filed by Thomas P. DiNapoli.Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(djc) (Entered: 12/17/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 12/14/2012, Entered: None Court Filing
JUDGMENT approving settlement with Arthur Andersen LLP of Contingent Payment claim. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 12/14/12) (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Right to Appeal)Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(ml) (Entered: 12/17/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 12/14/2012, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER REGARDING REISSUANCE OF UNCASHED CHECKS: The Court hereby authorizes the Notice and Claims Administrator, The Garden City Group, Inc. to reissue uncashed checks from the third distribution of the settlement proceeds in this Litigation for claim no. 2500756 in the amount of $9.30, claim no. 6216023 in the amount of $32.22, and claim no. 6202423 in the amount of $45.75. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 12/14/2012) (ama) (Entered: 12/14/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 43 Filed: 12/14/2012, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER AWARDING ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: This Order incorporates by reference the definitions in the Agreement Between Lead Plaintiff and Arthur Andersen LLP Concerning Contingent Payment Claim, dated September 27, 2012 (the "Agreement") and the Stipulation of Settlement between Lead Plaintiff and Andersen dated April 22, 2005 (the "WorldCom Stipulation of Settlement") and all terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Agreement or the WorldCom Stipulation of Settlement. And as set forth herein. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 12/14/2012) (ama) (Entered: 12/14/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 11/9/2012, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN Support OF FINAL APPROVAL OF SETTLEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP OF CONTINGENT PAYMENT CLAIM AND IN SUPPORT OF LEAD COUNSEL'S APPLICATION FOR AN AWARD OF ATTORNEYS' FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES. re: (21 in 1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 21 in 1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 21 in 1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 25 in 1:03-cv-03592-DLC, 25 in 1:03-cv-03592-DLC, 25 in 1:03-cv-03592-DLC). MOTION to Approve. MOTION for Attorney Fees. filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(djc) (Entered: 12/05/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 11/9/2012, Entered: None
NOTICE OF LEAD PLAINTIFF'S MOTION for final approval of settlement with Arthur Andersen LLP of Contingent Payment Claim and Lead Counsel's MOTION for Attorney Fees and MOTION for Reimbursement of Expenses. Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al. with Memorandum of Law in Support.(djc) (Entered: 11/29/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 10/2/2012, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER PRELIMINARILY APPROVING SETTLEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP OF CONTINGENT PAYMENT CLAIM AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE: It is hereby ordered 1. For purposes of this Order, the Court adopts all defined terms as set forth in the Agreement or in the World Com Stipulation of Settlement. 2. The Court preliminarily approves the Settlement, as reflected in the Agreement,as being fair, just, reasonable and adequate, pending a final hearing on the Settlement. 3. Institution or prosecution of any action or claim that is subject to the release or dismissal provisions contemplated by the Settlement is hereby enjoined pending further order of the Court. 4. The Court approves the continued retention of The Garden City Group, Inc. as the Notice and Claims Administrator (the "Administrator") to supervise and administer the notice procedure and the distribution of the Net WorldCom Settlement Amount to Authorized Claimants. 5. Lead Plaintiff, through the Administrator, shall disseminate notice of the Settlement, including notice of the hearing on the proposed Settlement and Lead Counsel's motion for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses, as follows: not later than 14 days after entry of this order (the "Notice Date"), the Lead Counsel and Administrator shall cause the Notice, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2, to be published on www.worldcomlitigation.com and on Lead Counsel's websites www.blbglaw.com and www.barrack.com, and the Summary Notice, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 3, to be published through PR Newswire and mailed directly to all World Com Class Members who cashed all of their prior distributions from the proceeds of the WorldCom Settlements and thus, pursuant to prior Order of this Court, are eligible to receive additional distributions, subject to the limitation that they would receive at least $5.00 in the next distribution (which shall be determined on the assumption that the proposed Settlement and the application for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses are approved and the Effective Date occurs).as provided in the Summary Notice, the Administrator shall mail or email a printed copy of the Notice to any WorldCom Class Member who requests such a copy by mail, email or telephone prior to the Settlement Hearing; and not later than 7 days prior to the Settlement Hearing, Lead Counsel shall serve on Andersen and file with the Court proof, by affidavit or declaration, of such public action and dissemination of the Notice and the Summary Notice. The Court approves, as to form and content, the Notice and the Summary Notice and finds that the procedures established for the publication