District Appellate Supreme
Colorado District Court Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
  1. Case No. 19-1011
    Filed 1/14/2019
  2. Case No. 20-1141
    Filed 4/9/2020
United States Supreme Court

Farmland Partners v. Fortunae

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, Case No. 19-1011
Last Updated November 30, 2020 at 8:51 PM EST (4.1 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Rota Fortunae, Whose True Name Is Unknown, And John/jane Does 2-10, Whose True Names Are Unknown, Defendant - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Chip G. Schoneberger +1 303 333 9810 cschoneberger@fostergraham.com

Represented by Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John Andrew Chanin +1 303 333 9810 +1 303 333 9786 jchanin@fostergraham.com
Space Katherine Anna Roush +1 303 333 9810 +1 303 333 9786 kroush@fostergraham.com
No Logo Farmland Partners Inc., Plaintiff - Appellee

Represented by Morrison & Foerster, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Grant Joseph Esposito +1 212 468 8166 +1 212 468 7900 gesposito@mofo.com
Space Scott Frederick Llewellyn +1 303 592 2204 +1 303 592 1510 sllewellyn@mofo.com
Nature of Suit 3320 - Assault Libel and Slander
Case Type civil
Lower Court Case https://ecf.cod.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/iquery.pl?caseNumber=1:18-CV-02351-KLM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010322828 Filed: 3/20/2020, Entered: None ?
[10727094] Supplemental authority filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 03/20/2020. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010234312 Filed: 9/25/2019, Entered: None ?Court Filing
[10681436] Case argued by Chip Schoneberger for the appellant; and by Scott Llewellyn for the appellee; and submitted to Judges Briscoe, Holmes and Eid. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010228768 Filed: 9/16/2019, Entered: None ?
[10678858] Appellee/Respondent's supplemental brief filed by Farmland Partners, Inc.. 7 (Counseled) paper copies to be provided to the court. Served on 09/16/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] SFL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010228744 Filed: 9/16/2019, Entered: None ?
[10678851] Appellant's supplemental brief filed by Rota Fortunae. 0 (Per Court Order) paper copies to be provided to the court. Served on 09/16/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010220656 Filed: 8/29/2019, Entered: None ?
[10674691] Order filed by Clerk of the Court - This matter is before the court sua sponte to direct supplemental briefing prior to oral argument. No later than 09/16/2019 the parties shall file simultaneous supplemental briefs addressing the impact on this appeal, if any, of the 5th Circuit 08/23/19 decision in Klocke v. Watson. The supplemental briefs shall be no longer than (10) pages in a 13 or 14 point font, and while they need not comply with content requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 28(a), the should be organized in a manner that is helpful to the court. Hard copies need not be submitted. As this matter is scheduled for oral argument on 09/25/2019, requests for extension of time will not be granted. Served on 08/29/2019. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010217813 Filed: 8/23/2019, Entered: None ?Court Filing
[10673272] Order filed by Judges Briscoe, Holmes and Eid denying motion for stay filed in this court by Appellant Rota Fortunae. Served on 08/23/2019. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010212324 Filed: 8/14/2019, Entered: None ?
[10670566] Response filed by Farmland Partners, Inc. to Appellant's Emergency Motion to Stay District Court Proceedings Pending Resolution of Appeal. Served on 08/14/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] SFL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010209758 Filed: 8/8/2019, Entered: None ?
[10669274] Order filed by Clerk of the Court - This matter is before the court on appellant's Emergency Motion to Stay District Court Proceeding Pending Resolution of the Appeal, to which the court requires a response. Appellee shall file a response to the emergency stay motion by 12:00 p.m. MDT on 08/14/2019. Served on 08/08/2019. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010208186 Filed: 8/5/2019, Entered: None ?
[10668352] Motion filed by Appellant Rota Fortunae for stay of underlying District Court Proceedings. Served on: 08/05/2019. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010204578 Filed: 7/29/2019, Entered: None ?
