American Lung Association, et al v. EPA, et al

Appeal Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Case No. 19-1140
Last Updated July 5, 2022 at 1:00 PM EDT (2.6 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo American Lung Association, Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Entity QF

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James Patrick Duffy,, Attorney
Space Ann B. Weeks +1 617 624 0234 +1 617 624 0230
No Logo American Public Health Association, Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Entity QF

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James Patrick Duffy,, Attorney
Space Ann B. Weeks +1 617 624 0234 +1 617 624 0230
No Logo Andrew Wheeler, Administrator, Respondent
United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Environmental Protection Agency, Respondent
Officially listed as "Environmental Protection Agency"

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Meghan Greenfield +1 202 514 2795
No Logo Jane Nishida, Acting Administrator, Respondent

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Meghan Greenfield +1 202 514 2795
Other Parties
No Logo A, Donald Mceachin, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Abigail Swann, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Adriano Espaillat, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Al Green, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Alan S. Lowenthal, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Alcee L. Hastings, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Amelia Keyes, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jonas Monast +1 919 943 8526
No Logo American Academy Of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by GEORGETOWN LAW

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Hope Madeline Babcock +1 202 662 9481
No Logo American College Of Chest Physicians, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by GEORGETOWN LAW

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Hope Madeline Babcock +1 202 662 9481
No Logo American College Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by GEORGETOWN LAW

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Hope Madeline Babcock +1 202 662 9481
No Logo American Thoracic Society, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by GEORGETOWN LAW

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Hope Madeline Babcock +1 202 662 9481
No Logo Andrew E. Dessler, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Andy Levin, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Ann M. Kuster, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Anna G. Eshoo, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Ben Ray Lujan, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
No Logo Benjamin F. Hobbs, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of California, Los Angeles

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cara A. Horowitz +1 310 206 4033
No Logo Benjamin L. Cardin, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Blake Emerson, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Bobby Rush, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Brendan Kirby, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of California, Los Angeles

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cara A. Horowitz +1 310 206 4033
No Logo Brian Higgins, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Central Conference Of American Rabbis, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Charles B. Curtis, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo Charles T. Driscoll, Jr., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jonas Monast +1 919 943 8526
No Logo Chellie Pingree, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Chris Van Hollen, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo City Of Albuquerque, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Asheville, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Boston, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Coral Gables, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City of Houston, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Las Cruces, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Minneapolis, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City of New Orleans, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo CITY OF PHOENIX, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City of Pittsburgh, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City of Portland, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City of Providence, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Saint Paul, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo City Of Santa Fe, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Coalition On The Environment And Jewish Life, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Coalition To Protect America's National Parks, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brent Chapman +1 505 277 5265 +1 505 277 4367
Space Gracielauivel +1 505 277 5265 +1 505 277 4367
Space Gabriel Pacyniak +1 505 277 6559 +1 505 277 2371
No Logo Colette Honorable, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo Columbia Sportswear Company, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Arnold & Porter, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Ethan G. Shenkman +1 202 942 5000 +1 202 942 5999
Space Stephen K. Wirth +1 202 942 6739 +1 202 942 5999
No Logo County Of Boulder, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Dallas Burtraw, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jonas Monast +1 919 943 8526
No Logo Daniel Farber, Prof., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Daniel Kirk-davidoff, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Darren Soto, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo David Battisti, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Debbie Dingell, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Deborah Wasserman Schultz, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Debra A. Haaland, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Diana Degette, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Diana H. Wall, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Dianne Feinstein, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Dina Titus, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Donald S. Beyer, Jr., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Doris Matsui, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Drew Shindell, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Earl Blumenauer, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Ed Perlmutter, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Eddie Bernice Johnson, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Edward J. Markey, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Eleanor Holmes Norton, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Eliot L. Engel, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Elizabeth Anne Moler, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo Emanuel Cleaver, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Environment America, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Wyatt Gregory Sassman +1 303 871 7870
No Logo Evangelical Environmental Network, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Frank Pallone, Jr., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Gerald Connolly, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Gernot Wagner, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Grace Napolitano, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Harris County, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Hazon, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Ilhan Omar, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Institute For Policy Integrity At New York University School Of Law, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Brennan Center for Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jack Lienke, Noll +1 212 998 6222
Space Richard L. Revesz +1 212 998 6185
No Logo Institute Leadership Team, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo James C. Mcwilliams, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo James D. Mccalley, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of California, Los Angeles

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cara A. Horowitz +1 310 206 4033
No Logo James E. Clyburn, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo James John Hoecker, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo James P. Mcgovern, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo James Stock, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Janice D. Schakowsky, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Jared Huffman, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Jason Crow, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Jerry Mcnerney, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Jesus G. Garcia, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Joe Neguse, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Joellen L. Russell, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo John Harte, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo John Norris, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo John P. Sarbanes, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Jon Wellinghoff, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo Jose E. Serrano, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Joseph P. Kennedy, Iii, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Joyce Beatty, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Julia Brownley, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Katherine Mach, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Kathryn E. Kovacs, Attorney, Prof., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Kathy Castor, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Kathy Fallon Lambert, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jonas Monast +1 919 943 8526
No Logo Kenneth Gillingham, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Kenneth J. Lutz, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of California, Los Angeles

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cara A. Horowitz +1 310 206 4033
No Logo Kerry Emanuel, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Kevin Trenberth, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Kim Cobb, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Lawrence H. Goulder, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Lisa Blunt Rochester,, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Marc Veasey, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Marcy Kaptur, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Mario J. Molina, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Mark Pocan, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Maryknoll Sisters, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Maximilian Auffhammer, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Mayor And City Council Of Baltimore,, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Mayor Of City Of Durham, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Mayor Of Salt Lake City, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Mayor Of The Borough Of Glen Rock, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Men Of Reform Judaism, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Michael F. Bennet, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Michael F. Doyle, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Michael Greenstone, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Benjamin NIckerson +1 773 702 9611
Space Alexander Valdes +1 773 702 9611 +1 773 702 2063

Represented by University of Chicago

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Mark N Templeton +1 773 702 6998 +1 773 702 2063
Space Robert A Weinstock +1 773 702 7198 +1 773 702 2063
No Logo Michael Maccracken, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Michael Oppenheimer, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Mike Levin, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Mike Quigley, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Nancy Pelosi, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Nanette Diaz Barragan, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo National Baptist Convention, Usa, Inc., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo National Council Of Churches Usa, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo National League of Cities, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo National Medical Association, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by GEORGETOWN LAW

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Hope Madeline Babcock +1 202 662 9481
No Logo National Parks Conservation Association, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brent Chapman +1 505 277 5265 +1 505 277 4367
Space Gracielauivel +1 505 277 5265 +1 505 277 4367
Space Gabriel Pacyniak +1 505 277 6559 +1 505 277 2371
No Logo National Trust For Historic Preservation,, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by University of Denver-Sturm College of Law

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Wyatt Gregory Sassman +1 303 871 7870
No Logo Nina Alexandra Mendelson, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Noelle Eckley Selin, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Nora Mead Brownell, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo Norman C. Bay, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Duke University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine Erin Konschnik +1 919 613 7057
No Logo Pamela Matson,, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by UW Madison

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephanie Tai +1 608 890 1236
No Logo Patagonia Works, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Ethan G. Shenkman +1 202 942 5000 +1 202 942 5999

Represented by Arnold & Porter, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen K. Wirth +1 202 942 6739 +1 202 942 5999
No Logo Paul Tonko, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Peter A. Defazio, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Peter Welch, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Philip Duffy, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Rashida Tlaib, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Raul M. Grijalva, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Raul Ruiz, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Richard J. Lazarus, Prof., Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Ronald Levin, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Salud O. Carbajal, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Scott H. Peters, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Sean Casten, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Service Employees International Union, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Renee Marie Gerni +1 202 730 7813

Represented by Service Employees International Union

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicole G. Berner +1 202 730 7383 +1 202 429 5565
No Logo Sheldon Whitehouse, Senator, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Eric Alan Isaacson +1 858 263 9581
No Logo Sisters Of Mercy Of The Americas, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Steny H. Hoyer, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo STEVE COHEN, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Suzanne Bonamici, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Ted Lieu, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Thomas C. Jorling, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Theodore Lamm +1 510 642 6774
No Logo Thomas R. Carper, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Todd S. Aagaard, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Matthew J. Sanders +1 650 725 4217 +1 650 723 4426

Represented by Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Deborah Ann Sivas +1 650 725 8571 +1 650 723 4426
No Logo Tony Cardenas, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Town of Chapel Hill, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Town Of Cutler Bay, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo U.s. Conference Of Mayors, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Columbia University

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael Burger
No Logo Union For Reform Judaism, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Union Of Concerned Scientists, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by President and Fellows of Harvard College

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Shaun Alaric Goho +1 617 496 2058
No Logo Women Of Reform Judaism, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Keri Rae Steffes +1 203 215 6188
No Logo Yvette D. Clarke, Amicus Curiae for Petitioner

Represented by Constitutional Accountability Center

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Brianne J. Gorod +1 202 296 6889
Space ELIZABETH BONNIE WYDRA +1 714 222 0144 +1 202 296 6895
No Logo Aep Generating Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson PLLC-Charleston

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Aep Generation Resources Inc., Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo America's Power, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Hunton & Williams LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elbert Lin,, Partner


Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space F. William Brownell +1 202 955 1500 +1 202 778 2201
No Logo Appalachian Power Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Emily C. Schilling +1 202 393 6500
Space Kristina R. Van Bockern +1 303 295 8107 +1 720 545 9952
No Logo Chamber Of Commerce Of The United States Of America, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jeffrey Heath Wood +1 202 639 7700

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Scott Allen Keller +1 202 639 7700
Space Jeremy Evan Maltz +1 202 639 7700

