Tessera Technologies, Inc. V. SK Hynix, Inc., Et Al.

State Civil Lawsuit Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, Case No. 2006-1-CV-076688
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Last Updated July 12, 2023 at 7:58 PM EDT (1.6 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Tessera Technologies, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Charles E. Elder +1 310 277 1010 +1 310 203 7199 celder@irell.com
Space Michael P Fritz +1 214 389 5330 +1 214 389 5399 mfritz@diamondmccarthy.com
Space Kathryn Parsons Hoek +1 310 789 3132 +1 310 789 3017 khoek@susmangodfrey.com
Space Joseph C. Portera +1 214 754 1950 +1 214 754 1933 jportera@susmangodfrey.com
Space Richard Manning Simon +1 310 203 7103 +1 310 203 7199 rsimon@irell.com

Represented by Irell & Manella, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Charles E. Elder +1 310 277 1010 +1 310 203 7199 celder@irell.com
Space Richard Manning Simon +1 310 203 7103 +1 310 203 7199 rsimon@irell.com

Represented by Susman Godfrey, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathryn Parsons Hoek +1 310 789 3132 +1 310 789 3017 khoek@susmangodfrey.com
Space Joseph C. Portera +1 214 754 1950 +1 214 754 1933 jportera@susmangodfrey.com
Space Marc M. Seltzer +1 310 789 3100 +1 310 789 3150 mseltzer@susmangodfrey.com
No Logo Sk Hynix America Inc., Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James David Moore +1 408 292 5900 +1 408 287 8040 jdmoore@thelenreid.com
Space Susan Gregory VanKeulen

Represented by Fairbank & Vincent

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kimberly M. West +1 213 891 9010 +1 213 891 9011 kwest@fairbankvincent.com

Represented by O'Melveny & Myers LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven P Basileo +1 213 430 6000 +1 213 430 6407 LitigationCalendar@omm.com
Space Kenneth Ryan O'Rourke +1 213 430 6000 +1 213 430 6407 korourke@omm.com

Represented by Thelen LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Geoffrey Hurndall Yost +1 415 369 7552 +1 415 371 1211 gyost@thelenreid.com
No Logo Sk Hynix Inc., Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven P Basileo +1 213 430 6000 +1 213 430 6407 LitigationCalendar@omm.com
Space Susan Gregory VanKeulen
Space Kimberly M. West +1 213 891 9010 +1 213 891 9011 kwest@fairbankvincent.com

Represented by Fairbank & Vincent

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kimberly M. West +1 213 891 9010 +1 213 891 9011 kwest@fairbankvincent.com

Represented by O'Melveny & Myers LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven P Basileo +1 213 430 6000 +1 213 430 6407 LitigationCalendar@omm.com
Space Kenneth Ryan O'Rourke +1 213 430 6000 +1 213 430 6407 korourke@omm.com

Represented by Thelen LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James David Moore +1 408 292 5900 +1 408 287 8040 jdmoore@thelenreid.com
Space Geoffrey Hurndall Yost +1 415 369 7552 +1 415 371 1211 gyost@thelenreid.com
Other Parties
Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company, Notice
Officer/Director, Navisite, Inc.
Officer/Director, E-cruiter.com Inc.
Officer/Director, Novadigm, Inc.
Intel Corporation Intel Corporation, Notice
Officially listed as "Intel Corp."
VMware, Inc. Officer/Director, VMware, Inc.
Officer/Director, Clearwire Corp
Officer/Director, New Clearwire CORP
Officer/Director, Intel Capital (cayman) Corp
Officer/Director, Synacor, Inc.
Officer/Director, Cloudera, Inc.
Officer/Director, Vuzix Corp
Officer/Director, Intel Pacific Inc
Officer/Director, Wind River Systems, Inc.
Officer/Director, McAfee Corp.
Officer/Director, Intel Americas, Inc.

Represented by Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space George Michael Newcombe +1 650 251 5000 +1 650 251 5002 gnewcombe@stblaw.com
No Logo Lee, Terry R., Notice
Rambus Inc. Rambus Inc., Notice
Case Type Antitrust/Trade Regulation Unlimited (03)
Case Status Active
Case Location Civil
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Blank 246 Filed: 10/12/2012, Entered: None Letter ReceivedCourt Filing
#G-47763; Letter from the office of O'Melveny & Myers LLP, dated September 11, 2012, enclosing an executed Stipulation & Order Modifying Case Caption to Reflect Corporate Name Changes, signed by the Hon. Richard A. Kramer, Coordination Trial Judge; Legacy Name = CV Letter; Decision = M; Closed = 10/12/2012
Request RequestSpace
Blank 245 Filed: 12/15/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-19496; Order Assigning the Hon. Richard A. Kramer as the Coordination Trial Judge and Setting Hearing, signed by the Hon. James J. McBride, Presiding Judge of the San Francisco County Superior Court, dated December 10, 2009.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 12/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 244 Filed: 12/7/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-19371; Order Authorizing the Presiding Judge of the San Francisco County Superior Court to Appoint a Coordination Trial Judge, signed by Chief Justice Ronald M. George on December 3, 2009.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 12/07/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 243 Filed: 11/20/2009, Entered: None Order
EF #G-19110; Recommendations Regarding Coordination and Stay Order, issued and signed by Hon. Richard A. Kramer, San Francisco County Superior Court, on 11/17/09.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 11/20/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 242 Filed: 10/26/2009, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
to petn for coordination (atty perry) **ef 18735**; Legacy Name = CV Opposition; Decision = M; Closed = 10/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 241 Filed: 10/26/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
**ef 18735**; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 10/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 240 Filed: 10/26/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
of michael e. soloff in support of opposition to petn for coordination (atty perry) **ef 18735**; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 10/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 239 Filed: 10/26/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
petition for coordination; efiling #G-18743; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 10/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 238 Filed: 10/22/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-18665; Notice of Hearing on Petition for Coordination in the San Francisco County Superior Court, before the Hon. Richard A. Kramer, on 11/6/09 at 3:30 pm in D304 (Atty K. Hoek); Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 10/22/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 237 Filed: 10/19/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18618; Order Assigning the Honorable Richard A. Kramer, of the San Francisco County Superior Court, as the Coordination Motion Judge, signed by Chief Justice Ronald George; Proof of Service.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 10/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 236 Filed: 10/19/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18621; Order & Notice of Vacated Hearing (10/23/09 CMC), signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 10/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 235 Filed: 10/15/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-18568; CMC reset from 10/16/16 to 10/23/09, by the Court.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 10/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 234 Filed: 9/18/2009, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18128 and EF #G-18161; Stip & Order Sealing CMC Statement, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 09/17/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 233 Filed: 9/18/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-18156; Notice of Submission of Petition for Coordination and Motion to Transfer by the Honorable Jack Komar, on behalf of the Santa Clara County Superior Court; Proof of Service.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 09/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 232 Filed: 9/15/2009, Entered: None Clerks Notice
