District Appellate Supreme
Guam District Court Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit United States Supreme Court

Mary Simpao, et al v. Government of Guam, et al

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Case No. 08-16230
Last Updated August 14, 2022 at 3:47 PM EDT (2.4 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Charmaine R. Torres, Plaintiff

Represented by aguigui.com Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Ignacio Cruz Aguigui +1 671 989 9253 +1 671 989 9255 admin@aguigui.com
No Logo Christina Naputi, Plaintiff

Represented by Arriola, Cowan and Arriola

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Joseph Fisher +1 671 472 1131 scf@teleguam.net
No Logo Julie Babauta Santos, Petitioner

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Michael F. Phillips +1 671 477 2223 +1 671 477 2329 advice@phillipsbordallo.law
No Logo Janice Cruz, And Others Similarly Situated, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Arriola, Cowan and Arriola

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Joseph Fisher +1 671 472 1131 scf@teleguam.net
No Logo Mary Grace Simpao, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas Joseph Fisher +1 671 472 1131 scf@teleguam.net
No Logo Art Ilagan, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cesar C. Cabot +1 671 646 2001 +1 671 646 0777

Represented by Cabot Mantanona LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Rawlen M.T. Mantanona +1 671 646 2001 +1 671 646 0777 rm@cmlaw.us
No Logo Government Of Guam, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Sharon Taitano

Represented by Calvo Fisher & Jacob LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathleen Victoria Fisher +1 415 374 8370 kfisher@calvofisher.com
No Logo Lourdes M. Perez, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Cesar C. Cabot +1 671 646 2001 +1 671 646 0777

Represented by Cabot Mantanona LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Rawlen M.T. Mantanona +1 671 646 2001 +1 671 646 0777 rm@cmlaw.us
Other Parties
No Logo Camacho, Felix P., Defendant-intervenor - Appellee,
Officially listed as "Felix P. Camacho"