[10666486] Calendar Acknowledgment Form filed by Farmland Partners, Inc.. Served on 07/29/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011] SFL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010203703 Filed: 7/26/2019, Entered: None ?
[10666049] Calendar Acknowledgment Form filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 07/26/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010199937 Filed: 7/18/2019, Entered: None ?
[10664206] Calendar notice sent to counsel. Arguments to be held on 09/25/2019 at 9:00 am in Courtroom I of the Byron White United States Courthouse, Denver, CO. Arguing counsel is required to go to http://www.ca10.uscourts.gov under the argument calendar tab to obtain an important notice regarding calendared cases and required forms. The calendar acknowledgment form must be completed and filed with the clerk via Electronic Case Filing within 10 days of today's date. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010191545 Filed: 7/2/2019, Entered: None ?
[10660030] Appellant/Petitioner's reply brief filed by Rota Fortunae. 7 (Counseled) paper copies to be provided to the court. Served on 07/02/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 6/17/2019, Entered: None ?
[10656346] Minute order filed - Appellant's optional reply brief now due 07/05/2019 for Rota Fortunae. (Text Only - No Attachment) [19-1011]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010182970 Filed: 6/14/2019, Entered: None ?
[10655920] Supplemental appendix filed by Farmland Partners, Inc.. Total number of volumes filed: 1. Served on 06/14/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] SFL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010182966 Filed: 6/14/2019, Entered: None ?
[10655918] Appellee/Respondent's brief filed by Farmland Partners, Inc.. 7 (Counseled) paper copies to be provided to the court. Served on: 06/14/2019. Manner of service: email. Oral argument requested? No. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] SFL
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Blank  Filed: 5/16/2019, Entered: None ?
[10649308] Minute order filed - Appellee's brief now due 06/14/2019 for Farmland Partners, Inc.. (Text Only - No Attachment) [19-1011]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010169242 Filed: 5/15/2019, Entered: None ?
[10648907] Appellant's appendix filed by Rota Fortunae. Total number of volumes filed: 4. Served on 05/15/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010168603 Filed: 5/14/2019, Entered: None ?
[10648590] Notice of deficient appendix received from Rota Fortunae. Type of deficiency: No table of contents. See attached letter for specifics. Appendix due on 05/24/2019 for Rota Fortunae [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010167411 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: None ?
[10648025] Appellant/Petitioner's brief filed by Rota Fortunae. 7 (Counseled) paper copies to be provided to the court. Served on 05/10/2019 by email. Oral argument requested? Yes. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: None ?
This entry has been removed from the docket. Corrected appendix filed 05/15/2019. [sds]
[10648022] Appellant's appendix filed by Rota Fortunae. Total number of volumes filed: 4. Served on 05/10/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010152498 Filed: 4/10/2019, Entered: None ?Court Filing
[10640274] Order filed by Judges Matheson and Bacharach. This matter is before us on appellant's motion for extension of time to file opening brief and appellee's response in opposition. Upon careful consideration of the parties' filings, the motion is granted. Appellant's brief and appendix due on 05/10/2019 for Rota Fortunae.Served on 04/10/2019. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010151373 Filed: 4/8/2019, Entered: None ?
[10639700] Response filed by Farmland Partners, Inc. to [10638580] Motion filed by Appellant Rota Fortunae to extend time to file appellant/petitioner's brief until 05/10/2019.. Served on 04/08/2019. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] SFL
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010149734 Filed: 4/4/2019, Entered: None ?
[10638790] Order filed by Clerk of the Court - This matter is before the court on appellant's Motion for Extension of Time. The appellee shall file a response to the Motion on or before 04/08/2019. Served on 04/04/2019. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010149330 Filed: 4/4/2019, Entered: None ?
[10638580] Motion filed by Appellant Rota Fortunae to extend time to file appellant/petitioner's brief until 05/10/2019. Served on: 04/04/2019. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010131082 Filed: 2/26/2019, Entered: None ?
