Union of Concerned Scientists, et al v. NHTSA

Appeal Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Case No. 19-1230
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Last Updated February 12, 2020 at 1:15 PM EST (5 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Center for Biological Diversity, Petitioner

Represented by Center for Biological Diversity

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya Danielle Golden-Krasner +1 213 215 3729 mgoldenkrasner@biologicaldiversity.org
Space Anchun Jean Su +1 510 844 7100 +1 510 844 7150 jsu@biologicaldiversity.org
No Logo Conservation Law Foundation, Petitioner

Represented by Conservation Law Foundation

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Emily K. Green +1 207 210 6439 egreen@clf.org
No Logo Environment America, Petitioner

Represented by pirg.org Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Landis mlandis@pirg.org
No Logo Environmental Defense Fund, Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew Littleton +1 202 277 7085 +1 202 315 3582 matt@donahuegoldberg.com

Represented by DONAHUE & GOLDBERG, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Sean H. Donahue +1 202 277 7085 sean@donahuegoldberg.com

Represented by Environmental Defense Fund

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Alice Henderson ahenderson@edf.org
Space Vickie Lynn Patton +1 303 440 8052 vpatton@edf.org
Space Martha Roberts mroberts@edf.org
Space Peter Michel Zalzal +1 303 447 7214 pzalzal@edf.org
No Logo Environmental Law and Policy Center, Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Ann Jaworski +1 312 795 3711 ajaworski@elpc.org
Space Robert Michaels +1 312 673 6500 rmichaels@elpc.org
No Logo Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brenden Cline +1 202 289 6868 bcline@nrdc.org

Represented by Natural Resources Defense Council

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space David D. Doniger +1 202 289 2403 ddoniger@nrdc.org
Space Ian Fein +1 415 875 6100 +1 415 795 4799 ifein@nrdc.org
Public Citizen, Inc. Public Citizen, Inc., Petitioner

Represented by Public Citizen, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Scott Lawrence Nelson +1 202 588 1000 +1 202 588 7795 snelson@citizen.org
No Logo Sierra Club, Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Vera P. Pardee, pardeelaw@gmail.com

Represented by EARTHJUSTICE

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Paul Robert Cort +1 415 217 2077 +1 510 550 6740 pcort@earthjustice.org

Represented by Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Alejandra Nunez, Senior Attorney alejandra.nunez@sierraclub.org
Space Joanne Marie Spalding +1 415 977 5725 joanne.spalding@sierraclub.org
No Logo Union Of Concerned Scientists, Petitioner

Represented by Democracy Forward Foundation

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Travis James Annatoyn +1 202 601 2483 tannatoyn@democracyforward.org
Space Javier M. Guzman +1 202 448 9090 jguzman@democracyforward.org
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jonathan Brightbill jonathan.brightbill@usdoj.gov

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Daniel R Dertke +1 202 514 0994 +1 202 514 8865 daniel.dertke@usdoj.gov
Space Chloe H. Kolman +1 202 514 9277 +1 202 514 8865 chloe.kolman@usdoj.gov
Other Parties
No Logo American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Sidley Austin LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Eric D. McArthur +1 202 736 8018 emcarthur@sidley.com
No Logo Association Of Global Automakers, Inc., Intervenor for Respondent
No Logo Automotive Regulatory Council, Inc., Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Rachel Levick Corley +1 202 955 8500 rcorley@gibsondunn.com

Represented by Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Raymond B. Ludwiszewski +1 202 955 8665 +1 202 530 9562 rludwiszewski@gibsondunn.com
No Logo Coalition For Sustainable Automotive Regulation, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Rachel Levick Corley +1 202 955 8500 rcorley@gibsondunn.com
Space Raymond B. Ludwiszewski +1 202 955 8665 +1 202 530 9562 rludwiszewski@gibsondunn.com
No Logo State of Alabama, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Edmund Gerard LaCour +1 334 242 7300 elacour@ago.state.al.us
No Logo State of Alaska, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by U.S. Attorney's Office (Fbks)

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Dario Borghesan +1 907 269 5100 dario.borghesan@alaska.gov
No Logo State of Arkansas, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Vincent M. Wagner +1 501 682 2007 vincent.wagner@arkansasag.gov

