Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin v. Ashot Yegiazaryan

Federal Civil Lawsuit California Central District Court, Case No. 2:14-cv-09764-R-PLA
District Judge Manuel L. Real, presiding
District Judge Manuel L. Real
Last Updated June 25, 2024 at 8:06 PM EDT (6.8 months ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, Petitioner

Represented by Baker & McKenzie, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Bruce Halliday Jackson +1 415 576 3000 +1 415 576 3099
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Anne M. Kelts +1 415 576 3000 +1 415 576 3099
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Nicholas O. Kennedy +1 214 978 3000 +1 214 978 3099
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Colin Henry Murray +1 858 523 6200 +1 858 259 8290
TERMINATED: 01/13/2016, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Keith Lee Wurster +1 650 856 2400 +1 415 576 3099
No Logo Ashot Yegiazaryan, Respondent

Represented by Tantalo and Adler LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Michael Samuel Adler +1 310 734 8694 +1 310 734 8696
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 473 Filed: 10/23/2023, Entered: None Motion Hearing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 457 Filed: 7/24/2023, Entered: None Response in Opposition to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 453 Filed: 7/14/2023, Entered: None Continue
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 452 Filed: 7/14/2023, Entered: None Memorandum in Opposition to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 451 Filed: 7/13/2023, Entered: None Continue
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 449 Filed: 7/11/2023, Entered: None Stay Order (other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 447 Filed: 7/10/2023, Entered: None Transcript
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 445 Filed: 7/5/2023, Entered: None Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 444 Filed: 7/5/2023, Entered: None USCA Memorandum/Opinion/Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 438 Filed: 6/28/2023, Entered: None Reconsideration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 437 Filed: 6/28/2023, Entered: None USCA Memorandum/Opinion/Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 436 Filed: 6/28/2023, Entered: None USCA Memorandum/Opinion/Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 435 Filed: 6/28/2023, Entered: None USCA Memorandum/Opinion/Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 434 Filed: 6/28/2023, Entered: None USCA Notification of Case Number
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 433 Filed: 6/27/2023, Entered: None Transcript Order Form (G-120)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 432 Filed: 6/27/2023, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 431 Filed: 6/27/2023, Entered: None Transcript Order Form (G-120)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 430 Filed: 6/26/2023, Entered: None Show Cause Hearing - optional html form
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 427 Filed: 6/26/2023, Entered: None Reconsideration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 425 Filed: 6/21/2023, Entered: None Statement
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 424 Filed: 6/13/2023, Entered: None Declaration (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 423 Filed: 6/13/2023, Entered: None Stay Order (other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 421 Filed: 6/13/2023, Entered: None Order to Show Cause
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 419 Filed: 6/13/2023, Entered: None Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 418 Filed: 6/13/2023, Entered: None Stay Order (other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 417 Filed: 6/12/2023, Entered: None Response
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 416 Filed: 6/5/2023, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 415 Filed: 6/5/2023, Entered: None Order to Show Cause
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 414 Filed: 6/1/2023, Entered: None Response
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 413 Filed: 5/31/2023, Entered: None Notice (Other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 411 Filed: 5/22/2023, Entered: None Contempt
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 402 Filed: 5/1/2023, Entered: None Response in Support of Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 401 Filed: 4/26/2023, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 397 Filed: 7/7/2021, Entered: None Notice (Other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 396 Filed: 7/7/2021, Entered: None Notice (Other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 391 Filed: 3/4/2021, Entered: None USCA Memorandum/Opinion/Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 389 Filed: 2/24/2021, Entered: None Notice of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information (G-06)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 374 Filed: 2/16/2021, Entered: None Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 373 Filed: 2/12/2021, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 372 Filed: 2/4/2021, Entered: None Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 370 Filed: 2/4/2021, Entered: None Exhibit to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 367 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None Declaration (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 366 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None Stay Order (other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 364 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None Contempt
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 363 Filed: 1/29/2021, Entered: None Notice of Document Discrepancies and Order - Rejecting (CV 104A)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 362 Filed: 1/27/2021, Entered: None Notice of Change of Attorney Business or Contact Information (G-06)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 361 Filed: 1/27/2021, Entered: None Declaration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 360 Filed: 1/27/2021, Entered: None Notice of Document Discrepancies and Order - Rejecting (CV 104A)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 359 Filed: 1/11/2021, Entered: None Mail Returned
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 356 Filed: 12/23/2020, Entered: None USCA Memorandum/Opinion/Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 352 Filed: 11/18/2020, Entered: None ERRATA
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 351 Filed: 11/18/2020, Entered: None Response in Support of Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 350 Filed: 11/14/2020, Entered: None Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 349 Filed: 11/14/2020, Entered: None Exhibit
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 347 Filed: 11/11/2020, Entered: None Response in Opposition to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 342 Filed: 10/21/2020, Entered: None Notice (Other)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 341 Filed: 10/21/2020, Entered: None USCA Memorandum
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 340 Filed: 10/20/2020, Entered: None Leave to File Document
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 339 Filed: 10/20/2020, Entered: None USCA Notification of Case Number
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 338 Filed: 10/19/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 337 Filed: 10/16/2020, Entered: None Leave to File Document
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 336 Filed: 10/16/2020, Entered: None Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 334 Filed: 10/9/2020, Entered: None Shorten Time for Hearing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 333 Filed: 10/8/2020, Entered: None Mail Returned
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 332 Filed: 10/7/2020, Entered: None Shorten Time for Hearing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 331 Filed: 10/7/2020, Entered: None Statement
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 330 Filed: 10/6/2020, Entered: None Reply (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 329 Filed: 10/5/2020, Entered: None Withdraw as Attorney
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 328 Filed: 9/30/2020, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 327 Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None Substitute Attorney
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 326 Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None Exhibit
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 325 Filed: 9/28/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 324 Filed: 9/28/2020, Entered: None Substitute Attorney (G-01)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 323 Filed: 9/25/2020, Entered: None Sanctions
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 322 Filed: 9/24/2020, Entered: None ERRATA
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 321 Filed: 9/24/2020, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 320 Filed: 9/24/2020, Entered: None Statement
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 319 Filed: 9/21/2020, Entered: None Declaration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 318 Filed: 9/17/2020, Entered: None Declaration (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 317 Filed: 9/17/2020, Entered: None Declaration (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 316 Filed: 9/17/2020, Entered: None Deficiency in Electronically Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 313 Filed: 9/15/2020, Entered: None Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 312 Filed: 9/15/2020, Entered: None Intervene
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 311 Filed: 9/11/2020, Entered: None Quash Notice of Taking Deposition
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 310 Filed: 9/11/2020, Entered: None Quash Notice of Taking Deposition
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 307 Filed: 8/24/2020, Entered: None Leave to File Document
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 305 Filed: 8/11/2020, Entered: None Declaration (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 303 Filed: 8/10/2020, Entered: None Response in Support of Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 302 Filed: 8/3/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 300 Filed: 7/25/2020, Entered: None Contempt
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 299 Filed: 7/17/2020, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 298 Filed: 7/14/2020, Entered: None Objection
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 288 Filed: 6/25/2020, Entered: None Supplement (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 287 Filed: 6/23/2020, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 283 Filed: 6/8/2020, Entered: None Order to Show Cause
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 280 Filed: 5/12/2020, Entered: None Declaration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 273 Filed: 5/4/2020, Entered: None ERRATA
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 270 Filed: 4/28/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 268 Filed: 4/27/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 266 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 265 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 262 Filed: 4/21/2020, Entered: None Substitute Attorney
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 261 Filed: 4/20/2020, Entered: None Contempt
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 260 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None Substitute Attorney (G-01)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 259 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None Contempt
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 258 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None Declaration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 256 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None Leave to File Document
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 255 Filed: 4/13/2020, Entered: None ERRATA
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 254 Filed: 4/13/2020, Entered: None Response in Opposition to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 253 Filed: 4/13/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 252 Filed: 4/10/2020, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 250 Filed: 4/10/2020, Entered: None Exhibit
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 249 Filed: 4/10/2020, Entered: None Exhibit
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 248 Filed: 4/10/2020, Entered: None Declaration (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 247 Filed: 4/10/2020, Entered: None Contempt
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 246 Filed: 4/3/2020, Entered: None Declaration
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 245 Filed: 4/1/2020, Entered: None For Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 244 Filed: 4/1/2020, Entered: None Leave
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 243 Filed: 3/30/2020, Entered: None Response in Opposition to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 242 Filed: 3/28/2020, Entered: None Leave
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 241 Filed: 3/28/2020, Entered: None Leave
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 239 Filed: 3/18/2020, Entered: None Reply (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 233 Filed: 3/13/2020, Entered: None Reassignment of Case Due to Unavailability of Judicial Officer (DJ) (G-74) - optional html form