EF #G-18119; Further CMC set for 10-16-09, 10am, D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 09/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 231 Filed: 9/15/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18120; Order Granting Hewlett-Packard's Amended Motion to Seal, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Based on good cause shown, the Court therefore orders that the Clerk of the Court seal: Exhibits 41, 52, 82, 318 and 375. Other than the records identified herein, no other court records, or any other records relating to the case are to be sealed. No other person, other that the Court, is authorized to inspect the sealed records.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 09/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 230 Filed: 9/15/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18121; Order Granting Tessera Technologies, Inc.'s Motion to Seal Documents Filed in support of Hynix's Summary Adjudication Motions, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 09/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 229 Filed: 9/15/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18122; Order Granting Tessera Technologies, Inc.'s Motion to Seal Documents filed in support of Tessera's Oppositions to Hynix's Summary Adjudication Motions, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 09/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 228 Filed: 9/15/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF G#18123-Ntc of conditional lodging of underseal of Exhibit A ; Exhibit 1 to CMC Statement Exhibit 2 to CMC Statement w/prf of e-filing svc By Atty Moore.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 09/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 227 Filed: 9/15/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18127; Order Granting Hynix's Motion to Seal Certain Documents Filed on August 14, 2009, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 09/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 226 Filed: 9/4/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-18001; Order of Assignment pursuant to CCP sections 404 thru 404.9, signed by Acting Presiding Judge Richard J. Loftus.; All duties of the Presiding Judge under the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure sections 404 through 404.9 with regard to a Petition for Coordination and related acts in the above captioned case are delegated to the Honorable Jack Komar, Judge of the Superior Court, County of Santa Clara, State of California.; *END*; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 09/04/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 225 Filed: 9/4/2009, Entered: None Clerks Notice
EF #G-18002; Further CMC set for 9-14-09, 1:30pm, D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 09/04/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 224 Filed: 9/2/2009, Entered: None Pleading: Amended
ntc of mtn to seal 9-4-09, 9am, d.17; atty stortz *ef-17947*; Legacy Name = CV Amended Pleading; Decision = M; Closed = 09/02/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 223 Filed: 9/2/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
of Migule Guzman *ef-17947*; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 09/02/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 222 Filed: 9/2/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-17956; Notice of Continuance of Rambus v. Micron Trial and Request to Reinstate Trial Setting (Atty K. Hoek); Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 09/02/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 221 Filed: 9/2/2009, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
Kathryn P Hoek *ef-17956*; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 09/02/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 220 Filed: 9/2/2009, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
James D. Moore; G-17962; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 09/03/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 219 Filed: 9/1/2009, Entered: None Clerks NoticeCourt Filing
EF #G-17840; Judge Jack Komar's Retirement Notice + Proof of E-Service; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 09/01/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 218 Filed: 8/31/2009, Entered: None Motion: Seal
9-4-09, 9am, d.17; atty stortz g17689; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Motion to Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/31/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 217 Filed: 8/31/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
9-4-09, 9am, d.17; atty stortz g17689; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 08/31/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 216 Filed: 8/28/2009, Entered: None Motion: Seal
certain documents filed on August 14, 2009; 9-4-09 9:00am dept.17 Kevin Mokhtari; ef# G-17661; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Motion to Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/28/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 215 Filed: 8/28/2009, Entered: None Declaration
of Kevin Mokhtari; ef# G-17661; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 08/28/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 214 Filed: 8/28/2009, Entered: None Declaration
of Dong Soo Chung; ef# G-17661; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 08/28/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 213 Filed: 8/27/2009, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-17577 and EF #G-17644; Stip & Order Extending Time to File Motions to Seal, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 212 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
*REDACTED Public Version*; memo of P's & A's in support of def's mtn for summary adjudication; 9-04-09 9:00am dept.17 Geoffery H. Yost; ef# G-17630; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 08/27/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 211 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
by FedEx & E-Mail; ef# G-17630; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 08/27/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 210 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
*PUBLIC Redacted Version*; to Tessera's response to Hynix's separate statement of undisputed facts; ef# G-17630; Legacy Name = CV Response; Decision = M; Closed = 08/27/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 209 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
to evidence submitted in support of Tessera's opposition to Hynix's mtn for summary adjudication. ; ef# G-17630; Legacy Name = CV Objection...; Decision = M; Closed = 08/27/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 208 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None appendix
on Non-California Authorities in support; ef# G-17630; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 08/27/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 207 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Reply Memo of P&A ISO Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 206 Filed: 8/26/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Response to Tessera's Response to Hynix's Separate Statement (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 205 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Objection: Evidence
Request RequestSpace
Blank 204 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
to separate statement of summary adjudication g17553; Legacy Name = CV Response; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 203 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None appendix
in opposition to def summary adjudication g17554; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 202 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
to def summary adjudication g17554; Legacy Name = CV Opposition; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 201 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
g17555; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 200 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
