Adobe Systems, Inc. v. Southern Software, et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit California Northern District Court, Case No. 5:95-cv-20710-RMW
District Judge Ronald M. Whyte, presiding
District Judge Ronald M. Whyte
Last Updated April 14, 2022 at 5:01 PM EDT (2.8 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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Adobe Systems, Inc. Adobe Systems, Inc., Plaintiff
Officer/Director, Salon Internet, Inc.
Officer/Director, OMNITURE Inc.
Officer/Director, Natera, Inc.
Officer/Director, Equillium, Inc.
Officer/Director, RMG Acquisition Corp.
Officer/Director, Karat Packaging Inc.
Officer/Director, Kontoor Brands, Inc.
Officer/Director, Insurance Acquisition Corp.

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet M. Craycroft +1 650 833 2000
Space Scott L. Oliver +1 650 328 8500 +1 650 328 8508
Other Parties
No Logo Ares Software Corporation, 3rd party defendant

Represented by Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Scott L. Oliver +1 650 328 8500 +1 650 328 8508

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Margaret Elizabeth Day +1 650 825 4300
No Logo Southern Software Inc, 3rd party plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space George Frost +1 510 666 0141 +1 510 295 2562
Space George Frost +1 510 666 0141 +1 510 295 2562

Represented by Perkins Coie LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder +1 425 707 5364 +1 425 706 4112
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder +1 425 707 5364 +1 425 706 4112
Space Nicole Anna Wong +1 415 344 7000 +1 415 344 7050

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Claude Michael Stern +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100
Space Claude Michael Stern +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100
Office San Jose
Filed 10/19/1995
Jury Demand Both
Demand $0
Nature of Suit 820 - Property Rights: Copyright
Cause Section 17 U.S.C. § 101 Copyright Infringement
Jurisdiction Federal Question
Disposition Judgment - Judgment on Consent
County Santa Clara
Terminated 3/3/1999
Origin 1
Lead Case
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Defendant Custody Status
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Blank 305 Filed: 3/11/1999, Entered: 3/11/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 [304-3] judgment [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 304 Filed: 3/3/1999, Entered: 3/9/1999 judgmentCourt Filing
JUDGMENT: by Judge Ronald M. Whyte for permanent injunction , dismissing case with prejudice ( Date Entered: 3/9/99) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 303 Filed: 3/2/1999, Entered: 3/3/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of consent to withdrawal of counsel [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 302 Filed: 2/26/1999, Entered: 2/26/1999 Letter
LETTER dated 2/26/99 from L. Scott Oliver in 5:95-cv-20710 re: dates should be taken off calendar [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 301 Filed: 2/12/1999, Entered: 2/16/1999 Notice of change of address
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of change of address [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 300 Filed: 2/12/1999, Entered: 2/12/1999 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 to motion to certify on 2/2/98 order by amendment for interlocutory appeal [287-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 299 Filed: 2/4/1999, Entered: 2/5/1999 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 [298-1] order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 298 Filed: 2/1/1999, Entered: 2/2/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte setting hearing on motion to certify on 2/2/98 order by amendment for interlocutory appeal [287-1] 3/5/99, granting motion to continue hearing date on motion for reconsideration and certification for interlocutory and leave to file additional motions [297-1], granting motion for leave to file additional dispositive motions and motions [290-1], setting hearing on motion for reconsideration of order on defts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software product. [281-1] 3/5/99 ( Date Entered: 2/2/99) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 297 Filed: 1/28/1999, Entered: 2/1/1999 Ex-Parte ApplicationCourt Filing
EX-PARTE APPLICATION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 to continue hearing date on motion for reconsideration and certification for interlocutory and leave to file additional motions [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 296 Filed: 1/22/1999, Entered: 1/22/1999 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte to withdrawl of counsel ( Date Entered: 1/22/99) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 295 Filed: 1/15/1999, Entered: 1/22/1999 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of opposition [294-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 294 Filed: 1/15/1999, Entered: 1/22/1999 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 to motion to certify on 2/2/98 order by amendment for interlocutory appeal [287-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 293 Filed: 12/18/1998, Entered: 12/21/1998 scheduling conference
MINUTES: ( C/R none) ( Hearing Date: 12/18/98) Status conference set for 10:30 2/5/99 ; In court hearing will be held 9:00 2/5/99 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 292 Filed: 12/11/1998, Entered: 12/15/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of declaration [291-1], motion for leave to file additional dispositive motions and motions [290-1], motion for preliminary injunction [290-2] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 291 Filed: 12/11/1998, Entered: 12/15/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. S. Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for leave to file additional dispositive motions and motions [290-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 290 Filed: 12/11/1998, Entered: 12/15/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 for leave to file additional dispositive motions and motions , for preliminary injunction , for permanent injunction with Notice set for 1/15/99 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 289 Filed: 12/11/1998, Entered: 12/15/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of motion to certify on 2/2/98 order by amendment for interlocutory appeal [287-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 288 Filed: 12/11/1998, Entered: 12/15/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion to certify on 2/2/98 order by amendment for interlocutory appeal [287-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 287 Filed: 12/11/1998, Entered: 12/15/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION WITH MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 to certify on 2/2/98 order by amendment for interlocutory appeal with Notice set for 1/15/99 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 286 Filed: 12/8/1998, Entered: 12/8/1998 Status Conference
STATUS CONFERENCE STATEMENT by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 285 Filed: 11/12/1998, Entered: 11/18/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte setting hearing on motion for reconsideration of order on defts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software product. [281-1] 9:00 1/15/99 Case Management Statement is due 12/8/98 ; ( Date Entered: 11/17/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 284 Filed: 10/28/1998, Entered: 10/29/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of declaration [283-1], declaration [282-1], motion for reconsideration of order on defts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software product. [281-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 283 Filed: 10/28/1998, Entered: 10/29/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Parsons on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for reconsideration of order on defts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software product. [281-1] (under seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 282 Filed: 10/28/1998, Entered: 10/29/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. Scott Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for reconsideration of order on defts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software product. [281-1] (under seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 281 Filed: 10/28/1998, Entered: 10/29/1998 Motion for ReconsiderationCourt Filing
MOTION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 for reconsideration of order on defts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software product. with Notice set for 1/15/99 at 9:00 (under seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 280 Filed: 10/16/1998, Entered: 10/28/1998 scheduling conference
MINUTES: ( C/R none) ( Hearing Date: 10/16/98) Status conference set for 10:30 12/18/98 ; , In court hearing on intertocatory appeal will be held 9:00 1/15/99 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 279 Filed: 10/9/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of stipulation [278-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 278 Filed: 10/9/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998 stipulation
