District Appellate Supreme
Virginia Eastern District Court Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
  1. Case No. 20-1368
    Filed 3/30/2020
  2. Case No. 20-1437
    Filed 4/15/2020
United States Supreme Court

Svetlana Lokhova v. Stefan Halper

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Case No. 20-1368
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Last Updated February 11, 2023 at 12:19 AM EST (2 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Svetlana Lokhova, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Law Offices of Steven S. Biss

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven Scott Biss +1 804 643 2090 +1 202 318 4098 stevenbiss@earthlink.net
No Logo Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, D/b/a The Wall Street Journal, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Ballard Spahr LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Seth D. Berlin +1 202 508 1122 +1 202 861 9888 berlins@ballardspahr.com
Space Matthew Edward Kelley +1 202 508 1112 +1 202 661 2299 kelleym@ballardspahr.com
No Logo Nbcuniversal Media, Llc, D/b/a Msnbc, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick John Curran, Jr. +1 202 973 4200 +1 202 873 4499 patcurran@dwt.com
Space Laura Rose Handman +1 202 973 4224 +1 202 973 4499 laurahandman@dwt.com
No Logo Stefan A. Halper, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by LANKFORD & REED, PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert Kirk Moir +1 703 299 5000 rkmoir@lrfirm.net
Space Terrance Gilroy Reed +1 703 299 5000 +1 703 299 8876 tgreed@lrfirm.net

Represented by Paul Hastings LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert David Luskin +1 202 551 1700 +1 202 551 1705 robertluskin@paulhastings.com
The New York Times Company The New York Times Company, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Ballard Spahr LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Seth D. Berlin +1 202 508 1122 +1 202 861 9888 berlins@ballardspahr.com
Space Matthew Edward Kelley +1 202 508 1112 +1 202 661 2299 kelleym@ballardspahr.com

Represented by The New York Times Company

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Dana Robinson Green +1 212 556 3800 +1 212 556 4634 dana.green@nytimes.com
No Logo WP Company LLC dba The Washington Post, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patrick John Curran, Jr. +1 202 973 4200 +1 202 873 4499 patcurran@dwt.com
Space Laura Rose Handman +1 202 973 4224 +1 202 973 4499 laurahandman@dwt.com
Other Parties
No Logo 29 Media Organizations, Amicus Supporting Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space KatieLynn B. Townsend +1 202 795 9300 +1 213 229 7520 ktownsend@gibsondunn.com
Space Caitlin Vogus +1 202 795 9315
Space Lyndsey Marie Wajert +1 646 745 8500 lyndsey.wajert@knightcolumbia.org

Represented by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Bruce D. Brown +1 703 807 2100 bbrown@rcfp.org
No Logo Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Amicus Supporting Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space KatieLynn B. Townsend +1 202 795 9300 +1 213 229 7520 ktownsend@gibsondunn.com
Space Caitlin Vogus +1 202 795 9315


Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Lyndsey Marie Wajert +1 646 745 8500 lyndsey.wajert@knightcolumbia.org