plt tessera's opposition to hynix's motion for summary adjudication (marc m. seltzer); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 199 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
plt tessera's response to hynix's separate statement of undisputed material facts in support of motion for summary adjudication (marc m. seltzer); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 198 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Document: Complex Lit
atty newcombe, paid on mtn to seal; g17569; Legacy Name = CV Complex First Paper; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 197 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Motion (Other)
to seal g17569; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Motion/no fee; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 196 Filed: 8/24/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
to seal g17569; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 195 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None Motion (Other)Court Filing
HYNIX?S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR; SUMMARY ADJUDICATION; Date: September 4, 2009; Time: 9:00am; Judge: Honorable Jack Komar; Dept: 17; g17543; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Motion/no fee; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 194 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service-Court Filing
HYNIX?S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR; SUMMARY ADJUDICATION; Date: September 4, 2009; Time: 9:00am; Judge: Honorable Jack Komar; Dept: 17; g17543; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 193 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & AuthoritiesCourt Filing
HYNIX?S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR; SUMMARY ADJUDICATION; Date: September 4, 2009; Time: 9:00am; Judge: Honorable Jack Komar; Dept: 17; g17543; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 192 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None Separate StatementCourt Filing
HYNIX?S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR; SUMMARY ADJUDICATION; Date: September 4, 2009; Time: 9:00am; Judge: Honorable Jack Komar; Dept: 17; g17543; Legacy Name = CV Separate Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 191 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None appendixCourt Filing
HYNIX?S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR; SUMMARY ADJUDICATION; Date: September 4, 2009; Time: 9:00am; Judge: Honorable Jack Komar; Dept: 17; g17543; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 08/24/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 190 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Memo of P&A ISO its Mtn for Summ Adj (Atty G. Yost) 9-4-09, 9am, D17C; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/21/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 189 Filed: 8/21/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts ISO its Mtn for Summ Adj (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/21/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 188 Filed: 8/20/2009, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-17504; Stip & Order re Hynix's Motion for Summary Adjudication, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip/Order; Decision = M; Closed = 08/20/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 187 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Memo of P&A in opposition to Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj, or in the alternative, Mtn to Dismiss, Pltf's Claims Based on Foreign Commerce for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (Atty David Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 186 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Opposition to Hynix's Mtn for Summ Adj of Cause of Action for Intentional Interference (Atty D. Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 185 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service - Personal
Of compendium of decl in supp of Tessera's opps to mtn for summ adj; decl; req for judicial ntc. **EF G#17470.; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Personal Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 184 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Memo of P&A in opposition to Hynix's Mtn for Summ Adj regarding Standing (Atty D. Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 183 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Separate Statement of Facts in opposition to Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj, or in the alternative, Mtn to Dismiss, Pltf's Claims Based on Foreign Commerce for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (Atty D. Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 182 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Response to Hynix's Separate Statement of Facts ISO its Mtn for Summ Adj on Intentional Interference (Atty D. Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 181 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Response to Hynix's Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts ISO Deft's Mtn for Summ Adj regarding Standing (Atty D. Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 180 Filed: 8/18/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Compendium of Declarations ISO Tessera's Oppositions to Hynix's Motions for Summary Adjudication (Atty D. Orozco); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 179 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Motion: Seal
docs filed in support of Tessera's oppositions to Hynix's summary adjudication mtns. 8-28-09 9:00am dept.17 Amy Brantly; ef# G-17400; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Motion to Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 178 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Declaration
of Craig Mitchell; ef# G-17400; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 177 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
to defs mtn for summary adjudication; ef# G-17402; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Opposn to Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 176 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Separate Statement
in opposition to defs mtn for summary adjudication; ef# G-17402; Legacy Name = CV Separate Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 175 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Request-Judicial Notice
in support of Tessera's opposition to Hynix's mtns for summary adjudication.; ef# G-17403; Legacy Name = CV Req:Judicial Ntc; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 174 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None appendix
of Non-California Authorities; ef# G-17404; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 173 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
to evidence; ef# G-17405; Legacy Name = CV Objection...; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 172 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Document: Other
compendium of declarations in support of Tessera's oppositions to Hynix's mtns; ef G-17406; Legacy Name = CV Other
Request RequestSpace
Blank 171 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
to Hynix's mtn for summary adjudication * REDACTED*; ef# G-17408; ; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Opposn to Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 170 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
to Hynix's separate statement of facts *REDACTED*; ef# G-17408; ; Legacy Name = CV Response; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 169 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
EF #G-17409; Obj to Evidence submitted ISO Hynix's Mtn for Summ Jgmt based on Standing (Atty D. Orozco).; Legacy Name = CV Objection...; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 168 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None appendix
on Non-California Authorities in opposition to Hynix's mtn for summary adjudication; ef# G-17410; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 167 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
to Hynix's mtn for summary adjudication. *REDACTED*; ef# G-17411; Legacy Name = CV Opposition; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 166 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
