Yadlosky v. Grant Thornton LLP, et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Michigan Eastern District Court, Case No. 2:99-cv-76337-GCS
District Judge George Caram Steeh, presiding
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District Judge George Caram Steeh
Last Updated February 21, 2018 at 3:58 PM EST (7 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo David R. Yadlosky, Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Paul Marsalese +1 248 350 9370 +1 248 350 9378 mm@marsalese.com
No Logo Alexander J. Ajemian, Defendant
No Logo Cheryl Swain, Defendant
No Logo D. Michael Jehle, Defendant
No Logo East-West Capital Corporation, Defendant
No Logo James B. Quinlan, Defendant
No Logo John P. O'Leary, Defendant
No Logo Keith D. Pietila, Defendant
No Logo Wells, Lee P., Defendant
Officially listed as "Lee P. Wells"

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen M. Gross +1 248 646 5070 +1 248 646 5075 sgross@mcdonaldhopkins.com
No Logo Patrick D. Quinlan, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space William H. Horton +1 248 457 7000 +1 248 457 7001 bhorton@gmhlaw.com
Space Michael R. Turco +1 248 971 1800 +1 248 971 1801 turco@bwst-law.com
Space Linda M. Watson +1 248 988 5881 lwatson@clarkhill.com
No Logo Thomas P. Cronin, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Joanne Fitzgerald Ross +1 313 824 4251 +1 313 822 3547
Other Parties
No Logo Hubert Beudert, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jerome G. Quinn +1 248 850 2993 +1 248 918 4190
No Logo Lewis Underhill, III, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jerome G. Quinn +1 248 850 2993 +1 248 918 4190
No Logo Marilyn Reuter, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jerome G. Quinn +1 248 850 2993 +1 248 918 4190
No Logo MCA Group, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick E Cafferty +1 734 769 2144 pcafferty@caffertyclobes.com
No Logo Renee Citron-Reuter, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jerome G. Quinn +1 248 850 2993 +1 248 918 4190
No Logo Spadafore Group, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Anthony V. Trogan, Jr. +1 248 737 2150 avtrogan@aol.com
No Logo Stanley Reuter, Movant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jerome G. Quinn +1 248 850 2993 +1 248 918 4190
Office Detroit
Filed 7/21/1999
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Demand $75000
Nature of Suit 470 - Civil (RICO) Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Jurisdiction Federal Question
Disposition Dismissed - Voluntarily
County Oakland
Terminated 1/15/2002
Origin 2
Lead Case
Related Case
Other Court Case 99-015785CB[Oakland County]
Defendant Custody Status
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 229 Filed: 11/25/2003, Entered: 12/4/2003 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation [EOD Date: 12/4/03] (ew)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 228 Filed: 1/15/2002, Entered: 1/17/2002 Order dismissing caseCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh of voluntary dismissal with prejudice [EOD Date: 1/17/02] (PP)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 227 Filed: 8/30/2001, Entered: 8/31/2001 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh dismissing order for plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to show cause why action should not be dismissed without prejudice for failure to prosecute [225-1]; [225-2] [EOD Date 8/31/01] (RH)
Blank 226 Filed: 8/22/2001, Entered: 8/22/2001 Answer
RESPONSE by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to order for plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to show cause why action should not be dismissed without prejudice for failure to prosecute [225-1], order [225-2] (ew)
Blank 225 Filed: 8/8/2001, Entered: 8/8/2001, Terminated: 8/30/2001 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh for plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to show cause why action should not be dismissed without prejudice for failure to prosecute [EOD Date 8/8/01] with proof of mailing (DT)
Blank 224 Filed: 9/29/2000, Entered: 10/3/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing stipulated order, entered 8/14/00 (ew)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 223 Filed: 9/6/2000, Entered: 9/14/2000 Appeal Mandate
MANDATE from USCA denying petition for leave to appeal case [0-0] - appeal case # 00-1369/1370 (RH)
Request Request From Archives (Scanning Fees/Delay May Apply)Space LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 222 Filed: 9/1/2000, Entered: 9/13/2000 Appeal Mandate
MANDATE from USCA dismissing appeal - appeal case # 00-1369, 00-1370 (dp)
Request Request From Archives (Scanning Fees/Delay May Apply)Space LREF
Blank 221 Filed: 8/14/2000, Entered: 8/16/2000 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation that plaintiff voluntarily dismisses the cause of action against defendant Sigma Financial Corp, Vestax Securities Corp, Gregory J Schwartz & Co Inc, Equitas America LLC, Apex Capital LLC, Proequities Inc, Centennial Capital Management, Seger Financial Inc, Mariner Financial Services Inc and Multi Ban Securities Inc [EOD Date: 8/16/00] (lh)
Blank 220 Filed: 8/10/2000, Entered: 8/15/2000 Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment
CERTIFIED copy of order from USCA denying petition for leave to appeal [0-0] - appeal case # 00-105 (lh)
Blank 219 Filed: 8/10/2000, Entered: 8/15/2000 Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment
CERTIFIED copy of order from USCA petition for leave to appeal [0-0] - appeal case # 00-0104 (lh)
Blank 218 Filed: 8/10/2000, Entered: 8/14/2000 Appeal Order/Opinion/Judgment
NON-CERTIFIED copy of order from USCA dismissing appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky sua sponte for lack of jurisdiction [172-1] - appeal case # 00-1369 (lh)
Blank 217 Filed: 8/4/2000, Entered: 8/7/2000 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, sub. substitution for defendant Seger Fncl Inc of Gerald W. Van Wyke of Ufer & Spaniola in place of Feikens, Stevens, Kennedy & Galbraith, P.C. attorney place of [EOD Date: 8/7/00] (RH)
Blank 215 Filed: 6/14/2000, Entered: 6/20/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion for certification of order dated 3/21/00 [199-1], denying motion for permission to file interlocutory appeal [199-2], denying motion for certification of order dated 3/21/00 [195-1], denying motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal [195-2], denying motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal [193-1], vacating order [203-1] to the extent it stayed three pending motions to dismiss [EOD Date 6/20/00] (wb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held on motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal by David R. Yadlosky [193-1], motion for certification of order dated 3/21/00 by David R. Yadlosky [195-1], motion for certification of order dated 3/21/00 by David R. Yadlosky [199-1] - disposition: taken under advisement - Judge George C. Steeh - Court Reporter: Larry Przybysz (mb)