Represented by Office of the Arkansas Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicholas Jacob Bronni +1 501 682 6302 nicholas.bronni@arkansasag.gov
No Logo State of Georgia, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Georgia Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Andrew Pinson apinson@law.ga.gov
No Logo State of Indiana, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Indiana Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas M. Fisher +1 317 232 6255 +1 317 232 7979 tom.fisher@atg.in.gov
No Logo State of Louisiana, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elizabeth Baker Murrill +1 225 326 6000 murrille@ag.louisiana.gov
No Logo State of Missouri, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Missouri Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Dean John Sauer +1 573 751 8807 +1 573 751 2203 john.sauer@ago.mo.gov
No Logo State of Nebraska, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Nebraska Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Justin D. Lavene +1 402 471 2064 justin.lavene@nebraska.gov
No Logo State of Ohio, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Ohio Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Aaron S. Farmer +1 614 728 3083 +1 614 644 1926 aaron.farmer@ohioattorneygeneral.gov
Space Benjamin M. Flowers +1 614 466 8980 +1 614 466 5087 benjamin.flowers@ohioattorneygeneral.gov
No Logo State of South Carolina, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the South Carolina Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James Emory Smith, Jr.,, Assistant Attorney General +1 803 734 3680 +1 803 734 3677 esmith@scag.gov
No Logo State of Texas, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of Capital Writs

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space David Jonathan Hacker +1 512 936 2330 +1 512 936 0545 david.hacker@oag.texas.gov
Space Kyle D. Hawkins +1 512 936 1700 kyle.hawkins@oag.texas.gov
No Logo State of Utah, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by agutah.gov Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Tyler Richard Green, Solicitor tylergreen@agutah.gov
No Logo State of West Virginia, Intervenor for Respondent


Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick James Morrisey +1 304 558 2021 +1 304 558 0140 pm@wvago.gov
Space Lindsay S. See +1 304 558 2021 lindsay.s.see@wvago.gov
Nature of Suit
Case Type Petition for Review
Lower Court Case
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Blank 01208199544 Filed: 2/4/2020, Entered: None ?Court Filing
PER CURIAM ORDER [1826992] filed denying motions to expedite case [1821514-2] [1820782-2]; denying motions to hold case in abeyance [1821672-2] [1821653-2] in 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1246; directing parties to file briefing format - Proposed formats due 03/05/2020 Before Judges: Henderson, Srinivasan and Katsas. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Blank 01208197714 Filed: 1/28/2020, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1825923] filed granting motion for leave to intervene [1820220-2], granting motion for leave to intervene [1817763-2] in 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1239, 19-1242, 19-1243 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Legal Document 01208195523 Filed: 1/17/2020, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1824754] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 to response [1823683-2], [1823693-2] [Service Date: 01/17/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2,579 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208195520 Filed: 1/17/2020, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1824753] filed by City of Los Angeles, City of New York, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1239, City and County of San Francisco in 19-1246 to response [1823693-2], [1823683-2] [Service Date: 01/17/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2598. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1246] (Rowan, Carolyn)
Blank 01208195500 Filed: 1/17/2020, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1824747] filed by Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation and Automotive Regulatory Council, Inc. in 19-1230 to response [1823694-2], [1823692-2], [1823689-2] [Service Date: 01/17/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2,597 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208195388 Filed: 1/17/2020, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1824699] filed by NHTSA in 19-1230, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1239, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1241, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1242, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1243, DOT, EPA and NHTSA in 19-1245, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1246, 19-1249 to response [1823694-2], [1823692-2], [1823689-2] [Service Date: 01/17/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2585. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Kolman, Chloe)
Legal Document 01208193635 Filed: 1/10/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1823694] to motion to expedite case [1820782-2], motion to expedite case [1821514-2] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 [Service Date: 01/10/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 4,624 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208193632 Filed: 1/10/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1823693] to motion to hold case in abeyance [1821653-2], motion to hold case in abeyance [1821672-2] filed by Association of Global Automakers, Inc. and Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation in 19-1230 [Service Date: 01/10/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 4,401 Words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208193629 Filed: 1/10/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1823692] to motion [1820782-2], motion [1821514-2] filed by National Coalition for Advanced Transportation in 19-1242, Calpine Corporation, Consolidated Edison, Inc., National Grid USA, New York Power Authority and Power Companies Climate Coalition in 19-1245, Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1249 [Service Date: 01/10/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 1,011 Words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
Blank 01208193624 Filed: 1/10/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1823691] of Name Change filed by Association of Global Automakers, Inc. in 19-1230 [Service Date: 01/10/2020 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208193618 Filed: 1/10/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1823689] to motion [1820782-2], motion [1821514-2] filed by State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, DC, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, Commonwealth of Virginia, State of Washington, State of Wisconsin, City of Los Angeles and City of New York in 19-1239, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and South Coast Air Quality Management District in 19-1241, City and County of San Francisco in 19-1246 [Service Date: 01/10/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 5,178 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Hankins, Meredith)
Blank 01208193600 Filed: 1/10/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1823683] to motion to hold case in abeyance [1821672-2], motion to hold case in abeyance [1821653-2] filed by NHTSA in 19-1230, Andrew Wheeler, EPA, DOT and Elaine L. Chao in 19-1239, Andrew Wheeler, James Owens, NHTSA and EPA in 19-1241, Andrew Wheeler, James Owens, NHTSA, EPA, DOT and Elaine L. Chao in 19-1242, Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1243, NHTSA, EPA and DOT in 19-1245, Andrew Wheeler, NHTSA, EPA, DOT and Elaine L. Chao in 19-1246, 19-1249 [Service Date: 01/10/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 5151 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208193155 Filed: 1/9/2020, Entered: None ?
CERTIFIED INDEX TO RECORD [1823461] filed by NHTSA in 19-1230, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1239, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1241, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1242, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1243, DOT, EPA and NHTSA in 19-1245, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1246, 19-1249 [Service Date: 01/09/2020 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208192901 Filed: 1/9/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1823327] to substitute attorney Anne E. Minard substituted by William G. Grantham filed by State of New Mexico in 19-1239 [Service Date: 01/09/2020 ] [19-1239, 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Grantham, William)
Blank 01208192362 Filed: 1/7/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1822991] filed by Kayli H. Spialter on behalf of Petitioner State of Delaware in 19-1239. [19-1239, 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Spialter, Kayli)
