USA v. Ajemian, et al

Criminal Case Michigan Eastern District Court, Case No. 2:01-cr-80514-NGE
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United States of America United States of America, Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Blondell L. Morey +1 313 226 9100

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jennifer M. Gorland +1 313 226 9100 JENNIFER.GORLAND@USDOJ.GOV
Space Stephen L. Hiyama +1 313 226 9100
No Logo Ajemian, Alexander J., Defendant
Officially listed as "Alexander Ajemian"
United States of America United States of America, Defendant
Officially listed as "Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr."
No Logo Wells, Lee P., Defendant
Officially listed as "Lee P. Wells"

Note: Criminal cases with multiple defendants may have several records with the same case number: one record for the master file (all defendants), as well as one record per defendant. It can often be difficult to tell which record is which. Other likely matches for this case include:

Alexander Ajemian (1)
Office Detroit
Filed 6/13/2001
County Oakland
Terminated 6/18/2003
Other Court Case None
Count 1
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1341.F
Offense Level 4
18 U.S.C. 1341 MAIL FRAUDS
Count 2
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1001.F
Offense Level 4
Count 1s
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1341.F
Offense Level 4
18 U.S.C. 1341 MAIL FRAUD
Count 2s
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1001.F
Offense Level 4
Defendant Custody Status Released
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 264 Filed: 4/22/2016, Entered: 4/22/2016 Probation Form 35Court Filing
REPORT AND ORDER Terminating Supervised Release as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Signed by District Judge Nancy G. Edmunds. (CBet)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 263 Filed: 5/23/2012, Entered: 5/23/2012 Probation Form 35Court Filing
REPORT AND ORDER Terminating Supervised Release as to Lee P. Wells. Signed by District Judge Nancy G. Edmunds. (CHem)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Miscellaneous Case Number Assigned
Miscellaneous case number assigned as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr due to filing of Motion to Order the District Court Clerk to Transfer Restitution Payments to Victims by Henry Saad and Ronnie Hagel. Future entries regarding this filing should be made under the Civil menu in miscellaneous case no. 10-50750. (CGre)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 262 Filed: 3/18/2010, Entered: 3/18/2010 Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment
ORDER from U.S. Court of Appeals - Sixth Circuit as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [252] Notice of Appeal - Disposition: Application for a certificate of appealability is denied and motion to proceed in forma pauperis is denied as moot. [Appeal Case Number 09-2075]. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 261 Filed: 10/15/2009, Entered: 10/15/2009 Response
RESPONSE to [260] Order by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 260 Filed: 9/30/2009, Entered: 9/30/2009 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Denying Certificate of Appealability as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [259] Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment, Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 259 Filed: 9/22/2009, Entered: 9/22/2009, Terminated: 3/18/2010 Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment
ORDER from U.S. Court of Appeals - Sixth Circuit as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [252] Notice of Appeal - Disposition: held in abeyance and further remanded for the sole purpose of determining whether to grant to deny a certificate of appealability [Appeal Case Number 09-2075] (DeSa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 258 Filed: 9/8/2009, Entered: 9/8/2009 Order on Motion for reconsiderationCourt Filing
ORDER denying [257] Motion for Reconsideration as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 257 Filed: 8/31/2009, Entered: 9/1/2009 Motion for Reconsideration
MOTION for Reconsideration re [254] Order by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 256 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: 8/24/2009 Probation Form 35Court Filing
REPORT AND ORDER Terminating Supervised Release as to Kevin C. Lasky. Signed by District Judge John Feikens. (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 255 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: 8/21/2009 Probation Form 35Court Filing
REPORT AND ORDER Terminating Probation/Supervised release as to Cheryl A. Swain. Signed by District Judge John Feikens. (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 254 Filed: 8/19/2009, Entered: 8/19/2009 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER denying request to proceed IFP on Appeal as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr [252]. Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 253 Filed: 8/10/2009, Entered: 8/10/2009, Terminated: 3/18/2010 Certificate of Service of Notice of Appeal*
Certificate of Service re [252] Notice of Appeal as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 252 Filed: 8/10/2009, Entered: 8/10/2009, Terminated: 3/18/2010 Notice of appeal
NOTICE OF APPEAL re [251] Judgment, [250] Order on Motion for Sentence Relief, Order on Motion to Vacate (2255) and Motion to Proceed in Forma Pauperis on Appeal. Fee Status: IFP. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 251 Filed: 7/29/2009, Entered: 7/29/2009 judgmentCourt Filing
JUDGMENT Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 250 Filed: 7/29/2009, Entered: 7/29/2009 Order on Motion - FreeCourt Filing
ORDER denying [235] Motion for sentence relief as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5); denying [240] Motion to Vacate (2255) as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem) Civil Case 2:08-cv-14985-NGE closed. Modified on 11/12/2009 (CHem).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 249 Filed: 7/2/2009, Entered: 7/2/2009 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY (RESPONSE) TO RESPONSE by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [240] MOTION to Vacate Sentence under 28 U.S.C. 2255. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 248 Filed: 6/3/2009, Entered: 6/3/2009 Response to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [245] MOTION To File Brief In Excess of 20 Pages. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 247 Filed: 5/26/2009, Entered: 5/26/2009 Order on Motion - FreeCourt Filing
ORDER granting [245] Motion to file excess of twenty pages as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 246 Filed: 5/22/2009, Entered: 5/22/2009 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [240] MOTION to Vacate Sentence under 28 U.S.C. 2255 (Attachments: # (1) Index of Exhibits, # (2) Exhibit A - Transcript of Plea Hearing held on February 24, 2004, # (3) Exhibit B-Rule 11 Plea Agreement for Patrick Quinlan, Sr., # (4) Exhibit C-Transcript of Motion To Withdraw Guilty Plea held on May 5, 2005, # (5) Exhibit D-Opinion And Order Denying Defendant's Motion To Withdraw His Guilty Plea, # (6) Exhibit E-Transcript of Sentencing Hearing held on July 21, 2005) (Gorland, Jennifer)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 245 Filed: 5/22/2009, Entered: 5/22/2009, Terminated: 5/26/2009 Motion
MOTION To File Brief In Excess of 20 Pages by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Gorland, Jennifer)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 244 Filed: 2/4/2009, Entered: 2/4/2009 Order on Motion for reconsiderationCourt Filing
ORDER denying [238] Motion for Reconsideration re [237] Order on Motion to Appoint Counsel filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 243 Filed: 2/3/2009, Entered: 2/3/2009 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER for Briefing as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [240] MOTION to Vacate Sentence under 28 U.S.C. 2255 filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., [235] MOTION for Sentence Relief filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., ( Response due by 5/22/2009, Reply due by 7/14/2009) Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 242 Filed: 12/2/2008, Entered: 12/3/2008 Exhibit
EXHIBITS A - J re [240] MOTION to Vacate Sentence under 28 U.S.C. 2255 by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation, # (2) Document Continuation, # (3) Document Continuation) (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 241 Filed: 12/2/2008, Entered: 12/2/2008 Notice of Filing 2255 Motion
NOTICE of Filing a Motion Under 28 U.S.C. 2255 as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 240 Filed: 12/1/2008, Entered: 12/2/2008 Motion to Vacate(2255)
MOTION to Vacate Sentence under 28 U.S.C. 2255 by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation) (CGre)Civil case 2:08-cv-14985 opened.
