NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (Court Trial, Day 2) held on 2/5/2021 before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Amanda M. LeGore. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or the Court Reporter/Transcriber. If redaction is necessary, parties have seven calendar days from the file date of the Transcript to E-File the Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. The following deadlines would also apply if requesting redaction: Redaction Request Statement due to Court Reporter/Transcriber 6/1/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/10/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/9/2021. (akr)
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (Court Trial, Day 1) held on 2/3/2021 before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Amanda M. LeGore. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or the Court Reporter/Transcriber. If redaction is necessary, parties have seven calendar days from the file date of the Transcript to E-File the Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. The following deadlines would also apply if requesting redaction: Redaction Request Statement due to Court Reporter/Transcriber 6/1/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/10/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/9/2021. (akr)
RESPONSE re [111] Order,, filed by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
ORDER. Defendants are hereby directed to adduce for the years 2020 and 2021: a. the total number of firearms sold in the state with background checks; b. if ascertainable, the total number of rifles, the total number of shotguns, the total number of semiautomatic pistols, and the total number of revolvers sold in the state, with background checks; c. if ascertainable, the number of first-time buyers of a firearm in the state. Defendants shall file the supplement on or before March 15, 2021. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 2/26/2021.(mme)
NOTICE of Supplemental Authority by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Echeverria, John) (mme).
NOTICE of Supplemental Authority by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Echeverria, John) (mme).
REPLY - Other re [107] Objection, to Defendants' Evidence and Trial Exhibits filed by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
OBJECTION by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla . (Lee, George) (mme).
RESPONSE re [103] Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
RESPONSE re [104] Proposed Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of Law, filed by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
Proposed Findings of Fact by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Dillon, John) (mme).
Proposed Findings of Fact by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodging of Trial Exhibits and Deposition Video by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick (Echeverria, John) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodgment by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla (Lee, George) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodgment by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan Exhibits DY, DZ, and EA (Chang, Peter) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodgment by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla (Dillon, John) (mme).
Minute Order for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Bench Trial completed on 2/5/2021. Day of Trial 2. Denying [73] MOTION to Preclude Testimony of John R. Lott,; Granting in part and denying in part [75] In Limine MOTION to Preclude or Limit Testimony at Trial,; Denying [81] Ex Parte MOTION to Strike Document [77] Response in Opposition to Motion,, and Opposition to Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Permit Late Filing [79]; Declaration of John D. Echeverria.The Court hereby apologies for the abrupt termination of the bench trial closing arguments, which was due to technical difficulties which the Court was unable to remedy. The Court appreciates all counsels' presentations. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are due no later than 2/16/2021. Cross-Designations are due no later than 2/23/2021. Plaintiff is ordered to file a list of excerpts of depositions for the Court to review no later than 2/10/2021. (Court Reporter/ECR Amanda LeGore). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, Erik Scott Jaffe, George Montgomery Lee).(Defendant Attorney John Darrow Echeverria, Mark Beckington, Peter Chang, Jose Zepeda). (no document attached) (gxr)
Filed: 2/3/2021, Entered: 2/4/2021
Bench Trial - Begun
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Bench Trial held on 2/3/2021. Day of Trial 1. Bench Trial continued to 2/5/2021 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez.(Court Reporter/ECR Amamda LeGore). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, Erik Scott Jaffe, George Montgomery Lee). (Defendant Attorney John Darrow Echeverria, Peter Chang, Mark Beckington, Jose Zepeda). (no document attached) (gxr)
NOTICE of Lodging of Defendants' Deposition Designations and Counter Designations by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Chang, Peter) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodgment by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla of Plaintiffs' Exhibit 033 in Response to Defendants' Impeachment Exhibit DX (Attachments: # (1) Declaration Declaration of David Mustard)(Dillon, John) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodgment by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla Notice of Lodgment of Plaintiffs' Trial Exhibits, Deposition Transcripts, and Deposition Video; and Appendix (Dillon, John) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodging of Deposition Transcripts and Videos by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Chang, Peter) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodging of Defendants' Impeachment Exhibit DX by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of John D. Echeverria Authenticating Defendants' Impeachment Exhibit DX, # (2) Proof of Service via CM-ECF)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
AMENDED DOCUMENT by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. Amendment to [89] Notice (Other), of Lodging of Exhibits. (Chang, Peter) (mme).
