District Appellate Supreme
New York Southern District Court Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit United States Supreme Court

Kriss v. Bayrock Group, LLC

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Case No. 15-4077
Last Updated June 15, 2017 at 12:42 AM EDT (7.6 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Bayrock Camelback, Llc, Plaintiff
No Logo Bayrock Group, LLC, Plaintiff
No Logo BayRock Whitestone LLC, Plaintiff
No Logo J. Kriss, Plaintiff
No Logo J. Kriss, For Bayrock Merrimac Llc, Plaintiff
No Logo Michael Ejekam, Alone, Plaintiff
No Logo Michael Ejekam, For Bayrock Merrimac Llc, Plaintiff
No Logo Ervin Tausky, Plaintiff - Appellant
No Logo Estate Of Ernest Gottdiener, Plaintiff - Appellant
No Logo Estate Of Judit Gottdiener, Plaintiff - Appellant
No Logo Suan Investments, Plaintiff - Appellant
No Logo Cim Group, Defendant
Trump, Donald J. Trump, Donald J., Defendant
Officially listed as "Donald Trump"
Officer/Director, Riviera Holdings Corp
No Logo Trump, Ivanka, Defendant
Officially listed as "Ivanka Trump"
No Logo John Does 1-100, Trump, Defendant
No Logo Todd Kaminsky, Defendant
No Logo Adam B. Gilbert, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Akerman LLP, Defendant - Appellee
Officially listed as "Akerman Senterfitt, Llp"
No Logo Alex Salomon, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Alex Sapir, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Bayrock Camelback, Llc, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Bayrock Group Inc., Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Bayrock Group, LLC, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Bayrock Merrimac, Llc, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo BayRock Spring Street LLC, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo BayRock Whitestone LLC, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Beys, Stein & Mobargha LLP, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Brian Halberg, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Bruce Stachenfeld, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Craig H. Brown, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo David Granin, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Duval & Stachenfeld LLP, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Elliot Pisem, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Sater, Felix H., Defendant - Appellee
Officially listed as "Felix Sater"

Represented by Robert S. Wolf

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert S. Wolf
No Logo Jerry Weinrich, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo John Does 1-100, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Julius Schwarz, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Kelly Anne Moore, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Lender Investor John Does 1-100, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Martin Domb, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Mel Dogan, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Michael Petros Beys, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Michael Samuels, Defendant - Appellee
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Nader Mobargha, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Nixon Peabody LLP, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Roberts & Holland, LLP, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Salomon & Company, P.c., Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Salvatore Lauria, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Sapir Does 1 Through 100, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke LLP, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Tamir Sapir, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Tevfik Arif, Defendant - Appellee
No Logo Walter Saurack, Defendant - Appellee
Other Parties
No Logo Frederick Martin Oberlander, Movant - Appellant
No Logo Richard E Lerner, Appellant
Nature of Suit 2360 - Personal Injury: Other Personal
Case Type Civil
Lower Court Case https://ecf.nysd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=13-cv-3905
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 113 Filed: 4/21/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
LETTER, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, RECEIVED. Service date 04/21/2017 by CM/ECF.[2016633] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/21/2017 11:39 AM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 112 Filed: 3/22/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
UNDELIVERABLE MAIL, to USCA from USPS, RECEIVED.[2002817] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/03/2017 12:31 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 3/7/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
UNDELIVERABLE MAIL, to USCA from USPS, RECEIVED.[1984117] [15-4077] [Entered: 03/07/2017 04:05 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 2/16/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
UNDELIVERABLE MAIL, to USCA from USPS, RECEIVED.[1980112] [15-4077] [Entered: 03/01/2017 04:49 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 2/16/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
UNDELIVERABLE MAIL, to USCA from USPS, RECEIVED.[1980098] [15-4077] [Entered: 03/01/2017 04:44 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 2/27/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
JUDGMENT MANDATE, ISSUED.[1977587] [15-4077] [Entered: 02/27/2017 03:55 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 1/30/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NEW CASE MANAGER, Connie Mazariego, ASSIGNED.[1957268] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/30/2017 09:55 AM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 105 Filed: 1/30/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