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 239 Filed: 9/2/2008, Entered: 9/3/2008 Supplemental Brief
SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF re [238] MOTION for Reconsideration re [237] Order on Motion to Appoint Counsel by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 238 Filed: 8/25/2008, Entered: 8/25/2008, Terminated: 2/4/2009 Motion for Reconsideration
MOTION for Reconsideration re [237] Order on Motion to Appoint Counsel by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 237 Filed: 8/13/2008, Entered: 8/13/2008 Order on motion to appoint counselCourt Filing
ORDER denying [236] Motion to Appoint Counsel as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by District Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 236 Filed: 8/4/2008, Entered: 8/5/2008 Motion to Appoint Counsel
MOTION to Appoint Counsel by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 235 Filed: 7/24/2008, Entered: 7/25/2008 Motion
MOTION for Sentence Relief by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 234 Filed: 12/20/2007, Entered: 12/21/2007 Appeal/Supreme Court Letter
LETTER from U.S. Supreme as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr - Petition for rehearing is denied. [Appeal Case Number 07-5284]. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 233 Filed: 10/29/2007, Entered: 10/30/2007 Appeal/Supreme Court Letter
LETTER from Supreme Court as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. - Petition for a writ of certiorari is denied. [Appeal Case Number 07-5284]. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 232 Filed: 7/23/2007, Entered: 7/24/2007 Appeal/Supreme Court Letter
LETTER from U. S. Supreme Court as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [185] Notice of Appeal - The petition for writ of certiorari was filed on 7/10/07. [Appeal Case Number 07-5284]. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 231 Filed: 6/12/2007, Entered: 6/14/2007 Judgment Returned Executed
Judgment Returned Executed as to Cheryl A. Swain on 1/29/2007. (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 230 Filed: 6/7/2007, Entered: 6/8/2007 Probation Form 35
REPORT AND ORDER Terminating Supervised Release as to Alexander Ajemian. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 229 Filed: 4/30/2007, Entered: 5/1/2007 Appeal Mandate
MANDATE from USCA as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [185] Notice of Appeal filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. [Appeal Case Number 05-2060] (BSoc)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 228 Filed: 4/25/2007, Entered: 4/25/2007 Judgment Returned Executed
Judgment Returned Executed as to Lee P. Wells on 7/11/06. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 227 Filed: 4/19/2007, Entered: 4/20/2007 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGMENT of Transfer of Jurisdiction of Probationer from Western District of Michigan. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 226 Filed: 4/6/2007, Entered: 4/6/2007 Notice of Transfer to Western District of Michigan
NOTICE transferring case to Western District of Michigan as to Keith D. Pietila. Certified copy of order initiating transfer, certified copy of docket sheet sent. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 225 Filed: 4/5/2007, Entered: 4/6/2007 Order Transferring Jurisdiction
TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION to Western District of Michigan as to Keith D. Pietila Transmitted Transfer of Jurisdiction form, with certified copies of indictment, judgment and docket sheet. (CGre)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 224 Filed: 1/8/2007, Entered: 1/9/2007 Appeal Judgment
JUDGMENT of USCA (certified copy) as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [76] Notice of Appeal (BSoc, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 223 Filed: 1/8/2007, Entered: 1/9/2007 Appeal Slip Opinion
SLIP Opinion as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr from USCA re [185] Notice of Appeal Affirmed. (BSoc, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 222 Filed: 6/20/2006, Entered: 6/20/2006 Stipulation and Order
STIPULATION AND ORDER as to Cheryl A. Swain to extend surrender date to 9/10/2006. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (CCoh, )
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Legal Document 221 Filed: 5/15/2006, Entered: 5/17/2006 judgment
JUDGMENT as to Lee P. Wells. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (CGre, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 220 Filed: 5/3/2006, Entered: 5/4/2006 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on June 15, 2004 of Motion to Withdraw as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (SMar, ) (Main Document 220 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 218 Filed: 4/21/2006, Entered: 4/21/2006 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on May 5, 2005 of Motion to Withdraw Gulity Plea Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (SMar, ) (Main Document 218 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 219 Filed: 4/20/2006, Entered: 4/25/2006 judgment
JUDGMENT as to Cheryl A. Swain. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (CGre, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 217 Filed: 4/13/2006, Entered: 4/13/2006 Order
ORDER Modifying Conditons of Probation as to John P. O'Leary re [216] Stipulation filed by John P. O'Leary, waiving the payment of subsistence. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 216 Filed: 4/12/2006, Entered: 4/12/2006 stipulation
STIPULATION Modifying Conditions of Probation by John P. O'Leary. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - Monthly Cash Flow Statement)(Kriger, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 215 Filed: 3/20/2006, Entered: 3/20/2006 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 2/24/04 of Plea Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (BSoc, ) (Main Document 215 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 214 Filed: 2/28/2006, Entered: 3/9/2006 judgment
JUDGMENT as to John P. O'Leary. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (SMar, )
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Sentencing held as to John P. O'Leary.. (Court Reporter: Suzanne Jacques) (Defendant Attorney: Mark Kriger) (AUSA: Jennifer Gorland) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 213 Filed: 2/27/2006, Entered: 2/27/2006 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by United States of America as to John P. O'Leary (Hiyama, Stephen)
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Legal Document 212 Filed: 2/21/2006, Entered: 2/22/2006 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of sentencing hearing held on 02/16/06 as to Lee P. Wells. (DPer, ) (Main Document 212 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 211 Filed: 2/21/2006, Entered: 2/21/2006 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by John P. O'Leary (Attachments: # (1) Index of Exhibits # (2) Exhibit John O'Leary as co-worker# (3) Exhibit John O'Leary as family member# (4) Exhibit John O'Leary as friend and neighbor# (5) Exhibit John O'Leary as parent)(LaRene, N.C.)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable John Feikens : Sentencing held as to Lee P. Wells.. (Court Reporter: Marie Metcalf) (Defendant Attorney: Steven K. Davidson) (AUSA: Jennifer Gorland/Stephen Hiyama) (CCoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 210 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/14/2006 Notice of Failure to Comply with LR 5.1.1
NOTICE OF FAILURE TO COMPLY with Local Rule 5.1.1 issued to attorney Steven K. Davidson as to Lee P. Wells re [208] Sentencing Memorandum, [209] Exhibits. (NHoll, )
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Legal Document 209 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/14/2006 Exhibit
EXHIBITS re [208] Sentencing Memorandum by Lee P. Wells. (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation # (2) Document Continuation)(NHoll, )
Legal Document 208 Filed: 2/13/2006, Entered: 2/14/2006 sentencing memorandum
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 207 Filed: 2/10/2006, Entered: 2/13/2006 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 2/7/2006 of Sentencing as to Cheryl A. Swain. (NHoll, ) (Main Document 207 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
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Legal Document 206 Filed: 2/10/2006, Entered: 2/10/2006 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by United States of America as to Lee P. Wells (Hiyama, Stephen)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable John Feikens : Sentencing held as to Cheryl A. Swain.. (Court Reporter: Marie Metcalf) (Defendant Attorney: Robert Kalec) (AUSA: Stephen Hiyama/Jennifer Gorland) (CCoh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 205 Filed: 2/3/2006, Entered: 2/3/2006 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by United States of America as to Cheryl A. Swain (Attachments: # (1) Index of Exhibits # (2) Exhibit A United States v. Williams)(Hiyama, Stephen)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 204 Filed: 12/13/2005, Entered: 12/13/2005 Stipulation and Order
STIPULATION AND ORDER as to Kevin C. Lasky to Extend Date for Reporting to Federal Prison to 12/30/2005, by 2:00 p.m. to the U.S. Penitentiary, Big Sandy,in Inez, Kentucky. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (CCoh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 203 Filed: 12/8/2005, Entered: 12/8/2005 Judgment Returned Executed
Judgment Returned Executed as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr on 10/28/2005. (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 202 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: 12/1/2005 Transcript Order Form
TRANSCRIPT Order Form by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [185] Notice of Appeal. (LBeh, )
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset deadlines/hearings