Represented by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Bruce D. Brown +1 703 807 2100 bbrown@rcfp.org
Nature of Suit 4320 - Personal Injury: Assault Libel & Slander
Case Type Civil Private
Lower Court Case https://ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA
Lower Court Case https://ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408418643 Filed: 5/7/2021, Entered: None ?
Mandate issued. Referencing: [65] published authored Opinion , [66] Judgment Order. Originating case number: 1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA.. [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408388917 Filed: 4/15/2021, Entered: None ?
JUDGMENT ORDER filed. Decision: Affirmed. Originating case number: 1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA. Entered on Docket Date: 04/15/2021. [1000934418] Copies to all parties and the district court/agency. [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408388897 Filed: 4/15/2021, Entered: None ?
PUBLISHED AUTHORED OPINION filed. Originating case number: 1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA. [1000934411]. [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Blank  Filed: 3/10/2021, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT (Video Conference) heard before the Honorable James A. Wynn, Jr., Stephanie D. Thacker and A. Marvin Quattlebaum, Jr.. Attorneys arguing case: Steven Scott Biss for Appellant Svetlana Lokhova, Seth Daniel Berlin for Appellees Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated and The New York Times Company, Ms. Laura Rose Handman for Appellees WP Company LLC and NBCUniversal Media, LLC and Mr. Terrance Gilroy Reed for Appellee Stefan A. Halper in 20-1368, Mr. Terrance Gilroy Reed for Appellant Stefan A. Halper, Steven Scott Biss for Appellee Svetlana Lokhova and Seth Daniel Berlin for none The New York Times Company in 20-1437. Courtroom Deputy: Anisha Walker. [1000913829] [20-1368, 20-1437] AW
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408308997 Filed: 2/11/2021, Entered: None ?
Amended ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR REMOTE ARGUMENT (restricted access) by Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, Stefan A. Halper, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, The New York Times Company and WP Company LLC in 20-1368, Stefan A. Halper in 20-1437. Counsel arguing: Seth D. Berlin. Opening argument time: 7 minutes. Second counsel arguing: Laura R. Handman. Opening argument time: 6 minutes. Third counsel arguing: Terrance G. Reed. Opening argument time: 4 minutes. Rebuttal argument time: 3 minutes. [1000898064] [20-1368, 20-1437] Matthew Kelley
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408308980 Filed: 2/11/2021, Entered: None ?
Amended ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR REMOTE ARGUMENT (restricted access) by Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, Stefan A. Halper, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, The New York Times Company and WP Company LLC in 20-1368, Stefan A. Halper in 20-1437. Counsel arguing: Seth D. Berlin. Opening argument time: 7 minutes. Second counsel arguing: Laura R. Handman. Opening argument time: 6 minutes. Third counsel arguing: Terrance G. Reed. Opening argument time: 4 minutes. Rebuttal argument time: 3 minutes. [1000898057] [20-1368, 20-1437] Seth Berlin
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408307352 Filed: 2/10/2021, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR REMOTE ARGUMENT (restricted access) by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368. Counsel arguing: Steven S. Biss. Opening argument time: 15 minutes. Rebuttal argument time: 5 minutes. [1000897297] [20-1368, 20-1437] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408306259 Filed: 2/9/2021, Entered: None ?
COURT ORDER filed denying Motion for additional argument time [57] Copies to all parties. [1000896763] [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408302247 Filed: 2/5/2021, Entered: None ?
Calendar notice sent. Re: [56] calendar case. Nature of notice: Appellant's oral argument acknowledgment form due 2/9/2021. [20-1368, 20-1437] PSC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408293221 Filed: 1/29/2021, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR REMOTE ARGUMENT (restricted access) by Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, Stefan A. Halper, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, The New York Times Company and WP Company LLC in 20-1368, Stefan A. Halper in 20-1437. Counsel arguing: Seth D. Berlin. Opening argument time: 10 minutes. Second counsel arguing: Laura R. Handman. Opening argument time: 10 minutes. Third counsel arguing: Terrance G. Reed. Opening argument time: 7 minutes. Rebuttal argument time: 3 minutes. [1000890635] [20-1368, 20-1437] Seth Berlin
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408292386 Filed: 1/29/2021, Entered: None ?
MOTION by WP Company LLC, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, The New York Times Company, Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated and Stefan A. Halper in 20-1368 for additional argument time Total time requested: total of 30 minutes to be shared by Defendants-Appellees.. Date and method of service: 01/29/2021 ecf. [1000890264] [20-1368, 20-1437] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408289196 Filed: 1/27/2021, Entered: None ?
CASE CALENDARED for remote oral argument. Date: 03/10/2021. Argument Starting Time: 2:00 p.m.. Remote oral argument acknowledgment form due within 2 business days. [20-1368, 20-1437] JLC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408258392 Filed: 1/4/2021, Entered: None ?
CASE TENTATIVELY CALENDARED for oral argument during the 3/8/21 - 3/12/21 argument session. Counsel shall file 4 paper copies of their briefs and appendices within 7 days. Notify Clerk's Office of any scheduling conflict by: 01/11/2021. [20-1368, 20-1437] JLC
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Blank  Filed: 9/11/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of REPLY BRIEF filed at [46] by Stefan A. Halper in 20-1368. Number of pages: [38]. Sufficient: Yes. Number of Copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/06/2021. [1000877261] [20-1368, 20-1437] RHS
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408113811 Filed: 9/11/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Stefan A. Halper in 20-1368, 20-1437 in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: REPLY. [1000809396] [20-1368, 20-1437] Terrance Reed
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Blank  Filed: 8/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of RESPONSE/REPLY BRIEF filed at [45] by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368. Number of pages: [29]. Sufficient: Yes. Number of Copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/11/2021. [1000879474] [20-1368, 20-1437] RE
