Since this appears to be a very large docket, we will only show 500 entries at at time.
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744 |
Filed: 11/14/2006, Entered: 11/15/2006 |
Notice of Intent to Destroy Documents Under Seal |
743 |
Filed: 2/3/2006, Entered: 2/3/2006 |
Order Dismissing Case |
ORDER. (Written Opinion). Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on February 3, 2006. (dch) Modified on 2/3/2006 (akl).
742 |
Filed: 2/3/2006, Entered: 2/3/2006 |
Judgment* |
741 |
Filed: 2/2/2006, Entered: 2/2/2006 |
Order Dismissing Case |
ORDER DISMISSING CASE. (Written Opinion). Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on February 2, 2006. (Attachments: # (1))(dch)
740 |
Filed: 2/1/2006, Entered: 2/1/2006 |
Settlement Agreement |
SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Daley, Annamarie)
739 |
Filed: 8/22/2005, Entered: 8/22/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [738] Notice (Other), Notice (Other) Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, To Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, And To Stay Attorneys' Fees Claims Pending Appeal (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
738 |
Filed: 8/22/2005, Entered: 8/22/2005 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice and to Stay Attorneys' Fees Claims Pending Appeal (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
737 |
Filed: 8/18/2005, Entered: 8/18/2005 |
Order Setting Hearing on Motion |
NOTICE OF HEARING Setting Hearing on Motion [724] MOTION to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal: Motion Hearing set for 8/24/2005 09:00 AM will now take place in Courtroom 8E in Minneapolis before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 8/18/05. (JMH)
736 |
Filed: 8/15/2005, Entered: 8/15/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [735] LR7.1 Word Count Compliance Certificate,, [734] Reply to Response to Motion,,,, Certificate of Service (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
735 |
Filed: 8/12/2005, Entered: 8/12/2005 |
LR7.1 Word Count Compliance Certificate |
LR7.1 WORD COUNT COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [734] Reply to Response to Motion,,,,. (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
734 |
Filed: 8/12/2005, Entered: 8/12/2005 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY to Response to Motion re [724] MOTION to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal, [725] MOTION Final Judgment Notice of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, and to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal Injection Research Specialists, Inc.'s and Pacer Industries, Inc.'s Reply to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Response to Injection Research Specialists, Inc.'s and Pacer Industries, Inc.'s Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice and to Stay Attorneys' Fees Claims Pending Appeal filed by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
733 |
Filed: 8/4/2005, Entered: 8/4/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc. re [731] Response in Opposition to Motion,, [732] Declaration in Support, (Daley, Annamarie)
732 |
Filed: 8/4/2005, Entered: 8/4/2005 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration of Annamarie A. Daley in Support of [731] Response in Opposition to Motion, filed by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-D# (2) Exhibit E-G# (3) Exhibit H-J# (4) Exhibit K-M# (5) Exhibit N-O# (6) Exhibit P-Q)(Daley, Annamarie)
731 |
Filed: 8/4/2005, Entered: 8/4/2005 |
Response in Opposition to Motion |
RESPONSE in Opposition re [725] MOTION Final Judgment Notice of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, and to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal filed by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) LR7.1 Word Count Compliance Certificate)(Daley, Annamarie)
730 |
Filed: 7/6/2005, Entered: 7/6/2005 |
Order Setting Hearing on Motion |
ORDER That the informal request to reschedule the hearing date [Docket No. 729] is GRANTED. The hearing date on the pending Motion [Docket No. 724] is reset for 9:00 a.m., on Wednesday, August 24, 2005, before Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson, in Court Room 12W, United States Courthouse, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 7/06/05. (JMH)
729 |
Filed: 7/5/2005, Entered: 7/5/2005 |
Letter to Magistrate Judge |
LETTER TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Daley, Annamarie)
728 |
Filed: 6/27/2005, Entered: 6/27/2005 |
Order Setting Hearing on Motion |
NOTICE OF HEARING Setting Hearing on Motion [724] MOTION to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal: Motion Hearing set for 7/26/2005 01:30 PM in Minneapolis - Courtroom 12W before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 6/27/05. (JMH)
727 |
Filed: 6/20/2005, Entered: 6/20/2005 |
Order Referring Motion |
ORDER REFERRING MOTION: [724] MOTION to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice; MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final; MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final; MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal; MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on June 20, 2005. (dch)
726 |
Filed: 6/17/2005, Entered: 6/17/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [725] MOTION Final Judgment Notice of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, and to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal (Blanch, Robert)
725 |
Filed: 6/17/2005, Entered: 6/17/2005, Terminated: 8/22/2005 |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief |
MOTION Final Judgment Notice of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, and to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc.
724 |
Filed: 5/25/2005, Entered: 5/25/2005, Terminated: 8/22/2005 |
Motion to Dismiss |
MOTION to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, MOTION for Entry of Judgment Final, MOTION to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., (de Alcuaz, Anthony) Modified text on 5/26/2005 (MKC).
723 |
Filed: 5/24/2005, Entered: 5/24/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [721] Memorandum,,, [722] LR7.1 Word Count Compliance Certificate,, [720] Notice (Other), Notice (Other) (Blanch, Robert)
722 |
Filed: 5/24/2005, Entered: 5/24/2005 |
LR7.1 Word Count Compliance Certificate |
LR7.1 WORD COUNT COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [721] Memorandum,, filed by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (Blanch, Robert)
721 |
Filed: 5/24/2005, Entered: 5/24/2005 |
Memorandum |
MEMORANDUM by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc In Support of Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, and to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal filed by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (Blanch, Robert)
720 |
Filed: 5/24/2005, Entered: 5/24/2005 |
~Notice (other) |
***DOCUMENT FILED IN ERROR, WRONG EVENT CODE, COUNSEL WILL REFILE*** NOTICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., of Motion and Motion to Enter Final Judgment, to Dismiss Remaining Declaratory Judgment Claims Without Prejudice, and to Stay Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Attorney Fees Claims Pending Appeal (Blanch, Robert) Modified text on 5/25/2005 (RJL).
719 |
Filed: 5/18/2005, Entered: 5/18/2005 |
Reply |
REPLY re [717] Response, [716] Notice of intent to claim award of attorney's fees filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. (Attachments: # (1) LR7.1 Word Count Compliance Certificate # (2) Certificate of Service)(Myers, Aaron) Modified text on 5/19/2005 (RJL).
718 |
Filed: 5/12/2005, Entered: 5/12/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc re [717] Response to Premature Notice of Intent to Claim Award of Attorney Fees (de Alcuaz, Anthony) Modified text on 5/16/2005 (akl).
717 |
Filed: 5/12/2005, Entered: 5/12/2005 |
Response |
RESPONSE re [716] Notice of Intent to Claim Award filed by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc. (de Alcuaz, Anthony) Modified text on 5/16/2005 (akl).
716 |
Filed: 5/11/2005, Entered: 5/11/2005 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE by Arctic Cat, Inc. re: Joint Notice of Intent to Claim Awards of Attorney Fees Prior to Entry of Final Judgment (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Myers, Aaron)
715 |
Filed: 5/10/2005, Entered: 5/10/2005 |
Order Adopting Report and Recommendations |
ORDER ADOPTING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS for [699] Report and Recommendation, Granting in Part and Denying in Part [621] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, (Written Opinion). Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 05/10/2005. (SMS)
714 |
Filed: 4/12/2005, Entered: 4/12/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, re [703] Objection to Report and Recommendations, Corrected. (Pearson, David)
713 |
Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: 4/11/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [712] Declaration in Support, [710] Response.(Pearson, David)
712 |
Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: 4/11/2005 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration of Michael S. Wilcox in Support of [710] Response, filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERKS OFFICE ON 4/11/05. (Pearson, David) Modified text on 4/13/2005 (akl).
711 |
Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: 4/11/2005 |
Response |
RESPONSE re [699] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [630] Objection filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., [703] Objection to Report and Recommendations, filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERKS OFFICE ON 4/11/05. (Myers, Aaron) Modified text on 4/13/2005 (akl).
710 |
Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: 4/11/2005 |
Response |
RESPONSE re [699] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [630] Objection filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Response to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Objections filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERKS OFFICE ON 4/11/05. (Pearson, David) Modified text on 4/13/2005 (akl).
709 |
Filed: 3/31/2005, Entered: 3/31/2005 |
Affidavit of Service |
AFFIDAVIT of Service by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [707] Objection to Report and Recommendations (Forsyth, William)
708 |
Filed: 3/31/2005, Entered: 3/31/2005 |
Order on Motion for Summary Judgment |
ORDER. Denying [580] Motion for Summary Judgment. Granting in part and denying in part [583] Motion for Summary Judgment. Adopt Report and Recommendation [685] Report and Recommendation. Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on March 31, 2005. (dch)
707 |
Filed: 3/30/2005, Entered: 3/30/2005 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [699] Report and Recommendations. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE ON 3/30/05. (Forsyth, William) Modified text on 4/1/2005 (akl).
706 |
Filed: 3/30/2005, Entered: 3/30/2005 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
DOCUMENT FILED IN ERROR, WILL RE-FILE. OBJECTION to [699] Report and Recommendations. (Forsyth, William) Modified on 3/30/2005 (JME).
705 |
Filed: 3/30/2005, Entered: 3/30/2005 |
Order |
ORDER SEALING DOCUMENT re [704] Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 3/30/05. (RJL)
704 |
Filed: 3/28/2005, Entered: 3/28/2005 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
**DOCUMENT REMOVED, FILED IN ERROR, Counsel will refile. OBJECTION to [699] Report and Recommendations. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Myers, Aaron) Additional attachment(s) added on 3/30/2005 (RJL).
Request |
703 |
Filed: 3/28/2005, Entered: 3/28/2005 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [699] Report and Recommendations March 14, 2005 of Magistrate Judge Erickson. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE ON 03/28/05.(Pearson, David) Modified text on 3/29/2005 (akl).
702 |
Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/21/2005 |
Response |
RESPONSE re [685] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [695] Objection to Report and Recommendations filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Myers, Aaron)
701 |
Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/21/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [700] Memorandum in Support of Motion. (Pearson, David)
700 |
Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: 3/21/2005 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [685] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE ON 3/21/05. (Pearson, David) Modified text on 3/23/2005 (akl).
699 |
Filed: 3/14/2005, Entered: 3/14/2005, Terminated: 5/10/2005 |
Report and Recommendation |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION 1. That IRS's Objection to Evidence Submitted in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgment on Invalid Reissue and False Reisue Oath [Docket No. 630] be denied as moot. 2. That the Motion for Arctic Cat, and Suzuki, for Summary Judgment based on Invalid Reissue and on False Reissue Oath [621] be granted insofar as Arctic Cat, and Suzuki, seek Summary Judgment on Invalid Reissue, and be denied insofar as Arctic Cat, and Suzuki, seek Summary Judgment on False Reissue Oath. Objections to R&R due by 3/28/2005. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 3/14/05. (JMH)
698 |
Filed: 3/9/2005, Entered: 3/9/2005 |
Order |
ORDER DENYING [678] MOTION for Leave to File Memorandum to Inform the Court of Recent Federal Circuit Precedent on Willful Infringement and to Respond to IRS's September 13, 2004 Objections and IRS's September 7, 2004 Response filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., GRANTING [452] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., GRANTING [446] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, DENYING [443] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, DENYING IN PART AND GRANTING IN PART [401] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, ADOPTING IN PART AND MODIFYING IN PART [646] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [429] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., [457] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, [449] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by A, [464] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, DENYING [429] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., DENYING [449] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, DENYING [457] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, DENYING [435] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, . Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 03/08/2005. (SMS)
697 |
Filed: 3/7/2005, Entered: 3/7/2005 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [685] Report and Recommendations of February 18, 2005. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Myers, Aaron)
696 |
Filed: 3/7/2005, Entered: 3/7/2005 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration of ROBERT BLANCH in Support of [685] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. FILED UNDER SEAL. SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE ON 3/7/05. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Pearson, David) Modified text on 3/8/2005 (akl).
695 |
Filed: 3/7/2005, Entered: 3/7/2005 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [685] Report and Recommendations. (FILED UNDER SEAL). SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERK'S OFFICE ON 3/7/05. (Pearson, David) Modified text on 3/8/2005 (akl).
694 |
Filed: 3/1/2005, Entered: 3/1/2005 |
Order on Motion for Order |
ORDER granting [648] Motion for Order to Extend Page Limits . Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 02/28/2005. (SMS)
693 |
Filed: 2/28/2005, Entered: 2/28/2005 |
Order on Motion to Amend/Correct |
**DOCUMENT REMOVED, FILED IN ERROR. ORDER granting [690] Motion to Amend/Correct . Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 02/28/2005. (SMS) Modified attachment on 2/28/2005 (RJL).
692 |
Filed: 2/24/2005, Entered: 2/24/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., re [689] Notice (Other), [690] MOTION to Amend/Correct [689] Notice (Other), Corrected Unopposed Motion to Extend Page Limits Re Objections To February 18, 2005 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge, [691] Exhibit. (Blanch, Robert) Modified text on 2/25/2005 (RJL).