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 232 Filed: 3/11/2020, Entered: None Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 229 Filed: 3/3/2020, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 228 Filed: 11/25/2019, Entered: None Reopen Case
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 225 Filed: 5/24/2019, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 224 Filed: 4/12/2019, Entered: None For Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 222 Filed: 3/18/2019, Entered: None Reply (Motion related)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 219 Filed: 3/11/2019, Entered: None Response in Opposition to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 218 Filed: 3/11/2019, Entered: None Status Report
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 217 Filed: 3/4/2019, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 215 Filed: 2/22/2019, Entered: None Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 212 Filed: 2/21/2019, Entered: None Leave to File Document Under Seal
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 204 Filed: 4/30/2018, Entered: None For Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 3/13/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER APPROVING AMENDED REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF PROCESS SERVER AND LEVYING OFFICER by Judge Manuel L. Real, re Amended Request for Appointment of Process Server and Levying Officer 104 : 1. The Request is herby APPROVED; 2. The Petitioner may employ a registered private process server, specifically identified as Nationwide Legal, LLC, who employ California registered process servers over eighteen years of age and of suitable discretion, and who is not a party to this action; 3. Nationwide Legal, LLC is authorized and appointed to serve and levy any Writs of Execution entered in this action consistent with California Code of Civil Procedure § 699.080. (bm) (Entered: 03/14/2017)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 3/13/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Ashot Yegiazaryan a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan in the principal amount of $84,290,064.00, interest of $8,213.587.83, attorneys fees of $0.00, costs of $0.00 RE: Judgment 59 . (gk) (Entered: 03/14/2017)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 11/14/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING POST-JUDGMENT INJUNCTION by Judge Manuel L. Real: Before the Court is Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagins Application for a Post-Judgment Injunction 81 . After reviewing the pleadings, evidence, and other materials, holding a hearing on 10/26/2016 to hear arguments from counsel 87 , and being fully informed, the Court orders as follows: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the application for post-judgment injunctive relief is GRANTED. Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, encumber, hypothecate, dissipate or in any way dispose of any proceeds, in an amount up to and including $115,629,565, derived by or held for the benefit of Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, nominees, trustees or any person or entity acting under his direction and control, in payment, settlement or satisfaction of an arbitration award obtained in his arbitration with Suleyman Kerimov, without prior order of the Court permitting such a transfer, including specifically the "Kerimov settlement funds" as identified in the Stipulation Re Advance Distribution of Funds executed by Petitioner and Respondent on 7/6/2015 and filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and any proceeds of or investments made with those funds, etc. This injunction shall remain in effect until Mr. Smagin's judgment is satisfied in full or until otherwise dissolved by the Court. The Court further finds that Mr. Smagin's previous deposit of $10,000 in security with the Clerk of Court will constitute adequate security for the injunction granted herein. See document for further details. (gk) (Entered: 11/21/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 87 Filed: 10/26/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
MINUTES OF Show Cause Hearing held before Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court ORDERS a permanent injunction issued against Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, and all entities or individuals acting under his direct or indirect control or direction, and/or who hold assets on his behalf, on the same terms set forth in this Court's Temporary Restraining Order, as stated on the record. Counsel for Plaintiff shall submit a proposed order consistent with the Courts ruling. Court Reporter: Sheri Kleeger. (mrgo) (Entered: 10/27/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 4/11/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER DISSOLVING EXPANDED PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION AND DISCOVERY ORDER OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 31 by Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court finds GOOD CAUSE, and HEREBY ORDERS the following: 1. The Order Granting the Motion for Expanded Preliminary Injunction and Expedited Discovery of Petitioner Vitaly Smagin dated September 18, 2015 31 against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan is HEREBY VACATED AND DISSOLVED, effective immediately; and 2. The dissolution of the injunction is without prejudice to Mr. Smagin applying in the future for expanded injunctive relief should circumstances change. (lom) (Entered: 04/13/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
JUDGMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real: JUDGMENT IS HEREBY ENTERED, pursuant to Rule 58, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, in favor of Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, on all claims contained in the Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitration Award filed herein on 12/22/2014, as follows: The London Award is confirmed in its entirety. JUDGMENT IS HEREBY ENTERED in favor of Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, as follows: $72,243,000 as compensation for losses suffered by Petitioner Smagin; Pre-award interest on the $72,243,000 at an annual simple rate of 7%, in the amount of $6,899,701.32; Pre-award interest on the $72,243,000 at an annual simple rate of 7%, in the amount of $6,899,701.32; Post-award interest on the $72,243,000 in damages and $6,899,701.32 in pre-award interest at an annual quarterly compounded rate of 8%, which amount of interest totals $8,213,587.83 through 2/8/2016. The total of the above-referenced amounts as of 2/8/2016 is $92,503,652. Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan shall pay reasonable attorney fees incurred by Mr. Smagin for the confirmation motion in an amount to be hereinafter submitted and approved by the Court, such amount to be referenced in an amended judgment. (gk) (Entered: 04/04/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 2/11/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER UPON STIPULATION TO CONTINUE HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real: Upon Stipulation 48 , IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the hearing date on Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment 47 shall be continued to 3/21/2016 at 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. Respondent's Opposition for the summary judgment motion shall be due on or before 2/24/2016, and petitioner's reply brief (if any) shall be due on or before 3/7/2016. (gk) (Entered: 02/16/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 9/28/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER DENYING RESPONDENT'S EX PARTE MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION 33 by Judge Manuel L. Real. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Respondents Motion for Reconsideration is DENIED. SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS. (cch) (Entered: 09/29/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 9/24/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
MINUTES OF ORDER ADVANCING HEARING by Judge Manuel L. Real: COUNSEL ARE NOTIFIED that on the Courts own motion, the Hearing re: Order to Show Cause As to Why the Expanded Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue is hereby ADVANCED to 10/1/2015 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. Court Reporter: None Present. (gk) (Entered: 09/25/2015)
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Blank 34 Filed: 9/18/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) SETTING ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE HEARING by Judge Manuel L. Real. COUNSEL ARE NOTIFIED that the Court hereby SETS a HEARING RE: Order to Show Cause As to Why the Expanded Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue on MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 8 of the United States District Court for the Central District of California, 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. (cch) (Entered: 09/23/2015)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 9/18/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS): by Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court has reviewed Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin's Notice of Conclusion of UK Proceedings and Dissolution of Stay filed September 16, 2015 28 . This action is hereby reinstated and back on the Court's active caseload. The Clerk's Office is directed to reopen this case (JS-5). IT IS SO ORDERED. (Case reopened. MD JS-5.) (lom) (Entered: 09/21/2015)
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Blank 26 Filed: 2/4/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION AND MOTION FOR STAY OF PROCEEDINGS AND PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION PREVENTING TRANSFER OR DISSIPATION OF ASSETS by Judge Manuel L. Real: Upon Stipulation 23 , IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that pursuant to Article VI of the New York Convention, as applied via the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Section 201, this matter shall be STAYED pending a determination on the merits by the English High Court of Justice in the claim challenging the London Award filed by Yegiazaryan on or about 12/9/2014. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pending a final determination on the merits in this matter (or a dismissal of the same), as to any assets as to any assets Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall be PRELIMINARILY ENJOINED from taking any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, or dissipate any property of Yegiazaryan located in California--in an amount up to $84,290,064.20--that may be used to satisfy the foreign-arbitral award payable to Vitaly Smagin, etc. Petitioner's previous deposit of $10,000 in security with the Clerk of Court shall constitute adequate security for the Preliminary Injunction pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner's application for a Right to Attach Order 12 , is hereby withdrawn without prejudice to refiling in the future and the hearing on this application currently scheduled for 2/17/2015. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that should the arbitration award at issue in this matter be set aside or annulled by the English High Court of Justice, Respondent shall be entitled to a release of the Preliminary Injunction, fourteen days after such ruling becomes final, without prejudice to any right of Petitioner to seek a continuation of that injunction or other similar relief. See document for details. (gk) (Entered: 02/10/2015)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 25 Filed: 2/9/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER REMOVING CASE FROM ACTIVECASELOAD by Judge Manuel L. Real,, 23 ,IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this action is removed from the Courts active caseload, subject to reinstatement; at which time, counsel shall notify the Court of the outcome of the matter before the English High Court of Justice. All pending calendar dates are vacated by the Court. This Court retains jurisdiction over this action and this Order shall not prejudice any partyto this action. (Made JS-6. Case Terminated.) (pj) (Entered: 02/10/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 1/27/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
Objection to Evidence Submitted in Support of Application re: APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application MOTION for Order 5 filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael) (Entered: 01/27/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 1/27/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
OPPOSITION AND CLAIM FOR EXEMPTION in Opposition to re: APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application MOTION for Order 5 filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Application, # 2 Declaration of Ashot Yegiazaryan in Opposition to Application, # 3 Declaration of Jason T. Cohen in Opposition to Application, # 4 Declaration of Andreas Havarias in Opposition to Application, # 5 Declaration of Michael S. Adler in Opposition to Application, # 6 Declaration of Cyrus Benson in Opposition to Application, # 7 Exhibit 4 to the Declaration of Cyrus Benson, # 8 Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavovich Barannikov in Opposition to Application, # 9 Exhibit 1 to Barannikov Declaration, # 10 Exhibit 2 to Barannikov Declaration, # 11 Exhibit 3 to Barranikov Declaration, # 12 Exhibit 4 to Barranikov Declaration, # 13 Exhibit 5 to Barranikov Declaration, # 14 Exhibit 6 to Barranikov Declaration, # 15 Exhibit 7 to Barranikov Declaration, # 16 Request for Judicial Notice in Opposition to Application, # 17 Expert Reports of Gus Lesnevich Part 1, # 18 Expert Reports of Gus Lesnevich Part 2)(Adler, Michael) (Entered: 01/27/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 1/12/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
