District Appellate Supreme
California Northern District Court Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit United States Supreme Court

Gregory Wochos, et al v. Tesla, Inc., et al

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Case No. 19-15672

Reality Check: Tesla, Inc.

This docket is featured in the January 7, 2020 article Reality Check: Tesla, Inc..

Last Updated August 10, 2023 at 8:06 PM EDT (1.5 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Gregory Wochos, Individually And On Behalf Of All Others Similarly Situated, Plaintiff
No Logo Kurt Friedman, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick M. Dahlstrom
Space Jacob A. Goldberg +1 215 782 8235 +1 215 782 8236 jacobagoldberg@comcast.net
Space GONEN HAKLAY +1 215 600 2817 ghaklay@rosenlegal.com
Space Louis Carey Ludwig
Space Laurence Mathew Rosen +1 212 686 1060

Represented by Pomerantz LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick Vincent Dahlstrom +1 212 661 1100 +1 212 661 8665 pdahlstrom@pomlaw.com
Space Louis Carey Ludwig +1 312 377 1181 +1 312 377 1184 lcludwig@pomlaw.com

Represented by Rosen Law Firm PA

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob Alexander Goldberg +1 215 600 2817 jgoldberg@rosenlegal.com
Space GONEN HAKLAY +1 215 600 2817 ghaklay@rosenlegal.com
Space LAURENCE M. ROSEN +1 973 313 1887 +1 212 202 3827 lrosen@rosenlegal.com
No Logo Uppili Srinivasan, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick M. Dahlstrom
Space Jacob A. Goldberg +1 215 782 8235 +1 215 782 8236 jacobagoldberg@comcast.net
Space GONEN HAKLAY +1 215 600 2817 ghaklay@rosenlegal.com
Space Louis Carey Ludwig
Space Laurence Mathew Rosen +1 212 686 1060

Represented by Pomerantz LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick Vincent Dahlstrom +1 212 661 1100 +1 212 661 8665 pdahlstrom@pomlaw.com
Space Louis Carey Ludwig +1 312 377 1181 +1 312 377 1184 lcludwig@pomlaw.com

Represented by Rosen Law Firm PA

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob Alexander Goldberg +1 215 600 2817 jgoldberg@rosenlegal.com
Space GONEN HAKLAY +1 215 600 2817 ghaklay@rosenlegal.com
Space LAURENCE M. ROSEN +1 973 313 1887 +1 212 202 3827 lrosen@rosenlegal.com
Ahuja, Deepak P. Ahuja, Deepak P., Defendant - Appellee
Officially listed as "Deepak Ahuja"
Officer/Director, Fireeye, Inc.
Officer/Director, Network Appliance, Inc.

Represented by Fenwick & West LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jennifer Corinne Bretan +1 415 875 2300 +1 415 281 1350 jbretan@fenwick.com
Space Alison Clare Jordan +1 650 988 8500 ajordan@fenwick.com
Space Dean S. Kristy +1 415 875 2324 +1 415 281 1350 dkristy@fenwick.com
Musk, Elon Reeve Musk, Elon Reeve, Defendant - Appellee
Officially listed as "Elon Musk"
Tesla, Inc. CEO, Tesla, Inc., October 15, 2008 - Present
Beneficial Owner, Excession LLC
SolarCity Corporation Chairman of the Board, SolarCity Corporation
President, Musk Foundation
X Corp. CEO, X Corp.

Represented by Fenwick & West LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jennifer Corinne Bretan +1 415 875 2300 +1 415 281 1350 jbretan@fenwick.com
Space Alison Clare Jordan +1 650 988 8500 ajordan@fenwick.com
Space Dean S. Kristy +1 415 875 2324 +1 415 281 1350 dkristy@fenwick.com
No Logo Jason Wheeler, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jennifer Corinne Bretan +1 415 875 2300 +1 415 281 1350 jbretan@fenwick.com
Space Alison Clare Jordan +1 650 988 8500 ajordan@fenwick.com
Space Dean S. Kristy +1 415 875 2324 +1 415 281 1350 dkristy@fenwick.com