to Hynix's separate statement of facts. *REDACTED*; ef# G-17411; Legacy Name = CV Response; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 165 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None appendix
of Non-California Authorities in opposition to Hynix's mtn for summary adjudication.; ef# G-17412; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 164 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Declaration
of David H. Orozco in support of Tessera's oppositions to Hynix's mtns; ef# G-17414; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 08/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 163 Filed: 8/14/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Decl of David H. Orozco ISO Tessera's Oppositions to Hynix's Motions for Summary Adjudication [contained in two (2) banker's boxes]; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 04/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 162 Filed: 8/13/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-17376; Order Granting In Part, and Denying In Part, Non_Party Rambus, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order Barring the Depositions of Nader Gamini, Laura Stark and Geoffrey Tate, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 08/13/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 161 Filed: 8/10/2009, Entered: None Motion: Seal
Notice Of Motion And Motion To Seal Documents Filed In Support Of Hynix's Summary Adjudication Motions And Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support Thereof. 8/28/09 at 9am Dept 17C.; **G-17284 was rejected in error. G-17290 will replace G-17284**; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Motion to Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 08/10/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 160 Filed: 8/10/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
Declaration Of Amy T. Brantly In Support Of Motion To Seal Documents Filed In Support Of Hynix?s Summary Adjudication Motions G-17284; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 08/10/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 159 Filed: 8/10/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
Craig Mitchell Declaration G-17284; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 08/10/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 158 Filed: 7/29/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
in support of mtn for protective order barring the depo of Gamini, Stark, and Tate (atty: Keith R Hamilton) 8/5/09 D-17 @9 *ef-17101*; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 07/29/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 157 Filed: 7/29/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
*ef-17113*; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 07/29/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 156 Filed: 7/29/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
of atty: Keith R Hamilton *ef-17101*; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 07/29/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 155 Filed: 7/27/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-17066; Order Granting in part, and Denying in part, Defendants' Renewed Motion to Continue Trial Date, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 07/27/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 154 Filed: 7/23/2009, Entered: None Application: Ex Parte (Fee Applies)
to order commission for issuance of out of state deposition for Steven G. Vogel; ef# G-17012; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl; Decision = M; Closed = 07/23/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 153 Filed: 7/23/2009, Entered: None Declaration
of Kevin Mokhtari in support of ex parte appl.; ef# G-17012; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 07/23/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 152 Filed: 7/23/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
EF #G-17012 and EF #G-17018; Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition (New Jersey) Subpoena to Steven G. Vogel.; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 07/23/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 151 Filed: 7/23/2009, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-17018; Order re Hynix's Ex Parte Application to Order Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena for Steven G. Vogel, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 07/23/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 150 Filed: 7/22/2009, Entered: None Jury Fee Deposit
Jury Fee Deposit of $150.00 deposited by plt. Tessera Technologies; Legacy Name = CV Jury Fee Deposit; Decision = M; Closed = 07/22/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 149 Filed: 7/20/2009, Entered: None Application: Ex Parte (Fee Applies)
Notice of Ex PArte Application To Order Commission For Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena For Steven G. Vogel #G-16895; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl; Decision = M; Closed = 07/20/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 148 Filed: 7/20/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
Declaration of P. Kevin Mokhtari In Support Of Commission For Issuance Of Out-Of-State Deposition Subpoena For Steven G. Vogel #G-16895; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 07/20/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 147 Filed: 7/20/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
EF #G-16895; Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena to Steven G. Vogel.; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 07/20/2009
Request RequestSpace
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Blank 146 Filed: 7/16/2009, Entered: None Order
EF #G-16847; Order & Notice of Rescheduled Hearing (from 7/24/09 to 8/5/09), by the Court.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 07/16/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 145 Filed: 7/15/2009, Entered: None NoticeCourt Filing
EF #G-16835; Notice to All Counsel Regarding the Hearing on 7/24/09, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 07/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 144 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
EF #G-16765 [REDACTED]; Decl of Geoffrey H. Yost ISO Hynix's Opposition to Rambus, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order.; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 07/13/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 143 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
of opposition g16765; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Opposn to Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 07/13/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 142 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service - Personal
of opposition g16765; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc/Express/Overnight; Decision = M; Closed = 07/13/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 141 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
decl of geoffrey h. yost in support of hynix's oppostion to rambus's motion for protective order (kenneth l. nissly); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 07/13/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 140 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Application: Ex Parte (Fee Applies)
EF G#16783- Ntc of ex parte appl to order commission for issuance of out-of-state depos submpoena for Steven G. Vogel. By Atty Mokhtari.; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl; Decision = M; Closed = 07/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 139 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Declaration
EF G#16783-Decl of Kevin Mokhtari in supp of ex-parte appl.; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 07/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 138 Filed: 7/13/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
EF #G-16783; Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena to Steven G. Vogel.; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 07/14/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 137 Filed: 7/8/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