NOTICE of Lodging of Exhibits by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Chang, Peter)Attorney Peter H. Chang added to party Xavier Becerra(pty:dft), Attorney Peter H. Chang added to party Martin Horan(pty:dft) (mme).
Proposed Findings of Fact by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
TRIAL BRIEF Supplemental Brief on Disputed Issues of Law by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
Proposed Findings of Fact by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
TRIAL BRIEF on Significant Disputed Issues of Law by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
RESPONSE in Support re [73] MOTION to Preclude Testimony of John R. Lott filed by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of John Echeverria in Support of Defendant's Daubert Motion to Preclude Testimony by John R. Lott; Exhbits 1-2, # (2) Declaration of Prof. Dan A. Black, # (3) Declaration of Prof. Daniel S. Nagin, # (4) Declaration of Prof. Jens Ludwig, # (5) Declaration of Prof. Louis Klarevas, # (6) Corrected Declaration of Louis Klarevas in Support of Defendant's Daubert Motion to Preclude Testimony by John R. Lott, # (7) Proof of Service)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
RESPONSE in Support re [75] In Limine MOTION to Preclude or Limit Testimony at Trial filed by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Jose A. Zelidon-Zepeda Supporting Response, # (2) Proof of Service)(Zelidon-Zepeda, Jose) (mme).
RESPONSE in Opposition re [81] Ex Parte MOTION to Strike Document [77] Response in Opposition to Motion,, and Opposition to Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Permit Late Filing [79]; Declaration of John D. Echeverriaand Supporting Declaration of John W. Dillon filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Dillon, John) (mme).
Ex Parte MOTION to Strike Document [77] Response in Opposition to Motion,, and Opposition to Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Permit Late Filing [79]; Declaration of John D. Echeverria by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (jmo).
DECLARATION re [79] Ex Parte MOTION for Leave to File Late Opposition [ECF 77] to Defendants' Daubert Motion [ECF 73] by Plaintiffs California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller, James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Patrick Russ, Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Dillon, John) (mme).
Ex Parte MOTION for Leave to File Late Opposition [ECF 77] to Defendants' Daubert Motion [ECF 73] by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
Joint MOTION to Continue Deadlines for Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
RESPONSE in Opposition re [73] MOTION to Preclude Testimony of John R. Lott filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration Declaration of John Lott In Support of Plaintiffs' Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants' Daubert Motion To Preclude Testimony of John R. Lott Jr.)(Dillon, John) (mme).
RESPONSE in Opposition re [75] In Limine MOTION to Preclude or Limit Testimony at Trial filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of George M. Lee)(Lee, George) (mme).
In Limine MOTION to Preclude or Limit Testimony at Trial by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Zelidon-Zepeda, Jose) (mme).
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (Pretrial Conference) held on 12/16/2020 before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Amanda M. LeGore. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or the Court Reporter/Transcriber. If redaction is necessary, parties have seven calendar days from the file date of the Transcript to E-File the Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. The following deadlines would also apply if requesting redaction: Redaction Request Statement due to Court Reporter/Transcriber 1/21/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/1/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/31/2021. (akr)
MOTION to Preclude Testimony of John R. Lott by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion to Preclude Testimony of John R. Lott, # (2) Declaration of Louis Klarevas in Support of Motion to Preclude Testimony, # (3) Declaration of John D. Echeverria in Support of Motion to Preclude Testimony, # (4) Exhibit 1-6 to Declaration of John D. Echeverria, # (5) Proof of Service via CM-ECF)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Pretrial Conference held on 12/16/2020. Bench Trial reset for 2/3/2021 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Daubert motions shall be filed, if at all, within ten days, and oppositions are to filed within seven days thereafter. Because of Covid-19 concerns and the Governor's orders limiting non-essential activities, parties may present direct witness testimony by written declaration and cross-examination by deposition designation. Complete copies of all deposition transcripts designated in whole or in part, shall be delivered to chambers in both print form and in a USB storage device. Live trial testimony to be presented by remote video shall be arranged by contacting the Courtroom Deputy in advance. Live testimony by any witness may be required of either party as later ordered by the Court.(Court Reporter Amanda LeGore). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, George Montgomery Lee). (Defendant Attorney John Darrow Echeverria, Peter Chang, Mark Beckington, Jose Zepeda). (no document attached) (gxr)
NOTICE of Appearance as Counsel for Defendants by Jose A. Zelidon-Zepeda on behalf of Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan (Zelidon-Zepeda, Jose)Attorney Jose A. Zelidon-Zepeda added to party Xavier Becerra(pty:dft), Attorney Jose A. Zelidon-Zepeda added to party California Attorney General Xavier Becerra(pty:dft), Attorney Jose A. Zelidon-Zepeda added to party DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick(pty:dft), Attorney Jose A. Zelidon-Zepeda added to party Martin Horan(pty:dft) (mme).
