District Appellate Supreme
Missouri Western District Court Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit United States Supreme Court

Johnson et al v. Elizabeth Arden et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Missouri Western District Court, Case No. 5:08-cv-06103
District Judge Dean Whipple, presiding
District Judge Dean Whipple
Last Updated January 27, 2017 at 1:07 AM EST (8.1 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Plaintiff
No Logo Robert Johnson, Plaintiff
No Logo Susan Johnson, Plaintiff

Represented by David M. Duree & Associates

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED David M. Duree +1 314 621 5751 +1 314 621 0322 law@dmduree.net
No Logo Mediolex Ltd., Defendant
Officially listed as "ComplaintsBoard.com"
No Logo Kudriavtsev, Sergei Igorevich, Defendant
Officially listed as "Elizabeth Arden"
Beneficial Owner, Mediolex Ltd.
No Logo InMotion Hosting Inc., Defendant

Represented by Probst Law Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Raymond E. Probst, Jr. +1 913 281 0699 +1 913 321 0199 rprobst@probst-law.com
No Logo Kathleen Heineman, Defendant

Represented by Berkowitz Oliver Williams Shaw & Eisenbrandt LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Stacey R. Gilman +1 816 627 0216 +1 816 561 1888 sgilman@berkowitzoliver.com

Represented by H & R Block - KC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Katherine K. Gonzalez +1 816 854 4551 +1 816 802 1005 katie.gonzalez@hrblock.com
No Logo MELANIE LOWRY, Defendant

