Farzan v. Bridgewater Associates, LP et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Connecticut District Court, Case No. 3:16-cv-00935
District Judge Stefan R. Underhill, presiding
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District Judge Stefan R. Underhill
Last Updated November 17, 2017 at 5:40 PM EST (7.2 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Raymond Farzan, Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Raymond Farzan +1 732 778 5047 RaymondFarzan@gmail.com
No Logo Abyss Group, Inc., Defendant

Represented by Lucas Bagnell LLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Douglas John Varga +1 203 227 8400 +1 203 227 8402 dvarga@lbv-law.com
No Logo Bridgewater Associates, LP, Defendant

Represented by Paul Hastings LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Patrick W. Shea +1 212 318 6405 +1 212 752 2542 patrickshea@paulhastings.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart +1 212 318 6396 +1 212 752 2657 kelseyvanwart@paulhastings.com
No Logo Iain Paine, Defendant

Represented by Gardner Cornell, P.C.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart +1 212 318 6396 +1 212 752 2657 kelseyvanwart@paulhastings.com

Represented by Paul Hastings LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Patrick W. Shea +1 212 318 6405 +1 212 752 2542 patrickshea@paulhastings.com
No Logo Jeff Welch, Defendant

Represented by Gardner Cornell, P.C.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart +1 212 318 6396 +1 212 752 2657 kelseyvanwart@paulhastings.com

Represented by Paul Hastings LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Patrick W. Shea +1 212 318 6405 +1 212 752 2542 patrickshea@paulhastings.com
No Logo Ryan Oberoi, Defendant

Represented by Gardner Cornell, P.C.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart +1 212 318 6396 +1 212 752 2657 kelseyvanwart@paulhastings.com