sur-reply in opposition to renewed mtn to continue trial date (atty: Kathryn Hoek) 7/10/09 D-17 @9 *ef-16643*; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 07/08/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 136 Filed: 7/2/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
in support of renewed motion to continue trial date. 7-10-09 9:00am dept.17 Geoffrey H. Yost; ef# G-16564; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 07/02/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 135 Filed: 6/29/2009, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-16326 and EF #G-; Stip & Order Extending Hewlett-Packard's Time (to 8/7/09) to File Motion to Seal, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 06/22/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 134 Filed: 6/26/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
ef 16433; Points and Authorities/Opposition - Plaintiff Tessera Technologies, Inc.s Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Opposition To Defendants Renewed Motion To Continue Trial Date; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Opposn to Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 06/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 133 Filed: 6/26/2009, Entered: None Motion-Protective Order
ef 16440; Motion for Protective Order - NON-PARTY RAMBUS INC.'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER BARRING THE DEPOSITIONS OF NADER GAMINI, LAURA STARK, AND GEOFFREY TATE; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Mtn for Protective Order; Decision = M; Closed = 06/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 132 Filed: 6/26/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
ef 16440; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 06/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 131 Filed: 6/26/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
Request RequestSpace
Blank 130 Filed: 6/26/2009, Entered: None Declaration
ef 16440; DECLARATIONS OF NADER GAMINI, LAURA STARK, AND GEOFFREY TATE; Legacy Name = CV Declaration; Decision = M; Closed = 06/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 129 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-16304 and EF #G-16314; Stip & Order Extending Time to File Motions to Seal and to Consolidate Hearing on All Motions to Seal, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 128 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Application: Ex Parte (Fee Applies)
ef 16309; Notice of Ex Parte Application to Order Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena to John Walter Smith; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 127 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
ef 16309; Declaration of Geoffrey H. Yost in Support of Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena to John Walter Smith; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 126 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
EF #G-16309 and EF #G-16329; Oral Depo of John Walter Smith in the State of Texas; ; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 125 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Application: Ex Parte (Fee Applies)
ef 16309; Notice of Ex Parte Application to Order Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena to Joseph Fjelstad; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 124 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
ef 16309; Declaration of Geoffrey H. Yost in Support of Commission for Issuance of Out-of-State Deposition Subpoena to Joseph Fjelstad; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 123 Filed: 6/19/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
EF #G-16309 and EF #G-16329; Oral Depo of Joseph Fjelstad in the State of Washington.; ; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 06/19/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 122 Filed: 6/15/2009, Entered: None Proof Of Service - Personal
EF G#16184-Prf of svc of memo of p's and a's;decl in supp; separate statement in supp of mtn for summ jmnt (Atty Yost).; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc/Express/Overnight; Decision = M; Closed = 06/16/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 121 Filed: 6/15/2009, Entered: None Motion: Continuance (Trial)
EF G#16188-Ntc of mtn and renewed mtn to cont trial date (Atty Yost) 07/10/09 D-17C @9Am.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Mtn to Continue Trial; Decision = M; Closed = 06/16/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 120 Filed: 6/15/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
EF G#16188-Decl of Geoffrey H. Yost.; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 06/16/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 119 Filed: 6/15/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-16155; CMC reset from 8/14/09 to 8/28/09, by the Court.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 118 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Motion-Summary Judgment
EF #G-16152; Ntc of Mtn & Mtn for Summ Adj re Standing (Atty Geoffrey H. Yost) 8-28-09, 9am, D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Mtn:Summary Adjudication; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 117 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
EF #G-16152; Decl of Geoffrey H. Yost in suppt of Deft's Mtn for Summ Adj re Standing.; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 116 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None appendix
EF #G-16152; Appendix of Non-Calif Authorities in suppt of Hynix's Mtn for Summ Adj re Standing (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 115 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
EF #G-16152 [REDACTED; Memo of P&A in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj re Standing (Atty G. Yost).; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 114 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Separate Statement
EF #G-16152 [REDACTED]; Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj re Standing (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Separate Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 113 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Request-Judicial Notice
EF #G-16152; Req for Jud Ntc in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj re Standing (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Req:Judicial Ntc; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 112 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-16152; Ntc of Conditional Lodging Under Seal (Atty G. Yost); Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 06/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 111 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Decl of PUNEET V. KAKKAR in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 110 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Memo of P&A in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction) (Atty Steven P. Basileo).; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 109 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction) (Atty Steven P. Basileo).; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 108 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Memo of P&A in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Intentional Interference) (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 107 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Intentional Interference) (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 106 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Decl of Steven P. Basileo in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Intentional Interference).; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 105 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Memo of P&A in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Standing) (Atty Geoffrey Yost).; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 104 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Standing) (Atty Geoffrey Yost).; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 103 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Lodged Under Seal