MINUTE ORDER issued by the Honorable Roger T. Benitez: The Court hereby orders that all parties are to appear for the 12/16/2020 hearing either in-person or through Zoom videoconferencing. Log-in information for Zoom videoconferencing will be made available prior to the 10:00AM hearing on 12/16/2020. (no document attached) (gxr)
Defendants' ANSWER to [9] Amended Complaint, for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Martin Horan, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Xavier Becerra.(Echeverria, John) (mme).
Joint MOTION to Permit Appearances by Videoconferencing at Pretrial Conference on December 16, 2020 by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Order)(Lee, George) *QC Mailer sent - proposed order should not be attached* (mme).
MEMORANDUM OF FACTS AND CONTENTIONS OF LAW by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit exhibit list, # (2) Exhibit witness list)(Dillon, John) (mme).
MEMORANDUM OF FACTS AND CONTENTIONS OF LAW by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan. (Attachments: # (1) Defendant's Witness List, # (2) Defendant's Exhibit List, # (3) Proof of Service via CM/ECF)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
DECLARATION re [63] Supplemental Briefing,, of John W. Dillon by Plaintiffs California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller, James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Patrick Russ, Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEFING by Plaintiffs California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller, James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Patrick Russ, Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla re [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief . (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Brandon Combs, # (2) Declaration of Jason Davis, # (3) Declaration of Joseph Ostini, # (4) Declaration of Nathan Siegel, # (5) Declaration of Kenneth Brown)(Lee, George) (dlg).
SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEFING by Defendants Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Martin Horan re [60] Notice (Other), . (Echeverria, John) (dlg).
NOTICE of Defendant's Submission of Evidence Requested at Evidentiary Hearing by Xavier Becerra, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick, Martin Horan re [53] Evidentiary Hearing,, Set Hearings, (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Proof of Service)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
MINUTE ORDER issued by the Honorable Roger T. Benitez: As to [57] Motion for Clarification/Modification, the Court hereby orders that the Minute Order of October 22, 2020 will not be modified. Supplemental briefs remain due on November 5, 2020. (no document attached) (gxr)
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (Evidentiary Hearing, Day 3) held on 10/22/2020 before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Ellen L. Simone. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or the Court Reporter/Transcriber. If redaction is necessary, parties have seven calendar days from the file date of the Transcript to E-File the Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. The following deadlines would also apply if requesting redaction: Redaction Request Statement due to Court Reporter/Transcriber 11/20/2020. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 11/30/2020. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/28/2021. (akr)
NOTICE OF FILING OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT (Evidentiary Hearing, Day 1) held on 10/19/2020 before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Ellen L. Simone. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER or the Court Reporter/Transcriber. If redaction is necessary, parties have seven calendar days from the file date of the Transcript to E-File the Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. The following deadlines would also apply if requesting redaction: Redaction Request Statement due to Court Reporter/Transcriber 11/20/2020. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 11/30/2020. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/28/2021. (akr)
NOTICE re Joint Request for Clarification/Modification by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla re [55] Evidentiary Hearing,,, Set Hearings,, (Lee, George) (mme).
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Evidentiary Hearing held on 10/22/2020. Day 3. Witnesses C/S/T. Pretrial Conference set for 12/16/2020 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Bench Trial set for 1/21/2021 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Pretrial briefs to be simultaneously exchanged and filed no later than 11/5/2020.(Court Reporter/ECR Ellen Simone). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, George Montgomery Lee). (Defendant Attorney John Darrow Echeverria, Mark Beckington). (no document attached) (gxr)
Filed: 10/20/2020, Entered: 10/20/2020
Evidentiary Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Evidentiary Hearing held on 10/20/2020. Day 2. Evidentiary Hearing continued to 10/22/2020 09:30 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez.(Court Reporter Ellen Simone). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, George Montgomery Lee). (Defendant Attorney Mark R. Beckington). (no document attached) (gxr)
Filed: 10/19/2020, Entered: 10/20/2020
Evidentiary Hearing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Evidentiary Hearing held on 10/19/2020. Day 1. Witnesses C/S/T. Evidentiary Hearing continued to 10/20/2020 09:30 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez.(Court Reporter Ellen Simone). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, Erik Scott Jaffe, George Montgomery Lee). (Defendant Attorney John Darrow Echeverria, Mark R. Beckington). (no document attached) (gxr)
Ex Parte MOTION Permit Testimony of Neil Rutherford by Video Conferencing at Hearing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction by James Miller(an individual ). (Dillon, John) (jpp).