STIPULATION for dfts Southern Software Inc and P. King to file 2nd amended 3rd-party complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 277 Filed: 10/9/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998 Jury Demand
DEMAND for jury trial by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 276 Filed: 10/8/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998 Letter
LETTER dated 10/5/98 re: Taking Hosie Wes Sacks & Brelsford of docke sheet. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 275 Filed: 10/8/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte granting motion for reconsideration of order on dfts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software Product [267-1] ( Date Entered: 10/14/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 274 Filed: 9/25/1998, Entered: 9/28/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of opposition [272-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 273 Filed: 9/25/1998, Entered: 9/28/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 re opposition [272-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 272 Filed: 9/25/1998, Entered: 9/28/1998 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 to motion for reconsideration of order on dfts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software Product [267-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 271 Filed: 9/21/1998, Entered: 9/24/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte re [267-1] That dft file response to Adobe's motion by 9/25/98. ( Date Entered: 9/24/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 270 Filed: 9/14/1998, Entered: 9/15/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of declaration [269-1], declaration [268-1], motion for reconsideration of order on dfts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software Product [267-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 269 Filed: 9/14/1998, Entered: 9/15/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. Scott Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for reconsideration of order on dfts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software Product [267-1] (under seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 268 Filed: 9/14/1998, Entered: 9/15/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Parsons on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for reconsideration of order on dfts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software Product [267-1] under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 267 Filed: 9/14/1998, Entered: 9/15/1998 Motion for ReconsiderationCourt Filing
MOTION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 for reconsideration of order on dfts partial summary judgment as to "1250" font Software Product (under seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 266 Filed: 9/10/1998, Entered: 9/11/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte Re: motion for order for CMC Conference [264-1] ( Date Entered: 9/11/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 264 Filed: 9/4/1998, Entered: 9/4/1998, Terminated: 9/10/1998 Motion for Order of SaleCourt Filing
EX-PARTE APPLICATION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 for order for CMC Conference [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 265 Filed: 9/3/1998, Entered: 9/8/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte Dfts motion for partial summary judgment is DENIED Case Management Conference set for 10:30 10/16/98 ; ( Date Entered: 9/8/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 263 Filed: 7/20/1998, Entered: 7/21/1998 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of entry of stipulated request for publication of order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 262 Filed: 7/20/1998, Entered: 7/21/1998 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of entry of stipulation and order dismissing claims [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 261 Filed: 7/15/1998, Entered: 7/16/1998 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : re: Publication of order in the Federal Supplement reporter its 2/2/98 order (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 260 Filed: 7/15/1998, Entered: 7/16/1998 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : dismissing party Softkey Internat' with prejudice.l in 5:95-cv-20710 (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 259 Filed: 6/30/1998, Entered: 6/30/1998 Letter
LETTER dated 6/30/98 re: Settlement agreement between Adobe & The learning company [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 258 Filed: 6/9/1998, Entered: 6/10/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte withdrawing Hosie Wes & Brelsford ( Date Entered: 6/10/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 257 Filed: 5/22/1998, Entered: 5/22/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of Joint CMC statement [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 256 Filed: 4/14/1998, Entered: 4/16/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte denying motion for leave to file motion for reconsideration [249-1], denying motion to certication and record supplementation [249-2] ( Date Entered: 4/16/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 255 Filed: 2/19/1998, Entered: 2/19/1998 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for leave to file motion for reconsideration [249-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (dcap, COURT STAFF)
Blank 254 Filed: 2/13/1998, Entered: 2/13/1998 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for leave to file motion for reconsideration [249-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 253 Filed: 2/12/1998, Entered: 2/12/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by I. N. Feinberg on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 re opposition [252-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 252 Filed: 2/12/1998, Entered: 2/12/1998 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 to motion for leave to file motion for reconsideration [249-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 251 Filed: 2/9/1998, Entered: 2/9/1998 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of declaration [250-1], motion for leave to file motion for reconsideration [249-1], motion to certication and record supplementation [249-2] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 250 Filed: 2/9/1998, Entered: 2/9/1998 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. F. Brelsford on behalf of defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710, defendant Softkey Internat'l in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for leave to file motion for reconsideration [249-1], re motion to certication and record supplementation [249-2] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 249 Filed: 2/9/1998, Entered: 2/9/1998, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion to Expedite
EXPEDITED MOTION by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710, defendant Softkey Internat'l in 5:95-cv-20710 for leave to file motion for reconsideration , to certication and record supplementation [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 248 Filed: 2/2/1998, Entered: 2/3/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte Adobe's motion for summary judgment on its claim of copyright infringement of its Utopia Software program is GRANTED; Dfts cross-motion on copyright claims is DENIED; Adobe's motion for summary judgment on patent claims is DENIED; Dfts countermotion on the patent claims is DENIED; Ares motion for summary judgment on the 3rd party complaint is DENIED. ( Date Entered: 2/3/98) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 247 Filed: 12/12/1997, Entered: 12/16/1997 transcript
REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT; Date of proceedings: 10/29/97 ( C/R: Lee-Anne Shortridge) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 246 Filed: 11/19/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Lemon on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re opposition [245-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 245 Filed: 11/19/1997, Entered: 11/19/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 to motion to strike brief filed by plaintiff 11/5/97 re: Flex Code summary judment [243-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 243 Filed: 11/7/1997, Entered: 11/7/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion to StrikeCourt Filing
MOTION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 to strike brief filed by plaintiff 11/5/97 re: Flex Code summary judment [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 242 Filed: 11/5/1997, Entered: 11/5/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 of brief [240-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 241 Filed: 11/5/1997, Entered: 11/5/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. S. Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re brief [240-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 240 Filed: 11/5/1997, Entered: 11/5/1997 Brief
BRIEF FILED by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 opposition to dfts motion for summary judgment re: Flex Code claims [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 244 Filed: 10/29/1997, Entered: 11/18/1997 minutes - miscellaneous