Represented by Fenwick & West LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jennifer Corinne Bretan +1 415 875 2300 +1 415 281 1350 jbretan@fenwick.com
Space Alison Clare Jordan +1 650 988 8500 ajordan@fenwick.com
Space Dean S. Kristy +1 415 875 2324 +1 415 281 1350 dkristy@fenwick.com
Tesla, Inc. Tesla, Inc., Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Fenwick & West LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jennifer Corinne Bretan +1 415 875 2300 +1 415 281 1350 jbretan@fenwick.com
Space Alison Clare Jordan +1 650 988 8500 ajordan@fenwick.com
Space Dean S. Kristy +1 415 875 2324 +1 415 281 1350 dkristy@fenwick.com

Represented by Tesla, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Candace Jackman +1 650 681 5000 cjackman@tesla.com
Nature of Suit 3850 - Securities Commodities Exchange
Case Type civil
Lower Court Case https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=3:17-cv-05828-CRB
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032554968 Filed: 3/15/2021, Entered: None ?
MANDATE ISSUED.(JCW, SPG and DPC) Costs taxed against Appellants in the amount of $234.40. [12040527] (QDL)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032533595 Filed: 3/5/2021, Entered: None ?Court Filing
Filed order (J. CLIFFORD WALLACE, SUSAN P. GRABER and DANIEL P. COLLINS) Judges Graber and Collins have voted to deny the petition for rehearing en banc. Judge Wallace has recommended denial of the petition for rehearing en banc. The full court has been advised of the petition for rehearing en banc, and no judge requested a vote on whether to rehear the matter en banc. See FED. R. APP. P. 35. The petition for rehearing en banc, filed February 9, 2021, is DENIED. [12025557] (OC)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032471060 Filed: 2/9/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan petition for rehearing en banc (from 01/26/2021 opinion). Date of service: 02/09/2021. [11997881] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032463691 Filed: 2/5/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellee Tesla, Inc. bill of costs (Form 10) in the amount of 234.40 USD. Date of service: 02/05/2021 [11994676] [19-15672] (Jackman, Candace)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 2/5/2021, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney Candace Jackman for party Appellee Tesla, Inc., in case. [11994425] (DJV)
Blank  Filed: 2/5/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Candace A. Jackman (Tesla, Inc., 901 Page Avenue, Fremont CA 94538) for Appellee Tesla, Inc.. Date of service: 02/05/2021. (Party was previously proceeding with counsel.) [11994361] [19-15672] (Jackman, Candace)
Legal Document 009032433382 Filed: 1/26/2021, Entered: None ?Court Filing
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031778912 Filed: 4/30/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed Audio recording of oral argument.
Note: Video recordings of public argument calendars are available on the Court's website, at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/
[11677697] (TG)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 4/30/2020, Entered: None ?
Blank  Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Jacob Alexander Goldberg for Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Hearing in San Francisco on 04/30/2020 at 09:00 A.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 1). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15.) Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 04/09/2020. [11655927] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Blank  Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Jacob Alexander Goldberg for Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Hearing in San Francisco on 04/30/2020 at 09:00 A.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 1). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15.) Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 04/09/2020. [11655927] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Blank  Filed: 4/7/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Dean S. Kristy, Esquire for Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and - Jason Wheeler. Hearing in San Francisco on 04/30/2020 at 09:00 A.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 1). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15.) Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 04/07/2020. [11654535] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Blank  Filed: 4/7/2020, Entered: None ?
Notice of Oral Argument on Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 09:00 A.M. - Courtroom 1 - San Francisco CA.

View the Oral Argument Calendar for your case here.

Be sure to review the GUIDELINES for important information about your hearing, including when to arrive (30 minutes before the hearing time) and when and how to submit additional citations (filing electronically as far in advance of the hearing as possible).

