District Appellate Supreme
District Of Columbia District Court Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit United States Supreme Court

DOE 1 et al v. APPLE INC. et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit District Of Columbia District Court, Case No. 1:19-cv-03737-CJN
District Judge Carl J. Nichols, presiding
District Judge Carl J. Nichols

Reality Check: Tesla, Inc.

This docket is featured in the January 7, 2020 article Reality Check: Tesla, Inc..

Last Updated April 12, 2024 at 12:33 PM EDT (9.2 months ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo JANE DOE 1, Plaintiff

Represented by iradvocates.org Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Terry Collingsworth +1 202 543 4001 +1 202 594 4001 tc@iradvocates.org
No Logo JENNA ROE 3, Plaintiff

Represented by iradvocates.org Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Terry Collingsworth +1 202 543 4001 +1 202 594 4001 tc@iradvocates.org
No Logo JOHN DOE #1, Plaintiff

Represented by iradvocates.org Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Terry Collingsworth +1 202 543 4001 +1 202 594 4001 tc@iradvocates.org
No Logo John Doe #2, Plaintiff

Represented by iradvocates.org Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Terry Collingsworth +1 202 543 4001 +1 202 594 4001 tc@iradvocates.org
No Logo Alphabet, Inc., Defendant
Google, Inc. Officer/Director, Google, Inc.
Officer/Director, Care.com, Inc.
Google Capital 2016, L.P. Officer/Director, Google Capital 2016, L.P.
Officer/Director, Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc.
Officer/Director, CapitalG 2015 LP
Officer/Director, CapitalG 2015 GP LLC
Google LLC Officer/Director, Google LLC
Officer/Director, Gitlab Inc.
Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc., Defendant
Dell Technologies Inc. Dell Technologies Inc., Defendant
VMware, Inc. Officer/Director, VMware, Inc.
Officer/Director, Denali Holding Inc.
Officer/Director, Emc Corp
Officer/Director, Gopivotal, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation, Defendant
Officially listed as "MICROSOFT INC."
Officer/Director, Greenfield Online Inc.
Officer/Director, Crisp Acquisition Corp
Officer/Director, Devry Inc.
Facebook, Inc. Officer/Director, Facebook, Inc.
Officer/Director, Visiocorp
Officer/Director, Immersion Corp
Officer/Director, Avanade Inc.
Officer/Director, Acies Acquisition Corp.
Tesla, Inc. Tesla, Inc., Defendant
Office Washington, DC
Filed 12/15/2019
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Demand $100000000000
Nature of Suit 890 - Other Statutes: Other Statutory Actions
Cause Section 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question
Jurisdiction Federal Question
County 11001
Origin 1
Lead Case
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Defendant Custody Status
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 4/12/2024, Entered: None USCA Mandate
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 7/19/2023, Entered: None Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 9/22/2022, Entered: None Transcript
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 4/20/2022, Entered: None Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 53 Filed: 12/1/2021, Entered: 12/1/2021 transmission of notice of appeal and docket sheet to USCA
Transmission of the Notice of Appeal, Order Appealed (Memorandum Opinion), and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals fee was paid re [52] Notice of Appeal to DC Circuit Court,. (zeg)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 52 Filed: 11/30/2021, Entered: 11/30/2021 Notice of Appeal to DC Circuit Court
NOTICE OF APPEAL TO DC CIRCUIT COURT as to [51] Order on Motion to Dismiss/Lack of Jurisdiction,, [50] Order by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3. Filing fee $ 505, receipt number ADCDC-8896924. Fee Status: Fee Paid. Parties have been notified. (Collingsworth, Terrence)
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Legal Document 51 Filed: 11/2/2021, Entered: 11/2/2021 Order on Motion to Dismiss / Lack of JurisdictionCourt Filing
ORDER. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on November 2, 2021. (lccjn3)
Legal Document 50 Filed: 11/2/2021, Entered: 11/2/2021 OrderCourt Filing
MEMORANDUM OPINION. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on November 2, 2021. (lccjn3) .
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 9/20/2021, Entered: 9/20/2021 Reply to Document
REPLY re [48] Response to Document Response to Notice of Supplemental Authority filed by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3. (Collingsworth, Terrence)
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Legal Document 48 Filed: 9/17/2021, Entered: 9/17/2021 Response to Document
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 9/14/2021, Entered: 9/14/2021 Notice of Supplemental Authority
NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1: Doe v. Twitter, # (2) Exhibit 2: Jane Doe v. Mindgeek)(Collingsworth, Terrence)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 7/9/2021, Entered: 7/9/2021 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF APPEARANCE as to MICROSOFT INC.. Attorney Elizabeth Cruikshank terminated. (Cruikshank, Elizabeth)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion to Dismiss / Lack of Jurisdiction
Minute Order and Entry for Proceedings held before Judge Carl J. Nichols: Motion Hearing held on 7/8/2021 re Motions [32], [33], and [34]. Motions taken under advisement. Further Order and Opinion to be issued by the Court. Court Reporter: Lorraine Herman. (zcal)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset hearings
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 7/8/2021 at 02:00 PM in Courtroom 19 before Judge Carl J. Nichols. (zcal)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order