Reset Sentencing as to John P. O'Leary: Sentencing re-set for 1/31/2006 02:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 201 Filed: 11/18/2005, Entered: 11/21/2005 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 7/21/05 of sentencing hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (DTyle, ) (Main Document 201 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 200 Filed: 11/8/2005, Entered: 11/8/2005 Order
ORDER extending date to file objections to Presentence Report to 11/14/2005 as to John P. O'Leary. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 199 Filed: 11/8/2005, Entered: 11/8/2005 stipulation
STIPULATION Extending Time For Filing Objections to Presentence Report by John P. O'Leary. (Kriger, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 198 Filed: 9/29/2005, Entered: 10/3/2005 Stipulation and Order
STIPULATION AND ORDER to extend date for reporting to federal prison as to Kevin C. Lasky. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 197 Filed: 9/22/2005, Entered: 9/22/2005 Order on Motion for order
ORDER granting [195] Motion for Order Extending Reporting Date to Designated Institution to 10/28/2005 no later than 1:00 p.m. as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 196 Filed: 9/20/2005, Entered: 9/20/2005 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [195] MOTION for Order of Extension of Time for Defendant to Report to Designated Institution (Hiyama, Stephen)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 195 Filed: 9/14/2005, Entered: 9/14/2005, Terminated: 9/22/2005 Motion for order
MOTION for Order of Extension of Time for Defendant to Report to Designated Institution by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Mullkoff, Douglas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 193 Filed: 8/22/2005, Entered: 8/23/2005 Transcript Order Form
TRANSCRIPT Order Form by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [185] Notice of Appeal. (LBeh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 194 Filed: 8/4/2005, Entered: 8/26/2005 judgment
JUDGMENT as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 192 Filed: 8/1/2005, Entered: 8/5/2005 Waiver of Indictment
WAIVER OF INDICTMENT by John P. O'Leary (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 191 Filed: 8/1/2005, Entered: 8/5/2005 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of Fifth Superseding Information by John P. O'Leary. (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 190 Filed: 8/1/2005, Entered: 8/5/2005 Waiver-Other
WAIVER of Statute of Limitations by John P. O'Leary (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 189 Filed: 8/1/2005, Entered: 8/3/2005 Superseding Information
FIFTH SUPERSEDING INFORMATION as to John P. O'Leary (7) count(s) 1s. (DPer, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 188 Filed: 8/1/2005, Entered: 8/3/2005 plea agreement
PLEA AGREEMENT as to John P. O'Leary. (DPer, )
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Plea Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Plea Hearing, Plea Entered by John P. O'Leary (7) Guilty Count 1s. Sentencing set for 12/6/2005 02:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds.(Court Reporter: Suzanne Jacques) (Defendant Attorney: Mark Kriger) (AUSA: Jennifer Gorland) (CHem, )
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Arraignment as to John P. O'Leary (7) Count1 of 5th superseding information 1s held on 8/1/2005 Bond Continued. (Court Reporter: Suzanne Jacques) (Defendant Attorney: Mark Kriger) (AUSA: Jennifer Gorland) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 187 Filed: 7/27/2005, Entered: 7/28/2005 Order Dismissing Count on Government Motion
ORDER Dismissing Counts 2-15 and 17-20 on Government Motion as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (NHoll, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 186 Filed: 7/26/2005, Entered: 7/26/2005, Terminated: 3/18/2010 Certificate of Service of Notice of Appeal*
Certificate of Service re [185] Notice of Appeal as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr to US Court of Appeals. (LBeh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 185 Filed: 7/21/2005, Entered: 7/26/2005 Notice of appeal
NOTICE of Appeal by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr of Judgment and Sentence (not on docket). Receipt No. n/a - Fee Status: No Fee Paid. (LBeh, )
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Sentencing held as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr.. (Court Reporter: Suzanne Jacques) (Defendant Attorney: Douglas Mullkoff) (AUSA: Steve Hiyama/ Jennifer Gorland) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 184 Filed: 7/15/2005, Entered: 7/15/2005 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (Hiyama, Stephen)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 182 Filed: 7/11/2005, Entered: 7/11/2005 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (Attachments: # (1) Index of Exhibits # (2) Exhibit ATTACHMENT A (AFFIDAVIT))(Hiyama, Stephen)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 183 Filed: 7/8/2005, Entered: 7/12/2005 Answer
RESPONSE by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr to [176] Sentencing Memorandum (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation # (2) Document Continuation # (3) Document Continuation # (4) Document Continuation)(DPer, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 181 Filed: 7/8/2005, Entered: 7/8/2005 Certificate of service
Certificate of Service by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr Defendant Patrick Quinlan, Sr.'s Response to Government's Sentencing Memorandum (Mullkoff, Douglas)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset deadlines/hearings
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr: Sentencing set for 7/21/2005 01:30 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 179 Filed: 6/20/2005, Entered: 6/20/2005 Certificate of service
Certificate of Service by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr Defendant's Sentence Memorandum (Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 180 Filed: 6/17/2005, Entered: 6/21/2005 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr.; with exhibits 1-2, A-F (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation)(DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 178 Filed: 6/17/2005, Entered: 6/20/2005 Stipulation and Order
STIPULATION AND ORDER to extend date for reporting to federal prison by C. Lasky. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 177 Filed: 6/16/2005, Entered: 6/17/2005 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 2/19/04 of Plea Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (RHutc, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 176 Filed: 6/13/2005, Entered: 6/13/2005 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING MEMORANDUM by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (Attachments: # (1) Index of Exhibits # (2) Exhibit Affidavit of Alexander J. Ajemian)(Hiyama, Stephen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset deadlines/hearings
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr: Sentencing re-set for 6/28/2005 01:30 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 175 Filed: 5/11/2005, Entered: 5/11/2005 Order on Motion to withdraw document
ORDER denying [166] Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 174 Filed: 5/5/2005, Entered: 5/5/2005, Terminated: 8/4/2005 Motion
MOTION Defer in Making the Final Decision on the April 5, 2005 Withdrawal Motion Until Necessary Forensic Work is Received by the Court and Brief in Support of Motion asking Court to Defer in Making the Final Decision and Certificate of Service by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 173 Filed: 5/5/2005, Entered: 5/5/2005, Terminated: 8/4/2005 Motion for Expert Services
MOTION for Expert Services and For Payment of Expert at Govenment Expense along with Certificate of Service by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 172 Filed: 5/5/2005, Entered: 5/5/2005 Certificate of service
Certificate of Service by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [171] Reply (Free), Reply (Free) First Additiion & Support to the April 5, 2005 Motion to Withdraw Rule 11 Plea Agreement and a Response to Government's April 19, 2005 Response Filing and Supporting Brief (Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 171 Filed: 5/5/2005, Entered: 5/5/2005 Reply - Free
REPLY to [166] MOTION to Withdraw Document [120] Plea Agreement, [169] Response to Motion, First Additions & Support to the April 5, 2005 Motion to Withdraw Rule 11 Plea, and a Response to Government's April 19, 2005 Response Filing and Supporting Brief by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A# (2) Exhibit Exhibit B# (3) Exhibit Exhibit C)(Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Motion Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Motion Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr held on 5/5/2005 re [166] MOTION to Withdraw Document [120] Plea Agreement filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., [173] MOTION for Expert Services and For Payment of Expert at Govenment Expense along with Certificate of Service filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., [168] MOTION to Adjourn Sentencing filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., [174] MOTION Defer in Making the Final Decision on the April 5, 2005 Withdrawal Motion Until Necessary Forensic Work is Received by the Court and Brief in Support of Motion asking Court to Defer in Making the Final Decision and Certificate of Servicefiled by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr.. (Court Reporter: Janice Coleman) (Defendant Attorney: Douglas Mullkoff) (AUSA: Jennifer Gorland and Steve Hiyama) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 170 Filed: 4/22/2005, Entered: 4/22/2005 Probation Form 12B
ORDER with request modifying terms of supervised release as to Alexander Ajemian. Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 169 Filed: 4/19/2005, Entered: 4/19/2005 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [166] MOTION to Withdraw Document [120] Plea Agreement (Attachments: # (1) Index of Exhibits # (2) Exhibit A - Transcript of Plea Hearing, February 24, 2004# (3) Exhibit B - Judgment of Sentence, 04-196515-FH)(Gorland, Jennifer)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 168 Filed: 4/19/2005, Entered: 4/19/2005, Terminated: 8/4/2005 Motion to Adjourn