Represented by Paul Hastings LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Patrick W. Shea +1 212 318 6405 +1 212 752 2542 patrickshea@paulhastings.com
Citation Section 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Nature of Suit 442 - Civil Rights: Employment
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 64 Filed: 11/17/2017, Entered: None USCA Mandate
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 63 Filed: 2/16/2017, Entered: None Transcript
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 62 Filed: 2/16/2017, Entered: None Clerk's Certificate re: Notice of Appeal
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 61 Filed: 2/16/2017, Entered: None Notice of Appeal
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 1/25/2017, Entered: None Judgment
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Legal Document 58 Filed: 1/24/2017, Entered: None Order on Motion to Dismiss
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 12/20/2016, Entered: None Motion Hearing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 11/7/2016, Entered: None Reply to Response to Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 10/31/2016, Entered: None Set Motion and Rcmd Ruling Deadlines/Hearings
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 53 Filed: 10/25/2016, Entered: None Writ of Habeas Corpus ad Testificandum Issued
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 52 Filed: 10/25/2016, Entered: None Response
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 51 Filed: 10/25/2016, Entered: None Electronic Filing Order (PRO SE)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 10/18/2016, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 48 Filed: 10/13/2016, Entered: None Electronic Summons Issued
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 10/13/2016, Entered: None Electronic Summons Issued
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 10/13/2016, Entered: None Electronic Summons Issued
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 10/13/2016, Entered: None Electronic Summons Issued
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 10/13/2016, Entered: None Electronic Summons Issued
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 9/22/2016, Entered: None Amended Complaint
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 9/7/2016, Entered: None Response
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 9/2/2016, Entered: None Response
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 9/1/2016, Entered: None Response
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 8/10/2016, Entered: None Order on Sealed Motion
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 7/26/2016, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 25 Motion to Stay discovery pending resolution of motions to dismiss. Signed by Judge Stefan R. Underhill on 7/26/2016. (Pollack, R.) (Entered: 07/26/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 27 Filed: 7/25/2016, Entered: None
Memorandum in Opposition re 26 MOTION to Compel filed by Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi, Iain Paine, Jeff Welch. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 07/25/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 7/18/2016, Entered: None
MOTION to Compel by Raymond Farzan. Responses due by 8/8/2016 (Oliver, T.) (Entered: 07/18/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 25 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
Joint MOTION to Stay Discovery by Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi, Iain Paine, Jeff Welch.Responses due by 8/5/2016 (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support, # 2 Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit 7)(Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE by Abyss Group, Inc. Notice to Pro Se Litigant Opposing Motion to Dismiss (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit FRCP 12, # 2 Exhibit Local Rule 7)(Varga, Douglas) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 23 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
MOTION to Dismiss by Abyss Group, Inc..Responses due by 8/5/2016 (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support)(Varga, Douglas) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE by Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi, Iain Paine, Jeff Welch re 21 MOTION to Dismiss Notice to Pro Se Litigant Opposing Motion to Dismiss as Required by Local Rule 12(a) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
MOTION to Dismiss by Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi, Iain Paine, Jeff Welch.Responses due by 8/5/2016 (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B)(Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart on behalf of Iain Paine, Jeff Welch (Van Wart, Kelsey) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 7/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick W. Shea on behalf of Iain Paine, Jeff Welch (Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 07/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 7/6/2016, Entered: None Court Filing
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 6/30/2016, Entered: None
Consent to Electronic Notice by Raymond Farzan (Oliver, T.) (Entered: 06/30/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 6/22/2016, Entered: None
Docket Entry Correction re 9 Notice, MAIN DOCUMENT ADDED. (Fazekas, J.) (Entered: 06/22/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 6/20/2016, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 13 , 14 Motions for Extension of Time. Signed by Judge Stefan R. Underhill on 6/20/2016. (Pollack, R.) (Entered: 06/20/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 14 Filed: 6/16/2016, Entered: None
MOTION for Extension of Time until 7/22/2016 to Plead to the Complaint contained in the 1 Notice of Removal by Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi. (Shea, Patrick) Modified on 6/17/2016 TO LINK TO DOC #1 (Oliver, T.). (Entered: 06/16/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 6/16/2016, Entered: None
MOTION for Extension of Time until 7/22/16 Plead to the Complaint contained in the 1 Notice of Removal by Abyss Group, Inc.. (Varga, Douglas) Modified on 6/17/2016 TO LINK TO DOC #1(Oliver, T.). (Entered: 06/16/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 12 Filed: 6/16/2016, Entered: None
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Abyss Group, Inc.. (Varga, Douglas) (Entered: 06/16/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 6/16/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by Douglas J. Varga on behalf of Abyss Group, Inc. (Varga, Douglas) (Entered: 06/16/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None Court Filing
NOTICE TO COUNSEL/PRO SE PARTIES : Counsel or pro se parties initiating or removing this action are responsible for serving all parties with attached documents and copies of 9 Notice re Initial Discovery Protocols, 4 Notice of Appearance filed by Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart on behalf of Ryan Oberoi, Bridgewater Associates, LP, 5 Notice of Pending Motions filed by Ryan Oberoi, Bridgewater Associates, LP, 1 Notice of Removal, filed by Ryan Oberoi, Abyss Group, Inc., Iain Paine, Bridgewater Associates, LP, Jeff Welch, 3 Notice of Appearance filed by Patrick W. Shea on behalf of Ryan Oberoi, Bridgewater Associates, LP, 2 Corporate Disclosure Statement filed by Bridgewater Associates, LP, 6 Order on Pretrial Deadlines, 8 Standing Protective Order, 7 ENTERED IN ERROR - Electronic Filing Order Signed by Chief Judge on 6/15/2016. (Attachments: # 1 Removal Standing Order)(Fazekas, J.) Modified on 6/16/2016 (Fazekas, J.). (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE re Initial Discovery Protocols Signed by Clerk on 6/15/2016. (Attachments: # 1 Discovery Protocol Form)(Fazekas, J.) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/22/2016: # 2 Main Document) (Fazekas, J.). (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None Court Filing
STANDING PROTECTIVE ORDER Signed by Judge Stefan R. Underhill on 6/15/2016.(Fazekas, J.) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None Court Filing
ENTERED IN ERROR - ELECTRONIC FILING ORDER - PLEASE ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH COURTESY COPY REQUIREMENTS IN THIS ORDER Signed by Judge Stefan R. Underhill on 6/15/2016.(Fazekas, J.) Modified on 6/16/2016 (Fazekas, J.). (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
Order on Pretrial Deadlines: Motions to Dismiss due on 9/15/2016. Amended Pleadings due by 8/14/2016. Discovery due by 12/15/2016. Dispositive Motions due by 1/14/2017. Signed by Clerk on 6/15/2016.(Fazekas, J.) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 5 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE of Pending Motions by Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi. (Walker, A) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by Kelsey Gottschalk Van Wart on behalf of Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi (Van Wart, Kelsey) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick W. Shea on behalf of Bridgewater Associates, LP, Ryan Oberoi (Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Bridgewater Associates, LP. (Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 1 Filed: 6/15/2016, Entered: None
NOTICE OF REMOVAL by Abyss Group, Inc., Ryan Oberoi, Iain Paine, Bridgewater Associates, LP, Jeff Welch from Connecticut Superior Court, case number FST-CV16-5015689-S. Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0205-4034696, filed by Abyss Group, Inc., Ryan Oberoi, Iain Paine, Bridgewater Associates, LP, Jeff Welch. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Statement of Information Supporting Notice of Removal, # 5 Notice of Pending Motions)(Shea, Patrick) (Entered: 06/15/2016)
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