Represented by Sidley Austin LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space C. Frederick Beckner, III +1 202 736 8874 +1 202 736 8711
No Logo Georgia Power Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Melissa Horne +1 404 885 3000

Represented by Troutman Sanders, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Margaret Claiborne Campbell +1 404 885 3000
No Logo Indiana Energy Association, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Indiana Michigan Power Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Indiana Utility Group, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Kentucky Power Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Mississippi Public Service Commission, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space William Daniel Booth +1 202 747 9568
Space Obianuju Okasi +1 202 595 7933
Space Todd Palmer +1 608 283 4431
No Logo Murray Energy Corporation, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James Richard Bedell +1 216 363 4500
Space John A. Rego +1 216 363 4500 +1 216 363 4588
Space Reed Sirak +1 216 363 4500

Represented by Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP - Palo Alto

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Erik David Lange +1 216 479 8500

Represented by Squire Sanders (US) LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John D Lazzaretti +1 216 479 8350 +1 216 479 8776
No Logo National Mining Association, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Carroll Wade McGuffey +1 404 885 3000 +1 404 885 3900

Represented by Troutman Sanders, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Misha Tseytlin +1 312 759 5947

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elizabeth Boucher Dawson +1 202 624 2500 +1 202 628 5116
Space Thomas Allen Lorenzen +1 202 624 2500

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Rae Evans Cronmiller +1 703 907 5500
No Logo Nevada Gold Energy Llc, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Parsons Behle & Latimer

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob Santini +1 801 532 1234
Space Michael A Zody +1 801 536 6111
No Logo Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob Santini +1 801 532 1234
Space Michael A Zody +1 801 536 6111
No Logo Newmont Nevada Energy Investment, Llc, Intervenor for Respondent
No Logo Phil Bryant, Governor Of The State Of Mississippi, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by ms .gov Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Joseph Anthony Scalfani +1 601 576 2807 +1 601 576 2791 .gov
No Logo Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Balch & Bingham LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space C. Grady Moore, III +1 205 251 8100

Represented by Balch & Bingham LLP - Bir

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Julia Barber +1 205 251 8100
No Logo Public Service Company Of Oklahoma, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo Southwestern Electric Power Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo State of Alabama, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Edmund G LaCour, Jr +1 334 242 7300
No Logo State of Alaska, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by State of Alaska Department of Law

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space CLYDE E. SNIFFEN, JR. +1 907 269 5100
No Logo State of Arkansas, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Arkansas Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicholas Jacob Bronni +1 501 682 6302
No Logo State of Georgia, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Georgia Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Andrew Pinson
No Logo State of Indiana, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Indiana Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas M. Fisher +1 317 232 6255 +1 317 232 7979
No Logo State of Kansas, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Kansas Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jeffery A Chanay +1 785 296 2215 +1 785 291 3767
No Logo State Of Kentucky, By And Through Governor Matthew G. Bevin, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Joseph Anthony Newberg +1 502 696 5300

Represented by Office of the Kentucky Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven Travis Mayo +1 502 696 5300 +1 502 564 2894
Space Taylor Allen Payne +1 502 696 5300

Represented by Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP - Palo Alto

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen Chad Meredith
No Logo State of Louisiana, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Elizabeth Baker Murrill +1 225 326 6000
No Logo State of Missouri, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Missouri Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Dean John Sauer +1 573 751 8807 +1 573 751 2203
No Logo State of Montana, Intervenor for Respondent


Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jeremiah Langston
No Logo State of Nebraska, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Nebraska Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Justin D. Lavene +1 402 471 2064
No Logo State of North Dakota, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Paul Martin Seby +1 303 572 6500 +1 303 572 6540
Space Jerry Stouck +1 202 331 3173 +1 202 331 3101

Represented by Office of the North Dakota Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Margaret I. Olson +1 701 328 3640
No Logo State of Ohio, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cameron Farrow Simmons +1 216 777 8046 +1 614 644 1926

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Benjamin Michael Flowers +1 614 466 0350
No Logo State of Oklahoma, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Mithun Mansinghani +1 405 521 4274
No Logo State of South Carolina, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the South Carolina Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James Emory Smith, Jr.,, Assistant Attorney General +1 803 734 3680 +1 803 734 3677
No Logo State of South Dakota, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the South Dakota Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven R. Blair
No Logo State of Texas, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of Capital Writs

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Judd Edward Stone, II +1 512 936 1700 +1 512 474 2697
No Logo State of Utah, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Melissa A Holyoak +1 801 366 0260
No Logo State of West Virginia, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the West Virginia Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Lindsay S. See +1 304 558 2021


Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas T. Lampman
No Logo State of Wyoming, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Office of the Wyoming Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James Kaste +1 307 777 6946 +1 307 777 3542
Space Erik Edward Petersen +1 307 777 3539 +1 307 777 3542
No Logo Westmoreland Mining Holdings Llc, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by Baker & Hostetler, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Mark Wendell DeLaquil +1 202 861 1500 +1 202 861 1783
Space Andrew M. Grossman +1 202 861 1500 +1 202 861 1783
No Logo Wheeling Power Company, Intervenor for Respondent

Represented by American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Janet J. Henry +1 614 716 1612 +1 614 716 1613

Represented by Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathy G. Beckett +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space David Michael Flannery +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8180
Space Edward Louis Kropp +1 304 353 8000 +1 304 353 8183
Space Amy M. Smith +1 304 933 8000 +1 304 933 8183
No Logo National Association Of Home Builders Of The United States, Amicus Curiae for Respondent

Represented by Baker Botts, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Megan H. Berge +1 202 639 1308 +1 202 639 1171

