▼ Represented by Unknown Firm
▼ Represented by 2700 National City Tower
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Scott T. Dickens |
+1 502 588 2000 |
+1 502 588 2020 |
sdickens@fmhd.com |
▼ Represented by Actuant Corp-Legal Dept
▼ Represented by Afigo Fadahunsi
▼ Represented by Afigo Ifeoma Okpewho
▼ Represented by Ali R. Sharifahmadian
▼ Represented by Alston & Bird, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Haven L Claytor |
+1 213 576 1000 |
+1 213 576 1100 |
hclaytor@seyfarth.com |
▼ Represented by Alverson Taylor Mortensen & Sanders
▼ Represented by Alverson Taylor Mortensen, et al
▼ Represented by Amie L. Medley
▼ Represented by Amy DeWitt
▼ Represented by Andrew Brown
▼ Represented by Andrew Louis Perito
▼ Represented by Anish R Desai
▼ Represented by Anita M. Kidd
▼ Represented by Anthony P Alden
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Anthony P. Alden |
+1 213 443 3159 |
+1 213 443 3100 |
anthonyalden@quinnemanuel.com |
▼ Represented by Armstrong Teasdale LLP
▼ Represented by Astigarraga Davis Mullins & Grossman
▼ Represented by Babineaux, Poche, Anthony & Slavich, LLC
▼ Represented by Balch & Bingham LLP
▼ Represented by Barclay Damon, LLP
▼ Represented by Bartko Zankel Tarrant & Miller, PC
▼ Represented by Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff, LLP
▼ Represented by Benjamin J. Bradford
▼ Represented by Benjamin J. Wolinsky
▼ Represented by Beth E. Valocchi
▼ Represented by Blake, Kirchner,
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
F. Peter Blake |
+1 313 961 7321 |
+1 313 961 5972 |
fpb@blakekirchner.com |
▼ Represented by Bodman LLP
▼ Represented by Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Stuart F. Klein |
+1 518 533 3000 |
+1 518 533 3299 |
sklein@bsk.com |
▼ Represented by Bonner Kiernan Trebach & Crociata, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Sarah M Utke |
+1 215 569 4433 |
sutke@bonnerkiernan.com |
▼ Represented by Brett Michael Szczesny
▼ Represented by Brian Martinez
▼ Represented by Brooksby Kaempf, PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
J. Daniel Hoven |
+1 406 443 6820 |
+1 406 443 6882 |
dan@bkbh.com |
▼ Represented by Burch Dallmann LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Andrew S Dallmann |
+1 949 271 9042 |
+1 949 724 9926 |
asd@burchdallmann.com |
▼ Represented by Byron Willie Cooper
▼ Represented by CalPers Legal Office
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Matthew R. Jacobs |
+1 916 795 3797 |
+1 916 795 3659 |
matthew.jacobs@calpers.ca.gov |
▼ Represented by Campbell Campbell Edwards and Conroy PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Christopher B Parkerson |
+1 617 241 3000 |
+1 617 241 5115 |
cparkerson@campbell-trial-lawyers.com |
▼ Represented by Campbell, Campbell & Edwards
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
James M. Campbell |
+1 617 241 3000 |
+1 617 241 5115 |
jmcampbell@campbell-trial-lawyers.com |
▼ Represented by Carl G. Anderson
▼ Represented by Carlock Copeland & Stair, LLP - Atl
▼ Represented by Carmen E. Bremer
▼ Represented by Cetrulo LLP
▼ Represented by Charles K Verhoeven
▼ Represented by Charles Kramer Verhoeven
▼ Represented by Charna E. Sherman , PHV
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Charna E. Sherman |
+1 216 453 0808 |
+1 216 453 0809 |
charna.sherman@charnalaw.com |
▼ Represented by Christopher L. Evans
▼ Represented by Christopher Ryan Johnson
▼ Represented by Claire Abernathy Henry
▼ Represented by coberlymartinez.com Law Firm Placeholder
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kristina Martinez |
+1 505 989 1029 |
+1 505 629 1560 |
kemartinez@coberlymartinez.com |
▼ Represented by Cooley Manion Jones Hake Kurowski LLP
▼ Represented by Covington, Burling Law Firm - DC Office
▼ Represented by Crowell & Moring LLP
▼ Represented by Curley & Curley PC
▼ Represented by Daigle Fisse & Kessenich, Plc
▼ Represented by Dan E. LaBelle
▼ Represented by Daniel G. Nguyen
▼ Represented by Daryl Stuart Bartow
▼ Represented by David B. Barlow
▼ Represented by David Eiseman
▼ Represented by David J Ball , Jr.
