District Appellate Supreme
Virginia Eastern District Court Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit United States Supreme Court

Svetlana Lokhova v. Stefan Halper

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, Case No. 21-1655
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No Logo Svetlana Lokhova, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Law Offices of Steven S. Biss

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven Scott Biss +1 804 643 2090 +1 202 318 4098 stevenbiss@earthlink.net
No Logo Stefan A. Halper, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by LANKFORD & REED, PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert Kirk Moir +1 703 299 5000 rkmoir@lrfirm.net
Space Terrance Gilroy Reed +1 703 299 5000 +1 703 299 8876 tgreed@lrfirm.net

Represented by Paul Hastings LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert David Luskin +1 202 551 1700 +1 202 551 1705 robertluskin@paulhastings.com
Nature of Suit 4320 - Personal Injury: Assault Libel & Slander
Case Type Civil Private
Lower Court Case https://ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN
Lower Court Case https://ecf.vaed.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?caseNumber=1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408886142 Filed: 5/11/2022, Entered: None ?
Mandate issued. Referencing: [42] published authored Opinion , [43] Judgment Order. Originating case number: 1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN. [1001160387] [21-1655] RE
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408876459 Filed: 5/3/2022, Entered: None ?
COURT ORDER filed denying Motion for rehearing and rehearing en banc [44]. Copies to all parties. [1001155983] [21-1655] RE
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408858821 Filed: 4/19/2022, Entered: None ?
Mandate temporarily stayed pending ruling on petition for rehearing or rehearing en banc. [1001148294] [21-1655] RE
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408858805 Filed: 4/19/2022, Entered: None ?
PETITION for rehearing and rehearing en banc by Stefan A. Halper. [1001148285] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408841595 Filed: 4/5/2022, Entered: None ?
JUDGMENT ORDER filed. Decision: Reversed and remanded. Originating case number: 1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN. Entered on Docket Date: 04/05/2022. Copies to all parties and the district court/agency. [1001140521] [21-1655] RE
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408841582 Filed: 4/5/2022, Entered: None ?
PUBLISHED AUTHORED OPINION filed. Motion disposition in opinion denying Motion to impose sanctions [17], denying Motion to impose sanctions [15] Originating case number: 1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN. [1001140516] [21-1655] RE
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408753817 Filed: 1/27/2022, Entered: None ?
Letter re: responses to oral argument inquiries by Stefan A. Halper. [1001100141] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Blank  Filed: 1/26/2022, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT (Video Conference) heard before the Honorable Paul V. Niemeyer, G. Steven Agee and Albert Diaz. Attorneys arguing case: Steven Scott Biss for Appellant Svetlana Lokhova and Mr. Terrance Gilroy Reed for Appellee Stefan A. Halper. Courtroom Deputy: Rickie Edwards. [1001098955] [21-1655] RE
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408745685 Filed: 1/21/2022, Entered: None ?
Amended ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (restricted access) by Stefan A. Halper. Counsel arguing: Terrance G. Reed. Answering argument time: 30 minutes. [1001096433] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408725700 Filed: 1/6/2022, Entered: None ?
CALENDAR NOTICE: ALL JANUARY ARGUMENTS TO BE HELD BY VIDEOCONFERENCE RATHER THAN IN PERSON. See attached document for details. [1001087442] [19-2252, 20-2181, 20-1406, 21-1655] SCC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408711170 Filed: 12/23/2021, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (restricted access) by Stefan A. Halper. Counsel arguing: Robert K. Moir. Answering argument time: 20 minutes. [1001080333] [21-1655] Robert Moir
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408711165 Filed: 12/23/2021, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (restricted access) by Stefan A. Halper. Counsel arguing: Robert K. Moir. Answering argument time: 20 minutes. [1001080331] [21-1655] Robert Moir
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408711004 Filed: 12/23/2021, Entered: None ?
Certification of compliance with argument protocol by Svetlana Lokhova. Certification of compliance uploaded for Steven S. Biss. [1001080276] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408711001 Filed: 12/23/2021, Entered: None ?
ORAL ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (restricted access) by Svetlana Lokhova. Counsel arguing: Steven S. Biss. Opening argument time: 18 minutes. Rebuttal argument time: 2 minutes. [1001080275] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408701903 Filed: 12/16/2021, Entered: None ?
CASE CALENDARED for oral argument. Date: 01/26/2022. Session Starting Time: 9:30 am. Your case is currently fourth on the morning docket, and your check-in time if appearing in person is 10:30 am. Forms due within 7 calendar days. [1001076403] [21-1655] JLC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408671766 Filed: 11/21/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE REGARDING CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED ARGUMENT DATES by Appellant Svetlana Lokhova. Argument Session: January 25-28, 2022. Days you are available: January 25, 2022. Identify any other cases you are tentatively scheduled to argue this session: Harvey v. CNN (21-1527).. [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408671654 Filed: 11/19/2021, Entered: None ?
CASE TENTATIVELY CALENDARED for oral argument during the January 25-28, 2022 argument session. Counsel shall file 4 paper copies of their briefs and appendices within 7 days. Notify Clerk's Office of any scheduling conflict by: 11/29/2021. [21-1655] JLC
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408658902 Filed: 11/10/2021, Entered: None ?
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408658288 Filed: 11/10/2021, Entered: None ?
SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITIES (FRAP 28(j)) response by Stefan A. Halper. [1001056763] . [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408653497 Filed: 11/8/2021, Entered: None ?
SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITIES by Svetlana Lokhova. [1001054604] . [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408635182 Filed: 10/22/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE REGARDING CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED ARGUMENT DATES by Appellant Svetlana Lokhova. Argument Session: December 6-10, 2021. Days you are available: December 6-9, 2021. Identify any other cases you are tentatively scheduled to argue this session: Harvey v. CNN (21-1527).. [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408633989 Filed: 10/21/2021, Entered: None ?
COPY FOLLOW-UP NOTICE issued to Svetlana Lokhova requesting FOUR additional copies of the OPENING BRIEF, REPLY BRIEF and JOINT APPENDIX. Must be received in Clerk's Office by 10/25/2021. [21-1655] TB
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408617763 Filed: 10/8/2021, Entered: None ?
CASE TENTATIVELY CALENDARED for oral argument during the December 6-10, 2021 argument session. Counsel shall file 4 paper copies of their briefs and appendices within 7 days. Notify Clerk's Office of any scheduling conflict by: 10/18/2021. [21-1655] JLC
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Blank  Filed: 9/20/2021, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of REPLY BRIEF filed at [19] by Svetlana Lokhova. Number of pages: [12]. Sufficient: Yes. Number of Copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 11/03/2021. [1001052488] [21-1655] AB
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408591773 Filed: 9/20/2021, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Svetlana Lokhova in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: REPLY. [1001026668] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408586723 Filed: 9/16/2021, Entered: None ?
REPLY by to Motion [15], Motion [17], response and motion [17].. [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408578118 Filed: 9/9/2021, Entered: None ?
Response in opposition to Motion to impose sanctions [15] with combined motion to impose sanctions. by Svetlana Lokhova. Was opposing counsel informed of motion pursuant to Loc. R. 27(a)?: N. Did opposing counsel consent to granting of motion?: N. [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Blank  Filed: 8/30/2021, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of RESPONSE BRIEF filed at [14] by Stefan A. Halper. Number of pages: [50]. Sufficient: YES. Number of Copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 10/13/2021. [1001040471] [21-1655] AB
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408563020 Filed: 8/30/2021, Entered: None ?
NOTICE ISSUED to Svetlana Lokhova requesting response to Motion to impose sanctions [15]. Response due 09/09/2021. [1001013611] [21-1655] AB
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408562900 Filed: 8/30/2021, Entered: None ?
MOTION by Stefan A. Halper to impose sanctions.. Date and method of service: 08/30/2021 ecf. [1001013570] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408562880 Filed: 8/30/2021, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Stefan A. Halper in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: RESPONSE. [1001013561] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Blank  Filed: 8/2/2021, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of APPENDIX filed at [12] by Svetlana Lokhova. Total number of volumes (including any sealed): [1]. Total number of pages in all volumes: [46]. Total number of sealed volumes: 0. Sufficient? Yes. CD/DVD/Other exhibit? No. Number of copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 11/03/2021. [1001052501] [21-1655] AB
Blank  Filed: 8/2/2021, Entered: None ?
Receipt of paper copy of OPENING BRIEF filed at [13] by Svetlana Lokhova. Number of pages: [53]. Sufficient: Yes. Number of copies: [4]. Received by clerk date: 11/03/2021. [1001052493] [21-1655] AB
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408525758 Filed: 8/2/2021, Entered: None ?
BRIEF by Svetlana Lokhova in electronic and paper format. Type of Brief: OPENING. [1000996372] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408525755 Filed: 8/2/2021, Entered: None ?
JOINT APPENDIX (electronic and paper form) by Svetlana Lokhova. Digital media exhibit volume? No. [1000996371] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408472072 Filed: 6/21/2021, Entered: None ?
BRIEFING ORDER filed. Paper copy requirements are temporarily suspended unless the case is under pre-argument review or being scheduled for argument, in which case a total of four paper copies of formal briefs and appendices are required. Opening Brief and Appendix due 08/02/2021. Response Brief due 08/30/2021. [21-1655] AB
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408471991 Filed: 6/21/2021, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING STATEMENT by Svetlana Lokhova. [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408471983 Filed: 6/21/2021, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Svetlana Lokhova. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000972048] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408471976 Filed: 6/21/2021, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL for Svetlana Lokhova. [1000972042] [21-1655] Steven Biss
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408462362 Filed: 6/11/2021, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Robert D. Luskin for Stefan A. Halper. [1000967841] [21-1655] Robert Moir
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408462180 Filed: 6/11/2021, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Robert K Moir for Stefan A. Halper. [1000967747] [21-1655] Robert Moir
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408462155 Filed: 6/11/2021, Entered: None ?
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Stefan A. Halper. Was any question on Disclosure Form answered yes? No [1000967736] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408462148 Filed: 6/11/2021, Entered: None ?
APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL by Terrance G Reed for Stefan A. Halper. [1000967734] [21-1655] Terrance Reed
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408457582 Filed: 6/8/2021, Entered: None ?
DOCKETING NOTICE issued Re: [1] case. Originating case number: 1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN. [21-1655] AB
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Blank  Filed: 6/8/2021, Entered: None ?
ASSEMBLED ELECTRONIC RECORD docketed. Originating case number: 1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN. Record in folder? Yes. Record reviewed? Yes. PSR & SOR included? N/A. [21-1655] AB
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00408457577 Filed: 6/8/2021, Entered: None ?
Case docketed. Originating case number: 1:20-cv-01603-LMB-MSN. Case manager: ABrownlee. [21-1655] AB
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