MOTION to Adjourn Sentencing by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 167 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: 4/7/2005 Notice of hearing on motion
NOTICE of hearing on [166] MOTION to Withdraw Document [120] Plea Agreement as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Motion Hearing set for 5/5/2005 02:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 166 Filed: 4/5/2005, Entered: 4/7/2005 Motion to withdraw document
MOTION to Withdraw Document [120] Plea Agreement by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation # (2) Document Continuation # (3) Document Continuation # (4) Document Continuation # (5) Document Continuation)(NHoll, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 165 Filed: 4/4/2005, Entered: 4/5/2005 Memorandum Opinion and Order
MEMORANDUM as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr concerning advanced authorization for investigation services Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (DTyle, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 164 Filed: 3/17/2005, Entered: 3/18/2005 CJA 20 Appointment
CJA 20 as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr: Appointment of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr for Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Voucher # 1516 (replacement for Voucher 1510) (NHoll, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 163 Filed: 2/16/2005, Entered: 2/18/2005 Motion
EX PARTE MOTION for Payment of Expert at Government Expense by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 162 Filed: 2/16/2005, Entered: 2/16/2005 Order
ORDER as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [160] MOTION to Adjourn Sentencing Date, Brief in Support and Certificate of Service filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Sentencing re-set for 5/5/2005 02:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 161 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: 2/15/2005 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr re [160] MOTION to Adjourn Sentencing Date, Brief in Support and Certificate of Service (Hiyama, Stephen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 160 Filed: 2/9/2005, Entered: 2/9/2005, Terminated: 8/4/2005 Motion to Adjourn
MOTION to Adjourn Sentencing Date, Brief in Support and Certificate of Service by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. (Mullkoff, Douglas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 159 Filed: 1/28/2005, Entered: 1/31/2005 Stipulation and Order
STIPULATION AND ORDER to Extend Date for Reporting to Federal Prison as to Kevin C. Lasky Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 158 Filed: 1/7/2005, Entered: 1/12/2005 Order to Strike
ORDER to Strike Pleadings [152] Second Additions filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., [148] Response to Motion filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr., [149] First Additions to Motion filed by Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. as to Patrick D. Quinlan, Sr. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 157 Filed: 12/21/2004, Entered: 12/23/2004 CJA 20 Appointment
CJA 20 as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.: Appointment of Attorney Douglas R. Mullkoff for Patrick D. Quinlan. Voucher # 1514 (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 154 Filed: 12/21/2004, Entered: 12/21/2004 Notice to Appear
NOTICE TO APPEAR as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., Sentencing set for 3/1/2005 02:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 156 Filed: 12/17/2004, Entered: 12/22/2004 Supplemental Brief
THIRD ADDITIONS to [148] Response to Motion by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (DHame, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 153 Filed: 12/16/2004, Entered: 12/16/2004 Order on Motion to withdraw as attorney
ORDER granting [143] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Elias J. Escobedo withdrawn from case. as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 155 Filed: 12/15/2004, Entered: 12/22/2004 Exhibit
EXHIBIT re [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr.. (DHame, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Motion Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Motion Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. held on 12/15/2004 re [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. filed by Patrick D. Quinlan. Disposition: granted(Court Reporter: SUZANNE JACQUES) (Defendant Attorney: ELIAS ESCOBEDO) (AUSA: JENNIFER GORLAND) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 152 Filed: 12/8/2004, Entered: 12/14/2004 Answer
(STRICKEN 1/7/05) SECOND Addition of Proofs by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. in Support of [148] Response (Motion) Supporting Mr. Elias Escobedo's Motion to Withdraw (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation)(LHack, ) Modified on 1/12/2005 (LHack, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 151 Filed: 12/7/2004, Entered: 12/9/2004 Order to Continue - Ends of Justice
ORDER TO CONTINUE - Ends of Justice as to John P. O'Leary Time excluded from 11/24/04 until 6/13/05. Jury Trial set for 6/13/2005 09:00 AM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 150 Filed: 11/30/2004, Entered: 12/7/2004 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 8/2/04 of Status Conference as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.. (LHack, ) (Main Document 150 replaced on 5/26/2010) (MWil).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 147 Filed: 11/24/2004, Entered: 11/24/2004, Terminated: 2/28/2006 Motion to Continue
MOTION to Continue trial by United States of America as to John P. O'Leary. (Hiyama, Stephen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 146 Filed: 11/23/2004, Entered: 11/23/2004 Notice of hearing on motion
AMENDED NOTICE of hearing on [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., Motion Hearing set for 12/15/2004 03:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 149 Filed: 11/22/2004, Entered: 11/30/2004 Response to motion
(STRICKEN 1/7/05) FIRST Additions by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. Supporting [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. (LHack, ) Modified on 1/12/2005 (LHack, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 148 Filed: 11/19/2004, Entered: 11/29/2004 Response to motion
(STRICKEN 1/7/05) RESPONSE by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. re [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation # (2) Document Continuation)(KGeha, ) Modified on 1/12/2005 (LHack, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 145 Filed: 11/18/2004, Entered: 11/18/2004 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. re [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. (Hiyama, Stephen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 144 Filed: 11/17/2004, Entered: 11/17/2004 Notice of hearing on motion
NOTICE of hearing on [143] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., Motion Hearing set for 12/1/2004 03:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 143 Filed: 11/17/2004, Entered: 11/17/2004, Terminated: 12/16/2004 Motion for Withdrawal of Attorney
MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo, Jr. by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.. (Escobedo, Elias)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 142 Filed: 9/13/2004, Entered: 9/14/2004 CJA 20 Appointment
CJA 20 as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.: Appointment of Attorney Stephen T. Rabaut for Patrick D. Quinlan. Voucher # 1528 (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 141 Filed: 8/27/2004, Entered: 8/31/2004 Stipulation and Order
STIPULATION AND ORDER to Extend Date for Reporting to Federal Prison as to Kevin C. Lasky Signed by Honorable John Feikens. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 140 Filed: 8/24/2004, Entered: 8/24/2004 Order to Continue - Ends of Justice
ORDER TO CONTINUE - Ends of Justice as to John P. O'Leary Time excluded from 9/13/04 until 1/25/05. Jury Trial set for 1/25/2005 09:00 AM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 139 Filed: 8/20/2004, Entered: 8/20/2004 stipulation
STIPULATION to Continue Trial Date by United States of America as to John P. O'Leary. (Hiyama, Stephen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 138 Filed: 8/2/2004, Entered: 8/5/2004 Docket Annotation
FIRST ADDITIONS of proofs and submissions as to the governments inquiry regarding defendant PDQ Sr.'s intentions as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.: (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation) (DTyle, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Status Conference
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Status Conference as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. held on 8/2/2004 (Court Reporter: SUZANNE JACQUES) (Defendant Attorney: ELIAS ESCABEDO) (AUSA: JENNIFER GORLAND AND STEVE HIYAMA) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 137 Filed: 7/28/2004, Entered: 7/28/2004 Request
REQUEST For Status Conference by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., John P. O'Leary. (Gorland, Jennifer)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 136 Filed: 7/9/2004, Entered: 7/13/2004 Order
ORDER Concerning Excess and Interim Payments as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 135 Filed: 7/9/2004, Entered: 7/13/2004 CJA 20 Appointment
CJA 20 as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.: Appointment of Attorney Elias J. Escobedo for Patrick D. Quinlan. Voucher # 1510 (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 134 Filed: 6/28/2004, Entered: 6/29/2004 Motion
MOTION Requesting Assignment of A Special Counsel by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 133 Filed: 6/25/2004, Entered: 6/28/2004 Order on Motion to withdraw as attorney
ORDER granting [126] Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Rita Chastang withdrawn from case. as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5). Signed by Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (PPaul, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Add and Terminate Attorneys