691 |
Filed: 2/24/2005, Entered: 2/24/2005 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT re [690] MOTION to Amend/Correct [689] Notice (Other), Corrected Unopposed Motion to Extend Page Limits Re Objections To February 18, 2005 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge [Proposed] Order Granting Injection Research Specialists, Inc.'s and Pacer Industries, Inc.'s Corrected Unopposed Motion to Extend Page Limits Re Objections to February 18, 2005 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. (Blanch, Robert) Modified text on 2/25/2005 (RJL).
690 |
Filed: 2/24/2005, Entered: 2/24/2005, Terminated: 2/28/2005 |
Motion to Amend/Correct |
MOTION to Amend/Correct [689] Notice (Other), Corrected Unopposed Motion to Extend Page Limits Re Objections To February 18, 2005 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc. (Blanch, Robert) Modified text on 2/25/2005 (RJL).
689 |
Filed: 2/24/2005, Entered: 2/24/2005 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., re [685] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, Corrected Unopposed Motion To Extend Page Limits Regarding Objections to February 18, 2005, Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge. (Blanch, Robert) Modified text on 2/25/2005 (RJL).
688 |
Filed: 2/24/2005, Entered: 2/24/2005 |
Letter to District Judge |
LETTER TO DISTRICT JUDGE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc., WITHDRAWAL OF Unopposed Motion to Extend Page Limits Re: Objections to 2/18/05 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge. (Pearson, David) Modified text on 2/25/2005 (RJL).
687 |
Filed: 2/23/2005, Entered: 2/23/2005 |
Certificate Of Service. |
Corrected CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc re [686] MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages (Pearson, David) Modified text on 2/24/2005 (akl).
686 |
Filed: 2/23/2005, Entered: 2/23/2005, Terminated: 2/24/2005 |
Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages |
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages (UNOPPOSED MOTION) to Extend Page Limits Regarding Objections to February 18, 2005, Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge by Pacer Industries Inc, Injection Research Specialists, Inc. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Pearson, David) Modified text on 2/24/2005 (akl).
685 |
Filed: 2/18/2005, Entered: 2/18/2005, Terminated: 6/20/2005 |
Report and Recommendation |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION that [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation be GRANTED as to the Accused Products, with the singular exception of the Kokusan EFI system in the model year 2002 785-EID Suzuki engine. That [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation be DENIED. Objections to R&R due by 3/7/2005. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 2/18/05. (JLB)
684 |
Filed: 2/10/2005, Entered: 2/10/2005 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: held on 7/14/2004 before Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: Ronald J. Moen. SEALED. FILED CONVENTIONALLY. (akl)
683 |
Filed: 10/29/2004, Entered: 10/29/2004 |
ERRATA Second by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Pearson, David) SEALED DOCUMENTS REC'D IN CLERK'S OFFICE ON 10/29/04 Modified on 11/1/2004 (Riemer, Rena). Modified text on 11/1/2004 (HLL).
682 |
Filed: 10/15/2004, Entered: 10/15/2004 |
Order |
ORDER re [650] denying MOTION for Order to establish page limitation filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, [648] denying MOTION for Order to Unopposed Motion for Order Regarding Filing of Objections to August 6, 2004 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge Upon Summary Judgment Motions filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 10/15/2004. (SMS)
681 |
Filed: 10/4/2004, Entered: 10/4/2004 |
Stipulation |
STIPULATION re [241] Order re Amendment to the Stipulation and Order to Supplement Protective Order Dated June 20, 2002 by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Daley, Annamarie)
680 |
Filed: 9/29/2004, Entered: 9/29/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [679] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
679 |
Filed: 9/29/2004, Entered: 9/29/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [678] MOTION for Leave to File Memorandum to Inform the Court of Recent Federal Circuit Precedent on Willful Infringement and to Respond to IRS's September 13, 2004 Objections and IRS's September 7, 2004 Response filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
678 |
Filed: 9/27/2004, Entered: 9/27/2004, Terminated: 6/20/2005 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION for Leave to File Memorandum to Inform the Court of Recent Federal Circuit Precedent on Willful Infringement and to Respond to IRS's September 13, 2004 Objections and IRS's September 7, 2004 Response by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) memorandum# (2) Knorr-Bremse v. Dana Corp.# (3) Affidavit of Service)(Myers, Aaron)
677 |
Filed: 9/15/2004, Entered: 9/15/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc Notice of Withdrawal of S.Tourek (Pearson, David)
676 |
Filed: 9/15/2004, Entered: 9/15/2004 |
Notice of Withdrawal from Case |
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL FROM CASE of attorney Steven C. Tourek by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc (Pearson, David) Modified on 10/5/2004 - added attorney name (MMC).
675 |
Filed: 9/14/2004, Entered: 9/14/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. re [673] Objection, [674] Declaration in Support (Pearson, David)
674 |
Filed: 9/13/2004, Entered: 9/13/2004 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration of Jill M. Kastner (with Exhibits UNDER SEAL) in Support of [673] Objection filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. (Pearson, David) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED ON 9/13/04 (JMM).
673 |
Filed: 9/13/2004, Entered: 9/13/2004 |
Objection |
OBJECTION re [672] Response New Evidence and New Objections Raised in Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's September 7, 2004 Responsive Brief (FILED UNDER SEAL) filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc.. (Pearson, David) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED ON 9/13/04 (JMM).
672 |
Filed: 9/7/2004, Entered: 9/7/2004 |
Response |
RESPONSE re Objection to [646] Report and Recommendations filed by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Myers, Aaron) Modified Link on 9/8/2004 (JMM).
671 |
Filed: 9/7/2004, Entered: 9/7/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION OF CHRISTOPHER W. DAY IN SUPPORT OF ARCTIC CAT'S AND SUZUKI'S RESPONSE TO IRS'S OBJECTIONS TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE ERICKSON'S AUGUST 6, 2004 [646] REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit 4 to Day Declaration# (2) Exhibit Exhibit 5 to Day Declaration# (3) Exhibit Exhs. 6-7 to Day Declaration)(Myers, Aaron) Added link on 9/8/2004 (JMM).
670 |
Filed: 9/7/2004, Entered: 9/7/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Aaron A. Myers in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Response to IRS's Objections to Magistrate Judge Erickson's August 6, 2004 [646] Report and Recommendation. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhs. B and C to Myers Declaration# (2) Exhibit Exhs. D-G to Myers Declaration)(Myers, Aaron) Added Link on 9/8/2004 (JMM).
669 |
Filed: 9/7/2004, Entered: 9/7/2004 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [646] Report and Recommendations Injection Research Specialists and Pacer Industries, Inc.'s Response to Arctic Cat's Suzuki's Objections to. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Pearson, David) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED ON 9/7/04 (JMM).
668 |
Filed: 8/31/2004, Entered: 8/31/2004 |
Order |
MINUTE ORDER re [663] Letter to Magistrate Judge filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. The Request of the Defendants and Counterclaimants for a clarification fo this Court's Order of 8/24/04 [663] is DENIED. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 8/31/04. (JLB)
667 |
Filed: 8/30/2004, Entered: 8/30/2004 |
Letter to Magistrate Judge |
LETTER TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc.. (Blanch, Robert)
666 |
Filed: 8/30/2004, Entered: 8/30/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT re [665] Letter to Magistrate Judge by Arctic Cat, Inc... (Daley, Annamarie)
665 |
Filed: 8/30/2004, Entered: 8/30/2004 |
Letter to Magistrate Judge |
LETTER TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Daley, Annamarie)
664 |
Filed: 8/27/2004, Entered: 8/27/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [662] Errata (Corrected) (Pearson, David)
663 |
Filed: 8/27/2004, Entered: 8/27/2004, Terminated: 8/31/2004 |
Letter to Magistrate Judge |
LETTER TO MAGISTRATE JUDGE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc from Robert Blanch. (Pearson, David) SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED ON 8/27/04. Modified on 8/30/2004 (JMM).
662 |
Filed: 8/27/2004, Entered: 8/27/2004 |
ERRATA to [653] Objection to Report and Recommendations, [654] Declaration of Jill Kastner by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Pearson, David)
661 |
Filed: 8/25/2004, Entered: 8/25/2004 |
Letter to District Judge |
LETTER TO DISTRICT JUDGE by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Corporation. (Daley, Annamarie)
660 |
Filed: 8/25/2004, Entered: 8/25/2004 |
Order |
ORDER Recinding August 24, 2004 Order . Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 08/25/2004. (SMS)
659 |
Filed: 8/24/2004, Entered: 8/24/2004 |
Letter to District Judge |
LETTER TO DISTRICT JUDGE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc Anthony deAlcuaz re: Docket No. 657. (Pearson, David)
658 |
Filed: 8/24/2004, Entered: 8/24/2004 |
Order on Motion to Strike |
ORDER denying [492] Motion to Strike, denying as moot [510] Motion for Order to, denying as moot [521] Motion to Stay, denying as moot [524] Motion for Leave to File, denying [555] Motion to Strike, denying [558] as moot Motion for Hearing . Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 8/23/04. (JLB)
657 |
Filed: 8/24/2004, Entered: 8/24/2004 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE. Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [650] MOTION for Order to establish page limitation, [648] MOTION for Order to Unopposed Motion for Order Regarding Filing of Objections to August 6, 2004 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge Upon Summary Judgment Motions. Motions have been granted. Parties shall have an additional 50 pages for their responses. Also parties are given an extension to file the responses. All paperwork is due on or before 12:00 p.m. on Monday, August 30, 2004. (dch)
656 |
Filed: 8/23/2004, Entered: 8/23/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc. re [655] Objection to Report and Recommendations (Myers, Aaron)
655 |
Filed: 8/23/2004, Entered: 8/23/2004 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [646] Report and Recommendations. (Myers, Aaron)
654 |
Filed: 8/23/2004, Entered: 8/23/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION re [653] Objection to Report and Recommendations to August 6, 2004, of Jill Kastner in Support of. (Attachments: # (1) Certificate of Service)(Pearson, David) Sealed Document Received on 8/23/04. Modified on 8/24/2004 (JMM).
653 |
Filed: 8/23/2004, Entered: 8/23/2004 |
Objection to Report and Recommendations |
OBJECTION to [646] Report and Recommendations to August 6, 2004. (Pearson, David) Sealed document received on 8/23/04. Modified on 8/24/2004 (JMM).
652 |
Filed: 8/20/2004, Entered: 8/20/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [650] MOTION for Order to establish page limitation, [651] Notice (Other) (Forsyth, William)
651 |
Filed: 8/20/2004, Entered: 8/20/2004 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [650] MOTION for Order to establish page limitation (Forsyth, William)
650 |
Filed: 8/20/2004, Entered: 8/20/2004, Terminated: 3/15/2005 |
Motion for Order to |
MOTION for Order to establish page limitation by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William)
649 |
Filed: 8/18/2004, Entered: 8/18/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [647] Notice (Other), Notice (Other), [648] MOTION for Order to Unopposed Motion for Order Regarding Filing of Objections to August 6, 2004 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge Upon Summary Judgment Motions (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
648 |
Filed: 8/18/2004, Entered: 8/18/2004, Terminated: 3/1/2005 |
Motion for Order to |
MOTION for Order to Unopposed Motion for Order Regarding Filing of Objections to August 6, 2004 [646] Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge Upon Summary Judgment Motions by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (de Alcuaz, Anthony) Modified Links on 8/19/2004 (JMM).
647 |
Filed: 8/18/2004, Entered: 8/18/2004 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc Notice of Unopposed Motion for Order Regarding Filing of Objections to August 6, 2004 Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge Upon Summary Judgment Motions (de Alcuaz, Anthony)
646 |
Filed: 8/6/2004, Entered: 8/6/2004, Terminated: 6/20/2005 |
Report and Recommendation |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION re denying [429] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., denying [457] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, denying [449] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, denying [446] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, denying in part and granting in part [401] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, denying [464] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation, denying [443] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc, granting [452] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., denying [435] Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. Objections to R&R due by 8/23/2004. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 8/6/04. (JLB)
645 |
Filed: 8/2/2004, Entered: 8/3/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 5/25/04 before Judge Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: Marlene Halloway. CONVENTIONALLY FILED. (JMM)
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
644 |
Filed: 8/2/2004, Entered: 8/3/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 5/26/04 before Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: Marlene P. Halloway. CONVENTIONALLY FILED (JMM)
643 |
Filed: 7/20/2004, Entered: 7/20/2004 |
Affidavit of Service |
AFFIDAVIT of Service by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [636] Reply,, [637] Declaration in Support, [638] Reply,, [639] Declaration in Support (Forsyth, William)
642 |
Filed: 7/20/2004, Entered: 7/20/2004 |
Supplement |
SUPPLEMENT (NOT Motion) to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Submission of Minnesota Law Regarding Motion for Summary Judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. (Myers, Aaron)
641 |
Filed: 7/14/2004, Entered: 7/14/2004 |
Motion Hearing |
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson : Motion Hearing held on 7/14/2004 re [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. Order to be issued. R&R to be issued. Exhibits retained by the Court. (Court Reporter Ronald Moen) (JLB)
640 |
Filed: 7/8/2004, Entered: 7/8/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [636] Reply,, [637] Declaration in Support, [638] Reply,, [639] Declaration in Support Certificate of Service (Forsyth, William)
639 |
Filed: 7/7/2004, Entered: 7/7/2004 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration of Christopher W. Day in Support of [638] Reply, filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) (Sealed Doc. Rec'd on 7/7/04) Modified on 7/8/2004 (JMM).