and dissemination of the Notice and the Summary Notice substantially in the manner and form set forth in paragraph 5 of this Order meet the requirements of Rules 23(e)(l) and 23(h)(l) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,and due process, and constitute notice that is reasonable, under the circumstances, to apprise WorldCom Class Members of the effect of the proposed Settlement and of their right to appear at the Settlement Hearing and object to the proposed Settlement and/or the motion for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses. The costs of providing notice shall be paid from the World Com Settlement Amount as provided in the Agreement without further order of the Court. The Court will hold a settlement hearing (the "Settlement Hearing") on December 14, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom 15B of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY, at which time the Court shall (a) determine whether the proposed Settlement on the terms and conditions provided for in the Agreement is fair, reasonable, and adequate and should be approved; (b) determine whether a Judgment substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B to the Agreement should be entered; (c) determine whether the motion by Lead Counsel for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses should be approved; and (d) consider any other matters that may properly be brought before the Court in connection with the Settlement. Lead Counsel shall file and serve papers in support of the Settlement and Lead Counsel's motion for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses no later than_ 35 days prior to the Settlement Hearing; if reply papers are necessary, they are to be filed and served no later than 7 days prior to the Settlement Hearing. Any WorldCom Class Member may appear at the Settlement Hearing to show cause, if he, she or it has any cause, why the proposed Settlement and/or Lead Counsel's motion for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses should or should not be approved; provided, however, that no WorldCom Class Member shall be heard or entitled to contest the approval of the terms and conditions of the proposed Settlement and/or the motion for an award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses unless that person or entity has filed a written objection with the Court and served copies of such objection in the manner provided in the Notice such that it is received no later than 21 days prior to the Settlement Hearing on each of the following attorneys set forth below. All other provisions as set forth in this order (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 10/2/2012) (js) Modified on 10/2/2012 (js). (Entered: 10/02/2012)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 9/18/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER APPROVING FINAL DISTRIBUTION PLAN: Lead Plaintiff's plan for final distribution of the Net Settlement Fund toAuthorized Claimants is APPROVED, as set forth herein. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 9/18/2009) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al. Copies Mailed By Chambers.(jpo) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/23/2009: # 1 Main Document) (ae). (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 9/18/2009) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(ad) (Entered: 09/23/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 9/18/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER APPROVING FINAL DISTRIBUTION PLAN: Lead Plaintiff's plan for final distribution of the Net Settlement Fund toAuthorized Claimants is APPROVED, as set forth herein. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 9/18/2009) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al. Copies Mailed By Chambers.(jpo) (Entered: 09/21/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 6/24/2009, Entered: None
COMPENDIUM OF RESPONSES from Disputed Rejected Claimants and Payment Objectors. Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(sac) (Entered: 06/26/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 4/23/2009, Entered: None
LEAD PLAINTIFF'S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR APPROVAL OF FINAL DISTRIBUTION PLAN; for an order, approving Lead Plaintiff's final distrubution plan for the Net Settlement Fund in this action. Document filed by Thomas P. DiNapoli.Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(sac) (Entered: 04/24/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 8/4/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER It is hereby ordered that the clerk of court shall close the master case file: 02 Civ. 3288. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 8/4/08) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(mme) (Entered: 08/04/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 10/16/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
OPINION AND ORDER re: (3299 in 1:02-cv-03288-DLC) MOTION for Reconsideration filed by Marvin Davis, Howard Gimbel. Davis and Gimbel's motion for reconsideration is denied, and their Rule 65(d) challenge to the July 20 Order is rejected. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 10/16/07) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC et al.(tro) (Entered: 10/16/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 33 Filed: 7/12/2005, Entered: None