Blank 214 Filed: 5/30/2000, Entered: 6/5/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to motion for certification of order dated 3/21/00 [199-1], motion for permission to file interlocutory appeal [199-2] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 213 Filed: 5/26/2000, Entered: 6/1/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff of documents 211 and 212 (wb)
Blank 212 Filed: 5/26/2000, Entered: 6/1/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY by plaintiff to response to motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal by David R. Yadlosky [193-1] (wb)
Blank 211 Filed: 5/26/2000, Entered: 5/30/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to response to motion for certification of order dated 3/31/00 [195-1], and motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal [195-2] (wb) Modified on 06/01/2000
Blank 210 Filed: 5/26/2000, Entered: 5/30/2000 Letter
LETTER from attorney Kristen Jones Indermark regarding notice of non-admission (wb) Modified on 06/01/2000
Blank 209 Filed: 5/26/2000, Entered: 5/30/2000 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT out election from David and Edythe McTaggart with proof of service (wb) Modified on 06/01/2000
Blank 208 Filed: 5/16/2000, Entered: 6/1/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE BRIEF by Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp to motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal by David R. Yadlosky [193-1] with attachments (wb)
Blank 207 Filed: 5/16/2000, Entered: 5/17/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendants of document #205, #206, and brief in response to emergency motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal (wb)
Blank 206 Filed: 5/16/2000, Entered: 5/17/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE BRIEF by Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp to motion to shorten the time for responses to motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal by David R. Yadlosky [194-1] (wb)
Blank 205 Filed: 5/16/2000, Entered: 5/17/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE BRIEF by Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp to motion for certification of order dated 3/31/00 by David R. Yadlosky [195-1], motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal by David R. Yadlosky [195-2] with attachments (wb)
Blank 204 Filed: 5/16/2000, Entered: 5/17/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh, setting hearing on motion for permission to file interlocutory appeal by David R. Yadlosky [199-2] for 2:00 6/8/00 , setting deadline for response to motion for permission to file interlocutory appeal by David R. Yadlosky [199-2] for 5/31/00 [EOD Date 5/17/00] (wb)
Blank 203 Filed: 5/11/2000, Entered: 5/15/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion to shorten the time for responses to motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal [194-1], setting deadline for response to motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal [195-2] , motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal [193-1] for 5/25/00 , setting hearing on motion for leave to file interlocutory appeal [195-2], motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal [193-1] for 2:00 6/8/00 [EOD Date 5/15/00] (wb)
Blank 202 Filed: 5/11/2000, Entered: 5/15/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion for leave to file brief Amicus Curiae by Grant Thornton LLP [197-1] [EOD Date 5/15/00] (wb)
Blank 201 Filed: 5/10/2000, Entered: 5/15/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Mariner Fncl Svc Inc of joinder in motion to dismiss by Vestax Securities [188-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 200 Filed: 5/10/2000, Entered: 5/15/2000 Notice - Other
SECOND NOTICE of non-admission of attorney Kristen Jones Indermark (wb)
Blank 199 Filed: 5/10/2000, Entered: 5/11/2000 motion to certify class
MOTION by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky for certification of order dated 3/21/00 , and for permission to file interlocutory appeal with brief, attachment, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 198 Filed: 5/9/2000, Entered: 5/11/2000 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, setting deadline for response to motion to dismiss by Vestax Securities [188-1] for 5/18/00 [EOD Date: 5/11/00] (wb)
Blank 197 Filed: 5/5/2000, Entered: 5/8/2000 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP for leave to file brief Amicus Curiae with brief, exhibits, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 196 Filed: 5/1/2000, Entered: 5/5/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of documents 193-195 (wb)
Blank 195 Filed: 5/1/2000, Entered: 5/5/2000 motion to certify class
MOTION by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky for certification of order dated 3/21/00 , and for leave to file interlocutory appeal with brief (wb) Modified on 05/31/2000
Blank 194 Filed: 5/1/2000, Entered: 5/5/2000 Motion
MOTION by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to shorten the time for responses to motion for stay of proceedings pending appeal with brief and notice of hearing (wb)
Blank 193 Filed: 5/1/2000, Entered: 5/5/2000 Motion To Stay
EMERGENCY MOTION by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky for stay of proceedings pending appeal with brief and notice of hearing (wb)
Blank 192 Filed: 4/25/2000, Entered: 5/1/2000 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by defendant Gregory J Schwartz to dismiss plaintiffs complaint with brief, exhibit A, notice of hearing and proof of service (wb) Modified on 08/16/2000
Blank 191 Filed: 4/24/2000, Entered: 5/1/2000 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by defendants Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp to dismiss with brief, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb) Modified on 08/16/2000
Blank 190 Filed: 4/24/2000, Entered: 5/1/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE of withdrawal by Kristen Jones Indermark as attorney for Proequities Inc with proof of service (wb)
Blank 189 Filed: 4/21/2000, Entered: 4/24/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of concurrence in and motion to dismiss by Vestax Securities [188-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 188 Filed: 4/17/2000, Entered: 4/19/2000 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by defendant Vestax Securities to dismiss with brief, exhibits, and proof of service (wb) Modified on 08/16/2000