MINUTES: ( C/R Lee Anne Shortridge) ( Hearing Date: 10/29/97) that the motion for partial summary judgment as to counts IV, V and VI of plaintiff's 3rd amended complaint [175-1] is submitted [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 239 Filed: 10/27/1997, Entered: 10/29/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE of taking rule 11 motion off calendar by defendant in 5:95-cv-20710 [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 238 Filed: 10/24/1997, Entered: 10/27/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. Scott Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 in opposition to defendants' rule 11 motion [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 237 Filed: 10/24/1997, Entered: 10/27/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Ian N. Feinberg on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 in opposition to defendants' rule 11 motion [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 236 Filed: 10/24/1997, Entered: 10/27/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Gregory J. Wrenn on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 in support ofAdobe's opposition to defendants' rule 11 motion [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 235 Filed: 10/24/1997, Entered: 10/27/1997 Memorandum in opposition
MEMORANDUM by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 in opposition to motion for sanctions [216-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 234 Filed: 10/21/1997, Entered: 10/24/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE of entry of order by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 233 Filed: 10/20/1997, Entered: 10/24/1997 Declaration in Support
Supplemental DECLARATION by Judith B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software, Paul King, and The Learning Company, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 232 Filed: 10/17/1997, Entered: 10/24/1997 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : Continuing Trial date will be held 11/3/97 ; (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 231 Filed: 10/10/1997, Entered: 10/15/1997 Objection to Report and Recommendations
Evidentiary OBJECTIONS by defendants Southern Software Inc., Paul King, and The Learning Company, Inc. in connection with their motion for partial summary judgment re flex code 5:95-cv-20710 [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Received Document
RECEIVED Proposed Order regarding continuance of trial date ( Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710) [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 230 Filed: 10/3/1997, Entered: 10/3/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion for Order of Sale
EX-PARTE APPLICATION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 for order for status conference [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 229 Filed: 9/29/1997, Entered: 9/30/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte setting hearing on motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] 3:00 10/29/97 ( Date Entered: 9/30/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 228 Filed: 9/23/1997, Entered: 9/24/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Mag. Judge Patricia V. Trumbull denying motion to compel return of draft report and to [222-1] ( Date Entered: 9/24/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 227 Filed: 9/17/1997, Entered: 9/18/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY memorandum by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in 5:95-cv-20710 re motion to compel return of draft report and to [222-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 226 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 9/16/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 of opposition [224-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 225 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 9/16/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. F. Brelsford on behalf of defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 re opposition [224-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 224 Filed: 9/16/1997, Entered: 9/16/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 to motion to compel return of draft report and to [222-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 223 Filed: 9/15/1997, Entered: 9/15/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. S. Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 222 Filed: 9/15/1997, Entered: 9/15/1997, Terminated: 9/23/1997 Ex-Parte Application
EX-PARTE APPLICATION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in 5:95-cv-20710 to compel return of draft report and to , for order to preclude use of draft report for any purpose [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 221 Filed: 9/11/1997, Entered: 9/11/1997 Utility - Miscellaneous
ADDENDUM filed by defendant Southern Software in 5:95-cv-20710 to stipulated protective order. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 220 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 9/2/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by James F. Brelsford on behalf of defendant Southern Software, Paul King and The Learning Company, Inc. (formerly known as Softkey Internat'l Inc.) re motion for sanctions [216-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 219 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 9/2/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Perry Saidman on behalf of defendant Southern Software, Paul King and the Learning Company, Inc. (formerly known as Softkey Internat'l) re motion for sanctions [216-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 218 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 9/2/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Jerry Saperstein on behalf of defendant Southern Software, Paul King and The Learning Company, Inc. (formerly known as Softkey Internat'l Inc.) re motion for sanctions [216-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 217 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 9/2/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Judith B. Jennison on behalf of defendants Southern Software, Paul King and the Learning Company, Inc. ,(formerly known as Softkey Internat'l Inc.) re motion for sanctions [216-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 216 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 9/2/1997 Motion for sanctionsCourt Filing
MOTION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by defendant Southern Software, Paul King and the Learning Company, Inc. (formerly known as Softkey Internat'l) for sanctions , and for memorandum of points authorities with Notice set for 11/14/97 at 9:00 a.m. [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF) Modified on 09/02/1997
Blank 215 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 8/29/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of ordeer [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Received Document
RECEIVED Proposed Order ( defendant Southern Software, Paul King and the Learning Company, Inc. (formerly known as Softkey Internat'l ) re: motion for sanctions [216-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cm, COURT STAFF)
Blank 214 Filed: 8/27/1997, Entered: 8/27/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte granting motion to continue one expert report [196-1] ( Date Entered: 8/27/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 213 Filed: 8/25/1997, Entered: 8/25/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte setting hearing on motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] 9:00 10/3/97 ( Date Entered: 8/25/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 212 Filed: 8/22/1997, Entered: 8/25/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software of reply [210-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 211 Filed: 8/22/1997, Entered: 8/25/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software re motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 210 Filed: 8/22/1997, Entered: 8/25/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by defendant Southern Software re opposition [205-1] re: Flex Code [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 209 Filed: 8/15/1997, Entered: 8/18/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of opposition [205-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 208 Filed: 8/15/1997, Entered: 8/18/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Lemon on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re opposition [205-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