MINUTE ORDER. Upon review of Defendants' [33] Motion to Dismiss, is hereby ORDERED that a hearing on the Motion is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on July 8, 2021, in Courtroom 19. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on June 11, 2021. (lccjn2)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 12/18/2020, Entered: 12/18/2020 Reply to opposition to Motion
REPLY to opposition to motion re [34] MOTION to Dismiss the First Amended Complaint filed by ALPHABET INC.. (Hoover, Craig)
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Legal Document 44 Filed: 12/18/2020, Entered: 12/18/2020 Reply to opposition to Motion
REPLY to opposition to motion re [33] MOTION to Dismiss filed by ALPHABET INC., APPLE INC., DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC., MICROSOFT INC., TESLA, INC.. (Hoover, Craig)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 43 Filed: 12/18/2020, Entered: 12/18/2020 Reply to opposition to Motion
REPLY to opposition to motion re [32] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed by DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC.. (Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 12/8/2020, Entered: 12/8/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Perlette Michele Jura on behalf of DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Jura, Perlette)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 10/27/2020, Entered: 10/27/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Kristin Andrea Linsley on behalf of DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Linsley, Kristin)
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Legal Document 40 Filed: 10/26/2020, Entered: 10/26/2020 Response to motion
Memorandum in opposition to re [34] MOTION to Dismiss the First Amended Complaint Plaintiffs' Response in Opposition to Defendant Alphabet's Motion to Dismiss filed by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Collingsworth, Terrence) Modified docket event/text on 10/27/2020 (eg).
Legal Document 39 Filed: 10/26/2020, Entered: 10/26/2020 Response to motion
Memorandum in opposition to re [32] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction with Incorporated Memorandum of Law Plaintiffs' Response in Opposition to Defendant Dell's Motion to Dismiss filed by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Collingsworth, Terrence) Modified docket event/text on 10/27/2020 (eg).
Legal Document 38 Filed: 10/26/2020, Entered: 10/26/2020 Response to motion
Memorandum in opposition to re [33] MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Response in Opposition to Defendants' Joint Motion to Dismiss filed by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A: Congressional TVPRA Amicus Brief in Nestle Case, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Collingsworth, Terrence) Modified docket event/text on 10/27/2020 (eg).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Defendant's [30] Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice of Josh Krevitt, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Josh Krevitt is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on September 28, 2020. (lccjn3)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Defendant's [30] Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice of Josh Krevitt, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Josh Krevitt is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on September 28, 2020. (lccjn3)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Defendant's [29] Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice of Kristin A. Linsley, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Kristin A. Linsley is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on September 28, 2020. (lccjn3)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Defendant's [28] Motion For Admission Pro Hac Vice of Perlette M. Jura, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Perlette M. Jura is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on September 28, 2020. (lccjn3)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020 LCvR 26.1 Certificate of Disclosure - Corporate Affiliations/Financial Interests
LCvR 26.1 CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE of Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests by TESLA, INC. (Gates, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020 LCvR 26.1 Certificate of Disclosure - Corporate Affiliations/Financial Interests
LCvR 26.1 CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE of Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests by MICROSOFT INC. (Bhatti, Upnit)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020 LCvR 26.1 Certificate of Disclosure - Corporate Affiliations/Financial Interests
LCvR 26.1 CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE of Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests by ALPHABET INC. (Hoover, Craig)
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Legal Document 34 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020, Terminated: 11/2/2021 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION to Dismiss the First Amended Complaint by ALPHABET INC. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum in Support, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Hoover, Craig)
Legal Document 33 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020, Terminated: 11/2/2021 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION to Dismiss by ALPHABET INC., APPLE INC., DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC., MICROSOFT INC., TESLA, INC. (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum in Support, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Henn, Emily)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020, Terminated: 11/2/2021 Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction
MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction with Incorporated Memorandum of Law by DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020 LCvR 26.1 Certificate of Disclosure - Corporate Affiliations/Financial Interests