ORDER Granting [50] Plaintiff's Ex Parte Application to Permit Testimony by Videoconferencing at Hearing on Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 10/14/2020. (sxa)
Ex Parte MOTION for Leave to Permit Appearances by Videoconferencing re [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (sxa).
ORDER Granting [48] Defendants' Ex Parte Application to Appear by Video at the October 19, 2020 Evidentiary Hearing. The following individuals are permitted to appear by video at the evidentiary hearing, set for October 19, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Deputy Attorney General John D. Echeverria; Lucy P. Allen; Dr. Christopher B. Colwell; Dr. John J. Donohue; Dr. Louis Klarevas; and Blake Graham. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 10/5/2020. (mme)(jrd)
Ex Parte MOTION to Appear by Video at the October 19, 2020 Evidentiary Hearing by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Roger T. Benitez: Telephonic Status Conference held on 9/23/2020. Evidentiary Hearing set for 10/19/2020 09:30 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez.(Court Reporter/ECR Ellen Simone). (Plaintiff Attorney John W. Dillon, George Montgomery Lee). (Defendant Attorney John Darrow Echeverria). (no document attached) (gxr)
ORDER Denying Defendants' [16] Motion to Dismiss. Plaintiff's concession and withdrawal of its claim challenging California Penal Code section 30925 is accepted. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 09/23/2020. (mme)
NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Status Conference set for 9/23/2020 10:30 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Parties are to call-in using the following information: (866)434-5269. ACCESS CODE: 5877929 (no document attached) (gxr)
NOTICE OF NEW CASE AUTHORITY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla (Dillon, John) (mme).
ORDER Denying [34], [35] Leave to Participate as Amici Curiae. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 7/30/2020. (All non-registered users served via U.S. Mail Service)(mme)
MINUTE ORDER issued by the Honorable Roger T. Benitez: In keeping with the Covid-19 related recommendations of United States President Donald J. Trump, as well as medical experts as to social distancing, this Court hereby exercises its discretion and vacates the current motion hearing date of March 19, 2020. Notice of a new motion hearing date and time will be given at a later date.(no document attached) (gxr)
Filed: 2/4/2020, Entered: 2/4/2020
Notice of hearing on motion
NOTICE: Change of Motion Hearing on [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim , [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief: Motion Hearing reset for 3/19/2020 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. (no document attached) (gxr)
PRO HAC APPROVED: Erik Scott Jaffe appearing for Plaintiffs California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla (no document attached) (jrd)
REPLY to Response to Motion re [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration Declaration of Robert A. Marguiles, M.D. In Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction)(Dillon, John) (mme).
REPLY to Response to Motion re [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
NOTICE of Appearance by Peter H. Chang on behalf of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick (Chang, Peter)Attorney Peter H. Chang added to party California Attorney General Xavier Becerra(pty:dft), Attorney Peter H. Chang added to party DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick(pty:dft) (mme).
MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief by Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities, # (2) Proposed Amicus Brief, # (3) Proposed Order)(Shearer, Hannah)Attorney Hannah Elizabeth Shearer added to party Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence(pty:am)
MOTION for Order for Leave to Participate as Amici Curiae by Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund. (Attachments: # (1) Brief Of Amicus Curiae Everytown For Gun Safety Support Fund In Support Of Defendants Opposition To Plaintiffs Motion For Preliminary Injunction, # (2) Appendix)(Sloan, Matthew)Attorney Matthew Eric Sloan added to party Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund(pty:am)
NOTICE of Change of Motion Hearing as to [16-1] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint, [16-2] MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim , [22-1] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief: Motion Hearing reset for 2/6/2020 02:00 PM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Opposition briefs are to be filed no later than 1/23/2020. All reply briefs are to be filed no later than 1/30/2020. (no document attached) (gxr)
Filed: 1/15/2020, Entered: 1/15/2020
Order on Motion to stay
Minute Order issued by the Honorable Roger T. Benitez: DENYING [25] Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Related Appeals; DENYING [27] Ex Parte Motion to Stay re [16] Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim, [22] Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief Pending Ruling on Defendants' Motion to Stay. (no document attached) (gxr)
RESPONSE to Motion re [25] MOTION to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Related Appeals filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
RESPONSE in Opposition re [27] Ex Parte MOTION to Stay re [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim , [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief< filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of John W. Dillon in Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Ex Parte Application to Stay the Hearing and Briefing Schedule on Motion for Preliminary Injunction [22] and Motion to Dismiss [16] Pending Ruling on Defendants' Motion to Stay [25])(Dillon, John) (mme).