638 |
Filed: 7/7/2004, Entered: 7/7/2004 |
Reply |
REPLY re [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath Reply Brief in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) (Sealed Doc. Rec'd on 7/7/04)Modified on 7/8/2004 (JMM).
637 |
Filed: 7/7/2004, Entered: 7/7/2004 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration in Support of [636] Reply, filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) (Sealed Doc. rec'd on 7/7/04) Modified on 7/8/2004 (JMM).
636 |
Filed: 7/7/2004, Entered: 7/7/2004 |
Reply |
REPLY re [630] Objection, [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath Artic Cat's and Suzuki's Opposition to IRS's Objections to Evidence Submitted in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) (Sealed Doc. received on 7/7/04) Modified on 7/8/2004 (JMM).
635 |
Filed: 7/2/2004, Entered: 7/2/2004 |
Affidavit of Service |
AFFIDAVIT of Service by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. re [632] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion,, [633] Declaration in Opposition,, [634] Declaration in Support (Pearson, David)
634 |
Filed: 6/30/2004, Entered: 6/30/2004 |
Declaration in Support |
Declaration of Rodney Preisser in Support of [632] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc.. (Pearson, David) Modified on 7/1/2004 (Received sealed document on 6/30/04)(JMM).
633 |
Filed: 6/30/2004, Entered: 6/30/2004 |
Declaration in Opposition |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner in Support to [632] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc.. (Pearson, David) Modified on 7/1/2004 (Received sealed document on 6/30/04)(JMM). Modified on 7/1/2004 ((Modified Text) JMM).
632 |
Filed: 6/30/2004, Entered: 6/30/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath Notification of Conventional Filing filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc.. (Pearson, David) (Received sealed document on 6/30/04) Modified on 7/1/2004 (JMM).
631 |
Filed: 6/30/2004, Entered: 6/30/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. re [630] Objection to Evidence Submitted in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath (Pearson, David)
630 |
Filed: 6/30/2004, Entered: 6/30/2004 |
Objection |
OBJECTION re [624] Declaration,,, [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [623] Memorandum in Support of Motion,, filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc.. (Pearson, David)
629 |
Filed: 6/15/2004, Entered: 6/15/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [628] Reply, on New Issues Raised During the May 24, 2004 Claim Construction Hearing (Cauley, Richard)
628 |
Filed: 6/15/2004, Entered: 6/15/2004 |
Reply |
REPLY re [618] Memorandum, Regarding Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Supplemental Brief on New Issues Raised During the May 24, 2004 Claim Construction Hearing filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (Cauley, Richard)
627 |
Filed: 6/15/2004, Entered: 6/15/2004 |
Affidavit of Service |
AFFIDAVIT of Service by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [624] Declaration,,, [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [623] Memorandum in Support of Motion,, Affidavit of Service (Forsyth, William)
626 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Suzuki Motor Corporation re [624] Declaration,,, [625] Certificate of Service,, [620] Order, [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [622] MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's And Suzuki's Notice of Motion For Summary Judgmetn Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [623] Memorandum in Support of Motion,, Certificate of Service (serving Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgmetn Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath; and Notice of Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath (Forsyth, William)
625 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Suzuki Motor Corporation re [624] Declaration,,, [620] Order, [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [622] MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's And Suzuki's Notice of Motion For Summary Judgmetn Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [623] Memorandum in Support of Motion,, Certificate of Service (Forsyth, William)
624 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION re [620] Order, [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [622] MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's And Suzuki's Notice of Motion For Summary Judgmetn Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [623] Memorandum in Support of Motion,, Declaration of Christopher W. Day in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgmetn Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath. (Forsyth, William) (Received sealed doc. on 6/10/04)Modified on 6/15/2004 (JMM).
623 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath, [622] MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's And Suzuki's Notice of Motion For Summary Judgmetn Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath Notice of Conventional Filing - Memorandum of Law in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) (Received sealed co. on 6/10/04)Modified on 6/15/2004 (JMM).
622 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004, Terminated: 6/10/2004 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's And Suzuki's Notice of Motion For Summary Judgmetn Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William)
621 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004, Terminated: 5/10/2005 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William)
620 |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/10/2004 |
Order |
ORDER RE: Artic Cat Inc.'s and Suzuki Motor Corporation's Request for leave to file a Summary Judgment Motion Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath is granted. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 6/10/04. (JMH)
-- |
Filed: 6/10/2004, Entered: 6/14/2004 |
Notice of Hearing on Motion |
NOTICE of Hearing on Motion [621] MOTION for Summary Judgment Based On Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath: Motion Hearing set for 7/14/2004 at 9:00 AM in Minneapolis - before Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. (JMM) Modified on 6/14/2004 (JMM). Modified on 6/15/2004 (JMM).
619 |
Filed: 6/8/2004, Entered: 6/8/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation (Forsyth, William)
618 |
Filed: 6/8/2004, Entered: 6/8/2004 |
Memorandum |
Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation Supplemental Brief on new issues raised during May 25, 2004 Claim Construction Hearing re [250] Reply to Response to Motion, [248] Brief, [602] Reply,, Arctic Cat filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) Modified on 6/8/2004 (JMM) (Added Additional Wording to text).
617 |
Filed: 6/4/2004, Entered: 6/4/2004 |
Letter |
Letter from Thomas H. Jenkins requesting leave to file a Summary Judgment Motion Based on Invalid Reissue and False Reissue Oath. (Forsyth, William)
616 |
Filed: 6/3/2004, Entered: 6/3/2004 |
Order |
MINUTE ORDER. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 6/3/04. (SEA)
615 |
Filed: 5/26/2004, Entered: 5/26/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT to Supplemental Submission in Support of Claim Construction by Arctic Cat, Inc... (Attachments: # (1) Supplement Transcript pp. 1-50# (2) Supplement Transcript pp. 51-100# (3) Supplement Transcript pp. 101-150# (4) Supplement Transcript pp. 151-184)(Daley, Annamarie)
614 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [612] Reply to Response to Motion,, [613] Declaration, Certificate of Service (Forsyth, William)
613 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Reply to IRS's Opposition to the Motion for Summary Judgment of No Infringement of the '803 Patent. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit Index# (2) Exhibit Exhibit 1)(Forsyth, William) (Edited additional text) Modified on 5/24/2004 (JMM).
612 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY to Response to Motion re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Reply to IRS's Opposition to the Motion for Summary Judgment of No Infringement of the '803 Patent filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William)
611 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [609] Response,, [610] Declaration, Certificate of Service (Forsyth, William)
610 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION re [609] Response, Declaration of Christopher W. Day in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Opposition to IRS's Objections to Evidence Submitted in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment of No Infringement of the '803 Patent. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit Index# (2) Exhibit Exhibit 1# (3) Exhibit Exhibit 2# (4) Exhibit Exhibit 3# (5) Exhibit Exhibit 4# (6) Exhibit Exhibit 5# (7) Exhibit Exhibit 6)(Forsyth, William) (Received Videotapes for Exhibits #2 on 5/21/04) Modified on 5/24/2004 (JMM).
609 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Response |
RESPONSE re [594] Objection, [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Opposition to IRS's Objections to Evidence Submitted in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment of No Infringement of the '803 Patent filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William)
608 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Affidavit in Support of Motion |
AFFIDAVIT of Andrew W. Horstman in SUPPORT OF [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment on the Basis of Invalidity of the '803 Patent filed by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1))(Horstman, Andrew)
607 |
Filed: 5/21/2004, Entered: 5/21/2004 |
Reply |
REPLY re [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment, [598] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, Notice of Hearing on Motion, [599] Declaration, [600] Declaration, [601] Declaration, [581] Memorandum in Support of Motion, [582] Declaration, [595] Objection filed by Arctic Cat, Inc.. (Horstman, Andrew)
606 |
Filed: 5/19/2004, Entered: 5/19/2004 |
Affidavit of Service |
AFFIDAVIT of Service by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc re [597] Declaration, [598] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion, [599] Declaration, [600] Declaration, [601] Declaration, [594] Objection, [595] Objection, [596] Memorandum in Opposition to Motion. (JMM)
605 |
Filed: 5/19/2004, Entered: 5/19/2004 |
Affidavit of Service |
AFFIDAVIT of Service by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [603] Declaration, [602] Reply,, Affidavit of Service (Forsyth, William)
604 |
Filed: 5/19/2004, Entered: 5/19/2004 |
Certificate Of Service. |
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation re [603] Declaration, [602] Reply,, Certificate of Service (Forsyth, William)
603 |
Filed: 5/19/2004, Entered: 5/19/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION re [602] Reply,, Declaration of Christopher W. Day in Support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Supplemental Reply Brief in Support of Claim Construction by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) SEALED (Received sealed doc. on 5/19/04) Modified on 5/20/2004 (JMM).
602 |
Filed: 5/19/2004, Entered: 5/19/2004 |
Reply |
REPLY re [246] Miscellaneous Document, [247] Miscellaneous Document, [250] Reply to Response to Motion, [251] Miscellaneous Document, [248] Brief, [249] Miscellaneous Document, [590] Memorandum, [591] Declaration, [592] Declaration, [593] Exhibit, [242] Brief, [243] Miscellaneous Document, [244] Miscellaneous Document, [245] Brief Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Supplemental Reply Brief in Support of Claim Construction filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (Forsyth, William) SEALED (Received sealed doc. on 5/19/04) Modified on 5/20/2004 (JM).