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Blank 207 Filed: 8/15/1997, Entered: 8/18/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Dr. Munagala V. S. Ramanath's on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re opposition [205-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 206 Filed: 8/15/1997, Entered: 8/18/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. S. Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re opposition [205-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 205 Filed: 8/15/1997, Entered: 8/18/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 204 Filed: 8/15/1997, Entered: 8/15/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software of opposition to exparte motion [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 203 Filed: 8/14/1997, Entered: 8/14/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software of reply [202-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 202 Filed: 8/14/1997, Entered: 8/14/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by defendant Southern Software re motion to continue one expert report [196-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 201 Filed: 8/14/1997, Entered: 8/14/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion to continue one expert report [196-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 200 Filed: 8/13/1997, Entered: 8/13/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software re opposition [199-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 199 Filed: 8/13/1997, Entered: 8/13/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by defendant Southern Software to motion to continue one expert report [196-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 198 Filed: 8/11/1997, Entered: 8/11/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte Denying dfts exparte motion for settlement conference. ( Date Entered: 8/11/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 197 Filed: 8/11/1997, Entered: 8/11/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. S. Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion to continue one expert report [196-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 196 Filed: 8/11/1997, Entered: 8/11/1997, Terminated: 8/27/1997 Ex-Parte Application
EX-PARTE APPLICATION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to continue one expert report [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 195 Filed: 8/8/1997, Entered: 8/8/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. errata re: 3rd amended complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 194 Filed: 8/6/1997, Entered: 8/6/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software of reply [192-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 193 Filed: 8/6/1997, Entered: 8/6/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software re reply [192-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 192 Filed: 8/6/1997, Entered: 8/6/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by defendant Southern Software to exparte motion for an MSC [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 191 Filed: 8/5/1997, Entered: 8/6/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. Scott Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re opposition [190-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 190 Filed: 8/5/1997, Entered: 8/6/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to dfts exparte motion for a settlement conference [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 189 Filed: 8/1/1997, Entered: 8/1/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software of motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 188 Filed: 8/1/1997, Entered: 8/1/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by P. King on behalf of defendant Southern Software re motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] re: Flexcode [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 187 Filed: 8/1/1997, Entered: 8/1/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software re motion for partial summary judgment [186-1] re: Flexcode (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 186 Filed: 8/1/1997, Entered: 8/1/1997, Terminated: 7/15/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION WITH MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES by defendant Southern Software for partial summary judgment with Notice set for 9/5/97 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 185 Filed: 8/1/1997, Entered: 8/1/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. F. Brelsford on behalf of defendant Southern Software in support of Exparte motion [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 184 Filed: 7/31/1997, Entered: 7/31/1997 Answer to Complaint
ANSWER by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l to complaint [180-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 183 Filed: 7/25/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 transcript
REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT; Date of proceedings: 6/11/97 ( C/R: Lee-Anne Shortridge) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 182 Filed: 7/24/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997 stipulation
STIPULATION extending time to respond to 3rd amended complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 181 Filed: 7/15/1997, Entered: 7/15/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 180 Filed: 7/11/1997, Entered: 7/11/1997 Amended Complaint
AMENDED COMPLAINT (THIRD) [101-1] by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc.; jury demand [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 179 Filed: 7/9/1997, Entered: 7/9/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte granting motion to expedite for leave to amend complaint & [163-1] and pretrial date and trial dates are vacated ( Date Entered: 7/8/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 178 Filed: 6/19/1997, Entered: 6/19/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of pretrial scheduling order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 177 Filed: 6/11/1997, Entered: 6/17/1997 minutes - miscellaneous
MINUTES: ( C/R Lee-Anne Shortridge) that the motion for summary adjudication of issues on adobe's copyright claims [134-1] is submitted, that the motion for partial summary judgment as to counts IV, V and VI of plaintiff's 3rd amended complaint [175-1] is submitted [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 175 Filed: 6/11/1997, Entered: 6/11/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant Southern Software for partial summary judgment as to counts IV, V and VI of plaintiff's 3rd amended complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 176 Filed: 6/9/1997, Entered: 6/13/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte Jury trial will be held 1:30 11/3/97 ; Pretrial conference set for 2:00 10/23/97 ; Discovery cutoff set for 7/25/97 ; supplemental disclosure is due 8/29/97 ; Deadline for all motion filings is 10/17/97 ; All motions will be heard by 9/5/97 ; ( Date Entered: 6/13/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 174 Filed: 6/4/1997, Entered: 6/4/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software re: Videotape of Tutorial (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 173 Filed: 6/4/1997, Entered: 6/4/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software re opposition memorandum [172-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 172 Filed: 6/4/1997, Entered: 6/4/1997 Memorandum in opposition
MEMORANDUM by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l in opposition to motion to strike declaration of J.-Laird [170-1] [170-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 170 Filed: 5/29/1997, Entered: 5/29/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion to Strike
MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to strike declaration of J.-Laird [170-1] with Notice set for 6/12/97 at 2:30 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 169 Filed: 5/28/1997, Entered: 5/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. F. Brelsford in support on behalf of defendant Southern Software (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 168 Filed: 5/28/1997, Entered: 5/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by of expert A. Johnson-Laird on behalf of defendant Southern Software in support of dfts motion for summary judgment against Plaintiff's claims [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 171 Filed: 5/21/1997, Entered: 6/4/1997 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte withdrawing attorney Peter B. Ellis for Southern Software, attorney Judith B. Jennison for Southern Software, attorney Katherine C. Spelman for Southern Software, attorney Peter B. Ellis for Southern Software, attorney Judith B. Jennison for Southern Software, attorney Katherine C. Spelman for Southern Software, Internat'l, attorney David J. for Softkey Internat'l, attorney Katherine C. Spelman for Softkey Internat'l, attorney Judith B. Jennison for Softkey Internat'l, attorney Andrew J. Berman for Softkey Internat'l, attorney Eric M. George for Softkey Internat'l, attorney David J. Romanski for Southern Software, attorney Katherine C. Spelman for Southern Software, attorney Judith B. Jennison for Southern Software, attorney Peter B. Ellis for Southern Software and substituting attorney Claude M. Stern, B. Jennison ( Date Entered: 6/4/97) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 167 Filed: 4/10/1997, Entered: 4/11/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to motion for leave to file reply memo in support of motions for summary judgment or summary adjudication [166-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 166 Filed: 4/8/1997, Entered: 4/8/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION by defendant Southern Software for leave to file reply memo in support of motions for summary judgment or summary adjudication [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 165 Filed: 4/4/1997, Entered: 4/8/1997 minutes - miscellaneous