MANDATE of USCA (Certified Copy) as to Notice of Interlocutory Appeal,,,, filed by Grace Weinstein,, Sylvia Carraway, USCA Case Number 04-5553-cv. Ordered that the appeal is DISMISSED. Any motions pending prior to the entry of this order of dismissal are deemed MOOT. MACKECHNIE, Clerk USCA. Certified: 7/11/05. (pr, ) (Entered: 07/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 4/25/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER: that an expedited preliminary approval hearing on Andersen's settlement of the class action will be held at 9:00 a.m. on 4/26/05 in Courtroom 11B, 500 Pearl Street. Further Ordered, that, if possible any party wishing to object to the terms of the settlement shall notify the Lead Plaintiff, Andersen, and the Court by 4/25/05 at 5:00 p.m. briefly stating the ground for the objection. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 4/25/05) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-08235-DLC,1:02-cv-08981-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC, 1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC,1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC, 1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC,1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC, 1:03-cv-00998-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC,1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC, 1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC, 1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC,1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC, 1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC,1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC, 1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-07826-DLC,1:03-cv-07927-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC, 1:04-cv-03841-DLC,1:04-cv-04963-DLC,1:04-cv-05701-DLC,1:04-cv-06813-DLC,1:04-cv-06995-DLC, 1:04-cv-06996-DLC,1:04-cv-07482-DLC,1:04-cv-07483-DLC,1:05-cv-00055-DLC(db, ) (Entered: 04/26/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 3/7/2005, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 2453 MOTION to Sever.. Document filed by Bernard J. Ebbers. Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-08235-DLC,1:02-cv-08981-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC, 1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC,1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC, 1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC,1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC, 1:03-cv-00998-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC,1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC, 1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC, 1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC,1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC, 1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC,1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC, 1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-07826-DLC,1:03-cv-07927-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC, 1:04-cv-03841-DLC,1:04-cv-04963-DLC,1:04-cv-05701-DLC,1:04-cv-06813-DLC,1:04-cv-06995-DLC, 1:04-cv-06996-DLC,1:04-cv-07482-DLC,1:04-cv-07483-DLC,1:05-cv-00055-DLC(ll, ) (Entered: 03/14/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 12/21/2004, Entered: None
Appeal Record Sent to USCA (Index). Notice that the Original index to the record on Appeal for Notice of Interlocutory Appeal filed by Grace Weinstein, Sylvia Carraway USCA Case Number 04-5553-cv, 3 Copies of the index, Certified Clerk Certificate and Certified Docket Sheet were transmitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals. (tp, ) (Entered: 12/21/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 12/20/2004, Entered: None
USCA SCHEDULING ORDER as to Notice of Interlocutory Appeal,,,, filed by Grace Weinstein, Sylvia Carraway USCA Case Number 04-5553-cv. Appeal Record due by 12/30/2004. (pr, ) (Entered: 12/20/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 12/7/2004, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by Sharon L. Schneier on behalf of Citigroup Global Markets, Inc., Citigroup Inc., Jack Grubman, Salomon Smith Barney Inc. (Entered: 12/10/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 27 Filed: 11/12/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
JUDGMENT APPROVING SETTLEMENT AND DISMISSING ACTION AGAINST THE CITIGROUP DEFENDANTS. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 11/12/04) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-08235-DLC,1:02-cv-08981-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC, 1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC,1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC, 1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC,1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC, 1:03-cv-00998-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC,1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC, 1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC, 1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC,1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC, 1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC,1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC, 1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-07826-DLC,1:03-cv-07927-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC, 1:04-cv-03841-DLC,1:04-cv-04963-DLC,1:04-cv-05701-DLC,1:04-cv-06813-DLC,1:04-cv-06995-DLC, 1:04-cv-06996-DLC,1:04-cv-07482-DLC,1:04-cv-07483-DLC(jf, ) (Entered: 11/16/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 11/12/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER GRANTING LEAD COUNSEL'S MOTION FOR CREATION OF A LITIGATION FUND FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE SETTLEMENT WITH THE CITIGROUP DEFENDANTS; The Motion for creation of a Litigation Fund from the Settlement Fund is hereby approved. The Court hereby finds and concludes that the request for creation of a Litigation Fund is fair and reasonable to Members to the Class of persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded securities of WorldCom during the Class Period, and who were damaged thereby, and that such expenses are reasonable and necessary for prosecution of the case on behalf of the Class. The Court hereby directs that Lead Counsel are permitted to establish a Litigation Fund from the Settlement Fund, in the amount of $5 million, to support future litigation expenses, except that the $5 million fund shall be taken solely from the portion of the Settlement Fund that shall pay Class members with Securities Act claims. The finality of the Judgment entered with respect to the Settlement between Lead Plaintiff and the Citigroup Defendants shall not be affected in any manner by this Order, or any appeal from this Order approving the creation of a Litigation Fund. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 11/12/04)... ORIGINAL DOCUMENT FILED IN 02CIV3288, DOC#1840. Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05057-DLC, 1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC, 1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC,1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC, 1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC(sac, ) (Entered: 11/15/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 25 Filed: 10/1/2004, Entered: None
(VOLUME EIGHT OF TEN) DECLARATION of Jeffrey A. Barrack in Support re: 1504 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion. Document filed by Alan G. Hevesi, New York State Common Retirement Fund. Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05057-DLC, 1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC, 1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC,1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC, 1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 1:03-cv-07298-DLC,1:03-cv-07299-DLC... (ORIGINAL DOCUMENT FILED IN 02CIV.3288, DOC#1711)(sac, ) (Entered: 10/21/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Cote from Andrew Levitt dated 10/6/04; the order in this action required any objections to an application for an award of atty fees to be fld by 10/8. Request for an extension is denied. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 10/7/04) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-08235-DLC,1:02-cv-08981-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC, 1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC,1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC, 1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC,1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC, 1:03-cv-00998-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC,1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC, 1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC, 1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC,1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC, 1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC,1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC, 1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-07826-DLC,1:03-cv-07927-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC(cd, ) (Entered: 10/12/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 23 Filed: 10/6/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Denise L. Cote from Eric S. Goldstein dated 10/5/04 re: request that your honor modify the 10/4/04 Order to reflect that the Citigroup Defendants also may notice the depositions of, and issue subpoenas to, the above-referenced embargoed witnesses, subject to the conditions set forth in this Order. Application granted. Counsel shall circulate and submit a proposed order. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 10/5/04) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-08235-DLC,1:02-cv-08981-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC, 1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC,1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC, 1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC,1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC, 1:03-cv-00998-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC,1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC, 1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC, 1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC,1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC, 1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC,1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC, 1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-07826-DLC,1:03-cv-07927-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC(dfe, ) (Entered: 10/12/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 9/30/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Cote from Jay B. Kasner dated 9/28/04: re Underwirter-Related Defts reply memo, the reply brief may be 65 pages. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 9/30/04) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-08235-DLC,1:02-cv-08981-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC, 1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC,1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC, 1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC,1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC, 1:03-cv-00998-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC,1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC, 1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC, 1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC,1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC, 1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC,1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC, 1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-07826-DLC,1:03-cv-07927-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC(cd, ) (Entered: 10/05/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 8/27/2004, Entered: None