Blank 187 Filed: 4/17/2000, Entered: 4/19/2000 Letter
LETTER from USCA regarding pending motion (00-1370) (wb)
Blank 186 Filed: 4/17/2000, Entered: 4/19/2000 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from USCA of receipt of appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky [172-1] - appeal case # 00-1370 (wb)
Blank 185 Filed: 4/17/2000, Entered: 4/19/2000 Acknowledgment
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from USCA of receipt of appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky [168-1] - appeal case # 00-1369 (wb)
Blank 184 Filed: 4/14/2000, Entered: 4/18/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff of documents 182 and 183 (wb)
Blank 183 Filed: 4/14/2000, Entered: 4/18/2000 Designation of Record on Appeal
DESIGNATION of record and statement of issues on appeal by plaintiff for appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky [172-1] (wb)
Blank 182 Filed: 4/14/2000, Entered: 4/18/2000 Designation of Record on Appeal
DESIGNATION of record and statement of issues on appeal by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky for appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky [168-1] (wb)
Blank 181 Filed: 4/11/2000, Entered: 4/12/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by the court of non-admission of attorney Peter J. Anderson (wb)
Blank 180 Filed: 4/11/2000, Entered: 4/12/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by the court of non-admission of attorney Kristen Jones Indermark (wb)
Blank 179 Filed: 4/10/2000, Entered: 4/12/2000 transcript
TRANSCRIPT taken on 3/29/00 of motion for preliminary order approving class action/partial settlement (wb)
Blank 178 Filed: 4/10/2000, Entered: 4/12/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion for reconsideration of order [158-1] by David R. Yadlosky [167-1] [EOD Date 4/12/00] (wb)
Blank 177 Filed: 4/10/2000, Entered: 4/12/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion for reconsideration of order [157-1] by David R. Yadlosky [166-1] [EOD Date 4/12/00] (wb)
Blank 176 Filed: 4/10/2000, Entered: 4/12/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] [EOD Date 4/12/00] (wb)
Blank 175 Filed: 4/5/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of notice of appeal to USCA and counsel of record (wb)
Blank 174 Filed: 4/5/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by the clerk regarding designation of record on appeal (wb)
Blank 173 Filed: 4/5/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Certificate of service
CERTIFIED copy of appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky [172-1] and docket transmitted to USCA (wb)
Blank 171 Filed: 4/5/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of notice of appeal to USCA and counsel of record (wb)
Blank 170 Filed: 4/5/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by the clerk regarding designation of record on appeal (wb)
Blank 169 Filed: 4/5/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Certificate of service
CERTIFIED copy of appeal notice by David R. Yadlosky [168-1] and docket transmitted to USCA (wb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Status Conference
STATUS conference held - Judge George C. Steeh (mb)
Blank 172 Filed: 3/31/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Notice of appeal
APPEAL by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of order [157-1] to USCA - FEE: paid - Receipt #: 396716 (wb)
Blank 168 Filed: 3/31/2000, Entered: 4/5/2000 Notice of appeal
APPEAL by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of order [158-1] to USCA - FEE: paid - Receipt #: 396717 (wb)
Blank 167 Filed: 3/31/2000, Entered: 4/3/2000 Motion for Reconsideration
MOTION and brief by plaintiff for reconsideration of order [158-1] (wb)
Blank 166 Filed: 3/31/2000, Entered: 4/3/2000 Motion for Reconsideration
MOTION and brief by plaintiff for reconsideration of order [157-1] (wb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held on motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] - disposition: taken under advisement - Judge George C. Steeh - Court Reporter: Allen Burnham (mb)
Blank 165 Filed: 3/24/2000, Entered: 3/29/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by movant Spadafore Grp of document #162-164 (wb)
Blank 164 Filed: 3/24/2000, Entered: 3/29/2000 Response to motion
OBJECTION by movant Spadafore Grp to motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] with brief (wb)
Blank 163 Filed: 3/24/2000, Entered: 3/29/2000 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for movant Spadafore Grp of attorney for limited purposes (wb)
Blank 162 Filed: 3/24/2000, Entered: 3/29/2000 Motion to Intervene
MOTION by movant Spadafore Grp to intervene on behalf of certain Mariner Customers with notice of hearing (wb) Modified on 01/23/2001
Blank 161 Filed: 3/24/2000, Entered: 3/29/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY BRIEF by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky, defendant Mariner Fncl Svc Inc to response to motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement [148-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 160 Filed: 3/23/2000, Entered: 3/27/2000 transcript
TRANSCRIPT taken on 3/13/00 of motion to dismiss (wb)
Blank 159 Filed: 3/21/2000, Entered: 3/22/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion to consolidate cases by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] [EOD Date 3/22/00] (wb)
Opinion 158 Filed: 3/21/2000, Entered: 3/22/2000 Order Published at 120 F. Supp. 2d 622Court Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion to dismiss second amended complaint by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [106-1], granting motion to dismiss plaintiffs second amended complaint by Grant Thornton LLP [104-1]; plaintiffs claims against defendants Grant Thornton and Doeren Mayhew & Co., only are hereby dismissed with prejudice [EOD Date 3/22/00] (wb)
Blank 157 Filed: 3/21/2000, Entered: 3/22/2000 OrderCourt Filing
OPINION and ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion for certification of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] [EOD Date 3/22/00] (wb)
Blank 156 Filed: 3/20/2000, Entered: 3/22/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY brief by defendant Proequities Inc to response to motion for summary judgment by Proequities Inc [122-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 155 Filed: 3/17/2000, Entered: 3/21/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by John J. Bachor, David Beane, Stanley Reuter, Marilyn Reuter, Renee Citron-Reuter, Lewis Underhill III, Hubert Beudert to motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] with brief and proof of service (wb)