Pro Se

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Melanie Lowry
No Logo Michelle Reitenger, Defendant
Citation Section 28 U.S.C. § 1332
Nature of Suit 360 - Personal Injury: Other
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Blank 62 Filed: 8/25/2010, Entered: None
MANDATE of US COURT OF APPEALS as to 55 Notice of Appeal filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson with mandate issued on 8/25/10. (Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 08/25/2010)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 61 Filed: 8/4/2010, Entered: None
USCA Judgment and/or Opinion as to 55 Notice of Appeal filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson This is a preliminary judgment and/or opinion of U.S. Court of Appeals; jurisdiction is not recovered until the Mandate is issued by the U.S Court of Appeals. It is hereby ordered and adjudged that the judgment of the district court in this cause is affirmed. (Attachments: # 1 Opinion)(Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 08/04/2010)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 7/27/2009, Entered: None
MAIL RETURNED as undeliverable. Mail sent to Melanie Lowry. (Related document(s) 56 ) (McDowell, Shelly) (Entered: 07/28/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 7/27/2009, Entered: None
MAIL RETURNED as undeliverable. Mail sent to Melanie Lowry. (Related document(s) 52 ) (McDowell, Shelly) (Entered: 07/28/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 58 Filed: 7/22/2009, Entered: None
USCA Case Number from 8th Circuit Court of Appeals is 09-2601 for 55 Notice of Appeal filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson. Briefing schedule entered by the Court of Appeals is attached. (Attachments: # 1 Schedule)(Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 07/22/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 7/15/2009, Entered: None
TRANSMISSION of Notice of Appeal Supplement to US Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit via electronic mail. Related document 55 Notice of Appeal. (Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 07/15/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 7/15/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - On July 13, 2009, this Court entered a judgment dismissing the claims against these three remaining Defendants (Doc. 53). Therefore, as of July 13, 2009, Final Judgment has been entered as to all claims and all defendants in this case. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 07/15/09. (Willis, Kathy) (Entered: 07/15/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 7/14/2009, Entered: None
Supplemental NOTICE OF APPEAL by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Robert - Johnson, Susan Johnson. Filing fee $ 455, receipt number 0866-2110522. (Duree, David) (Entered: 07/14/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 7/14/2009, Entered: None
ORDER of US COURT OF APPEALS: This case is hereby remanded to the U.S. District Court for the limited purpose of clarification as to whether the judgment entered on June 9, 2009, is a final judgment. (Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 07/14/2009)
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Blank 53 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None
CLERK'S JUDGMENT (Diefenbach, Tracy) (Entered: 07/13/2009)
Blank 52 Filed: 7/10/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - For the foregoing reasons, The Court hereby ORDERS that1) Plaintiffs Motion for Leave to Submit Limited Interrogatories to Defendant InMotion Hosting, Inc. (Doc. 47) is DENIED. 2) Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(m), the claims against Defendants Elizabeth Arden d/b/a ComplaintsBoard.com, ComplaintsBoard.com, and Michelle Reitenger are hereby DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. 3) The Clerk of the Court is directed to mark this case as CLOSED. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 07/10/09. (Willis, Kathy) (Entered: 07/10/2009)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 51 Filed: 7/9/2009, Entered: None
USCA Case Number from 8th Circuit Court of Appeals is 09-2601 for 49 Notice of Appeal, filed by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson. No briefing schedule entered by the Court of Appeals. (Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 07/09/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 50 Filed: 7/7/2009, Entered: None
TRANSMISSION of Notice of Appeal Supplement to US Court of Appeals, 8th Circuit via electronic mail. Related document 49 Notice of Appeal,. (Crespo, Wil) (Entered: 07/07/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 7/6/2009, Entered: None
NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 43 Clerk's Judgment, 42 Order on Motion for Extension of Time,, Order on Motion to Dismiss/Lack of Jurisdiction,, Order on Motion to Dismiss Case,,, by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Robert - Johnson, Susan Johnson. Filing fee $ 455, receipt number 0866-2110522. (Duree, David) (Entered: 07/06/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 48 Filed: 7/1/2009, Entered: None
NOTICE of filing by Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Robert - Johnson, Susan Johnson of Return of Pleadings Addressed to Defendant, Melanie Lowry (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Duree, David) (Entered: 07/01/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 6/25/2009, Entered: None
MOTION for leave to file limited interrogatories to Defendant, InMotion Hosting.com filed by David M Duree on behalf of Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Robert - Johnson, Susan Johnson. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 7/10/2009 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Duree, David) (Entered: 06/25/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 6/25/2009, Entered: None
RESPONSE to order re 44 Order to Show Cause, filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC, Robert - Johnson, Susan Johnson. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A to Show Cause Order, # 2 Exhibit B to Show Cause Order, # 3 Exhibit C to Show Cause Order)(Related document(s) 44 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 06/25/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 6/23/2009, Entered: None
MAIL RETURNED as undeliverable. Mail sent to Melanie Lowry. (Related document(s) 44 ) (McDowell, Shelly) (Entered: 06/23/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE - Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(m), the Court hereby ORDERS Plaintiffs to SHOW CAUSE within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Order as to why the action against the aforementioned defendants should not be dismissed without prejudice for failure to complete service within 120 days of filing a complaint. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 06/12/09. (Willis, Kathy) (Entered: 06/12/2009)
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Blank 43 Filed: 6/9/2009, Entered: None
CLERK'S JUDGMENT (Diefenbach, Tracy) (Entered: 06/09/2009)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 6/8/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - The Court GRANTS the Motions to Dismiss filed by Defendant's Heineman, Lowry, and InMotion Hosting, Inc. (Docs. 3, 6, and 30). The Court DENIES as moot Plaintiffs' Motion for Extension of Time (Doc. 35). Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 06/08/09. (Willis, Kathy) (Entered: 06/08/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 3/2/2009, Entered: None