If you are the specific attorney or self-represented party who will be arguing, use the ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HEARING NOTICE filing type in CM/ECF no later than 21 days before Thursday, April 30, 2020. No form or other attachment is required. If you will not be arguing, do not file an acknowledgment of hearing notice.[11654337]. [19-15672] (AW)
Blank  Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Case came on for submission before J. CLIFFORD WALLACE, SUSAN P. GRABER and DANIEL PAUL COLLINS SUBMISSION DEFERRED. [11641964] (TG)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031675515 Filed: 3/16/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed NOTICE (Deputy Clerk: OC): In light of the current health emergency and CDC guidelines, the Court has decided to vacate the hearings currently scheduled to take place in San Francisco in Courtroom 3 of the James R. Browning U.S. Courthouse during the week of March 23-27, 2020, including this case. Some cases on this calendar may be submitted on the briefs pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 34(f), and others will be postponed to a time and place to be determined. The Court will issue an order in each case in due course regarding submission or rescheduling. [11631234] [19-15087, 15-72942, 18-17103, 18-73167, 19-16517, 19-15672, 19-15964, 18-16859, 18-17403, 18-17415, 19-15105, 19-15122, 19-60015, 16-10508, 16-10531, 16-10537, 16-10538, 17-10001, 19-15960, 19-15544] (OC)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 009031618731 Filed: 2/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan citation of supplemental authorities. Date of service: 02/24/2020. [11605822] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Legal Document 009031606702 Filed: 2/18/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk and Tesla, Inc. citation of supplemental authorities. Date of service: 02/18/2020. [11600554] [19-15672] (Bretan, Jennifer)
Blank  Filed: 1/30/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Dean S. Kristy, Esquire for Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and - Jason Wheeler. Hearing in San Francisco on 03/24/2020 at 09:00 A.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 3). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15.) Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 01/30/2020. [11579983] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Blank  Filed: 1/23/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Jacob Alexander Goldberg for Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Hearing in San Francisco on 03/24/2020 at 09:00 A.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 3). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15.) Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 01/23/2020. [11571240] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Blank  Filed: 1/12/2020, Entered: None ?
Notice of Oral Argument on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 09:00 A.M. - Courtroom 3 - San Francisco CA.

View the Oral Argument Calendar for your case here.

Be sure to review the GUIDELINES for important information about your hearing, including when to arrive (30 minutes before the hearing time) and when and how to submit additional citations (filing electronically as far in advance of the hearing as possible).

If you are the specific attorney or self-represented party who will be arguing, use the ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HEARING NOTICE filing type in CM/ECF no later than 21 days before Tuesday, March 24, 2020. No form or other attachment is required. If you will not be arguing, do not file an acknowledgment of hearing notice.[11558810]. [Array, 19-15672] (AW)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031356845 Filed: 11/4/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Dean S. Kristy, Esquire for Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and - Jason Wheeler response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 11/04/2019. [11488294] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031356273 Filed: 11/4/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Jacob Alexander Goldberg for Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 11/04/2019. [11488012] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031356225 Filed: 11/4/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Dean S. Kristy, Esquire for Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and - Jason Wheeler response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 11/04/2019. [11487990] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 11/4/2019, Entered: None ?
This case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument calendar in San Francisco

Please review the San Francisco sitting dates for March 2020 and the 2 subsequent sitting months in that location at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/court_sessions. If you have an unavoidable conflict on any of the dates, please file Form 32 within 3 business days of this notice using the CM/ECF filing type Response to Case Being Considered for Oral Argument. Please follow the form's instructions carefully.

When setting your argument date, the court will try to work around unavoidable conflicts; the court is not able to accommodate mere scheduling preferences. You will receive notice that your case has been assigned to a calendar approximately 10 weeks before the scheduled oral argument date.

