District Appellate Supreme
California Northern District Court Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  1. Case No. 20-17285
    Filed 11/20/2020
  2. Case No. 21-15813
    Filed 5/4/2021
  3. Case No. 21-15822
    Filed 5/6/2021
United States Supreme Court

CoreCivic, Inc. v. Candide Group, LLC, et al

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Case No. 20-17285
Last Updated October 8, 2022 at 10:36 PM EDT (2.3 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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CoreCivic, Inc. CoreCivic, Inc., Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elizabeth Locke +1 202 682 7400
Space Michael Brandon McClellan +1 949 854 7000 +1 949 854 7099 michael.mcclellan@ndlf.com
Space C. Kendie Schlecht +1 949 854 7000

Represented by Law Offices of Megan A. Meier (Unknown Firm)

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elizabeth Marie Locke +1 202 628 7402 libby@clarelocke.com
Space Joseph Ronald Oliveri +1 202 628 7405 joe@clarelocke.com

Represented by Newmeyer & Dillon, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Chanmaly Kendie Schlecht +1 949 854 7000 +1 949 854 7099 kendie.schlecht@ndlf.com
No Logo Candide Group, Llc, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas R. Burke +1 415 276 6500 +1 415 276 6599 thomasburke@dwt.com
Space Selina MacLaren +1 213 633 8617

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Abigail Bain Everdell +1 212 603 6468 abigaileverdell@dwt.com
Space Selina MacLaren +1 213 633 8617 selinamaclaren@dwt.com
No Logo Morgan Simon, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas R. Burke +1 415 276 6500 +1 415 276 6599 thomasburke@dwt.com
Space Selina MacLaren +1 213 633 8617

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Abigail Bain Everdell +1 212 603 6468 abigaileverdell@dwt.com
Space Selina MacLaren +1 213 633 8617 selinamaclaren@dwt.com
Other Parties
No Logo Center For Investigative Reporting, Inc., Center For Public Integrity, First Look Institute, Inc., The Marshall Project, Inc., And Pro Publica, Inc., Amicus Curiae

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Gregg P. Leslie +1 480 727 7398 gregg.leslie@asu.edu
No Logo Members Of "protect The Protest" Task Force, Amicus Curiae

Represented by Daniel Kruse, Attorney At Law

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Lauren C. Regan +1 541 687 9180 +1 541 686 2137 lregan@cldc.org
No Logo Reporters Committee For Freedom Of The Press, And 34 Media Organizations, Amicus Curiae

