▼ Represented by Unknown Firm
▼ Represented by Adli Law Group P C
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Dariush G Adli |
+1 213 223 2365 |
+1 213 223 2368 |
adli@adlilaw.com |
▼ Represented by Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Hyongsoon Kim |
+1 310 229 1000 |
+1 310 229 1001 |
kimh@akingump.com |
▼ Represented by Alvarez-Glasman & Colvin
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Roger Allen Colvin |
+1 562 699 5500 |
+1 562 692 2244 |
rcolvin@agclawfirm.com |
▼ Represented by Americans United for Sep of Church & State (DC)
▼ Represented by Anglin Flewelling Rasmussen Campbell & Trytten, LLP
▼ Represented by Anjani Mandavia
▼ Represented by Arnold & Porter, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John Ryan Danos |
+1 213 243 4153 |
+1 213 243 4199 |
john.danos@aporter.com |
▼ Represented by Attorney at Law
▼ Represented by Baker & Hostetler, LLP
▼ Represented by Baker Marquart Crone & Hawxhurst LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jaime Wayne Marquart |
+1 424 652 7800 |
+1 424 652 7850 |
jmarquart@bakermarquart.com |
▼ Represented by Ballard Rosenberg Golper and Savitt LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John J Manier |
+1 818 508 3700 |
+1 818 506 4827 |
jmanier@brgslaw.com |
▼ Represented by Bell Mcandrews & Hiltachk
▼ Represented by Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP
▼ Represented by Boies, Schiller & Flexner, LLP
▼ Represented by Borton Petrini LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Edward J Morales |
+1 213 624 2869 |
+1 213 489 3930 |
emorales@bortonpetrini.com |
▼ Represented by Bradley and Gmelich
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Gaillard D Guerrero |
+1 818 243 5200 |
+1 818 243 5266 |
dguerrero@bglawyers.com |
▼ Represented by Brennan Wiener and Associates
▼ Represented by Browne George Ross LLP
▼ Represented by Burgee And Abramoff
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John Gerard Burgee |
+1 818 264 7575 |
+1 818 264 7576 |
jburgee@bandalaw.net |
▼ Represented by Bush Gottlieb Singer Lopez Kohanski Adelstein & Dickinson
▼ Represented by Butler Rubin Saltarelli & Boyd LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Nathan D Larsen |
+1 312 242 4125 |
nlarsen@butlerrubin.com |
▼ Represented by Call & Jensen, APC
▼ Represented by Carlson & Messer LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Martin Schannong |
+1 310 242 2200 |
+1 310 242 2222 |
schannom@cmtlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Carothers DiSante & Freudenberger LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jeremy T Naftel |
+1 916 443 0999 |
jnaftel@cdflaborlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Centurion Law Group PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Konrad Lytell Trope |
+1 888 942 9997 |
+1 888 942 9997 |
ktrope@centurionlawgroup.com |
▼ Represented by Chaim Woolf Law Offices
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Chaim Jacob Woolf |
+1 310 867 2729 |
+1 310 919 3037 |
chaim@woolflawyer.com |
▼ Represented by Chavos & Rau Aplc
▼ Represented by City Attorney's Office
▼ Represented by Collins Collins Muir and Stewart LLP
▼ Represented by Cooley LLP
▼ Represented by Covington & Burling, LLP
▼ Represented by Crowell & Moring LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Steven Paul Rice |
+1 949 263 8400 |
+1 949 263 8414 |
srice@crowell.com |
▼ Represented by Cummins & White, LLP
▼ Represented by Damrell, Nelson, Schrimp, Pallios, Pacher & Silva
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kathy Lee Monday |
+1 209 526 3500 |
+1 209 526 3534 |
kmonday@damrell.com |
▼ Represented by Daniel E Sobelsohn
▼ Represented by Daniel Miles Cislo