Decl of Geoffrey H. Yost in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Standing).; Legacy Name = CV Lodged under Seal; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 102 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Motion-Summary Judgment
EF #G-16139; Ntc of Mtn & Mtn for Summ Adj, or in the alternative, Mtn to Dismiss, Plaintiff's Claims Based on Foreign Commerce for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Mtn for Summ Jgmt/Adjud; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 101 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
EF #G-16139 [REDACTED]; Memo of P&A in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction) (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 100 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Separate Statement
EF #G-16139 [REDACTED}; Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction) (Atty Steven P. Basileo); ; Legacy Name = CV Separate Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 99 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
EF #G-16139 [REDACTED]; Decl of PUNEET V. KAKKAR in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction); Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 98 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None appendix
EF #G-16144; Ntc of Lodging of Non-Calif Authorities in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj (Jurisdiction) (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 97 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Motion-Summary Judgment
EF #G-16147; Ntc of Mtn & Mtn for Summ Adj re Plaintiffs' Third Cause of Action for Intentional Interference (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Mtn for Summ Adjudication; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 96 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
EF #G-16147 [REDACTED]; Memo of P&A in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj of Pltf's Third Cause of Action for Intentional Interference (Atty Steven P. Basileo); ; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 95 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Separate Statement
EF #G-16147 [REDACTED]; Separate Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj of Pltf's Third Cause of Action for Intentional Interference (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Separate Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 94 Filed: 6/12/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
EF #G-16147 [REDACTED]; Decl of Steven P. Basileo in suppt of Defts' Mtn for Summ Adj of Pltfs' Third Cause of Action for Intentional Interference (Atty Steven P. Basileo); Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 06/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 93 Filed: 6/5/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
for the deposition of Terry R. Lee; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 06/05/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 92 Filed: 6/5/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
for the deposition of Terry R. Lee; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 06/05/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 91 Filed: 5/20/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
for the deposition of Terry R. Lee; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 05/20/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 90 Filed: 5/19/2009, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-15639 and EF #G-15689; Stip & Order Granting Leave to File Amended Answer, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 05/18/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 89 Filed: 5/15/2009, Entered: None Commission Issued
for the deposition of Terry R. Lee; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 05/15/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 88 Filed: 4/3/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-14790; CMC reset from 5/15/09 to 8/14/09, by the Court.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 04/03/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 87 Filed: 3/26/2009, Entered: None Response/Reply
in support of mtn to continue trial. 04-03-09 9:00am dept.17 James D. Moore; er# G-14576; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 03/26/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 86 Filed: 3/23/2009, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
EF #G-14511; Memo of P&A in opposition to Defts' Mtn to Continue Trial Date (Atty Marc M. Seltzer).; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Opposn to Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 03/23/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 85 Filed: 3/11/2009, Entered: None Motion: Continuance (Trial)
(atty: James D Moore) 4/3/09 D-17 @9 *ef-14285*; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Mtn to Continue Trial; Decision = M; Closed = 03/11/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 84 Filed: 3/11/2009, Entered: None Declaration in Support
*ef-14285*; Legacy Name = CV Decl in Support; Decision = M; Closed = 03/11/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 83 Filed: 3/2/2009, Entered: None Clerks Notice
EF #G-14065; Further CMC set for 5/15/09, 10AM, D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 03/02/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 82 Filed: 2/11/2009, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
james d moore G-13646; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 02/11/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 81 Filed: 2/11/2009, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
katherine p hoek #G-13650; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 02/11/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 80 Filed: 1/12/2009, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-12990; CMC reset from 1/30/09 to 2/27/09, by the Court, at the parties' request.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 01/12/2009
Request RequestSpace
Blank 79 Filed: 12/10/2008, Entered: None Commission Issued
idaho; Legacy Name = CV Commission Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 12/10/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 78 Filed: 12/3/2008, Entered: None Notice: Change Address/Firm Name
ef G-12308; Legacy Name = CV Change of Atty address/Firm; Decision = M; Closed = 12/03/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 77 Filed: 10/7/2008, Entered: None Order After Hearing - POSCourt Filing
EF #G-11390; Further CMC set for 1/30/09; MSC set for 9/16/09; Jury Trial set for 9/28/09, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Ord after CMC:S/C & Jury Trial; Decision = M; Closed = 10/07/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 76 Filed: 9/19/2008, Entered: None Notice: Change Address/Firm Name
EF #G-10941; Legacy Name = CV Change of Atty address/Firm; Decision = M; Closed = 09/19/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 75 Filed: 9/19/2008, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
J. D. Moore; EF #G-10941; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 09/19/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 74 Filed: 9/18/2008, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
K. P. Hoek; EF #G-10938; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 09/19/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 73 Filed: 5/27/2008, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-8795; Order Granting Application of Joseph C. Portera to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Plaintiff Tessera Technologies, Inc., signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 05/27/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 72 Filed: 5/20/2008, Entered: None Application
Request RequestSpace
Blank 71 Filed: 5/19/2008, Entered: None Clerks Notice
EF #G-8675; Further CMC set for 10/3/08 @ 10am in D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 05/19/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 70 Filed: 5/2/2008, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
J. D. Moore; EF #G-8319; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 05/02/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 69 Filed: 5/1/2008, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