601 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Dr. Timothy Nantell in opposition to [580] [583] MOTIONS for Summary Judgment by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
600 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Dr. William Ribbens in opposition to [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
599 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Michael Wilcox in opposition to [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
598 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment on the invalidity of the '803 Patent filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
597 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner in opposition to [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 Patent by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
596 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 Patent filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
595 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Objection |
OBJECTION to evidence re: [581] Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the '803 Patent filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. 6 pgs (JMM)
594 |
Filed: 5/14/2004, Entered: 5/14/2004 |
Objection |
OBJECTION to evidence submitted re [584] Memorandum in Support of [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. 4 pgs (JMM)
589 |
Filed: 5/12/2004, Entered: 5/12/2004 |
Order |
MINUTE ORDER re [588] Letter. 1. That IRS shall proceed first at the Markman Hearing. 2. That the Markman Hearing shall commence at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on May 25, 2004. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 5/12/04. (JLB)
588 |
Filed: 5/12/2004, Entered: 5/12/2004 |
Letter |
Letter from Anthony de Alcuaz dated 4/29/04 re: request that Markman hearing continue into 5/26/04 if necessary. Requesting Court to instruct which party will present first at the Markman hearing. 2 pgs. (JLB)
593 |
Filed: 5/11/2004, Entered: 5/13/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBITS In Support of Declaration [592] of Jill M. Kastner In Support of Claim Construction. Exhibits are separated in five sections. SEPARATE. (LJD)
592 |
Filed: 5/11/2004, Entered: 5/13/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kaster In Support of [590] Claim Construction by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. and Pacer Industries Inc.. 2 pg(s). (LJD)
591 |
Filed: 5/11/2004, Entered: 5/12/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION OF Michael S. Wilcox In Support of [590] of Supplemental Brief Regarding Claim Construction by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc..SEALED AND SEPARATE. (LJD)
590 |
Filed: 5/11/2004, Entered: 5/12/2004 |
Memorandum |
Supplemental Brief Regarding Claim Construction by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. and Pacer Industries Inc.. SEALED AND SEPARATE. (LJD)
587 |
Filed: 5/4/2004, Entered: 5/4/2004 |
Letter |
Letter from Linda Rohrer dated 4/29/04 RE: Request of all counsel, a telephonic conference with Magistrate Judge Erickson has been set for 5/10/04 at 1:30p.m. to discuss the conduct of the Markman hearing. 1pg (JMH)
-- |
Filed: 5/4/2004, Entered: 5/4/2004 |
Set Deadlines/Hearings: |
In Chambers/Telephonic Conference set for 5/10/2004 1:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson. (see #587) (JMH)
586 |
Filed: 5/3/2004, Entered: 5/3/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Motion for Leave to file Motion Proceedings held on 4/15/04 before Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: (Jean Arends/Reporters Diversified Services) 17pgs. (JMH)
579 |
Filed: 4/22/2004, Entered: 4/27/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Motion Proceedings held on 4/5/04 before Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: Kimberly Evavold. 233 pgs SEPARATE (JMM)
585 |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 Patent. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
584 |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 Patent filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. 22pgs (RJL)
583 |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 Patent by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 4pgs (RJL)
582 |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment. 3+pgs (SEPARATE) (RJL)
581 |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment onthe basis of invalidity of the '803 Patent under 35 USC 103 filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation.14pgs (RJL)
580 |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004, Terminated: 3/31/2005 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION for Summary Judgment on the basis of invalidity of the'803 Patent under 35 USC 103 by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 4pgs (RJL)
-- |
Filed: 4/21/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Notice of Hearing on Motion |
NOTICE of Hearing on Motion [583] MOTION for Summary Judgment: Motion Hearing set for 5/26/2004 09:00 AM in Minneapolis - Courtroom 12W before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson. 4pgs(RJL)
578 |
Filed: 4/20/2004, Entered: 4/20/2004 |
Letter |
Letter from Andrew W. Horstman per Vicki Miller. Withdrawing Motion [548], setting Markman Hearing 5/25/04. Motion [548] to be re-submitted. 2 pgs. (JLB)
-- |
Filed: 4/20/2004, Entered: 4/28/2004 |
Notice of Hearing on Motion |
NOTICE of Hearing on Motion [580] MOTION for Summary Judgment: Motion Hearing set for 5/26/2004 09:00 AM in Minneapolis - Courtroom 12W before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson. (RJL)
577 |
Filed: 4/19/2004, Entered: 4/19/2004 |
Letter |
Letter from Andrew W. Horstman re: hearing scheduled for 4/22/04 may be removed from calendar. 1 pg. (JLB)
576 |
Filed: 4/19/2004, Entered: 4/19/2004 |
Order on Motion For Leave to File. |
ORDER granting [566] Motion for Leave to File. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 4/19/04. (JLB)
575 |
Filed: 4/9/2004, Entered: 4/14/2004 |
Docket Annotation |
Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's submission of Minnesota Law regarding motion for Summary Judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. 4pgs (RJL)
574 |
Filed: 4/9/2004, Entered: 4/14/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of AnnaMarie A. Daley in support of Supplementation.2+pgs (RJL)
573 |
Filed: 4/9/2004, Entered: 4/14/2004 |
Supplement |
SUPPLEMENT (NOT Motion) to the record in support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Summary Judgment Motions heard on April 5, 2004. 3pgs (RJL)
572 |
Filed: 4/8/2004, Entered: 4/9/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day re [571] Objection by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 2+ pg(s). (LJD)
571 |
Filed: 4/8/2004, Entered: 4/9/2004 |
Objection |
OBJECTION re [566] MOTION for Leave to File Motion to Compel Expert Discovery and Submission of Unauthorized Memorandum of Arguments on the Merits filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 3 pg(s). (LJD)
570 |
Filed: 4/2/2004, Entered: 4/5/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings Motion hearing held on 3/23/04 before Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: Jean Arends/Reporters Diversified Services. (JMH)
569 |
Filed: 4/2/2004, Entered: 4/5/2004 |
Letter |
Letter from Anthony de Alcuaz dated 4/1/04 re: Motions to be heard and that the hearing set for 4/5/04 will begin at 10:00a.m. in Courtroom 12W. (JMH)
565 |
Filed: 3/30/2004, Entered: 3/30/2004 |
Order on Motion For Leave to File. |
MINUTE ORDER granting [561] Motion for Leave to File. Signed by Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson on 3/30/04. (JLB)
563 |
Filed: 3/30/2004, Entered: 3/30/2004 |
Response in Opposition to Motion |
RESPONSE in Opposition re [561] PLTF'S MOTION for Leave to File filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. (SEA)
568 |
Filed: 3/25/2004, Entered: 3/31/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [555] MOTION to Strike filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 8pgs (RJL)
567 |
Filed: 3/24/2004, Entered: 3/30/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re [566] MOTION for Leave to File a motion to compel expert discovery. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
566 |
Filed: 3/24/2004, Entered: 3/30/2004, Terminated: 4/19/2004 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION for Leave to File a motion to compel expert discovery by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. and Pacer Industries Inc. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
562 |
Filed: 3/22/2004, Entered: 3/26/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day. 2+pgs [561](RJL)
561 |
Filed: 3/22/2004, Entered: 3/26/2004, Terminated: 3/30/2004 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION for Leave to File reply in support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's request for leave to submit material information re pending in camera review of IRS documents pursuant to the September 30, 2003 Order by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. 8pgs (RJL)
560 |
Filed: 3/22/2004, Entered: 3/25/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 3/11/04 before Judge Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson. Court Reporter: Jean Arends/Reporters Diversified Services. (JMH)
559 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/23/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner re [558] MOTION for Hearing date for motion to dismiss. 3+pgs (DFL)
558 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/23/2004 |
Motion for Hearing |
MOTION for Hearing date for motion to dismiss by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. 4pgs (DFL)
557 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/23/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox in support of opposition to Arctic's and Suzuki's submission of material information separate and sealed. (DFL) Modified on 3/23/2004 (La Fond, Denise).
556 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/23/2004 |
Memorandum |
MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc to request for leave to file Arctic's and Suzuki's submissions of material information re: pending in camera review of IRS documents pursuant to 9/30/03 order filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. separate and sealed (DFL) Modified on 3/23/2004 (La Fond, Denise).
555 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/23/2004 |
Motion to Strike |
OBJECTION AND MOTION to Strike new evidence improperly submitted in reply memoranda and untimely reply memoranda by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. 11pgs (DFL)
554 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/23/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [492] Arctic's Motion to Strike filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. 5pgs (DFL)
543 |
Filed: 3/19/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Order |
ORDER Affirming [517] Order dated February 12, 2004. Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 03/18/04. (SMS)
550 |
Filed: 3/16/2004, Entered: 3/20/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of AnnaMarie A. Daley re [548] MOTION for Summary Judgment on the basis of invalidity of the '803 patent under 35 USC 103. 3+pgs (SEPARATE) (RJL)
549 |
Filed: 3/16/2004, Entered: 3/20/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [548] MOTION for Summary Judgment on the basis of invalidity of the '803 patent under 35 USC 103 filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 14pgs (RJL)
548 |
Filed: 3/16/2004, Entered: 3/20/2004 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION for Summary Judgment on the basis of invalidity of the '803 patent under 35 USC 103 by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 4pgs (RJL)
553 |
Filed: 3/15/2004, Entered: 3/20/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day re [551] MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 patent. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
552 |
Filed: 3/15/2004, Entered: 3/20/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [551] MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. 22pgs (RJL)
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
551 |
Filed: 3/15/2004, Entered: 3/20/2004 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION for Summary Judgment of no infringement of the '803 patent by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation.3pgs (RJL)
542 |
Filed: 3/12/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner in support of opposition to Arctic Cat's appeal from that part of Magistrate Judge Erickson's February 12,2004 order denying Arctic Cat's Motion to compel. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
541 |
Filed: 3/12/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [531] Arctic Cat's APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE DECISION to District Court re [517] Order dated February 12, 2004, filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. and Pacer Industries Inc. 9pgs(RJL)
547 |
Filed: 3/10/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of William F. Forsyth. 4pgs (RJL)
546 |
Filed: 3/10/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Jeffer Ali. 5pgs (RJL)
545 |
Filed: 3/10/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of AnnaMarie A. Daley in support of [544] Request for leave to file Arctic Cat Inc's and Suzuki Motion corporation's submission of material information re: pending in camera review of IRS documents pursuant to September 30, 2003 order. 3+pgs (SEPARATE) (RJL)
544 |
Filed: 3/10/2004, Entered: 3/19/2004 |
Request |
REQUEST for leave to file Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation's submission of material information re pending in camera review of IRS documents pursuant to September 30, 2003 order.7pgs (RJL)
540 |
Filed: 3/10/2004, Entered: 3/17/2004 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE opf Non-opposition by Injection Research Specialists, Inc. and Pacer Industries Inc re [538] Request to file supplemental memorandum in support of Arctic Cat's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of non-infringement of the '374 Patent. 4pgs (RJL)
537 |
Filed: 3/10/2004, Entered: 3/10/2004 |
Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief |
ORDER dismissing Defendant's [521] motion Stay of Order dated February 12, 2004 as moot. Signed by Judge Michael J Davis on 03/08/04. (SMS) Additional attachment(s) added on 3/11/2004 (Francis, Cyndee). Additional attachment(s) added on 3/11/2004 (Francis, Cyndee).
539 |
Filed: 3/9/2004, Entered: 3/17/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Anna Marie A. Daley in support of re [538] Request for leave to file supplemental and supplemental memorandum in support of Arctic Cat's motion for Partial Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of the '374 Patent. 2+pgs (RJL)
538 |
Filed: 3/9/2004, Entered: 3/17/2004 |
Request |
REQUEST for leave to file supplemental and supplemental memorandum of law in support of [429] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Arctic Cat, Inc. 4pgs (RJL)
536 |
Filed: 3/1/2004, Entered: 3/2/2004 |
USCA Mandate |
MANDATE of USCA for the Federal Circuit as to [413] Notice of Appeal filed by Injection Research Specialists, Inc., Pacer Industries Inc. Circuit Judges Michel, Schall, and Dyk. Re: 1. Motion to dismiss is GRANTED. 2. Each Side shall bear its own costs. 3. All remaining motions are moot. 3pg(s) (RJL)
533 |
Filed: 2/27/2004, Entered: 2/28/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION OF ANDREW W. HORSTMAN re [531] APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE DECISION to District Court re [517] Order dated 2/12/04. (45 pgs) (CF)
532 |
Filed: 2/27/2004, Entered: 2/28/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Support re [531] APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE DECISION to District Court re [517] Order dated 2/12/04 filed by Arctic Cat, Inc. (6pgs) (CF)
531 |
Filed: 2/27/2004, Entered: 2/28/2004 |
Appeal/Objection of Magistrate Judge Decision to D |
ARCTIC CAT'S APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE ERICKSON'S DECISION to District Court re [517] Order of February 12, 2004 addressing Arctic Cat's motion to compel discovery. (2pgs) (CF)
535 |
Filed: 2/24/2004, Entered: 2/28/2004 |
Affidavit in Support of Motion |
AFFIDAVIT in Opposition by Annamarie A. Daley re [524] MOTION for Leave to File . (JMH)
534 |
Filed: 2/24/2004, Entered: 2/28/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM in Opposition re [521] Motion to StayMotion for Miscellaneous Relief filed by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. (JMH)
530 |
Filed: 2/20/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Notice of Hearing on Motion |
NOTICE of Hearing on Motion [524] MOTION for Leave to File: Motion Hearing set for 3/11/2004 10:30 AM in Duluth - Courtroom 3 before Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson. 3pg(s)(RJL)
529 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT 4 to motion for leave to file motions for summary judgment. (separate) (RJL)
528 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT 3 to Motion for leave to file motions for summary judgment. 5+pg(s) (RJL)
527 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT 2 to Motion for leave to file Motions for summary judgment. Separate & Sealed (RJL)
526 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Exhibit |
EXHIBIT 1 to Motion for leave to file Motions for Summary Judgment.5+ (RJL)
525 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Declaration |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day re [524] MOTION for Leave to File Motions for Summary Judgment.3+pg(s) (RJL)
524 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/26/2004 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION for Leave to File 1. Motion for Summary Judgment of no infringement and 2. Motion for Summary Judgment on the basis of invalidity of the 803 patent under 35 USC 103. by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corporation. 8pg(s) (RJL)
523 |
Filed: 2/19/2004, Entered: 2/23/2004 |
Supplement |
SUPPLEMENT (NOT Motion) to motion for stay of the 2/12/04 order. Filed by Injection Research Specialist, Inc. and Pacer Industries, Inc.(JMH)
522 |
Filed: 2/13/2004, Entered: 2/13/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner re motion to stay the 2/12/04 order requiring disclosure of privleged documents and [521-1],and to defer the imposition of sanction during the pendency of the Federal Circuit Appeal. [521-2] (separate)
521 |
Filed: 2/13/2004, Entered: 2/13/2004, Terminated: 8/24/2004 |
Motion to Stay |
COPY OF MOTION by defendants to stay the 2/12/04 order requiring disclosure of privleged documents and , and to defer the imposition of sanction during the pendency of the federal Circuit Appeal ( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) . (20 pg(s) Corrected spelling on 8/24/2004 (JLB).