Blank 01208191530 Filed: 1/3/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT NOTICE [1822544] to join motion [1821653-2] filed by Petitioner in 19-1239, motion [1821672-2] filed by Petitioners in 19-1230, 19-1243 filed by National Coalition for Advanced Transportation in 19-1242, Calpine Corporation, Consolidated Edison, Inc., National Grid USA, New York Power Authority and Power Companies Climate Coalition in 19-1245, Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1249 [Service Date: 01/03/2020 ] [19-1242, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1245, 19-1243, 19-1246, 19-1249] (VanBelleghem, Stacey)
Blank 01208191452 Filed: 1/2/2020, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1822476] filed by Calpine Corporation, Consolidated Edison, Inc., National Grid USA, New York Power Authority and Power Companies Climate Coalition in 19-1245 [Service Date: 01/02/2020 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
Blank 01208191449 Filed: 1/2/2020, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1822475] filed by Calpine Corporation, Consolidated Edison, Inc., National Grid USA, New York Power Authority and Power Companies Climate Coalition in 19-1245 [Service Date: 01/02/2020 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
Blank 01208190009 Filed: 12/27/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1821701] filed considering motion to govern future proceedings [1821518-3]; granting motion to extend time [1821518-2]; directing response to motion to expedite case [1820782-2] and motion to expedite case [1821514-2] Response due on 01/10/2020. Reply due 01/17/2020; directing response to motion to hold case in abeyance [1821653-2] and motion to hold case in abeyance [1821672-2] Response due on 01/10/2020. Reply due 01/17/2020 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Blank 01208189956 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1821672] to hold case in abeyance filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 (Service Date: 12/26/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 4,787 Words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208189953 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1821671] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Sierra Club, Public Citizen, Inc. and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Sierra Club, Public Citizen, Inc. and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208189950 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1821670] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, 19-1243 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208189947 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1821669] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243, Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1243, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208189944 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1821668] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists and Conservation Law Foundation in 19-1230, 19-1243 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208189941 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE [1821667] to statement [1821666-2], statement [1821665-2], certificate [1821663-2] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1249. [19-1249, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246] (Dennis, Jeffery)
Blank 01208189938 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1821666] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1249 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1249, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246] (Dennis, Jeffery)
Blank 01208189935 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1821665] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1249 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1249, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246] (Dennis, Jeffery)
Blank 01208189929 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1821663] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1249 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1249, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246] (Dennis, Jeffery)
Blank 01208189922 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1821657] filed by South Coast Air Quality Management District, Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District in 19-1241 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1241, 19-1230] (Tomasovic, Brian)
Blank 01208189919 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1821656] filed by Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District and South Coast Air Quality Management District in 19-1241 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1241, 19-1230] (Tomasovic, Brian)
Blank 01208189912 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1821653] to hold case in abeyance filed by State of California in 19-1239 (Service Date: 12/26/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 5,194. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1246] (Rowan, Carolyn)
Blank 01208189811 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1821584] filed by State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington, State of Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, City of Los Angeles and City of New York in 19-1239, City and County of San Francisco in 19-1246 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1246] (Forgie, Julia)
Blank 01208189802 Filed: 12/26/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1821578] filed by State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington, State of Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of Michigan, City of New York and City of Los Angeles in 19-1239, City and County of San Francisco in 19-1246 [Service Date: 12/26/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1246] (Forgie, Julia)
Blank 01208189720 Filed: 12/24/2019, Entered: None ?
UNOPPOSED MOTION [1821518] to extend time to file response to 01/10/2020, to govern future proceedings filed by State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, DC, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, Commonwealth of Virginia, State of Washington, State of Wisconsin, City of Los Angeles and City of New York in 19-1239, City and County of San Francisco in 19-1246 [Service Date: 12/24/2019 ] Length Certification: 684 words. [19-1239, 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Hankins, Meredith)
Blank 01208189717 Filed: 12/24/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1821517] filed by Meredith J. Hankins; Carolyn Nelson Rowan on behalf of Petitioner State of California in 19-1239. [19-1239, 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Hankins, Meredith)
Blank 01208189706 Filed: 12/24/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1821514] to expedite case filed by Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation and Association of Global Automakers, Inc. in 19-1230 (Service Date: 12/24/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 3,583 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208189392 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1821357] filed by National Coalition for Advanced Transportation [Service Date: 12/23/2019 ] [19-1242] (VanBelleghem, Stacey)