Represented by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Townsend KatieLynn +1 202 795 9300 ktownsend@rcfp.org
Nature of Suit 3320 - Assault Libel and Slander
Case Type civil
Lower Court Case https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=3:20-cv-03792-WHA
  Entries (78) Tab Overlap Calendar Events Tab Overlap Related (0) Tab Overlap Tools Right End
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033651690 Filed: 9/27/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. petition for panel rehearing and petition for rehearing en banc (from 08/30/2022 opinion). Date of service: 09/27/2022. [12550760] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033616701 Filed: 9/7/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed order (SIDNEY R. THOMAS, RONALD M. GOULD and CARLOS T. BEA) Appellant’s unopposed motion (Dkt. [76]) for a 14-day extension of time to file a petition for panel rehearing or hearing en banc is GRANTED. The petition is now due on or before September 27, 2022. [12534805] (OC)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033615643 Filed: 9/6/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. Unopposed Motion to extend time to file petition for rehearing until 09/27/2022. Date of service: 09/06/2022. [12534350] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033604534 Filed: 8/30/2022, Entered: None ?Court Filing
FILED OPINION (SIDNEY R. THOMAS, RONALD M. GOULD and CARLOS T. BEA) Each party shall bear its own costs on appeal. AFFIRMED IN PART; VACATED AND REMANDED IN PART. Judge: SRT Authoring, Judge: CTB Dissenting. FILED AND ENTERED JUDGMENT. [12529195] (AKM)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None ?
Terminated Daniel D. Mauler for CoreCivic, Inc. in 20-17285 [12522691] (JFF)
Blank  Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Notice of withdrawal of counsel. Filed by Attorney Mr. Daniel D. Mauler for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Party proceeding without counsel: No. Date of service: 08/22/2022. [12522414] [20-17285] (Mauler, Daniel)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033481889 Filed: 6/15/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. citation of supplemental authorities. Date of service: 06/15/2022. [12472391] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033491125 Filed: 6/14/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed Audio recording of oral argument.
Note: Video recordings of public argument calendars are available on the Court's website, at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/
[12476928] (BJK)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 6/14/2022, Entered: None ?
Blank  Filed: 5/17/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Mr. Thomas R. Burke, Esquire for Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. Hearing in San Francisco on 06/14/2022 at 1:00 P.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 1). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15) Appearance in person or by video: I wish to appear in person. Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 05/17/2022. [12449400] [20-17285] (Burke, Thomas)
Blank  Filed: 5/16/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Acknowledgment of hearing notice by Attorney Elizabeth Locke for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Hearing in San Francisco on 06/14/2022 at 1:00 P.M. (Courtroom: Courtroom 1). Filer sharing argument time: No. (Argument minutes: 15) Appearance in person or by video: I wish to appear in person. Special accommodations: NO. Filer admission status: I certify that I am admitted to practice before this Court. Date of service: 05/16/2022. [12447360] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Blank  Filed: 4/3/2022, Entered: None ?
Notice of Oral Argument on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 1:00 P.M. - Courtroom 1 - Scheduled Location: San Francisco CA.
The hearing time is the local time zone at the scheduled hearing location.

View the Oral Argument Calendar for your case here.

NOTE: Although your case is currently scheduled for oral argument, the panel may decide to submit the case on the briefs instead. See Fed. R. App. P. 34. Absent further order of the court, if the court does determine that oral argument is required in this case, you may have the option to appear in person at the Courthouse or remotely by video. Check here for updates on the status of reopening as the hearing date approaches. At this time, even when in person hearings resume, an election to appear remotely by video will not require a motion, and any attorney wishing to appear in person must provide proof of vaccination. The court expects and supports the fact that some attorneys and some judges will continue to appear remotely. If the panel determines that it will hold oral argument in your case, the Clerk's Office will contact you directly at least two weeks before the set argument date to review any requirements for in person appearance or to make any necessary arrangements for remote appearance.

Please note however that if you do elect to appear remotely, the court strongly prefers video over telephone appearance. Therefore, if you wish to appear remotely by telephone you will need to file a motion requesting permission to do so.

Be sure to review the GUIDELINES for important information about your hearing, including when to be available (30 minutes before the hearing time) and when and how to submit additional citations (filing electronically as far in advance of the hearing as possible).

If you are the specific attorney or self-represented party who will be arguing, use the ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HEARING NOTICE filing type in CM/ECF no later than 28 days before Tuesday, June 14, 2022. No form or other attachment is required. If you will not be arguing, do not file an acknowledgment of hearing notice.[12411234]. [20-17285] (KS)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033290843 Filed: 2/28/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Mr. Thomas R. Burke, Esquire for Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 02/28/2022. [12382538] [20-17285] (Burke, Thomas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033288531 Filed: 2/28/2022, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Elizabeth Locke for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 02/28/2022. [12381497] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 2/23/2022, Entered: None ?
This case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument calendar in San Francisco

Please review the San Francisco sitting dates for June 2022 and the 2 subsequent sitting months in that location at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/court_sessions. If you have an unavoidable conflict on any of the dates, please file Form 32 within 3 business days of this notice using the CM/ECF filing type Response to Case Being Considered for Oral Argument. Please follow the form's instructions carefully.

When setting your argument date, the court will try to work around unavoidable conflicts; the court is not able to accommodate mere scheduling preferences. You will receive notice that your case has been assigned to a calendar approximately 10 weeks before the scheduled oral argument date.