Attorney update in case as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.. Attorney Elias J. Escobedo for Patrick D. Quinlan added. Attorney Federal Defender terminated. (PPaul, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 131 Filed: 6/15/2004, Entered: 6/15/2004 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. re [126] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Rita Chastang (Hiyama, Stephen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Motion Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Motion Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. held on 6/15/2004 re [126] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Rita Chastang filed by Patrick D. Quinlan (Court Reporter: SUZANNE JACQUES) (Defendant Attorney: RITA CHASTANG/ STEVE RABULT) (AUSA: JENNIFER GORLAND) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 132 Filed: 6/14/2004, Entered: 6/15/2004 Answer
SECOND Addition of Proofs and Submissions by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. Supporting [128] Response (Motion Opposing) the FDO's Motion to Withdraw (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 130 Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/14/2004 Answer
ADDITIONAL PROOFS and Submissions by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. re [128] Response (Motion Opposing) FDO's Motion to Withdraw as Counsel (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation # (2) Document Continuation # (3) Document Continuation)(LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 129 Filed: 6/4/2004, Entered: 6/4/2004 Notice of hearing on motion
NOTICE of hearing on [126] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Rita Chastang as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., Motion Hearing set for 6/15/2004 03:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. (CHem, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 128 Filed: 6/2/2004, Entered: 6/3/2004 Response to motion
RESPONSE (Motion Opposing) by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. re [126] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Rita Chastang (Attachments: # (1) Document Continuation)(LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 127 Filed: 5/28/2004, Entered: 6/2/2004 Response to motion
RESPONSE by United States of America as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. re [126] MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Rita Chastang (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 126 Filed: 5/26/2004, Entered: 5/26/2004, Terminated: 6/25/2004 Motion for Withdrawal of Attorney
MOTION for Withdrawal of Attorney Rita Chastang by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr.. (Chastang, Rita)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 125 Filed: 4/12/2004, Entered: 5/5/2004 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from U S Marshals for Subpoena for Debtor's Exam as to Kevin C. Lasky. (LHack, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 124 Filed: 4/1/2004, Entered: 4/9/2004 Add and Terminate AttorneysCourt Filing
ORDER Appointing Attorney to Assess Conflict. Added attorney Stephen T. Rabaut for Patrick D. Quinlan. Signed by Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (LHack, ) Additional attachment(s) added on 4/9/2004 (LHack, ).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 123 Filed: 3/25/2004, Entered: 3/29/2004 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER EXTENDING REPORTING DATE as to Kevin C. Lasky Signed by Judge John Feikens. (MOre, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 122 Filed: 3/15/2004, Entered: 3/16/2004 Certificate of service
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by United States of America as to Kevin C. Lasky of subpoena for debtor's exam. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 121 Filed: 3/4/2004, Entered: 3/5/2004 Order to Continue - Ends of JusticeCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER as to John P. O'Leary re-setting criminal jury trial for 09/13/04 before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds. Signed by Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 120 Filed: 2/24/2004, Entered: 3/2/2004 plea agreement
PLEA AGREEMENT as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Plea Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Plea Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. held on 2/24/2004, Plea entered by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (5) Guilty Count 1,16 OF 4th superseding indicment Sentencing set for 6/22/2004 02:00 PM before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds.(Court Reporter: SUZANNE JACQUES) (Defendant Attorney: RITA CHASTANG/ ANDREW WISE) (AUSA: JENNIFER GORLAND) (CHem, )
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Plea Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Honorable Nancy G Edmunds : Plea Hearing as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. not held on 2/19/2004 adjourned to 2/24/04 at 10:00 a.m.(Court Reporter: SUZANNE JACQUES) (Defendant Attorney: RITA CHASTANG) (AUSA: STEVE HIYAMA) (CHem, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 117 Filed: 1/29/2004, Entered: 2/9/2004 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. and John P. O'Leary extending motion cut-off date. Signed by Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 116 Filed: 1/28/2004, Entered: 2/6/2004 transcript
TRANSCRIPT of sentencing held on June 18, 2003 as to Alexander Ajemian. (DPer, ) (Main Document 116 replaced on 5/26/2010) (DTof).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 119 Filed: 1/23/2004, Entered: 2/14/2004 Motion
MOTION regarding voir dire procedures by John P. O'Leary. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 118 Filed: 1/23/2004, Entered: 2/14/2004 Motion to Continue
MOTION for 60-day continuance of trial by John P. O'Leary. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 115 Filed: 1/23/2004, Entered: 2/6/2004 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike surplus usage from indictment by John P. O'Leary. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 114 Filed: 1/16/2004, Entered: 1/26/2004 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION AND ORDER as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., John P. O'Leary extending motion cut-off. Signed by Judge Nancy G Edmunds. (DPer, )
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 113 Filed: 12/17/2003, Entered: 1/13/2004 OrderCourt Filing
JUDGMENT and commitment order entered by Judge John Feikens sentencing Kevin C. Lasky (4) count(s) 1 (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
SENTENCING held as to defendant Kevin C. Lasky - Judge John Feikens - D/Atty: Martin Crandall - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Court Reporter: Carol Sapala (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 112 Filed: 12/16/2003, Entered: 12/17/2003 Motion for Downward Departure
MOTION by plaintiff USA as to defendant Kevin C. Lasky for 5K1.1 downward departure ; with brief (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 10/2/2003, Entered: 10/6/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds determining excludable delay as to defendants Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. and John P. O'Leary and setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 a.m. on 4/5/04 ; with proof of service (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
STATUS conference held as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., defendant Lee P. Wells - Judge Nancy G. Edmunds- court reporter- Suzanne Jacques (ch)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 9/2/2003, Entered: 9/3/2003 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds with stipulation as to defendants Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. and John P. O'Leary, re-setting deadline for filing motions for 10/27/03 [EOD Date: 9/3/03] (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 109 Filed: 8/11/2003, Entered: 8/12/2003 Judgment Returned Executed
JUDGMENT and commitment order returned as to defendant Alexander Ajemian (dp)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 7/31/2003, Entered: 8/3/2003 Amended JudgmentCourt Filing
AMENDED judgment commitment order by Judge John Feikens as to Alexander Ajemian (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 OrderCourt Filing
JUDGMENT and commitment order entered by Judge John Feikens sentencing Alexander Ajemian (1) count(s) 1s, 2s , disposing of count(s) as to Alexander Ajemian (1) count(s) 1, 2 (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
SENTENCING held as to defendant Alexander Ajemian - Judge John Feikens - D/Atty: Walter Piszczatowski - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Court Reporter: Marie Metcalf (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 6/3/2003, Entered: 6/4/2003 Motion for Downward Departure
MOTION and brief by defendant Alexander Ajemian for downward departure with proof of service (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 104 Filed: 5/22/2003, Entered: 5/27/2003 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Keith D. Pietila taken on 5/8/03 of sentencing (kg) (DTof).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 105 Filed: 5/8/2003, Entered: 5/27/2003 OrderCourt Filing
JUDGMENT and commitment order entered by Judge John Feikens sentencing Keith D. Pietila (3) counts 1 and 2 (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None sentencing
SENTENCING held as to defendant Keith D. Pietila - Judge John Feikens - D/Atty: Thomas Cranmer - AUSA: Steve Hiyama/Jennifer Gorland - Court Reporter: Mary Wisneski (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 103 Filed: 5/7/2003, Entered: 5/12/2003 Supplemental Brief
SUPPLEMENTAL filing on loss amount by USA with attachment (LS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 102 Filed: 5/6/2003, Entered: 5/7/2003 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING memorandum by defendant Keith D. Pietila, with proof of service (nh)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 101 Filed: 5/6/2003, Entered: 5/7/2003 Motion for Downward Departure