LCvR 26.1 CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE of Corporate Affiliations and Financial Interests by DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020, Terminated: 9/28/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Josh Krevitt, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-7507247. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Josh Krevitt, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020, Terminated: 9/28/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Kristin A. Linsley, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-7507233. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Kristin A. Linsley, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020, Terminated: 9/28/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Perlette M. Jura, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-7507222. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration Declaration of Perlette M. Jura, # (2) Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 27 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: 8/25/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Theodore J. Boutrous, Jr on behalf of DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Boutrous, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 7/29/2020, Entered: 7/29/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Upnit K. Bhatti on behalf of MICROSOFT INC. (Bhatti, Upnit)
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Legal Document 25 Filed: 6/26/2020, Entered: 6/26/2020 Amended Complaint
AMENDED COMPLAINT against All Defendants with Jury Demand filed by JOHN DOE 9, JENNA DOE 7, JANE DOE 2, JOHN DOE 2, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 5, JAMES DOE 4, JOHN DOE 12, JANE DOE 1, JENNA DOE 10, JOHN DOE 13, JANE DOE 3, JENNA ROE 3, JENNA DOE 8, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6.(Collingsworth, Terrence)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 6/26/2020, Entered: 6/26/2020 Notice - Other
NOTICE of Filing First Amended Complaint by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3 re Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Amend,, (Collingsworth, Terrence)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Amend
MINUTE ORDER. Upon consideration of the Parties' [23] Joint Stipulation for Scheduling Filing of Amended Complaint and Motion to Dismiss Briefing, it is hereby ORDERED that the Stipulation is GRANTED and that: on or before June 26, 2020, Plaintiffs shall file their Amended Complaint; on or before August 25, 2020, Defendants shall file their Motion(s) to Dismiss; on or before October 26, 2020, Plaintiffs shall file their Response to Defendants' Motion(s) to Dismiss; and on or before December 18, 2020, Defendants shall file their Reply or Replies in Support of their Motion(s) to Dismiss. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on May 27, 2020. (lccjn3)
Legal Document 23 Filed: 5/19/2020, Entered: 5/19/2020, Terminated: 5/27/2020 Motion for Extension of Time to Amend
Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Amend Complaint and Brief Dismissal Motions by JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2, JAMES DOE 4, JANE DOE 2, JANE DOE 3, JENNA DOE 10, JENNA DOE 11, JENNA DOE 6, JENNA DOE 7, JENNA DOE 8, JOHN DOE 12, JOHN DOE 13, JOHN DOE 5, JOHN DOE 9, JENNA ROE 3 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Collingsworth, Terrence)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 3/25/2020, Entered: 3/25/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Carolyn Frantz on behalf of MICROSOFT INC. (Frantz, Carolyn)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 3/25/2020, Entered: 3/25/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Henry Ben-Heng Liu on behalf of APPLE INC. (Liu, Henry)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: 3/24/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by John Edward Hall on behalf of APPLE INC. (Hall, John)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 19 Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: 3/24/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Emily Johnson Henn on behalf of APPLE INC. (Henn, Emily)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: 3/24/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Mark Parris on behalf of MICROSOFT INC. (Parris, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: 3/24/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by James L. Stengel on behalf of MICROSOFT INC. (Stengel, James)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: 3/24/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Darren Edward Pouliot on behalf of MICROSOFT INC. (Pouliot, Darren)
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Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset deadlines/hearings
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings: Motion(s) to Dismiss due by 5/29/2020. Responses due by 8/4/2020. Reply due by 9/18/2020. (zcdw)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Plaintiffs' [10] Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Darren Pouliot, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Darren Pouliot, 51 West 52nd St. New York, NY 10019 is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on March 23, 2020. (lccjn3)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Plaintiffs' [9] Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Carolyn Frantz, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Carolyn Frantz, 701 5th Ave., Ste 5600 Seattle, WA 98104 is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on March 23, 2020. (lccjn3)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Plaintiffs' [8] Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of James Stengel, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that James Stengel, 51 West 52nd St. New York, NY 10019 is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on March 23, 2020.