OPPOSITION AND CLAIM FOR EXEMPTION opposition re: APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application 5 filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Motion, # 2 Declaration of Michael S. Adler in Opposition to Declaration, # 3 Exhibit 1 of Preliminary Adler Declaration, # 4 Exhibit 2 of Preliminary Adler Declaration, # 5 Exhibit 3 of Preliminary Adler Declaration)(Attorney Michael S Adler added to party Ashot Yegiazaryan(pty:res))(Adler, Michael) (Entered: 01/12/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 1/5/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document TypeCourt Filing
ORDER CONFIRMING POSTING OF SECURITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF COURT ORDER OF DECEMBER 23, 2014 by Judge Manuel L. Real: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, DECREED THAT:1. Petitioner has posted the required security of $10,000 with the clerk ofcourt and has thus satisfied the terms of the Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Plaintiffs Ex Parte Application for Right to Attach Order and Temporary Protective Order dated December 23, 2014 (ECF No. 9) that require the posting of such security along with the applicable requirements of the California Code of Civil Procedure and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. See Cal. Code Civ. P. §§ 489.210, 489.220(a); Fed. R. Civ. P. 65(c). 2. Accordingly, all terms of the Order Granting in Part and Denying in PartPlaintiffs Ex Parte Application for Right to Attach Order and Temporary Protective Order dated December 23, 2014 (ECF No. 9) are in full force and effect according to the terms set forth in that Order. (shb) Modified on 1/7/2015 (shb). (Entered: 01/07/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 186 Filed: 8/21/2017, Entered: 8/21/2017 Motion for OrderCourt Filing
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Order for Turnover of Assets filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Motion set for hearing on 9/18/2017 at 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum, # (2) Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy, # (3) Exhibit 1, # (4) Exhibit 2, # (5) Exhibit 3, # (6) Exhibit 4, # (7) Exhibit 5, # (8) Exhibit 6, # (9) Exhibit 7, # (10) Factual Stipulation, # (11) Proposed Order Proposed Turnover Order) (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 185 Filed: 7/11/2017, Entered: 7/13/2017 Judgment Debtor ExamCourt Filing
MINUTES OF Judgment Debtor Exam held before Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams. Judgment debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan is sworn (with assistance of a Russian interpreter) and excused. Court Recorder: courtsmart. (ch)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 184 Filed: 6/29/2017, Entered: 6/29/2017 Motion for Order
REQUEST for Order for Open and Seize Contents of Safe Deposit Boxes filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 183 Filed: 6/16/2017, Entered: 6/16/2017 Order on Motion to ContinueCourt Filing
ORDER TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION OF JUDGMENT DEBTOR RE ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT by Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams. The Court, having considered the Application for Appearance and Examination Re: Enforcement of Judgment/Attachment, hereby ORDERS the Application be GRANTED. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR personally before the Honorable Paul L. Abrams, to furnish information to aid in enforcement of a money judgment against you. Judgment Debtor Exam set for 7/11/2017 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams. [182] (SEE ORDER FOR FURTHER INFORMATION) (gr)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 182 Filed: 6/15/2017, Entered: 6/15/2017, Terminated: 6/16/2017 Motion to ContinueCourt Filing
REQUEST to Continue Debtor Examination from June 20, 2017 to July 11, 2017 filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Request set for hearing on 7/11/2017 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order) (Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 178 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[176] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 177 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[176] upon City National Bank on Gilbert Maldonado, VP Senior Relations Manager Authorized to Accept Service served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 176 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon City National Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 175 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[173] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 174 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[173] upon U. S. Bank upon Rachel Cook, Assistant VP Branch Manager, Authorized to Accept Service served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 173 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon U.S. Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 172 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed, [170] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 171 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed, [170] upon One West Bank by serving Helen Godfrey, Paralegal Authorized to Accept Service served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 170 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon One West Bank, a division of CIT Bank NA regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 169 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[167] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amo unts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 168 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[167] served upon JP Morgan Chase Bank c/o CT Corporation upon Gladys Aguilera, Intake Specialist Authorized to accept Service served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 167 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon JP Morgan CHase Bank NA regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 166 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[164] served on 5/5/2017 re re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 165 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[164] upon Pacific Western Bank upon Diana Timuyan, VP Branch Manager Authorized to Accept Service served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 164 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon Pacific Western Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 163 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[161] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amoun ts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail on Ashot Yegiazaryan.. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 162 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[161] served on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon Union Bank upon Marvin Rugamas, Branch Service Manager V. P Authorized to Accept Service regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 161 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon Union Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 160 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[158] served on 5/5/2017 re 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amoun ts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail on Ashot Yegiazaryan. (shb)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 159 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[158] served uponn Bank of the West by serving Marisela Velazques, Service Banker Authorized to Accept Service on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 158 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon Bank of the West regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mained on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 157 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[155] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail on Ashot Yegiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 156 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[155] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served on 5/5/2017 upon Citibank NA by serving Russ Gonzalez, Personal Banker, Authorized to Accept Service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 155 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon Citibank NA regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 154 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[152] served on erved on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail on Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 153 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[152] served on 5/5/2017 upon First Republic Bank on Braycy Moran, Assistant Manager, Authorized to Accept Service re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 152 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon First Republic Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: 5/5/2017 mailed. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 151 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[149] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgment, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served by mail on Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 150 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[149] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served upon City National Bank on Gilbert Maldonado, VP Senior Relations Manager Authorized to Accept Service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 149 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon City National Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: 5/5/2017 mailed. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 148 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[146] served on Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments; Claim of Exemptions; Financial Statement; Declaration of Nicholas O Kennery Regarding the Identiry and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan by us mail. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 147 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[146] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served upon U.S Bank on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 146 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon US Bank regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 145 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[143] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions fron Enforcement of Judgments; Claim of Exemptions; Financial Statement; Declaration of Nicholas O Kennery Regarding the Identiry and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan by us mail. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 144 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[143] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served upon One West Bank by serving Helen Godfrey, Paralegal/Authorized to Accept Service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 143 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 Writ of Execution served upon One West Bank, a division of CIT Bank NA. Remarks: mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 142 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[140] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemptions, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan mailed to Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 141 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy upon JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA c/o CT Corporation, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 140 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon JP Morgan Chase Bank NA regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 139 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[137] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan mailed to Ashot Yegiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 138 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[137] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served upon Pacific Western Bank on Diana Timuyan, VP Branch Manager Authorized to Accept Service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 137 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 Writ of Execution served upon Pacific Western Bank. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 136 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[134] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the enforcement of judgments, Current dollar amounts of exemptions from enforcement of judgments, Claim of exemption, Financial Statenentm Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aks Ashot Egiazaryan mailed on 5/5/2017 to petitioner. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 135 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[134] served on 5/5/2017 Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnisheem Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served upon Union Bank on Marvin Rugamas, Branch Service Manager VP Authorized to Accept Service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 134 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/8/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution served upon Union Bank to levy on accounts of Ashot Yeguazaryan aks Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/17. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 133 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[131] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy served upon Ashot Yegiazaryan by us mail regarding Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the enforcement of Judgments, Current dollar amounts of exemptions from enforcements of judgments, Claim of exemptions, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of Petitioner ashor Yegiazaryan aks Ashot Egiazaryan by US mail on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 132 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[131] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy to Bank of the West, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aks Ashot Egiazaryan upon Bank of the West by serving Marisela Velazquez, Service Banker/Authorized Agent on 5/5/17. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 131 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution as to Ashot Yegiazaryan aks Ashot Egiazaryan served upon Bank of the West. Remarks: Mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 130 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[128], returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levym Writ of Execution, Exemption fron the Enforcement of Judgments; Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions From Enforcement of Judgments; Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement; Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan mailed to Ashot Yegiazaryan. Remarks: mailed on 5/5/2017. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 129 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy served upon CItibank NA, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee; Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan served on Citibank NA upon Russ Gonzakez Personal Banker Authorized to accept service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 128 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/2017 re Writ of Execution upon CItibank NA regarding Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. Remarks: 5/5/2017 mailed. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 127 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[125] served on 5/5/2017 re Mailing of Notice of Levy upon First Republic Bank, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcements of Judgments; Current dollar amount of exemptions from the enforcement of judgments; claim of exemption, Financial Statement; Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 126 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
PROOF OF SERVICE filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed[125] served on 5/5/2017 re Notice of Levy to First Republic Bank in the name of Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, Writ of Execution, Memorandum og Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O Kennedy regarding the identity and marital status of petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aks Ashot Egiazaryan upon First Republic Bank upon Braycy Moran, Assistant Manager Authorized to Accept Service. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 125 Filed: 6/5/2017, Entered: 6/7/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) returned executed upon Ashot Yegiazaryan on 5/5/17 Writ of Execution served upon First Republic Bank. Remarks: 5/5/17 mailed. (shb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 181 Filed: 5/25/2017, Entered: 6/12/2017 Response
MEMORANDUM of Garnishee by First Republic Bank as to Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan. (Page 2 indicates First Republic Bank, San Francisco) (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 180 Filed: 5/25/2017, Entered: 6/12/2017 Response
MEMORANDUM of Garnishee by JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. as to Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 179 Filed: 5/25/2017, Entered: 6/12/2017 Response
MEMORANDUM of Garnishee by First Republic Bank as to Judgment Debtor Ashot Yegiazaryan a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan. (gk)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 124 Filed: 5/1/2017, Entered: 5/1/2017 Notice of Change of Address
NOTICE of Change of address by Michael S Adler attorney for Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. Changing attorneys address to 1801 Century Park East, Suite 2400, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 115 Filed: 4/20/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 Amended Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
FIRST AMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL to 9th CIRCUIT filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. Amending Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, [60], Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals[91] Filed On: March 3, 2016; Entered On: April 4, 2016; (Adler, Michael)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 114 Filed: 4/20/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 Order on Motion for Judgment Debtor ExamCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams: granting [113] APPLICATION for Judgment Debtor Exam. Judgment Debtor Exam set for 6/20/2017 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams. (sbu)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 113 Filed: 4/19/2017, Entered: 4/19/2017, Terminated: 4/20/2017 Motion for Judgment Debtor ExamCourt Filing
First APPLICATION for Judgment Debtor Exam as to Ashot Yegiazaryan filed by Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Application set for hearing on 6/20/2017 at 09:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration, # (2) Proposed Order) (Kennedy, Nicholas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 123 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to the spouse of the judgment debtor, Natalia Tsgaolova aka Natalia Egiazarian (Egiazaryan or Yegiazaryan), returned executed upon Bank Of America, N.A. c/o CT Corporation. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Bank Of America, N.A. c/o CT Corporation by personal delivery to Gladys Aguilera, Intake Specialist/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Ashot Yegiazaryan on 3/30/2017. (gk)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 122 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to judgment debtor, Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, returned executed upon California Bank & Trust. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon California Bank & Trust by personal delivery to Rita Covarrubias, Universal Banker/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Ashot Yegiazaryan on 3/30/2017. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 121 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to judgment debtor, Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, returned executed upon Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Remarks: Served 3/30/2017; mailed 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Merrill Lynch Wealth Management by personal delivery to Lisa Wills, Operation Representative/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Ashot Yegiazaryan on 3/30/2017. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 120 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to judgment debtor, Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, returned executed upon Wells Fargo, N.A. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Wells Fargo, N.A. by personal delivery to Jonathan Ambrose, Lead Teller/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Natalia Tsgolova on 3/30/2017. (gk)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 119 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to the spouse of the judgment debtor, Natalia Tsgaolova aka Natalia Egiazarian (Egiazaryan or Yegiazaryan), returned executed upon Wells Fargo, N.A. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Wells Fargo, N.A. by personal delivery to Jonathan Ambrose, Lead Teller/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Ashot Yegiazaryan on 3/30/2017. (gk)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 118 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to judgment debtor, Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, returned executed upon Bank Of America, N.A. c/o CT Corporation. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Bank Of America, N.A. c/o CT Corporation by personal delivery to Gladys Aguilera, Intake Specialist/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Natalia Tsgolova on 3/30/2017. (gk)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 117 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to judgment debtor, Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, returned executed upon California Bank & Trust. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon California Bank & Trust by personal delivery to Rita Covarrubias, Universal Banker/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served by mail addressed to Natalia Tsgolova on 3/30/2017.(gk)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 116 Filed: 4/18/2017, Entered: 4/20/2017 USM-285 Service of non-complaint documents - Executed
PROCESS RECEIPT AND RETURN (USM-285) of Writ of Execution to levy as to judgment debtor, Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, returned executed upon Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Remarks: Served on 3/30/2017; mailed on 3/30/2017. Attached: (1) Proof of Service of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Memorandum of Garnishee, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Merrill Lynch Wealth Management by personal delivery to Lisa Wills, Operation Representative/Authorized to Accept, on 3/30/2017; (2) Proof of Mailing of Notice of Levy, Writ of Execution, Exemptions from the Enforcement of Judgments, Current Dollar Amounts of Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments, Claim of Exemption, Financial Statement, Declaration of Nicholas O. Kennedy Regarding the Identity and Marital Status of Petitioner Ashot Yegiazaryan aka Ashot Egiazaryan, served upon Merrill Lynch Wealth Management by mail addressed to Natalia Tsgolova on 3/30/2017. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 112 Filed: 4/6/2017, Entered: 4/7/2017 Notice (Other)
NOTICE to Release Levy against Ashot Yegiazaryan submitted by U.S. Marshals Service. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 3/23/2017, Entered: 3/23/2017 Writ of Execution - Issued
Writ of Execution issued against Ashot Yegiazaryan a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan re: Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution [106]. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 3/22/2017, Entered: 3/22/2017 Order Awarding Attorney FeesCourt Filing
ORDER APPROVING PETITIONER'S AMOUNT OF ATTORNEY'S FEES by Judge Manuel L. Real: On 3/17/2016, this Court granted Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment [56]. That Order included an award of Petitioner's reasonable attorney's fees related to his Motion, in an amount to be submitted and approved by the Court. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan pay Petitioner's reasonable attorney's fees in the amount of $133,323.40. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 3/17/2017, Entered: 3/17/2017 Deficiency - Writ of Execution (CV-52c)
NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY WRIT OF EXECUTION re: Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution [106]. The document is being returned to you for correction of: The amount(s) listed in writ/abstract do(es) not coincide with the amount(s) in the judgment/order. The Judgment entered 4/4/2016 reflects these amounts: $72,243,000 as compensation for losses, $6,899,701.32 pre-award interest, $4,959,416.88 arbitration legal fees, $187,946.00 arbitration costs, $8,213,587.83 post-award interest, for a total of $92,503,652.00 (this amount does not calculate). The Writ of Execution submitted for issuance indicates: $84,290,064.00 for principal, $0.00 attorney fees, $8,213,587.83 interest, $0.00 costs, for a total of $92,503,652.00 (this amount also does not calculate). (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 3/13/2017, Entered: 3/14/2017 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER APPROVING AMENDED REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF PROCESS SERVER AND LEVYING OFFICER by Judge Manuel L. Real, re Amended Request for Appointment of Process Server and Levying Officer [104]: 1. The Request is herby APPROVED; 2. The Petitioner may employ a registered private process server, specifically identified as Nationwide Legal, LLC, who employ California registered process servers over eighteen years of age and of suitable discretion, and who is not a party to this action; 3. Nationwide Legal, LLC is authorized and appointed to serve and levy any Writs of Execution entered in this action consistent with California Code of Civil Procedure
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 3/13/2017, Entered: 3/14/2017 Abstract of Judgment issued
ABSTRACT of Judgment issued in favor of Plaintiff Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Ashot Yegiazaryan a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan in the principal amount of $84,290,064.00, interest of $8,213.587.83, attorneys fees of $0.00, costs of $0.00 RE: Judgment [59]. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 3/6/2017, Entered: 3/6/2017 Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution
Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Writ of Execution)(Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 105 Filed: 3/6/2017, Entered: 3/6/2017 Deficiency - Writ of Execution (CV-52c)
NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY WRIT OF EXECUTION re: Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution [97]. The document is being returned to you for correction of: Entered date listed on the writ/abstract does not match the entered date of the judgment/order. The amount(s) listed in writ/abstract do(es) not coincide with the amount(s) in the judgment/order. The Judgment was entered on 4/4/2016. The amount shown on the Judgment for interest is $8,213,587.83. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 104 Filed: 3/2/2017, Entered: 3/2/2017 Miscellaneous Document
Amended Request for Appointment of Process Server and Levying Officer (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 103 Filed: 3/2/2017, Entered: 3/2/2017 Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution
Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Writ of Execution)(Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 102 Filed: 3/2/2017, Entered: 3/2/2017 Notice (Other)
NOTICE Filing an Amended Affidavit & Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 101 Filed: 3/2/2017, Entered: 3/2/2017 Objection
OBJECTIONS to Miscellaneous Document[98] to the Extent It Exceeds Permissible Authority Under the California Code of Civil Procedure (per Rule 69(a)) filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 100 Filed: 3/2/2017, Entered: 3/2/2017 Objection
OBJECTIONS to Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution[97] on the Grounds that Accrued Interest Is Misstated filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 3/1/2017, Entered: 3/2/2017 USCA Memorandum
ORDER from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals [91] filed by Ashot Yegiazaryan. CCA # 16-56749. Respondent's motion to stay the district court's November 14, 2016 order pending appeal is denied.(mat)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 98 Filed: 3/1/2017, Entered: 3/1/2017 Miscellaneous Document
Request for Appointment of Process Server and Levying Officer (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 97 Filed: 3/1/2017, Entered: 3/1/2017 Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution
Affidavit and Request for Issuance of Writ of Execution filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Writ of Execution)(Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 96 Filed: 12/22/2016, Entered: 12/22/2016 Designation of Record on Appeal
DESIGNATION of Record on Appeal by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan re [91] (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 95 Filed: 12/22/2016, Entered: 12/22/2016 Transcript Order Form (G-120)
TRANSCRIPT ORDER as to Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan for Court Reporter. Court will contact Michael S Adler at with any questions regarding this order. Transcript preparation will not begin until payment has been satisfied with the court reporter. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 94 Filed: 12/21/2016, Entered: 12/21/2016 Notice of Filing Transcript
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 93 Filed: 12/21/2016, Entered: 12/21/2016 Transcript (CV)
TRANSCRIPT for proceedings held on 10/26/16. Court Reporter/Electronic Court Recorder: Sheri Kleeger, phone number 213-894-6604. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Electronic Court Recorder before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Notice of Intent to Redact due within 7 days of this date. Redaction Request due 1/11/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/23/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/21/2017. (Kleeger, Sheri)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 92 Filed: 11/23/2016, Entered: 11/23/2016 USCA Notification of Case Number
NOTIFICATION from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of case number assigned and briefing schedule. Appeal Docket No. 16-56749 assigned to Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals[91] as to Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (car)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 91 Filed: 11/22/2016, Entered: 11/22/2016 Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. Appeal of Order,,,,,, [90]. (Appeal Fee - $505 Fee Paid, Receipt No. 0973-18940619.) (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 11/14/2016, Entered: 11/21/2016 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING POST-JUDGMENT INJUNCTION by Judge Manuel L. Real: Before the Court is Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagins Application for a Post-Judgment Injunction [81]. After reviewing the pleadings, evidence, and other materials, holding a hearing on 10/26/2016 to hear arguments from counsel [87], and being fully informed, the Court orders as follows: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the application for post-judgment injunctive relief is GRANTED. Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, encumber, hypothecate, dissipate or in any way dispose of any proceeds, in an amount up to and including $115,629,565, derived by or held for the benefit of Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, nominees, trustees or any person or entity acting under his direction and control, in payment, settlement or satisfaction of an arbitration award obtained in his arbitration with Suleyman Kerimov, without prior order of the Court permitting such a transfer, including specifically the "Kerimov settlement funds" as identified in the Stipulation Re Advance Distribution of Funds executed by Petitioner and Respondent on 7/6/2015 and filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and any proceeds of or investments made with those funds, etc. This injunction shall remain in effect until Mr. Smagin's judgment is satisfied in full or until otherwise dissolved by the Court. The Court further finds that Mr. Smagin's previous deposit of $10,000 in security with the Clerk of Court will constitute adequate security for the injunction granted herein. See document for further details. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 89 Filed: 10/31/2016, Entered: 10/31/2016 Objection
OBJECTIONS to Notice of Lodging[88] of Proposed Order Granting Post-Judgment Injunction filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 88 Filed: 10/31/2016, Entered: 10/31/2016 Notice of Lodging
NOTICE OF LODGING filed re Show Cause Hearing,, [87] (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Granting Post-Judgment Injunction)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 87 Filed: 10/26/2016, Entered: 10/27/2016 Show Cause HearingCourt Filing
MINUTES OF Show Cause Hearing held before Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court ORDERS a permanent injunction issued against Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, and all entities or individuals acting under his direct or indirect control or direction, and/or who hold assets on his behalf, on the same terms set forth in this Court's Temporary Restraining Order, as stated on the record. Counsel for Plaintiff shall submit a proposed order consistent with the Courts ruling. Court Reporter: Sheri Kleeger. (mrgo)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 86 Filed: 10/24/2016, Entered: 10/24/2016 Reply (Motion related)
REPLY In Support of Emergency EX PARTE APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to to Enjoining Respondent from Transferring and/or Concealing Assets [81] and In Support of Petitioner's Motion for Permanent Injunction filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 85 Filed: 10/21/2016, Entered: 10/21/2016 Response in Opposition to Motion
OPPOSITION to Emergency EX PARTE APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to to Enjoining Respondent from Transferring and/or Concealing Assets [81] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Basel Jamra in Response to OSC, # (2) Declaration of Ashot Yegiazaryan in Response to OSC, # (3) Declaration of Michael S. Adler in Response to OSC, # (4) Declaration of Jeremy Brier in Response to OSC, # (5) Declaration of Loucas Haviaras in Response to OSC, # (6) Declaration of Cyrus Benson in Response to OSC, # (7) Exhibit 4 to the Declaration of Cyrus Benson, # (8) Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavovich Barannikov in Response to OSC, # (9) Exhibit 1 to Barannikov Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 2 to Barannikov Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 3 to Barranikov Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 4 to Barranikov Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 5 to Barranikov Declaration, # (14) Expert Opinion of Galina Anatolyevna Kyrlova)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 84 Filed: 10/14/2016, Entered: 10/14/2016 Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining OrderCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING PETITIONER'S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND REQUEST FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE AS TO PERMANENT INJUNCTION by Judge Manuel L. Real: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Petitioner's Ex Parte Application for Temporary Restraining Order [81] is GRANTED. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, encumber, hypothecate, dissipate or in any way dispose of any proceeds, in an amount up to and including $115,629,565, derived by or held for the benefit of Ashot Yegiazaryan, etc. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Petitioner's previous deposit of $10,000 in security with the Clerk of Court shall constitute adequate security for the Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT that Respondent shall appear before this Court to show cause why a permanent injunction should not issue in this matter against Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, and all entities or individuals acting under his direct or indirect control or direction, and/or who hold assets on his behalf, on the same terms as the temporary restraining order set forth above at hearing on 10/26/2016 at 10:00 AM. See document for further details. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 83 Filed: 10/14/2016, Entered: 10/14/2016 Memorandum in Support of Motion
MEMORANDUM in Support of Emergency EX PARTE APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to to Enjoining Respondent from Transferring and/or Concealing Assets [81] - Corrected Memorandum - filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 82 Filed: 10/14/2016, Entered: 10/14/2016 Notice (Other)
NOTICE of Errata filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Notice of Errata and Correction to Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Petitioner's Emergency Ex Parte Application for TRO and Motion to Show Cause as to Permanent Injunction [Docket No. 81-1] (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 81 Filed: 10/13/2016, Entered: 10/13/2016, Terminated: 10/14/2016 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order
Emergency EX PARTE APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to to Enjoining Respondent from Transferring and/or Concealing Assets filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Petitioner's Emergency Ex Parte Application for TRO and Motion to Show Cause as to Permanent Injunction, # (2) Declaration of Bruce H. Jackson, # (3) Exhibit A to Declaration of Bruce H. Jackson, # (4) Proposed Order Granting Emergency Ex Parte Application for TRO and Proposed Order to Show Cause as to Permanent Injunction) (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 80 Filed: 9/22/2016, Entered: 9/23/2016 Protective OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER REGARDING DISCOVERY IN AID OF EXECUTION OF JUDGMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real, re Stipulation [79]. See document for details. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 79 Filed: 9/16/2016, Entered: 9/16/2016 Stipulation for Protective Order
STIPULATION for Protective Order filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order [Proposed] Stipulated Protective Order Regarding Discovery in Aid of Execution of Judgment)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 78 Filed: 8/23/2016, Entered: 8/24/2016 USCA Memorandum
ORDER from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, [60] filed by Ashot Yegiazaryan. CCA # 16-55502. Appellant's joint stipulation to stay appellate proceedings pending the decision in the English Court of Appeals is granted. Appellate proceedings are stayed until May 15, 2017. [See document for all details] (mat)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 77 Filed: 6/14/2016, Entered: 6/14/2016 Order on Motion to Stay CaseCourt Filing
ORDER DENYING RESPONDENT'S MOTION TO STAY by Judge Manuel L. Real: Respondent's unwillingness to post bond deprives Petitioner of his entitled security and reaffirms that a stay is unwarranted. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Respondent's Motion to Stay [69] is DENIED. See document for further details. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 76 Filed: 6/1/2016, Entered: 6/1/2016 (TERMED) Text Only Scheduling NoticeCourt Filing
SCHEDULING NOTICE TAKING MOTION UNDER SUBMISSION ON THE PAPERS WITHOUT NEED OF ORAL ARGUMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court has determined that Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan's Motion to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings [69] set for hearing on June 6, 2016 at 10:00 A.M., is suitable for a decision on the papers as filed by all parties, without the need for oral argument; therefore, the said Motion is taken UNDER SUBMISSION on the papers as filed, and the hearing date of June 6, 2016 is VACATED and TAKEN OFF CALENDAR. The Court will issue its ruling on the matter in due course. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (iv) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 75 Filed: 5/23/2016, Entered: 5/23/2016 Reply (Motion related)