If the parties wish to discuss settlement before an argument date is set, they should jointly request referral to the mediation unit by filing a letter within 3 business days of this notice, using CM/ECF (Type of Document: Correspondence to Court; Subject: request for mediation).[12378467]. [20-17285] (KS)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033133674 Filed: 12/7/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Elizabeth Locke for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 12/07/2021. [12308153] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033132457 Filed: 12/6/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Mr. Thomas R. Burke, Esquire for Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 12/06/2021. [12307531] [20-17285] (Burke, Thomas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 12/2/2021, Entered: None ?
This case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument calendar in San Francisco

Please review the San Francisco sitting dates for March 2022 and the 2 subsequent sitting months in that location at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/court_sessions. If you have an unavoidable conflict on any of the dates, please file Form 32 within 3 business days of this notice using the CM/ECF filing type Response to Case Being Considered for Oral Argument. Please follow the form's instructions carefully.

When setting your argument date, the court will try to work around unavoidable conflicts; the court is not able to accommodate mere scheduling preferences. You will receive notice that your case has been assigned to a calendar approximately 10 weeks before the scheduled oral argument date.

If the parties wish to discuss settlement before an argument date is set, they should jointly request referral to the mediation unit by filing a letter within 3 business days of this notice, using CM/ECF (Type of Document: Correspondence to Court; Subject: request for mediation).[12304110]. [20-17285] (KS)
Blank  Filed: 11/18/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 6 paper copies of the Corrected Amicus Brief [48] filed by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. [12292088] (SD)
Blank  Filed: 11/18/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 6 paper copies of the Corrected Amicus Brief [44] filed by Members of "Protect the Protest" Task Force. [12292079] (SD)
Blank  Filed: 11/18/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 6 paper copies of Reply Brief [54] filed by CoreCivic, Inc.. [12292068] (SD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033097063 Filed: 11/17/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The corrected amicus brief [44] submitted by Amicus Curiae Members of Protect the Protest Task Force is filed. The corrected amicus brief [48] submitted by Amicus Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is filed.

Within 7 days of this order, the filer of each brief is ordered to file 6 copies of that brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. The Form 18 certificate is available on the Court's website at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/forms/form18.pdf.

The covers of the amicus briefs must be green.

The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. The address for regular U.S. mail is P.O. Box 193939, San Francisco, CA 94119-3939. The address for overnight mail is 95 Seventh Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1526. [12290993] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033096968 Filed: 11/17/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk: LK): The motions (Docket Entry Nos. [45] & [46]) for leave to file corrected amicus briefs are granted. The Clerk will strike the amicus briefs submitted at Docket Entry Nos. [36] and [37] and file the corrected amicus briefs submitted at Docket Entry Nos. [44] and [48]. [12290953] (JBS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033092224 Filed: 11/16/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The reply brief [54] submitted by CoreCivic, Inc. is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 6 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: gray. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [12288697] (JMR)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033089338 Filed: 11/15/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Reply Brief for review. Submitted by Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Date of service: 11/15/2021. [12287279] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033076936 Filed: 11/8/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Elizabeth Locke for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 11/08/2021. [12281671] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033074209 Filed: 11/5/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Attorney Mr. Thomas R. Burke, Esquire for Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon response to notice for case being considered for oral argument. Date of service: 11/05/2021. [12280404] [20-17285] (Burke, Thomas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 11/3/2021, Entered: None ?
This case is being considered for an upcoming oral argument calendar in San Francisco

Please review the San Francisco sitting dates for February 2022 and the 2 subsequent sitting months in that location at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/court_sessions. If you have an unavoidable conflict on any of the dates, please file Form 32 within 3 business days of this notice using the CM/ECF filing type Response to Case Being Considered for Oral Argument. Please follow the form's instructions carefully.

When setting your argument date, the court will try to work around unavoidable conflicts; the court is not able to accommodate mere scheduling preferences. You will receive notice that your case has been assigned to a calendar approximately 10 weeks before the scheduled oral argument date.