Represented by Direct: 202-266-8230

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Jon Ward +1 202 266 8161

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jared R. Wigginton +1 202 639 7700
No Logo State of Nevada, Intervenor for Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Heidi Parry Stern +1 702 486 2670 +1 702 486 3773
Nature of Suit
Case Type Petition for Review
Lower Court Case
Lower Court Case
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208434295 Filed: 7/1/2022, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1953232] to withdraw attorney Aimee Diane Thomson who represented Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 19-1165 filed by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 19-1165 [Service Date: 07/01/2022 ] [19-1165, 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Thomson, Aimee)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208434021 Filed: 6/30/2022, Entered: None ?
OPINION [1953093] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following disposition of case Nos. 20-1530m 20-1531, 20-1778, 20-1780 argued on 02/28/2022: The lower court decision was reversed and the cases remanded on 06/30/2022. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208433991 Filed: 6/30/2022, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1953081] filed by Ann R Johnston on behalf of Petitioner Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 19-1165. [19-1165, 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Johnston, Ann)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208415641 Filed: 4/18/2022, Entered: None ?
REPORT [1943430] filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 abeyance status is agency proceedings ongoing [Service Date: 04/18/2022 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208410517 Filed: 3/28/2022, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1940751] to substitute attorney Gregory S. Schultz substituted by Randelle L. Boots filed by State of Rhode Island in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179 [Service Date: 03/28/2022 ] [19-1140, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179] (Boots, Randelle)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208405127 Filed: 3/4/2022, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1937880] to withdraw attorney Steven Wu who represented State of New York in 19-1165, State of New York in 19-1175, State of New York in 19-1176 and State of New York in 19-1179 filed by State of New York in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179 [Service Date: 03/04/2022 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Wu, Steven)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208400012 Filed: 2/14/2022, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1935136] to withdraw attorney Vincent M. Wagner who represented State of Arkansas in 19-1140 filed by State of Arkansas [Service Date: 02/14/2022 ] [19-1140] (Wagner, Vincent)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208391908 Filed: 1/17/2022, Entered: None ?
REPORT [1930863] filed by EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 abeyance status is agency proceedings ongoing [Service Date: 01/17/2022 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208386923 Filed: 12/22/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1928198] sent to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States transmitting the record on appeal. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208386905 Filed: 12/21/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTERS [1928191] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States requesting transmittal of the record on appeal. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208378288 Filed: 11/22/2021, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1923634] filed by Jason C. Rylander on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Center for Biological Diversity. [19-1185] (Rylander, Jason)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208378285 Filed: 11/22/2021, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1923633] filed by Jason C. Rylander on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Center for Biological Diversity. [19-1179] (Rylander, Jason)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208378282 Filed: 11/22/2021, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1923632] filed by Jason C. Rylander on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Center for Biological Diversity. [19-1176] (Rylander, Jason)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208378279 Filed: 11/22/2021, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1923631] filed by Jason C. Rylander on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Center for Biological Diversity. [19-1175] (Rylander, Jason)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208378276 Filed: 11/22/2021, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1923630] filed by Jason C. Rylander on behalf of Petitioner Center for Biological Diversity. [19-1166] (Rylander, Jason)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208375496 Filed: 11/12/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1922223] to withdraw attorney Clare Alison Lakewood who represented Center for Biological Diversity in 19-1185 filed by Center for Biological Diversity [Service Date: 11/12/2021 ] [19-1185] (Lakewood, Clare)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208375493 Filed: 11/12/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1922221] to withdraw attorney Clare Alison Lakewood who represented Center for Biological Diversity in 19-1179 filed by Center for Biological Diversity [Service Date: 11/12/2021 ] [19-1179] (Lakewood, Clare)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208375490 Filed: 11/12/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1922218] to withdraw attorney Clare Alison Lakewood who represented Center for Biological Diversity in 19-1176 filed by Center for Biological Diversity [Service Date: 11/12/2021 ] [19-1176] (Lakewood, Clare)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208375487 Filed: 11/12/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1922217] to withdraw attorney Clare Alison Lakewood who represented Center for Biological Diversity in 19-1175 filed by Center for Biological Diversity [Service Date: 11/12/2021 ] [19-1175] (Lakewood, Clare)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208375481 Filed: 11/12/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1922214] to withdraw attorney Clare Alison Lakewood who represented Center for Biological Diversity in 19-1166 filed by Center for Biological Diversity [Service Date: 11/12/2021 ] [19-1166] (Lakewood, Clare)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208374534 Filed: 11/10/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1921749] to withdraw attorney Benjamin Michael Levitan who represented Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166, Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1175, Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1176, Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1179 and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1185 filed by Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 [Service Date: 11/10/2021 ] [19-1166, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Levitan, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208373828 Filed: 11/8/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1921391] to withdraw attorney Benjamin Carlisle who represented EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, EPA in 19-1166, EPA in 19-1173, EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1175, EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1176, EPA in 19-1177, EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1179, EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1185, EPA in 19-1186, EPA in 19-1187 and EPA in 19-1188 filed by EPA and Jane Nishida in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 11/08/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Carlisle, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208372195 Filed: 11/1/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1920525] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in case No. 20-1531: The petition for writ of certiorari was granted on 10/29/2021. Case Nos. 20-1530, 20-1531, 20-1778, and 20-1780 were consolidated and a total of one hour allotted for oral argument. The motion of Lignite Energy Council for leave to file a brief amicus curiae was granted. [19-1179]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208372192 Filed: 11/1/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1920524] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in case No. 20-1780: The petition for writ of certiorari was Granted on 10/29/2021. Case Nos. 20-1530, 20-1531, 20-1778, and 20-1780 were consolidated and a total of one hour allotted for oral argument. The motion of Lignite Energy Council for leave to file a brief amicus curiae was granted. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208372189 Filed: 11/1/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1920523] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in case No. 20-1778: The petition for writ of certiorari was granted limited to Question 2 on 10/29/2021. Case Nos. 20-1530, 20-1531, 20-1778, and 20-1780 were consolidated and a total of one hour allotted for oral argument. The motion of Lignite Energy Council for leave to file a brief amicus curiae was granted. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208372186 Filed: 11/1/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1920522] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in case No. 20-1530: The petition for writ of certiorari was granted on 10/29/2021. Case Nos. 20-1530, 20-1531, 20-1778, and 20-1780 were consolidated and a total of one hour allotted for oral argument. The motion of Lignite Energy Council for leave to file a brief amicus curiae was granted. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208357195 Filed: 9/1/2021, Entered: None ?
REPORT [1912359] filed by EPA, Jane Nishida and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 abeyance status is Agency proceedings ongoing [Service Date: 09/01/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208347850 Filed: 7/21/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1907264] to substitute attorney Tyler R. Green substituted by Melissa A. Holyoak filed by State of Utah [Service Date: 07/21/2021 ] [19-1140] (Holyoak, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208343036 Filed: 6/30/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1904550] to withdraw attorney Angela Jean Levin who represented Georgia Power Company in 19-1140 filed by Georgia Power Company in 19-1140 [Service Date: 06/30/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Horne, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208341915 Filed: 6/23/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1903972] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in the case before it: A petition for writ of certiorari was filed and placed on the docket on 06/23/2021 as No. 20-1780. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208341909 Filed: 6/23/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1903970] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in the case before it: A petition for writ of certiorari was filed and placed on the docket on 06/23/2021 as No. 20-1778. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208340258 Filed: 6/21/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1903113] to withdraw attorney Susannah Weaver who represented Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166, Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1175, Environmental Defense Fund and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1176, Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1179 and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1185 filed by Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 [Service Date: 06/21/2021 ] [19-1166, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Weaver, Susannah)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208339322 Filed: 6/15/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1902547] to withdraw attorney Michael Landis who represented Environment America, National Trust for Historic Preservation and National Trust for Historic Preservation in 19-1140, Environment America and National Trust for Historic Preservation in 19-1166, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1173, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1175, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1176, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1177, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1179, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1185, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1186, Environment America and Environment America in 19-1187 and Environment America, Environment America and National Trust for Historic Preservation in 19-1188 filed by Environment America and National Trust for Historic Preservation in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 06/15/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Landis, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208334636 Filed: 5/25/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1899978] to substitute attorney Kyle D. Hawkins substituted by Judd E. Stone II filed by State of Texas [Service Date: 05/25/2021 ] [19-1140] (Stone, Judd)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208334343 Filed: 5/24/2021, Entered: None ?
REPORT [1899829] filed by EPA, Jane Nishida and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 abeyance status is administrative proceedings ongoing [Service Date: 05/24/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Carlisle, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208331397 Filed: 5/10/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1898042] to withdraw attorney Jacob Levine who represented Consolidated Edison, Inc. in 19-1188, Donald Lynn Ristow Jr. who represented Consolidated Edison, Inc. in 19-1188 filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 05/10/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208330884 Filed: 5/4/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1897788] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in the case before it: A petition for writ of certiorari was filed and placed on the docket on 05/04/2021 as No. 20-1531. [19-1179]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208330881 Filed: 5/4/2021, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1897787] received from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States notifying this court of the following activity in the case before it: A petition for writ of certiorari was filed and placed on the docket on 05/04/2021 as No. 20-1530. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208328841 Filed: 4/29/2021, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1896675] filed by Wade H. Hargrove III on behalf of Petitioner State of Hawaii in 19-1165, Intervenor for Respondent State of Hawaii in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Hargrove, Wade)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208319513 Filed: 3/24/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1891499] to withdraw attorney Julie Marie Blake who represented State of Missouri in 19-1140 filed by State of Missouri [Service Date: 03/24/2021 ] [19-1140] (Sauer, Dean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208314562 Filed: 3/5/2021, Entered: None ?
PARTIAL MANDATE ISSUED to Environmental Protection Agency. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208312174 Filed: 2/26/2021, Entered: None ?
PER CURIAM ORDER [1887414] filed granting Public Health & Environmental petitioners' bill of costs in the amount of $1,942.35 [1883404-2] in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208312166 Filed: 2/26/2021, Entered: None ?
PER CURIAM ORDER [1887410] filed granting State and Municipal petitioners' bill of costs in the amount of $1,051.04 [1883352-2] in 19-1140, 19-1165. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208312158 Filed: 2/26/2021, Entered: None ?
PER CURIAM ORDER [1887406] filed granting Biogenic CO2 Coalition petitioners' bill of costs in the amount of $774.18 [1883250-2] in 19-1140, 19-1185. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208311146 Filed: 2/24/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1886793] to withdraw attorney Allison D. Wood who represented America's Power in 19-1140 filed by America's Power in 19-1140 [Service Date: 02/24/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Wood, Allison)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208310417 Filed: 2/22/2021, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1886400] filed recalling partial mandate to agency [1886390-2] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208310388 Filed: 2/22/2021, Entered: None ?
[RECALLED PURSUANT TO ORDER FILED 02/22/2021]--PARTIAL MANDATE ISSUED to Environmental Protection Agency. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208310385 Filed: 2/22/2021, Entered: None ?
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208309444 Filed: 2/17/2021, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED NOTICE [1885892] to terminate attorney filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 02/17/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208309424 Filed: 2/17/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1885886] to terminate attorney filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 01/17/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208308021 Filed: 2/12/2021, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1885168] for a partial stay of mandate filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 (Service Date: 02/12/2021 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 788 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208304753 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1883409] to withdraw attorney Matthew Thompson Cochenour who represented State of Montana in 19-1140 filed by State of Montana [Service Date: 02/02/2021 ] [19-1140] (Cochenour, Matthew)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208304740 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None ?
BILL OF COSTS [1883404] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 02/02/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208304625 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None ?