520 |
Filed: 2/13/2004, Entered: 2/13/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Motion to Compel Hearing held 4/10/03 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Jean Arends) 75 pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JLB)
519 |
Filed: 2/12/2004, Entered: 2/13/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman in support of Arctic Cat's Response to Motion of IRS and Pacer to Modify the Pretrial Scheduling Order to Permit Filing of Motion to Dismiss all claims concerning US Patent No. 5,813,374 for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. 2+pg(s) (RJL)
518 |
Filed: 2/12/2004, Entered: 2/13/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in support their response to motion for order to modify the pretrial scheduling order to permit filing of motion to dismiss all claims concerning US Patent No. 5,813,374 for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. [510-1] 9pg(s) (RJL)
517 |
Filed: 2/12/2004, Entered: 2/12/2004 |
Order |
ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 2/12/04) 1. That the motion of IRS for sanctions against arctic cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to rule 37 b 2, and c, federal rules of civil procedure [docket no.318] is denied. 2. That the Motion of suzuki to supplement its invalidity claim chart [Docket no. 309] is granted. 3. That the motion of IRS for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to 803 patent claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Artic Cat and Suzuki [Docket no. 363-1] is denied. 4. That the motion of IRS to compel Arctic Cat to produce documents from the trade secret litigation [Docket no. 367-1] is granted, in part. 5. That the motion of IRS for order to enforce compliance with subpoena duces tecum [Docket no. 367-2] is granted, in part. 6. That the motion of IRS for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for discovery abuse [Docket no. 370-1] is denied. 7. That the motion of IRS to compel Arctic Cat and Suzuki to produce documents related to Arctic Cat 2003 models and supplement their disclosures for 2004 models [Docket no. 370-2] is denied. 8. That the motion of Arctic Cat to compel [Docket no. 373] is denied. 9. That the motion of Suzuki to bifurcate issues of willfulness and damages is denied. 10. The motion of IRS for leave to submit newly discovered information [Docket no. 355-1] is granted. 11. The motion of IRS for leave to file additional papers [Docket no. 377-1] is granted. 12. The motion of IRS for leave to file additional papers [Docket no. 379-1] is granted. 13.The motion of Hanes to quash subpoena [Docket no. 217-1] is denied as moot. 14. The motion of Hanes to object to subpoena [Docket no. 217-2] is denied as moot. 15. The motion of Arctic Cat to extend time to file appeal of order precluding supplemental invalidity claim charts [Docket no. 335-1] is granted. 30pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (JMH) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
516 |
Filed: 2/12/2004, Entered: 2/12/2004 |
Order |
ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 2/12/04) denying, but without prejudice, motion for order to modify the pretrial schedule to extend the deadline for dispositive motions relating to discovery ordered by the court but not completed. [463-1] as to Arctic Cat, Inc. denying, but without predjudice, motion for sanctions due to failure of IRS and Pacer to obey court orders. [432-1] as to Arctic Cat, Inc. That IRS is directed to comply with the terms of our Orders of 8/26/03 and 9/30/03 by no later than 2/27/04. That, should IRS fail to comply with the directives of this Order, and our Orders of 8/26/03, and 9/30/03, we shall recommend the dismissal of all claims to which the disputed discovery is pertinent, and all other sanctions deemed just and appropriate. 11 pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (SEA) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
515 |
Filed: 2/6/2004, Entered: 2/6/2004 |
Notice of Hearing. |
NOTICE of hearing (Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson/ 2/6/04) setting hearing for motion to strike Immaterial, Impertinent, and scandalous matter from IRS's opposition memorandum to Summary Judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds [492-1] ,for motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches [464-1], for motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness [457-1], for motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement [452-1], for motion for summary judgment on the invalidity U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) [449-1], for motion for summary judgment the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803 [446-1], for motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion [443-1], for motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds [435-1], for motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent (Counts IV of Amended Complaint) [429-1], for motion for partial summary judgment [401-1] at 1:00 4/5/04 in Minnepolis, MN 2pg(s) (JMH) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (Larson, Amy).
514 |
Filed: 1/29/2004, Entered: 2/2/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] 32pg(s) (JMH)
513 |
Filed: 1/29/2004, Entered: 2/2/2004 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. to motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] 14pg(s) (JMH)
512 |
Filed: 1/29/2004, Entered: 1/30/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Robert J. Blanch re motion for order to modify the pretrial scheduling order to permit filing of motion to dismiss all claims concerning US Patent No. 5,813,374 for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. [510-1] 4+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
511 |
Filed: 1/29/2004, Entered: 1/30/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for order to modify the pretrial scheduling order to permit filing of motion to dismiss all claims concerning US Patent No. 5,813,374 for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. [510-1] 16pg(s) (RJL)
510 |
Filed: 1/29/2004, Entered: 1/30/2004 |
Motion for Order to |
MOTION by Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc for order to modify the pretrial scheduling order to permit filing of motion to dismiss all claims concerning US Patent No. 5,813,374 for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 2/19/04 at 11:00am. 2pg(s) (RJL)
509 |
Filed: 1/27/2004, Entered: 1/28/2004 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Motion for Sanctions and to Modify pretrial schedule held 1/15/04 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Jean Arends) 62pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JMH)
508 |
Filed: 1/27/2004, Entered: 1/28/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Supplemental DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] (Separate & Sealed) (RJL)
507 |
Filed: 1/27/2004, Entered: 1/28/2004 |
Brief |
Reply BRIEF FILED by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc regarding motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] (Separate & Sealed) (RJL)
506 |
Filed: 1/27/2004, Entered: 1/28/2004 |
Response - Miscellaneous |
OBJECTIONS by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc to evidence submitted by Arctic Cat in opposition to IRS and Pacer's motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] 3pg(s) (RJL)
505 |
Filed: 1/22/2004, Entered: 1/26/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] 3+pg(s) (RJL)
504 |
Filed: 1/22/2004, Entered: 1/26/2004 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] 12pg(s) (RJL)
503 |
Filed: 1/22/2004, Entered: 1/23/2004 |
Order |
ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 1/22/04) setting hearing for motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. (Counts IV of Amended Complaint) [429-1] at as to Arctic Cat, Inc. setting hearing for motion for sanctions due to failure of IRS and Pacer to obey court orders. [432-1] at as to Suzuki Motor Corp , setting hearing for motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] at as to Suzuki Motor Corp , setting hearing for motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] at as to Pacer Industries Inc , setting hearing for motion for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803. [446-1] at as to Pacer Industries Inc 1:00, setting hearing for motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] at as to Suzuki Motor Corp setting hearing for motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] at as to Arctic Cat, Inc., setting hearing for motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] at as to Pacer Industries Inc , setting hearing for motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] at as to Suzuki Motor Corp, setting hearing for motion to strike Immaterial, Impertinent, and scandalous matter from IRS's opposition memorandum to Summary Judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [492-1] at as to Arctic Cat, Inc. 1:00 4/5/04 in Minneapolis 2 pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (JLB) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
497 |
Filed: 1/21/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Letter |
LETTER to court dated 1/19/04 from defendant Injection Research re: docket items #194 & 217 withdrawn-from Vicki Miller 1pg (SEA)
502 |
Filed: 1/20/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner re motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
501 |
Filed: 1/20/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Injection Research in opposition to motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
500 |
Filed: 1/20/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Response - Miscellaneous |
OBJECTIONS by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc to motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] 2pg(s) (RJL)
499 |
Filed: 1/20/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Second DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] 2+pg(s) (RJL)
498 |
Filed: 1/20/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to IRS's motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] and reply IRS's oppositon to Arctic Cat's motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] 12pg(s) (RJL)
496 |
Filed: 1/16/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] 2+pg(s) (RJL)
495 |
Filed: 1/16/2004, Entered: 1/21/2004 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc to motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] 11pg(s) (RJL)
494 |
Filed: 1/15/2004, Entered: 1/20/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Robert J. Blanch re motion for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803. [446-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
493 |
Filed: 1/15/2004, Entered: 1/20/2004 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY MEMORANDUM in SUPPROT by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc to motion for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803. [446-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
492 |
Filed: 1/14/2004, Entered: 1/16/2004, Terminated: 8/24/2004 |
Motion to Strike |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. to strike Immaterial, Impertinent, and scandalous matter from IRS's opposition memorandum to Summary Judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 5pg(s) (RJL)
491 |
Filed: 1/14/2004, Entered: 1/16/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 3+pg(s) (RJL)
490 |
Filed: 1/14/2004, Entered: 1/16/2004 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY by Arctic Cat, Inc. to motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 6pg(s) (RJL)
489 |
Filed: 1/14/2004, Entered: 1/16/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of AnnaMarie A. Daley re motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. (Counts IV of Amended Complaint) [429-1] 2+pg(s) (RJL)
488 |
Filed: 1/14/2004, Entered: 1/16/2004 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY by Arctic Cat, Inc. to motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. (Counts IV of Amended Complaint). [429-1] 5pg(s) (RJL)
487 |
Filed: 1/12/2004, Entered: 1/15/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner re motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
486 |
Filed: 1/12/2004, Entered: 1/15/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion for partial summary judgment all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
485 |
Filed: 1/12/2004, Entered: 1/15/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Ronald E. Chasteen re motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
484 |
Filed: 1/12/2004, Entered: 1/15/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
483 |
Filed: 1/12/2004, Entered: 1/15/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
480 |
Filed: 1/12/2004, Entered: 1/12/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Anthony De Alcuaz re opposition to joint motion for order to modify the pretrial schedule to extend the deadline for dispositive motions relating to discovery ordered by the court but not completed. [463-1] 5pg(s) + exhibits (copy) (JMR)
482 |
Filed: 1/9/2004, Entered: 1/14/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] 2+pg(s) (RJL)
481 |
Filed: 1/9/2004, Entered: 1/14/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] 6pg(s) (RJL)
479 |
Filed: 1/8/2004, Entered: 1/12/2004 |
Response - Miscellaneous |
OPPOSITION by defendants to joint motion for order to modify the pretrial schedule to extend the deadline for dispositive motions relating to discovery ordered by the court but not completed [463-1] 10pg(s) (copy) (JMR)
478 |
Filed: 1/8/2004, Entered: 1/9/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox in support of Injection Research Specialists and Pacer Industries opposition to Arctic Cat's and Suzulki's motion for sanctions [432-1] 2pg(s) + exhibits (JMR)
477 |
Filed: 1/8/2004, Entered: 1/9/2004 |
Response - Miscellaneous |
OPPOSITION by defendant Injection Research, defendant Pacer Industries Inc to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's motion for sanctions [432-1] 10pg(s) (JMR)
476 |
Filed: 1/8/2004, Entered: 1/9/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to IRS'S and Pacer's motion for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. Re 34,803. [446-1] 4pg(s) (JMR)
475 |
Filed: 1/8/2004, Entered: 1/9/2004 |
Notice of Hearing. |
Amended NOTICE by counter-defendant Arctic Cat, Inc., counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp of hearing setting hearing for motion for sanctions due to failure of IRS and Pacer to obey court orders. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) [432-1] at 11:00 1/15/04 at the USCH in Duluth, MN 5pg(s) (JMR)
474 |
Filed: 1/6/2004, Entered: 1/9/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jeffery Wawrzyniak. 2pg(s) (RJL)
473 |
Filed: 1/5/2004, Entered: 1/6/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner in support of defendants' opposition to motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
472 |
Filed: 1/5/2004, Entered: 1/6/2004 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of John Balch in support of defendants' opposition to motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 2+ pg(s) (JMM)
471 |
Filed: 1/5/2004, Entered: 1/6/2004 |
Response - Miscellaneous |
OBJECTIONS by defendants to evidence submitted by Arctic Cat and Suzuki in support of motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 4 pg(s) (JMM)
470 |
Filed: 1/5/2004, Entered: 1/6/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendants in opposition to motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
469 |
Filed: 1/5/2004, Entered: 1/6/2004 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendants in opposition to motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. [429-1] 8 pg(s) (JMM)
468 |
Filed: 12/31/2003, Entered: 1/2/2004 |
Docket Annotation |
Ijection Research Specialists, Inc.'s and Pacer Industries, Inc.'s Statement of Non-Liability with respect to U.S. Patent No. 5,813,374. 2pg(s) (RJL)
467 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
EXHIBITS 37 and 38 to declaration of Annamarie A. Daley. [466-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
466 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] 5+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
465 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. [464-1] 24 pg(s) (RJL)
464 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corp for summary judgment on the basis of equitable Estoppel and Laches. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 4pg(s) (RJL)
463 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003, Terminated: 2/12/2004 |
Motion for Order to |
JOINT MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corp for order to modify the pretrial schedule to extend the deadline for dispositive motions relating to discovery ordered by the court but not completed. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 1/15/03 at 11:00am in Duluth, Minnesota. 4pg(s) (RJL)
462 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jun Ito in support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment based on Res Judicata and Legal Estoppel. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
461 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
REQUEST by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp for Judicial Notice in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment based on Res Judicata and Legal Estoppel. 6pg(s) (RJL)
460 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christpher W. Day in support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment based on Res Judicata and Legal Estoppel. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
459 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
458 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for partial summary judgment of willfulness. [457-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
457 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/26/2003 |
Motion for Partial Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc for partial summary judgment of willfulness. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 2pg(s) (RJL)
455 |
Filed: 12/22/2003, Entered: 12/22/2003 |
Order |
STIPULATION AND ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) That the parties have agreed that due to holiday schedules and travel that the parties would extend to each other one additional week to respond to any summary judgment motions file on and/or between 12/8/03 and 12/22/03. ; dispositive motions set for 12/29/03 4pg(s)(cc: all counsel) (JMH) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
456 |
Filed: 12/19/2003, Entered: 12/23/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 12/19/03) re: denying motion for stay of this Court's November 18, 2003 and October 24, 2003 Orders requiring production of privileged communications pending appeal. [387-1] 3pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (RJL) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
454 |
Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants against Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] 5+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
453 |
Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in support of motion for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. [452-1] 6pg(s) (RJL)
452 |
Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 |
Motion for Partial Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. for partial summary judgment dismissing all claims of counterclaimants agains Arctic Cat for willful infringement. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 3pg(s) (RJL)
451 |
Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] 5+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
450 |
Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). [449-1] 10pg(s) (RJL)
449 |
Filed: 12/15/2003, Entered: 12/16/2003 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corp for summary judgment on the invalidity of U.S. Patent Re. 34,803 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b). ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 4pg(s) (RJL)