NOTICE of filing by Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC re 27 Mail Returned, 31 Mail Returned, 40 Notice of filing, 32 Mail Returned, 39 Notice of filing Return of Pleadings served on Melanie Lowry (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Duree, David) (Entered: 03/02/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 2/26/2009, Entered: None
NOTICE of filing by Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC re 39 Notice of filing Return of Pleadings Serve by Mail on Melanie Lowry (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Duree, David) (Entered: 02/26/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 2/13/2009, Entered: None
NOTICE of filing by Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC of Returned Pleadings mailed to Defendant Melanie Lowry (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Duree, David) (Entered: 02/13/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 2/11/2009, Entered: None
NOTICE of filing by Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC re 35 MOTION for extension of time to File the Affidavit of Antonio DeShawn Outten in Response to Motion to Dismiss filed by InMotion Hosting (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Antonio DeShawn Outten, # 2 Exhibit B to Affidavit of Antonio D. Outten, # 3 Exhibit D to Affidavit of Antonio D. Outten)(Duree, David) (Entered: 02/11/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 2/10/2009, Entered: None
DEMAND for Trial by Jury by Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. (Duree, David) (Entered: 02/10/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 2/7/2009, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 30 MOTION to dismiss case, 35 MOTION for extension of time to File the Affidavit of Antonio DeShawn Outten in Response to Motion to Dismiss filed by InMotion Hosting filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. Reply suggestions due by 2/23/2009 unless otherwise directed by the court (Duree, David) (Entered: 02/07/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 2/7/2009, Entered: None
MOTION for extension of time to File the Affidavit of Antonio DeShawn Outten in Response to Motion to Dismiss filed by InMotion Hosting filed by David M Duree on behalf of all plaintiffs. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 2/23/2009 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Duree, David) (Entered: 02/07/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 2/7/2009, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 30 MOTION to dismiss case filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. Reply suggestions due by 2/23/2009 unless otherwise directed by the court (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of David Duree, # 2 Exhibit A to Affidavit of David Duree, # 3 Exhibit B to Affidavit of David Duree, # 4 Exhibit C)(Duree, David) (Entered: 02/07/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 33 Filed: 2/6/2009, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT (Joint) Regarding Proposed Postponement of Scheduling Order and Conference of Parties Regarding Same by Kathleen Heineman. (Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 02/06/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 1/26/2009, Entered: None
MAIL RETURNED as undeliverable. Mail sent to mailed to Melanie Lowry, 5699 Kanan Road, Apartment # 645, Agoura Hills, CA 91301. (Related document(s) 29 ) (McDowell, Shelly) (Entered: 01/26/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 1/26/2009, Entered: None
MAIL RETURNED as undeliverable. Mail sent to mailed to Melanie Lowry, 5699 Kanan Road, Apartment # 645, Agoura Hills, CA 91301. (Related document(s) 28 ) (McDowell, Shelly) (Entered: 01/26/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 1/24/2009, Entered: None
MOTION to dismiss case filed by Raymond E. Probst, Jr on behalf of InMotion Hosting Inc.. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 2/9/2009 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Probst, Raymond) (Entered: 01/24/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 1/15/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - 1) Plaintiffs Motion for Order of Default Against Defendant Inmotion Hosting, Inc. (Doc. 12) is DENIED. 2) Defendant Inmotion Hosting, Inc. is hereby ORDERED to refile its Motion to Dismiss within ten (10) days of this ORDER. 3) The Clerk of the Court is directed to mail a copy of this Order to: Melanie Lowry, 5699 Kanan Road Apt. #645, Agoura Hills, CA 91301. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 01/15/09. (Willis, Kathy) Copy mailed to Melanie Lowry, 5699 Kanan Road, Apartment # 645, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 on 1/16/2009 (McDowell, Shelly). (Entered: 01/15/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 1/14/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - After careful consideration, Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to Depose George F. Mattox (Doc. 13) is DENIED. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 01/13/09. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Willis, Kathy) Copy mailed to Melanie Lowry, 5699 Kanan Road, Apartment # 645, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 on 1/15/2009 (McDowell, Shelly). (Entered: 01/14/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 27 Filed: 1/13/2009, Entered: None
MAIL RETURNED as undeliverable. Mail sent to Melanie Lowry. (Related document(s) 26 ) (Kee, Georgia) (Entered: 01/13/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 12/24/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - The Court finds that Defendant's Motion to Dismiss and Suggestions in Support (Doc. 3 and 4) comply with the requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b). Plaintiff's Motion for Sanctions (Doc. 21) is therefore DENIED. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 12/24/08. This is a TEXT ONLY ENTRY. No document is attached.(Willis, Kathy) Copy mailed to Melanie Lowry, 5699 Kanan Road, Apartment #645, Agontra Hills, CA 91301 on 12/29/2008 (McDowell, Shelly). (Entered: 12/24/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 25 Filed: 12/18/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 21 MOTION for sanctions filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Defendant Kathleen Heineman. Reply suggestions due by 1/2/2009 unless otherwise directed by the court (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 12/18/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 12/15/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in support re 13 MOTION for discovery deposition of George Mattox filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. (Related document(s) 13 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 12/15/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 23 Filed: 12/15/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in support re 12 MOTION for default judgment as to Defendant Inmotion Hosting filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. (Related document(s) 12 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 12/15/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 12/11/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in support re 21 MOTION for sanctions filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit One to Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Support of their Motion for Sanctions against Defendant Kathleen Heineman and her attorney)(Related document(s) 21 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 12/11/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 12/11/2008, Entered: None