[10629309] On the court's own motion and pursuant to 10th Cir. R. 33.1, order filed by (CLK) extending time to file appellant's brief and appendix until 04/10/2019 for Rota Fortunae. [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010120767 Filed: 2/4/2019, Entered: None ?
[10623897] Entry of appearance filed by Scott F. Llewellyn for Farmland Partners, Inc. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y(The parties listed are or were counsel of record). Served on 02/01/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011]
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Blank  Filed: 2/1/2019, Entered: None ?
[10623863] Entry of appearance submitted by Scott F. Llewellyn for Appellee Farmland Partners, Inc. for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 02/01/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011] --[Edited 02/04/2019 by AT to remove PDF as pleading was filed on 2/4/2019.] SFL
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010118595 Filed: 1/29/2019, Entered: None ?
[10622578] Notice of Mediation Conference filed by the Tenth Circuit Mediation Office. Telephone conference scheduled for 02/07/2019 at 2:00 pm (MT). The mediation contact form must be completed and returned to the Mediation Office within four days of the date of this notice. [Please open the Notice for important information.] [19-1011]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010117996 Filed: 1/28/2019, Entered: None ?
[10622263] Entry of appearance filed by Grant J. Esposito for Farmland Partners, Inc.. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n (parties listed were previously disclosed). Served on 01/28/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011]
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Blank  Filed: 1/28/2019, Entered: None ?
[10622251] Entry of appearance submitted by Grant J. Esposito for Appellee Farmland Partners, Inc. for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes (parties listed were previously disclosed). Served on 01/28/2019. Manner of Service: email.--[Edited 01/29/2019 by LAB to clarify interested parties and remove PDF from entry as pleading was filed 1/29/19.] [19-1011] GJE
Blank  Filed: 1/28/2019, Entered: None ?
[10622022] Filed notice record is complete. Served on 01/28/2019. Appellant's brief and appendix due on 03/11/2019 for Rota Fortunae. [text only entry - no document attached] [19-1011]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010117274 Filed: 1/28/2019, Entered: None ?
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010117051 Filed: 1/25/2019, Entered: None ?
[10621790] Transcript order form filed by Patterson Transcription Company noting that transcripts are already on file. Notice due that record is complete by 02/01/2019 for Jeffrey P. Colwell, Clerk of Court. [19-1011]
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Blank  Filed: 1/25/2019, Entered: None ?
[10621606] Minute order filed - Transcript order form due 02/08/2019 for Patterson Transcription Company (12/20/18 and 1/11/19 status conferences). (Text Only - No Attachment)--[Edited 01/25/2019 by LAB to correct date of status conference.] [19-1011]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010116625 Filed: 1/25/2019, Entered: None ?
[10621600] Acknowledgment of transcript order filed by Rota Fortunae. Transcript ordered: Status Conference held 12/28/18; Status Conference held 1/11/19. Served on: 01/25/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010116619 Filed: 1/25/2019, Entered: None ?
[10621598] Docketing statement filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 01/25/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010116243 Filed: 1/24/2019, Entered: None ?
[10621405] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Chip G. Schoneberger, Mr. John A. Chanin and Ms. Katherine Anna Roush for Rota Fortunae. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y (parties previoulsy disclosed). Served on 01/24/2019. Manner of Service: email. [19-1011]
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Blank  Filed: 1/24/2019, Entered: None ?
[10621395] Entry of appearance submitted by Chip G. Schoneberger, John A. Chanin, Katherine A. Roush for Appellant Rota Fortunae for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 01/24/2019. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 01/24/2019 by SDS to remove pdf from entry as the pleading has been filed] [19-1011] CGS
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010109987 Filed: 1/14/2019, Entered: None ?
[10618334] Civil case docketed. Preliminary record filed. DATE RECEIVED: 01/11/2019. Docketing statement due 01/28/2019 for Rota Fortunae. Transcript order form due 01/28/2019 for Rota Fortunae. Notice of appearance due on 01/28/2019 for Farmland Partners, Inc and Rota Fortunae [19-1011]
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