SUMMARY ORDER AND JUDGMENT, the district court judgment is affirmed, by RR, DC, RJL, FILED.[1957263] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/30/2017 09:52 AM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 11/30/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 11/30/2016 by CM/ECF. [1917367] [15-4077] [Entered: 11/30/2016 11:50 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 98 Filed: 11/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 11/21/2016 by CM/ECF. [1911786] [15-4077] [Entered: 11/21/2016 05:20 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 97 Filed: 11/15/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ARGUMENT NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED.[1907237] [15-4077] [Entered: 11/15/2016 03:23 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 92 Filed: 10/3/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 10/03/2016 by CM/ECF. [1876372] [15-4077] [Entered: 10/03/2016 11:51 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 91 Filed: 9/29/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Reply Brief, [89], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1873752] [15-4077] [Entered: 09/29/2016 10:22 AM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 9/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Robert S. Wolf, Esq. for Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 09/21/2016 by CM/ECF. [1867425] [15-4077] [Entered: 09/21/2016 09:54 AM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205153978 Filed: 11/30/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 11/30/2016 by CM/ECF. [1917367] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205139174 Filed: 11/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE OF HEARING DATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 11/21/2016 by CM/ECF. [1911786] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205127051 Filed: 11/15/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ARGUMENT NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED.[1907237] [15-4077]
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Blank  Filed: 11/9/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CASE CALENDARING, for argument on 01/10/2017, A Panel, SET.[1903650] [15-4077]
Blank  Filed: 10/20/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CASE CALENDARING, for the week of 01/09/2017, A, PROPOSED.[1888424] [15-4077]
Blank  Filed: 10/7/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CURED DEFECTIVE REPLY BRIEF, [92], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1879474] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205045499 Filed: 10/3/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 10/03/2016 by CM/ECF. [1876372] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205038495 Filed: 9/29/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Reply Brief, [89], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1873752] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205021932 Filed: 9/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Robert S. Wolf, Esq. for Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 09/21/2016 by CM/ECF. [1867425] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 9/20/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Ervin Tausky and Frederick Martin Oberlander, FILED. Service date 09/20/2016 by CM/ECF. [1867229] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00205021406 Filed: 9/20/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Mr. Frederick M. Oberlander, Esq. for Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 09/20/2016 by CM/ECF. [1867224] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204994054 Filed: 9/6/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 09/06/2016 by CM/ECF. [1856962] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204993985 Filed: 9/6/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 09/06/2016 by CM/ECF. [1856930] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204885780 Filed: 7/14/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellee Felix Sater Brief due date as 09/06/2016, FILED.[1815912] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204882729 Filed: 7/13/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, informing Court of proposed due date 09/05/2016, RECEIVED. Service date 07/13/2016 by CM/ECF.[1814779] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 6/23/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CURED DEFECTIVE BRIEF & APPENDIX, [71], [72], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1800923] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204834884 Filed: 6/17/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
APPENDIX, volume 1 of 1, (pp. 1-176), on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 06/17/2016 by CM/ECF.[1796774] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204834881 Filed: 6/17/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 06/17/2016 by CM/ECF.[1796773] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204826812 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Brief & Appendix, [54], [55], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1793692] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204826757 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NEW CASE MANAGER, Amit Singh, ASSIGNED.[1793682] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204808203 Filed: 6/6/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to recall mandate [46] filed by Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Ervin Tausky, Suan Investments and Judit Gottdiener; granting motion to reinstate appeal [49] filed by Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Ervin Tausky, Suan Investments and Judit Gottdiener, by RKW, FILED. [1786549][66] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204808175 Filed: 6/6/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CERTIFIED ORDER, dated 06/06/2016, to SDNY (NEW YORK CITY), ISSUED.[1786538] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204780862 Filed: 5/19/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
REPLY TO OPPOSITION [58], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 05/19/2016 by CM/ECF.[1776218][60] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 82 Filed: 7/14/2016, Entered: None
SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellee Felix Sater Brief due date as 09/06/2016, FILED.[1815912] [15-4077] [Entered: 07/14/2016 03:28 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204767869 Filed: 5/12/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
OPPOSITION TO MOTION, to reinstate appeal [49], on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 05/12/2016 by CM/ECF. [1771312] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 79 Filed: 7/13/2016, Entered: None
LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, informing Court of proposed due date 09/05/2016, RECEIVED. Service date 07/13/2016 by CM/ECF.[1814779] [15-4077] [Entered: 07/13/2016 03:40 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 4/29/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CURED DEFECTIVE MOTION, to reinstate appeal, BRIEF, APPENDIX, [45], [54], [55], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1761417] [15-4077]
Legal Document 72 Filed: 6/17/2016, Entered: None
APPENDIX, volume 1 of 1, (pp. 1-176), on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 06/17/2016 by CM/ECF.[1796774] [15-4077] [Entered: 06/17/2016 10:10 PM]
Blank  Filed: 4/28/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
APPENDIX, volume 1 of 1, (pp. 1-176), on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/28/2016 by CM/ECF.[1760992] [15-4077]
Legal Document 71 Filed: 6/17/2016, Entered: None
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 06/17/2016 by CM/ECF.[1796773] [15-4077] [Entered: 06/17/2016 10:06 PM]
Blank  Filed: 4/28/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/28/2016 by CM/ECF.[1760991] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Brief & Appendix, [54], [55], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1793692] [15-4077] [Entered: 06/15/2016 09:39 AM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204732467 Filed: 4/26/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, BRIEF, APPENDIX, [50], [51], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1758042] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 69 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
NEW CASE MANAGER, Amit Singh, ASSIGNED.[1793682] [15-4077] [Entered: 06/15/2016 09:35 AM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 4/25/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
APPENDIX, volume 1 of 1, (pp. 1-174), on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/25/2016 by CM/ECF.[1757996] [15-4077]
Legal Document 66 Filed: 6/6/2016, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to recall mandate [46] filed by Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Ervin Tausky, Suan Investments and Judit Gottdiener; granting motion to reinstate appeal [49] filed by Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Ervin Tausky, Suan Investments and Judit Gottdiener, by RKW, FILED. [1786549][66] [15-4077] [Entered: 06/06/2016 10:46 AM]
Blank  Filed: 4/25/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/25/2016 by CM/ECF.[1757995] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 6/6/2016, Entered: None
CERTIFIED ORDER, dated 06/06/2016, to SDNY (NEW YORK CITY), ISSUED.[1786538] [15-4077] [Entered: 06/06/2016 10:42 AM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204732307 Filed: 4/25/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
MOTION, to reinstate appeal, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/25/2016 by CM/ECF. [1757990] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 5/19/2016, Entered: None
REPLY TO OPPOSITION [58], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 05/19/2016 by CM/ECF.[1776218][60] [15-4077] [Entered: 05/19/2016 11:54 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204726810 Filed: 4/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, MOTION, to reinstate appeal, [45], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1755921] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 58 Filed: 5/12/2016, Entered: None
OPPOSITION TO MOTION, to reinstate appeal [49], on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 05/12/2016 by CM/ECF. [1771312] [15-4077] [Entered: 05/12/2016 10:28 PM]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204724122 Filed: 4/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
MOTION, to recall mandate, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/20/2016 by CM/ECF. [1754964] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 52 Filed: 4/26/2016, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, BRIEF, APPENDIX, [50], [51], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1758042] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/26/2016 09:01 AM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 4/20/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
MOTION, to reinstate appeal, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/20/2016 by CM/ECF. [1754963] [15-4077]
Legal Document 49 Filed: 4/25/2016, Entered: None
MOTION, to reinstate appeal, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/25/2016 by CM/ECF. [1757990] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/25/2016 09:43 PM]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204723342 Filed: 4/20/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CERTIFIED COPY OF ORDER, dated 04/20/2016, disposing of the appeal to SDNY, ISSUED.[Mandate][1754695] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 48 Filed: 4/21/2016, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, MOTION, to reinstate appeal, [45], on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED.[1755921] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/21/2016 05:01 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 4/6/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ORDER, [33] appeal dismissed for Appellant Richard E. Lerner failure to file brief and appendix, EFFECTIVE.[1744683] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 4/21/2016, Entered: None
MOTION, to recall mandate, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 04/20/2016 by CM/ECF. [1754964] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/21/2016 12:00 AM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204696692 Filed: 4/6/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
MOTION ORDER, denying as moot the motion to extend time [34] filed by Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Ervin Tausky, Suan Investments, Judit Gottdiener and Richard E. Lerner, by RKW, FILED. [1744507][40] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 4/20/2016, Entered: None