Blank 154 Filed: 3/17/2000, Entered: 3/21/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE brief by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp to motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 153 Filed: 3/15/2000, Entered: 3/20/2000 Deadline Notice
NOTICE of setting hearing on motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] for 2:00 3/29/00 (wb)
Blank 152 Filed: 3/15/2000, Entered: 3/20/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to motion for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc, David R. Yadlosky [148-1] (wb)
Blank 151 Filed: 3/14/2000, Entered: 3/20/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE in opposition by John J. Bachor, David Beane, Marilyn Reuter, Renee Citron-Reuter, Lewis Underhill III, Hubert Beudert to motion to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] with brief and proof of service (wb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held on motion to dismiss plaintiffs second amended complaint by Grant Thornton LLP [104-1], motion to dismiss second amended complaint by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [106-1] - disposition: taken under advisement - Judge George C. Steeh - Court Reporter: Allen Burnham (mb)
Blank 150 Filed: 3/10/2000, Entered: 3/15/2000 transcript
TRANSCRIPT taken on 3/6/00 of motion to intervene, motion for reconsideration and motion to stay hearing (wb)
Blank 149 Filed: 3/8/2000, Entered: 3/10/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by plaintiff to motion for summary judgment by Proequities Inc [122-1] with brief and proof of service (wb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held on motion for certification of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] - disposition: taken under advisement - Judge George C. Steeh - Court Reporter: Allen Burnham (mb)
Blank 148 Filed: 3/3/2000, Entered: 3/10/2000 Motion for order
JOINT motion by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky, defendant Mariner Fncl Svc Inc for preliminary order approving class action partial settlement with brief, attachment, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 147 Filed: 3/3/2000, Entered: 3/7/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Seger Fncl Inc of concurrence in motion to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] , and concurrence in motion for extension of time to answer or otherwise plead to the amended complaint (wb)
Blank 146 Filed: 3/3/2000, Entered: 3/7/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendants of concurrence in motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 145 Filed: 3/1/2000, Entered: 3/3/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Vestax Securities of concurrence in motion to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 144 Filed: 2/29/2000, Entered: 3/3/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of concurrence in motion to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 143 Filed: 2/29/2000, Entered: 3/3/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff of document #141 and #142 (wb)
Blank 142 Filed: 2/29/2000, Entered: 3/3/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by plaintiff to motion to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] with brief (wb)
Blank 141 Filed: 2/29/2000, Entered: 3/3/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by plaintiff to motion to intervene for purpose of staying hearing on class certification and to concur in defendant Sigma's motion for case consolidation [135-1], motion for reconsideration of order [85-1] by movants [136-2] with attachments (wb)
Blank 140 Filed: 2/28/2000, Entered: 3/3/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to motion to intervene for purpose of staying hearing on class certification [135-1], motion for stay of certification hearing of the Yadlosky class action [136-1], motion for reconsideration of order [85-1] by movants [136-2] with attachment and proof of service (wb)
Blank 139 Filed: 2/28/2000, Entered: 3/1/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion to intervene for purpose of staying hearing on class certification [135-1], denying motion for reconsideration of order [85-1] by movants [136-2], denying motion for stay of certification hearing of the Yadlosky class action by movants [136-1] [EOD Date 3/1/00] (wb)
Blank 138 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of documents 135-137 (JP)
Blank 137 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE by movants of hearing on motion for stay [136-1] and motion to intervene [135-1] (JP)
Blank 136 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 3/1/2000 Motion To Stay
MOTION by movants David Beane, John J. Bachor, Stanley Reuter, Marilyn Reuter, Renee Citron-Reuter, Lewis Underhill III, Hubert Beudert for stay of certification hearing of the Yadlosky class action , for reconsideration of order [85-1] , and concurrence in motion to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 by Sigma Fncl Corp [130-1] with brief and attachment (wb) Modified on 08/15/2000
Blank 135 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 Motion to Intervene
EXPEDITED MOTION by movants David Beane, John J. Bachor, Stanley Reuter, Marilyn Reuter, Renee Citron-Reuter, Lewis Underhill III and Hubert Beudert to intervene for purpose of staying hearing on class certification and to concur in defendant Sigma's motion for case consolidation with brief and exhibit (JP)
Blank 134 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 Notice to Withdraw Motion
NOTIFICATION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP of withdrawing motion for protective order by Grant Thornton LLP [105-1] (JP)
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Blank 133 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY brief by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC to response to motion to dismiss second amended complaint by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [106-1] with exhibits (JP)
Blank 132 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion to exceed reply brief page limit by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [127-1] [EOD Date 2/25/00] (JP)
Blank 131 Filed: 2/23/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT out election by Mary Kangas with proof of service (JP)
Blank 130 Filed: 2/22/2000, Entered: 2/25/2000 Motion to consolidate cases
MOTION by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp to consolidate cases 99-60465 and 99-75813 with brief, exhibits, notice of hearing and proof of service (JP)
Blank 129 Filed: 2/22/2000, Entered: 2/24/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY by plaintiff to memorandum response in opposition to motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] with brief, exhibits, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 128 Filed: 2/22/2000, Entered: 2/24/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of order granting Broker/Dealer defendants motion for leave to file oversized brief (wb)