▼ Represented by David T. Pollock
▼ Represented by David Thomas Pollock
▼ Represented by Davillier Law Group LLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Charles F. Zimmer, II |
+1 504 456 8677 |
+1 504 456 8653 |
czimmer@davillierlawgroup.com |
▼ Represented by Davis Polk & Wardwell, LLP
▼ Represented by Daymon Jeffrey Rambin
▼ Represented by Dennis Enrique Vega
▼ Represented by Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Allison Michele Low |
+1 415 703 5820 |
+1 415 703 5843 |
allison.low@doj.ca.gov |
▼ Represented by Dickinson Wright PLLC
▼ Represented by Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
▼ Represented by DLA Piper (US) LLP
▼ Represented by Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John Fonstad |
+1 907 276 4557 |
+1 312 853 7036 |
▼ Represented by Dreyer, Boyajian Law Firm
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
William J. Dreyer |
+1 518 463 7784 |
+1 518 463 4039 |
wdreyer@dreyerboyajian.com |
▼ Represented by Edward Robert Reines
▼ Represented by Elizabeth L DeRieux
▼ Represented by Enns & Archer, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Rodrick J. Enns |
+1 336 723 5180 |
+1 336 723 5181 |
renns@ennsandarcher.com |
▼ Represented by Erik David Nadolink
▼ Represented by Evert Weathersby Houff
▼ Represented by Evert, Weathersby & Houff, LLC
▼ Represented by Fitzpatrick & Hunt LLP
▼ Represented by Foley & Lardner, LLP
▼ Represented by Forman, Perry, Watkins, Krutz & Tardy, LLP
▼ Represented by FREESE & GOSS
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Sheila M. Bossier |
+1 601 352 5450 |
+1 601 352 5452 |
sbossier@bossier-law.com |
▼ Represented by Friday, Eldredge & Clark, LLP
▼ Represented by Frilot L.L.C.
▼ Represented by Frohn & Thibodeaux, LLC
▼ Represented by Frost Brown Todd LLC
▼ Represented by Fultz Maddox Hovious & Dickens PLC
▼ Represented by Gabriel & Ashworth PLLC
▼ Represented by Gabriel Simeone Gross
▼ Represented by Gallop, Johnson, Et Al.
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 314 615 6000 |
+6156 615 615 6001 |
ronald.hack@galloplaw.com |
▼ Represented by GE Consumer & Industrial
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Hal N. Bogard |
+1 502 452 3331 |
+1 502 452 0395 |
▼ Represented by Ge Intelligent Platforms, Inc.