REPLY in Support of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings [69] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Drew Patrick Holiner, # (2) Declaration of Douglas James Watson, # (3) Declaration in Reply of Dmirty Barannikov, # (4) Evidentiary Objections)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 74 Filed: 5/16/2016, Entered: 5/16/2016 Request For Judicial Notice
REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE re NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings [69] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 to Request for Judicial Notice, # (2) Exhibit 2 to Request for Judicial Notice, # (3) Exhibit 3 to Request for Judicial Notice)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Blank 73 Filed: 5/16/2016, Entered: 5/16/2016 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to Motion
MEMORANDUM in Opposition to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings [69] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Vladislav V. Grib in Support of Petitioner's Opposition to Motion to Stay Enforcement of Judgment, # (2) Exhibit A to Declaration of V. Grib, # (3) Exhibit B to Declaration of V. Grib, # (4) Exhibit C to Declaration of V. Grib, # (5) Exhibit D to Declaration of V. Grib, # (6) Proposed Order Denying Respondent A. Yegiazaryan's Motion to Stay Enforcement of Judgment)(Jackson, Bruce)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 72 Filed: 5/6/2016, Entered: 5/6/2016 Errata
NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. correcting Amendment (Motion related), [71] (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 71 Filed: 4/20/2016, Entered: 4/20/2016 Amendment (Motion related)
Amendment to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings [69] Amending Points and Authorities and Declaration of Michael S. Adler filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Michael S. Adler (as Amended))(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 4/19/2016, Entered: 4/19/2016 Errata
NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. correcting NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings [69] (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 69 Filed: 4/19/2016, Entered: 4/19/2016, Terminated: 6/14/2016 Motion to Stay CaseCourt Filing
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English Appellate Proceedings filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. Motion set for hearing on 6/6/2016 at 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion to Stay Enforcement, # (2) Declaration of Loucas Harvaris, # (3) Declaration of Ashot Yegiazaryan, # (4) Declaration of Jeremy Brier, # (5) Declaration of Cyrus Benson, # (6) Exhibit 4 to the Declaration of Cyrus Benson, # (7) Declaration of Michael S. Adler, # (8) Declaration of Dmitry Stanislavovich Barannikov, # (9) Exhibit 1 to Barannikov Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 2 to Barannikov Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 3 to Barranikov Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 4 to Barranikov Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 5 to Barranikov Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 6 to Barranikov Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 7 to Barranikov Declaration, # (16) Expert Opinion of Galina Anatolyevna Kyrolova, # (17) Proposed Order) (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 68 Filed: 4/18/2016, Entered: 4/18/2016 USCA Memorandum
ORDER from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, [40] filed by Ashot Yegiazaryan. CCA # 15-56557. The Joint Stipulation to Dismiss the Appeal as Moot, filed by the parties on April 15, 2016, is APPROVED. Fed. R. App. P. 42(b). This case is removed from the May 5, 2016 Pasadena calendar. The copy of this Order shall constitute the mandate of this Court. (mat)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 67 Filed: 4/14/2016, Entered: 4/14/2016 USCA Memorandum
ORDER from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, [60] filed by Ashot Yegiazaryan. CCA # 16-55502. Appellant's motion to stay the district courts March 31, 2016 judgment pending appeal is denied without prejudice to its renewal following presentation to the district court. The district court's judgment is temporarily stayed. The temporary stay shall expire five days from entry of this order unless appellant seeks a stay in district court. [See documents for all details] (mat)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 66 Filed: 4/13/2016, Entered: 4/13/2016 Application to the Clerk to Tax Costs
APPLICATION to the Clerk to Tax Costs against Respondent A. Yegiazaryan by Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin re: Judgment,,,,, [59], filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2) (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 64 Filed: 4/12/2016, Entered: 4/12/2016 Response
RESPONSE filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smaginto Objection/Opposition (Motion related), [62] Petitioner V. Smagin's Response to Objections of Respondent A. Yegiazaryan in connection with Petitioner's Submission Seeking Approval of the Amount of Attorneys' Fees (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 4/11/2016, Entered: 4/13/2016 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER DISSOLVING EXPANDED PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION AND DISCOVERY ORDER OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 [31] by Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court finds GOOD CAUSE, and HEREBY ORDERS the following: 1. The Order Granting the Motion for Expanded Preliminary Injunction and Expedited Discovery of Petitioner Vitaly Smagin dated September 18, 2015 [31] against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan is HEREBY VACATED AND DISSOLVED, effective immediately; and 2. The dissolution of the injunction is without prejudice to Mr. Smagin applying in the future for expanded injunctive relief should circumstances change. (lom)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 63 Filed: 4/7/2016, Entered: 4/7/2016 Notice of Withdrawal
Notice of Withdrawal of Motion for Temporary Restraining Order,,, [29] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Dissolving Expanded Preliminary Injunction and Discovery Order of September 18, 2015 [Dkt. No. 31])(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 62 Filed: 4/6/2016, Entered: 4/6/2016 Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
Objection in Opposition to re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] regarding Declaration in Application for Attorneys Fees, filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 61 Filed: 4/5/2016, Entered: 4/6/2016 USCA Notification of Case Number
NOTIFICATION by Circuit Court of Appellate Docket Number 16-55502, 9th Circuit regarding Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, [60] as to Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (mat)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 4/4/2016, Entered: 4/4/2016 Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. Appeal of Judgment,,,,, [59], Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,,,,, [56]. (Appeal Fee - $505 Fee Paid, Receipt No. 0973-17581365.) (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: 4/4/2016 JudgmentCourt Filing
JUDGMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real: JUDGMENT IS HEREBY ENTERED, pursuant to Rule 58, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, in favor of Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, on all claims contained in the Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitration Award filed herein on 12/22/2014, as follows: The London Award is confirmed in its entirety. JUDGMENT IS HEREBY ENTERED in favor of Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, as follows: $72,243,000 as compensation for losses suffered by Petitioner Smagin; Pre-award interest on the $72,243,000 at an annual simple rate of 7%, in the amount of $6,899,701.32; Pre-award interest on the $72,243,000 at an annual simple rate of 7%, in the amount of $6,899,701.32; Post-award interest on the $72,243,000 in damages and $6,899,701.32 in pre-award interest at an annual quarterly compounded rate of 8%, which amount of interest totals $8,213,587.83 through 2/8/2016. The total of the above-referenced amounts as of 2/8/2016 is $92,503,652. Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan shall pay reasonable attorney fees incurred by Mr. Smagin for the confirmation motion in an amount to be hereinafter submitted and approved by the Court, such amount to be referenced in an amended judgment. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 58 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: 3/31/2016 Declaration
DECLARATION of Bruce H. Jackson re Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,,,,, [56] In Support of Amount of Attorneys' Fees To Be Approved by Court Pursuant to Court Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (2) Exhibit 2 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 3 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 4 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 5 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (6) Exhibit 6 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (7) Exhibit 7 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (8) Exhibit 8 to B. Jackson Declaration, # (9) Proposed Order Approving Petitioner's Amount of Attorneys' Fees, # (10) Proposed Judgment, # (11) Exhibit A to Proposed Judgment)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 3/22/2016, Entered: 3/22/2016 Notice of Lodging
NOTICE OF LODGING filed by Petitioner Vitaly Smagin for lodging of [Proposed] Judgment re Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,,,,, [56] (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A [Proposed Judgment], # (2) Exhibit 1 to [Proposed] Judgment)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 3/17/2016, Entered: 3/17/2016 Order on Motion for Summary JudgmentCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING PETITIONER'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment [47] is GRANTED. Accordingly, judgment shall be entered forthwith in Petitioner's favor and against Respondent on all claims contained in the Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitration Award filed herein on 12/22/2014, as follows: (1) The London Award is confirmed in its entirety; (2) Judgment shall be entered in favor of Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin and against Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan, as follows: (A) $72,243,000 as compensation for losses suffered by Petitioner Smagin; (B) Pre-award interest on the $72,243,000 at an annual simple rate of 7%, in the amount of $6,899,701.32; (C) Arbitration legal fees of $4,959,416.88; and arbitration costs of $187,946; (D) Post-award interest on the $72,243,000 in damages and $6,899,701.32 in pre-award interest at an annual quarterly compounded rate of 8%, which amount of interest totals $8,213,587.83 through 2/8/2016. (E) The total of the above-referenced amounts (A through D) as of 2/8/2016 is $92,503,652. (F) Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, a.k.a. Ashot Egiazaryan Reasonable attorney fees incurred by Mr. Smagin for the confirmation motion in an amount to be hereinafter submitted and approved by the Court. ( MD JS-6. Case Terminated. ) (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 3/15/2016, Entered: 3/15/2016 (TERMED) Text Only Scheduling NoticeCourt Filing
SCHEDULING NOTICE TAKING MOTION UNDER SUBMISSION ON THE PAPERS WITHOUT NEED OF ORAL ARGUMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court has determined that Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment (Dckt No. [47] ) set for hearing on March 21, 2016 at 10:00 A.M., is suitable for a decision on the papers as filed by all parties, without the need for oral argument; therefore, the said Motion is taken UNDER SUBMISSION on the papers as filed, and the hearing date of March 21, 2016 is VACATED and TAKEN OFF CALENDAR. The Court will issue its ruling on the matter in due course. IT IS SO ORDERED. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (cch) TEXT ONLY ENTRY
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 3/14/2016, Entered: 3/14/2016 Request For Judicial Notice
REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE re NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] (Supplemental With New Matters) filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 53 Filed: 3/14/2016, Entered: 3/14/2016 Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
Objection in Opposition to re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] to Petitioner's Reply Evidence filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 52 Filed: 3/7/2016, Entered: 3/7/2016 Reply (Motion related)
REPLY in support of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration (Second) of E. Poulton, # (2) Exhibit 1 to Second Decl. of E. Poulton, # (3) Exhibit 2 to Second Decl. of E. Poulton, # (4) Exhibit 3 to Second Decl. of E. Poulton, # (5) Exhibit 4 to Second Decl. of E. Poulton, # (6) Exhibit 5 to Second Decl. of E. Poulton, # (7) Exhibit 6 to Second Decl. of E. Poulton, # (8) Declaration of Bruce Jackson, # (9) Response to Respondent's Evidentiary Objections, # (10) Objections to Respondent's Request for Judicial Notice, # (11) Proposed Order (Updated) Granting Motion for Summary Judgment, # (12) (Proposed Updated) Judgment)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 51 Filed: 2/24/2016, Entered: 2/24/2016 Request For Judicial Notice
REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE re NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 50 Filed: 2/24/2016, Entered: 2/24/2016 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to Motion