BILL OF COSTS [1883352] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165 [Service Date: 02/02/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208304455 Filed: 2/2/2021, Entered: None ?
BILL OF COSTS [1883250] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 02/02/2021 ] [19-1185, 19-1140] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208303877 Filed: 1/31/2021, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED NOTICE [1882946] to withdraw attorney Tomas Carbonell who represented Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1175, Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1176, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Defense Fund and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1179 and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1185 filed by Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166 [Service Date: 01/31/2021 ] [19-1166, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Levitan, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208303826 Filed: 1/29/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1882937] to withdraw attorney Alejandra Nunez who represented Sierra Club in 19-1166 filed by Sierra Club in 19-1166 [Service Date: 01/29/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1166] (Nunez, Alejandra)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208300146 Filed: 1/21/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1880871] to withdraw attorney Jonathan Brightbill who represented Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, EPA in 19-1166, EPA in 19-1173, Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1175, Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1176, EPA in 19-1177, Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1179, Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1185, EPA in 19-1186, EPA in 19-1187 and EPA in 19-1188, Jeffrey Bossert Clark Sr. who represented Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, EPA in 19-1166, EPA in 19-1173, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1175, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1176, EPA in 19-1177, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1179, EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1185, EPA in 19-1186, EPA in 19-1187 and EPA in 19-1188 filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 01/21/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Carlisle, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208300103 Filed: 1/20/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1880841] to withdraw attorney Tomas Carbonell who represented Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166 filed by Environmental Defense Fund [Service Date: 01/20/2021 ] [19-1166] (Levitan, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208300004 Filed: 1/20/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1880807] to withdraw attorney Melissa Ann Hoffer who represented Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 19-1175 and Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 19-1176 filed by Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 19-1165, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179 [Service Date: 01/20/2021 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Frankel, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208299405 Filed: 1/19/2021, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1880547] filed withholding issuance of the mandate. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208299402 Filed: 1/19/2021, Entered: None ?Court Filing
OPINION [1880546] filed PER CURIAM OPINION (Pages: 147); OPINION CONCURRING IN PART, CONCURRING IN THE JUDGMENT IN PART, AND DISSENTING IN PART (Pages: 38) by Judge Walker. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208299399 Filed: 1/19/2021, Entered: None ?
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208296452 Filed: 1/7/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1878942] to substitute party filed by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 01/07/2021 ] [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188] (Tabak, Gabriel)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208281273 Filed: 11/12/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1870868] to withdraw attorney Shay Dvoretzky who represented The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 11/12/2020 ] [19-1179, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Dvoretzky, Shay)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208276205 Filed: 10/26/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE [1868199] to letter Rule 28j authorities [1866787-2], letter [1866787-3] filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/26/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 347 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Blank  Filed: 10/26/2020, Entered: None ?
TRANSCRIPT [1868068] of oral argument [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208273378 Filed: 10/16/2020, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1866787] pursuant to FRAP 28j advising of additional authorities filed by Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 10/16/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208272071 Filed: 10/14/2020, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1866078] pursuant to FRAP 28j advising of additional authorities filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/14/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208271096 Filed: 10/8/2020, Entered: None ?Court Filing
ORAL ARGUMENT HELD before Judges Millett, Pillard and Walker. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Blank  Filed: 10/1/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Mark W. DeLaquil, on behalf of Petitioner Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (DeLaquil, Mark)
Blank  Filed: 10/1/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Meghan E. Greenfield, on behalf of Respondents EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, Respondent EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
Blank  Filed: 10/1/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Jonathan D. Brightbill, on behalf of Respondents EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, Respondent EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Brightbill, Jonathan)
Blank  Filed: 10/1/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Lindsay See, on behalf of Intervenors for Respondent State of West Virginia, AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Phil Bryant, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Georgia Power Company, Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Indiana Utility Group, Kentucky Power Company, Mississippi Public Service Commission, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of Wyoming, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC and Wheeling Power Company in 19-1140, Intervenors for Respondent Indiana Energy Association and Indiana Utility Group in 19-1166, Intervenors for Respondent International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO in 19-1173 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (See, Lindsay)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208268570 Filed: 9/30/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1864225] concerning oral argument format filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 09/30/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Blank  Filed: 9/30/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Benjamin Carlisle, on behalf of Respondents EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, Respondent EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Carlisle, Benjamin)
Blank  Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Kevin Poloncarz, on behalf of Petitioners Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
Blank  Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Sean H. Donahue, on behalf of Petitioners American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Petitioners Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Petitioner Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Donahue, Sean)
Blank  Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Steven C. Wu, on behalf of Petitioners State of New York, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of Philadelphia, City of New York, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, Petitioner City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Wu, Steven)
Blank  Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Michael J. Myers, on behalf of Petitioners City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, People of the State of Michigan, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, Petitioner City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
Blank  Filed: 9/29/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, James P. Duffy, on behalf of Intervenors for Respondent American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Duffy, James)
Blank  Filed: 9/28/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, Theodore Hadzi-Antich, on behalf of Petitioners Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208267499 Filed: 9/28/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1863656] filed by Steven C. Wu on behalf of Petitioner State of New York in 19-1165. [19-1165, 19-1140] (Wu, Steven)
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Blank  Filed: 9/28/2020, Entered: None ?
FORM 72 submitted by arguing attorney, David M. Williamson, on behalf of Petitioner Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 (For Internal Use Only: Form is restricted to protect counsel's personal contact information). [19-1140, 19-1185] (Williamson, David)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208267209 Filed: 9/25/2020, Entered: None ?Court Filing
PER CURIAM ORDER [1863510] filed allocating oral argument time (see order for details). Directing parties to file Form 72 notice of arguing attorney by 10/01/2020. Before Judges: Millett, Pillard and Walker. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Blank  Filed: 9/14/2020, Entered: None ?
PER ABOVE ORDER lodged appendix [1856469-2], appendix [1856238-2] are filed [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208262733 Filed: 9/14/2020, Entered: None ?Court Filing
PER CURIAM ORDER [1861235] filed granting petitioner Westmoreland Mining Holdings Company's motion to supplement the joint appendix [1856227-2]; granting petitioner Biogenic CO2 Coalition's motion to supplement the deferred joint appendix [1856455-2], The Clerk is directed to file the lodged appendices [1856469-2], [1856238-2]. Before Judges: Millett, Pillard and Walker. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208262122 Filed: 9/10/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE [1860916] to letter Rule 28j authorities [1859588-2], letter [1859588-3] filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 09/10/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 332 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208260164 Filed: 9/3/2020, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED RESPONSE [1859892] to letter oral argument format [1855060-2] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177, Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185, Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186, American Wind Energy Association and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187, Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 09/03/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 3,363 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208260158 Filed: 9/3/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT RESPONSE [1859889] to letter oral argument format [1855060-2] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177, Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185, Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186, American Wind Energy Association and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187, Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 09/03/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 3,363 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208260149 Filed: 9/3/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1859886] concerning oral argument format filed by State of North Dakota in 19-1140 [Service Date: 09/03/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Seby, Paul)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208260143 Filed: 9/3/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT RESPONSE [1859884] to letter [1855060-2] filed by AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Georgia Power Company, Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Mississippi Public Service Commission, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Dakota, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wyoming, Wheeling Power Company, Indiana Utility Group, State of South Carolina and State of Texas in 19-1140, Indiana Energy Association and Indiana Utility Group in 19-1166, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO in 19-1173 [Service Date: 09/03/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 125 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Wood, Allison)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208260137 Filed: 9/3/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1859882] concerning oral argument format filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 09/03/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208259937 Filed: 9/3/2020, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1859765] concerning oral argument format filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176, The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179, Robinson Enterprises, Inc., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Dalton Trucking, Inc., Norman R. Brown, Joanne Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 09/03/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1175] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208259620 Filed: 9/2/2020, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1859588] pursuant to FRAP 28j advising of additional authorities filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 09/02/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208258243 Filed: 8/28/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE [1858886] to letter Rule 28j authorities [1856940-3], letter [1856940-4] filed by Appalachian Power Company in 19-1140, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 [Service Date: 08/28/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 316. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Duffy, James)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208257087 Filed: 8/25/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE [1858284] to letter Rule 28j authorities [1856940-3], letter [1856940-4] filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 08/25/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 349 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208254663 Filed: 8/17/2020, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1856940] pursuant to FRAP 28j advising of additional authorities filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 08/17/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1179]--[Edited 08/19/2020 by SHA - Document Type Modified by the Clerk's Office] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253756 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856495] filed by Mr. Sheldon Whitehouse in 19-1140 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,472 words.. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Isaacson, Eric)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253721 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856481] filed by American Wind Energy Association and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 2375 words.. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Tabak, Gabriel)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253696 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX [1856469] lodged by AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Phil Bryant, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Georgia Power Company, Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Indiana, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wyoming, Wheeling Power Company, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, EPA, Andrew Wheeler and State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and EPA in 19-1165, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, EPA and Indiana Energy Association in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., EPA and International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO in 19-1173, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of South Miami, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, Conservation Law Foundation, DC, Environmental Defense Fund, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc., Texas Public Policy Foundation and EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1175, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of South Miami, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, Conservation Law Foundation, DC, Environmental Defense Fund, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, EPA, Andrew Wheeler and Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176, City and County of Denver Colorado and EPA in 19-1177, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of South Miami, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, Conservation Law Foundation, DC, Environmental Defense Fund, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, State of California, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, EPA, Andrew Wheeler and The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Biogenic CO2 Coalition and EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1185, Advanced Energy Economy and EPA in 19-1186, American Wind Energy Association, Solar Energy Industries Association and EPA in 19-1187, Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated, Sacramento Municipal Utility District and EPA in 19-1188. [Volumes: 1] [Service Date:08/13/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253681 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