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408089562 Filed: 8/24/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368, 20-1437 in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: RESPONSE/REPLY. [1000798157] [20-1368, 20-1437] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408075333 Filed: 8/12/2020, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed granting Motion to file amicus curiae brief [40]. Disclosure Statement filed (if corporate amicus)? Y. Appearance Form filed? Y. Copies to all parties. [1000791747] [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408073538 Filed: 8/11/2020, Entered: None ?
RESPONSE/ANSWER by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368 Steven S, Biss, Counsel for the Appellant to notice requesting response [42], Motion [40]. Nature of response: in opposition. [20-1368, 20-1437] Steven Biss
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Blank  Filed: 8/3/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of AMICUS BRIEF filed at [41] by 29 Media Organizations and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press in 20-1368. . Number of pages: [24]. Sufficient: Yes. Number of copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/11/2021. [1000879773] [20-1368, 20-1437] RE
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408063699 Filed: 8/3/2020, Entered: None ?
NOTICE ISSUED to Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368 requesting response to Motion to file amicus curiae brief [40]Response due 08/13/2020..[1000786308].. [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408063440 Filed: 8/3/2020, Entered: None ?
Corrected AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 29 Media Organizations in electronic and paper format. [1000786195] [20-1368, 20-1437] Bruce Brown
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408063427 Filed: 8/3/2020, Entered: None ?
Corrected MOTION by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 29 Media Organizations to file amicus curiae brief without consent of all parties on appeal within time allowed by FRAP 29(e).. Date and method of service: 08/03/2020 ecf. [1000786190] [20-1368, 20-1437] Bruce Brown
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408061976 Filed: 7/31/2020, Entered: None ?
(ENTRY RESTRICTED) AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 29 Media Organizations in electronic and paper format. [1000785457] [20-1368, 20-1437 ]--[Edited 08/03/2020 by JHM Corrected document filed - see ECF 41] Bruce Brown
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408061972 Filed: 7/31/2020, Entered: None ?
(ENTRY RESTRICTED) MOTION by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 29 Media Organizations to file amicus curiae brief without consent of all parties on appeal within time allowed by FRAP 29(e).. Date and method of service: 07/31/2020 ecf. [1000785456] [20-1368, 20-1437]--[Edited 08/03/2020 by JHM] corrected motion filed see ECF 40 Bruce Brown
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: 7/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of RESPONSE BRIEF filed at [36] by Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, Stefan A. Halper, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, The New York Times Company and WP Company LLC in 20-1368. Number of pages: [79]. Sufficient: YES. Number of Copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/08/2021. [1000878368] [20-1368, 20-1437] RE
Blank  Filed: 7/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of OPENING/RESPONSE BRIEF filed at [37] by Stefan A. Halper in 20-1368. Number of pages: [84]. Number of copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/06/2021. [1000877259] [20-1368, 20-1437] RHS
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408052434 Filed: 7/24/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Stefan A. Halper in 20-1368, 20-1437 in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: OPENING/RESPONSE. [1000781364] [20-1368, 20-1437] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408052343 Filed: 7/24/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, WP Company LLC, NBCUniversal Media, LLC and The New York Times Company in 20-1368 in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: RESPONSE. [1000781326] [20-1368, 20-1437] Seth Berlin
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408048060 Filed: 7/22/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Matthew Edward Kelley for The New York Times Company. [1000779414] [20-1368] Matthew Kelley
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408048038 Filed: 7/22/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Seth David Berlin for The New York Times Company. [1000779407] [20-1368] Seth Berlin
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Blank  Filed: 6/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of APPENDIX filed at [33] by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368. Total number of volumes (including any sealed): [1]. Total number of pages in all volumes: [363]. Total number of sealed volumes: 0. Sufficient? Yes. CD/DVD/Other exhibit? No. Number of copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/11/2021. [1000879469] [20-1368, 20-1437] RE
Blank  Filed: 6/24/2020, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of OPENING BRIEF filed at [32] by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368. Number of pages: [67]. Sufficient: Yes. Number of copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 01/11/2021. [1000879468] [20-1368, 20-1437] RE
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408013092 Filed: 6/24/2020, Entered: None ?
JOINT APPENDIX (electronic and paper form) by Dow Jones & Company, Incorporated, Stefan A. Halper, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, The New York Times Company, WP Company LLC and Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368, Stefan A. Halper and Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1437. CD/DVD/Other exhibit? No. [1000763421] [20-1368, 20-1437] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408013074 Filed: 6/24/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Svetlana Lokhova in 20-1368 in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: OPENING. [1000763415] [20-1368, 20-1437] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407960803 Filed: 5/15/2020, Entered: None ?
Customized BRIEFING ORDER filed. Name of Cross-Appeal Appellant for briefing purposes: Svetlana Lokhova.. FILING OF PAPER COPIES OF BRIEFS/APPENDICES IS SUSPENDED PENDING FURTHER NOTICE FROM THE COURT. Opening Brief and Appendix due 06/24/2020. Respons Brief due 07/24/2020 Opening/Response Brief Due: 07/24/2020. Response/Reply Brief Due 08/24/2020. [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407945175 Filed: 5/4/2020, Entered: None ?