MEMORANDUM in Opposition to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Jeremy Brier in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, # (2) Declaration of Douglas James Watson in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, # (3) Declaration of Ashot Yegiazaryan in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, # (4) Declaration of Cyrus Benson in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, # (5) Exhibit 4 to the Declaration of Cyrus Benson, # (6) Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, # (7) Exhibit 1 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (8) Exhibit 2 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (9) Exhibit 3 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (10) Exhibit 4 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (11) Exhibit 5 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (12) Exhibit 6 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (13) Exhibit 7 to the Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavoch Barannikov, # (14) Expert Opinion of Galina Anatoylyevna Kyrolova, # (15) Expert Reports of Gus Lesnevich Part 1, # (16) Expert Reports of Gus Lesnevich Part 2, # (17) Statement of Disputed Facts in Opposition to Summary Judgment, # (18) Evidentiary Objections)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 2/11/2016, Entered: 2/16/2016 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER UPON STIPULATION TO CONTINUE HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT by Judge Manuel L. Real: Upon Stipulation [48], IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the hearing date on Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment [47] shall be continued to 3/21/2016 at 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. Respondent's Opposition for the summary judgment motion shall be due on or before 2/24/2016, and petitioner's reply brief (if any) shall be due on or before 3/7/2016. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 48 Filed: 2/9/2016, Entered: 2/9/2016 Stipulation to Continue
STIPULATION to Continue Motion for Summary Judgment from March 7, 2016 to March 21, 2016 Re: NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award [47] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 2/8/2016, Entered: 2/8/2016, Terminated: 3/17/2016 Motion for Summary JudgmentCourt Filing
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Summary Judgment as to V. Smagin's Petition to Confirm Foreign Arbitral Award filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Motion set for hearing on 3/7/2016 at 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities, # (2) Proposed Statement of Uncontroverted Facts, # (3) Declaration of E. Poulton, # (4) Exhibit A to Poulton Decl, # (5) Exhibit B to Poulton Decl, # (6) Exhibit C to Poulton Decl, # (7) Exhibit D to Poulton Decl, # (8) Exhibit E to Poulton Decl, # (9) Exhibit F to Poulton Decl, # (10) Exhibit G to Poulton Decl, # (11) Proposed Order Granting Petitioner's Motion for Summary Judgment, # (12) Proposed Judgment, # (13) Certificate of Service) (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 1/13/2016, Entered: 1/13/2016 Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel (G-123)
Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Keith L Wurster counsel for Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Keith L. Wurster is no longer counsel of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Wurster, Keith)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 12/18/2015, Entered: 12/18/2015 Joint Report Rule 26(f) Discovery Plan
JOINT REPORT Rule 26(f) Discovery Plan (Joint Case Management Statement) ; estimated length of trial 7 days, filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin.. (Kennedy, Nicholas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 11/20/2015, Entered: 11/23/2015 Deficiency in Electronically Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form
NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Documents RE: Answer to Complaint [43]. The following error(s) was found: Local Rule 7.1-1 No Notice of Interested Parties and/or no copies. In response to this notice the court may order (1) an amended or correct document to be filed (2) the document stricken or (3) take other action as the court deems appropriate. You need not take any action in response to this notice unless and until the court directs you to do so. (iv)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 43 Filed: 11/11/2015, Entered: 11/11/2015 Answer
ANSWER to Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening),, [1] JURY DEMAND. filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan.(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 10/29/2015, Entered: 11/2/2015 USCA Memorandum
ORDER from Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals filed re: Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals,, [40] filed by Ashot Yegiazaryan. CCA # 15-56557. This is a preliminary injunction appeal. Appellants motion to stay the district courts September 18, 2015 order pending appeal is granted. (mat)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 10/8/2015, Entered: 10/8/2015 USCA Notification of Case Number
NOTIFICATION by Circuit Court of Appellate Docket Number 15-56557, 9th CCA regarding Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, [40] as to Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (car)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 10/8/2015, Entered: 10/8/2015, Terminated: 4/18/2016 Notice of Appeal to 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th CCA filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. Appeal of Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held,, Set/Reset Hearing, [36], Order on Motion for Reconsideration[38], Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held,, Set/Reset Hearing, [34], Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order,,,,, [31], Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held,,, Terminate Hearings,, [39] (Appeal fee of $505 receipt number 0973-16587142 paid.) (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 9/30/2015, Entered: 9/30/2015 Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding heldCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) by Judge Manuel L. Real. In light of the Court's Order Granting Plaintiff's Motion for Expanded Preliminary Injunction and Expedited Discovery (Dckt No. [31]) and the Court's Order Denying Respondent's Ex Parte Motion for Reconsideration (Dckt No. [38]), the Court has determined that a hearing on the Preliminary Injunction is not further needed on this matter, and hereby VACATES the hearing set for October 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The Court has ruled on the papers as filed and no appearances are necessary on that date. IT IS SO ORDERED. (cch)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 9/29/2015, Entered: 9/29/2015 Response
RESPONSE filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryanto Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding held,, Set/Reset Hearing, [34] (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Andreas Havarias in Response to OSC, # (2) Affidavit of Sebastian Said Submitted in Response to OSC)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 9/28/2015, Entered: 9/29/2015 Order on Motion for ReconsiderationCourt Filing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 9/24/2015, Entered: 9/25/2015 Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding heldCourt Filing
MINUTES OF ORDER ADVANCING HEARING by Judge Manuel L. Real: COUNSEL ARE NOTIFIED that on the Courts own motion, the Hearing re: Order to Show Cause As to Why the Expanded Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue is hereby ADVANCED to 10/1/2015 10:00 AM before Judge Manuel L. Real. Court Reporter: None Present. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 9/23/2015, Entered: 9/23/2015 Response in Opposition to Motion
OPPOSITION to EX PARTE APPLICATION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order,,,,, [31] [33] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 33 Filed: 9/22/2015, Entered: 9/22/2015, Terminated: 9/28/2015 Motion for Reconsideration
EX PARTE APPLICATION for Reconsideration re Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining Order,,,,, [31] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion, # (2) Declaration of Michael S. Adler in Support of Motion, # (3) Proposed Order) (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 9/18/2015, Entered: 9/23/2015 Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding heldCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS) SETTING ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE HEARING by Judge Manuel L. Real. COUNSEL ARE NOTIFIED that the Court hereby SETS a HEARING RE: Order to Show Cause As to Why the Expanded Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue on MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 8 of the United States District Court for the Central District of California, 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. (cch)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 9/18/2015, Entered: 9/21/2015 Minutes of In Chambers Order/Directive - no proceeding heldCourt Filing
MINUTE ORDER (IN CHAMBERS): by Judge Manuel L. Real. The Court has reviewed Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin's Notice of Conclusion of UK Proceedings and Dissolution of Stay filed September 16, 2015[28]. This action is hereby reinstated and back on the Court's active caseload. The Clerk's Office is directed to reopen this case (JS-5). IT IS SO ORDERED. (Case reopened. MD JS-5.) (lom)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 9/18/2015, Entered: 9/18/2015 Order on Motion for Temporary Restraining OrderCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR EXPANDED PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION AND EXPEDITED DISCOVERY by Judge Manuel L. Real: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Plaintiff's Motion for Expanded Preliminary Injunction and Expedited Discovery [29] is GRANTED as follows: (1) Deposition of Mr. Yegiazaryan limited to identification of assets he owns or that are owned on his behalf, and the entities or individuals who hold those assets; (2) Interrogatories narrowly tailored to identify those assets and their ownership; and (3) Production of documents identifying those assets and their ownership. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, or dissipate any property located worldwide, in an amount up to $84,290,064.20, that may be used to satisfy the foreign-arbitral award payable to Vitaly Smagin, including specifically and without limitation the amounts received or to be received by Defendant Yegiazaryan, his agents or any person or entity acting under his direction and control in payment or satisfaction of an arbitration award from Suleyman Kerimov or any other entity. The Court has already accepted Plaintiffs posting of $10,000 as security. (gk)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 9/17/2015, Entered: 9/17/2015 Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
to Ex Parte Request for TRO Opposition re: EX PARTE APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to Enjoining Respondent from Transferring and/or Concealing Assets [29] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Michael S. Adler)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 9/16/2015, Entered: 9/16/2015, Terminated: 9/18/2015 Motion for Temporary Restraining Order
EX PARTE APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to Enjoining Respondent from Transferring and/or Concealing Assets filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum, # (2) Declaration of V. Smagin, # (3) Declaration of M. Kyprianou, # (4) Exhibit A to Kyprianou Decl, # (5) Exhibit B to Kyprianou Decl, # (6) Exhibit C to Kyprianou Decl, # (7) Exhibit D to Kyprianou Decl, # (8) Exhibit E to Kyprianou Decl, # (9) Declaration of B. Jackson, # (10) Exhibit A to Jackson Decl, # (11) Exhibit B to Jackson Decl, # (12) Declaration of N. Kennedy re Ex Parte Notice, # (13) Proposed Order Granting Ex Parte Application for TRO, # (14) Proposed Order to Show Cause Why Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue) (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 9/16/2015, Entered: 9/16/2015 Notice (Other)
NOTICE Of Conclusion of U.K. Proceedings and Dissolution of Stay filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 27 Filed: 3/4/2015, Entered: 3/4/2015 Refund of Fees (G-124) - Issued
REFUND OF $400.00 made payable on 03/04/2015 to Colin Murray for payment made on 12/22/2014 Re: APPLICATION for Refund of Fees Paid[14]. (rdj)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 25 Filed: 2/9/2015, Entered: 2/10/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER REMOVING CASE FROM ACTIVECASELOAD by Judge Manuel L. Real,, [23],IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that this action is removed from the Courts active caseload, subject to reinstatement; at which time, counsel shall notify the Court of the outcome of the matter before the English High Court of Justice. All pending calendar dates are vacated by the Court. This Court retains jurisdiction over this action and this Order shall not prejudice any partyto this action. (Made JS-6. Case Terminated.) (pj)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 2/6/2015, Entered: 2/6/2015 Stipulation Extending Time to Answer (30 days or less)