448 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803. [446-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
447 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803. [446-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
446 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc for summary judgment that the bench systems developed by Cuyuna Engine Company and Arctic Cat do not anticipate any claim of US Patent No. re 34,803. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 3pg(s) (RJL)
445 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] 3+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
444 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. [443-1] 11pg(s) (RJL)
443 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc for summary judgment concerning obviousness contentions on which plaintiffs' expert rendered no opinion. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 2pg(s) (RJL)
442 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher W. Day in support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's motion for partial summary judgment based on Res Judicata and legal estoppel. 2+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
441 |
Filed: 12/12/2003, Entered: 12/15/2003 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY MEMORANDUM in support by Suzuki Motor Corp to motion for partial summary judgment based on Res Judicata and Legal Estoppel. [401-1] 18pg(s) (RJL)
440 |
Filed: 12/11/2003, Entered: 12/12/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Substitute EXHIBITS B and C by plaintiff to the Declaration of Annamarie A. Daley filed on December 8, 2003. 27pg(s) (RJL)
439 |
Filed: 12/11/2003, Entered: 12/12/2003 |
ERRATA Sheet by plaintiff to the memorandum of law in support of Arctic Cat and Suzuki's Motion for Summary Judgment of Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 3pg(s) (RJL)
438 |
Filed: 12/9/2003, Entered: 12/10/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 12/8/03) defendants' request is granted and are permitted to file the reply submitted on 12/3/03. 2pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (DFL) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
437 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 4+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
436 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. [435-1] 17pg(s) (RJL)
435 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Motion for Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp for summary judgment on Champerty and Maintenance Grounds. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 3pg(s) (RJL)
434 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for sanctions due to failure of IRS and Pacer to obey court orders. [432-1] 10pg(s) (RJL)
433 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion for sanctions due to failure of IRS and Pacer to obey court orders. [432-1] 7pg(s) (RJL)
432 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Motion for Sanctions |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp for sanctions due to failure of IRS and Pacer to obey court orders. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 5pg(s) (RJL)
431 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. (Counts IV of Amended Complaint) [429-1] 2+pg(s) (RJL)
430 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in support of motion for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. (Counts IV of Amended Complaint) [429-1] 9pg(s) (RJL)
429 |
Filed: 12/8/2003, Entered: 12/9/2003 |
Motion for Partial Summary Judgment |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. for partial summary judgment on invalidity and non-ingringement of the '374 Patent. (Counts IV of Amended Complaint) ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 3pg(s) (RJL)
-- |
Filed: 12/5/2003, Entered: 12/8/2003 |
USCA Case Number |
NOTIFICATION BY FEDERAL CIRCUIT COURT of Appellate Docket Number Misc. 748. (RJL)
428 |
Filed: 12/4/2003, Entered: 12/8/2003 |
Order |
PETITION AND ORDER for admission pro hac vice ( Clerk Richard D. Sletten ) on behalf of Suzuki Motor Corp by Christopher W Day. 1pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (RJL)
427 |
Filed: 12/3/2003, Entered: 12/5/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
REQUEST by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc for Judicial Notice in Support of Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment based on Res Judicata and Legal Estoppel. 3pg(s) (RJL)
426 |
Filed: 12/3/2003, Entered: 12/5/2003 |
Response - Miscellaneous |
OBJECTIONS by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc to evidence submitted by Arctic Cat and Suzuki in support of motion for partial summary judgment. [401-1] 3pg(s) (RJL)
425 |
Filed: 12/3/2003, Entered: 12/5/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner re motion for partial summary judgment. [401-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
424 |
Filed: 12/3/2003, Entered: 12/5/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Rodney Preisser re motion for partial summary judgment. [401-1] 2pg(s) (RJL)
423 |
Filed: 12/3/2003, Entered: 12/5/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion for partial summary judgment based on Res Judicata and Legal Estoppel. [401-1] 23pg(s) (RJL)
422 |
Filed: 12/3/2003, Entered: 12/5/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
REQUEST by defendants for leave to file reply to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's oppositions to motion for stay of this court's November 18, 2003 and October 24, 2003 orders pending appeal. 6 pg(s) (JF)
421 |
Filed: 12/2/2003, Entered: 12/4/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc., Suzuki Motor Corp in opposition to motion for stay of this Court's November 18, 2003 and October 24, 2003 Orders requiring production of privileged communications pending appeal. [387-1] 4pg(s) (RJL)
420 |
Filed: 12/1/2003, Entered: 12/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
SUPPLEMENT by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc re motion for stay of this Court's November 18, 2003 and October 24, 2003 Orders requiring production of privileged communications pending appeal. [387-1] 3pg(s) (RJL)
419 |
Filed: 11/26/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Aaron A. Myers 9pg(s) (JMR)
418 |
Filed: 11/26/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
Supplemental MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in opposition to motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure [318-1] 2pgs (JMR)
417 |
Filed: 11/26/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Aaron A. Myers 6pg(s) (JMR)
416 |
Filed: 11/26/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
Supplemental MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in opposition to motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 [363-1] 4pg(s) (JMR)
415 |
Filed: 11/26/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Brief |
Original Letter BRIEF FILED by defendant and counter- claimant Injection Research requesting informal assistance resolving a discovery issue that has arisen between Arctic Cat and IRS which was raised in IRS's motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] 7pg(s) (JMR)
414 |
Filed: 11/25/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Brief |
Letter BRIEF FILED by defendant Injection Research requesting informal assistance resolving a discovery issue that has arisen between Arctic Cat and IRS which was raised in IRS's motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] 6pg(s) (copy) (JMR)
413 |
Filed: 11/24/2003, Entered: 12/1/2003 |
Notice of Appeal to 8th Circuit |
NOTICE OF INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL to the U.S. Court Of Appeals for the Federal Circuit by defendants and counter-claimants from Judge Michael J. Davis orders [386-1], [359-1] (JMR) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
412 |
Filed: 11/21/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Motions Hearing held 11/13/03 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Jean Arends/Reporters Diversified Services) 144pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JMH)
411 |
Filed: 11/20/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Order |
STIPULATION AND ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) to modify the pretrial schedule re: response to summary judgment motion served on 11/6/03 4pg(s)(cc: all counsel) (JMH) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
388 |
Filed: 11/19/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Motions Hearing held 10/23/03 before Judge Michael J. Davis. ( Lori A. Case, RMR-CRR) 37pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
387 |
Filed: 11/19/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003, Terminated: 12/19/2003 |
Motion to Stay |
MOTION by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc for stay of this Court's November 18, 2003 and October 24, 2003 Orders requiring production of privileged communications pending appeal. ( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) 3pg(s) (RJL)
386 |
Filed: 11/17/2003, Entered: 11/19/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 11/14/03) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order dated September 30, 2003 is AFFIRMED. The production of documents, as provided for in the Order, shall be completed by no later than November 28, 2003. 2pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (RJL) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
385 |
Filed: 11/13/2003, Entered: 11/17/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 11/13/03) [384-1] IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Defendants' and Counterclaimants' request is GRANTED. Accordingly: 1. Defendants, Injection Research Associates, Inc. and Pacer Industries, Inc. are permitted to File the Reply submitted on November 3, 2003. 2pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (RJL) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
384 |
Filed: 11/13/2003, Entered: 11/17/2003, Terminated: 11/13/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
REQUEST by defendant for leave to file a reply and reply to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Oppositions to IRS's Appeal of Magistrate Judge Erickson's September 30, 2003 order. 5pg(s) (RJL)
383 |
Filed: 11/7/2003, Entered: 11/13/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Richard Cauley re plaintiff's motion to compel discovery. [373-1] 2pg(s) (DFL)
382 |
Filed: 11/7/2003, Entered: 11/13/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner re plaintiff's motion to compel discovery. [373-1] separate and sealed (DFL)
381 |
Filed: 11/7/2003, Entered: 11/13/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner re plaintiff's motion to compel discovery. [373-1] 2pg(s) (DFL)
380 |
Filed: 11/7/2003, Entered: 11/13/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research in opposition to plaintiff's motion to compel discovery. [373-1] separate and sealed (DFL)
410 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida re motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 13pg(s) (JMH)
409 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in opposition to motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 10pg(s) (JMH)
408 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] 7pg(s) (JMH)
407 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in opposition to motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] 10pg(s) (JMH)
406 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Richard Cauley re motion to compel discovery. [373-1] 5pg(s) (JMH)
405 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner re motion to compel discovery. [373-1] (Sealed) (Separate) (JMH)
404 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research, defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion to compel discovery. [373-1] (Sealed) (Separate) (JMH)
403 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida re motion for partial summary judgment [401-1] 2pg(s)plus exhibits (JMH)
402 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc., counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion for partial summary judgment [401-1] 15pg(s) (JMH)
401 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Motion for Partial Summary Judgment |
MOTION by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc., counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp for partial summary judgment ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 3pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 01/20/2004
400 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] (separates) (sealed) (JMH)
399 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] 11pg(s) (JMH)
398 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion to compel Arctic Cat to Produce Documents from the Trade Secret Litigation [367-1] 14pg(s) (JMH)
397 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to motion to compel Arctic Cat to Produce Documents from the Trade Secret Litigation [367-1] 5pg(s) (JMH)
396 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Kim Chervestad re motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 3pg(s) (JMH)
395 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Donn Eide re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] 2pg(s) (JMH)
394 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 3pg(s)plus exhibits (JMH)
393 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 7pg(s) (JMH)
392 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for order to enforce compliance with subpoena duces tecum to Robins Kaplan for Polaris Litigation Documents. [367-2] 5pg(s) (JMH)
391 |
Filed: 11/6/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to motion for order to enforce compliance with subpoena duces tecum to Robins Kaplan for Polaris Litigation Documents. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) [367-2] 3pg(s) (JMH)
390 |
Filed: 11/5/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Richard Cauley re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1] (sealed) (Separate) (JMH)
389 |
Filed: 11/5/2003, Entered: 11/24/2003 |
Motion for Leave to File |
REQUEST by defendant Injection Research for leave to file reply to Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's Oppositions to IRS's Appeal of Magistrate Judge Erickson's 9/30/03 Order ( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) 3pg(s) (JMH)
379 |
Filed: 11/5/2003, Entered: 11/12/2003 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION by defendants for leave to file additional papers in support of motion for sanctions ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ). separate and sealed (DFL)
378 |
Filed: 11/3/2003, Entered: 11/7/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Richard Cauley re motion for leave to file additional papers in support of motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for discovery abuse and to compel Arctic Cat and Suzuki to produce documents related to Arctic Cat 2003 models and supplement their disclosures for 2004 models. [377-1] SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
377 |
Filed: 11/3/2003, Entered: 11/7/2003 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION by defendants for leave to file additional papers in support of motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for discovery abuse and to compel Arctic Cat and Suzuki to produce documents related to Arctic Cat 2003 models and supplement their disclosures for 2004 models ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ). SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
376 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion to compel discovery. [373-1] 5pg(s) (RJL)
375 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson re motion to compel discovery. [373-1] 5+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
374 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in support of motion to compel discovery. [373-1] 25pg(s) (RJL)
373 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Motion to Compel |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. to compel discovery. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 11/13/03 at 1:30pm. 3pg(s) (RJL)
372 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Richard Cauley re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1], re motion to compel Arctic Cat and Suzuki to produce documents related to Arctic Cat 2003 models and supplement their disclosures for 2004 models. [370-2] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
371 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse [370-1], of motion to compel Arctic Cat and Suzuki to produce documents related to Arctic Cat 2003 models and supplement their disclosures for 2004 models. [370-2] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
370 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Motion for Sanctions |
MOTION by Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc for sanctions against Arctic Cat and Suzuki for Discovery Abuse and to compel Arctic Cat and Suzuki to produce documents related to Arctic Cat 2003 models and supplement their disclosures for 2004 models. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 11/13/03 at 1:30pm in Duluth, MN. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
369 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner re motion to compel Arctic Cat to Produce Documents from the Trade Secret Litigation [367-1], re motion for order to enforce compliance with subpoena duces tecum to Robins Kaplan for Polaris Litigation Documents. [367-2] 5+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
368 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion to compel Arctic Cat to Produce Documents from the Trade Secret Litigation [367-1], of motion for order to enforce compliance with subpoena duces tecum to Robins Kaplan for Polaris Litigation Documents. [367-2] 17pg(s) (RJL)
367 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Motion to Compel |
MOTION by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc to compel Arctic Cat to Produce Documents from the Trade Secret Litigation , and for order to enforce compliance with subpoena duces tecum to Robins Kaplan for Polaris Litigation Documents. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 11/13/03 at 1:30pm in Duluth, MN. 2pg(s) (RJL)
366 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Dr. William B. Ribbens re motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 3+pg(s) (RJL)
365 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 5+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
364 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. [363-1] 20pg(s) (RJL)
363 |
Filed: 10/30/2003, Entered: 11/3/2003 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION by Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc for leave to amend infringement claim chart with respect to '803 Patent Claim 1 and for issue and monetary sanctions against Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 11/13/03 at 1:30pm in Duluth, MN. 2pg(s) (RJL)
362 |
Filed: 10/29/2003, Entered: 10/31/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson in support of memorandum in opposition. [361-1] 7pg(s) (RJL)
361 |
Filed: 10/29/2003, Entered: 10/31/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in opposition to IRS and Pacer Industries Inc., APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order from 9/30/03. [353-1] 10pg(s) (RJL)
360 |
Filed: 10/29/2003, Entered: 10/31/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Suzuki Motor Corp in opposition to IRS's APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order 9/30/03. [353-1] 10pg(s) (RJL)
359 |
Filed: 10/28/2003, Entered: 10/31/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 10/24/03)IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order dated August 26, 2003 (Docket No. 313) is AFFIRMED. 2pg(s) (cc:(akl).