If the parties wish to discuss settlement before an argument date is set, they should jointly request referral to the mediation unit by filing a letter within 3 business days of this notice, using CM/ECF (Type of Document: File Correspondence to Court; Subject: request for mediation).[11487739]. [19-15672] (AW)
Blank  Filed: 10/10/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed 4 paper copies of further excerpts of record [27] in 1 volume(s) filed by Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. [11461021] (SML)
Blank  Filed: 10/10/2019, Entered: None ?
Received 7 paper copies of Reply Brief [26] filed by Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. [11460878] (SD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031289842 Filed: 10/8/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The reply brief [26] submitted by Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: gray. The Court has reviewed the further excerpts of record [27] submitted by Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Within 7 days of this order, filer is ordered to file 4 copies of the excerpts in paper format securely bound on the left side, with white covers. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [11457743] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 009031287883 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Dean S. Kristy, Esquire for Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and - Jason Wheeler response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 10/07/2019. [11456885] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031287257 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) further excerpts of record. Submitted by Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Date of service: 10/07/2019. [11456579] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 009031287250 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Reply Brief for review. Submitted by Appellants Uppili Srinivasan and Kurt Friedman. Date of service: 10/07/2019. [11456574] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Blank  Filed: 10/4/2019, Entered: None ?
This case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument calendar in San Francisco

Please review the San Francisco sitting dates for February 2020 and the 2 subsequent sitting months in that location at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/court_sessions. If you have an unavoidable conflict on any of the dates, please file Form 32 within 3 business days of this notice using the CM/ECF filing type Response to Case Being Considered for Oral Argument. Please follow the form's instructions carefully.

When setting your argument date, the court will try to work around unavoidable conflicts; the court is not able to accommodate mere scheduling preferences. You will receive notice that your case has been assigned to a calendar approximately 10 weeks before the scheduled oral argument date.