STIPULATION Extending Time to Answer the complaint as to Ashot Yegiazaryan answer now due 3/10/2015, re Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening),, [1] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan.(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 2/4/2015, Entered: 2/10/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION AND MOTION FOR STAY OF PROCEEDINGS AND PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION PREVENTING TRANSFER OR DISSIPATION OF ASSETS by Judge Manuel L. Real: Upon Stipulation [23], IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that pursuant to Article VI of the New York Convention, as applied via the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Section 201, this matter shall be STAYED pending a determination on the merits by the English High Court of Justice in the claim challenging the London Award filed by Yegiazaryan on or about 12/9/2014. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pending a final determination on the merits in this matter (or a dismissal of the same), as to any assets as to any assets Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall be PRELIMINARILY ENJOINED from taking any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, or dissipate any property of Yegiazaryan located in California--in an amount up to $84,290,064.20--that may be used to satisfy the foreign-arbitral award payable to Vitaly Smagin, etc. Petitioner's previous deposit of $10,000 in security with the Clerk of Court shall constitute adequate security for the Preliminary Injunction pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(c). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner's application for a Right to Attach Order [12], is hereby withdrawn without prejudice to refiling in the future and the hearing on this application currently scheduled for 2/17/2015. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that should the arbitration award at issue in this matter be set aside or annulled by the English High Court of Justice, Respondent shall be entitled to a release of the Preliminary Injunction, fourteen days after such ruling becomes final, without prejudice to any right of Petitioner to seek a continuation of that injunction or other similar relief. See document for details. (gk)
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Blank 23 Filed: 2/3/2015, Entered: 2/3/2015 Stipulation to Stay Case
STIPULATION to Stay Case pending Resolution of Prior English High Court Action, STIPULATION for Preliminary Injunction as to dissipation or concealment of assets filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Adler, Michael)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 1/27/2015, Entered: 1/27/2015 Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
Objection to Evidence Submitted in Support of Application re: APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application MOTION for Order[5] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 1/27/2015, Entered: 1/27/2015 Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
OPPOSITION AND CLAIM FOR EXEMPTION in Opposition to re: APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application MOTION for Order[5] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Application, # (2) Declaration of Ashot Yegiazaryan in Opposition to Application, # (3) Declaration of Jason T. Cohen in Opposition to Application, # (4) Declaration of Andreas Havarias in Opposition to Application, # (5) Declaration of Michael S. Adler in Opposition to Application, # (6) Declaration of Cyrus Benson in Opposition to Application, # (7) Exhibit 4 to the Declaration of Cyrus Benson, # (8) Declaration of Dimitry Stanislavovich Barannikov in Opposition to Application, # (9) Exhibit 1 to Barannikov Declaration, # (10) Exhibit 2 to Barannikov Declaration, # (11) Exhibit 3 to Barranikov Declaration, # (12) Exhibit 4 to Barranikov Declaration, # (13) Exhibit 5 to Barranikov Declaration, # (14) Exhibit 6 to Barranikov Declaration, # (15) Exhibit 7 to Barranikov Declaration, # (16) Request for Judicial Notice in Opposition to Application, # (17) Expert Reports of Gus Lesnevich Part 1, # (18) Expert Reports of Gus Lesnevich Part 2)(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 1/21/2015, Entered: 1/21/2015 Notice and Acknowledgment of Service (CV-21) Executed
NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE of Summons and Complaint returned Executed filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, upon Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan acknowledgment sent by Plaintiff on 1/20/2015, answer due 2/10/2015. Acknowledgment of Service signed by Michael Adler, Esq., Attorney for Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 1/13/2015, Entered: 1/13/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Manuel L. Real, re Stipulation for Hearing, [16], The hearing set for January 20, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. on Petitioner's application for right to attach order [12] be continued to February 17; 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The temporary protective order will remain in effect until the Court's dtermination of Petitioner's application for a right to attach order. (pj)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 1/12/2015, Entered: 1/12/2015 Objection/Opposition (Motion related)
OPPOSITION AND CLAIM FOR EXEMPTION opposition re: APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application[5] filed by Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Motion, # (2) Declaration of Michael S. Adler in Opposition to Declaration, # (3) Exhibit 1 of Preliminary Adler Declaration, # (4) Exhibit 2 of Preliminary Adler Declaration, # (5) Exhibit 3 of Preliminary Adler Declaration)(Attorney Michael S Adler added to party Ashot Yegiazaryan(pty:res))(Adler, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 1/12/2015, Entered: 1/12/2015 Proof of Service (subsequent documents)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, re Stipulation for Hearing, [16] by U.S. mail served on January 12, 2015. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 1/10/2015, Entered: 1/10/2015 Stipulation for Hearing
Joint STIPULATION for Hearing re Order on Application for Temporary Restraining Order,,,,,,,, [9] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order Proposed Order re stipulation to continue hearing date for right to attach order)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 1/5/2015, Entered: 1/7/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER CONFIRMING POSTING OF SECURITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF COURT ORDER OF DECEMBER 23, 2014 by Judge Manuel L. Real: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, DECREED THAT:1. Petitioner has posted the required security of $10,000 with the clerk ofcourt and has thus satisfied the terms of the Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Plaintiffs Ex Parte Application for Right to Attach Order and Temporary Protective Order dated December 23, 2014 (ECF No. 9) that require the posting of such security along with the applicable requirements of the California Code of Civil Procedure and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. See Cal. Code Civ. P.
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 14 Filed: 1/5/2015, Entered: 1/5/2015, Terminated: 3/4/2015 Application for Refund of Fees Paid (G-124)
APPLICATION for Refund of Fees Paid filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 12/29/2014, Entered: 12/30/2014 Bond
NOTICE OF POSTING OF SECURITY by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smag. In accordance with the Court Order Granting in Part Plaintiff's Ex ParteApplication for Right to Attach Order and Temporary Protective Order, filed on 12/23/2014 (ECF No. [9]), Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin is posting on this day, 12/29/2014, a security with the Clerk of the Court, in the form of a Cashiers Check in the amount of US $10,000.00. (jp)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 12 Filed: 12/29/2014, Entered: 12/29/2014, Terminated: 2/9/2015 Application for Order
NOTICE of Application for Right to Attach Order and Hearing filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. Hearing Set 1/20/15 10:00 a.m. Courtroom 8 (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 12/29/2014, Entered: 12/29/2014, Terminated: 1/5/2015 Request for Order
REQUEST for Order for Entry of Order in Recognition of Posting of Security filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Proposed Order)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 12/29/2014, Entered: 12/29/2014 Notice (Other)
NOTICE of Posting of Security by Petitioner ($10,000 cashier's check) filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 12/23/2014, Entered: 12/23/2014 Order on Application for Temporary Restraining OrderCourt Filing
ORDER GRANTING IN PART PLAINTIFFS EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR RIGHT TO ATTACH ORDER AND TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge Manuel L. Real: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the ex parte application for a right to attach order and temporary protective order is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. (Dkt. No. 5.) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, or dissipate any property located in California--in an amount up to $84,290,064.20that may be used to satisfy the foreign-arbitral award payable to Vitaly SIT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the ex parte application for a right to attach order and temporary protective order is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. (Dkt. No. 5.) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, or dissipate any property located in California--in an amount up to$84,290,064.20--that may be used to satisfy the foreign-arbitral award payable to Vitaly SIT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the ex parte application for a right to attach order andtemporary protective order is GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. (Dkt. No. 5.)IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan, his agents, and/or any person or entity acting under his direction and control shall not take any action to transfer, assign, conceal, diminish, or dissipate any property located in California--in an amount up to$84,290,064.20--that may be used to satisfy the foreign-arbitral award payable to Vitaly Smagin. The Court shall require Petitioner to post security inthe amount of $10,000. Petitioners application for a right toattach order will be set for hearing on January 20, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The temporary protective order will remain in effect until the Courts determination of Petitioners application for a right to attach order.[5] (see attached for further details) (pj)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Deficiency in Attorney Case Opening - optional html form
NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Attorney Case Opening RE: Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening), [1]. The following error(s) was found: Other error(s) with document(s): Attachments 1 Memorandum, # 2 Declaration of Bruce Jackson, # 3 Exhibit 1 to Jackson Decl., # 4 Exhibit 2A to Jackson Decl., # 5 Exhibit 2B to Jackson Decl., # 6 Exhibit 2C to Jackson Decl., # 7 Exhibit 3 to Jackson Decl., # 8 Exhibit 4 to Jackson Decl., # 9 Request for Judicial Notice should not have been attached. Each document should have been filed separately. You are not required to take any action in response to this notice unless the Court so directs. (ghap)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Summons Issued (Attorney Civil Case Opening)
21 DAY Summons Issued re Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening),, [1] as to Respondent Ashot Yegiazaryan. (ghap)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Notice of Assignment to United States Judges(CV-18) - optional html formCourt Filing
NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Manuel L. Real and Magistrate Judge Paul L. Abrams. (ghap)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 5 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014, Terminated: 12/23/2014 Application for Temporary Restraining Order
APPLICATION for Temporary Restraining Order as to the disposition or transfer of any interest in property Ex Parte Application filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum of Points and Authorities, # (2) Declaration of Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, # (3) Exhibit A to Smagin Decl., # (4) Exhibit B to Smagin Decl., # (5) Exhibit C to Smagin Decl., # (6) Exhibit D to Smagin Decl., # (7) Proposed Order Ex Parte Right to Attach Order, # (8) Proposed Order Temporary Protective Order)(Jackson, Bruce).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties
CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin, identifying Kalken Holdings Limited. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Summons Request
Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening),, [1] filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Civil Cover Sheet (CV-71)
CIVIL COVER SHEET filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Jackson, Bruce)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 1 Filed: 12/22/2014, Entered: 12/22/2014 Petition (Attorney Civil Case Opening)
PETITION TO CONFIRM FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARD Receipt No: 0973-14958028 - Fee: $400, filed by Petitioner Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum, # (2) Declaration of Bruce Jackson, # (3) Exhibit 1 to Jackson Decl., # (4) Exhibit 2A to Jackson Decl., # (5) Exhibit 2B to Jackson Decl., # (6) Exhibit 2C to Jackson Decl., # (7) Exhibit 3 to Jackson Decl., # (8) Exhibit 4 to Jackson Decl., # (9) Request for Judicial Notice, # (10) Proposed Judgment) (Attorney Bruce Halliday Jackson added to party Vitaly Ivanovich Smagin(pty:pet))(Jackson, Bruce)
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