▼ Represented by Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, LLP
▼ Represented by Gieger, Laborde & Laperouse, LLC
▼ Represented by Gierke Frank LLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Nora E Gierke |
+1 414 395 4602 |
ngierke@gierkefrank.com |
▼ Represented by GILLAM AND SMITH, LLP
▼ Represented by Glynn & Finley, LLP
▼ Represented by Goldberg Segalla LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
John P. Freedenberg |
+1 716 566 5400 |
+1 716 566 5401 |
jfreedenberg@goldbergsegalla.com |
▼ Represented by Goodsell Anderson Quinn & Stifel LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Corlis J. Chang |
+5475 547 547 5600 |
+5415 541 541 5880 |
cchang@goodsill.com |
Kimberly J. Koide |
+5475 547 547 5600 |
+5475 547 547 5880 |
kkoide@goodsill.com |
▼ Represented by Goodwin Procter, LLP
▼ Represented by Greenberg Traurig, LLP
▼ Represented by Hedrick, Gardner, Kincheloe & Garofalo, LLP
▼ Represented by Holland & Hart LLP
▼ Represented by Howard & Howard Attorneys, PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Steven C Kohl |
+1 248 645 1483 |
+1 248 645 1568 |
▼ Represented by Howrey LLP
▼ Represented by Husch Blackwell LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Uyless M. Dewberry |
+1 314 480 1500 |
+1 314 480 1505 |
uyless.dewberry@huschblackwell.com |
Joseph G. Nassif |
+1 314 480 1500 |
+1 314 480 1530 |
joseph.nassif@huschblackwell.com |
▼ Represented by Ingram, Yuzek Law Firm
▼ Represented by Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore LLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
David M Melancon |
+1 504 310 2100 |
+1 504 310 2101 |
dmelancon@irwinllc.com |
▼ Represented by Irwin Fritchie Urquhart and Moore
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
James B. Irwin, V |
+1 504 310 2100 |
+1 504 310 2101 |
jirwin@irwinllc.com |
▼ Represented by J. David Hadden
▼ Represented by J. Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Todd Swanson |
+1 404 233 4171 |
todd.swanson@usdoj.gov |
▼ Represented by Jack Wesley Hill
▼ Represented by James F. Valentine
▼ Represented by Jason S. Takenouchi
▼ Represented by Jedidiah Jarrett Rollins
▼ Represented by Jeffrey L Cureton
▼ Represented by Jenner & Block, LLP
▼ Represented by Jennifer Anne Sklenar
▼ Represented by JensenBrewer, LLC
▼ Represented by John A. Heller
▼ Represented by John Michael Fitzpatrick
▼ Represented by John Weldon Harbin
▼ Represented by Jones Day Reavis & Pogue
▼ Represented by Jones Walker LLP
▼ Represented by Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Leon Gary, Jr. |
+1 225 248 2024 |
+ 225 248 3024 |
lgary@joneswalker.com |
▼ Represented by Julie Fix Meyer
▼ Represented by Kevin Terrazas
▼ Represented by Kieve Law Office
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Loren Kieve |
+1 415 364 0060 |
lk@kievelaw.com |
▼ Represented by Klarquist Sparkman, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jeffrey Stewart Love |
+1 503 595 5300 |
+1 503 595 5301 |
jeffrey.love@klarquist.com |
▼ Represented by Kristen Lee Johns
▼ Represented by Kutak Rock, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Antoinette P. Hewitt |
+1 949 417 0999 |
+1 949 417 5394 |
antoinette.hewitt@kutakrock.com |
▼ Represented by Latham & Watkins LLP
▼ Represented by Lathrop & Gage, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
David Aronoff |
+1 310 789 4600 |
+1 310 789 4601 |
daronoff@lathropgage.com |
Amber D Henry |
+1 310 789 4600 |
+1 310 789 4601 |
ahenry@lathropgage.com |
▼ Represented by Law Offices of Charna E. Sherman
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Charna E. Sherman |
+1 216 453 0808 |
+1 216 453 0809 |
charna.sherman@charnalaw.com |
▼ Represented by Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Brooke G Malcom |
+1 205 581 0726 |
+1 205 581 0799 |
bmalcom@lightfootlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Littler Mendelson, PC
▼ Represented by Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Steven Scott Boyd |
+1 713 226 1218 |
+1 713 223 3717 |
sboyd@lockelord.com |
▼ Represented by Mackenzie, Hughes Law Firm
▼ Represented by Marc A. Cohn
▼ Represented by Mark Yeh-Kai Tung