*efiling #G-8302* atty hoek; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 05/02/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 68 Filed: 2/4/2008, Entered: None Clerks Notice
EF #G-7004; Further CMC set for 5/16/08 @ 10am in D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 02/04/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 67 Filed: 1/17/2008, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
EF#G-6766, (Atty Moore); Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 01/17/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 66 Filed: 1/17/2008, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
EF #G-6772; (Atty Kathryn Hoek); Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 01/17/2008
Request RequestSpace
Blank 65 Filed: 11/6/2007, Entered: None Notice
EF #G-5971; CMC reset from 1/18/08 to 2/1/08, by the Court.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 11/06/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 64 Filed: 10/19/2007, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-5555; Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Application of Harry P. Susman, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 10/19/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 63 Filed: 10/4/2007, Entered: None Notice-Ruling
atty: M. Seltzer e-filing #G5351; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Ruling; Decision = M; Closed = 10/04/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 62 Filed: 10/4/2007, Entered: None Answer/Response (No Fee)
atty moore; **ef 5360**; Legacy Name = CV Answer - NO FEES DUE!; Decision = M; Closed = 10/04/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 61 Filed: 9/17/2007, Entered: None Clerks Notice
EF #G-5053; Further CMC set for 1/18/08 @ 10am in D17C.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 09/17/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 60 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None Application
ntc of appl for admission pro hac vice for harry p. susman; memo of ps and as; verified appl; declaration of kathryn p. hoek; 10/19/07 9:00 am dept. 17 (atty hoek) **ef 5046**; Legacy Name = CV Application... w/fee; Decision = M; Closed = 09/17/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 59 Filed: 9/10/2007, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
EF #G-4922 & EF #G-4935; Stipulation & Protective Order, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 09/10/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 58 Filed: 9/7/2007, Entered: None Response/Reply
*EF #G-4916*; Reply in suppt of Hynix's Demurrer to Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (Atty James D. Moore).; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 09/07/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 57 Filed: 9/7/2007, Entered: None appendix
*EF #G-4916*; Appendix of Out-of-State Authorities in suppt of Reply in suppt of Hynix's Demurrer to Plaintiff's Amended Complaint (Atty James D. Moore).; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 09/07/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 56 Filed: 9/5/2007, Entered: None Proof of Service: Summons DLR (Civil)
efile 4852; Legacy Name = CV Proof of Svc Compl/Pet/Summons; Decision = M; Closed = 09/05/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 55 Filed: 8/31/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
atty seltzer *efiling #G-4795*; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 08/31/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 54 Filed: 8/30/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
efile 4780 atty nissly; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 08/30/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 53 Filed: 8/17/2007, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
*EF #G-4600*; Order Granting Unopposed Pro Hac Vice Application of Michael P. Fritz, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 08/17/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 52 Filed: 8/6/2007, Entered: None Demurrer
to plt's first amended complaint; 9/14/07 9:00 am d-17 (atty moore) **ef 4412**; Legacy Name = CV Demurrer & Ntc of Hrg; Decision = M; Closed = 08/06/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 51 Filed: 8/6/2007, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
to plt's first amended complaint; 9/14/07 9:00 am d-17 (atty moore) **ef 4412**; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Demurrer; Decision = M; Closed = 08/06/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 50 Filed: 8/6/2007, Entered: None Request-Judicial Notice
in support of demurrer to plt's first amended complaint; 9/14/07 9:00 am d-17 (atty moore) **ef 4412**; Legacy Name = CV Req:Judicial Ntc; Decision = M; Closed = 08/06/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 49 Filed: 8/3/2007, Entered: None Notice
*EF #G-4403*; CMC reset from 8/17/07 to 9/14/07, by the Court.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 08/03/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 48 Filed: 8/2/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
*EF #G-4381*; (Atty Susan Van Kuelen); Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 08/02/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 47 Filed: 8/2/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
*EF #G-4395*; (Atty Kathryn Hoek); Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 08/02/2007
Request RequestSpace
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Blank 46 Filed: 7/16/2007, Entered: None Application: Ex Parte (Fee Applies)
for admission pro hac vice for michael p. fritz; memo of ps and as; declaration of kathryn p. hoek; **ef 4055**; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl; Decision = M; Closed = 07/16/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 45 Filed: 7/16/2007, Entered: None Order - Ex Parte
granting application of michael p. fritz to appear pro hac vice (pending); **ef 4055**; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Order; Decision = M; Closed = 07/16/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 44 Filed: 7/3/2007, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
*EF #G-3893*; Order Overruling Demurrer to Antitrust Claims, Sustaining Demurrer to Tortious Interference Claim, and Granting Motion to Strike, signed by Judge Jack Komar.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 07/03/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 43 Filed: 7/3/2007, Entered: None Notice
*EF #G-3901*; CMC reset from 7/6/07 to 8/17/07, by the Court, at the parties' request.; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Continued CMC; Decision = M; Closed = 07/03/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 42 Filed: 7/2/2007, Entered: None Complaint, Amended
*EF #G-3880*; 1st Amended Complaint (Atty Charles Elder).; Legacy Name = CV 1st Amended Complaint; Decision = M; Closed = 07/02/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 41 Filed: 6/29/2007, Entered: None Notice
*e-filing #G-3867* appearance of susman godfrey llp for pltf; Legacy Name = CV Ntc of...; Decision = M; Closed = 06/29/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 40 Filed: 6/21/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
atty kenneth nissly efile 3726; Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 06/21/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 39 Filed: 6/5/2007, Entered: None Clerks Notice
of Further CMC on 7/6/07 @ 10am in D17C (E-Filing #G-3459).; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 06/05/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 38 Filed: 5/24/2007, Entered: None Response/Reply
in support of mtn to strike. 6-1-07, 9am, dept 17c; atty kenneth nissly efile 3270; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 05/24/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 37 Filed: 5/24/2007, Entered: None Response/Reply
memo in support of DEF's Partial Demurrer; e-filing #3278; date: 06-01-07; time: 9:00am; dept: 17; Legacy Name = CV Reply; Decision = M; Closed = 05/25/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 36 Filed: 5/24/2007, Entered: None appendix