Blank 127 Filed: 2/22/2000, Entered: 2/24/2000 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
EXPARTE motion by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC to exceed reply brief page limit with exhibits A & B, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 126 Filed: 2/22/2000, Entered: 2/24/2000 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to response to motion to dismiss plaintiffs second amended complaint by Grant Thornton LLP [104-1] with exhibit A (wb)
Blank 125 Filed: 2/22/2000, Entered: 2/24/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion to file reply brief with excess pages by Grant Thornton LLP [124-1] [EOD Date 2/24/00] (wb)
Blank 124 Filed: 2/18/2000, Entered: 2/23/2000 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
EXPARTE motion by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to file reply brief with excess pages with exhibits (wb)
Blank 123 Filed: 2/16/2000, Entered: 2/18/2000 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
ELECTION not to participate in putative class action by Rita Miller with proof of service (wb)
Blank 122 Filed: 2/16/2000, Entered: 2/18/2000 Motion for Summary Judgment
MOTION by defendant Proequities Inc for summary judgment with memorandum, exhibits, and proof of service (wb) Modified on 08/16/2000
Blank 121 Filed: 2/15/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp to motion for protective order by Grant Thornton LLP [105-1] with brief and proof of service (wb)
Blank 120 Filed: 2/14/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 OrderCourt Filing
SCHEDULING ORDER by Magistrate Judge Steven D. Pepe, setting deadline for statement of issues in motion for protective order by Grant Thornton LLP [105-1] for 2/23/00 , setting telephonic hearing on motion for protective order by Grant Thornton LLP [105-1] for 3/2/00 [EOD Date 2/16/00] (wb)
Blank 119 Filed: 2/14/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendants of documents #115, #117, #118 (wb)
Blank 118 Filed: 2/14/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 Miscellaneous Document
APPENDIX by Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp to memorandum in opposition by defendants [117-1] (wb)
Blank 117 Filed: 2/14/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 Response to motion
MEMORANDUM by defendants Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp in opposition to motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] (wb)
Blank 116 Filed: 2/14/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion for leave to file oversized brief by defendants [115-1] [EOD Date 2/16/00] (wb)
Blank 115 Filed: 2/14/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION by defendants Seger Fncl Inc, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Apex Cap L L C, Equitas Amer L L C, Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp for leave to file oversized brief (wb)
Blank 114 Filed: 2/11/2000, Entered: 2/16/2000 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC of concurrence in motion response by Grant Thornton LLP [66-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 113 Filed: 2/9/2000, Entered: 2/15/2000 Supplemental Brief
SUPPLEMENTAL reply brief by defendant Grant Thornton LLP in opposition to memorandum in support by David R. Yadlosky [102-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 112 Filed: 2/9/2000, Entered: 2/11/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff of document #110 (wb)
Blank 111 Filed: 2/7/2000, Entered: 2/9/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Grant Thornton LLP of motion for protective order, brief, and notice of hearing (wb)
Blank 110 Filed: 2/7/2000, Entered: 2/9/2000 Response to motion
OBJECTION by plaintiff to motion to dismiss plaintiffs second amended complaint by Grant Thornton LLP [104-1], motion to dismiss second amended complaint by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [106-1] with brief (wb)
Blank 109 Filed: 2/7/2000, Entered: 2/9/2000 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, for leave to file brief in support of objection to defendants motion to dismiss second amended complaint (not to exceed 29 pages) [EOD Date: 2/9/00] (wb)
Blank 108 Filed: 2/4/2000, Entered: 2/8/2000 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh referring motion for protective order by Grant Thornton LLP [105-1] to Magistrate Judge Steven D. Pepe, for hearing and determination [EOD Date 2/8/00] (wb)
Blank 107 Filed: 2/2/2000, Entered: 2/7/2000 Certificate of service
DECLARATION of mailing of plaintiffs supplemental reply brief (wb)
Blank 106 Filed: 2/2/2000, Entered: 2/3/2000 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC to dismiss second amended complaint with brief, exhibits, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 105 Filed: 2/1/2000, Entered: 2/3/2000 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP for protective order with brief, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 104 Filed: 2/1/2000, Entered: 2/3/2000 Motion to Dismiss
RENEWED MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to dismiss plaintiffs second amended complaint with brief, exhibits, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb) Modified on 02/07/2000
Blank 103 Filed: 1/31/2000, Entered: 2/3/2000 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT OUT NOTICE by Thomas McTaggart and Margaret McTaggart with proof of service (wb)
Blank 102 Filed: 1/31/2000, Entered: 2/3/2000 Brief in Support of Motion
SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY BRIEF by plaintiff in support of motion for certification of action as class action [27-1] (wb) Modified on 02/15/2000
Blank 101 Filed: 1/21/2000, Entered: 1/25/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of stipulation to dismiss defendant Multi-Bank Securites, Inc (sj)
Blank 100 Filed: 1/13/2000, Entered: 1/18/2000 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, dismissing without prejudice defendant Multi-Bank Securities only [EOD Date: 1/18/00] (wb)
Blank 99 Filed: 1/11/2000, Entered: 1/13/2000 Miscellaneous Document
DECLARATION of Michael A. Marsalese (sj)
Blank 98 Filed: 1/6/2000, Entered: 1/12/2000 Miscellaneous Document
DECLARATION of Michael P, Marsalese (sj)
Blank 97 Filed: 1/6/2000, Entered: 1/12/2000 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, for extension of time to answer or otherwise respond to complaint [EOD Date: 1/12/00] (sj)
Blank 96 Filed: 1/4/2000, Entered: 1/12/2000 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT OUT election by Barry S. Fagan, Marcia Fagan, DIB & Fagan P.C. Profit Sharing Plan, Plan and Trust, Salma Dib, and Allan J. Dib, with proof of service (sj) Modified on 01/12/2000