358 |
Filed: 10/28/2003, Entered: 10/31/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 10/24/03) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Order dated August 26, 2003 (Doc. No. 312) is REVERSED to the extent it denied Arctic Cat's Motion to File Supplemental Invalidity Claims Chars (Doc. No. 263). The remainder of the August 26, 2003 Order remains in fill force and effect. IRS can file a supplement rebuttal expert report, responsive to Arctic Cat's Supplement Invalidity Claims Chart on or before January 15, 2004. 3pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (RJL) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
357 |
Filed: 10/23/2003, Entered: 10/28/2003 |
Minutes-Miscellaneous |
MINUTES:( Judge Michael J. Davis / Lori Case) taking under advisement on the appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order. [339-1] 1pg(s) (RJL)
356 |
Filed: 10/17/2003, Entered: 10/23/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Suppleemental DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for leave to submit newly discovered information in support of Injection Research Specialists, Inc.'s and Pacer Industries Inc.'s opposition to Arctic Cat, Inc.'s Appeal of Order precluding supplemental Invalidity claim Charts. [355-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
355 |
Filed: 10/17/2003, Entered: 10/23/2003 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc for leave to submit newly discovered information in support of Injection Research Specialists, Inc.'s and Pacer Industries Inc.'s opposition to Arctic Cat, Inc.'s Appeal of Order precluding supplemental Invalidity claim Charts.( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
354 |
Filed: 10/16/2003, Entered: 10/22/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order. [353-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
353 |
Filed: 10/16/2003, Entered: 10/22/2003 |
Appeal/Objection of Magistrate Judge Decision to D |
APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) APPEAL by defendants concerning order [348-1] dated September 30, 2003 granting in part Suzuki's and Arctic Cat's Motion to compel privileged communications regarding precursor patent applications to US Patent No. Re 34,803. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
352 |
Filed: 10/15/2003, Entered: 10/20/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re appeal motion APPEAL of Magistrate Judge's Order. [351-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
351 |
Filed: 10/15/2003, Entered: 10/20/2003 |
Appeal/Objection of Magistrate Judge Decision to D |
APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) by Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc concerning Magistrate Judge Erickson's September 30, 2003 Order. (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
350 |
Filed: 10/14/2003, Entered: 10/14/2003 |
Order |
STIPULATION AND ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) Depositions of the parties' experts and those requiered pursuant to the Court's Orders of 8/26/03, except that portion from which IRS appealed regarding testing, will be scheduled by the parties to be completed by 11/14/03. 5 pg(s)(cc: all counsel) (JLB)
349 |
Filed: 10/9/2003, Entered: 10/10/2003 |
~Notice (other) |
NOTICE of withdrawal of Counsel by Injection Research. 3pg(s) (RJL)
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
348 |
Filed: 9/30/2003, Entered: 9/30/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 9/30/03) granting motion to compel Production of documents relating to statements made in reissuance oaths [144-1] as to Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc, granting motion to compel certain discovery improperly withheld on the basis of Attorney-Client privlege [314-1] as to Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc, granting motion to compel defendants' compliance with Rule 34 of The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. [314-2] as to Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc 19 pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (JLB)
347 |
Filed: 9/30/2003, Entered: 9/30/2003 |
Order |
STIPULATION AND ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ; non-dispositive motions set for 12/1/03 ; dispositive motions set for 12/22/03 5 pg(s)(cc: all counsel) (JLB)
346 |
Filed: 9/25/2003, Entered: 9/29/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re memorandum in opposition to Arctic Cat, Inc. Appeal of Order Precluding Supplemental Invalidity Claim Charts. [345-1] 3+pg(s) (SEPARATE) (RJL)
345 |
Filed: 9/25/2003, Entered: 9/29/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendants in opposition to Arctic Cat's appeal motion from Magistrate Judge's Order. [339-1] 10g(s) (RJL)
344 |
Filed: 9/24/2003, Entered: 9/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida in support of Suzuki's response. [343-1] 2+ pg(s) (ARB)
343 |
Filed: 9/24/2003, Entered: 9/26/2003 |
Response |
SUZUKI'S RESPONSE to IRS's notice of appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge Erickson's Order granting Suzuki's motion to compel production of documents. [339-1] 8 pg(s) (ARB)
342 |
Filed: 9/17/2003, Entered: 9/17/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Motion to Supplement, Compel, and for Sanctions held 9/4/03 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Jean Arends/Reporters Diversified Services) 126pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JMH)
341 |
Filed: 9/11/2003, Entered: 9/16/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson re appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order. [339-1] 102pg(s) (RJL)
340 |
Filed: 9/11/2003, Entered: 9/16/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Arctic Cat, Inc. in support of appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order. [339-1] 10pg(s) (RJL)
339 |
Filed: 9/11/2003, Entered: 9/16/2003, Terminated: 9/24/2003 |
Appeal/Objection of Magistrate Judge Decision to D |
NOTICE OF APPEAL APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) APPEAL by Arctic Cat, Inc. concerning order from the Magistrate Judge's order of August 26, 2003 precluding supplemental invalidity claim charts. [312-1] 4pg(s) (RJL)
338 |
Filed: 9/10/2003, Entered: 9/15/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Copy of DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner re appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order. [336-1] 3+pg(s)(SEPARATE) (RJL)
337 |
Filed: 9/10/2003, Entered: 9/15/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Copy of DECLARATION of Monica Sell re appeal motion APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order. [336-1] 2pg(s) (RJL)
336 |
Filed: 9/10/2003, Entered: 9/15/2003 |
Appeal/Objection of Magistrate Judge Decision to D |
NOTICE OF APPEAL from Magistrate Judge's Order( to Judge Michael J. Davis ) APPEAL by Injection Research, Pacer Industries concerning order granting Suzuki's Motion to compel production of documents relating to tests conducted by IRS and Pacer. [312-1] 10pg(s) (RJL)
333 |
Filed: 9/8/2003, Entered: 9/10/2003 |
Letter |
LETTER Brief to court from Injection Research in opposition to Artic Cat's September 5, 2003, request for leave. 2pg(s) (RJL)
332 |
Filed: 9/8/2003, Entered: 9/8/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF MOTION TO COMPEL HEARING held 5/15/03 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Jean Arends) 61 pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JLB)
335 |
Filed: 9/5/2003, Entered: 9/12/2003 |
Motion to Extend |
MOTION by Arctic Cat, Inc. to extend time to file appeal of order precluding supplemental invalidity claim charts. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 5pg(s) (RJL)
334 |
Filed: 9/5/2003, Entered: 9/12/2003 |
Letter |
LETTER to court from Arctic Cat, Inc. seeking permission to bring a motion to Reconsider their motion to submit additional Invalidity Claims Charts, pursuant to D. Minn. L.R. 701(g). 3pg(s) (RJL)
331 |
Filed: 9/5/2003, Entered: 9/5/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Motion to Compel Hearing held 6/26/03 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Jean Arends) 100 pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JLB)
330 |
Filed: 9/2/2003, Entered: 9/4/2003 |
CORRECTED MEMORANDUM by plaintiff to memo in opposition to IRS's motion for sanctions [327-1] separte and sealed (DFL)
329 |
Filed: 9/2/2003, Entered: 9/4/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Donn Eide re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2). [318-1] 2pg(s) (DFL)
328 |
Filed: 9/2/2003, Entered: 9/4/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Annamarie A. Daley re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2). [318-1] separate and sealed (DFL)
326 |
Filed: 8/29/2003, Entered: 9/4/2003 |
Order |
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 8/29/03) denying motion to sever [196-1] and stay issues regarding U.S. Patent No. 5,813,374. [196-2] 5pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (DFL) Modified on 09/04/2003
327 |
Filed: 8/28/2003, Entered: 9/4/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in opposition to motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2). [318-1] separate and sealed (DFL)
325 |
Filed: 8/28/2003, Entered: 9/3/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in opposition to motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2).4pgs (s) (JMH)
324 |
Filed: 8/28/2003, Entered: 9/2/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re Suzuki's motion to supplement it's Invalidity Claim Chart. [309-1] SEPARATE (HLL)
323 |
Filed: 8/28/2003, Entered: 9/2/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research and defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to Suzuki's motion to supplement it's Invalidity Claim Chart. [309-1] 12 pg(s) (HLL)
322 |
Filed: 8/28/2003, Entered: 9/2/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion to compel production of privileged documents and information [314-1] 20 pg(s) (HLL)
321 |
Filed: 8/28/2003, Entered: 9/2/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research and defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion to compel production of privileged documents and information [314-1], and motion to compel designation of responsive documents previously produced [314-2] 15 pg(s) (HLL)
313 |
Filed: 8/26/2003, Entered: 8/27/2003 |
Order |
ORDER (Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 8/26/03) That Suzuki's Motion to Compel Production of Docments Relating to Tests Conducted by IRS [202] is GRANTED, to the extent provided in the text of this Order; That Pacer's Motion to Compel Interrogatory Responses from Artctic Cat and Suzuki [185] is GRANTED; That IRSs Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Production [191] is DENIED; That IRS' Motion to Compel Desposition Testimony from Suzuki [191] is GRANTED; That IRS' Motion to Compel Production of Documents Relating to Opinions of Counsel from Suzuki, or to Preclude Use of Such Opinions at Trial [188] is DENIED; That Arctic Cat's Motion to Compel IRS's Production of Documents for Re-Inspection [178] is GRANTED, but that Arctic Cat is required to pay all reasonable costs associated with that production, as more fully detailed in the text of this Order; That Arctic Cat's Motion to Compel IRS to Produce Documents Related to Damages [180] is GRANTED, to the extent provided in the text of this Order; That Arctic Cat's Motion to Compel a Further Deposition of IRS Pursuant to Rule 30(b)(6) [182], is GRANTED, in part; That Arctic Cat's Motion for Sanctions [182] is GRANTED, in part, and IRS is directed to pay Arctic Cat $1,923.02 as a sanction for discovery abuses. 44pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (SEA) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
312 |
Filed: 8/26/2003, Entered: 8/26/2003, Terminated: 9/10/2003 |
Order |
ORDER (Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 8/26/03) That Arctic Cat and Suzuki's Joint Motion to Compel Documents and Testimony [266] is GRANTED, in part; That Arctic Cat's motion for leave to file a second amended complaint [270] is DENIED; That Arctic Cat's Motion to file Supplemental Invalidity Claims Charts [263] is DENIED. 31pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (SEA) Additional attachment(s) added on 9/28/2004 (akl).