NOTICE of Change of Address by Eric James Belfi on behalf of Sylvia Carraway. New Address: Murray, Frank & Sailer LLP, 275 Madison Avenue, Suite 801, New York, NY, 10016, 212-682-1818. (djc, ) (Entered: 08/30/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 8/20/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Denise L. Cote from Eliot Lauer dated 8/17/04 re: request permission to submit two seperate motions for summary judgment and to file memoranda of law that exceed the Court's 25 page limit. So Ordered. Andersen may only file one motion. Its brief may not exceed 100 pages. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 8/19/04) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08223-DLC,1:02-cv-08224-DLC,1:02-cv-08225-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC, 1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08231-DLC,1:02-cv-08232-DLC, 1:02-cv-08233-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-09512-DLC,1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC, 1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09517-DLC,1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09520-DLC, 1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-00167-DLC,1:03-cv-00168-DLC,1:03-cv-00169-DLC,1:03-cv-00170-DLC, 1:03-cv-00171-DLC,1:03-cv-00335-DLC,1:03-cv-00336-DLC,1:03-cv-00338-DLC,1:03-cv-00339-DLC, 1:03-cv-00890-DLC,1:03-cv-00891-DLC,1:03-cv-00892-DLC,1:03-cv-01052-DLC,1:03-cv-01282-DLC, 1:03-cv-01283-DLC,1:03-cv-01284-DLC,1:03-cv-01785-DLC,1:03-cv-02839-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC, 1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-03859-DLC,1:03-cv-03860-DLC,1:03-cv-04498-DLC,1:03-cv-04499-DLC, 1:03-cv-06219-DLC,1:03-cv-06225-DLC,1:03-cv-06226-DLC,1:03-cv-06227-DLC,1:03-cv-06229-DLC, 1:03-cv-06592-DLC,1:03-cv-07298-DLC,1:03-cv-07299-DLC,1:03-cv-07806-DLC,1:03-cv-08271-DLC, 1:03-cv-08924-DLC,1:03-cv-08925-DLC,1:03-cv-09402-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-09822-DLC, 1:03-cv-09823-DLC,1:03-cv-09824-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC,1:04-cv-00232-DLC,1:04-cv-00233-DLC, 1:04-cv-00234-DLC,1:04-cv-01521-DLC,1:04-cv-02033-DLC,1:04-cv-02828-DLC,1:04-cv-03389-DLC Copies Mailed By Chambers.(dfe, ) (Entered: 08/23/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 8/12/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Cote from Pamela Rogers Chepiga dated 8/4/2004 re: permission to file a consolidated reply brief of no more than 20 pages. So ordered. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 8/11/2004) Copies mailed by Chambers.(jsa, ) (Entered: 08/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 8/11/2004, Entered: None
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 13 MOTION to Dismiss. Document filed by Arthur Andersen, LLP. (cd, ) (Entered: 08/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 7/23/2004, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 13 MOTION to Dismiss. Document filed by Sylvia Carraway, Grace Weinstein. Received in the night deposit box on 7/23/04 at 6:07 P.M. (sac, ) (Entered: 07/27/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 7/12/2004, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by George E. Ridge on behalf of Bert C. Roberts Jr. (djc, ) (Entered: 07/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 7/1/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Cote from Paul Curley dated 6/30/04: plntfs are granted request to file consolidated brief in opposition to the motions to dismiss and it may be up to 60 pages. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 6/30/04) (cd, ) (Entered: 07/06/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 14 Filed: 6/18/2004, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 13 MOTION to Dismiss. Document filed by Arthur Andersen, LLP. (pl, ) (Entered: 06/22/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 6/18/2004, Entered: None
MOTION to Dismiss pursuant to Rule (b)(6) of the F.R.C.P. dismissing the Second Corrected Second Amended Class Action Complaint. Document filed by Arthur Andersen, LLP. (pl, ) Modified on 6/22/2004 (pl, ). [This document relates to 02cv3288]. (Entered: 06/22/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 12 Filed: 6/18/2004, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 11 MOTION to Dismiss. Document filed by Clifford L. Alexander, James C. Allen, Judith Areen, Carl J. Aycock, Max E. Bobbitt, Stiles A. Kellett Jr., John Porter, Bert C. Roberts Jr., John W. Sidgmore, Lawrence Tucker. (sac, ) (Entered: 06/21/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 6/18/2004, Entered: None
MOTION to Dismiss the Second Corrected Second Amended Complaint. Document filed by Clifford L. Alexander, James C. Allen, Judith Areen, Carl J. Aycock, Max E. Bobbitt, Francesco Galesi, Stiles A. Kellett Jr., Gordon S. Macklin, John Porter, Bert C. Roberts Jr., John W. Sidgmore, Lawrence Tucker. (sac, ) (Entered: 06/21/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 6/18/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER Dismissing Plaintiff's claims against the Holding Company Defendants. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 6/17/2004) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04973-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05018-DLC, 1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC,1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05108-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC, 1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08220-DLC,1:02-cv-08221-DLC,1:02-cv-08222-DLC, 1:02-cv-08226-DLC,1:02-cv-08227-DLC,1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC, 1:02-cv-08234-DLC,1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC, 1:02-cv-09519-DLC,1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC, 1:03-cv-10066-DLC Copies mailed by Chambers.