MINUTES: ( C/R Lee-Anne Shortridge) that the motion for summary adjudication of issues on adobe's copyright claims [134-1] is submitted, that the motion for partial summary judgment as to patent claims and in opposition to Adobe's motion for summary judgment as to patent claims [133-1] is submitted for leave to amend complaint , Status conference set for 1:30 4/11/97 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 164 Filed: 4/2/1997, Entered: 4/3/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by defendant Southern Software to motion to expedite for leave to amend complaint & [163-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 163 Filed: 3/31/1997, Entered: 4/1/1997 Motion to Expedite
MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to expedite for leave to amend complaint & , to continue trial date with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 162 Filed: 3/28/1997, Entered: 3/28/1997 Objection to Report and Recommendations
OBJECTIONS by defendant Southern Software to to portions of certain reply declarations submitted by plaintiff in support of its motions for summary adjudication and in opposition to dfts cross-motions [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 161 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp of memorandum [160-1], reply [159-1], reply [158-1], reply [157-1], reply [156-1], reply [155-1], declaration [154-1], motion to strike declaration [138-1] [153-1], motion to strike declaration [137-1] [152-1], declaration [151-1], declaration [150-1], declaration [149-1], declaration [148-1], declaration [147-1], declaration [146-1], declaration [145-1], declaration [144-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 160 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 MEMORANDUM
MEMORANDUM by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in reply to dft's opposition and in opposition to dfts counter-motion for partial summary judgment as to patent claims (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 159 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp to dfts opposition to separate statement re: copyright counts (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 158 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY and opposition by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary adjudication of issues on adobe's copyright claims [134-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 157 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp to dft's opposition to separate statement re: patents (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 156 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion for summary judgment [113-1], re motion for summary adjudication of issues [113-2] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 155 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp to dft's response to separte statement for Ares summary judgment motion (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 154 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. Scott Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in support of Adobe reply briefs (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 153 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion to Strike
MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp to strike declaration [138-1] with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 152 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997, Terminated: 3/12/1998 Motion to Strike
MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp to strike declaration [137-1] with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 151 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by I. Feinberg on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 150 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by G. J. Wrenn on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 149 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Dr. M. V. S. Ramanath on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 148 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by R. Slimbach on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 147 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. K. Brotz on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 146 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by M. Batty on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 145 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. J. Larwood on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 144 Filed: 3/21/1997, Entered: 3/21/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Lemon on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 143 Filed: 3/19/1997, Entered: 3/20/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 142 Filed: 3/19/1997, Entered: 3/20/1997 Errata
ERRATA by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l to [132-1] and defendants' counter-moitons for summary judgment [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 141 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l of motion for summary adjudication of issues on adobe's copyright claims [134-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 140 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Response (Non-Motion)
RESPONSE by defendant Softkey Internat'l re statement [120-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 139 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion for partial summary judgment as to patent claims and in opposition to Adobe's motion for summary judgment as to patent claims [133-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 138 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. Saperstein on behalf of defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion for partial summary judgment as to patent claims and in opposition to Adobe's motion for summary judgment as to patent claims [133-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 137 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by P. King on behalf of defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion for partial summary judgment as to patent claims and in opposition to Adobe's motion for summary judgment as to patent claims [133-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 136 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Response (Non-Motion)
RESPONSE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re statement [119-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 135 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Response (Non-Motion)
RESPONSE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re statement [120-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 134 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997, Terminated: 3/31/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
CROSS-MOTION by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l for summary adjudication of issues on adobe's copyright claims with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 133 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997, Terminated: 3/31/1998 Motion for partial summary judgment
MOTION by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l for partial summary judgment as to patent claims and in opposition to Adobe's motion for summary judgment as to patent claims with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 132 Filed: 3/14/1997, Entered: 3/14/1997 Memorandum in opposition
OPPOSITION by defendant Southern Software, defendant Nova Development Cor, defendant Softkey Internat'l to motion for summary judgment [113-1], motion for summary adjudication of issues [113-2] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 130 Filed: 3/10/1997, Entered: 3/11/1997 Association of Counsel
NOTICE by defendant Softkey Internat'l, defendant Southern Software, Third-party Plaintiff Southern Software, Third-party Plaintiff Southern Software of association of attorney James F. Brelsford [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 131 Filed: 3/6/1997, Entered: 3/11/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of stipulation and order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 129 Filed: 3/4/1997, Entered: 3/4/1997 protective orderCourt Filing
PROTECTIVE ORDER by Mag. Judge Patricia V. Trumbull : (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 128 Filed: 3/4/1997, Entered: 3/4/1997 Answer to Complaint
ANSWER by defendant Southern Software to; jury demand [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 127 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp of motion for partial summary judgment [115-1], motion for summary adjudication of issues on counts 1 and 2 for copyright infringement [115-2], motion for partial summary judgment [114-1], motion for summary adjudication on issues on the 3 count for patent infringement [114-2], motion for summary judgment [113-1], motion for summary adjudication of issues [113-2] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 126 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by G. J. Wrenn on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 125 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by L. S. Oliver on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 124 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Lemon on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 123 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Parsons on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 122 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by Dr. M. V.S. Ramanath on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 121 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by E. Brock on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 120 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Statement of facts