If the parties wish to discuss settlement before an argument date is set, they should jointly request referral to the mediation unit by filing a letter within 3 business days of this notice, using CM/ECF (Type of Document: Correspondence to Court; Subject: request for mediation).[12277410]. [20-17285] (KS)
Blank  Filed: 10/29/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 6 paper copies of Answering Brief [32] filed by Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. [12273205] (SD)
Blank  Filed: 10/29/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 3 paper copies of supplemental excerpts of record [33] in 2 volume(s) and index volume filed by Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. [12272941] (LA)
Blank  Filed: 10/27/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 6 paper copies of Amicus Brief [38] filed by Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc., et al. [12270508] (SD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033055348 Filed: 10/26/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Amicus brief for review (by government or with consent per FRAP 29(a)). Submitted by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 33 media organizations. Date of service: 10/26/2021. [12271509]--[COURT ENTERED FILING to correct [46].] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033050438 Filed: 10/26/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Amicus Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Motion to file substitute or corrected brief. Date of service: 10/26/2021. [12269024] [20-17285]--[COURT UPDATE: Removed incorrectly attached brief. 10/28/2021 by SML] (Townsend, KatieLynn)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033050108 Filed: 10/26/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Amicus Curiae Members of "Protect the Protest" Task Force Motion to file substitute or corrected brief. Date of service: 10/26/2021. [12268874] [20-17285] (Regan, Lauren)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033047621 Filed: 10/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Amicus brief for review (by government or with consent per FRAP 29(a)). Submitted by Members of "Protect the Protest" Task Force (Corrected to remove one amicus party listed in Appendix A). Date of service: 10/25/2021. [12267507] [20-17285] (Regan, Lauren)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033046575 Filed: 10/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Amicus Curiae Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc. client authorization form for representation by law students. Date of service: 10/25/2021. [12267051] [20-17285] (Leslie, Gregg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033046566 Filed: 10/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) student, supervisor and dean certifications for law students Tayler Brown under the supervision of Gregg P. Leslie. (Party Amicus Curiae Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc.) Date of service: 10/25/2021. [12267047] [20-17285] (Leslie, Gregg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033046481 Filed: 10/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The amicus brief [36] submitted by Amici Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 34 media organizations is filed. The amicus brief [37] submitted by Amici Curiae Members of "Protect the Protest" Task Force is filed. The amicus brief [38] submitted by Amici Curiae Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc.; et al., is filed.

Within 7 days of this order, the filer of each brief is ordered to file 6 copies of that brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. The Form 18 certificate is available on the Court's website at http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/forms/form18.pdf.

The covers of the amicus briefs must be green.