E-filing #3279; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 05/25/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 35 Filed: 5/23/2007, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
E-Filing #G-3231 *** Stip & Order to Exceed the 10 page limit for Defendants' Reply to Tessera's Opposition to Defendants' Demurrer, signed by Judge Jack Komar (E-Filing #G-3236).; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 05/22/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 34 Filed: 5/18/2007, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
to def's partial demurrers (atty: Charles E Elder) 6/1/07 D-17 @9am **e-filing #G-3155**; Legacy Name = CV Opposition; Decision = M; Closed = 05/18/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 33 Filed: 5/18/2007, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 05/18/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 32 Filed: 5/18/2007, Entered: None appendix
of non calif authorities in support of opposition **e-filing #G-3155**; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 05/18/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 31 Filed: 5/18/2007, Entered: None Opposition/Objections
**EF #G-3167** Pltf's Oppo to Deft Hynix Semiconductor America, Inc.'s Mtn to Strike (Atty Charles Elder).; Legacy Name = CV Opposition; Decision = M; Closed = 05/18/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 30 Filed: 5/17/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
**E-Filing #G-3128** (Atty Kenneth Nissly); Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 05/17/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 29 Filed: 5/17/2007, Entered: None Statement: Case Management Conference
**E-Filing #G-3130** (Atty Charles Elder); Legacy Name = CV Case Mgmt Statement; Decision = M; Closed = 05/17/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 28 Filed: 5/16/2007, Entered: None Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
***e-filing #G-3062*** Stip & Order to Exceed the Fifteen Page Limit for Tessera's Opposition to Defendants' Demurrer, signed by Judge Jack Komar (E-Service #G-3086).; Legacy Name = CV Stip & Order/$20 fee; Decision = M; Closed = 05/15/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 27 Filed: 4/4/2007, Entered: None Demurrer
partial demurrer (atty: Kenneth Nissly) 6/1/07 D-17 @9am **e-filing #G-2415**; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Demurrer, Unltd; Decision = M; Closed = 04/04/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 26 Filed: 4/4/2007, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 04/04/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 25 Filed: 3/27/2007, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
Order and Notice of Rescheduled Hearings, signed by Judge Jack Komar. All hearings set for 5/15/07 are reset to 6/1/07.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 03/27/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 24 Filed: 3/23/2007, Entered: None Document: Complex Lit
Complex Fee Payment for Plaintiff, by Atty Richard Simon. Check #377360, from Irell & Manella.; Legacy Name = CV Complex First Paper; Decision = M; Closed = 03/23/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 23 Filed: 3/23/2007, Entered: None Document: Complex Lit
(Atty James D. Moore) (Check #318345, from Thelen Reid, et al.); Legacy Name = CV Complex First Paper; Decision = M; Closed = 03/23/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 22 Filed: 3/20/2007, Entered: None OrderCourt Filing
Order Deeming Case COMPLEX, signed by Judge Jack Komar; E-SERVICE #G-2136.; Legacy Name = CV Order; Decision = M; Closed = 03/20/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 21 Filed: 3/19/2007, Entered: None Response/Reply
to Hynix's ntc of related case, Charles E. Elder; Legacy Name = CV Response; Decision = M; Closed = 03/19/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 20 Filed: 3/16/2007, Entered: None Clerks NoticeCourt Filing
Notice of Reassignment of Case to D17C, pending a ruling on the complexity issue, signed by Judge Jack Komar; E-SERVICE #G-2089.; Legacy Name = CV Clerk's Notice; Decision = M; Closed = 03/16/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 19 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 18 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Notice of hearing
partial demurrer and partial demurrer of def. Hynix Semiconductor America, Inc. to Plaintiff's complaint. 4-19-07 9:00am dept22 James Moore; Legacy Name = CV Ntc of Hearing re:; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 17 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Proof Of Service-
CV Proof of Svc; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 16 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
partial demurrer of def. Hynix Semiconductor America, Inc. 4-19-07 9:00am dept22 James Moore; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Demurrer; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 15 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Motion-Strike
4-19-07 9:00am dept.22 James D. Moore; Legacy Name = CV Ntc:Mtn to Strike; Decision = M; Closed = 06/05/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 14 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Memorandum Points & Authorities
to strike. 4-19-07 9:00am dept.22 James D. Moore; Legacy Name = CV Memo:Ps & As/Suppt of Mtn; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 13 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Notice-Related Cases
CV Ntc:Related Cases; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 12 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None Request-Judicial Notice
4-19-07 9:00am dept.22 James D. Moore; Legacy Name = CV Req:Judicial Ntc; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 11 Filed: 3/9/2007, Entered: None appendix
of out of state authorities in support of def. Hynix Semiconductor America, Inc's partial demurrer and motion to strike. 4-19-07 9:00am dept.22 James D. Moore; Legacy Name = CV Appendix; Decision = M; Closed = 03/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 10 Filed: 3/8/2007, Entered: None Answer (Unlimited) (Fee Applies)
ex parte appl to exceed the 15 page limit for the memo of p's and a's portion of deft's demurrer. (atty Nissly); Legacy Name = CV First Paper Def - Unltd; Decision = M; Closed = 03/08/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 9 Filed: 3/8/2007, Entered: None Order - Ex Parte
extending page limit of deft Hynix semi. America Inc's demurrer, by judge Murphy.; Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Order; Decision = M; Closed = 03/08/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 8 Filed: 3/8/2007, Entered: None Civil Case Cover Sheet
CV Cover Sheet/Joinder/Counter; Decision = M; Closed = 03/08/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 7 Filed: 3/8/2007, Entered: None Complex Litigation: Provisional
1,8,9 and 10; ; Legacy Name = CV Complex Lit/Provisional; Decision = M; Closed = 03/08/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 6 Filed: 3/8/2007, Entered: None Document: Complex Lit
counter civil case cover sheet; Legacy Name = CV Complex First Paper; Decision = M; Closed = 03/08/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 5 Filed: 2/13/2007, Entered: None Proof of Service: Summons DLR (Civil)
CV Proof of Svc Compl/Pet/Summons; Decision = M; Closed = 02/13/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 4 Filed: 2/9/2007, Entered: None Application and Order: Ex Parte
Granting Extension of Time to Serve the Complaint (Charles E. Elder); Legacy Name = CV Ex Parte Appl & Order; Decision = G; Closed = 02/09/2007
Request RequestSpace
Blank 3 Filed: 12/18/2006, Entered: None Civil Case Cover Sheet
CV Case Cover Sheet; Decision = M; Closed = 12/18/2006
Request RequestSpace
Blank 2 Filed: 12/18/2006, Entered: None Complaint (Unlimited) (Fee Applies)
CV Complaint Filed/Summs Issued; Decision = M; Closed = 12/18/2006
Request RequestSpace
Blank 1 Filed: 12/18/2006, Entered: None Summons: Issued/Filed
CV Summons Filed; Decision = M; Closed = 12/18/2006
Request RequestSpace


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