MOTION for sanctions filed by David M Duree on behalf of all plaintiffs. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 12/26/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Duree, David) (Entered: 12/11/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 12/10/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 13 MOTION for discovery deposition of George Mattox filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Defendant Kathleen Heineman. Reply suggestions due by 12/26/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Affidavit of Kathleen Heineman in Support of Opposition to Motion to Depose George Mattox)(Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 12/10/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 12/8/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 12 MOTION for default judgment as to Defendant Inmotion Hosting filed by Raymond E. Probst, Jr on behalf of Defendant InMotion Hosting Inc.. Reply suggestions due by 12/23/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court (Probst, Raymond) (Entered: 12/08/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 12/5/2008, Entered: None
SUPPLEMENT proof of service on Defendant Melanie Lowry re Doc. Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 12. (Related document(s) 12 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 12/05/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 12/3/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER - 1)Plaintiffs Motion for Additional Time (Doc. 5) is DENIED. 2) The Clerk of the Court is directed to STRIKE Documents 9 and 10. SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 12/03/08. (Willis, Kathy) (Entered: 12/03/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 12/1/2008, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Kathleen Heineman re 14 Notice of EAPADMIN filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Defendant Kathleen Heineman. Related document: 14 Notice of EAPADMIN.(Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 12/01/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 11/28/2008, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by all plaintiffs of Notice of Early Assessment Program and General Order filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC.(Duree, David) (Entered: 11/28/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 14 Filed: 11/26/2008, Entered: None
Notice of EAP assignment to Program Administrator emailed to Plaintiffs' counsel and Defendant Kathleen Heineman's counsel. Notice mailed to Pro Se Defendant Melanie Lowry. (Attachments: # 1 General Order for EAP)(Wheeler, LaTandra) (Entered: 11/26/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 11/25/2008, Entered: None
MOTION for discovery deposition of George Mattox filed by David M Duree on behalf of all plaintiffs. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 12/10/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Duree, David) (Entered: 11/25/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 12 Filed: 11/25/2008, Entered: None
MOTION for default judgment as to Defendant Inmotion Hosting filed by David M Duree on behalf of all plaintiffs. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 12/10/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Duree, David) (Entered: 11/25/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 11/25/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 6 MOTION to dismiss case and incorporated memorandum of law in opposition filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. Reply suggestions due by 12/10/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Susan Johnson in Opp. 2 Mtn. of Def Lowry to Dismiss)(Duree, David) (Entered: 11/25/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 11/24/2008, Entered: None
DOCUMENT STRICKEN PER ORDER 17 SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process and files Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Opposition filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. Reply suggestions due by 12/9/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court (Duree, David) (Entered: 11/24/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 11/24/2008, Entered: None
DOCUMENT STRICKEN PER ORDER 17 SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. Reply suggestions due by 12/9/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Supplemental Affidavit of Susan Johnson)(Duree, David) (Entered: 11/24/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 11/18/2008, Entered: None
REPLY SUGGESTIONS to motion re 5 MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process and Doc. No. 7 filed by David M Duree on behalf of Plaintiffs Susan Johnson, Robert - Johnson, Cozy Kittens Cattery LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit One, # 2 Exhibit Two, # 3 Exhibit Three)(Related document(s) 5 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 11/18/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 11/17/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in opposition re 5 MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Defendant Kathleen Heineman. Reply suggestions due by 12/2/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court (Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 11/17/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 11/12/2008, Entered: None
MOTION to dismiss case filed by Melanie Lowry. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 11/28/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit)(Carr, Lori) (Entered: 11/14/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 5 Filed: 11/13/2008, Entered: None
MOTION for extension of time to file response/reply as to 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process filed by David M Duree on behalf of all plaintiffs. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 11/28/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Related document(s) 3 ) (Duree, David) (Entered: 11/13/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 10/16/2008, Entered: None
SUGGESTIONS in support re 3 MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Defendant Kathleen Heineman. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Kathleen Heineman)(Related document(s) 3 ) (Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 10/16/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 10/16/2008, Entered: None
MOTION to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction , improper venue, and insufficiency of service of process filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Kathleen Heineman. Suggestions in opposition/response due by 10/31/2008 unless otherwise directed by the court. (Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 10/16/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 10/14/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
Rule 16 Notice: Proposed Scheduling Order due by 2/6/2009. Signed by District Judge Dean Whipple on 10/14/08. (Willis, Kathy) (Entered: 10/14/2008)
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Blank 1 Filed: 10/9/2008, Entered: None
NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Circuit Court of Putnam County, case number 08AJ-CV00047, filed by Stacey R. Gilman on behalf of Kathleen Heineman. Filing fee $ 350, receipt number 08660000000001898622. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Civil Cover Sheet)(Gilman, Stacey) (Entered: 10/09/2008)


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