District Appellate Supreme
Virginia Eastern District Court Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit United States Supreme Court

VA Citizens Defense League v. Katie Couric

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Case No. 17-1783
Last Updated December 7, 2019 at 9:50 PM EST (5.2 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Daniel Lewis Hawes, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Law Offices of Megan A. Meier (Unknown Firm)

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Arthur Clare +1 202 682 7400 +1 202 879 5200 file@clarelocke.com
Space Elizabeth Marie Locke +1 202 628 7402 libby@clarelocke.com
Space Megan A. Meier megan@clarelocke.com
Space Joseph Ronald Oliveri +1 202 628 7405 joe@clarelocke.com
No Logo Patricia Webb, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Law Offices of Megan A. Meier (Unknown Firm)

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Arthur Clare +1 202 682 7400 +1 202 879 5200 file@clarelocke.com
Space Elizabeth Marie Locke +1 202 628 7402 libby@clarelocke.com
Space Megan A. Meier megan@clarelocke.com
Space Joseph Ronald Oliveri +1 202 628 7405 joe@clarelocke.com
No Logo Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc., Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Arthur Clare +1 202 682 7400 +1 202 879 5200 file@clarelocke.com

Represented by Law Offices of Megan A. Meier (Unknown Firm)

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elizabeth Marie Locke +1 202 628 7402 libby@clarelocke.com
Space Megan A. Meier megan@clarelocke.com
Space Joseph Ronald Oliveri +1 202 628 7405 joe@clarelocke.com
No Logo Atlas Films Llc, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Ballard Spahr LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Mara Jolene Gassmann +1 202 661 2200 gassmannm@ballardspahr.com

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nathan Siegel +1 202 973 4200 nathansiegel@dwt.com

Represented by Williams & Connolly, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicholas Garber Gamse +1 202 434 5690 ngamse@wc.com
No Logo Katie Couric, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Williams & Connolly, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kevin Taylor Baine +1 202 434 5010 +1 202 434 5029 KBaine@wc.com
Space Nicholas Garber Gamse +1 202 434 5690 ngamse@wc.com
Space Thomas G Hentoff +1 202 434 5804 +1 202 434 5029 thentoff@wc.com
Space Emily Ann Rose +1 202 434 5000 erose@wc.com
No Logo Stephanie Soechtig, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Mara Jolene Gassmann +1 202 661 2200 gassmannm@ballardspahr.com

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nathan Siegel +1 202 973 4200 nathansiegel@dwt.com
No Logo Studio 3 Partners, Llc, D/b/a Epix, Now Known As Epix Entertainment Llc, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick John Curran, Jr. +1 202 973 4200 +1 202 873 4499 patcurran@dwt.com
Space Elizabeth Anne McNamara +1 212 603 6437 +1 212 489 8340 lizmcnamara@dwt.com
Space Linda Jane Steinman +1 212 603 6409 +1 212 489 8340 lindasteinman@dwt.com

