SUMMONS ISSUED as to ROBINHOOD FINANCIAL, LLC, ROBINHOOD MARKETS, INC., ROBINHOOD SECURITIES, LLC.. Attached is the official court Summons, please fill out Defendant and Plaintiffs attorney information and serve. (jal, )
COMPLAINT against Defendant Robinhood Financial, LLC, ROBINHOOD MARKETS, INC., Robinhood Securities, LLC. ( Filing and Admin fee $ 402 receipt number BNJDC-12053466) with JURY DEMAND, filed by ASAD NOORZAIE.(AHMED, IBRAHIM)
Filed: None, Entered: None
Add and Terminate Judges
Judge Brian R. Martinotti and Magistrate Judge Douglas E. Arpert added. (jal, )
Filed: None, Entered: None
QC - Attorney Case Opening
CLERK'S QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE - The case you electronically filed has been processed, however, the following deficiencies were found: Party Information is to be entered in CAPITAL LETTERS. The Party Role of plaintiff should be Plaintiff, not Lead Plaintiff . The Clerk's Office has made the appropriate changes. Please refer to the Attorney Case Opening Guide for processing electronically filed cases. (jjc, )