District Appellate Supreme
Colorado District Court Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
  1. Case No. 19-1011
    Filed 1/14/2019
  2. Case No. 20-1141
    Filed 4/9/2020
United States Supreme Court

Farmland Partners v. Rota Fortunae

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, Case No. 20-1141
Last Updated November 30, 2020 at 8:52 PM EST (4.1 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Rota Fortunae, Whose True Name Is Unknown, And John/jane Does 2-10, Whose True Names Are Unknown, Defendant - Appellant

Represented by Foster Graham Milstein & Calisher LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John Andrew Chanin +1 303 333 9810 +1 303 333 9786 jchanin@fostergraham.com
Space Katherine Anna Roush +1 303 333 9810 +1 303 333 9786 kroush@fostergraham.com
Space Chip G. Schoneberger +1 303 333 9810 cschoneberger@fostergraham.com
No Logo Farmland Partners Inc., Plaintiff - Appellee

Represented by Morrison & Foerster, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Grant Joseph Esposito +1 212 468 8166 +1 212 468 7900 gesposito@mofo.com
Space Scott Frederick Llewellyn +1 303 592 2204 +1 303 592 1510 sllewellyn@mofo.com
Nature of Suit 3320 - Assault Libel and Slander
Case Type civil
Lower Court Case https://ecf.cod.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/iquery.pl?caseNumber=1:18-CV-02351-KLM
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Blank  Filed: 11/25/2020, Entered: None ?
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010443832 Filed: 11/25/2020, Entered: None ?
[10788941] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 11/25/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 10/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10781554] Minute order filed by Clerk of the Court - Upon consideration of appellant's 10/26/2020 status report, the abatement of this appeal shall continue. Appellant shall file a status report on or before 11/27/2020 or within 5 days after the court issues its decision in No. 19-1101. Served on 10/27/2020. Text only entry - no attachment. [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010428959 Filed: 10/26/2020, Entered: None ?
[10781437] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 10/26/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 9/25/2020, Entered: None ?
[10773638] Minute order filed by the Clerk of the Court -Upon consideration of Appellant's 9/25/2020 status report, the abatement of this appeal shall continue. Appellant shall file a status report on or before 10/26/2020 or within 5 days after the court issues its decision in No. 19-1011. (Text Only - No Attachment) [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010413675 Filed: 9/25/2020, Entered: None ?
[10773612] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 09/25/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 8/26/2020, Entered: None ?
[10765770] Minute Order filed by Clerk of the Court - Upon consideration of Appellant's 08/26/2020 status report, the abatement of this appeal shall continue. Appellant shall file a status report on or before 09/25/2020, or within five days after the court issues its decision in appeal no. 19-1011. Served on 08/26/2020. Text only entry - no attachment. [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010397298 Filed: 8/26/2020, Entered: None ?
[10765688] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 08/26/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 7/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10758295] Minute order filed by Clerk of the Court - Upon consideration of Appellant's July 27, 2020 status report, the abatement of this appeal shall continue. Appellant shall file a status report on or before August 26, 2020, or within five days after the court issues its decision in appeal no. 19-1011. Status report due 08/26/2020 by Rota Fortunae. Served on 07/27/2020. Text only entry - no attachment. [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010382447 Filed: 7/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10758143] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 07/27/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 6/26/2020, Entered: None ?
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010366959 Filed: 6/26/2020, Entered: None ?
[10750286] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 06/26/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 5/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10742987] Minute order filed by Clerk of the Court - Upon consideration of Appellant's Status Report, the abatement shall continue. Status report due 06/26/2020 by Rota Fortunae. Served on. Text only entry - no attachment. [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010352852 Filed: 5/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10742969] Status report filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 05/27/2020. Manner of Service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Blank  Filed: 4/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10736057] Filed notice record is complete. Served on 04/27/2020. [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010339347 Filed: 4/27/2020, Entered: None ?Court Filing
[10735979] Order filed by Judges Matheson and Bacharach granting motion to abate case. Status report due 05/27/2020 by Rota Fortunae. If this court issues a decision in 19-1011 before 5/27/20, the appellant shall file a status report within 5 days after the court issues its decision. Served on 04/27/2020. [20-1141]
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Blank  Filed: 4/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735953] Minute order filed - Notice due that record is complete by 05/04/2020 for Jeffrey P. Colwell, Clerk of Court (oclk). (Text Only - No Attachment) [20-1141]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010339277 Filed: 4/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735944] Notice that a transcript was previously ordered in the related appeal 19-1101 filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on: 04/27/2020. Manner of Service: email. [20-1141]--[Edited 04/27/2020 by LG to correct event code] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010339072 Filed: 4/27/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735827] Deficiency notice issued. Type of deficiency: transcript order form not filed. Transcript order (or notice that transcripts are unneccessary) due 04/30/2020 for Rota Fortunae. [20-1141]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010338808 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735689] Motion filed by Appellant Rota Fortunae, Appellee Farmland Partners Inc. to abate case. Served on: 04/24/2020. Manner of service: email. This pleading complies with all required (privacy, paper copy and virus) certifications: Yes. [20-1141] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010338397 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010338153 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735341] Docketing statement filed by Rota Fortunae. Served on 04/23/2020. Manner of Service: email. [20-1141] CGS
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010338138 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735334] Entry of appearance filed by Mr. Chip G. Schoneberger, Mr. John A. Chanin and Ms. Katherine Anna Roush for Rota Fortunae. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: n. Served on 04/23/2020. Manner of Service: email [20-1141]
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Blank  Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
[10735320] Entry of appearance submitted by Chip G. Schoneberger; John A. Chanin; Katherine A. Roush for Appellant Rota Fortunae for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: No. Served on 04/23/2020. Manner of Service: email. [20-1141] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 04/23/2020 by NA] CGS
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010337261 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
[10734850] Entry of appearance filed by Grant J. Esposito for Farmland Partners, Inc. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y (parties previously disclosed). Served on 04/22/2020. Manner of Service: email. [20-1141]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010337206 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
[10734823] Entry of appearance filed by Scott F. Llewellyn for Farmland Partners, Inc.. CERT. OF INTERESTED PARTIES: y. Served on 04/22/2020. Manner of Service: email [20-1141]
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Blank  Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
[10734818] Entry of appearance submitted by Scott F. Llewellyn for Appellee Farmland Partners, Inc. for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 04/22/2020. Manner of Service: email. [20-1141] [Edited to remove PDF as pleading has been filed-- Edited 04/22/2020 by NA] SFL
Blank  Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
[10734813] Entry of appearance submitted by Grant J. Esposito for Appellee Farmland Partners, Inc. for court review. Certificate of Interested Parties: Yes. Served on 04/22/2020. Manner of Service: email. --[Edited 04/22/2020 by SDS to remove pdf from entry as the pleading has been filed] [20-1141] GJE
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 010010331180 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
[10731712] Civil case docketed. Preliminary record filed. DATE RECEIVED: 04/09/2020 Docketing statement, transcript order form and entry of appearance due 04/23/2020 for Rota Fortunae. Notice of appearance due on 04/23/2020 for Farmland Partners, Inc.. [20-1141]
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