ERRATA [1856463] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 to Appellant/Petitioner brief [1838680-2], Intervenor brief [1852053-2], Appellant/Petitioner reply brief [1854310-2]. Reason for errata: correction of typographical errors in initial briefs. [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253677 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856461] filed by American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,197 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253671 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL REPLY BRIEF [1856459] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,429 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253664 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856458] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 10,127 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253661 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
UNOPPOSED MOTION [1856455] to supplement the appendix filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length Certification: 255. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253658 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856454] filed by State of North Dakota in 19-1140 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4002 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Seby, Paul)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253655 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL REPLY BRIEF [1856453] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 3,763. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253652 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856452] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 7,665. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253635 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856447] filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176, The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 8,496 words. [19-1176, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (DeLaquil, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253607 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
ADDENDUM [1856436] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177. [Volumes: 1] [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED EVENT--Edited 08/18/2020 by LMC] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253592 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
SEPARATE STATUTORY ADDENDUM [1856431] to Appellee/Respondent final brief [1856430-2] filed by Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date:08/13/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253589 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856430] filed by Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 52,515 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253573 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856424] filed by Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 52,515 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253555 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856416] filed by Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 52,515 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253533 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856408] filed by State of North Dakota in 19-1140 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4002 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Seby, Paul)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253516 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL REPLY BRIEF [1856397] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 3,000 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253512 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856396] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,962 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253506 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856393] filed by AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Utility Group, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC, Wheeling Power Company, State of West Virginia, State of Alaska, State of Alabama, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, Mississippi Public Service Commission, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of Wyoming, Phil Bryant and Georgia Power Company in 19-1140, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO in 19-1173 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 8634 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lorenzen, Thomas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253447 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856359] filed by State of West Virginia, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, Phil Bryant, Mississippi Public Service Commission, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of Wyoming, National Mining Association, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, America's Power, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., Appalachian Power Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, Wheeling Power Company, Georgia Power Company, Indiana Energy Association, Murray Energy Corporation, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC and Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1140, Indiana Utility Group in 19-1166, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO in 19-1173 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 9,015 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (See, Lindsay)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253396 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT FINAL BRIEF [1856327] filed by City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont and State of Washington in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,607 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lusignan, Brian)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253390 Filed: 8/13/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL REPLY BRIEF [1856325] filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176, The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 08/13/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,242 Words. [19-1140, 19-1176, 19-1179] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253346 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856309] filed by Benjamin F. Hobbs, Brendan Kirby, Kenneth J. Lutz and James D. McCalley in 19-1140 [Service Date: 08/12/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,461 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Horowitz, Cara)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253343 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL REPLY BRIEF [1856308] filed by Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 08/12/2020 ] Length of Brief: 2,247. [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253337 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856307] filed by Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 08/12/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,457. [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253314 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856301] filed by Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 08/12/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,457. [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253213 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT PETITIONER FINAL REPLY BRIEF [1856253] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 08/12/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,565 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED EVENT-Edited 08/14/2020 by LMC] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253210 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
SEPARATE STATUTORY ADDENDUM [1856252] to Appellant/Petitioner final brief [1856250-2] filed by City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date:08/12/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253203 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1856250] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 08/12/2020 ] Length of Brief: 13,414 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253173 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX [1856238] lodged by State of Nevada, AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Phil Bryant, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Georgia Power Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Mississippi Public Service Commission, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC, Wheeling Power Company, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association and Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, EPA and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166, 19-1173, Andrew Wheeler, EPA and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175, Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [Volumes: 1] [Service Date:08/12/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[Edited 08/13/2020 by LMC] (DeLaquil, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208253157 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1856227] to supplement the appendix filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1140 (Service Date: 08/12/2020 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 139 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (DeLaquil, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208251705 Filed: 8/6/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT APPENDIX [1855485] filed by State of Nevada, AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Phil Bryant, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, American Public Health Association, American Lung Association and Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, City of Los Angeles, City of Chicago, City of Boulder, City of New York, City of South Miami, City of Philadelphia, State of Wisconsin, State of Washington, State of Vermont, State of Rhode Island, State of Oregon, State of North Carolina, State of New York, State of New Mexico, State of New Jersey, State of Minnesota, State of Maine, State of Illinois, State of Hawaii, State of Delaware, State of Connecticut, State of California, People of the State of Michigan, DC, Commonwealth of Virginia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and EPA in 19-1165, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Environmental Defense Fund, Conservation Law Foundation, Clean Wisconsin, Clean Air Council and EPA in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. and EPA in 19-1173, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, State of Nevada, Andrew Wheeler, EPA and Texas Public Policy Foundation, Robinson Enterprises, Inc., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Dalton Trucking, Inc., Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition and Competitive Enterprise Institute in 19-1175, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, State of Nevada, Andrew Wheeler, EPA and Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176, City and County of Denver Colorado and EPA in 19-1177, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, State of Nevada, Andrew Wheeler, EPA and The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179, American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. and Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1185, EPA in 19-1186, EPA and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187, EPA and Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated, Power Companies Climate Coalition, New York Power Authority, National Grid USA, Exelon Corporation and Consolidated Edison, Inc. in 19-1188. [Volumes: 5] [Service Date: 08/06/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (DeLaquil, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208250938 Filed: 8/4/2020, Entered: None ?
LETTER [1855060] sent concerning oral argument format - Proposed formats due 09/03/2020. [1854843-3] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208250525 Filed: 8/3/2020, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1854843] filed scheduling oral argument on Thursday, 10/08/2020. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208250033 Filed: 7/31/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1854601] to withdraw attorney Robert Johnson who represented The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 07/31/2020 ] [19-1179, 19-1140, 19-1176] (Johnson, Robert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249737 Filed: 7/30/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT PETITIONER REPLY BRIEF [1854431] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 07/30/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,565 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249730 Filed: 7/30/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER REPLY BRIEF [1854430] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 07/30/2020 ] Length of Brief: 3,000 Words. [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249525 Filed: 7/30/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER REPLY BRIEF [1854330] filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176 [Service Date: 07/30/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,242 words. [19-1179, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249475 Filed: 7/30/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER REPLY BRIEF [1854310] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club and Conservation Law Foundation in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 07/30/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6424 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249282 Filed: 7/30/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER REPLY BRIEF [1854199] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 07/30/2020 ] Length of Brief: 3,763. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249251 Filed: 7/30/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1854170] advising that a brief will not be filed filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186, American Wind Energy Association and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 07/30/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208249180 Filed: 7/29/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1854135] to withdraw attorney Robert David Cheren who represented Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1140 and Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC and Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176 filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176 [Service Date: 07/29/2020 ] [19-1176, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (DeLaquil, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208248552 Filed: 7/28/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER REPLY BRIEF [1853787] filed by Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 07/28/2020 ] Length of Brief: 2,247 words. [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208245357 Filed: 7/16/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT BRIEF [1852121] filed by City and County of Denver Colorado, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Michigan, State of Minnesota, State of Nevada, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont and State of Washington in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179 [Service Date: 07/16/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,607 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lusignan, Brian)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208245336 Filed: 7/16/2020, Entered: None ?
INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT BRIEF [1852108] filed by AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Indiana Utility Group, Kentucky Power Company, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC, Wheeling Power Company, State of West Virginia, State of Alaska, State of Alabama, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, Mississippi Public Service Commission, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of Wyoming, Phil Bryant and Georgia Power Company in 19-1140, Indiana Energy Association and Indiana Utility Group in 19-1166, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO in 19-1173 [Service Date: 07/16/2020 ] Length of Brief: 8,635 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lorenzen, Thomas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208245306 Filed: 7/16/2020, Entered: None ?
INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT BRIEF [1852093] filed by AEP Generating Company, AEP Generation Resources Inc., America's Power, Appalachian Power Company, Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Phil Bryant, Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, Georgia Power Company, Indiana Energy Association, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Mississippi Public Service Commission, Murray Energy Corporation, National Mining Association, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Nevada Gold Energy LLC, Nevada Gold Mines LLC, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Southwestern Electric Power Company, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wyoming, Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC and Wheeling Power Company in 19-1140, Indiana Utility Group in 19-1166, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO and United Mine Workers of America, AFL-CIO in 19-1173 [Service Date: 07/16/2020 ] Length of Brief: 9,015 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (See, Lindsay)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208245240 Filed: 7/16/2020, Entered: None ?
INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT BRIEF [1852053] filed by American Lung Association, American Public Health Association, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc., Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185 [Service Date: 07/16/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,207 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lynch, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208245142 Filed: 7/16/2020, Entered: None ?