▼ Represented by Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin
▼ Represented by Matthew D. Joss
▼ Represented by Matthew M. Wolf
▼ Represented by Matthew Thomas Salzmann
▼ Represented by Mayer Brown, LLP
▼ Represented by McCarter & English LLP
▼ Represented by McNamee, Lochner Law Firm
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
April M. Wilson |
+1 518 447 3373 |
+1 518 426 4260 |
wilson@mltw.com |
▼ Represented by MCNEES, WALLACE & NURICK
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 717 232 8000 |
+1 717 237 5300 |
csteinour@mwn.com |
▼ Represented by MCSHEA LAW FIRM PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 215 599 0800 |
+1 215 599 0888 |
jmcshea@mcshealawfirm.com |
▼ Represented by Melissa Wolf Riley
▼ Represented by Meringer, Zois & Quigg, LLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 443 524 7978 |
+1 443 524 7982 |
dmeringer@meringerlaw.com |
David J Quigg |
+1 443 524 7978 |
+1 443 524 7982 |
dquigg@meringerlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Metlife Building
▼ Represented by Michael Elliot Ginsberg
▼ Represented by Miller Canfield Paddock & Stone, PLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kimberly Lynn Scott |
+1 734 663 2445 |
+1 734 663 8624 |
scott@millercanfield.com |
▼ Represented by Miller, Canfield, (Detroit)
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Carl H. von Ende |
+1 313 963 6420 |
vonende@millercanfield.com |
▼ Represented by Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo, PC
▼ Represented by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP
▼ Represented by Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP
▼ Represented by Nicholas Groombridge
▼ Represented by Nicholas H. Lee
▼ Represented by Nick Gregory Saros
▼ Represented by Nick Sethi
▼ Represented by Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Tim Kenny |
tim.kenny@nortonrosefulbright.com |
Sarah E. O'Connell |
+1 212 318 3093 |
+1 212 318 3400 |
sarah.oconnell@nortonrosefulbright.com |
▼ Represented by Novak Druce, LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Aaron M Levine |
+1 713 571 3400 |
aaron.levine@novakdruce.com |
▼ Represented by Office of the Attorney General
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Damon Grant McClain |
+1 415 703 5750 |
+1 415 703 5843 |
damon.mcclain@doj.ca.gov |
▼ Represented by Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, PC
▼ Represented by One Commerce Square
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Stephen W. Vescovo |
+1 901 525 8721 |
+1 901 525 6722 |
svescovo@lewisthomason.com |
▼ Represented by P. O. Box 8100
▼ Represented by Paine Tarwater & Bickers
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Thomas A Bickers |
+1 865 525 0880 |
+1 865 521 7441 |
tab@painetar.com |
▼ Represented by Paine, Tarwater, Bickers, LLP
▼ Represented by Paul Hastings LLP
▼ Represented by Peter J. Chassman
▼ Represented by Pirkey Barber LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Louis T Pirkey |
+1 512 322 5200 |
+1 512 322 5201 |
lpirkey@pirkeybarber.com |
▼ Represented by Polsinelli PC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Jane E. Fedder |
+1 314 889 8000 |
+1 314 231 1776 |
jfedder@polsinelli.com |
▼ Represented by Pond North LLP
▼ Represented by Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP
▼ Represented by Potter Minton
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Michael Edwin Jones |
+1 903 597 8311 |
+1 903 593 0846 |
mikejones@potterminton.com |
▼ Represented by Poyner & Spruill LLP
▼ Represented by Quarles & Brady LLP
▼ Represented by R Paul Yetter
▼ Represented by Reed Smith LLP
▼ Represented by REGINALD J. HILL
▼ Represented by Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, SC
▼ Represented by Robert Craig Wood
▼ Represented by Robert James McAughan , Jr
▼ Represented by Robert Penchina
▼ Represented by Robinson & Cole LLP
▼ Represented by Ryan M. Nishimoto
▼ Represented by Ryan Smith & Carbine Ltd.
▼ Represented by Saina Shamilov
▼ Represented by Sarah Ruth Lyke
▼ Represented by Sayuri K Sharper
▼ Represented by Schweigert, Klemin & McBride, P.C.