CERTIFIED COPY OF ORDER, dated 04/20/2016, disposing of the appeal to SDNY, ISSUED.[Mandate][1754695] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/20/2016 02:52 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204678933 Filed: 3/28/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
OPPOSITION TO MOTION, to extend time [34], on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 03/28/2016 by CM/ECF. [1737752] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 4/6/2016, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, denying as moot the motion to extend time [34] filed by Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Ervin Tausky, Suan Investments, Judit Gottdiener and Richard E. Lerner, by RKW, FILED. [1744507][40] [15-4077] [Entered: 04/06/2016 02:22 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204677959 Filed: 3/28/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Richard E. Lerner, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 03/28/2016 by CM/ECF. [1737383] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 3/28/2016, Entered: None
OPPOSITION TO MOTION, to extend time [34], on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 03/28/2016 by CM/ECF. [1737752] [15-4077] [Entered: 03/28/2016 06:23 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204581710 Filed: 2/8/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellant Richard E. Lerner Brief due date as 03/29/2016. Joint Appendix due date as 03/29/2016, FILED.[1700883] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 3/28/2016, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Richard E. Lerner, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 03/28/2016 by CM/ECF. [1737383] [15-4077] [Entered: 03/28/2016 02:31 PM]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204576259 Filed: 2/4/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant Richard E. Lerner, informing Court of proposed due date 03/29/2016, RECEIVED. Service date 02/04/2016 by CM/ECF.[1698831] [15-4077]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 33 Filed: 2/8/2016, Entered: None
SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellant Richard E. Lerner Brief due date as 03/29/2016. Joint Appendix due date as 03/29/2016, FILED.[1700883] [15-4077] [Entered: 02/08/2016 03:35 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204573614 Filed: 2/3/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CAMP CONFERENCE ORDER: VACATED, Scheduled Date of Conference: 02/08/2016, endorsed by Vidya Kurella, FILED.[1697841] [15-4077]
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Blank 30 Filed: 2/4/2016, Entered: None
LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant Richard E. Lerner, informing Court of proposed due date 03/29/2016, RECEIVED. Service date 02/04/2016 by CM/ECF.[1698831] [15-4077] [Entered: 02/04/2016 02:47 PM]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204565394 Filed: 1/29/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NEW CASE MANAGER, Amit Singh, ASSIGNED.[1694720] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 2/3/2016, Entered: None
CAMP CONFERENCE ORDER: VACATED, Scheduled Date of Conference: 02/08/2016, endorsed by Vidya Kurella, FILED.[1697841] [15-4077] [Entered: 02/03/2016 01:55 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204553000 Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 01/22/2016 by CM/ECF.[1690039] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 1/29/2016, Entered: None
NEW CASE MANAGER, Amit Singh, ASSIGNED.[1694720] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/29/2016 02:45 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204552551 Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant Richard E. Lerner, FILED. Service date 01/22/2016 by CM/ECF.[1689874] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee Felix Sater, FILED. Service date 01/22/2016 by CM/ECF.[1690039] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/22/2016 03:16 PM]
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Blank  Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ATTORNEY, Jessica Jean Hu for Todd Kaminsky, in case 15-4077 , [19], ADDED.[1689278] [15-4077]
Blank 23 Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant Richard E. Lerner, FILED. Service date 01/22/2016 by CM/ECF.[1689874] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/22/2016 01:21 PM]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204550997 Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CAPTION, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Movant - Appellant, AMENDED.[1689270] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 1/22/2016, Entered: None
CAPTION, Frederick Martin Oberlander, Movant - Appellant, AMENDED.[1689270] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/22/2016 08:51 AM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204550843 Filed: 1/21/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Todd Kaminsky, FILED. Service date 01/21/2016 by CM/ECF. [1689206] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 1/21/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Todd Kaminsky, FILED. Service date 01/21/2016 by CM/ECF. [1689206] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/21/2016 09:00 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204544749 Filed: 1/19/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 01/19/2016 by CM/ECF.[1686845] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 1/19/2016, Entered: None
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 01/19/2016 by CM/ECF.[1686845] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/19/2016 04:51 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204528232 Filed: 1/11/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
CAMP CONFERENCE ORDER: Type of Conference: Telephonic, Scheduled Date of Conference: 02/08/2016, Start Time: 10:30 AM, endorsed by Vidya Kurella, FILED.[1680598] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 1/11/2016, Entered: None
CAMP CONFERENCE ORDER: Type of Conference: Telephonic, Scheduled Date of Conference: 02/08/2016, Start Time: 10:30 AM, endorsed by Vidya Kurella, FILED.[1680598] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/11/2016 10:52 AM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204518204 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Todd Kaminsky, FILED. Service date 01/05/2016 by CM/ECF.[1676842] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 14 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: None