Represented by Williams & Connolly, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicholas Garber Gamse +1 202 434 5690 ngamse@wc.com
Nature of Suit 4320 - Personal Injury: Assault Libel & Slander
Case Type Civil Private
Lower Court Case https://ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=3:16-cv-00757-JAG
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407286380 Filed: 1/4/2019, Entered: None ?
Mandate issued. Referencing: [48] published authored Opinion , [49] Judgment order. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. [17-1783] CP
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407260909 Filed: 12/13/2018, Entered: None ?
JUDGMENT ORDER filed. Decision: Affirmed. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. Entered on Docket Date: 12/13/2018. [1000420694] Copies to all parties and the district court/agency. [17-1783] CP
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Legal Document 00407260897 Filed: 12/13/2018, Entered: None ?
PUBLISHED AUTHORED OPINION filed. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. [1000420688]. [17-1783] CP
Blank  Filed: 10/30/2018, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT heard before the Honorable Roger L. Gregory, Diana Gribbon Motz and James A. Wynn, Jr.. Attorneys arguing case: Joseph Ronald Oliveri for Appellants Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc., Patricia Webb and Daniel Lewis Hawes and Mr. Nathan Ellis Siegel for Appellees Stephanie Soechtig and Atlas Films LLC. Courtroom Deputy: Joy Moore. [1000394221] [17-1783] JHM
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407196557 Filed: 10/24/2018, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Nicholas G. Gamse for Katie Couric.[1000391087] [17-1783] Nicholas Gamse
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407144702 Filed: 9/14/2018, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Appellants Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc., Daniel Lewis Hawes and Patricia Webb. Counsel arguing: Joseph R. Oliveri Opening argument time: 15 + 5 rebuttal [1000367447] [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407144061 Filed: 9/13/2018, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Appellees Atlas Films LLC, Katie Couric and Studio 3 Partners, LLC. Counsel arguing: Nathan Siegel Answering argument time: 20 minutes [1000367142] [17-1783] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407131627 Filed: 9/5/2018, Entered: None ?
CASE CALENDARED for oral argument. Date: 10/30/2018. Registration Time: 8:45 - 9:00. Daily Arguments Begin: 9:30. Oral argument acknowledgment form due within 10 days. [17-1783] JLC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407093121 Filed: 8/6/2018, Entered: None ?
NOTICE RE: CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED ARGUMENT DATES by Appellants Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. Argument Session: 10/18 Days you are available: 10/30/18 and 10/31/18 Other scheduling information: Unavailable 11/1/18 [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407090136 Filed: 8/3/2018, Entered: None ?
CASE TENTATIVELY CALENDARED for oral argument during the 10/30/18 - 11/1/18 argument session. Additional copies due: 08/08/2018. Notify Clerk's Office of any scheduling conflict by: 08/13/2018. [17-1783] JLC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407040156 Filed: 6/26/2018, Entered: None ?
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407031696 Filed: 6/20/2018, Entered: None ?
NOTICE RE: CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED ARGUMENT DATES by Appellants Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc., Patricia Webb and Daniel Lewis Hawes. Argument Session: 09/18 Days you are available: None Other scheduling information: Appellants' lead counsel will be on maternity leave and unavailable for the Court's Sept. argument session. Counsel has conferred with Appellees' counsel, and all are agreeable to and available for argument during the Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 argument session. [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Blank  Filed: 6/20/2018, Entered: None ?
Additional copies of the RESPONSE BRIEF received from Atlas Films LLC, Katie Couric, Stephanie Soechtig and Studio 3 Partners, LLC. [17-1783] AD
Blank  Filed: 6/19/2018, Entered: None ?
Additional copies of the OPENING BRIEF, REPLY BRIEF and JOINT APPENDIX received from Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. [17-1783] AD
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407024792 Filed: 6/15/2018, Entered: None ?
CASE TENTATIVELY CALENDARED for oral argument during the 9/25/18 - 9/28/18 argument session. Additional copies due: 06/20/2018. Notify Clerk's Office of any scheduling conflict by: 06/25/2018. [17-1783] JLC
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Blank  Filed: 1/17/2018, Entered: None ?
REPLY BRIEF (PAPER) file-stamped, on behalf of Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. Number of pages: [36]. Sufficient: YES. Number of Copies: [1]. Entered on Docket Date: 01/19/2018. Received by clerk date: 01/18/2018. [1000226316] [17-1783] CP
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406833356 Filed: 1/17/2018, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Appellants Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc., Patricia Webb and Daniel Lewis Hawes in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: REPLY. Method of Filing Paper Copies: hand delivery. Date Paper Copies Mailed, Dispatched, or Delivered to Court: 01/18/2018. [1000224766] [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Blank  Filed: 12/22/2017, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE BRIEF (PAPER) file-stamped, on behalf of Atlas Films LLC, Katie Couric and Studio 3 Partners, LLC. Number of pages: [70]. Sufficient: YES. Number of Copies: [1]. Entered on Docket Date: 01/03/2018. Received by clerk date: 12/27/2017. [1000217897] [17-1783] CP
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406808895 Filed: 12/22/2017, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Appellees Atlas Films LLC, Katie Couric and Studio 3 Partners, LLC in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: OPENING. Method of Filing Paper Copies: mail. Date Paper Copies Mailed, Dispatched, or Delivered to Court: 12/22/2017. [1000213556] [17-1783] Nathan Siegel
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406785555 Filed: 12/4/2017, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed [1000202478] granting Motion to extend filing time [30], updating/ resuming briefing order deadlines. Response brief due 12/22/2017, updating/resuming reply brief deadlines. Reply brief due 01/17/2018. Copies to all parties. [17-1783] DL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406785353 Filed: 12/4/2017, Entered: None ?
Joint MOTION by Appellees Atlas Films LLC, Katie Couric and Studio 3 Partners, LLC to extend filing time for Appellees' Response brief and Appellants' Reply brief until December 22, 2017 and January 17, 2018, respectively. Date and method of service: 12/04/2017 ecf. [1000202385] [17-1783] Nathan Siegel
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Blank  Filed: 10/25/2017, Entered: None ?
APPENDIX (PAPER) file-stamped, on behalf of Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. Total number of volumes (including any sealed): 1. Total number of pages in all volumes: 136. Total number of sealed volumes: 0. Sufficient? Yes. CD/DVD/Other exhibit? No. Number of Copies: 1. Entered on Docket Date: 10/26/2017. Received by clerk date: 10/25/2017. [1000180981] [17-1783] CP
Blank  Filed: 10/25/2017, Entered: None ?
