Certified Copy Of Order from the USCA. Re: dismissing aapeal for failure to timely prosecute; directing a that a certified copy of this order be issued forthwith as the mandate (sa)
Filed: 7/28/1995, Entered: 7/28/1995
USCA Notice of Docketing ROA
NOTICE of Docketing ROA from USCA Re: [5-1] appeal USCA NUMBER: 95-5499 (sa)
Filed: 7/18/1995, Entered: 7/19/1995
Notice of Appeal (USCA)
NOTICE OF APPEAL filed at 9:47AM by MARGARITE PETRILLO Re: [4-1] order dismissing Complaint . Fee Status: not paid. Copies of notice of appeal sent to USCA and Attorney(s): MARGARITE PETRILLO (TPO Issued) (sa)
Filed: 7/14/1995, Entered: 7/14/1995
Terminated Case
Case closed (jm1)
Filed: 7/12/1995, Entered: 7/14/1995
ORDER, dismissing Complaint ( signed by Judge Joseph E. Irenas ) (jm1)
Filed: 7/12/1995, Entered: 7/14/1995
OPINION dismissing Complaint ( signed by Judge Joseph E. Irenas ) (jm1)
Filed: 7/11/1995, Entered: 7/11/1995
Case Assigned/Reassigned
NOTICE of Allocation and Assignment filed. Magistrate ROBERT B. KUGLER (ar1)