STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL: all claims interposed by Plaintiffs in the above-entitled action, and all counterclaims that were or could have been asserted by any Defendant, are dismissed with prejudice, without costs to any party as against the other. The Clerk of Court is directed to close this case. Any pending motions are moot. Motions terminated: 16 MOTION to Dismiss filed by 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Bayrock Group LLC, Shaun Osher, Eric Trump, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, BayRock Spring Street LLC, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Donald J. Trump, Julius Schwatz, Donald Trump, Thomas Postilio, Ivanka Trump, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Rodrigo Nino, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC, Tevif Arif. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 11/8/2011) (ft) (Entered: 11/08/2011)
REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 16 MOTION to Dismiss.. Document filed by 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Beaver Metal, LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Oliver Dacourt, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC. (Weinstein, Fred) (Entered: 03/04/2011)
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 16 MOTION to Dismiss.. Document filed by Beaver Metal, LLC, Creditbox Universal, SL, Oliver Dacourt, Xue Feng, Joyce Gernstein, Herbert Gerstein, Rachel Gerstein, Henry Gross, Michael Hadjedj, Felisa Hernandez, Alan Maltz, Janet Maltz, Randall A. Meckel, Palmer Gardens LLC, Acacio Rodriguez, Christine Singh, Sean Tran, Anh Ngoc Truong, Hubert Tsai. (Geller, William) (Entered: 02/18/2011)
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS by William J. Geller on behalf of All Plaintiffs. New Address: Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C., 120 Broadway, 17 Fl., New York, NY, US 10271, 212.825.0365. (Geller, William) (Entered: 02/11/2011)
STIPULATION IN LIEU OF ANSWER OF DEFENDANT AKERMAN SENTERFITT LLP, AS ESCROW AGENT According to its records and to the best of its knowledge, information and belief, Akerman received deposits with respect to the named plaintiffs in the amounts and on the approximate dates set forth in the attached Schedule A, and Akerman holds in escrow the total of such deposits plus accrued interest to date, as set forth in Schedule A, and as further set forth in this document. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 1/19/11) (cd) (Entered: 01/21/2011)
MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 16 MOTION to Dismiss.. Document filed by 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC. (Weinstein, Fred) (Entered: 01/07/2011)
AFFIRMATION of Fred D. Weinstein in Support re: 16 MOTION to Dismiss.. Document filed by 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A Part II, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A Part III, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit A Part IV, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit A Part V, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit B Part I, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit B Part II, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit B Part III, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit B Part IV, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit B Part V, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit C)(Weinstein, Fred) (Entered: 01/07/2011)
MOTION to Dismiss. Document filed by 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC. Responses due by 2/18/2011(Weinstein, Fred) (Entered: 01/07/2011)
SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT amending 3 Amended Complaint,,,, against 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Akerman Senterfitt, LLP, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Oliver Dacourt, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC with JURY DEMAND.Document filed by Hubert Tsai, Michael Hadjedj, Rachel Gerstein, Palmer Gardens LLC, Anh Ngoc Truong, Creditbox Universal, SL, Randall A. Meckel, Xue Feng, Acacio Rodriguez, Sean Tran, Janet Maltz, Joyce Gernstein, Henry Gross, Beaver Metal, LLC, Felisa Hernandez, Christine Singh, Herbert Gerstein, Alan Maltz. Related document: 3 FIRST Amended Complaint filed by Creditbox Universal, SL, Christine Singh, Xue Feng, Hubert Tsai, Rachel Gerstein, Joyce Gernstein, Felisa Hernandez, Alan Maltz, Janet Maltz, Henry Gross, Palmer Gardens LLC, Beaver Metal, LLC, Michael Hadjedj, Acacio Rodriguez, Randall A. Meckel, Herbert Gerstein.(mbe) (Entered: 12/02/2010)