▼ Represented by Daniel P Lacy
▼ Represented by Day Pitney, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Mitchell R. Harris |
+1 860 275 0332 |
+1 860 275 0343 |
mrharris@daypitney.com |
▼ Represented by Denney & Painter
▼ Represented by DeWitt Denney and Painter LLP
▼ Represented by DLA Piper (US) LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Miles Cooley |
+1 310 595 3070 |
+1 310 595 3000 |
miles.cooley@dlapiper.com |
▼ Represented by Does
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Does |
▼ Represented by Duane Morris LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Ray L Wong |
+1 415 957 3000 |
+1 415 957 3001 |
rlwong@duanemorris.com |
▼ Represented by Eagan Avenatti LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Alexander L. Conti |
+1 949 706 7000 |
+1 949 706 7050 |
aconti@eaganavenatti.com |
▼ Represented by Eaton Group Attorneys
▼ Represented by Edison, McDowell & Hetherington LLP
▼ Represented by Erika L Mansky
▼ Represented by Evan L Ginsburg
▼ Represented by Feldman & Associates
▼ Represented by Foley & Lardner, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kevin E. Hyde |
+1 904 359 2000 |
+1 904 359 8700 |
khyde@foley.com |
▼ Represented by Foley & Mansfield, PLLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Shaun E. Swiger |
+1 213 283 2100 |
+1 213 283 2101 |
sswiger@foleymansfield.com |
▼ Represented by Fox Group Legal
▼ Represented by Freeman Freeman & Smiley, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Sylvia M Scott |
+1 310 255 6100 |
+1 310 391 4042 |
sms@ffslaw.com |
Teresa R Tracy |
+1 310 255 6100 |
+1 310 255 6200 |
teresa.tracy@ffslaw.com |
▼ Represented by Goodwin Procter, LLP
▼ Represented by Gordon & Rees LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kevin Simon Jay |
+1 949 255 6962 |
+1 949 474 2060 |
kjay@gordonrees.com |
Jon C. Yonemitsu |
+1 415 986 5900 |
+1 415 986 8054 |
jyonemitsu@gordonrees.com |
▼ Represented by Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Nina D Boyajian |
+1 310 586 6587 |
+1 310 586 7800 |
boyajiann@gtlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Greines Martin Stein & Richland LLP
▼ Represented by Gutierrez Preciado & House LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Andrew C Rawcliffe |
+1 626 449 2300 |
+1 626 449 2330 |
andrew.rawcliffe@gphlawyers.com |
▼ Represented by Halloran & Sage, LLP
▼ Represented by Haney Law Group
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Steven H Haney |
+1 213 228 6500 |
+1 213 228 6501 |
shaney@haneyyoung.com |
▼ Represented by Hanson Bridgett, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Raymond Hans Sheen |
+1 415 995 5008 |
+1 415 995 3560 |
rsheen@hansonbridgett.com |
▼ Represented by Harold G Becks & Associates
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Harold G Becks |
+1 213 385 9852 |
+1 213 385 1370 |
hbecks@beckslaw.com |
▼ Represented by Hinshaw & Culbertson, LLP
▼ Represented by Hobart Linzer LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Amy E Duncan |
+1 310 826 2627 |
aduncan@hobartlinzer.com |
▼ Represented by Hollenbeck & Cardoso, LLP
▼ Represented by Hooper Lundy & Bookman PC
▼ Represented by Hurrell & Cantrall Llp
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Lisa Ann Martinelli |
+1 213 426 2000 |
+1 213 426 2020 |
lmartinelli@hurrellcantrall.com |
▼ Represented by Intellectual Property Law Group
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Otto Oswald Lee |
+1 408 286 8933 |
+1 408 286 8932 |
olee@iplg.com |
▼ Represented by Intellectual Property Law Group LLP
▼ Represented by Jackson Lewis LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Mia D Farber |
+1 213 689 0404 |
+1 213 689 0430 |
farberm@jacksonlewis.com |