INTERVENOR FOR RESPONDENT BRIEF [1851999] filed by State of North Dakota in 19-1140 [Service Date: 07/16/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,002 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Seby, Paul)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208244424 Filed: 7/14/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1851625] to substitute attorney Howard M. Crystal substituted by Elizabeth A. Jones filed by Center for Biological Diversity in 19-1166, 19-1179, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1175 [Service Date: 07/14/2020 ] [19-1166, 19-1140, 19-1179, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1175] (Jones, Elizabeth)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208243380 Filed: 7/10/2020, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1851103] filed granting the motion of amici curiae Local Government Coalition to continue the deadline for filing paper copies [1849984-2]. Paper copies of the amici brief for the Local Government Coalition are now due September 8, 2020. [19-1140]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208241226 Filed: 7/2/2020, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1849984] To continue deadline to file paper copies filed by City of Albuquerque, City of Asheville, City of Boston, City of Coral Gables, City of Houston, City of Las Cruces, City of Minneapolis, City of New Orleans, City of Phoenix, City of Pittsburgh, City of Portland, City of Providence, City of Saint Paul, City of Santa Fe, County of Boulder, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Harris County, Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Mayor of City of Durham, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Mayor of the Borough of Glen Rock, National League of Cities, Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Cutler Bay and U.S. Conference of Mayors in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 (Service Date: 07/02/2020 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 316 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Burger, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208238815 Filed: 6/23/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1848668] filed by Megan H. Berge and co-counsel Jared R. Wigginton on behalf of Amicus Curiae for Respondent National Association of Home Builders of the United States in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Berge, Megan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208238812 Filed: 6/23/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR RESPONDENT BRIEF [1848667] filed by National Association of Home Builders of the United States in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 06/23/2020 ] Length of Brief: 3,244. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Berge, Megan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208238806 Filed: 6/23/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1848665] filed by Joseph A. Newberg, II on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent State of Kentucky in 19-1140. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Newberg, Joseph)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208236700 Filed: 6/16/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONDENT BRIEF [1847608] filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 06/16/2020 ] Length of Brief: 52,335 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208235358 Filed: 6/12/2020, Entered: None ?
ERRATA [1846920] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington, State of Wisconsin and People of the State of Michigan in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 to Appellant/Petitioner brief [1838735-2]. Reason for errata: Correction of citation and typographical errors. [Service Date: 06/12/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208235066 Filed: 6/11/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1846740] Withdraw the appearance of Margaret Claiborne Campbell, to substitute attorney Margaret Claiborne Campbell substituted by Angela Jean Levin and Melissa Horne filed by Georgia Power Company in 19-1140 [Service Date: 06/11/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Horne, Melissa)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208228025 Filed: 5/15/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1842898] to substitute attorney Roberta R. James substituted by Cynthia M. Weisz filed by Diana H. Wall in 19-1140, Diana H. Wall and State of Maryland in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 05/15/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Weisz, Cynthia)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222988 Filed: 4/28/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1840273] filed by Emily C. Schilling and co-counsel Kristina (Tina) R. Van Bockern on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Basin Electric Power Cooperative. [19-1140] (Van Bockern, Kristina)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222146 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839823] filed by Environment America and National Trust for Historic Preservation in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5802 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Sassman, Wyatt)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222142 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839820] filed by Mr. Sheldon Whitehouse in 19-1140 amici curiae United States Senators: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Sen. Jeff Merkley, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Brian Schatz, Sen. Edward J. Markey [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,472 words [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Isaacson, Eric)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222123 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR PETITIONER BRIEF [1839812] filed by Norman C. Bay, Nora Mead Brownell, Charles B. Curtis, James John Hoecker, Colette Honorable, Elizabeth Anne Moler, John Norris and Jon Wellinghoff in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1177, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,869 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 06/03/2020 by LMC] (Konschnik, Katherine)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222084 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT FINAL BRIEF [1839799] filed by Dallas Burtraw, Charles T. Driscoll, Jr., Amelia Keyes and Kathy Fallon Lambert in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,891 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Monast, Jonas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222063 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839792] filed by Eric Alan Isaacson - appearing for amici curiae U.S. Senators supporting State & Municipal Petitioners et al.: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse; Sen. Jeff Merkley; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand; Sen. Edward J. Markey on behalf of Amicus Curiae for Petitioner Mr. Sheldon Whitehouse in 19-1140. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Isaacson, Eric)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222018 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839772] filed by Nanette Diaz Barragan, Joyce Beatty, Michael F. Bennet, Donald S. Beyer, Jr., Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Julia Brownley, Salud O. Carbajal, Tony Cardenas, Benjamin L. Cardin, Thomas R. Carper, Sean Casten, Kathy Castor, Yvette D. Clarke, Emanuel Cleaver, James E. Clyburn, Steve Cohen, Gerald Connolly, Jason Crow, Peter A. DeFazio, Diana DeGette, Debbie Dingell, Michael F. Doyle, Eliot L. Engel, Anna G. Eshoo, Adriano Espaillat, Dianne Feinstein, Jesus G. Garcia, Al Green, Raul M. Grijalva, Debra A. Haaland, Alcee L. Hastings, Brian Higgins, Steny H. Hoyer, Jared Huffman, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Marcy Kaptur, Joseph P. Kennedy, III, Ann M. Kuster, Andy Levin, Mike Levin, Ted Lieu, Alan S. Lowenthal, Ben Ray Lujan, Edward J. Markey, Doris Matsui, A, Donald McEachin, James P. McGovern, Jerry McNerney, Grace Napolitano, Joe Neguse, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Ilhan Omar, Frank Pallone, Jr., Nancy Pelosi, Ed Perlmutter, Scott H. Peters, Chellie Pingree, Mark Pocan, Mike Quigley, Lisa Blunt Rochester,, Raul Ruiz, Bobby Rush, John P. Sarbanes, Janice D. Schakowsky, Jose E. Serrano, Darren Soto, Dina Titus, Rashida Tlaib, Paul Tonko, Chris Van Hollen, Marc Veasey, Deborah Wasserman Schultz and Peter Welch in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1177, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 3,738 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 06/08/2020 by LMC] (Gorod, Brianne)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208222004 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839766] filed by Service Employees International Union [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5787 Words. [19-1140] (Gerni, Renee)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221999 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839764] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Members of Congress [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Gorod, Brianne)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221991 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839760] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Former Commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Charles B. Curtis, Elizabeth A. Moler, James J. Hoecker, Nora Mead Brownell, Jon Wellinghoff, John Norris, Norman C. Bay, and Colette D. Honorable [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Konschnik, Katherine)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221884 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839719] filed by Prof. Michael Greenstone in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,466 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Templeton, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221878 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839716] filed by Michael Burger on behalf of Amici Curiae for Petitioner City of Albuquerque, City of Asheville, City of Boston, City of Coral Gables, City of Houston, City of Las Cruces, City of Minneapolis, City of New Orleans, City of Phoenix, City of Pittsburgh, City of Portland, City of Providence, City of Saint Paul, City of Santa Fe, County of Boulder, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Harris County, Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Mayor of City of Durham, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Mayor of the Borough of Glen Rock, National League of Cities, Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Cutler Bay and U.S. Conference of Mayors in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Burger, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221871 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839705] filed by Columbia Sportswear Company and Patagonia Works in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,499 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Shenkman, Ethan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221845 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839693] filed by Renee M. Gerni and co-counsel Nicole G. Berner on behalf of Amicus Curiae for Petitioner Service Employees International Union. [19-1140] (Gerni, Renee)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221839 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839691] filed by Maximilian Auffhammer, Philip Duffy, Kenneth Gillingham, Lawrence H. Goulder, James Stock, Union of Concerned Scientists and Gernot Wagner in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6424 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Goho, Shaun)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221809 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT FINAL BRIEF [1839668] filed by Central Conference of American Rabbis, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, Evangelical Environmental Network, Hazon, Institute Leadership Team, Maryknoll Sisters, Men of Reform Judaism, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., National Council of Churches USA, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Union for Reform Judaism and Women of Reform Judaism in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,721 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Steffes, Keri)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221759 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839641] filed by City of Asheville, City of Boston, City of Coral Gables, City of Houston, City of Las Cruces, City of Minneapolis, City of New Orleans, City of Phoenix, City of Pittsburgh, City of Portland, City of Providence, City of Saint Paul, City of Santa Fe, County of Boulder, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, Harris County, Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Mayor of City of Durham, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Mayor of the Borough of Glen Rock, National League of Cities, Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Cutler Bay and U.S. Conference of Mayors in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1177, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,499 worfs. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/24/2020 by LMC] (Burger, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221756 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839640] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by National League of Cities, et al. [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/24/2020 by LMC] (Burger, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221728 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1839624] filed by David Battisti, Kim Cobb, Andrew E. Dessler, Kerry Emanuel, John Harte, Daniel Kirk-Davidoff, Michael MacCracken, Katherine Mach, Pamela Matson,, James C. McWilliams, Mario J. Molina, Michael Oppenheimer, Joellen L. Russell, Noelle Eckley Selin, Drew Shindell, Abigail Swann, Kevin Trenberth and Diana H. Wall in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1177, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/24/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,701 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/24/2020 by LMC] (Tai, Stephanie)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221725 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
SUPPLEMENT [1839623] to notice to participate as amicus curiae [1839350-3] filed by 19-1188 [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Tai, Stephanie)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221711 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT FINAL BRIEF [1839619] filed by Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/23/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,474 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Revesz, Richard)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221692 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839614] filed by American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, American Thoracic Society and National Medical Association in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 Hope M. Babcock [Service Date: 04/23/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,475. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Babcock, Hope)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221512 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839544] filed by Benjamin F. Hobbs, Brendan Kirby, Kenneth J. Lutz and James D. McCalley in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/23/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,470 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Horowitz, Cara)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221494 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839537] filed by Jonas J. Monast on behalf of Amici Curiae for Petitioner Dallas Burtraw, Charles T. Driscoll, Jr., Amelia Keyes and Kathy Fallon Lambert in 19-1140. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Monast, Jonas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221491 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
INCORRECT DOCKET ENTRY-DISREGARD--AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1839536] filed by American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, American Thoracic Society and National Medical Association in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/23/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,475 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[Edited 04/24/2020 by LMC] (Babcock, Hope)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221442 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839518] filed by Hope M. Babcock on behalf of Amici Curiae for Petitioner American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, American College of Chest Physicians, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, American Thoracic Society and National Medical Association in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Babcock, Hope)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221331 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839444] filed by Ethan G. Shenkman and co-counsel Stephen K. Wirth on behalf of Amici Curiae for Petitioner Patagonia Works and Columbia Sportswear Company in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Shenkman, Ethan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221287 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR APPELLANT FINAL BRIEF [1839431] filed by Prof. Todd S. Aagaard, Prof. Blake Emerson, Daniel Farber, Kathryn E. Kovacs, Richard J. Lazarus, Ronald Levin and Ms. Nina Alexandra Mendelson in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/22/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,491 words.. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Sivas, Deborah)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221284 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839430] filed by Deborah A. Sivas and co-counsel Matthew J. Sanders on behalf of Amici Curiae for Petitioner Prof. Todd S. Aagaard, Prof. Blake Emerson, Daniel Farber, Kathryn E. Kovacs, Richard J. Lazarus, Ronald Levin and Ms. Nina Alexandra Mendelson in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Sivas, Deborah)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221141 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839361] filed by Richard L. Revesz and co-counsel Jack Lienke on behalf of Amicus Curiae for Petitioner Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law. [19-1140] (Revesz, Richard)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221121 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839350] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by [Service Date: 04/22/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED EVENT--Edited 04/23/2020 by LMC] (Tai, Stephanie)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208221078 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839333] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Benjamin F. Hobbs, Brendan Kirby, Kenneth J. Lutz, and James D. McCalley [Service Date: 04/22/2020] [MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Service Date: 04/22/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Horowitz, Cara)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220972 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839275] filed by Mark Norman Templeton and co-counsel Robert Adam Weinstock, Alexander Valdes (U.Chicago clinical law student), and Benjamin Nickerson (U.Chicago clinical law student) on behalf of Amicus Curiae for Petitioner Prof. Michael Greenstone in 19-1140. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Templeton, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220943 Filed: 4/22/2020, Entered: None ?