MOTION by plaintiff USA for 5K1.1 downward departure for defendant Pietila with brief and proof of service (nh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 100 Filed: 4/25/2003, Entered: 4/28/2003 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING memorandum by USA as to defendant Alexander Ajemian, defendant Keith D. Pietila, defendant Lee P. Wells with proof of service (LS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 4/17/2003, Entered: 4/18/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds determining excludable delay as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., John P. O'Leary and, rescheduling criminal jury trial for 9:00 1/13/04 and setting deadline for filing motions for 9/12/03 with proof of service (LS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset deadlines/hearings
SCHEDULE: by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 1/13/04 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., for John P. O'Leary (ch)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Pretrial Conference
PRETRIAL conference held as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., defendant John P. O'Leary - Judge Nancy G. Edmunds- court reporter- Suzanne Jacques (ch)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 98 Filed: 2/21/2003, Entered: 3/3/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds with stipulation determining excludable delay as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., and John P. O'Leary and, setting deadline for filing pretrial motions for 7/11/03 and setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 am on 10/7/03 (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 97 Filed: 1/7/2003, Entered: 1/8/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds as to defendants Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. and John P. O'Leary, setting deadline for filing motions for 7/11/03 , setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 on 10/7/03 and setting civil status conference for 10:00 on 4/17/03 with proof of service [EOD Date 1/8/03] (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 96 Filed: 1/6/2003, Entered: 1/7/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds appointing the Federal Defender Office to represent defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (nh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
STATUS conference held as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., defendant John P. O'Leary - Judge Nancy G. Edmunds- Court Reporter- Ron DiBartolomeo (ch)
Blank 95 Filed: 12/18/2002, Entered: 12/19/2002 Certificate of service
PROOF of service by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. of [93-1] (LS)
Blank 94 Filed: 12/18/2002, Entered: 12/19/2002 Letter
LETTER (copy) to the court by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. directed to Nicholas SMith - a thank you note for assistance over the past six months (LS)
Blank 93 Filed: 12/18/2002, Entered: 12/19/2002 Letter
LETTER to the court by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. regarding efforts to find replacement counsel for Neil H. Fink (LS)
Blank 92 Filed: 12/3/2002, Entered: 12/5/2002 Deadline Notice
NOTICE by the court as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., John P. O'Leary of setting civil status conference for 10:00 1/6/03 with proof of service (LS)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 91 Filed: 12/3/2002, Entered: 12/5/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. taken on 8/20/02 (LS) (MWil).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 11/26/2002, Entered: 12/3/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens determining excludable delay as to John P. O'Leary and extending deadline for filing motions for 1/6/03 (LS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 89 Filed: 11/25/2002, Entered: 11/26/2002 Response to motion
RESPONSE by USA to motion for extension of motion cutoff date by John P. O'Leary [84-1] with proof of service (cm)
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Blank 88 Filed: 11/22/2002, Entered: 11/25/2002 Deadline Notice
NOTICE of setting criminal status conference for 12:00 12/18/02 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., and John P. O'Leary (cm)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 86 Filed: 11/20/2002, Entered: 11/21/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Nancy G. Edmunds as to John P. O'Leary granting motion for extension of motion cutoff date by John P. O'Leary [84-1], and setting deadline for filing motions for 1/6/03 [EOD Date 11/21/02] (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 87 Filed: 11/19/2002, Entered: 11/21/2002 Order Reassigning DefendantCourt Filing
ORDER reassigning defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., and defendant John P. O'Leary from Judge John Feikens to Judge Nancy G. Edmunds - Reason: docketing efficiency (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 85 Filed: 11/18/2002, Entered: 11/20/2002 Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment
CERTIFIED copy of order from USCA dismissing for lack of jurisdiction appeal case # 02-2265 (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 84 Filed: 11/18/2002, Entered: 11/19/2002 Motion to Extend
MOTION by John P. O'Leary for extension of motion cutoff date with brief, notice of hearing and proof of service (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 83 Filed: 11/7/2002, Entered: 11/8/2002 Response to motion
RESPONSE by USA to motion to stay pending appeal by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [82-1] with brief and proof of service (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 82 Filed: 11/1/2002, Entered: 11/5/2002 Motion To Stay
MOTION by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. to stay pending appeal (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 81 Filed: 10/31/2002, Entered: 11/1/2002 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGMENT as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. from USCA of receipt of appeal notice by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [76-1] - appeal case # 02-2265 (nh)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 80 Filed: 10/23/2002, Entered: 10/24/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. taken on 9/11/02 of Hearing (nh) (DTof).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 79 Filed: 10/22/2002, Entered: 10/24/2002 Transcript Order Form
TRANSCRIPT order form by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. regarding appeal notice by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [76-1] requesting transcript(s) of: 8/20/02 and 9/11/02 (nh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 78 Filed: 10/18/2002, Entered: 10/18/2002 Certificate of service
CERTIFIED copy of appeal notice by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [76-1] and docket transmitted to USCA (do)
Blank 77 Filed: 10/18/2002, Entered: 10/18/2002 Certificate of service
PROOF of service of appeal notice [76-1] to USCA, Patrick Quinlan and counsel of record (do)
Blank 76 Filed: 10/16/2002, Entered: 10/18/2002 Notice of appeal
APPEAL by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. of order [75-1] to USCA - FEE: PAID - Receipt #: 445896 (do)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 75 Filed: 10/7/2002, Entered: 10/8/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens, denying motion for reconsideration of order [70-1] by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [71-1], and ordering the Clerk to return, unopened, all papers submitted in connection with the motion for reconsideration [71-1] [EOD Date 10/8/02] (nh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 74 Filed: 10/1/2002, Entered: 10/2/2002 Supplemental Brief
FIRST AMENDMENT by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. to motion for reconsideration of order [70-1] and rehearing by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [71-1] (cm)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 73 Filed: 10/1/2002, Entered: 10/2/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. taken on July 31, 2002 of hearing (cm) (MWil).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 72 Filed: 9/30/2002, Entered: 10/1/2002 Exhibit
EXHIBITS (summation package) filed in support of motion for reconsideration of order [70-1] by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [71-1] (dp)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 71 Filed: 9/30/2002, Entered: 10/1/2002 Motion for Reconsideration
MOTION by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. for reconsideration of order [70-1] ; with attachments (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 9/19/2002, Entered: 9/20/2002 OrderCourt Filing
MEMORANDUM opinion and order by Judge John Feikens as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. granting motion to withdraw by Neil H. Fink as attorney for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. by Neil H. Fink [54-1], denying motion appointment of attorney by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] with proof of service [EOD Date: 9/20/02] (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. on motion appointment of attorney by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] - disposition: DENIED - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Mike Lang (cc)
Blank 69 Filed: 9/5/2002, Entered: 9/5/2002 Deadline Notice
NOTICE by court setting hearing on motion for appointment of attorney by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] for 9:30 on 9/11/02 with proof of service (kg)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 68 Filed: 9/3/2002, Entered: 9/3/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. taken on 8/27/02 of motion for appointment of counsel (kg) (MWil).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 67 Filed: 8/27/2002, Entered: 8/28/2002 Brief in Support of Motion