Andrew D La Fiura |
+1 267 319 7802 |
+1 215 399 2249 |
andrew.lafiura@jacksonlewis.com |
▼ Represented by Jason A Crotty
▼ Represented by Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Whitney Fair |
+1 310 203 8080 |
+1 310 203 0567 |
wfair@jmbm.com |
▼ Represented by Jenner & Block, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Brent Caslin |
+1 213 239 5100 |
+1 213 239 5199 |
bcaslin@jenner.com |
Kenneth Kiyul Lee |
+1 213 239 5152 |
+1 213 239 5162 |
klee@jenner.com |
▼ Represented by John D. Tran
▼ Represented by John W Holcomb
▼ Represented by Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
▼ Represented by K&L Gates LLP
▼ Represented by Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Barry Z Brodsky |
+1 310 775 6511 |
+1 310 575 9720 |
bbrodsky@kdvlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP
▼ Represented by Kinkle Rodiger and Spriggs
▼ Represented by Kirkland Law
▼ Represented by Knobbe Martens Olson and Bear LLP
▼ Represented by Konicek & Dillon, PC
▼ Represented by Koul Law Firm
▼ Represented by Kristensen Weisberg LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John P. Kristensen |
+1 310 507 7924 |
+1 310 507 7906 |
john@kristensenlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Lagarias and Boulter
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Peter C Lagarias |
+1 415 460 0100 |
+1 415 460 1099 |
pcl@lb-attorneys.com |
▼ Represented by Lakeshore Law Center
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jeffrey N Wilens |
+1 714 854 7205 |
+1 714 854 7206 |
jeff@lakeshorelaw.org |
▼ Represented by Lalchandani Simon, PL
▼ Represented by Laquer Urban Clifford & Hodge LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Michael Y Jung |
+1 626 449 1882 |
+1 626 449 1958 |
jung@luch.com |
▼ Represented by Latham & Watkins LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Ghaith Mahmood |
+1 213 891 8375 |
+1 213 891 8763 |
ghaith.mahmood@lw.com |
Pamela S Palmer |
+1 213 891 8435 |
+1 213 891 8763 |
▼ Represented by Lavely & Singer APC
▼ Represented by Law Offices of Brian J. Farrell Jr. - NH
▼ Represented by Law Offices of Julie Ann Ault
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Julie Ann Ault |
+1 949 719 7212 |
+1 949 719 7210 |
jault@olenproperties.com |
▼ Represented by Law Offices of Kamille Dean PLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kamille Rae Dean |
+1 602 252 5601 |
+1 602 916 1982 |
kamille@kamilledean.com |
▼ Represented by Lawrence Beach Allen & Choi PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jin S Choi |
+1 818 545 1925 |
+1 818 545 1937 |
jchoi@lbaclaw.com |
▼ Represented by Leopold, Petrich & Smith, P.C.
▼ Represented by Levy, Small & Lallas
▼ Represented by Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
▼ Represented by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore APLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jeffery E Stockley |
+1 310 981 2042 |
+1 310 337 0837 |
jstockley@lcwlegal.com |
▼ Represented by Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP
▼ Represented by Littler Mendelson, PC
▼ Represented by Loeb & Loeb LLP
▼ Represented by Long Beach City Attorneys Office
▼ Represented by Los Angeles Police Department
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Beth D Corriea |
+1 213 978 8291 |
+1 213 978 8216 |
beth.corriea@lacity.org |
▼ Represented by Losch & Ehrlich
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Joseph Ehrlich |
+1 415 956 8400 |
+1 415 956 2150 |
je@losch-ehrlich.com |
▼ Represented by Lynch, Dallas, PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Wilford H Stone |
+1 319 365 9101 |
+3659 365 365 9512 |
wstone@lynchdallas.com |
▼ Represented by Macias Counsel Inc.