STATEMENT of facts by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in support of motion for summary judgment [113-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 119 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Statement of facts
STATEMENT of facts by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in support of motion for partial summary judgment [114-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 118 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Statement of facts
STATEMENT of facts by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp in support of motion for partial summary judgment [115-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 117 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by I. Feinberg on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for summary judgment [113-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 116 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by S. L. Wienbar on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re motion for partial summary judgment [115-1], re motion for partial summary judgment [114-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 115 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997, Terminated: 3/31/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp for partial summary judgment , for summary adjudication of issues on counts 1 and 2 for copyright infringement with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 114 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997, Terminated: 3/31/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp for partial summary judgment , for summary adjudication on issues on the 3 count for patent infringement with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 113 Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 2/28/1997, Terminated: 3/31/1998 Motion for Summary Judgment
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp for summary judgment , for summary adjudication of issues with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 (Filed under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 112 Filed: 2/24/1997, Entered: 2/26/1997 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : granting application [110-1] (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 111 Filed: 2/21/1997, Entered: 2/25/1997 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. for partial summary judgment , for summary adjudication with Notice set for 4/4/97 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 110 Filed: 2/18/1997, Entered: 2/24/1997 Miscellaneous Document
APPLICATION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to file brief in excess of 25 pages [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 109 Filed: 2/12/1997, Entered: 2/12/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of stipulation and order re: briefing [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 108 Filed: 2/6/1997, Entered: 2/7/1997 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : setting hearing on motion for partial summary judgment [104-1] 4/4/97, setting hearing on motion for summary adjudication [104-2] 4/4/97 Discovery cutoff set for 3/14/97 ; supplemental disclosure is due 3/21/97 ; (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
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Blank 107 Filed: 1/31/1997, Entered: 2/4/1997 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of stipulation re: filing 1st amended answer [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 100 Filed: 1/30/1997, Entered: 1/23/1997 stipulation
STIPULATION AND ORDER re: filing of Adobe Systems Inc 2nd amended complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF) Modified on 01/30/1997
Blank 106 Filed: 1/28/1997, Entered: 1/28/1997 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE setting hearing on motion for partial summary judgment [104-1] 9:00 4/4/97, setting hearing on motion for summary adjudication [104-2] 9:00 4/4/97 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 105 Filed: 1/24/1997, Entered: 1/28/1997 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : granting answer [103-1] (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 104 Filed: 1/23/1997, Entered: 1/24/1997 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. for partial summary judgment , for summary adjudication with Notice set for 3/21/97 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 103 Filed: 1/22/1997, Entered: 1/23/1997 Answer to Complaint
AMENDED ANSWER [97-1] by Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp, Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 102 Filed: 1/22/1997, Entered: 1/23/1997 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of complaint [101-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 101 Filed: 1/22/1997, Entered: 1/23/1997 Amended Complaint
SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc.; jury demand [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 99 Filed: 12/16/1996, Entered: 12/17/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of stipulation and order re: Dismissal with prejudice as to denfendant's Nova Development Corporation. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 98 Filed: 12/9/1996, Entered: 12/12/1996 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : dismissing party Nova Development Cor (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 97 Filed: 11/26/1996, Entered: 11/26/1996 Answer to Third-Party Complaint
ANSWER TO THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT [93-1] by Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 94 Filed: 11/15/1996, Entered: 11/15/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Softkey Internat'l changed its name to The Learning Company Inc., [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 96 Filed: 11/13/1996, Entered: 11/19/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte see minutes of #95 ( Date Entered: 11/19/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 93 Filed: 11/5/1996, Entered: 11/5/1996 Third-Party Complaint
THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT: by defendant Southern Software [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 95 Filed: 11/1/1996, Entered: 11/19/1996 Case Management Conference - Initial
MINUTES: ( C/R none) INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE HELD. Discovery cutoff (mag): 2/14/97 All motions hearing date 9:00 4/18/97 ; deadline for discovery from experts is 3/30/97 ; Discovery cutoff 2/24/97 ; deadline for pre-trial filings is 2:00 5/1/97 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 91 Filed: 10/22/1996, Entered: 10/22/1996 Miscellaneous Document
SUPPLEMENT by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. joint case management statement [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 90 Filed: 10/21/1996, Entered: 10/22/1996 Letter
LETTER dated 10/18/96 from Janet M. Craycroft re: responses to interrogatories nos 13 and 14 Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 89 Filed: 10/21/1996, Entered: 10/22/1996 Letter
LETTER dated 10/21/96 from Judith B. Jennison re:copy of discovery letter dfts [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 87 Filed: 10/21/1996, Entered: 10/22/1996 transcript
REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT; Date of proceedings: 10/15/96 ( C/R: tape) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 86 Filed: 10/18/1996, Entered: 10/21/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Mag. Judge Patricia V. Trumbull re [67-1] GRANTED IN PART and DENYING in part dfts motion to compel; hearing set for 10//25/96 at 9:30 ( Date Entered: 10/21/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 85 Filed: 10/17/1996, Entered: 10/18/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Softkey Internat'l of entry of stip & order re: cont' of cmc conference [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 84 Filed: 10/16/1996, Entered: 10/17/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte re [65-1] GRANTING in part Ares motion to dismiss amending within 20 days from the date of this order ( Date Entered: 10/17/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 88 Filed: 10/15/1996, Entered: 10/22/1996 minutes - miscellaneous
MINUTES: ( C/R Tape 129) that the motion to compel responses to 1st set of interrogatories [67-1] is submitted [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 92 Filed: 10/11/1996, Entered: 10/25/1996 minutes - miscellaneous
MINUTES: ( C/R Lee Anne Shortridge) granting motion to dismiss 3rd party complaint [65-1] amending 3rd cause of action within 20 days leave to amend. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 82 Filed: 10/10/1996, Entered: 10/11/1996 Miscellaneous Document
