USA v. Ernst et al

Criminal Case Massachusetts District Court, Case No. 1:19-cr-10081-IT
Last Updated March 13, 2019 at 2:38 PM EDT (5.9 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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United States of America United States of America, Plaintiff
Officially listed as "USA"

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kristen A. Kearney +1 617 748 3204
Space Justin D. O'Connell +1 617 748 3100 justin.o'
Space Eric Samuel Rosen +1 412 894 7491
Space Leslie Wright +1 617 748 3367
No Logo Gordon Ernst, Defendant

Note: Criminal cases with multiple defendants may have several records with the same case number: one record for the master file (all defendants), as well as one record per defendant. It can often be difficult to tell which record is which. Other likely matches for this case include:

Gordon Ernst (1)
Office Boston
Filed 3/5/2019
County Middlesex
Other Court Case None
Count 1
Citation Section 18 U.S.C. § 1962-7480.F
Offense Level 4
Defendant Custody Status
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Blank 21 Filed: 3/12/2019, Entered: 3/12/2019 Order on Motion to Unseal CaseCourt Filing
Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting [20] Motion to Unseal Case as to Gordon Ernst (1), Donna Heinel (2), Laura Janke (3), Ali Khosroshahin (4), Steven Masera (5), Mikaela Sanford (6), Martin Fox (7), Igor Dvorskiy (8), Lisa Niki Williams (9), William Ferguson (10), Jorge Salcedo (11), Jovan Vavic (12) (Belmont, Kellyann)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 3/12/2019, Entered: 3/12/2019, Terminated: 3/12/2019 Motion to Unseal Case
MOTION to Unseal Case as to Gordon Ernst, Donna Heinel, Laura Janke, Ali Khosroshahin, Steven Masera, Mikaela Sanford, Martin Fox, Igor Dvorskiy, Lisa Niki Williams, William Ferguson, Jorge Salcedo, Jovan Vavic by USA. (Belmont, Kellyann)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Arrest - Other District
Arrest of Lisa Niki Williams in Western District of Texas. (Belmont, Kellyann)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Arrest - Other District
Arrest of Martin Fox in Southern District of Texas. (Belmont, Kellyann)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 3/8/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 Motion to Amend/Correct
MOTION to Amend #[1] Indictment to Correct Error and for the Issuance of a New Arrest warrant as to Lisa Niki Williams by USA. (Attachments: # (1) Originally issued warrant, # (2) Amended arrest warrant)(Belmont, Kellyann) (Attachment 2 replaced on 3/8/2019) (Belmont, Kellyann).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 3/8/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 notice of attorney appearance - USA
NOTICE OF ATTORNEY APPEARANCE Kristen A. Kearney, Leslie Wright, Justin D. O'Connell appearing for USA. (DaSilva, Carolina)
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Blank 17 Filed: 3/8/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 order on motion to seal documentCourt Filing
Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered granting [16] Motion to Seal Document as to Gordon Ernst (1), Donna Heinel (2), Laura Janke (3), Ali Khosroshahin (4), Steven Masera (5), Mikaela Sanford (6), Martin Fox (7), Igor Dvorskiy (8), Lisa Niki Williams (9), William Ferguson (10), Jorge Salcedo (11), Jovan Vavic (12) (Belmont, Kellyann)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019, Terminated: 3/8/2019 motion to seal document
MOTION to Seal Notices of Appearance as to Gordon Ernst, Donna Heinel, Laura Janke, Ali Khosroshahin, Steven Masera, Mikaela Sanford, Martin Fox, Igor Dvorskiy, Lisa Niki Williams, William Ferguson, Jorge Salcedo, Jovan Vavic by USA. (Attachments: # (1) NOA)(DaSilva, Carolina)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 Lis PendensCourt Filing
Judge Indira Talwani: ORDER entered. LIS PENDENS as to Gordon Ernst (DaSilva, Carolina)
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Blank 14 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 Order on Motion for Lis PendensCourt Filing
Judge Indira Talwani: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered ALLOWING [11] Motion for Lis Pendens as to Gordon Ernst (1) (DaSilva, Carolina)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 OrderCourt Filing
Judge Indira Talwani: ORDER entered. RESTRAINING ORDER as to Gordon Ernst (DaSilva, Carolina)