▼ Represented by SCOTT A. KELLER
▼ Represented by Sedgwick LLP
▼ Represented by Seyfarth Shaw LLP
▼ Represented by Shawn Edward Martyniak
▼ Represented by Sidley Austin LLP
▼ Represented by Sidney Calvin Capshaw , III
▼ Represented by Siebman, Burg, Phillips & Smith LLP
▼ Represented by Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Rajiv Madan |
+1 202 371 7020 |
+1 202 661 9020 |
raj.madan@skadden.com |
Kiara Lynn Rankin |
+1 202 371 7143 |
+1 202 661 9143 |
kiara.rankin@skadden.com |
▼ Represented by Smith & Duggan LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Bonnie J. Semilof |
+1 202 898 5800 |
bsemilof@hollingsworthllp.com |
▼ Represented by Squire Sanders (US) LLP
▼ Represented by Ste. 100
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
+1 601 960 8600 |
+1 601 960 8613 |
mccantsjc@fpwk.com |
▼ Represented by Ste. 900
▼ Represented by STEVEN S. BOYD
▼ Represented by Sugarman Rogers Barshak & Cohen
▼ Represented by Suite 1000
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Linda G Kaufmann |
+1 405 609 6000 |
+1 405 609 6501 |
lkaufmann@jenningsteague.com |
▼ Represented by Suite 106
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
David R. Frohn |
+1 337 419 1929 |
dfrohn@mgmlaw.com |
▼ Represented by Suite 150
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Kenneth H Blakley |
+1 405 286 0251 |
+1 405 286 0893 |
kblakley@edinger-blakley.com |
Robert D Edinger |
+1 405 286 0251 |
+1 405 286 0893 |
redinger@edinger-blakley.com |
▼ Represented by Suite 2800
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Ann Marie Byrd |
+1 404 736 7800 |
+1 404 682 7800 |
ann.byrd@dlapiper.com |
▼ Represented by Suite 2900
▼ Represented by Suite 3300
▼ Represented by Suite 400
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Donald C. Thomas |
+1 907 279 3581 |
+1 907 277 1331 |
dct@delaneywiles.com |
▼ Represented by Suite 710
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Susan J. Cole |
+1 305 444 1225 |
+1 305 446 1598 |
cole@bicecolelaw.com |
Marsad A. Quraishi |
+1 305 444 1225 |
+1 305 446 1598 |
quraishi@bicecolelaw.com |
▼ Represented by Sutton McAughan Deaver PLLC
▼ Represented by Swartz Campbell LLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Allison L. Texter |
+1 302 656 5935 |
+1 302 656 1434 |
atexter@swartzcampbell.com |
▼ Represented by T Ray Guy
▼ Represented by TANENBAUM KEALE LLP
▼ Represented by Thad T. Dameris
▼ Represented by The Z Firm LLC
▼ Represented by THOMAS COMBS & SPANN
▼ Represented by Thomas John Ward , Jr
▼ Represented by Thomas M. Morrow
▼ Represented by Thomas P. Lambert
▼ Represented by Timothy E Kapshandy
▼ Represented by Timothy Edward Grochocinski
▼ Represented by Timothy Peck
▼ Represented by Trevor R. Jefferies
▼ Represented by Victoria F. Maroulis
▼ Represented by Victoria Fishman Maroulis
▼ Represented by von Briesen & Roper SC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Beth J. Kushner |
+1 414 287 1373 |
+1 414 276 6281 |
bkushner@vonbriesen.com |
Kelly J Noyes |
+1 414 276 1122 |
+1 414 238 6603 |
knoyes@vonbriesen.com |
▼ Represented by Walraven & Westerfeld Llp
▼ Represented by Walsworth Franklin Bevins & Mccall, Llp
▼ Represented by Warren James Thomas
▼ Represented by Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP
▼ Represented by Wfbm, Llp
▼ Represented by Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell, LLP
▼ Represented by Whitlow, Roberts, Houston & Straub, PLLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
J. Duncan Pitchford |
+1 270 443 4516 |
+1 270 443 4571 |
dpitchford@whitlow-law.com |
▼ Represented by Wiggin & Dana LLP
▼ Represented by Williams & Connolly, LLP
▼ Represented by WILLIAMS AND VENKER
▼ Represented by Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP
▼ Represented by Woolf McClane Bridge Allen & Carpenter PLLC
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
J Ford Little |
+1 865 215 1000 |
+1 865 215 1001 |
littlej@wmbac.com |
▼ Represented by Yarbrough - Wilcox, PLLC
▼ Represented by Yetter Coleman LLP
Name |
Phone |
Fax |
E-Mail |
Pamela Lunn Hohensee |
+1 713 632 8000 |
+1 713 632 8002 |
phohensee@yettercoleman.com |