SUPPLEMENT by defendant Softkey Internat'l re declaration [69-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 81 Filed: 10/10/1996, Entered: 10/11/1996 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion to compel responses to 1st set of interrogatories [67-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 83 Filed: 10/8/1996, Entered: 10/15/1996 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : Case Management Conference set for 10:30 11/1/96 ; (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 80 Filed: 10/4/1996, Entered: 10/4/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by D. Lemon on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp re opposition memorandum [78-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 79 Filed: 10/4/1996, Entered: 10/4/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. M. Craycroft on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re opposition memorandum [78-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 78 Filed: 10/4/1996, Entered: 10/4/1996 Memorandum in opposition
MEMORANDUM by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. in opposition to motion to compel responses to 1st set of interrogatories [67-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 77 Filed: 10/4/1996, Entered: 10/4/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of Stip and order re: Discovery [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 76 Filed: 10/3/1996, Entered: 10/4/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of cmc order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 75 Filed: 9/27/1996, Entered: 9/30/1996 appendix
APPENDIX filed by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re reply [74-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 74 Filed: 9/27/1996, Entered: 9/30/1996 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion to dismiss 3rd party complaint [65-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 73 Filed: 9/25/1996, Entered: 9/30/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte see minutes of #66 ( Date Entered: 9/30/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 72 Filed: 9/23/1996, Entered: 9/30/1996 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : re: Discovery (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 71 Filed: 9/20/1996, Entered: 9/20/1996 Memorandum in opposition
MEMORANDUM by defendant Southern Software in opposition to motion to dismiss 3rd party complaint [65-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Sealed Legal Document 70 Filed: 9/20/1996, Entered: 9/20/1996 Exhibit(s)
EXHIBITS re declaration [69-1] (Filed Under Seal) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 69 Filed: 9/20/1996, Entered: 9/20/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion to compel responses to 1st set of interrogatories [67-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 68 Filed: 9/20/1996, Entered: 9/20/1996 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM by defendant Softkey Internat'l in support of motion to compel responses to 1st set of interrogatories [67-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 67 Filed: 9/20/1996, Entered: 9/20/1996, Terminated: 3/3/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous ReliefCourt Filing
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION before Mag. Judge Patricia V. Trumbull by defendant Softkey Internat'l to compel responses to 1st set of interrogatories with Notice set for 10/15/96 AT 10:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 65 Filed: 9/3/1996, Entered: 9/4/1996 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION WITH MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc., Third-party Defendant Ares Software Corp to dismiss 3rd party complaint with Notice set for 10/11/96 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 66 Filed: 8/30/1996, Entered: 9/20/1996 Case Management Conference - Initial
MINUTES: ( C/R none) INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE HELD. Pre-trial conference will be held 1:30 5/1/97 ; Jury Trial set for 1:30 5/12/97 ; Further case management conference set for 10:30 10/4/96 ; deadline for pre-trial filings is 1:30 4/25/97 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 64 Filed: 8/9/1996, Entered: 8/12/1996 Third-Party Complaint
THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT: by defendant Southern Software [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 63 Filed: 7/26/1996, Entered: 7/29/1996 scheduling conference
MINUTES: ( C/R L. Shortridge) Case Management Conference set for 10:30 8/30/96 ; 3rd party complaint may be filed, [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 62 Filed: 7/22/1996, Entered: 7/22/1996 Miscellaneous Document
SUPPLEMENT by defendant Southern Software, defendant Nova Development Cor, defendant Softkey Internat'l joint case management statement [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 61 Filed: 7/22/1996, Entered: 7/22/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of non-opposition to motion of dft for leave to file 3rd-party complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 60 Filed: 7/18/1996, Entered: 7/19/1996 Answer to Complaint
ANSWER by defendant Southern Software, defendant Nova Development Cor, defendant Softkey Internat'l to complaint [58-1]; jury demand [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 59 Filed: 7/11/1996, Entered: 7/12/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of order on plaintiff's motion to file 1st amended complaint [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 58 Filed: 7/8/1996, Entered: 7/10/1996 Amended Complaint
AMENDED COMPLAINT [1-1] by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc.; jury demand [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 57 Filed: 7/8/1996, Entered: 7/10/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte granting motion to amend complaint [26-1] ( Date Entered: 7/10/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 56 Filed: 7/2/1996, Entered: 7/2/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l of clerk notice [54-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 55 Filed: 7/1/1996, Entered: 7/2/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Mag. Judge Patricia V. Trumbull Plaintiff's and Defendants' motion for protective order are both GRANTED IN PART AND DENIED IN PART. ( Date Entered: 7/2/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 54 Filed: 6/27/1996, Entered: 7/1/1996 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE setting hearing on motion for leave to to file 3rdparty complaint [51-1] 9:00 8/30/96 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 53 Filed: 6/27/1996, Entered: 6/27/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion for leave to to file 3rdparty complaint [51-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 52 Filed: 6/27/1996, Entered: 6/27/1996 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l in support of motion for leave to to file 3rdparty complaint [51-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 51 Filed: 6/27/1996, Entered: 6/27/1996, Terminated: 3/3/1998 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l for leave to to file 3rdparty complaint with Notice set for 8/9/96 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 50 Filed: 6/14/1996, Entered: 6/18/1996 minutes - miscellaneous
MINUTES: ( C/R Lee Anne Shortridge) setting hearing on motion to amend complaint [26-1] 10:30 7/26/96 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 49 Filed: 6/12/1996, Entered: 6/12/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of declaration [47-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 48 Filed: 6/12/1996, Entered: 6/12/1996 Letter
LETTER dated 6/12/96 from Janet M. Craycroft re: Adobe's motion for protective order. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 47 Filed: 6/12/1996, Entered: 6/12/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. M. Craycroft on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 46 Filed: 6/12/1996, Entered: 6/12/1996 Letter
LETTER dated 6/12/96 from Judith B. Jennison re: protective order [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 45 Filed: 6/10/1996, Entered: 6/10/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison, Esq., on behalf of defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re motion for order for further case management conference [44-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 44 Filed: 6/10/1996, Entered: 6/10/1996, Terminated: 3/31/1998 Motion for Order of Sale
EX-PARTE APPLICATION by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l for order for further case management conference [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 42 Filed: 6/3/1996, Entered: 6/3/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. M. Craycroft on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion to amend complaint [26-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 41 Filed: 6/3/1996, Entered: 6/3/1996 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