ORDER Second Amended Complaint due by 12/6/2010. Motion to Dismiss due by 1/7/2011. Response due by 2/18/2011, Reply due by 3/4/2011. Defendants' moving brief and Plaintiffs' opposition shall be no longer than 35 pages, and Defendants' reply brief shall be no longer than 15 pages. On consent, Plaintiffs will defer the filing of a motion for partial summary judgment until after the Court has disposed of Defendants' motion to dismiss. The parties need not enter into a Scheduling Order or a Discovery Plan at this time. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 11/23/10) (cd) (Entered: 11/29/2010)
STIPULATION re First Amended Complaint: Core Group Marketing, LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Shaun Osher answer due 1/7/2011; Thomas Postilio answer due 1/7/2011. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 11/22/10) (cd) (Entered: 11/22/2010)
STIPULATION re First Amended Complaint: Akerman Senterfitt, LLP answer due 1/7/2011. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 11/22/10) (cd) (Entered: 11/22/2010)
STIPULATION re First amended complaint: Tevif Arif answer due 1/7/2011; Bayrock Group LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Bayrock Spring Street LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Rodrigo Nino answer due 1/7/2011; Prodigy International NYC, LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Alex Sapir answer due 1/7/2011; Julius Schwatz answer due 1/7/2011; Donald J. Trump answer due 1/7/2011; Donald Trump answer due 1/7/2011; Eric Trump answer due 1/7/2011; Ivanka Trump answer due 1/7/2011; Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC answer due 1/7/2011; Trump Marks Soho LLC answer due 1/7/2011. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 11/22/10) (cd) (Entered: 11/22/2010)
RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Identifying 246 Spring Street Holdings II LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization Realty LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization Holdings LLC, Sapir Organization Spring Street LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Trump Soho Member LLC, Donka Soho Member LLC, The Sapir Group LLC, Bayrock Group, LLC, RIF International Group, Inc., TIHM Member Corp., Trump Marks Soho License Corp., Prodigy Development Sales, LLC, SDS Prodigy, LLC, SDS Investments, LLC as Corporate Parent. Document filed by 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC.(Weinstein, Fred) (Entered: 11/17/2010)
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Kimba M. Wood from William J. Geller dated 11/4/2010 re: Counsel request an adjournment of the FRCP 16 conference scheduled for 11/9/2010 for 11/17 or 11/22/2010. ENDORSEMENT: Request granted. The Rule 16 conference is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on November 22, 2010. So Ordered. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 11/5/2010) (jfe) (Entered: 11/05/2010)
SCHEDULING ORDER FOR INITIAL CONFERENCE: Initial Conference set for 11/9/2010 at 11:30 AM in Courtroom 15B, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge Kimba M. Wood. (Signed by Judge Kimba M. Wood on 9/21/2010) (jfe) (Entered: 09/21/2010)
AMENDED COMPLAINT amending 1 Complaint,,, against 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Akerman Senterfitt, LLP, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Oliver Dacourt, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC with JURY DEMAND.Document filed by Hubert Tsai, Michael Hadjedj, Rachel Gerstein, Palmer Gardens LLC, Creditbox Universal, SL, Randall A. Meckel, Xue Feng, Acacio Rodriguez, Janet Maltz, Joyce Gernstein, Henry Gross, Beaver Metal, LLC, Felisa Hernandez, Christine Singh, Herbert Gerstein, Alan Maltz. Related document: 1 Complaint,,, filed by Creditbox Universal, SL, Christine Singh, Xue Feng, Hubert Tsai, Rachel Gerstein, Joyce Gernstein, Felisa Hernandez, Alan Maltz, Janet Maltz, Henry Gross, Palmer Gardens LLC, Beaver Metal, LLC, Acacio Rodriguez, Randall A. Meckel, Herbert Gerstein.(rdz) (ama). (Entered: 09/14/2010)
COMPLAINT against 246 Spring Street Holdings II, LLC, Akerman Senterfitt, LLP, Tevif Arif, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Organization LLC, Bayrock/Sapir Realty LLC, Core Group Marketing, LLC, Rodrigo Nino, Shaun Osher, Thomas Postilio, Prodigy International NYC, LLC, Alex Sapir, Julius Schwatz, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Trump International Hotels Managemnt LLC, Trump Marks Soho LLC. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 910881)Document filed by Hubert Tsai, Rachel Gerstein, Palmer Gardens LLC, Creditbox Universal, SL, Randall A. Meckel, Xue Feng, Acacio Rodriguez, Janet Maltz, Joyce Gernstein, Henry Gross, Beaver Metal, LLC, Felisa Hernandez, Christine Singh, Herbert Gerstein, Alan Maltz. (Attachments: # 1 part 2)(mbe) (Entered: 08/03/2010)