TRANSCRIPT ORDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT filed for Anneliese Thomson in 20-1368, 20-1437. Identify by proceeding and date all transcript ordered from this court reporter: Oral Argument on Motions to Dismiss -- 10/25/2019. Names of all parties ordering transcript from this reporter: Svetlana Lokhova. Originating case number: 1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA. Transcript due from Anneliese Thomson, Official Court Reporter on 07/10/2020. [20-1368, 20-1437] TW
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407945158 Filed: 5/4/2020, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed rescinding briefing deadlines. Copies to all parties. [1000732509] [20-1368, 20-1437] TW
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407944352 Filed: 5/1/2020, Entered: None ?
TRANSCRIPT ORDER FORM by NBCUniversal Media, LLC and WP Company LLC for Anneliese Thomson. [20-1368] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407934614 Filed: 4/24/2020, Entered: None ?
OBJECTION to DOCKETING STATEMENT by NBCUniversal Media, LLC and WP Company LLC, Dow Jones and Company, Inc., The New York Times Company in 20-1368. [20-1368, 20-1437]--[Edited 04/24/2020 by JHM - edited to include all parties] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407921548 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT by Stefan A. Halper. [20-1437] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407921267 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None ?
Docket correction requested from The New York Times Company. Re: [19] appearance of counsel. Access to appearance of counsel has been restricted to case participants. [20-1368] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407921180 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEFING ORDER filed. Name of Cross-Appeal Appellant for briefing purposes: Sveltana Lokhova.. FILING OF PAPER COPIES OF BRIEFS/APPENDICES IS SUSPENDED PENDING FURTHER NOTICE FROM THE COURT. Opening Brief and Appendix due 05/26/2020. Opening/Response Brief Due: 06/24/2020. Response/Reply Brief Due 07/24/2020. [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407921159 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed consolidating case 20-1437 with 20-1368. Cross-appeal appellant: Svetlana Lokhova. Copies to all parties.. [1000721671] [20-1368, 20-1437] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407920988 Filed: 4/15/2020, Entered: None ?
ORDER filed rescinding briefing order Copies to all parties. [1000721600] [20-1368] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919978 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by The New York Times Company. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? Yes [1000721164] [20-1368] Dana Green
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919952 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by David E. McCraw for The New York Times Company. [1000721158] [20-1368] Dana Green
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919941 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Dana Green for The New York Times Company. [1000721156] [20-1368] Dana Green
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919800 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
BRIEFING ORDER filed.. FILING OF PAPER COPIES OF BRIEFS/APPENDICES IS SUSPENDED PENDING FURTHER NOTICE FROM THE COURT. Opening Brief and Appendix due 05/26/2020. Response Brief due 06/23/2020 [20-1368] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919739 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT by Svetlana Lokhova. [20-1368] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919732 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Svetlana Lokhova. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000721062] [20-1368] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407919721 Filed: 4/14/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Steven S. Biss for Svetlana Lokhova. [1000721059] [20-1368] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407914703 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Robert Luskin for Stefan A. Halper. [1000718677] [20-1368] Robert Moir
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407914144 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by WP Company LLC. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? Yes [1000718429] [20-1368] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407914129 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? Yes [1000718420] [20-1368] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407914118 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Laura Handman for NBCUniversal Media, LLC and WP Company LLC. [1000718416] [20-1368] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407914097 Filed: 4/9/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Patrick John Curran Jr. for NBCUniversal Media, LLC and WP Company LLC. [1000718409] [20-1368] Patrick Curran
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407908202 Filed: 4/6/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Robert K. Moir for Stefan A. Halper. [1000715748] [20-1368] Robert Moir
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407907968 Filed: 4/6/2020, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Stefan A. Halper. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000715643] [20-1368] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407907957 Filed: 4/6/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Terrance G. Reed for Stefan A. Halper. [1000715638] [20-1368] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407905328 Filed: 4/2/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Matthew E. Kelley for Dow Jones and Company, Incorporated. [1000714429] [20-1368] Matthew Kelley
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407905322 Filed: 4/2/2020, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Dow Jones and Company, Incorporated. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? Yes [1000714427] [20-1368] Seth Berlin
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407905316 Filed: 4/2/2020, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Seth D. Berlin for Dow Jones and Company, Incorporated. [1000714425] [20-1368] Seth Berlin
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407899471 Filed: 3/30/2020, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING NOTICE issued Re: [1] case Originating case number: 1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA.. [20-1368] JHM
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00407899450 Filed: 3/30/2020, Entered: None ?
Case docketed. Originating case number: 1:19-cv-00632-LMB-JFA. Case manager: JMoore. [20-1368] JHM
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