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Sharon Taitano

Represented by Calvo Fisher & Jacob LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kathleen Victoria Fisher +1 415 374 8370 kfisher@calvofisher.com
Nature of Suit 3890 - Statutes: Other
Case Type civil
Lower Court Case https://ecf.gud.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=1:04-cv-00049-FTG
Lower Court Case https://ecf.gud.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=1:04-cv-00049-FTG
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Blank  Filed: 9/24/2010, Entered: None ?
Terminated Dawn R. Payne for Government of Guam in 08-16230 [7485681] (ASW)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021859526 Filed: 3/29/2010, Entered: None ?
MANDATE ISSUED.(JF, DWN and CTB) Cost awarded to APPELLEE in the amount of $363.70. [7281286] [7281286] (Walker, Synitha)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021822214 Filed: 3/15/2010, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellee Government of Guam bill of costs (Form 10) in the amount of $363.70 USD. Date of service: 03/15/2010 [7265200] (Payne, Dawn)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021797898 Filed: 3/5/2010, Entered: None ?
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 3/5/2010, Entered: None ?
Deleted Incorrect Docket Entry (DD)
Blank  Filed: 2/11/2010, Entered: None ?
Blank  Filed: 2/10/2010, Entered: None ?
Terminated Daniel M. Benjamin for Government of Guam and Felix P. Camacho in 08-16230 [7227958] (BJB)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021739252 Filed: 2/10/2010, Entered: None ?
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021734564 Filed: 2/9/2010, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellee Government of Guam Motion to withdraw as counsel. Date of service: 02/09/2010. [7225720] (Fisher, Kathleen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021722743 Filed: 2/4/2010, Entered: None ?
Filed order (JEROME FARRIS, DOROTHY W. NELSON and CARLOS T. BEA): The 11/3/08 motion of Julie Babauta Santos and Charmaine R. Torres to amend the docket is granted in part. The Clerk shall add Julie Babauta Santos as a Petitioner and Charmaine R. Torres as a Plaintiff. We take notice of both parties' support for the Appellees' position in this appeal.[7220123] (SYS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 2/4/2010, Entered: None ?
Added Plaintiff Charmaine R. Torres. [7220100] (SYS)
Blank  Filed: 2/4/2010, Entered: None ?
Added Petitioner Julie Babauta Santos. [7220051] (SYS)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021713172 Filed: 2/1/2010, Entered: None ?
Filed (ECF) Appellees Felix P. Camacho and Government of Guam citation of supplemental authorities. Date of service: 02/01/2010. [7215665] (Fisher, Kathleen)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021688518 Filed: 1/22/2010, Entered: None ?
Revised Notice of Oral Argument on FEBRUARY 11 2010 Univ of HI Calendar. Please return ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HEARING NOTICE form to: PASADENA Office. Please open attached documents to view details about your case. [7204907] (AW)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 1/22/2010, Entered: None ?
UPDATED CASE CALENDARED: 02/11/2010 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI Univ of Hawaii@Moana, Richardson School of Law, Moot Courtroom [7204768] [08-74610, 09-10126, 09-10182, 08-16230, 09-10093, 09-10098] (AW)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021636700 Filed: 12/31/2009, Entered: None ?
Filed appearance notice of Attorney(s) Dawn R. Payne for party(s) Appellee Government of Guam, in case 08-16230.. Served on 12/30/2009. [7182289] (CW)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009021601509 Filed: 12/17/2009, Entered: None ?
Notice of Oral Argument on FEBRUARY Calendar. Please return ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HEARING NOTICE form to: SAN FRANCISCO Office. Please open attached documents to view details about your case. [7167489] (AW)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009019969229 Filed: 1/2/2009, Entered: None ?
Filed original and 15 copies of Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao (Informal: No) reply brief of 15 pages. Served on 12/26/2008. (PK)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 1/2/2009, Entered: None ?
Received original and 15 copies reply brief of Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao (Informal: No) 15 pages. Further Excerpts of record in volumes. Served on 12/24/2008. Deficiency: answering brief not filed. (PK)
Blank  Filed: 12/24/2008, Entered: None ?
Received Appellees Art Ilagan and Lourdes M. Perez ratification of joinder in opposition brief of appelles government of Guam and the government of Guam. (Turcios, Margoth)
Blank  Filed: 11/17/2008, Entered: None ?
Received non party Charmaine R. Torres, Bubauta Santos notice regarding of joinder in def aple Governor Felix P. Camacho's opposition brief. Records (CW)
Blank  Filed: 11/17/2008, Entered: None ?
Received Appellees Art Ilagan and Lourdes M. Perez notice regarding in opp brief of aples Govt of Guam and the Governor of Guam. (CW)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009015600278 Filed: 11/17/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed clerk order (Deputy Clerk:LKK ): Appellees Lourdes M. Perez and Artemio Illagan's motion to correct caption is granted. Court records shall be amended to reflect that Lourdes M Perez and Artemio Illagan are appellees to this appeal. The answering brief for the abovenamed appellees is due December 12, 2008. The optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the answering brief. (SC)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 11/13/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed Appellees Felix P. Camacho and Government of Guam five excerpts of record in 1 volume. Served on 11/13/2008 (GLS)
Blank  Filed: 11/13/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed original and 15 copies of Appellees Felix P. Camacho and Government of Guam answering brief of 55 pages. Served on 11/13/2008. (GLS)
Blank  Filed: 11/3/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed non party proposed aple Julie Babauta Santos joint mtn for procedural order under FRAP 27b, CR 27-1 and req to extend time under CR 31-2.2 Served on 10/30/2008. (CW)
Blank  Filed: 11/3/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed non party Lourdes M. Perez, Artemio R. Ilagan motion for procedural order under FRAP 27b, CR 27-1, and req to extend time under CR 31-2.2 Served on 10/30/2008. (CW)
Blank  Filed: 10/21/2008, Entered: None ?
14 day oral extension by phone of time to file Appellees Felix P. Camacho and Government of Guam brief. Appellee Felix P. Camacho and Appellee Government of Guam answering brief due 11/14/2008. The optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the appellee brief. (GS)
Blank  Filed: 10/14/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed original and 15 copies of Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao (Informal: No) opening brief of 30 pages. Five copies Excerpts of record in 2 volumes. Served on 09/30/2008. (GLS)
Blank  Filed: 10/14/2008, Entered: None ?
Received corrected deficiencies of certificate of compliance and statement of related cases from Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao served on 10/09/2008. (GLS)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009014538253 Filed: 10/6/2008, Entered: None ?
Received original and 15 copies of Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao opening brief (Informal: No) 30 pages. Five Excerpts of record in 2 volumes. Served on 09/30/2008. Deficiency: No certificate of compliance. Other deficiencies: No statement of related cases. Notified counsel. (GLS)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 9/17/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed certificate of record on appeal. RT filed in DC 9/11/08 (CW)
Blank  Filed: 9/11/2008, Entered: None ?
14 day oral extension by phone of time to file Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao brief. Appellant Janice Cruz and Appellant Mary Grace Simpao opening brief due 10/01/2008. Appellee Felix P. Camacho and Appellee Government of Guam answering brief due 10/31/2008. The optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the appellee brief. (CB)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009012697297 Filed: 7/28/2008, Entered: None ?
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 7/21/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed Court Reporter Wanda M. Miles motion to extend time to file Reporters Transcript until 08/08/2008, (CW)
Blank  Filed: 6/16/2008, Entered: None ?
Received aples addendum to transcript order form. (CW)
Blank  Filed: 6/11/2008, Entered: None ?
Received Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao notice regarding amended representation statement. (RC)
Blank  Filed: 5/29/2008, Entered: None ?
Received Appellee Felix P. Camacho notice of designation of reporter's transcript. (CW)
Blank  Filed: 5/29/2008, Entered: None ?
Received Appellee Government of Guam response to aplts notice of designation of reporter's transcript. (CW)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 009010204697 Filed: 5/28/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed order MEDIATION (lje): Based on a review of the Civil Appeals Docketing Statement, this case is not selected for inclusion in the Mediation Program. The existing briefing schedule remains in effect. Counsel are requested to send copies of this order to their clients. (BJB)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 5/22/2008, Entered: None ?
Received Appellants Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao certificate of notice that appellants do not intend to order any transcripts in this matter. (Turcios, Margoth)
Blank  Filed: 5/20/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed Civil Appeals Docketing Statement. Served on 05/09/2008. (GR)
Blank  Filed: 5/20/2008, Entered: None ?
Filed representation notice of Thomas J. Fisher (GR)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00909186604 Filed: 5/20/2008, Entered: None ?
DOCKETED CAUSE AND ENTERED APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL. SEND CADS: No. The schedule is set as follows: Designation of RT for Appellant Janice Cruz and Mary Grace Simpao due 05/19/2008. Designation of RT for Appellee Felix P. Camacho and Government of Guam due 05/29/2008. Transcript order for Appellant Janice Cruz and Appellant Mary Grace Simpao due 06/09/2008. Transcript due for Court Reporter Wanda M. Miles, Court Reporter on 07/08/2008. Certificate of record due 06/16/2008. Appellant Janice Cruz and Appellant Mary Grace Simpao opening brief due 08/25/2008. Appellee Felix P. Camacho and Appellee Government of Guam answering brief due 09/23/2008. Appellant's optional reply brief is due 14 days after service of the answering brief. (GR)
Request RequestSpace LREF


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