Blank 01208189389 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1821356] filed by National Coalition for Advanced Transportation [Service Date: 12/23/2019 ] [19-1242] (VanBelleghem, Stacey)
Blank 01208189386 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1821355] filed by Stacey L. VanBelleghem and co-counsel Robert A. Wyman, Jr. on behalf of Petitioner National Coalition for Advanced Transportation in 19-1242. [19-1242, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1243, 19-1241, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (VanBelleghem, Stacey)
Blank 01208189380 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1821353] filed by Stacey L. VanBelleghem and co-counsel Devin M. O'Connor and Ethan Prall on behalf of Petitioner National Coalition for Advanced Transportation in 19-1242. [19-1242, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (VanBelleghem, Stacey)
Blank 01208188690 Filed: 12/20/2019, Entered: None ?
CONSENT STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1821012] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 [Service Date: 12/20/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208188687 Filed: 12/20/2019, Entered: None ?
UNDERLYING DECISION IN CASE [1821011] submitted by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 [Service Date: 12/20/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208188684 Filed: 12/20/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1821010] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Communities for a Better Environment, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1243 [Service Date: 12/20/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank  Filed: 12/19/2019, Entered: None ?
FIRST CLASS MAIL RETURNED [1820934] marked "return to sender - not deliverable as addressed - unable to forward". Mail had been sent to Attorney Ms. Shana D.G. Lazerow for Petitioner Communities for a Better Environment in 19-1243. [19-1230, 19-1243]
Blank 01208188245 Filed: 12/18/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1820782] to expedite case filed by NHTSA in 19-1230, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1239, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1241, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1242, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1243, DOT, EPA and NHTSA in 19-1245, Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1246, 19-1249 (Service Date: 12/18/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 1572 words. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208187123 Filed: 12/13/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1820220] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers [Service Date: 12/13/2019 ] [19-1239, 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 12/20/2019 by LMC] (McArthur, Eric)
Blank 01208185590 Filed: 12/9/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1819420] filed by Raymond B. Ludwiszewski and co-counsel Rachel Levick Corley on behalf of Intervenors for Respondent Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation and Association of Global Automakers, Inc.. [19-1230] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208184843 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818999] filed by Jonathan D. Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents EPA and Andrew Wheeler. [19-1249] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208184840 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818998] filed by Jonathan D. Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler. [19-1246] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208184837 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818997] filed by Jonathan D. Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents DOT, EPA and NHTSA. [19-1245] (Kolman, Chloe)
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Blank 01208184831 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818996] filed by Jonathan D. Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents EPA and Andrew Wheeler. [19-1243] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208184828 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818995] filed by Jonathan Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler. [19-1242] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208184825 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818993] filed by Jonathan Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents EPA, NHTSA, James Owens and Andrew Wheeler. [19-1241] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208184822 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818992] filed by Jonathan Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondents Elaine L. Chao, DOT, EPA and Andrew Wheeler. [19-1239] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208184757 Filed: 12/5/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1818943] filed by Kevin Poloncarz and co-counsel Jake C. Levine on behalf of Petitioners Calpine Corporation, Consolidated Edison, Inc., National Grid USA, New York Power Authority and Power Companies Climate Coalition in 19-1245. [19-1245, 19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1246, 19-1249] (Levine, Jacob)
Blank  Filed: 12/3/2019, Entered: None ?
PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE [1818710] received. Fee Amount: $500.00 Receipt Number: USCADC002259. [19-1246]
Blank 01208183742 Filed: 12/2/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1818324] filed considering motion to govern future proceedings [1817810-2] in 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1239, 19-1242, 19-1243; extending Clerk order initial submissions [1813287-2] in 19-1230 PETITIONERS docketing statement, certificate as to parties, statement of issues, underlying decision, deferred appendix statement due 12/26/2019. PETITIONERS and RESPONDENT procedural motions due 12/26/2019. PETITIONERS and RESPONDENT dispositive motions due 01/09/2020; RESPONDENT certified index to record due 01/09/2020. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Blank 01208183366 Filed: 12/2/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1818172] filed consolidating cases 19-1245 (Consolidation started 12/02/2019) with 19-1230; directing party to file in 19-1245 initial submissions: PETITIONER docketing statement due 01/02/2020. PETITIONER statement of issues due 01/02/2020 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1245, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Blank 01208183328 Filed: 12/2/2019, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1818152] sent regarding attorney membership to Alan Wilson for State of South Carolina in 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1239, 19-1242, 19-1243. Application for Admission due 01/02/2020. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Blank 01208183144 Filed: 11/27/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1818053] Regarding D.C. Circuit Rule 15(b) filed by Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation and Association of Global Automakers, Inc. [Service Date: 11/27/2019 ] [19-1230] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208183097 Filed: 11/27/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1818023] filed consolidating case 19-1249 (Consolidation started 11/27/2019) with 19-1230. Directing party to file in 19-1246, 19-1249 initial submissions: PETITIONER docketing statement due 12/27/2019. PETITIONER statement of issues due 12/27/2019 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1246, 19-1249]