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Sean E Macias |
+1 818 265 0025 |
sean@maciascounsel.com |
▼ Represented by Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
▼ Represented by Manhattan Towers
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John C Cotti |
+1 310 643 8448 |
jcotti@localgovlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Manning & Marder Kass Ellrod Ramirez LLP
▼ Represented by Mark L. Smith
▼ Represented by Mark S Hoffman
▼ Represented by Martinez Hart & Thompson PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kaitlyn A. Luck |
+1 505 343 1776 |
+1 505 344 7709 |
kluck@montand.com |
▼ Represented by Mathew & George
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Abraham P Mathew |
+1 310 478 4349 |
+1 310 478 9580 |
abraham@mathewandgeorge.com |
▼ Represented by McNicholas & McNicholas LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Douglas D Winter |
+1 310 466 6148 |
+1 310 441 5386 |
ddw@mcnicholaslaw.com |
▼ Represented by Michael Navid Cohen
▼ Represented by Montgomery & Andrews, PA
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Randy S. Bartell |
+1 505 982 3873 |
+1 505 982 4289 |
rbartell@montand.com |
▼ Represented by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP
▼ Represented by Morrison & Foerster, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Mark R McDonald |
+1 213 892 5200 |
+1 213 892 5454 |
mmcdonald@mofo.com |
Mark W. Poe |
+1 415 268 6837 |
+1 415 268 7522 |
mpoe@mofo.com |
▼ Represented by Morrison Mahoney, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
James L. Brawley |
+1 860 616 4441 |
+1 860 244 3800 |
jbrawley@morrisonmahoney.com |
▼ Represented by Morrison, Mahoney LLP-CT
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 860 616 4441 |
+1 860 541 4863 |
cesheeha@morrisonmahoney.com |
▼ Represented by Moss & Barnett, PA
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Bradley R Armstrong |
+1 612 877 5359 |
+1 612 877 5034 |
bradley.armstrong@lawmoss.com |
▼ Represented by Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
▼ Represented by Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Leslie F Vandale |
+1 949 719 7246 |
+1 949 719 7210 |
lvandale@olenproperties.com |
▼ Represented by Nixon Peabody LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jason P. Gonzalez |
+1 213 629 6000 |
+1 213 629 6001 |
jgonzalez@nixonpeabody.com |
▼ Represented by O'Melveny & Myers LLP
▼ Represented by Office of County Counsel
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Robert C Rodriguez |
+1 619 531 6229 |
+1 619 531 6005 |
robert.rodriguez@sdcounty.ca.gov |
▼ Represented by Office of Prosecuting Attorney
▼ Represented by Office of the Attorney General
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Dean Clinton Kowalchyk |
+1 850 414 3669 |
+1 850 488 4872 |
dean.kowalchyk@myfloridalegal.com |
▼ Represented by Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Eric Brown |
+1 213 473 6877 |
+1 213 473 6881 |
eric.brown@lacity.org |
▼ Represented by Office Of The United States Attorney, Eastern District Of Virginia
▼ Represented by Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Aaron Hunter Cole |
+1 213 239 9800 |
+1 213 239 9045 |
aaron.cole@ogletree.com |
▼ Represented by Outten & Golden LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jennifer Schwartz |
+1 415 638 8818 |
+1 415 638 8810 |
jschwartz@outtengolden.com |
▼ Represented by Palmer Lombardi & Donohue LLP
▼ Represented by Paul Hastings LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Donald L. Morrow |
+1 714 668 6297 |
+1 714 668 6391 |
donaldmorrow@paulhastings.com |
William F. Sullivan |
+1 213 683 6252 |
+1 213 996 3252 |
williamsullivan@paulhastings.com |
▼ Represented by Peterson Bradford & Burkwitz
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Sherry M Gregorio |
+1 818 562 5800 |
+1 818 562 5810 |
sgregorio@pbbllp.com |