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order on Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MINUTE ORDER. The Court having considered Plaintiffs' [7] Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Mark Parris, and it appearing to the Court that the attorney referenced therein meets the requirements for pro hac vice admission under Local Civil Rule 83.2(d), it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion is GRANTED. It is further ORDERED that Mark Parris, 701 5th Ave., Ste 5600 Seattle, WA 98104 is ADMITTED to practice before the Court pro hac vice. Counsel should register for e-filing via PACER and file a notice of appearance pursuant to LCvR 83.6(a). Click for instructions. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on March 23, 2020. (lccjn3)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Order
MINUTE ORDER. Upon consideration of the Parties' [14] Joint Stipulation for Extension of Time, it is hereby ORDERED that: on or before May 29, 2020, Defendants shall file their Motion(s) to Dismiss; on or before August 4, 2020, Plaintiffs shall file their Response to Defendants' Motion(s) to Dismiss; and on or before September 18, 2020, Defendants shall file their Reply or Replies in Support of their Motion(s) to Dismiss. Signed by Judge Carl J. Nichols on March 23, 2020. (lccjn3)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 3/20/2020, Entered: 3/20/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Sean P. Gates on behalf of TESLA, INC. (Gates, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 14 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020 stipulation
STIPULATION for Extension of Time (Joint) by ALPHABET INC., APPLE INC., DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC., MICROSOFT INC., TESLA, INC.. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Hoover, Craig)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 13 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by David Martin Foster on behalf of ALPHABET INC. (Foster, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 12 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Neal Kumar Katyal on behalf of ALPHABET INC. (Katyal, Neal)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Craig Alan Hoover on behalf of ALPHABET INC. (Hoover, Craig)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020, Terminated: 3/23/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Darren Pouliot, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-6937132. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by MICROSOFT INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Darren Pouliot, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Cruikshank, Elizabeth)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020, Terminated: 3/23/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Carolyn Frantz, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-6937112. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by MICROSOFT INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Carolyn Frantz, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Cruikshank, Elizabeth)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 8 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020, Terminated: 3/23/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- James L. Stengel, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-6937102. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by MICROSOFT INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of James Stengel, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Cruikshank, Elizabeth)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 7 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020, Terminated: 3/23/2020 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Mark Parris, Filing fee $ 100, receipt number ADCDC-6937084. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by MICROSOFT INC. (Attachments: # (1) Declaration of Mark Parris, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Cruikshank, Elizabeth)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 6 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: 3/19/2020 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Elizabeth Cruikshank on behalf of MICROSOFT INC. (Cruikshank, Elizabeth)
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Legal Document 5 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: 12/26/2019 Summons Issued Electronically
SUMMONS (5) Issued Electronically as to ALPHABET INC., APPLE INC., DELL TECHNOLOGIES INC., MICROSOFT INC., TESLA, INC.. (Attachment: # (1) Notice and Consent)(adh, )
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Case Assigned/Reassigned
Case Assigned to Judge Carl J. Nichols. (adh, )
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: 12/26/2019 Sealed document
UNREDACTED COMPLAINT filed by All Plaintiffs. re [1] Complaint, filed by All Plaintiffs. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.)(adh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: 12/26/2019 Order on Motion for Leave to Proceed Under PseudonymCourt Filing
MEMORANDUM AND ORDER granting [2] Motion for Leave to Proceed Under Pseudonym (see order for details) Signed by Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell on 12/23/2019. (adh, )
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: 12/26/2019 Motion for Leave to Proceed Under Pseudonym
MOTION to Proceed Under Pseudonym by All Plaintiffs (Attachments: # (1) Memorandum in Support, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(adh, )
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Legal Document 1 Filed: 12/15/2019, Entered: 12/15/2019 Complaint
COMPLAINT against ALL DEFENDANTS with Jury Demand ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number BDCDC-6646450) filed by Jenna Roe, JOHN DOE 1, JANE DOE 1, JOHN DOE 2. (Attachments: # (1) Civil Cover Sheet Civil Cover Sheet, # (2) Summons Alphabet Inc., # (3) Summons Apple Inc., # (4) Summons Dell Technologies Inc., # (5) Summons Microsoft Inc., # (6) Summons Tesla Inc.,) (Collingsworth, Terrence)


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