Blank 95 Filed: 1/3/2000, Entered: 1/5/2000 Amended Complaint
AMENDED complaint 2nd by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky with jury demand (sj)
Blank 94 Filed: 1/3/2000, Entered: 1/5/2000 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of order scheduling various matters pursuant to status conference (sj)
Blank 93 Filed: 12/20/1999, Entered: 12/22/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh, setting deadline for filing an amended complaint for 1/3/00 , setting hearing on motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] for 10:00 3/6/00 , setting hearing on motion to dismiss first amended complaint by Grant Thornton LLP [33-1], motion to dismiss first amended complaint by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [80-1] for 10:00 3/13/00 , setting civil status conference for 10:00 4/3/00 , setting hearing on motion to dismiss first amended complaint by Grant Thornton LLP [33-1], motion to dismiss first amended complaint by Doeren Mayhew Co PC [80-1] for 10:00 8/28/00 [EOD Date 12/22/99] (sj)
Blank 92 Filed: 12/17/1999, Entered: 12/21/1999 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
ELECTION not to participate in putative class action, by Mary Jean McConeghy, with proof of service (sj)
Blank 91 Filed: 12/9/1999, Entered: 12/13/1999 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT out electection Peter Ulrich and Christine Ulrich, with proof of service (sj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None scheduling conference
SCHEDULING/STATUS conference held - Judge George C. Steeh (mb)
Blank 90 Filed: 11/29/1999, Entered: 12/1/1999 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT out election by Patrick Carroll (sj)
Blank 89 Filed: 11/18/1999, Entered: 11/22/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of documents 86 87 (sj)
Blank 88 Filed: 11/18/1999, Entered: 11/22/1999 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT out request by Grieg and Barbara Higgins, with proof of service (sj)
Blank 87 Filed: 11/18/1999, Entered: 11/22/1999 Response - Miscellaneous
OBJECTIONS by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to motion for leave to file sur reply by Grant Thornton LLP [82-1] (sj)
Blank 86 Filed: 11/18/1999, Entered: 11/22/1999 Response - Miscellaneous
OBJECTIONS by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to motion to stay entry of order naming lead plaintiff and lead counsel by David Beane, John J. Bachor [83-1] (sj)
Blank 85 Filed: 11/16/1999, Entered: 11/18/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh, amending scheduling conference for 11/20/99 [EOD Date 11/18/99] (sj)
Blank 85 Filed: 11/16/1999, Entered: 11/18/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1], denying motion to intervene [69-1], and denying motion to stay entry of order naming lead plaintiff and lead counsel by David Beane, John J. Bachor [83-1] [EOD Date 11/18/99] (sj)
Blank 84 Filed: 11/16/1999, Entered: 11/18/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion for leave to file sur reply by Grant Thornton LLP [82-1] [EOD Date 11/18/99] (sj)
Blank 83 Filed: 11/15/1999, Entered: 11/17/1999 Motion To Stay
MOTION by defendants John J. Bachor, David Beane to stay entry of order naming lead plaintiff and lead counsel with brief, notice of hearing,exhibits & proof of service (sj)
Blank 82 Filed: 11/9/1999, Entered: 11/15/1999 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP for leave to file sur reply with notice of hearing, exhibits & proof of service (sj)
Blank 81 Filed: 11/5/1999, Entered: 11/9/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by movant MCA Grp of to withdraw motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for the appointment of lead counsel by MCA Grp [36-1] with proof of service (sj)
Blank 80 Filed: 11/3/1999, Entered: 11/8/1999 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC to dismiss first amended complaint with notice of hearing, brief,exhibits & proof of service (sj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None minutes - miscellaneous
MOTION hearing held on motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for the appointment of lead counsel by MCA Grp [36-1], motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1] - disposition: taken under advisement - Judge George C. Steeh - Court Reporter: Allen Burnham (mb)
Blank 79 Filed: 11/1/1999, Entered: 11/8/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of reply to defendant's opposition to motion for certification of action as class action, etc. (sj)
Blank 78 Filed: 11/1/1999, Entered: 11/3/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Seger Fncl Inc of notice of hearing & motion to stay arbitration of claims, with attachments (sj)
Blank 77 Filed: 10/28/1999, Entered: 11/3/1999 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, allowing plaintiff to file reply brief to the various defendants' opposition to plaintiff's motion for class certification, in excess of five pages [EOD Date: 11/3/99] (sj)
Blank 76 Filed: 10/28/1999, Entered: 11/3/1999 Miscellaneous Document
REVISED table 1 on page 3 by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of motion response by David R. Yadlosky [70-1] (sj)
Blank 75 Filed: 10/28/1999, Entered: 11/3/1999 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to response to motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] with attachments (sj)
Blank 74 Filed: 10/27/1999, Entered: 11/3/1999 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
OPT OUT election by Richard Krygiell, Beverly Zwarych, Mark McQuiggan & Paul Lafontaine (sj)
Blank 73 Filed: 10/26/1999, Entered: 11/3/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh granting motion to adjourn hearing on plaintiff's motion for class certification by Grant Thornton LLP [50-1], setting scheduling conference for 2:00 11/2/99 [EOD Date 11/3/99] (sj)
Blank 72 Filed: 10/26/1999, Entered: 10/28/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of concurrence in motion response by Grant Thornton LLP [66-1], motion response by Mutibank Securities [64-1] with proof of service (wb)
Blank 71 Filed: 10/26/1999, Entered: 10/28/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing upon all counsel of notice of taking deposition of David R. Yadlosky and defendants first request for production of documents directed to Plaintiff (wb)
Blank 70 Filed: 10/26/1999, Entered: 10/28/1999 Response to motion
RESPONSE by plaintiff to motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for the appointment of lead counsel by MCA Grp [36-1] with brief, exhibits, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 69 Filed: 10/26/1999, Entered: 10/27/1999 Motion to Intervene