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Blank 12 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
Judge Indira Talwani: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered ALLOWING [9] Motion for Post-Indictment Restraining Order as to Gordon Ernst (1) (DaSilva, Carolina)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 3/6/2019, Entered: 3/6/2019, Terminated: 3/7/2019 Motion for Lis Pendens
MOTION for Finding and Endorsement of Lis Pendens as to Gordon Ernst by USA. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(DaSilva, Carolina)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 3/6/2019, Entered: 3/6/2019 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM in Support by USA as to Gordon Ernst re [9] MOTION for Post-Indictment Restraining Order (DaSilva, Carolina)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 3/6/2019, Entered: 3/6/2019, Terminated: 3/7/2019 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION for Post-Indictment Restraining Order as to Gordon Ernst. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(DaSilva, Carolina)
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Blank 8 Filed: 3/6/2019, Entered: 3/6/2019 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
Judge Indira Talwani: ENDORSED ORDER entered ALLOWING [7] Motion to Seal as to Gordon Ernst (1) (DaSilva, Carolina)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 3/6/2019, Entered: 3/6/2019, Terminated: 3/6/2019 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal as to Gordon Ernst by USA. (DaSilva, Carolina)
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Blank 6 Filed: 3/5/2019, Entered: 3/5/2019 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley: ENDORSED ORDER entered granting [2] Motion to Seal as to Gordon Ernst (1), Donna Heinel (2), Laura Janke (3), Ali Khosroshahin (4), Steven Masera (5), Mikaela Sanford (6), Martin Fox (7), Igor Dvorskiy (8), Lisa Niki Williams (9), William Ferguson (10), Jorge Salcedo (11), Jovan Vavic (12) (Geraldino-Karasek, Clarilde)
Blank 5 Filed: 3/5/2019, Entered: 3/5/2019 Order Referring Case to Magistrate JudgeCourt Filing
Judge Indira Talwani: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered. Order Referring Case to Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley Reason for referral: Full Pretrial Proceedings as to Gordon Ernst, Donna Heinel, Laura Janke, Ali Khosroshahin, Steven Masera, Mikaela Sanford, Martin Fox, Igor Dvorskiy, Lisa Niki Williams, William Ferguson, Jorge Salcedo, Jovan Vavic [2] MOTION to Seal (Geraldino-Karasek, Clarilde) Motions referred to M. Page Kelley.
Blank 4 Filed: 3/5/2019, Entered: 3/5/2019 Case Assigned/ReassignedCourt Filing
ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment as to Gordon Ernst, Donna Heinel, Laura Janke, Ali Khosroshahin, Steven Masera, Mikaela Sanford, Martin Fox, Igor Dvorskiy, Lisa Niki Williams, William Ferguson, Jorge Salcedo, Jovan Vavic ; Judge Indira Talwani assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley. (Finn, Mary)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 3/5/2019, Entered: 3/5/2019 Arrest Warrant Issued Court Filing
Arrest Warrant Issued by Magistrate Judge M. Page Kelley as to Gordon Ernst, Donna Heinel, Laura Janke, Ali Khosroshahin, Steven Masera, Mikaela Sanford, Martin Fox, Igor Dvorskiy, Lisa Niki Williams, William Ferguson, Jorge Salcedo, Jovan Vavic. (Geraldino-Karasek, Clarilde)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 3/5/2019, Entered: 3/5/2019, Terminated: 3/5/2019 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal as to Gordon Ernst, Donna Heinel, Laura Janke, Ali Khosroshahin, Steven Masera, Mikaela Sanford, Martin Fox, Igor Dvorskiy, Lisa Niki Williams, William Ferguson, Jorge Salcedo, Jovan Vavic by USA. (Geraldino-Karasek, Clarilde)
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Legal Document 1 Filed: 3/5/2019, Entered: 3/5/2019 Indictment (Sealed)
SEALED INDICTMENT as to Gordon Ernst (1) count(s) 1, Donna Heinel (2) count(s) 1, Laura Janke (3) count(s) 1, Ali Khosroshahin (4) count(s) 1, Steven Masera (5) count(s) 1, Mikaela Sanford (6) count(s) 1, Martin Fox (7) count(s) 1, Igor Dvorskiy (8) count(s) 1, Lisa Niki Williams (9) count(s) 1, William Ferguson (10) count(s) 1, Jorge Salcedo (11) count(s) 1, Jovan Vavic (12) count(s) 1. (Attachments: # (1) JS45)(Geraldino-Karasek, Clarilde)


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