▼ Represented by Phillips & Associates
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Lowell W. Finson |
+1 213 808 6741 |
+1 213 330 0298 |
lowell@justiceforyou.com |
▼ Represented by Proskauer Rose LLP
▼ Represented by Raines Feldman LLP
▼ Represented by Reed Smith LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Princeton H Kim |
+1 213 457 8000 |
+1 213 457 8080 |
pkim@reedsmith.com |
James L Sanders |
+1 310 734 5200 |
+1 310 734 5299 |
jsanders@reedsmith.com |
▼ Represented by Renner, Otto, Boisselle & Sklar, LLP
▼ Represented by Richard M Wirtz
▼ Represented by Rothken Law Firm, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Ira Perry Rothken |
+1 415 924 4250 |
+1 415 924 2905 |
ndca@techfirm.com |
▼ Represented by San Bernardino County Counsel
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
James H Thebeau |
+1 909 387 4402 |
+1 909 387 4069 |
jthebeau@cc.sbcounty.gov |
▼ Represented by Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, PA
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John Scarola |
+1 561 686 6300 |
+6845 684 684 5816 |
mep@searcylaw.com |
▼ Represented by Seltzer Caplan McMahon & Vitek
▼ Represented by Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Sara M Poggi |
+1 213 270 9600 |
+1 213 270 9601 |
spoggi@seyfarth.com |
▼ Represented by Sheppard Mullin LLP
▼ Represented by Sidley Austin LLP
▼ Represented by Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
▼ Represented by sms-law.com Law Firm Placeholder
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Selim Mounedji |
+1 949 253 7900 |
+1 949 253 7930 |
smounedji@sms-law.com |
▼ Represented by Snell & Wilmer LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Lisa Marie Coulter |
+1 602 382 6000 |
+1 602 382 6070 |
lcoulter@swlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Southern California Edison Company
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Lisa A Delorme |
+1 626 302 6889 |
lisa.delorme@sce.com |
▼ Represented by St Paul City Attorney
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Judith A Hanson |
+1 651 266 8710 |
judy.hanson@ci.stpaul.mn.us |
▼ Represented by Suite 208
▼ Represented by Suite 300
▼ Represented by Summit Law Group
▼ Represented by Tauler Smith LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Robert Tauler |
+1 310 746 5601 |
+1 424 750 5100 |
rtauler@taulersmith.com |
▼ Represented by The Cook Law Firm, P.C.
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Philip Earl Cook |
+1 213 988 6100 |
+1 213 988 6099 |
pcook@cooklawfirm.la |
▼ Represented by The Law Offices of John Burton
▼ Represented by Timothy L Skelton
▼ Represented by Traber & Voorhees
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Theresa M Traber |
+1 626 585 9611 |
+1 626 577 7079 |
tmt@tvlegal.com |
▼ Represented by Trojan Law Offices
▼ Represented by United States Department of Justice
▼ Represented by Varnell & Warwick, PA
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 352 753 8600 |
+1 352 753 8606 |
bwarwick@varnellandwarwick.com |
▼ Represented by Venable LLP
▼ Represented by Walraven & Westerfeld Llp
▼ Represented by Wilmer Hale, LLP
▼ Represented by Winget Spadafora & Schwartzberg, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jody N. Cappello |
+1 203 328 1200 |
+1 203 328 1212 |
cappello.j@wssllp.com |
▼ Represented by Winston & Strawn, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kelly Nicole Oki |
+1 213 615 1769 |
+1 213 615 1750 |
KOki@winston.com |
▼ Represented by Wolfe & Wyman, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kelly Andrew Beall |
+1 949 475 9200 |
+1 949 475 9203 |
kabeall@wolfewyman.com |
▼ Represented by WRONA GORDON & DUBOIS
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jarom B Bangerter |
+1 435 649 2525 |
+1 435 649 5959 |
bangerter@wgdlawfirm.com |
▼ Represented by Yang & Wang, P.c.
▼ Represented by Youngerman & Mcnutt LLP