The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. The address for regular U.S. mail is P.O. Box 193939, San Francisco, CA 94119-3939. The address for overnight mail is 95 Seventh Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1526. [12267006] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 10/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Entered appearance of Amici Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 34 media organizations, Members of "Protect the Protest" Task Force, and Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc.; et al. [12266996] (SML)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033046415 Filed: 10/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The answering brief [32] submitted by Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 6 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: red. The supplemental excerpts of record [33] submitted by Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon are filed. Within 7 days of this order, filer is ordered to file 3 copies of the excerpts in paper format securely bound on the left side, with white covers. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [12266973] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033046039 Filed: 10/22/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Amicus brief for review (by government or with consent per FRAP 29(a)). Submitted by The Center for Investigative Reporting, Inc., Center for Public Integrity, First Look Institute, Inc., The Marshall Project, Inc., Pro Publica, Inc.. Date of service: 10/22/2021. [12266594] [20-17285] (Leslie, Gregg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 10/22/2021, Entered: None ?
STRICKEN PER ORDER [56] Submitted (ECF) Amicus brief for review (by government or with consent per FRAP 29(a)). Submitted by Members of "Protect the Protest" Task Force. Date of service: 10/22/2021. [12266295] [20-17285] (Regan, Lauren)
Blank  Filed: 10/22/2021, Entered: None ?
STRICKEN PER ORDER [56] Submitted (ECF) Amicus brief for review (by government or with consent per FRAP 29(a)). Submitted by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 34 media organizations. Date of service: 10/22/2021. [12265422] [20-17285] (Townsend, KatieLynn)
Blank  Filed: 10/15/2021, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Abigail Everdell for party(s) Appellee Morgan Simon Appellee Candide Group, LLC, in case 20-17285. [12258851] (NAC)
Blank  Filed: 10/15/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Abigail B. Everdell (Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10020) for Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. Date of service: 10/15/2021. (Party was previously proceeding with counsel.) [12258846] [20-17285] (Everdell, Abigail)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033029107 Filed: 10/15/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) supplemental excerpts of record. Submitted by Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. Date of service: 10/15/2021. [12258606] [20-17285]--[COURT UPDATE: Attached corrected excerpts. 10/18/2021 by LA] (Burke, Thomas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009033029024 Filed: 10/15/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Answering Brief for review. Submitted by Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. Date of service: 10/15/2021. [12258563] [20-17285]--[COURT UPDATE: Attached corrected brief. 10/18/2021 by LA] (Burke, Thomas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 8/23/2021, Entered: None ?
Streamlined request [30] by Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon to extend time to file the brief is approved. Amended briefing schedule: Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon answering brief due 10/15/2021. The optional reply brief is due 11/15/2021. [12208749] (JN)
Blank  Filed: 8/23/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Streamlined request for extension of time to file Answering Brief by Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. New requested due date is 10/15/2021. [12208628] [20-17285] (Burke, Thomas)
Blank  Filed: 8/18/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 6 paper copies of Opening Brief [25] filed by CoreCivic, Inc.. [12205213] (SD)
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription.
Blank  Filed: 8/18/2021, Entered: None ?
Received 3 paper copies of excerpts of record [26] in 1 volume(s) filed by Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. [12204792] (KWG)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032910645 Filed: 8/17/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order: The opening brief [25] submitted by CoreCivic, Inc. is filed. Within 7 days of the filing of this order, filer is ordered to file 6 copies of the brief in paper format, accompanied by certification (attached to the end of each copy of the brief) that the brief is identical to the version submitted electronically. Cover color: blue. The excerpts of record [26] submitted by CoreCivic, Inc. are filed. Within 7 days of this order, filer is ordered to file 3 copies of the excerpts in paper format securely bound on the left side, with white covers. The paper copies shall be submitted to the principal office of the Clerk. [12203292] (SML)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032908595 Filed: 8/16/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) excerpts of record. Submitted by Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Date of service: 08/16/2021. [12202431] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032908585 Filed: 8/16/2021, Entered: None ?
Submitted (ECF) Opening Brief for review. Submitted by Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Date of service: 08/16/2021. [12202428] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 8/13/2021, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Daniel D. Mauler for party(s) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc., in case 20-17285. [12200669] (DJV)