(jsa, ) (Entered: 06/21/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 6/8/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Cote from Pamela Rogers Cheoga dated 6/7/04 re: granting defendants requests for an extension of the normal page limitations on their motion to dismiss. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 6/8/04) (pl, ) (Entered: 06/10/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 5/20/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 1305 Motion to Dismiss . (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 5/20/2004) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC, 1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC,1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC, 1:02-cv-08227-DLC,1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09519-DLC, 1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC(jp, ) (Entered: 05/21/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 5/17/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Denise L. Cote from Eric S. Goldstein Re The Court to modify May 13, order to relfect the fact that any decision by the defendants concerning depositions of the embargoed witnesses must include the Citigroup defendants. The Court grants the request. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 5/17/2004) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:02-cv-03288-DLC,1:02-cv-03416-DLC,1:02-cv-03419-DLC,1:02-cv-03508-DLC,1:02-cv-03537-DLC, 1:02-cv-03647-DLC,1:02-cv-03750-DLC,1:02-cv-03771-DLC,1:02-cv-04719-DLC,1:02-cv-04945-DLC, 1:02-cv-04946-DLC,1:02-cv-04958-DLC,1:02-cv-04990-DLC,1:02-cv-05057-DLC,1:02-cv-05071-DLC, 1:02-cv-05087-DLC,1:02-cv-05140-DLC,1:02-cv-05224-DLC,1:02-cv-05285-DLC,1:02-cv-08226-DLC, 1:02-cv-08227-DLC,1:02-cv-08228-DLC,1:02-cv-08229-DLC,1:02-cv-08230-DLC,1:02-cv-08234-DLC, 1:02-cv-09513-DLC,1:02-cv-09514-DLC,1:02-cv-09515-DLC,1:02-cv-09516-DLC,1:02-cv-09519-DLC, 1:02-cv-09521-DLC,1:03-cv-02841-DLC,1:03-cv-03592-DLC,1:03-cv-09490-DLC,1:03-cv-10066-DLC Copies mailed by Chambers.(jsa, ) (Entered: 05/18/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 5 Filed: 4/30/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of proceedings held on 4/16/2004 before Judge Denise L. Cote.(jp, ) (Entered: 04/30/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 2/13/2004, Entered: None Court Filing
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Cote from Joyce S. Huang dated 2/6/04 re: request that the Court grant the Citigroup Intervenors' motion for leave to intervene. Motion by Citigroup to intervene in Wallace motion to amend is granted. (Signed by Judge Denise L. Cote on 2/13/04) (yv, ) (Entered: 02/17/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 6/11/2003, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM OF LAW by Alan G. Havesi, FCERA, County of Fresno, and HGK Asset in support of [2-1] motion for an Order, pursuant to Rule 23 of the FRCP, certifying the Lead Plaintiff NYSCRF, and FCERA, Fresno, and HGK as the representatives of a class (the "Class") consisting of all persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded securities of WorldCom, Inc. ("WorldCom" or the "Company") during the period beginning 4/29/99 through and including 6/25/02 (the "Class Period"), and who were injured thereby, including all persons or entities who acquired shares of WorldCom common stock in the secondary market or in the exchange for shares of acquired companies pursuant to a registration statement, and all persons or entities who acquired debt securities of WorldCom in the secondary market or pursuant to a registration statement. Excluded from the Class are: (i) Defendants; (ii) members of the family of each Individual Defendant; (iii) any entity in which any Defendant has a controlling interest; (iv) officers and directors of WorldCom and its subsidiaries and affiliates; and (v) the legal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns of any such excluded party. (tp) (Entered: 06/13/2003)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 6/11/2003, Entered: None
NOTICE OF MOTION by Alan G. Havesi, FCERA, County of Fresno, and HGK Asset, for an Order, pursuant to Rule 23 of the FRCP, certifying the Lead Plaintiff NYSCRF, and FCERA, Fresno, and HGK as the representatives of a class (the "Class") consisting of all persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded securities of WorldCom, Inc. ("WorldCom" or the "Company") during the period beginning 4/29/99 through and including 6/25/02 (the "Class Period"), and who were injured thereby, including all persons or entities who acquired shares of WorldCom common stock in the secondary market or in the exchange for shares of acquired companies pursuant to a registration statement, and all persons or entities who acquired debt securities of WorldCom in the secondary market or pursuant to a registration statement. Excluded from the Class are: (i) Defendants; (ii) members of the family of each Individual Defendant; (iii) any entity in which any Defendant has a controlling interest; (iv) officers and directors of WorldCom and its subsidiaries and affiliates; and (v) the legal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns of any such excluded party . Return Date not indicated. ORIGINAL MOTION DOCKETED IN LEAD CASE #02cv3288 (DLC), DOC. #255. (tp) (Entered: 06/13/2003)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 1 Filed: 4/24/2003, Entered: None
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF CONDITIONAL MDL TRANSFER IN ORDER FROM THE MDL PANEL...transferring action from the U.S.D.C. for the District of N.D. of Georgia, Docket No.: 1:02-2854, MDL No.: 1487,, to the S.D.N.Y. Mailed letter requesting transfer of their file. (rag) (Entered: 05/01/2003)
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