MOTION by movants David Beane, John J. Bachor to intervene with notice of hearing, brief & exhibits (sj)
Blank 68 Filed: 10/25/1999, Entered: 10/27/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC of concurrence in and adoption of motion to shorten the time for the submission of responses to its motion to adjourn the on plaintiff's motion for class certification [51-1], and motion to adjourn hearing on plaintiff's motion for class certification by Grant LLP [50-1] with proof of service (sj)
Blank 67 Filed: 10/22/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing stipulaed order allowing brief in excess of twenty pages (sj)
Blank 66 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] with brief, exhibits & proof of service (sj)
Blank 65 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Mutibank Securities of document #64 (sj)
Blank 64 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Mutibank Securities to motion for certifcation of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] with brief & attachment (sj)
Blank 63 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Affidavit
AFFIDAVIT of David Maccagnone (sj)
Blank 62 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of notice of concurrence to defendants' motion to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action and for shceduling conference (sj)
Blank 61 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of notice of concurrence to motion to expedite consideration of their motion to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action (sj)
Blank 60 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of defendants' motion to expedite consideration of their motion to adjourn (sj)
Blank 59 Filed: 10/21/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of motion for certification of action as class action and for sheduling conference (sj)
Blank 58 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of documents 52-57 (sj)
Blank 57 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Deposition
DEPOSITION of David Yadlosky taken on 10/14/99 (sj)
Blank 56 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Notice of Filing of Deposition
NOTICE by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp of filing of deposition with the court in compliance with Local Rule 26.2 of David R. Yadlosky (sj)
Blank 55 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendants Sigma Fncl Corp, Vestax Securities, Gregory J Schwartz, Centennial Cap Mgmt, Equitas Amer L L C, Proequities Inc, Apex Cap L L C to motion for of action as class action by David R. Yadlosky [27-1] with brief & exhibits (sj)
Blank 54 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, allowing defendants to file a joint brief in response to plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action in excess of twenty pages [EOD Date: 10/25/99] (sj)
Blank 53 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of response to defendants' objections to motion for appointment of lead plaintiff and approval of lead plaintiff's choice of counsel, brief in support (sj)
Blank 52 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp of for joinder in motion response by Mutibank Securities [35-1] (sj)
Blank 51 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Motion
MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to shorten the time for the submission of responses to its motion to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for class certification with brief, notice of hearing & proof of service (sj) Modified on 11/03/1999
Blank 50 Filed: 10/20/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Motion to Continue
MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to adjourn hearing on plaintiff's motion for class certification with brief, notice of hearing & proof of service (sj)
Blank 49 Filed: 10/19/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Mariner Fncl Svc Inc of for joinder in motion to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action by Gregory J Schwartz, Vestax Securities, Sigma Fncl Corp [45-1] with proof of service (sj)
Blank 48 Filed: 10/18/1999, Entered: 10/25/1999 Answer
ANSWER ( in response form) by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to motion response by Mutibank Securities [35-1]with brief & attachment (sj)
Blank 47 Filed: 10/18/1999, Entered: 10/20/1999 Motion
MOTION by defendants Sigma Fncl Corp, Vestax Securities, Gregory J Schwartz to expedite considration of motion to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action with brief (sj) Modified on 11/03/1999
Blank 46 Filed: 10/18/1999, Entered: 10/20/1999 Brief in Support of Motion
MEMORANDUM by defendants Sigma Fncl Corp, Vestax Securities, Gregory J Schwartz in support of motion to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action [45-1], motion for scheduling conference [45-2] with exhibits (sj)
Blank 45 Filed: 10/18/1999, Entered: 10/20/1999 Motion to Continue
MOTION by defendants Sigma Fncl Corp, Vestax Securities, Gregory J Schwartz to adjourn the hearing on plaintiff's motion for certification of action as class action ,and for scheduling conference (sj) Modified on 11/03/1999
Blank 44 Filed: 10/15/1999, Entered: 10/19/1999 Deadline Notice
NOTICE by the court of setting hearing on motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for the appointment of lead counsel by MCA [36-1], motion for certifcation of action as class action David R. Yadlosky [27-1], motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1] for 2:00 11/2/99 (sj)
Blank 43 Filed: 10/13/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1] with proof of service (sj)
Blank 42 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by the court of not setting a hearing on defendant's motion to dismiss, until the court issues a scheduling order (sj)
Blank 41 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh denying motion to stay arbitration of claims by putative class members by Seger Fncl Inc [32-1], denying motion to stay arbitration of claims by Mariner Fncl Svc Inc [30-1] [EOD Date 10/15/99] (sj)
Blank 40 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Notice - Miscellaneous
NOTICE by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp of taking deposition of David Yadlosky on 10/14/99 at 1:00 (sj)
Blank 39 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp of notice of taking deposition of David Yadlosky, and first request for production of documents (sj)
Blank 38 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of concurrence in and adoption of motion response by Mutibank Securities [35-1] with proof of service (sj)
Blank 37 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing of true copy of stipulated order of substitution (sj)
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription.