Blank  Filed: 8/13/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Daniel Mauler (Clare Locke LLP - 10 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Date of service: 08/13/2021. (Party was previously proceeding with counsel.) [12200652] [20-17285] (Mauler, Daniel)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032787213 Filed: 6/16/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed order MEDIATION (RSK): These cases are RELEASED from the Mediation Program. In Appeal No. 20-17285, the briefing schedule is amended as follows: appellant's opening brief is due August 16, 2021; appellees' answering brief is due September 16, 2021; appellant's optional reply brief is due October 15, 2021. All further inquiries regarding these appeals, including requests for extensions of time, should be directed to the Clerk’s office. [12146288] [20-17285, 21-15813, 21-15822] (AF)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 6/8/2021, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Joseph R. Oliveri for party(s) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc., in case 20-17285. [12137226] (NAC)
Blank  Filed: 6/8/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Joseph Ronald Oliveri (Clare Locke LLP, 10 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314) for Appellant CoreCivic, Inc.. Date of service: 06/08/2021. (Party was previously proceeding with counsel.) [12137219] [20-17285] (Oliveri, Joseph)
Blank  Filed: 4/7/2021, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Selina MacLaren for party(s) Appellee Morgan Simon Appellee Candide Group, LLC, in case 20-17285. [12066569] (NAC)
Blank  Filed: 4/7/2021, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Selina MacLaren for party(s) Appellee Morgan Simon Appellee Candide Group, LLC, in case 20-17285. [12066569] (NAC)
Blank  Filed: 4/7/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) notice of appearance of Selina Jessie MacLaren (Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, 865 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2400, Los Angeles, CA 90017) for Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon. Date of service: 04/07/2021. (Party was previously proceeding with counsel.) [12066162] [20-17285] (MacLaren, Selina)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032543246 Filed: 3/9/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION STATUS REPORT DUE - 03/25/2021. See order for details. [12029669] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032543171 Filed: 3/9/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION STATUS REPORT DUE - 03/15/2021. The briefing schedule previously set by the court is vacated. See order for details. [12029648] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032533433 Filed: 3/5/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED - DIAL-IN Conference with counsel for appellant, March 5, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time. See order for details. [12025478] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032524562 Filed: 3/2/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED - Video Conference w/ counsel for appellees only, 03/09/2021, 1:00 p.m., Pacific Time. See order for details. [12021530] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032523564 Filed: 3/2/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED - DIAL-IN Conference w/ counsel for appellees, 03/02/2021, 11:30 a.m., Pacific Time. See order for details. [12021080] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032512899 Filed: 2/25/2021, Entered: None ?
Filed order MEDIATION (RSK): The briefing schedule previously set by the court is amended as follows: appellant's opening brief is due March 15, 2021; appellees' answering brief is due April 14, 2021; appellant's optional reply brief is due within 21 days from the service date of the answering brief. [12016552] (JPD)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032433486 Filed: 1/26/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION STATUS REPORT DUE - 02/03/2021. See order for details. [11981114] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032379847 Filed: 1/4/2021, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION STATUS REPORT DUE - 01/22/2021. See order for details. [11950963] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032346423 Filed: 12/17/2020, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED - DIAL-IN Conference w/ appellee's counsel, 01/04/2021, 09:00 a.m., Pacific Time. See order for details. [11930961] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032307562 Filed: 12/2/2020, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION CONFERENCE RESCHEDULED - DIAL-IN AssessmentConference, 12/17/2020 Pacific Time. (originally scheduled on 12/10/2020 ). [11912522] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032306533 Filed: 12/2/2020, Entered: None ?
MEDIATION CONFERENCE SCHEDULED - DIAL-IN AssessmentConference, 12/10/2020, 09:00 a.m., PACIFIC Time. The briefing schedule previously set by the court remains in effect. See order for instructions and details. [11911937] (VS)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032297991 Filed: 11/27/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon Mediation Questionnaire. Date of service: 11/27/2020. [11908233] [20-17285] (Burke, Thomas)
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Blank  Filed: 11/27/2020, Entered: None ?
The Mediation Questionnaire for this case was filed on 11/27/2020.
To submit pertinent confidential information directly to the Circuit Mediators, please use the following link.
Confidential submissions may include any information relevant to mediation of the case and settlement potential, including, but not limited to, settlement history, ongoing or potential settlement discussions, non-litigated party related issues, other pending actions, and timing considerations that may impact mediation efforts.[11907826]. [20-17285] (AD)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032296313 Filed: 11/27/2020, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. Mediation Questionnaire. Date of service: 11/27/2020. [11907576] [20-17285] (Locke, Elizabeth)
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Blank  Filed: 11/27/2020, Entered: None ?
Added Attorney(s) Elizabeth Locke for party(s) Appellant CoreCivic, Inc., in case 20-17285. [11907475] (NAC)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009032283013 Filed: 11/20/2020, Entered: None ?
DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. SEND MQ: Yes. The schedule is set as follows: Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. Mediation Questionnaire due on 11/27/2020. Transcript ordered by 12/21/2020. Transcript due 01/19/2021. Appellant CoreCivic, Inc. opening brief due 03/01/2021. Appellees Candide Group, LLC and Morgan Simon answering brief due 03/30/2021. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 21 days after service of the answering brief. [11901854] (JMR)
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