AMICUS FOR PETITIONER FINAL BRIEF [1839261] filed by Coalition to Protect America's National Parks and National Parks Conservation Association in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/22/2020 ] Length of Brief: 6,491 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Pacyniak, Gabriel)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220718 Filed: 4/21/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1839140] filed by Allison D. Wood on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent America's Power in 19-1140. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Wood, Allison)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220594 Filed: 4/21/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839072] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Kathy Fallon Lambert, Amelia Keyes, Charles T. Driscoll, Jr. and Dallas Burtraw in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/21/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Monast, Jonas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220576 Filed: 4/21/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839060] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., Central Conference of American Rabbis, Men of Reform Judaism, Women of Reform Judaism, Union for Reform Judaism, Institute Leadership Team, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Maryknoll Sisters, Hazon, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, Evangelical Environmental Network and National Council of Churches USA in 19-1140 [Service Date: 04/21/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Steffes, Keri)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220555 Filed: 4/21/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1839052] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Professor Michael Greenstone [Service Date: 04/21/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Templeton, Mark)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220419 Filed: 4/20/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1838945] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse [Service Date: 04/20/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Isaacson, Eric)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220407 Filed: 4/20/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1838941] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Service Employees International Union [Service Date: 04/21/2020 ] [19-1140]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Gerni, Renee)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220381 Filed: 4/20/2020, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1838934] filed by Mr. Thomas C. Jorling in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/20/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,890 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Lamm, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220180 Filed: 4/20/2020, Entered: None ?
INCORRECT DOCKET ENTRY-DISREGARD-- CONSENT AMICUS FOR APPELLANT BRIEF [1838836] filed by Mr. Thomas C. Jorling in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/20/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5,890 Words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[Edited 04/22/2020 by LMC] (Lamm, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208220002 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER BRIEF [1838745] filed by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 2373 words. [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219978 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
SEPARATE STATUTORY ADDENDUM [1838737] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 to Appellant/Petitioner brief [1838735-2] [Service Date:04/17/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219971 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT APPELLANT BRIEF [1838735] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 13,414 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219952 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1838729] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Patagonia Works and Columbia Sportswear Company [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/20/2020 by LMC] (Shenkman, Ethan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219935 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
APPELLANT BRIEF [1838721] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 7,662. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219883 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
APPELLANT BRIEF [1838691] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 5962 words. [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219875 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
SEPARATE ADDENDUM [1838689] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 to Appellant/Petitioner brief [1838680-2] [Service Date:04/17/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED EVENT--Edited 04/20/2020 by LMC] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219854 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
APPELLANT BRIEF [1838680] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 10,119 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219839 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1838671] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Environment America and the National Trust for Historic Preservation [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/20/2020 by LMC] (Sassman, Wyatt)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219830 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
PETITIONER BRIEF [1838666] filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC in 19-1176, The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 8,496 Words. [19-1176, 19-1179] (Cheren, Robert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219718 Filed: 4/17/2020, Entered: None ?
APPELLANT BRIEF [1838611] filed by Joanne Brown, Norman R. Brown, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Construction Industry Air Quality Coalition, Dalton Trucking, Inc., Liberty Packing Company, LLC., Nuckles Oil Company, Inc., Robinson Enterprises, Inc. and Texas Public Policy Foundation in 19-1175 [Service Date: 04/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 4,459 words. [19-1140, 19-1175] (Hadzi-Antich, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219532 Filed: 4/16/2020, Entered: None ?
AMENDED NOTICE [1838485] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by The American Thoracic Society, The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, The National Medical Association, The American College of Chest Physicians [Service Date: 04/16/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/17/2020 by LMC] (Babcock, Hope)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219393 Filed: 4/16/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1838424] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Administrative Law Professors [Service Date: 04/16/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/17/2020 by LMC] (Sivas, Deborah)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208219282 Filed: 4/16/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1838348] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by The American Thoracic Society, The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and The National Medical Association [Service Date: 04/16/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/16/2020 by LMC] (Babcock, Hope)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208218724 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
CONSENT NOTICE [1838045] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by Mr. Thomas C. Jorling in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1177, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 [Service Date: 04/14/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/14/2020 by LMC] (Lamm, Theodore)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208217833 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1837569] filed by Gabriel Pacyniak and co-counsel Stephanie Kodish, Brent Chapman (UNM clinical law student), Graciela Esquivel (UNM clinical law student) on behalf of Amici Curiae for Petitioner Coalition to Protect America's National Parks and National Parks Conservation Association. [19-1140] (Pacyniak, Gabriel)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208217452 Filed: 4/8/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1837353] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by National Parks Conservation Association and Coalition to Protect America's National Parks [Service Date: 04/08/2020 ][19-1140] --[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/09/2020 by LMC] (Pacyniak, Gabriel)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208216356 Filed: 4/3/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1836772] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law [Service Date: 04/03/2020 ] [19-1140]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/07/2020 by LMC] (Lienke, Jack)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208216172 Filed: 4/3/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1836683] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Maximilian Auffhammer, Philip Duffy, Kenneth Gillingham, Lawrence H. Goulder, James Stock, Gernot Wagner, and the Union of Concerned Scientists [Service Date: 04/03/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 04/07/2020 by LMC] (Goho, Shaun)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208215883 Filed: 4/2/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1836522] to withdraw attorney Allison D. Wood who represented America's Power in 19-1140, Andrew Duncan Knudsen who represented America's Power in 19-1140 filed by America's Power [Service Date: 04/02/2020 ] [19-1140] (Lin, Elbert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208214560 Filed: 3/27/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1835777] filed by Megan Berge on behalf of Amicus Curiae for Respondent National Association of Home Builders of the United States in 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Berge, Megan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208213190 Filed: 3/24/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1835105] of intention to participate as amicus curiae [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by National Association of Home Builders of the United States [Service Date: 03/24/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]--[Edited 03/25/2020 by AY] (Berge, Megan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208212678 Filed: 3/23/2020, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1834847] filed granting the motion of Coordinating Petitioners for extension and modification of the briefing schedule [1834423-2], The following revised briefing schedule will now apply: Briefs for Coordinating Petitioners due 04/17/2020. Brief for Biogenic CO2 Coalition due 04/17/2020. Brief for Coal Industry Petitioners due 04/17/2020. Brief for Robinson Petitioners due 04/17/2020. Brief(s) for Amici Curiae for Petitioners due 04/24/2020. Brief for Respondents due on 06/16/2020. Brief(s) for Amici Curiae for Respondents due 06/23/2020. Briefs for Coordinating Petitioners as Intervenors for Respondents due 07/16/2020. Briefs for Industry & State Intervenors as Intervenors for Respondents due 07/16/2020. Brief for State of North Dakota as Intervenor for Respondents due 07/16/2020. Reply Briefs for Coordinating Petitioners due 07/30/2020. Reply Brief for Biogenic CO2 Coalition due 07/30/2020. Reply Brief for Coal Industry Petitioners due 07/30/2020. Reply Brief for Robinson Petitioners due 07/30/2020. Deferred Appendix due 08/6/2020. Final Briefs due 08/13/2020. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208212016 Filed: 3/20/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1834502] regarding consent of all parties to submission of amicus briefs. filed by Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166 [Service Date: 03/20/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208211982 Filed: 3/20/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1834476] Notifying the Court of additional statements of consent or non-opposition concerning pending motion filed by State of New York in 19-1165 [Service Date: 03/20/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208211877 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT UNOPPOSED MOTION [1834423] Modification of briefing schedule to extend time for filing briefs and joint appendix filed by American Lung Association, American Public Health Association and State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177, Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186, American Wind Energy Association and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187, Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 03/19/2020 ] Length Certification: 1,140 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208211521 Filed: 3/19/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1834260] to withdraw attorney Harry James Vorhoff who represented State of Louisiana in 19-1140 filed by State of Louisiana [Service Date: 03/19/2020 ] [19-1140] (Vorhoff, Harry)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208210516 Filed: 3/16/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1833717] to withdraw attorney Martha Roberts who represented Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166 and Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1179 filed by Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166 [Service Date: 03/16/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208209694 Filed: 3/12/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1833302] filed by S. Travis Mayo and co-counsel Taylor Payne on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent State of Kentucky. [19-1140] (Mayo, Steven)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208205394 Filed: 2/26/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1830302] to withdraw attorney Christina Finzel Gomez who represented Basin Electric Power Cooperative in 19-1140 filed by Basin Electric Power Cooperative in 19-1140 [Service Date: 02/26/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Gomez, Christina)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208202998 Filed: 2/18/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1828936] to change party information filed by Newmont Nevada Energy Investment, LLC [Service Date: 02/18/2020 ] [19-1140] (Santini, Jacob)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208202168 Filed: 2/13/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1828524] filed by William Daniel Booth (previously entered an appearance as lead counsel) and co-counsel Obianuju Okasi (now entering an appearance) on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Mississippi Public Service Commission. [19-1140] (Okasi, Obianuju)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208201545 Filed: 2/11/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1828169] regarding consent of enumerated parties to filing of amicus briefs filed by Environmental Defense Fund in 19-1166 [Service Date: 02/11/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208201392 Filed: 2/11/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1828080] filed by Scott A. Keller (previously entered an appearance as lead counsel) and co-counsel Jeremy Evan Maltz (now entering an appearance) on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. [19-1140] (Maltz, Jeremy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208200584 Filed: 2/7/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1827626] filed by David Doniger and co-counsel Lucas May on behalf of Petitioner Natural Resources Defense Council in 19-1166. [19-1166, 19-1140] (May, Lucas)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208198919 Filed: 1/31/2020, Entered: None ?Court Filing