Blank 36 Filed: 10/12/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Motion
MOTION by movant MCA Grp to be appointed lead plaintiff and for the appointment of lead counsel with brief, notice of hearing, exhibits, declaration & proof of service (sj) Modified on 03/01/2000
Blank 35 Filed: 10/8/1999, Entered: 10/15/1999 Response to motion
RESPONSE by defendant Mutibank Securities to motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1] with brief & exhibits (sj)
Blank 34 Filed: 10/7/1999, Entered: 10/12/1999 Deadline Notice
NOTICE by the court of setting hearing on motion for certifcation of action as class action [27-1], motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1] for 2:00 11/2/99 (sj)
Blank 33 Filed: 10/6/1999, Entered: 10/8/1999 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by defendant Grant Thornton LLP to dismiss first amended complaint with brief, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 32 Filed: 10/5/1999, Entered: 10/8/1999 Motion
MOTION by defendant Seger Fncl Inc to stay arbitration of claims by putative class members with brief, notice of hearing, and proof of service (wb)
Blank 31 Filed: 10/5/1999, Entered: 10/7/1999 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh with stipulation, substitution for defendant Patrick D. Quinlan of Michael R. Turco in place of attorney Phillip J. Shefferly [EOD Date: 10/7/99] (sj)
Blank 30 Filed: 9/30/1999, Entered: 10/5/1999 Motion To Stay
MOTION by defendant Mariner Fncl Svc Inc to stay arbitration of claims with brief, notice of hearing, exhibits & proof of service (sj)
Blank 29 Filed: 9/29/1999, Entered: 10/1/1999 Certificate of service
AMENDED PROOF of mailing by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of documetn 27 & 28 (sj)
Blank 28 Filed: 9/29/1999, Entered: 10/1/1999 Brief in Support of Motion
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky in support of motion for certifcation of action as class action [27-1] (sj)
Blank 27 Filed: 9/27/1999, Entered: 10/1/1999 motion to certify class
MOTION by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky for certifcation of action as class action with proof of service (sj)
Blank 26 Filed: 9/27/1999, Entered: 9/29/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of first amended complaint, and jury demand (sj)
Blank 25 Filed: 9/23/1999, Entered: 9/28/1999 Amended Complaint
AMENDED complaint 1 by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky ; adding defendants D. Michael Jehle, John P. O'Leary, Keith Pietila, Alexander J. Ajemian & Cheryl Swain, with jury demand (gj) Modified on 11/03/1999
Blank 24 Filed: 9/17/1999, Entered: 9/21/1999 Deadline Notice
NOTICE by the court of setting hearing on motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [23-1] for 2:00 11/2/99 (sj)
Blank 23 Filed: 8/30/1999, Entered: 9/3/1999 Motion
RENEWED MOTION by plaintiff to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plaintiff's choice of lead counsel with brief, attachments, notice of hearing and proof of service (JP)
Blank 22 Filed: 8/25/1999, Entered: 9/3/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge George C. Steeh striking motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [17-1] as being premature [EOD Date 9/3/99] (JP)
Blank 21 Filed: 8/20/1999, Entered: 8/25/1999 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for defendant Gregory J Schwartz of attorney David S. Snyder with notice and proof of service (JP)
Blank 20 Filed: 8/18/1999, Entered: 8/23/1999 Exhibit
EXHIBITS filed by plaintiff in support of motion to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plintiff's choice of lead counsel by David R. Yadlosky [17-1] (JP)
Blank 19 Filed: 8/12/1999, Entered: 8/16/1999 attorney appearance
APPEARANCE for defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of attorney Harvey R. Heller , with notice & proof of service (sj)
Blank 18 Filed: 8/10/1999, Entered: 8/12/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF of mailing by defendant Lee P. Wells of notice of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 17 Filed: 8/10/1999, Entered: 8/12/1999 Motion
MOTION by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky to be appointed lead plaintiff and for approval of lead plintiff's choice of lead counsel with brief, notice of hearing & proof of service (sj)
Blank 16 Filed: 8/10/1999, Entered: 8/12/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by plaintiff David R. Yadlosky of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 15 Filed: 8/6/1999, Entered: 8/11/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Lee P. Wells of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 14 Filed: 8/6/1999, Entered: 8/10/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Patrick D. Quinlan of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 13 Filed: 8/6/1999, Entered: 8/10/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Proequities Inc of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 12 Filed: 8/6/1999, Entered: 8/10/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Thomas P. Cronin of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 11 Filed: 8/5/1999, Entered: 8/10/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Vestax Securities of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 10 Filed: 8/5/1999, Entered: 8/10/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Centennial Cap Mgmt of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 9 Filed: 8/5/1999, Entered: 8/9/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Grant Thornton LLP of consent to removal (sj)
Blank 8 Filed: 8/5/1999, Entered: 8/9/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Equitas Amer L L C of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 7 Filed: 8/5/1999, Entered: 8/9/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Apex Cap L L C of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 6 Filed: 8/3/1999, Entered: 8/9/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Mariner Fncl Svc Inc of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 5 Filed: 7/30/1999, Entered: 8/3/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Gregory J Schwartz of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 4 Filed: 7/29/1999, Entered: 8/2/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Mutibank Securities of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 3 Filed: 7/27/1999, Entered: 8/2/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Seger Fncl Inc of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 2 Filed: 7/27/1999, Entered: 8/2/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Sigma Fncl Corp of consent to removal with proof of service (sj)
Blank 1 Filed: 7/21/1999, Entered: 7/26/1999 Miscellaneous Document
COPY of complaint filed in Oakland County Circuit Court (sj)
Blank 1 Filed: 7/21/1999, Entered: 7/26/1999 Notice of Removal
NOTICE by defendant Doeren Mayhew Co PC of removal from Oakland County Circuit Court - Receipt # 7/21/99 - Date Fee Received: 384105 (sj)


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