MEMORANDUM by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. in support of motion appointment of attorney [54-1] with attachments (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. on motion appointment of attorney by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] - disposition: TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Mike Lang (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 66 Filed: 8/26/2002, Entered: 8/28/2002 Response to motion
MEMORANDUM by USA as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. concerning defendant Quinlan's eligibility for court appointed counsel, with attachment A and proof of service (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held and continued as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. on motion appointment of attorney by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] to 9:00 8/27/02 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Mike Lang (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 8/7/2002, Entered: 8/8/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Lee P. Wells taken on 7/31/02 of guilty plea (kg) (MWil).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 64 Filed: 8/5/2002, Entered: 8/6/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens granting motion to withdraw by Neil H. Fink as attorney for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] with proof of service [EOD Date 8/6/02] (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 63 Filed: 8/5/2002, Entered: 8/6/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens with stipulation determining excludable delay as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. setting deadline for filing motions for 11/18/02 , criminal status conference for 2:00 1/7/03 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. , setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 1/21/03 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
PLEA held as to defendant Lee P. Wells, plea of guilty entered by Lee P. Wells (6) count(s) 1, 2 , defendant referred to probation - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Mike Lang (cc)
Blank 62 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 8/5/2002 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for Lee P. Wells of attorney Steven K. Davidson (LS)
Blank 61 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 8/5/2002 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Lee P. Wells and defense counsel of fourth superseding indictment (LS)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 8/5/2002 bond
BOND as to Lee P. Wells in the amount of $5000.00 unsecured entered (LS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 8/5/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Thomas A. Carlson as to Lee P. Wells, setting unsecured bond in the amount of $5,000.00 with conditions [EOD Date 8/5/02] (LS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 58 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 7/31/2002 plea agreement
RULE 11 plea agreement by Lee P. Wells (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 57 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 7/31/2002 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Lee P. Wells of advice as to constitutional rights (cm)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 7/31/2002, Entered: 7/31/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens appointing the Federal Defender Office to represent Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. for limited purpose (cm) Modified on 08/01/2002
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by Lee P. Wells (6) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12, 16 - Magistrate Thomas A. Carlson - D/Atty: Steven Davidson - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape #: TAC 02-199 (kz)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant Lee P. Wells (6) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12, 16 before Magistrate Judge Thomas A. Carlson, set unsecured bond in the amount of $5,000.00 with conditions - D/Atty: Steven Davidson - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape # TAC 02-199 (kz)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held and continued as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. on motion for appointment of counsel to 2:00 8/20/02 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Mike Lang (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 7/30/2002, Entered: 7/31/2002 Response to motion
RESPONSE by USA to motion to withdraw by Neil H. Fink as attorney for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1], and for appointment of attorney by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. [54-1] with brief and proof of service (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing not held as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. on motion to withdraw by Neil H. Fink as attorney for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. by Neil H. Fink [54-1] to 10:00 7/31/02 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. - Judge John Feikens (cc)
Blank 54 Filed: 7/23/2002, Entered: 7/31/2002 Motion to Appoint Counsel
MOTION by Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. for appointment of attorney (lg)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 7/23/2002, Entered: 7/24/2002 Motion for Withdrawal of Attorney
MOTION to withdraw by Neil H. Fink as attorney for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. with brief, notice of hearing, attachment A and proof of mailing (lg) Modified on 07/31/2002
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set deadlines/hearings
SCHEDULE: by Judge John Feikens setting hearing on motion to withdraw by Neil H. Fink as attorney for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. by Neil H. Fink [54-1] for 10:00 7/30/02 for Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. (cc)
Blank 53 Filed: 7/12/2002, Entered: 7/15/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens with stipulation determining excludable delay as to John P. O'Leary and, setting deadline for filing motions for 11/18/02 , setting civil status conference for 2:00 pm on 1/7/03 , setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 am on 1/21/03 (lg)
Blank 52 Filed: 7/11/2002, Entered: 7/12/2002 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for John P. O'Leary of attorney N.C. Deday LaRene (lg)
Blank 51 Filed: 6/27/2002, Entered: 6/28/2002 Deadline NoticeCourt Filing
NOTICE by Judge John Feikens' chambers as to defendants Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. and John P. O'Leary of setting criminal status conference for 2:00 p.m. on 7/31/02 and setting criminal jury trial for 9:00 a.m. on 8/13/02 ; with proof of service (dp)
Blank 50 Filed: 6/26/2002, Entered: 6/26/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Kevin C. Lasky taken on 05/16/02 of guilty plea (dp)
Blank 49 Filed: 6/14/2002, Entered: 6/18/2002 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by defendant John P. O'Leary and defense counsel of fourth superseding indictment (dp)
Blank 48 Filed: 6/14/2002, Entered: 6/18/2002 bond
BOND as to defendant John P. O'Leary in the amount of $10,000.00 unsecured entered (dp)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 6/14/2002, Entered: 6/18/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives as to defendant John P. O'Leary setting unsecured bond in the amount of $10,000.00 with conditions [EOD Date 6/18/02] (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 46 Filed: 6/14/2002, Entered: 6/18/2002 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for defendant John P. O'Leary of attorney Mark J. Kriger (dp)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by John P. O'Leary (7) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12 - Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives - D/Atty: Mark Krieger - AUSA: Karl Overman - Tape #: 02-162 (vs)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant John P. O'Leary (7) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12 before Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives, set Unsecured bond in the amount of 10,000 with conditions - D/Atty: Mark Krieger - AUSA: Karl Overman - Tape # 02-162 (vs)
Blank 45 Filed: 6/12/2002, Entered: 6/14/2002 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. and defense counsel of fourth superseding indictment (dp)
Blank 44 Filed: 6/12/2002, Entered: 6/14/2002 bond
BOND as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. in the amount of $5,000.00 unsecured entered (dp)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 43 Filed: 6/12/2002, Entered: 6/14/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives as to defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. setting unsecured bond in the amount of $5,000.00 with conditions [EOD Date 6/14/02] (dp)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 42 Filed: 6/12/2002, Entered: 6/14/2002 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr. of attorney Neil H. Fink (dp)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by Patrick D. Quinlan (5) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12, 13-15, 17-20, 16 - Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives - D/Atty: Neil Fink - AUSA: Karl Overman - Tape #: PJK 02-160 (kz)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan (5) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12, 13-15, 16, 17-20 before Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives, set unsecured bond in the amount of $5,000.00 with conditions - D/Atty: Neil Fink - AUSA: Karl Overman - Tape # PJK 02-160 (kz)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 6/11/2002, Entered: 6/12/2002 Miscellaneous Document
FOURTH SUPERSEDING indictment adding defendant Patrick D. Quinlan Sr., Lee P. Wells, and John P. O'Leary; Patrick D. Quinlan (5) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12, 13-15, 17-20, Lee P. Wells (6) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12, 16, John P. O'Leary (7) count(s) 1, 2-7, 8-11, 12 (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 5/23/2002, Entered: 5/24/2002 Supplemental Brief
SUPPLEMENTAL brief by USA to sentencing memorandum [39-1] with attachments (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 5/21/2002, Entered: 5/22/2002 sentencing memorandum