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Todd Kaminsky, FILED. Service date 01/05/2016 by CM/ECF.[1676842] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/05/2016 05:07 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204517655 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE, to Appellee Akerman Senterfitt, LLP, Tevfik Arif, Bayrock Camelback, LLC, Bayrock Group, Inc., Bayrock Group, LLC, Bayrock Merrimac, LLC, Bayrock Spring Street, LLC, Bayrock Whitestone, LLC, Michael Petros Beys, Beys Stein & Mobargha, LLP, Craig H. Brown, Does 1 through 100, John Does 1-100, John Does 1-100, Mel Dogan, Martin Domb, Duval & Stachenfeld, LLP, Adam B. Gilbert, David Granin, Brian Halberg, Salvatore Lauria, Nader Mobargha, Kelly Anne Moore, Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP, National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Elliot Pisem, Roberts & Holland, LLP, Alex Salomon, Salomon & Co. PC, Michael Samuels, Alex Sapir, Tamir Sapir, Felix Sater, Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke, LLP, Walter Saurack, Julius Schwarz, Bruce Stachenfeld and Jerry Weinrich , for failure to file an appearance, SENT.[1676636] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE, to Appellee Akerman Senterfitt, LLP, Tevfik Arif, Bayrock Camelback, LLC, Bayrock Group, Inc., Bayrock Group, LLC, Bayrock Merrimac, LLC, Bayrock Spring Street, LLC, Bayrock Whitestone, LLC, Michael Petros Beys, Beys Stein & Mobargha, LLP, Craig H. Brown, Does 1 through 100, John Does 1-100, John Does 1-100, Mel Dogan, Martin Domb, Duval & Stachenfeld, LLP, Adam B. Gilbert, David Granin, Brian Halberg, Salvatore Lauria, Nader Mobargha, Kelly Anne Moore, Morgan Lewis & Bockius, LLP, National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Elliot Pisem, Roberts & Holland, LLP, Alex Salomon, Salomon & Co. PC, Michael Samuels, Alex Sapir, Tamir Sapir, Felix Sater, Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke, LLP, Walter Saurack, Julius Schwarz, Bruce Stachenfeld and Jerry Weinrich , for failure to file an appearance, SENT.[1676636] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/05/2016 03:31 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204517645 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ORDER, dated 01/05/2016, dismissng the appeal by 1/19/2016, unless appellants submit Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance Form, FILED.[1676629] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 12 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: None
ORDER, dated 01/05/2016, dismissng the appeal by 1/19/2016, unless appellants submit Acknowledgment and Notice of Appearance Form, FILED.[1676629] [15-4077] [Entered: 01/05/2016 03:28 PM]
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Blank  Filed: 1/4/2016, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments and Ervin Tausky, district court receipt # 0208-11789746., FILED.[1675156] [15-4077]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 12/30/2015, Entered: None
FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 12/30/2015 by CM/ECF.[1674405] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/30/2015 11:17 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204511748 Filed: 12/30/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 12/30/2015 by CM/ECF.[1674405] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 12/30/2015, Entered: None
FORM D, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 12/30/2015 by CM/ECF.[1674404] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/30/2015 11:01 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204511745 Filed: 12/30/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
FORM D, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. Service date 12/30/2015 by CM/ECF.[1674404] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[1669198] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:18 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497888 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[1669198] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 11/16/2015, RECEIVED.[1669196] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:17 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497882 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 11/16/2015, RECEIVED.[1669196] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 5 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 03/23/2015, RECEIVED.[1669193] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:16 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497874 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 03/23/2015, RECEIVED.[1669193] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 05/08/2014, RECEIVED.[1669189] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:15 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497860 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 05/08/2014, RECEIVED.[1669189] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 04/17/2014, RECEIVED.[1669188] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:14 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497857 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DISTRICT COURT ORDER, dated 04/17/2014, RECEIVED.[1669188] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT OPINION AND ORDER, dated 02/25/2014, RECEIVED.[1669186] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:14 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497850 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DISTRICT COURT OPINION AND ORDER, dated 02/25/2014, RECEIVED.[1669186] [15-4077]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 1 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None
NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. [1669171] [15-4077] [Entered: 12/21/2015 04:09 PM]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00204497813 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant Ernest Gottdiener, Judit Gottdiener, Suan Investments, Frederick Martin Oberlander, and Ervin Tausky, FILED. [1669171] [15-4077]
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