OPENING BRIEF (PAPER) file-stamped, on behalf of Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. Number of pages: [76]. Sufficient: YES. Number of Copies: [1]. Entered on Docket Date: 10/26/2017. Received by clerk date: 10/25/2017. [1000180975] [17-1783] CP
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406738743 Filed: 10/25/2017, Entered: None ?
Joint FULL ELECTRONIC APPENDIX and full paper appendix by Appellants Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. Method of Filing Paper Copies: hand delivery. Date paper copies mailed dispatched or delivered to court: 10/25/2017. [1000180556] [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406738740 Filed: 10/25/2017, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Appellants Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: OPENING. Method of Filing Paper Copies: hand delivery. Date Paper Copies Mailed, Dispatched, or Delivered to Court: 10/25/2017. [1000180555] [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406684711 Filed: 9/14/2017, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed [1000155601] granting Motion to extend filing time [24], updating/ resuming briefing order deadlines. Opening brief and appendix due 10/25/2017. Response brief due 12/08/2017 Copies to all parties.. [17-1783] CP
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406683578 Filed: 9/13/2017, Entered: None ?
MOTION by Appellants Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb to extend filing time for opening brief and appendix until October 25, 2017. Date and method of service: 09/13/2017 ecf. [1000155021] [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406636995 Filed: 8/9/2017, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed [1000133605] updating/ resuming briefing order deadlines. Opening brief and appendix due 09/25/2017. Response brief due 10/25/2017 Copies to all parties.. [17-1783] DL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406605418 Filed: 7/14/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Linda Steinman for Studio 3 Partners, LLC.[1000118892] [17-1783] Linda Steinman
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406604229 Filed: 7/14/2017, Entered: None ?
BRIEFING ORDER filed. Opening Brief and Appendix due 08/23/2017. Response Brief due 09/22/2017 [17-1783] CP
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406604195 Filed: 7/14/2017, Entered: None ?
Initial mediation conference scheduled. [17-1783] MRB
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603784 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Elizabeth A. McNamara for Studio 3 Partners, LLC.[1000118181] [17-1783] Elizabeth McNamara
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603779 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Elizabeth M. Locke for Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb.[1000118179] [17-1783] Elizabeth Locke
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603776 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Joseph R. Oliveri for Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb.[1000118178] [17-1783] Joseph Oliveri
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603773 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS (Local Rule 26.1) by Appellant Patricia Webb. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000118177] [17-1783] Thomas Clare
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603770 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS (Local Rule 26.1) by Appellant Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000118176] [17-1783] Thomas Clare
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603767 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS (Local Rule 26.1) by Appellant Daniel Lewis Hawes. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000118175] [17-1783] Thomas Clare
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603763 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT by Appellants Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb. [17-1783] Thomas Clare
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603760 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Thomas A. Clare for Daniel Lewis Hawes, Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. and Patricia Webb.[1000118173] [17-1783] Thomas Clare
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603643 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS (Local Rule 26.1) by Appellee Studio 3 Partners, LLC. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? Yes [1000118116] [17-1783] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603632 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
Letter re: Studio 3 Partners LLC company name change to EPIX Entertainment LLC by Appellee Studio 3 Partners, LLC. [1000118112] [17-1783] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603290 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Kevin T. Baine for Katie Couric.[1000117951] [17-1783] Kevin Baine
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603258 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Thomas G. Hentoff for Katie Couric.[1000117932] [17-1783] Thomas Hentoff
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603255 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS (Local Rule 26.1) by Appellee Katie Couric. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000117929] [17-1783] Emily Rose
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406603252 Filed: 7/13/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Emily A. Rose for Katie Couric.[1000117928] [17-1783] Emily Rose
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406602054 Filed: 7/12/2017, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE OF CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS (Local Rule 26.1) by Appellee Atlas Films LLC. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000117333] [17-1783] Nathan Siegel
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406602047 Filed: 7/12/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Nathan Siegel for Atlas Films LLC.[1000117330] [17-1783] Nathan Siegel
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406600547 Filed: 7/11/2017, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL (Local Rule 46(c)) by Patrick John Curran Jr. for Studio 3 Partners, LLC.[1000116546] [17-1783] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 6/29/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
DOCKETING NOTICE issued Re: [1] Case Initial forms due within 14 days. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. Mailed to: Kevin Taylor Baine, Patrick John Curran, Jr., Nicholas Gamse, Mara Jolene Gassman, Thomas G. Hentoff, Matthew Edward Kelley, Elizabeth McNamara, Megan L. Meier, Nathan Siegel, Linda Steinman. [17-1783] (CP)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406585992 Filed: 6/29/2017, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING NOTICE issued Re: [1] Case Initial forms due within 14 days. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. Mailed to: Kevin Taylor Baine, Patrick John Curran, Jr., Nicholas Gamse, Mara Jolene Gassman, Thomas G. Hentoff, Matthew Edward Kelley, Elizabeth McNamara, Megan L. Meier, Nathan Siegel, Linda Steinman. [17-1783] CP
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 1 Filed: 6/29/2017, Entered: None Unknown Document Type
Case docketed. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. Case manager: CPoulsen. [17-1783] (CP)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00406585981 Filed: 6/29/2017, Entered: None ?
Case docketed. Originating case number: 3:16-cv-00757-JAG. Case manager: CPoulsen. [17-1783] CP
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