If the parties wish to discuss settlement before an argument date is set, they should jointly request referral to the mediation unit by filing a letter within 3 business days of this notice, using CM/ECF (Type of Document: File Correspondence to Court; Subject: request for mediation).[11454658][19-15672] (AW)
Blank  Filed: 9/20/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed 4 paper copies of supplemental excerpts of record [21] in 2 volume(s) filed by Appellees. [11439246] (SML)
Blank  Filed: 9/20/2019, Entered: None ?
Received 7 paper copies of Answering Brief [20] filed by Appellees. [11439179] (SD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031241332 Filed: 9/18/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The answering brief [20] submitted by appellees is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: red. The Court has reviewed the supplemental excerpts of record [21] submitted by appellees. Within 7 days of this order, filer is ordered to file 4 copies of the excerpts in paper format securely bound on the left side, with white covers. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [11435579] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 009031235810 Filed: 9/16/2019, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) supplemental excerpts of record. Submitted by Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk and Tesla, Inc.. Date of service: 09/16/2019. [11433135] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Legal Document 009031235698 Filed: 9/16/2019, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Answering Brief for review. Submitted by Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk and Tesla, Inc.. Date of service: 09/16/2019. [11433072] [19-15672] (Kristy, Dean)
Blank  Filed: 8/22/2019, Entered: None ?
Terminated participation of Court Reporter Lydia Radovich Zinn in this case. [11406884] [19-10027, 19-10043, 19-10049, 19-10092, 19-10110, 19-10154, 19-10168, 19-10188, 19-10254, 19-15018, 19-15059, 19-15077, 19-15101, 19-15169, 19-15672, 19-15745, 19-15820, 19-15868, 19-16017, 19-16066, 19-16107, 19-16122, 19-16497, 19-16571, 19-70522] (RY)
Blank  Filed: 8/22/2019, Entered: None ?
Terminated participation of Court Reporter Lydia Radovich Zinn in this case (no longer in function, other court reporter remaining on case). [11406873] [18-17036, 18-17087, 18-17149, 18-17192, 18-17195, 18-17275, 18-17308, 18-17311, 18-17382, 18-80037, 19-10027, 19-10049, 19-10092, 19-10110, 19-10154, 19-10168, 19-10188, 19-10254, 19-15018, 19-15059, 19-15077, 19-15101, 19-15169, 19-15672, 19-15745, 19-15820, 19-15868, 19-16017, 19-16066, 19-16107, 19-16122, 19-16497, 19-16571, 19-70522] (RY)
Blank  Filed: 7/24/2019, Entered: None ?
Streamlined request [16] by Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and Jason Wheeler to extend time to file the brief is approved. Amended briefing schedule: Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and Jason Wheeler answering brief due 09/16/2019. The optional reply brief is due 21 days from the date of service of the answering brief. [11375832] (JN)
Blank  Filed: 7/24/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Streamlined request for extension of time to file Answering Brief by Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and Jason Wheeler. New requested due date is 09/16/2019. [11375333] [19-15672] (Bretan, Jennifer)
Blank  Filed: 7/23/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed 4 paper copies of excerpts of record [10] in 1 volume(s) filed by Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. [11374110] (KWG)
Blank  Filed: 7/23/2019, Entered: None ?
Received corrected excerpts from Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan which are properly bound. [11374108] (KWG)
Blank  Filed: 7/22/2019, Entered: None ?
Received 7 paper copies of Opening Brief [9] filed by Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. [11372451] (SD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031099774 Filed: 7/22/2019, Entered: None ?
Received Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan excerpts of record [10] in 1 volumes. Served on. Deficiencies: excerpts are unbound or bound improperly. Notified counsel (See attached notice). [11372172] (KWG)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031091304 Filed: 7/18/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The opening brief [9] submitted by Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 7 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: blue. The Court has reviewed the excerpts of record [10] submitted by Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Within 7 days of this order, filer is ordered to file 4 copies of the excerpts in paper format securely bound on the left side, with white covers. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [11368381] (KWG)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009031087711 Filed: 7/17/2019, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) excerpts of record. Submitted by Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Date of service: 07/17/2019. [11366604] [19-15672] (Rosen, Laurence)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 009031087699 Filed: 7/17/2019, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Opening Brief for review. Submitted by Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Date of service: 07/17/2019. [11366600] [19-15672]--[COURT UPDATE: Attached corrected PDF of the brief. 07/18/2019 by KWG] (Rosen, Laurence)
Blank  Filed: 7/17/2019, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Laurence Mathew Rosen for party(s) Appellant Uppili Srinivasan and Appellant Kurt Friedman, in case 19-15672. [11365945] (QDL)
Blank  Filed: 7/17/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Laurence Matthew Rosen (The Rosen Law Firm, P.A. 355 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2450 Los Angeles, CA 90071) for Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan. Date of service: 07/17/2019. (Party previously proceeding without counsel: No) [11365916] [19-15672] (Rosen, Laurence)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009030906168 Filed: 5/1/2019, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION ORDER FILED: This case is RELEASED from the Mediation Program. Counsel are requested to contact the Circuit Mediator should circumstances develop that warrant further settlement discussions. [11283273] (CL)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009030872378 Filed: 4/17/2019, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION ORDER FILED: The Mediation Program of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals facilitates settlement while appeals are pending. By 05/01/2019, counsel for all parties intending to file briefs in this matter are requested to inform the Circuit Mediator by email of their clients' views on whether the issues on appeal or the underlying dispute might be amenable to settlement presently or in the foreseeable future. This communication will be kept confidential, if requested... This communication should not be filed with the court... The existing briefing schedule remains in effect... [11267490] (CL)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009030858764 Filed: 4/11/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk and Tesla, Inc. Mediation Questionnaire. Date of service: 04/11/2019. [11260900] [19-15672] (Bretan, Jennifer)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 4/11/2019, Entered: None ?
The Mediation Questionnaire for this case was filed on 04/11/2019.
To submit pertinent confidential information directly to the Circuit Mediators, please use the following link.
Confidential submissions may include any information relevant to mediation of the case and settlement potential, including, but not limited to, settlement history, ongoing or potential settlement discussions, non-litigated party related issues, other pending actions, and timing considerations that may impact mediation efforts.[11260846] (AD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009030857647 Filed: 4/11/2019, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan Mediation Questionnaire. Date of service: 04/11/2019. [11260415] [19-15672] (Goldberg, Jacob)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009030849357 Filed: 4/8/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. SEND MQ: Yes. The schedule is set as follows: Mediation Questionnaire due on 04/15/2019. Transcript ordered by 05/08/2019. Transcript due 06/07/2019. Appellants Kurt Friedman and Uppili Srinivasan opening brief due 07/17/2019. Appellees Deepak Ahuja, Elon Musk, Tesla, Inc. and Jason Wheeler answering brief due 08/16/2019. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 21 days after service of the answering brief. [11256581] (JBS)
Request RequestSpace LREF


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