PER CURIAM ORDER [1826621] Briefs for Coordinating Petitioners, Brief for Biogenic CO2 Coalition, Brief for Coal Industry Petitioners and Brief for Robinson Petitioners due March 27, 2020. Brief(s) of Amici Curiae for Petitioners due April 3, 2020. Brief for Respondents due May 26, 2020. Brief(s) of Amici Curiae for Respondents due June 2, 2020. Briefs for Coordinating Petitioners as Intervenors for Respondents, Briefs for Industry & State Intervenors as Intervenors for Respondents and Brief for the State of North Dakota as Intervenor for Respondents due June 25, 2020. Reply Briefs for Coordinating Petitioners, Reply Brief for Biogenic CO2 Coalition, Reply Brief for Coal Industry Petitioners and Reply Brief for Robinson Petitioners due July 9, 2020. Deferred Appendix due July 23, 2020. All final briefs due July 30, 2020. SEE ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. Before Judges: Henderson and Srinivasan. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208195886 Filed: 1/21/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1824960] filed by Scott A. Keller (previously entered an appearance as lead counsel) and co-counsel Jeffrey H. Wood (now entering an appearance) on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America in 19-1140. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188, 19-1187] (Wood, Jeffrey)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208194036 Filed: 1/13/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1823901] to withdraw attorney Zachary C. Larsen who represented People of the State of Michigan in 19-1165 and State of Michigan in 19-1179 filed by State of Michigan in 19-1179 [Service Date: 01/13/2020 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1179] (Larsen, Zachary)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208192381 Filed: 1/7/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1822999] filed by Robert E. Johnson on behalf of Petitioner The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179. [19-1140, 19-1179] (Johnson, Robert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208192375 Filed: 1/7/2020, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1822996] filed by Jeffrey D. Ubersax on behalf of Petitioner The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179. [19-1140, 19-1179] (Ubersax, Jeffery)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208189539 Filed: 12/23/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT RESPONSE [1821433] to order [1817249-2], [1817249-3] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177, Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185, Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186, American Wind Energy Association and Solar Energy Industries Association in 19-1187, Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 (Service Date: 12/23/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 5165. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Duffy, James)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208188643 Filed: 12/19/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1820995] Join in proposal filed by State of Texas in 19-1140 [Service Date: 12/19/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Hawkins, Kyle)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208188064 Filed: 12/18/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT RESPONSE [1820685] to order [1817249-2], [1817249-3] filed by Andrew Wheeler and EPA in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188 (Service Date: 12/18/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 4,420 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Carlisle, Benjamin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208186954 Filed: 12/13/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1820119] to substitute attorney C. Frederick Beckner III; Ryan C. Morris; Christopher S. Ross substituted by Scott A. Keller filed by Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America [Service Date: 12/13/2019 ] [19-1140] (Keller, Scott)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208185036 Filed: 12/6/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1819114] filed by John A. Rego and co-counsel Reed W. Sirak, James R. Bedell on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Murray Energy Corporation. [19-1140] (Sirak, Reed)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208183054 Filed: 11/27/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1817997] filed advising of their support of appellant filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140 [Service Date: 11/27/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Stern, Heidi)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208183039 Filed: 11/27/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1817982] filed by Kevin Poloncarz and co-counsel Jake C. Levine on behalf of Petitioners Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Levine, Jacob)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208181705 Filed: 11/22/2019, Entered: None ?Court Filing
PER CURIAM ORDER [1817249] filed denying motion to expedite case [1803976-2] in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165; denying motions to hold case in abeyance [1808208-2], [1808103-2], [1807492-2]; denying motion to sever issue [1808208-3] in 19-1140, 19-1185; directing party to file briefing format - Proposed formats due 12/23/2019. SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS. Before Judges: Rogers and Griffith. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208181023 Filed: 11/20/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1816853] regarding Motion for Abeyance (ECF No. 1807492) filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 11/20/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208180324 Filed: 11/19/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1816431] filed dismissing as moot motion to complete the record [1809826-2]; granting motion to dismiss case voluntarily [1809529-3] in 19-1189 [19-1189 (Consolidation termed 11/19/2019) with 19-1140]. The Clerk is directed to issue forthwith the mandate in No. 19-1189. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208180230 Filed: 11/18/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1816377] to withdraw attorney Robert A. Wolf who represented City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 filed by City and County of Denver Colorado [Service Date: 11/18/2019 ] [19-1177] (Wolf, Robert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208180111 Filed: 11/18/2019, Entered: None ?
CLERK'S ORDER [1816311] filed granting motions for leave to intervene [1809833-2], [1809825-2], [1809803-2], [1809530-2] in 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1165, 19-1173, 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1185, 19-1177, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, granting motions for leave to intervene [1809451-2], [1806915-2], [1806911-2], [1806910-2], [1806337-2] in 19-1140, 19-1165, granting motion for leave to intervene [1805769-2] in 19-1140, 19-1166, granting motion for leave to intervene [1805447-2] in 19-1140, granting motion for leave to intervene [1809842-2] in 19-1179, 19-1175, 19-1176 [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208179835 Filed: 11/15/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1816159] filed by John A. Rego on behalf of Intervenor for Respondent Murray Energy Corporation. [19-1140] (Rego, John)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208178324 Filed: 11/12/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1815339] filed by Kristin M. Bronson and co-counsel Edward J. Gorman on behalf of Petitioner City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177. [19-1177, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Gorman, Edward)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208174668 Filed: 10/30/2019, Entered: None ?
SUGGESTION [1813342] of bankruptcy and automatic stay of proceedings filed by Murray Energy Corporation in 19-1140 [Service Date: 10/30/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Lazzaretti, John)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208170695 Filed: 10/16/2019, Entered: None ?
NOTICE [1811193] Advise that relief sought in Motion to Complete the Record for Review (ECF No. 1809826) has been provided. filed by American Lung Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club and Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 [Service Date: 10/16/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208170683 Filed: 10/16/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1811182] filed by Michael J. Bostrom on behalf of Petitioner City of Los Angeles. [19-1165] (Bostrom, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208169607 Filed: 10/11/2019, Entered: None ?
CORRECTED CERTIFIED INDEX TO RECORD [1810646] filed by EPA and Andrew Wheeler in 19-1140, EPA in 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189 [Service Date: 10/11/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Greenfield, Meghan)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208169579 Filed: 10/11/2019, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1810629] filed by State of Nevada in 19-1140, City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, DC, People of the State of Michigan, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Hawaii, State of Maine, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Wisconsin, Commonwealth of Virginia, State of California, State of Delaware, State of Illinois, State of Maryland, State of New York and State of Washington in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 to response [1809478-2], [1808711-2], [1808554-2], [1808726-2], [1809834-2] [Service Date: 10/11/2019 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2,595 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Sullivan, Timothy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208169510 Filed: 10/11/2019, Entered: None ?
REPLY [1810597] filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 to response [1809478-2], [1809834-2], [1808554-2], [1808711-2], [1808726-2], [1809532-2] [Service Date: 10/11/2019 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 2513. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Duffy, James)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168534 Filed: 10/9/2019, Entered: None ?
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1810093] filed by Brittany E. Wright and co-counsel Jon A. Mueller on behalf of Petitioner Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.. [19-1173] (Wright, Brittany)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168037 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT MOTION [1809842] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Not Applicable to this Party] filed by New York, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, D.C., et al. [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1179]--[Edited 10/17/2019 by JAD] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168027 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
UNDERLYING DECISION IN CASE [1809840] submitted by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1186, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Dennis, Jeffery)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168024 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809839] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1186, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Dennis, Jeffery)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168021 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1809838] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1186, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Dennis, Jeffery)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168015 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1809836] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1186, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Dennis, Jeffery)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168012 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1809835] filed by Advanced Energy Economy in 19-1186 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1186, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Dennis, Jeffery)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168007 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1809834] to motion to hold case in abeyance [1808103-2] filed by State of West Virginia, State of Alabama, State of Alaska, State of Arkansas, State of Georgia, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Kentucky, State of Louisiana, Phil Bryant, Mississippi Public Service Commission, State of Missouri, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah and State of Wyoming in 19-1140 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 4,089 words. [19-1140, 19-1165] (See, Lindsay)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168004 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1809833] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by PowerSouth Energy Cooperative [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 10/08/2019 by LMC] (Moore, C.)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208168001 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
UNDERLYING DECISION IN CASE [1809832] submitted by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [19-1185, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167998 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1809831] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1185, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167995 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809830] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1185, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167992 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1809829] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1185, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167989 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809828] filed by Westmoreland Mining Holdings LLC [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1176] (Cheren, Robert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167986 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1809827] filed by Biogenic CO2 Coalition in 19-1185 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1185, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Williamson, David)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167983 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1809826] complete the administrative record filed by American Lung Association and American Public Health Association in 19-1140, Appalachian Mountain Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Air Council, Clean Wisconsin, Conservation Law Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club in 19-1166, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. in 19-1173 (Service Date: 10/07/2019 by CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 5064 words. [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Donahue, Sean)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167978 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1809825] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Nevada Gold Mines LLC and Newmont Nevada Energy Investment LLC [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 10/08/2019 by LMC] (Santini, Jacob)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167969 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1809822] filed by City and County of Denver Colorado [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1177] (Wolf, Robert)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167963 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE IN SUPPORT [1809821] to motion to hold case in abeyance [1808103-2] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 666 Words. [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167957 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1809817] filed by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167952 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1809816] filed by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167948 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809815] filed by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167945 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1809814] filed by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167940 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
UNDERLYING DECISION IN CASE [1809812] submitted by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167937 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
UNDERLYING DECISION IN CASE [1809811] submitted by American Wind Energy Association in 19-1187 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1187, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1188, 19-1189] (Grace, Eugene)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167933 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1809809] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167924 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809807] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167918 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT [1809804] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167915 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
MOTION [1809803] for leave to intervene [Disclosure Listing: Attached] filed by Georgia Power Company [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188, 19-1189]--[MODIFIED PARTY FILER--Edited 10/08/2019 by LMC] (Campbell, Margaret)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167906 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1809801] filed by Consolidated Edison, Inc., Exelon Corporation, National Grid USA, New York Power Authority, Power Companies Climate Coalition, Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 19-1188 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1188, 19-1140, 19-1165, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1189] (Poloncarz, Kevin)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167870 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1809777] filed by City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1165, 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167865 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809774] filed by City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1165, 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167862 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF ISSUES [1809773] filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1179, 19-1140] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167859 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING APPENDIX DEFERRAL [1809772] filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] Intent: AppxDeferred [19-1179, 19-1140] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167856 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
CERTIFICATE AS TO PARTIES, RULINGS AND RELATED CASES [1809771] filed by The North American Coal Corporation in 19-1179 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1179, 19-1140] (Wehland, Charles)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 01208167852 Filed: 10/7/2019, Entered: None ?
JOINT DOCKETING STATEMENT [1809770] filed by City of Boulder, City of Chicago, City of Los Angeles, City of New York, City of Philadelphia, City of South Miami, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Virginia, DC, State of California, State of Colorado, State of Connecticut, State of Delaware, State of Hawaii, State of Illinois, State of Maine, State of Maryland, State of Minnesota, State of New Jersey, State of New Mexico, State of New York, State of North Carolina, State of Oregon, State of Rhode Island, State of Vermont, State of Washington and State of Wisconsin in 19-1165, City and County of Denver Colorado in 19-1177 [Service Date: 10/07/2019 ] [19-1165, 19-1140, 19-1166, 19-1173, 19-1175, 19-1176, 19-1177, 19-1179, 19-1185, 19-1186, 19-1187, 19-1188] (Myers, Michael)
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