320 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/28/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2). [318-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
319 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/28/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Injection Research, Pacer Industries Inc in support of motion for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2). [318-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
318 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/28/2003 |
Motion for Sanctions |
MOTION by Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc for sanctions against Arctic Cat for false and misleading disclosure and failure to comply with order pursuant to FRCP37(C) and 37(B)(2). ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 9/4/03 at 1:30pm in Duluth, MN. 2pg(s) (RJL)
317 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/27/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
EXHIBIT B by plaintiff to Declaration of Christopher Sorenson. [316-1] (SEPARATE & SEALED) (RJL)
316 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/27/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson re motion to compel certain discovery improperly withheld on the basis of Attorney-Client privlege [314-1], re motion to compel defendants' compliance with Rule 34 of The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. [314-2] 4+pg(s) (RJL)
315 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/27/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in support of motion to compel certain discovery improperly withheld on the basis of Attorney-Client privlege [314-1], of motion to compel defendants' compliance with Rule 34 of The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. [314-2] 27pg(s) (RJL)
314 |
Filed: 8/21/2003, Entered: 8/27/2003 |
Motion to Compel |
MOTION by plaintiff to compel certain discovery improperly withheld on the basis of Attorney-Client privlege , and to compel defendants' compliance with Rule 34 of The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. ( to Magistrate Judge L. Erickson ) ret. 9/4/03 at 1:30pm in Duluth, MN. 4pg(s) (RJL)
311 |
Filed: 8/19/2003, Entered: 8/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jason R. Buratti re motion to supplement it's Invalidity Claim Chart. [309-1] (Separate & Sealed) (RJL)
310 |
Filed: 8/19/2003, Entered: 8/26/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion to supplement it's Invalidity Claim Chart. [309-1] 11pg(s) (RJL)
309 |
Filed: 8/19/2003, Entered: 8/26/2003 |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief |
MOTION by Suzuki Motor Corp to supplement it's Invalidity Claim Chart. ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret. 9/4/03 at 1:30pm in Duluth MN. 2pg(s) (RJL)
308 |
Filed: 8/7/2003, Entered: 8/13/2003 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY memorandum by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp. in support of motion to separate adjudication of willfulness and damages issues and [280-1], to stay discovery of advice of counsel defense. [280-2] 16 pg(s) (JMM)
307 |
Filed: 8/7/2003, Entered: 8/13/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendants Injection Research and Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion to separate adjudication of willfulness and damages issues and [280-1], to stay discovery of advice of counsel defense. [280-2] 15+ pg(s) (JMM)
306 |
Filed: 8/7/2003, Entered: 8/13/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
AMENDED DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida re motion to separate adjudication of willfulness and damages issues and [280-1], to stay discovery of advice of counsel defense. [280-2] SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)
305 |
Filed: 8/7/2003, Entered: 8/13/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion to separate adjudicationof willfulness damages issues and [280-1], to stay discovery of advice of counsel defense. [280-2] 21 pg(s) (JMM)
304 |
Filed: 8/7/2003, Entered: 8/13/2003 |
Notice of Hearing. |
NOTICE by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp setting hearing for motion to separate adjudication of willfulness and damages issues, and [280-1] motion to stay discovery of advice of counsel defense ( to Magistrate Raymond L. Erickson ) [280-2] at 1:30 p.m. on 9/4/03. 3 pg(s) (JMM)
303 |
Filed: 8/1/2003, Entered: 8/4/2003 |
Letter |
LETTER to court from counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp dated 8/1/03 re:According to the instruction by the Court, Suzuki hereby withdraws the currently pending motion. The motion will be refiled shortly for the hearing date of 9/4/03. 1pg(s) (JMH)
302 |
Filed: 7/25/2003, Entered: 7/28/2003 |
Order |
STIPULATION AND ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) 1. Allowing the deposition of the Dana Corporation and the deposition of Glen Paton, and employee of Dana Corporation, to be completed during the week of 8/4/03 in Toledo, Ohio. 7pg(s)(cc: all counsel) (JMH)
301 |
Filed: 7/16/2003, Entered: 7/22/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
LETTER dated 7/16/03 to Court by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in re: motion to compel production of certain Conrad Bagne and Richard Hanes Documents withheld from production on the basis of privilege; requesting hearing set before Magistrate Judge Erickson at 1:30 p.m. on 7/17/03 in Fergus Falls, to be taken off the calendar. [294-1] 2pg(s) (
298 |
Filed: 7/14/2003, Entered: 7/14/2003 |
Order |
STIPULATION AND ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) The parties agree to the following extensions: ; non-dispositive motions set for 9/19/03 ; dispositive motions set for 9/30/03 6pg(s)(cc: all counsel) (JMH)
300 |
Filed: 7/10/2003, Entered: 7/15/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill M. Kastner re motion to compel production of certain Conrad Bagne and Richard Hanes Documents withheld from production on the basis of privilege. [294-1] 9 pg(s) (JMM)
299 |
Filed: 7/10/2003, Entered: 7/15/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendants in opposition to motion to compel production of certain Conrad Bagne and Richard Hanes Documents withheld from production on the basis of privilege. [294-1] 6 pg(s) (JMM)
297 |
Filed: 7/3/2003, Entered: 7/14/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
EXHIBITS C & F by plaintiff [296-1] to the declaration of Christopher J. Sorenson (sealed) (separate) (MKC)
296 |
Filed: 7/3/2003, Entered: 7/14/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson re motion to compel production of certain Conrad Bagne and Richard Hanes Documents withheld from production on the basis of privilege. [294-1] (43 pgs) (MKC)
295 |
Filed: 7/3/2003, Entered: 7/14/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in support of motion to compel production of certain Conrad Bagne and Richard Hanes Documents withheld from production on the basis of privilege [294-1] (14 pgs) (MKC) Modified on 07/14/2003
294 |
Filed: 7/3/2003, Entered: 7/14/2003 |
Motion to Compel |
MOTION by plaintiff to compel production of certain Conrad Bagne and Richard Hanes Documents withheld from production on the basis of privilege ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret 7/17/03 at 1:30 (4 pgs) (MKC) Modified on 07/14/2003
293 |
Filed: 7/3/2003, Entered: 7/10/2003 |
Order |
PETITION AND ORDER for admission pro hac vice ( Clerk Richard D. Sletten ) on behalf of counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp by Esther H Lim. 1pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (
290 |
Filed: 7/2/2003, Entered: 7/2/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner in support of motion to compel interrogatory responses from Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation [185-1]. 4+pg(s) (GJS)
288 |
Filed: 6/30/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 6/30/03) denying motion to strike any evidence or argument re variable injection timing, [161-1] granting motion to compel further responses to interrogatory from Arctic Cat [161-2], denying motion for sanctions [161-3] granting motion to compel responses to its Request for Admission Nos. 6-12 and 51, [164-1], That Injection Research Specialists, Inc.'s Informal Motion to Stay all Discovery and Proceedings Concerning the 374 Patent is DENIED. 16pgs (cc: all counsel) (JMH)
289 |
Filed: 6/27/2003, Entered: 7/2/2003 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY BRIEF by defendant Pacer Industries Inc in support motion to Preclude Artctic Cat, Inc. from Introducing any evidence or Argument Re: Variable Injection Timing Pursuant to FRCP 37(c)(1) or in the alternative, to compel interrogatory responses from Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corporation [185-1] and for Sanctions. 7pg(s) (GJS)
281 |
Filed: 6/27/2003, Entered: 6/27/2003 |
Order |
ORDER (Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson / 6/27/03) that the pltf's informal motion to compel a Rule 30(b)(6) deponent, who had been proffered by the deft Pacer Industries, Inc, to respond to questions pertaining to his retention, by Pacer, as a consulting expert is DENIED. 4pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (SEA)
291 |
Filed: 6/25/2003, Entered: 7/2/2003 |
Letter |
LETTER dated 6/24/03 from plaintiff to court re: attachments to Exhibit J to the Declaration of Christopher J. Sorenson. pg(s) (
279 |
Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Michael S. Wilcox re motion for leave to file a second amended complaint [270-1] 51pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
278 |
Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research, defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion to Submit Additional Invalidity Claim Charts [263-1] 11pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
277 |
Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Peter Van Mieghem re motion to compel discovery regarding IRS and Pacers Improper Assertion of the Attorney-Client Privilege and Refusal to Allow Production of Certain Documents and Items And To Allow Answers To Certain Deposition Questions [266-1] 57pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
276 |
Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research, defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion to compel discovery regarding IRS and Pacers Improper Assertion of the Attorney-Client Privilege and Refusal to Allow Production of Certain Documents and Items And To Allow Answers To Certain Deposition Questions [266-1] 11pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
275 |
Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Jill Kastner re motion for leave to file a second amended complaint [270-1] 29pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
274 |
Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/26/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research, defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion for leave to file a second amended complaint [270-1] 10pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
286 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
In Camera MEMORANDUM by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion to separate adjudicationof willfulness damages issues and [282-1], of motion to discovery of of counsel defense [282-2] (sealed) (separate) 2pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
285 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY memorandum by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp re: motion to separate adjudicationof willfulness and damages issues and [282-1], to motion to discovery of advice of counsel [282-2] 16pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
284 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
MEMORANDUM by defendant Injection Research, defendant Pacer Industries Inc in opposition to motion to separate adjudicationof willfulness and damages issues and [282-1], to motion to discovery of advice of counsel defense [282-2] 15pg(s)plus exhibits (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
283 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida re motion to separate adjudicationof willfulness and damages issues and [282-1], re motion to discovery of advice of counsel defense [282-2] (separate) (sealed) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
282 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion to separate adjudicationof willfulness and damages issues and [282-1], of motion to discovery of advice of counsel defense [282-2] 21pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
280 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/30/2003 |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief |
second amended MOTION by counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp to separate adjudicationof willfulness and damages issues and , to discovery of advice of counsel defense ( to Magistrate Raymond L. Erickson ) ret 8/14/03 at 9:00 in Fergus Falls, MN 3pg(s) (JMH) Modified on 06/30/2003
261 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/18/2003 |
Order |
PROTECTIVE ORDER (Magistrate Judge Raymond L Erickson / 6/18/03) granting stipulation [260-1] 11pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (SEA)
260 |
Filed: 6/18/2003, Entered: 6/18/2003, Terminated: 6/18/2003 |
Stipulation |
STIPULATION re: Protective Order 11pg(s) (SEA)
273 |
Filed: 6/13/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Letter |
LETTER to court from defendant Injection Research dated 6/12/03 re: Confirming phone conversation with the Court that defendant requests to remove Motion to Enforce Subpoena Duces Tecum to Third Party Polaris Industries, Inc. and to Compel set for 6/26/03. 1pg(s) (JMH)
262 |
Filed: 6/13/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Letter |
LETTER to court from defendant Injection Research dated 6/12/03 re: Confirming requests to remove motion to enforce subpoena duces tecum hearing scheduling hearing for 6/26/03 1pg(s) (JMH)
259 |
Filed: 6/13/2003, Entered: 6/18/2003 |
Order |
PETITION AND ORDER for admission pro hac vice ( Clerk Richard D. Sletten ) on behalf of defendants by Richard F Cauley. 2pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (
272 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Andrew W. Horstman re motion for leave to file a second amended complaint [270-1] 3pg(s)plus exhibits (JMH)
271 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in support of motion for leave to file a second amended complaint [270-1] 11pg(s) (JMH)
270 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Motion for Leave to File |
MOTION by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. for leave to file a second amended complaint ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret 6/26/03 at 10:00 in Duluth, MN 50pg(s) (JMH)
269 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
EXHIBIT N by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc., counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp [268-1] (SEALED) (JMH)
268 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Christopher J. Sorenson re motion to compel discovery regarding IRS and Pacers Improper Assertion of the Attorney-Client Privilege and Refusal to Allow Production of Certain Documents and Items And To Allow Answers To Certain Deposition Questions [266-1] 4pg(s) plus exhibits (JMH)
267 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc., counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp in support of motion to compel discovery regarding IRS and Pacers Improper Assertion of the Attorney-Client Privilege and Refusal to Allow Production of Certain Documents and Items And To Allow Answers To Certain Deposition Questions [266-1] 18pg(s) (JMH)
266 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003, Terminated: 8/26/2003 |
Motion to Compel |
MOTION by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc., counter-defendant Suzuki Motor Corp to compel discovery regarding IRS and Pacers Improper Assertion of the Attorney-Client Privilege and Refusal to Allow Production of Certain Documents and Items And To Allow Answers To Certain Deposition Questions ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret 6/26/03 at 10:00 in Duluth, MN 5pg(s) (JMH)
265 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Aaron A. Myers re motion to Submit Additional Invalidity Claim Charts [263-1] 16pg(s) (JMH)
264 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Memorandum in Support of Motion |
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. in support of motion to Submit Additional Invalidity Claim Charts [263-1] 7pg(s) (JMH)
263 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/19/2003 |
Motion for Miscellaneous Relief |
MOTION by plaintiff Arctic Cat, Inc. to Submit Additional Invalidity Claim Charts ( to Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ) ret 6/26/03 at 10:00 in Duluth, MN 4pg(s) (JMH)
258 |
Filed: 6/12/2003, Entered: 6/17/2003 |
Order |
ORDER OF REFERENCE ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 6/11/03) referring to Magistrate Erickson all motions; with regard to dispositive motions, will submit proposed findings of fact and a recommendation for disposition of the motion(s). 1pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (DFL)
257 |
Filed: 6/10/2003, Entered: 6/11/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Testimony of Mr. Yoshiki Yuzuriha (sealed ) (SEPARATE) (JMH)
256 |
Filed: 6/2/2003, Entered: 6/5/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
EXHIBIT A-videotape, by plaintiff and counter-defendant, Artic Cat and Suzuki. [248-1] SEPARATE (JMM)
255 |
Filed: 6/2/2003, Entered: 6/5/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Bernard R. Cuzzillo re brief. [248-1] 5 pg(s) (JMM)
254 |
Filed: 6/2/2003, Entered: 6/5/2003 |
Order |
ORDER ( Judge Michael J. Davis / 6/2/03) denying appeal from Magistrate Judge's Order [139-1] affirming the order of 11/12/02 [134-1] denying appeal from Magistrate Judge's Order [130-1]; affirming the order of 12/30/02 [122-1]; denying motion for leave to file limited cross appeal of Magistrate's Order of 12/30/02. [155-1]. 2pg(s) (cc: all counsel) (DFL)
253 |
Filed: 6/2/2003, Entered: 6/5/2003 |
Minutes-Miscellaneous |
MINUTES:( Judge Michael J. Davis / Brenda Anderson, R) hearing re: on the motion to sever. Argued and taken under advisement. [196-1] (1 pgs) (MKC)
252 |
Filed: 5/30/2003, Entered: 6/4/2003 |
Transcript (Conventional) |
TRANSCRIPT OF Hearing held 5/22/03 by Magistrate Judge Raymond L. Erickson ( Terrance A. Fauskee) 27pg(s) (SEPARATE) (JMH)
251 |
Filed: 5/23/2003, Entered: 5/29/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Naoki Yoshida in support of Artic Cat's and Suzuki's reply brief in support of claim construction. 50 pg(s) (JMM)
250 |
Filed: 5/23/2003, Entered: 5/29/2003 |
Reply to Response to Motion |
REPLY brief by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Corp. in support of claim construction. 15 pg(s) (JMM)
249 |
Filed: 5/23/2003, Entered: 5/28/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
DECLARATION of Bruce C. Zotter in support of Arctic Cat's and Suzuki's opening brief in support of claim construction. [248-1] 3+ pg(s) SEPARATE (JMM)
248 |
Filed: 5/23/2003, Entered: 5/28/2003 |
Brief |
OPENING BRIEF FILED by Arctic Cat, Inc. and Suzuki Motor Co. in support of claim construction. 33 pg(s) (JMM)
247 |
Filed: 5/23/2003, Entered: 5/28/2003 |
Miscellaneous Document |
Exhibit 1-expert report of Dr. William B. Ribbens.[245-1] SEALED AND SEPARATE (JMM)