ORDER Granting [26] Continuing Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Motion to Dismiss. Motion Hearing continued for 1/29/2020 10:00 AM before Judge Roger T. Benitez. Defendants opposition to the preliminary injunction motion is due by January 16, 2020, Plaintiffs reply in further support of the preliminary injunction motion is due by January 23, 2020, and Defendants reply in further support of the motion to dismiss is due by January 23, 2020. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 12/19/2019. (mme)
Ex Parte MOTION to Stay re [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim , [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory ReliefPending Ruling on Defendants' Motion to Stay by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration, # (2) Proof of Service)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
Joint MOTION to Continue Hearing on Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Motion to Dismiss by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Echeverria, John) (mme).
MOTION to Stay Proceedings Pending Resolution of Related Appeals by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities, # (2) Proof of Service)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
NOTICE OF ERRATA RE: PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla re [22] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief (Attachments: # (1) Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (2) Memo of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (3) Declaration of Ashley Hlebinsky in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (4) Declaration of James Miller in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (5) Declaration of Wendy Hauffen in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (6) Declaration of Ryan Peterson in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (7) Declaration of John Phillips in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (8) Declaration of Neil Rutherford in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (9) Declaration of Adrian Sevilla in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (10) Declaration of John Lott in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction)(Dillon, John) *QC Mailer sent re: no provision for acceptance* (mme).
NOTICE of Change of Hearing on [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim : Motion Hearing reset for 1/16/2020 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. (no document attached) (gxr)
MOTION for Preliminary Injunction and Declaratory Relief by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (2) Declaration Declaration of Plaintiff James Miller in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (3) Declaration Declaration of Plaintiff Wendy Hauffen in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (4) Declaration Declaration of Plaintiff Neil Rutherford in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (5) Declaration Declaration of Adrian Sevilla in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (6) Declaration Declaration of Ryan Peterson in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (7) Declaration Declaration of John Phillips in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (8) Declaration Declaration of Michael Schwartz in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (9) Declaration Declaration of Alan Gottlieb in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (10) Declaration Declaration of Gene Hoffman in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (11) Declaration Declaration of Brandon Combs in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (12) Declaration Declaration of Emanuel Kapelsohn in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (13) Declaration Declaration of James Curcuruto in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (14) Declaration Declaration of Ashley Hlebinsky in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (15) Declaration Declaration of D. Allen Youngman in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (16) Declaration Declaration of George Mocsary in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction (Part 1 of 2), # (17) Declaration Declaration of George Mocsary in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction (Part 2 of 2), # (18) Declaration Declaration of John Lott in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # (19) Declaration Declaration of Adam Kraut in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction)(Dillon, John) (mme).
RESPONSE in Opposition re [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim filed by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Lee, George) (mme).
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, John Phillips, Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla of Plaintiff Patrick Russ (Dillon, John) (tcf).
NOTICE of Change of Hearing on [16] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim : Motion Hearing reset for 12/18/2019 10:30 AM in Courtroom 5A before Judge Roger T. Benitez. (no document attached) (gxr)
Filed: 11/20/2019, Entered: 11/20/2019
Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
MINUTE ORDER issued by the Honorable Roger T. Benitez: Granting [17] Joint Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages of Briefs Regarding Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction. (no document attached) (gxr)
Joint MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages of Briefs Regarding Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla. (Dillon, John) (mme).
MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction Certain Claims in First Amended Complaint, MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Attachments: # (1) Memo of Points and Authorities, # (2) Proof of Service)(Echeverria, John) (mme).
ORDER re: [14] Extending Time to Answer or Otherwise Respond to First Amended Complaint. Xavier Becerra answer due 10/25/2019; Brent Orick answer due 10/25/2019. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 10/10/2019. (mme) (jao).
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re [9] Amended Complaint, by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick. (Echeverria, John)Attorney John Darrow Echeverria added to party DOJ Bureau of Firearms Director Brent Orick(pty:dft) (mme).