REPLY by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion to amend complaint [26-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 43 Filed: 5/31/1996, Entered: 6/3/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l of order [38-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 40 Filed: 5/24/1996, Entered: 5/29/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. B. Jennison on behalf of defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l re notice [39-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 39 Filed: 5/24/1996, Entered: 5/29/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l of non-opposition to motion to file 1st amended complaint adding patent claims and expanding copyright claims. [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 38 Filed: 5/23/1996, Entered: 5/24/1996 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : setting hearing on motion to amend complaint [26-1] 6/14/96; opposition filed by 5/24/96; reply filed by 5/31/96 (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 37 Filed: 5/13/1996, Entered: 5/20/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Softkey Internat'l of substitution of attorney [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 36 Filed: 5/10/1996, Entered: 5/10/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of order Joint cmc statement [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 35 Filed: 5/9/1996, Entered: 5/10/1996 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of entry of order of clerks notice of continuance [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 34 Filed: 5/7/1996, Entered: 5/8/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software of clerk notice [33-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 33 Filed: 5/1/1996, Entered: 5/3/1996 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE setting hearing on motion to amend complaint [26-1] 9:00 6/14/96 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 32 Filed: 4/25/1996, Entered: 4/29/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of motion to amend complaint [26-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 30 Filed: 4/24/1996, Entered: 4/24/1996 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE ENE PROCESS COMPLETED Session was held 4/19/96 [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 29 Filed: 4/23/1996, Entered: 4/24/1996 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options
CERTIFICATION OF ADR SESSION ENE PROCESS COMPLETED , ENE session held 4/19/96 filed by neutral Early Neutral Evaluator Harold J. McElhinny (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 28 Filed: 4/22/1996, Entered: 4/23/1996 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. of motion to amend complaint [26-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 27 Filed: 4/22/1996, Entered: 4/23/1996 Declaration in Support
DECLARATION by J. M. Craycroft on behalf of Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. re motion to amend complaint [26-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 26 Filed: 4/22/1996, Entered: 4/23/1996 Motion to Amend/Correct
MOTION by Plaintiff Adobe Systems, Inc. to amend complaint with Notice set for 6/7/96 at 9:00 [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 31 Filed: 4/19/1996, Entered: 4/29/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte withdrawing attorney Andrew J. Berman for Softkey Internat'l, attorney Eric M. George for Softkey Internat'l, attorney Peter B. Ellis for Southern Software and substituting attorney Judith B. Jennison ( Date Entered: 4/29/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 25 Filed: 4/10/1996, Entered: 4/10/1996 Case Management Scheduling OrderCourt Filing
CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte see minutes of #24 . Est.trial days: 7 to 10 days (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 24 Filed: 3/22/1996, Entered: 4/2/1996 Case Management Conference - Initial
MINUTES: ( C/R none) INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE HELD. Pre-trial conference will be held 1:30 1/9/97 ; Jury Trial set for 1:30 1/13/97 ; Discovery cutoff 9/16/96 ; All motions hearing date 9:00 10/25/96 ; deadline for discovery from experts is 10/25/96 ; deadline for supplemental disclosure is 9/30/96 ; deadline for pre-trial filings is 1/3/97 ; All motions will be filed by 12/6/96 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 23 Filed: 3/8/1996, Entered: 3/11/1996 ADR-Miscellaneous
EVALUATOR'S Letter to Counsel ENE hearing will be held 9:30 4/19/96 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 22 Filed: 2/22/1996, Entered: 2/27/1996 Letter
LETTER dated 2/16/96 re: request for the case management conference be rescheduled [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 21 Filed: 2/22/1996, Entered: 2/27/1996 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE Case Management Conference set for 10:30 3/22/96 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 20 Filed: 2/21/1996, Entered: 2/27/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte granting motion to extend for conducting ENE [19-1] to 4/30/96 ( Date Entered: 2/27/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 19 Filed: 2/9/1996, Entered: 2/13/1996 Motion to ContinueCourt Filing
MOTION before Mag. Judge Wayne D. Brazil by defendant Nova Development Cor to extend for conducting ENE [5:95-cv-20710] (scu, COURT STAFF)
Blank 18 Filed: 2/7/1996, Entered: 2/7/1996 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE Case Management Conference set for 10:30 3/15/96 ; [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 17 Filed: 2/6/1996, Entered: 2/6/1996 Case Management Statement
Blank 16 Filed: 2/6/1996, Entered: 2/6/1996 ADR-Miscellaneous
EVALUATOR'S Letter to Counsel ENE hearing will be held 10:00 3/1/96 ; phone conference set 2/14/96 at 9:00am [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 15 Filed: 1/31/1996, Entered: 1/31/1996 Clerks Notice
CLERK'S NOTICE of appointment of evaluator, Harold J. McElhinny [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 14 Filed: 1/2/1996, Entered: 1/10/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte withdrawing attorney Eric M. George for Softkey Internat'l and substituting attorney Andrew J. Berman ( Date Entered: 1/10/96) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank 12 Filed: 11/27/1995, Entered: 12/1/1995 Certificate of service
PROOF OF SERVICE by defendant Southern Software, defendant Nova Development Cor, defendant Softkey Internation of answer [11-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 11 Filed: 11/27/1995, Entered: 12/1/1995 Answer to Complaint
ANSWER by defendant Southern Software, defendant Nova Development Cor, defendant Softkey Internation to complaint [1-1] [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 13 Filed: 11/22/1995, Entered: 12/8/1995 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte granting motion for attorney to appear pro hac vice [10-1] ( Date Entered: 12/8/95) (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 10 Filed: 11/20/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995 Motion for Pro Hac ViceCourt Filing
MOTION before Judge Ronald M. Whyte by defendant Nova Development Cor for attorney to appear pro hac vice [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 9 Filed: 11/16/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : extending time to answer by 11/27/95 (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 8 Filed: 11/16/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : extending time to answer by 11/20/95 (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
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Blank 7 Filed: 11/14/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995 summons returned executed
RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant Southern Software on 10/20/95 [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 6 Filed: 11/14/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995 summons returned executed
RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant Nova Development Cor on 10/24/95 [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 5 Filed: 11/14/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995 summons returned executed
RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant Softkey Internation on 10/23/95 [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 3 Filed: 11/7/1995, Entered: 11/20/1995 Stipulation and OrderCourt Filing
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : extending time to answer by 11/23/95 (cc: all counsel) [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 4 Filed: 11/6/1995, Entered: 11/20/1995 stipulation
STIPULATION for extension of time to answer by 11/27/95 for defendant Softkey International Inc. [5:95-cv-20710] (ga, COURT STAFF)
Blank 2 Filed: 10/19/1995, Entered: 10/19/1995 Scheduling OrderCourt Filing
ORDER RE COURT PROCEDURE and SCHEDULE by Judge Ronald M. Whyte : Proof of service to be filed by 12/4/95 ; counsels' case management statement to be filed by 2/6/96 ; initial case management conference will be held 10:30 2/16/96 . (cc: all counsel) (cv, COURT STAFF)
Legal Document 1 Filed: 10/19/1995, Entered: 10/19/1995 Complaint
COMPLAINT Summons(es) issued; Fee status pd entered on 10/19/95 in the amount of $ 120.00 ( Receipt No. 96364); jury demand [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Patent/Trademark report
REPORT on the filing or determination of an action regarding copyright (cc: form mailed to register) [5:95-cv-20710] (cv, COURT STAFF)


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