SENTENCING memorandum by USA as to defendant Alexander Ajemian (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 5/16/2002, Entered: 5/17/2002 plea agreement
RULE 11 plea agreement by Kevin C. Lasky (cm)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 37 Filed: 5/16/2002, Entered: 5/17/2002 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Kevin C. Lasky of advice as to constitutional rights (cm)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
PLEA held as to defendant Kevin C. Lasky, plea of guilty entered by Kevin C. Lasky (4) count(s) 1 , defendant Kevin C. Lasky referred to probation - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Mike Lang (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 5/9/2002, Entered: 5/10/2002 Motion for Downward Departure
MOTION and brief by USA as to defendant Alexander J. Ajemian for downward departure with proof of service (kg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 5/8/2002, Entered: 5/9/2002 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to Keith D. Pietila taken on January 23, 2002 of plea (cm) (MWil).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 34 Filed: 4/24/2002, Entered: 5/2/2002 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Kevin C. Lasky and defense counsel of third superseding information (cm)
Blank 33 Filed: 4/24/2002, Entered: 5/2/2002 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
WAIVER of indictment by Kevin C. Lasky and attorney (cm)
Blank 32 Filed: 4/24/2002, Entered: 5/2/2002 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for Kevin C. Lasky of attorney Martin E. Crandall (cm)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 4/24/2002, Entered: 4/30/2002 bond
BOND as to Kevin C. Lasky in the amount of 10,000 unsecured entered (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 4/24/2002, Entered: 4/30/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Thomas A. Carlson as to Kevin C. Lasky, setting unsecured bond in the amount of 10,000 with conditions [EOD Date 4/30/02] (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by Kevin C. Lasky (4) count(s) 1 - Magistrate Judge Thomas A. Carlson - D/Atty: Martin Crandall - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape #: TAC 02-112 (kz)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant Kevin C. Lasky (4) count(s) 1 before Magistrate Judge Thomas A. Carlson, set unsecured bond in the amount of $10,000.00 with conditions - D/Atty: Martin Crandall - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape # TAC 02-112 (kz)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 4/23/2002, Entered: 4/26/2002 Miscellaneous Document
THIRD SUPERSEDING information adding defendant Kevin C. Lasky (4) count(s) 1 (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 28 Filed: 1/24/2002, Entered: 1/26/2002 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Keith D. Pietila of advice as to constitutional rights (lg)
Blank 27 Filed: 1/24/2002, Entered: 1/26/2002 plea agreement
RULE 11 plea agreement by Keith D. Pietila (lg)
Blank 26 Filed: 1/23/2002, Entered: 1/24/2002 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Keith D. Pietila and defense counsel of indictment (lg)
Blank 25 Filed: 1/23/2002, Entered: 1/24/2002 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
WAIVER of indictment by Keith D. Pietila and attorney (lg)
Blank 24 Filed: 1/23/2002, Entered: 1/24/2002 bond
BOND as to Keith D. Pietila in the amount of 10,000 unsecured entered (lg)
Blank 23 Filed: 1/23/2002, Entered: 1/24/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Virginia M. Morgan as to Keith D. Pietila, setting unsecured bond in the amount of with conditions [EOD Date 1/24/02] (lg)
Blank 22 Filed: 1/23/2002, Entered: 1/24/2002 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for Keith D. Pietila of attorney Thomas W. Cranmer (lg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by Keith D. Pietila (3) count(s) 1, 2 Plea scheduled before Judge Feikens 1/23/02 2:00 p.m. - Magistrate Judge Virginia M. Morgan - D/Atty: Thomas Cranmer - AUSA: Lynn Helland - Tape #: VMM 02-018 (gw)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant Keith D. Pietila (3) count(s) 1, 2 before Magistrate Judge Virginia M. Morgan, set unsecured bond in the amount of $10,000.00 with conditions - D/Atty: Thomas Cranmer - AUSA: Lynn Helland - Tape # VMM 02-018 (gw)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
PLEA held as to defendant Keith D. Pietila, plea of guilty entered by Keith D. Pietila (3) count(s) 1, 2 , defendant Keith D. Pietila referred to probation - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Karin Dains (cc)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 1/9/2002, Entered: 1/10/2002 Miscellaneous Document
SECOND SUPERSEDING information adding defendant Keith D. Pietila (3) count(s) 1, 2 (lg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 12/20/2001, Entered: 12/27/2001 transcript
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Cheryl A. Swain taken on November 20, 2001 of plea hearing (cm) (MWil).
Request Request From Archives (Scanning Fees/Delay May Apply)Space LREF
Blank 19 Filed: 11/20/2001, Entered: 11/26/2001 plea agreement
RULE 11 plea agreement by Cheryl A. Swain (lg)
Blank 18 Filed: 11/20/2001, Entered: 11/26/2001 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGMENT by Cheryl A. Swain of advice as to constitutional rights (lg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
PLEA held as to defendant Cheryl A. Swain, plea of guilty entered by Cheryl A. Swain (2) count(s) 1 , defendant Cheryl A. Swain referred to probation - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Andrea Egan (cc)
Blank 17 Filed: 10/18/2001, Entered: 10/19/2001 transcriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT as to defendant Alexander Ajemian taken on 8/28/01 of plea hearing before Judge Feikens. (cf)
Blank 16 Filed: 8/30/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by defendant Alexander Ajemian and defense counsel of superseding indictment (kg)
Blank 15 Filed: 8/30/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
WAIVER of indictment by defendant Alexander Ajemian and attorney (kg)
Blank 14 Filed: 8/30/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 bond
BOND as to defendant Alexander Ajemian in the amount of $10,000 unsecured entered (kg)
Blank 13 Filed: 8/30/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives as to defendant Alexander Ajemian, setting unsecured bond in the amount $10,000 with conditions [EOD Date 8/31/01] (kg)
Blank 12 Filed: 8/30/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for defendant Alexander Ajemian of attorney Walter J. Pisczcatowski (kg)
Blank 11 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 Acknowledgment of Indictment/Information
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by defendant Cheryl A. Swain and defense counsel of superseding indictment (kg)
Blank 10 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
WAIVER of indictment by defendant Cheryl A. Swain and attorney (kg)
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Blank 9 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 bond
BOND as to defendant Cheryl A. Swain in the amount of $20,000 unsecured entered (kg)
Blank 8 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Virginia M. Morgan as to defendant Cheryl A. Swain, setting unsecured bond in the amount of $20,000 with conditions [EOD Date 8/31/01] (kg)
Blank 7 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for defendant Cheryl A. Swain of attorney Robert M. Kalec (kg)
Blank 6 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/30/2001 plea agreement
RULE 11 plea agreement by defendant Alexander Ajemian (kg)
Blank 5 Filed: 8/29/2001, Entered: 8/30/2001 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT by defendant Alexander Ajemian of advice as to constitutional rights (kg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by Cheryl A. Swain (2) count(s) 1, 2 , bond continued Parties agreed to not scheduling a pretrial conference - Magistrate Judge Virginia M. Morgan - D/Atty: Robert Kalec - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape #: 8/29/01 (gw)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant Cheryl A. Swain (2) count(s) 1, 2 before Magistrate Judge Virginia M. Morgan, set unsecured bond in the amount of $10,000.00 with conditions - D/Atty: Robert Kalec - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape # 8/29/01 (gw)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
PLEA held as to defendant Alexander Ajemian, plea of guilty entered by Alexander Ajemian (1) count(s) 1s, 2s , defendant Alexander Ajemian referred to probation - Judge John Feikens - Court Reporter: Marie Metcalf (cc)
Blank 4 Filed: 8/28/2001, Entered: 8/30/2001 Miscellaneous Document
SUPERSEDING information against Alexander Ajemian (1) counts 1s, 2s , adding defendant Cheryl A. Swain (2) counts 1, 2 (kg)
Blank 3 Filed: 8/28/2001, Entered: 8/30/2001 information - felony
INFORMATION against Alexander Ajemian (1) counts 1, 2 (filed on 6/13/01) (kg) Modified on 08/30/2001
Blank 2 Filed: 8/28/2001, Entered: 8/30/2001 Order with MotionCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge John Feikens with motion as to defendant Alexander Ajemian, unsealing information [EOD Date: 8/30/01] (kg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None arraignment
ARRAIGNMENT held, plea of not guilty entered by Alexander Ajemian (1) count(s) 1s, 2s - Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives - D/Atty: Walter Piszczatwoski - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape #: PJK 0828 - Lap 0000 (mv)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None initial appearance
INITIAL appearance by defendant Alexander Ajemian (1) count(s) 1s, 2s before Magistrate Judge Paul J. Komives, set unsecured bond in the amount of $10,000.00 with conditions - D/Atty: Walter Piszczatwoski - AUSA: Jennifer Gorland - Tape # PJK 0828 - Lap 0000 (mv)
Blank 1 Filed: 6/13/2001, Entered: 8/30/2001 Order with MotionCourt Filing
ORDER by Magistrate Judge Donald A. Scheer with motion as to defendant Alexander Ajemian, sealing information [EOD Date: 8/30/01] (kg)


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