MINUTE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Jill L. Burkhardt: For good cause shown, the parties' Joint Motion/Stipulation [12] to Vacate the Case Management Conference and Rule 26 Compliance Dates is GRANTED. Accordingly, the Case Management Conference scheduled for 10/18/2019 and all associated deadlines set forth in the Court's 9/12/2019 Order [8] are hereby VACATED. (cxe)
NOTICE of Stipulation and Request to Vacate Case Management Conference Hearing and Rule 26 Compliance Dates by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla (Dillon, John) (mme).
Stipulation to Extend Time to Respond to First Amended Complaint, and to Vacate CMC and Rule 26 Compliance Dates by California Gun Rights Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Wendy Hauffen, James Miller(an individual ), James Miller, PWGG, L.P., Ryan Peterson, Ryan Peterson(an individual ), John Phillips, Patrick Russ(an individual ), Patrick Russ, Neil Rutherford, San Diego County Gun Owners PAC, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Second Amendment Foundation, Adrian Sevilla (Lee, George)Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party California Gun Rights Foundation(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc.(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Gunfighter Tactical, LLC(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Wendy Hauffen(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party PWGG, L.P.(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party John Phillips(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Neil Rutherford(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Second Amendment Foundation(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Adrian Sevilla(pty:pla) (tcf).
Summons Issued as to First Amended Complaint. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should print this summons and serve it in accordance with Rule 4, Fed.R.Civ.P and LR 4.1. (mme)
AMENDED COMPLAINT against Xavier Becerra, Brent Orick, filed by Ryan Peterson, Patrick Russ, James Miller, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, Wendy Hauffen, Gunfighter Tactical, LLC, Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc., Second Amendment Foundation, John Phillips, Neil Rutherford, California Gun Rights Foundation, Adrian Sevilla, PWGG, L.P..New Summons Requested. (Dillon, John) (mme).
NOTICE AND ORDER Setting Rule 26 Compliance and Case Management Conference. Joint Discovery Plan due 10/8/2019, Rule 26 Meeting Report due by 9/23/2019. Case Management Conference set for 10/18/2019 02:15 PM before Magistrate Judge Jill L. Burkhardt. Mandatory Settlement Conference set for May 12, 2020. Pretrial Conference before the District Judge assigned tothe case: September 28, 2020. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jill L. Burkhardt on 09/12/2019.(mme)
ANSWER to [1] Complaint, by Xavier Becerra, Martin Horan.(Echeverria, John)Attorney John Darrow Echeverria added to party Xavier Becerra(pty:dft), Attorney John Darrow Echeverria added to party Martin Horan(pty:dft) (mme).
ORDER OF TRANSFER PURSUANT TO LOW NUMBER RULE. Case reassigned to Judge Roger T. Benitez and Magistrate Judge Jill L. Burkhardt for all further proceedings. Judge John A. Houston, Magistrate Judge Andrew G. Schopler no longer assigned to case. Create association to 3:17-cv-01017-BEN-JLB. The new case number is 19-cv-1537-BEN-JLB. Signed by Judge Roger T. Benitez on 8/16/2019. Signed by Judge John A. Houston on 8/20/2019. (tcf)
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by James Miller, Ryan Peterson, Patrick Russ, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee re [4] Notice of Related Case (Dillon, John) (mme).
NOTICE OF RELATED CASE(S) by James Miller, Ryan Peterson, Patrick Russ, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee of case(s) 17-cv-1017-BEN-JLB . (Dillon, John) (tcf).
NOTICE of Appearance by George Montgomery Lee on behalf of James Miller, Ryan Peterson, Patrick Russ, San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee (Lee, George)Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party James Miller(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Ryan Peterson(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party Patrick Russ(pty:pla), Attorney George Montgomery Lee added to party San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee(pty:pla) (tcf).
Summons Issued. Counsel receiving this notice electronically should print this summons and serve it in accordance with Rule 4, Fed.R.Civ.P and LR 4.1. (jxv)
COMPLAINT against Xavier Becerra, Martin Horan ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0974-12835922.), filed by San Diego County Gun Owners Political Action Committee, James Miller, Ryan Peterson, Patrick Russ. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet)The new case number is 3:19-cv-01537-JAH-AGS. Judge John A. Houston and Magistrate Judge Andrew G. Schopler are assigned to the case. (Dillon, John)(jxv) (sjt).