Blank 01208183047 Filed: 11/27/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1817991] filed consolidating cases 19-1246 (Consolidation started 11/27/2019) with 19-1230 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243, 19-1246]
Blank 01208182752 Filed: 11/26/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1817810] to govern future proceedings filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists in 19-1230, 19-1243 (Service Date: 11/26/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 236. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208182664 Filed: 11/26/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1817763] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by State of West Virginia, State of Utah, State of Texas, State of South Carolina, State of Nebraska, State of Missouri, State of Louisiana, State of Indiana, State of Georgia, State of Arkansas, State of Alaska, State of Alabama and State of Ohio in 19-1243, 19-1242, 19-1241, 19-1239, 19-1230 [Service Date: 11/26/2019 ] [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243]--MODIFIED PARTY FILER--[Edited 12/02/2019 by JAD] (Flowers, Benjamin)
Blank 01208182339 Filed: 11/25/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1817547] filed by Steven Novick on behalf of Petitioner State of Oregon in 19-1239. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243] (Novick, Steven)
Blank 01208182197 Filed: 11/25/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1817490] filed consolidating cases 19-1243 (Consolidation started 11/25/2019) with 19-1230; directing party to file in 19-1243 initial submissions: PETITIONER docketing statement due 12/26/2019. PETITIONER statement of issues due 12/26/2019 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242, 19-1243]
Blank 01208182189 Filed: 11/25/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFIED COPY [1817488] of Petition for Review sent to respondent [1817486-2] [19-1243]
Blank 01208181323 Filed: 11/21/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFIED COPY [1817044] of Petition for Review sent to respondent United States Department of Transportation [1816808-2] [19-1239]
Blank 01208181308 Filed: 11/21/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1817039] filed by Julia K. Forgie and co-counsel David A. Zonana and Gary E. Tavetian on behalf of Petitioner State of California in 19-1239. [19-1239, 19-1230, 19-1241, 19-1242] (Forgie, Julia)
Blank 01208181112 Filed: 11/21/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1816934] filed granting motion for leave to intervene [1813676-2] in 19-1230. [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242]
Blank 01208181020 Filed: 11/20/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1816851] filed consolidating cases 19-1242 (Consolidation started 11/20/2019) with 19-1230; directing party to file in 19-1242 initial submissions: PETITIONER docketing statement due 12/20/2019. PETITIONER statement of issues due 12/20/2019 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241, 19-1242]
Blank 01208181017 Filed: 11/20/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFIED COPY [1816848] of Petition for Review sent to respondent [1816844-2] [19-1242]
Blank 01208180960 Filed: 11/20/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1816817] filed consolidating cases 19-1239 (Consolidation started 11/20/2019) with 19-1230; directing party to file in 19-1239 initial submissions: PETITIONER docketing statement due 12/20/2019. PETITIONER statement of issues due 12/20/2019 [19-1230, 19-1239, 19-1241]
Legal Document 01208180589 Filed: 11/19/2019, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1816588] filed by Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation to response [1815259-2] [Service Date: 11/19/2019 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 1,511 words. [19-1230] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208180470 Filed: 11/19/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1816510] filed consolidating case 19-1241 (Consolidation started 11/19/2019) with 19-1230 [19-1230, 19-1241]
Blank 01208178158 Filed: 11/12/2019, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1815259] to motion for leave to intervene [1813676-2] filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists [Service Date: 11/12/2019 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 1,535 words. [19-1230] (Littleton, Matthew)
Blank 01208175323 Filed: 10/31/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1813677] filed by Jonathan D. Brightbill, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and co-counsel Chloe H. Kolman, Daniel R. Dertke on behalf of Respondent NHTSA. [19-1230] (Kolman, Chloe)
Blank 01208175320 Filed: 10/31/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1813676] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by The Coalition for Sustainable Automotive Regulation and the Association of Global Automakers, Inc. [Service Date: 10/31/2019 ] [19-1230][19-1230]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 11/04/2019 by LMC] (Ludwiszewski, Raymond)
Blank 01208174541 Filed: 10/30/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1813287] filed directing party to file initial submissions: PETITIONER docketing statement due 12/02/2019. PETITIONER certificate as to parties due 12/02/2019. PETITIONER statement of issues due 12/02/2019. PETITIONER underlying decision due 12/02/2019. PETITIONER deferred appendix statement due 12/02/2019. PETITIONER procedural motions due 12/02/2019. PETITIONER dispositive motions due 12/16/2019; directing party to file initial submissions: RESPONDENT entry of appearance due 12/02/2019. RESPONDENT procedural motions due 12/02/2019. RESPONDENT certified index to record due 12/16/2019. RESPONDENT dispositive motions due 12/16/2019 [19-1230]
Blank 01208174532 Filed: 10/30/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFIED COPY [1813283] of Petition for Review sent to respondent [1813281-2] [19-1230]
Blank 01208174527 Filed: 10/28/2019, Entered: None ?
PETITION FOR REVIEW [1813281] of a decision by federal agency filed by Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environment America, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., Public Citizen, Inc., Sierra Club and Union of Concerned Scientists [Service Date: 10/28/2019 ] Disclosure Statement: Attached; Certificate of Parties: Not Applicable to this Filing. [19-1230]
Blank  Filed: 10/28/2019, Entered: None ?
PETITION FOR REVIEW CASE docketed. [19-1230]


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