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003014416788 |
Filed: 5/19/2023, Entered: None |
? |
NOT PRECEDENTIAL OPINION. Coram: CHAGARES, Chief Judge, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges. Total Pages: 9. Authoring Judge: Chagares (TMM)
003014416771 |
Filed: 5/19/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (CHAGARES, Chief Judge, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges) The foregoing Motion to Intervene and Unseal is granted and the opinion previously issued under seal shall be unsealed.--[Edited 05/19/2023 by TMM] (TMM)
Request |
003014412352 |
Filed: 5/15/2023, Entered: None |
? |
Request |
003014403316 |
Filed: 5/3/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Response filed by Respondent SEC to motion to unseal. Certificate of Service dated 05/03/2023. [22-1652]--[Edited 05/03/2023 by TMM] (MK)
Request |
003014398967 |
Filed: 4/27/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Motion filed by Bloomberg Industry Group, Inc. to Intervene and Unseal Court's Opinion. Certificate of Service dated 04/27/2023. [22-1652]--[Edited 04/28/2023 by TMM] (EJF)
Request |
003014368379 |
Filed: 3/23/2023, Entered: None |
? |
JUDGMENT, ORDERED and ADJUDGED by this Court that the petition for review is hereby DENIED. Doe's motion to expand the record is also hereby DENIED. (TMM)
Request |
003014368373 |
Filed: 3/23/2023, Entered: None |
? |
SEALED NOT PRECEDENTIAL OPINION Coram: CHAGARES, Chief Judge, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges. Total Pages: 9. Judge: CHAGARES Authoring. (TMM)
003014368366 |
Filed: 3/23/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (CHAGARES, Chief Judge, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges) The Clerk is directed to file the not precedential opinion in this matter under permanent seal. Chagares, Authoring Judge. (TMM)
Request |
003014367446 |
Filed: 3/22/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (CHAGARES, Chief Judge, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges) The foregoing motions are hereby granted. Michael A. Chagares, Authoring Judge. (MS)
Request |
003014367423 |
Filed: 3/22/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (CHAGARES, Chief Judge, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges) granting SEC's Motion for Leave to File under Seal.. Michael A. Chagares, Authoring Judge. (MS)
Request |
Filed: 2/6/2023, Entered: None |
? |
SUBMITTED on Monday, February 6, 2023. Panel: CHAGARES, SCIRICA and RENDELL, Circuit Judges. (AR)
003014332698 |
Filed: 2/6/2023, Entered: None |
? |
COURT MINUTES OF ARGUED/SUBMITTED CASES. [20-2840, 22-1600, 22-1652, 22-1830] (AR)
Request |
003014322710 |
Filed: 1/25/2023, Entered: None |
? |
Submit Notification for Monday, 02/06/2023. (AR)
Request |
003014307665 |
Filed: 1/4/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT filed by Attorney Ingrid D. Johnson, Esq. for Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 01/04/2023. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014305850 |
Filed: 1/3/2023, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: ARGUMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT filed by Attorney Michael Kelly, Esq. for Respondent SEC. Certificate of Service dated 01/03/2023. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
003014302035 |
Filed: 12/28/2022, Entered: None |
? |
Calendared for Monday, 02/06/2023. Calendar Clerk: AR. (AR)
Request |
Filed: 11/9/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Petitioner Jamie Doe - Reply Brief (FILED UNDER SEAL). Copies: 7. (KEL)
Filed: 11/9/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Petitioner Jamie Doe - Redacted Reply Brief. Copies: 7. (KEL)
003014263822 |
Filed: 11/7/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: ELECTRONIC REDACTED REPLY BRIEF on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 11/07/2022 by ECF. [22-1652]--[Edited 11/08/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
003014263816 |
Filed: 11/7/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED ELECTRONIC REPLY BRIEF on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 11/07/2022 by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
Filed: 10/24/2022, Entered: None |
? |
TEXT ONLY ORDER (Clerk) granting Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply Brief filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe. Appellant's reply brief must be filed and served on or before November 7, 2022. Pursuant to 3d Cir. L.A.R. 31.4, only one motion for extension of time to file a reply brief may be granted. Any further requests for extension of time will be presented to the Court and should be based on exceptional circumstances. (DW)
003014251694 |
Filed: 10/24/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: LETTER from Attorney Ingrid D. Johnson, Esq. for Petitioner Jamie Doe Letter inquiring about status of extension request. Certificate of Service dated 10/24/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014249658 |
Filed: 10/20/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (Clerk) referring to the merits panel SEC's Motion for Leave to File under Seal. The Clerk will hold the unredacted version of Respondent's brief provisionally under seal pending a ruling by the Court. (MS)
Request |
003014248539 |
Filed: 10/18/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: UNOPPOSED Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe for Extension of Time to file Reply Brief until/for 10 days. Certificate of Service dated 10/18/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
Filed: 10/11/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Respondent SEC - Brief. Copies: 7. (Filed Under Seal) (IDR)
003014239247 |
Filed: 10/5/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: UNOPPOSED Motion filed by Respondent SEC to seal Response Brief on Behalf of Respondent SEC, Dkt. 40. Certificate of Service dated 10/05/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] - SEND TO MERITS PANEL--[Edited 10/20/2022 by MS] (MK)
Request |
003014239234 |
Filed: 10/5/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED ELECTRONIC BRIEF on behalf of Respondent SEC. Certificate of Service dated 10/05/2022 by ECF. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
003014239198 |
Filed: 10/5/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: REDACTED ELECTRONIC BRIEF on behalf of Respondent SEC. Certificate of Service dated 10/05/2022 by ECF. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
003014225792 |
Filed: 9/20/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (Clerk) The foregoing motions to supplement the record are construed as motions to expand the record. So construed the motions, the response and reply thereto are referred to the merits panel. Petitioner's motion to file opening brief, appendix, and the motion to supplement the record is also referred to the merits panel. The Clerk will hold the unredacted versions of the motion to supplement the record, Petitioner's brief, and the joint appendix provisionally under seal pending a ruling by the Court. (MS)
Request |
003014213279 |
Filed: 9/2/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Reply by Petitioner Jamie Doe in Support of Petitioner's Motion to Supplement the Record. Certificate of Service dated 09/02/2022. Service made by ECF [22-1652]--[Edited 09/06/2022 by MS] - SEND TO MERITS PANEL--[Edited 09/20/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
Filed: 8/26/2022, Entered: None |
? |
COMPLIANCE RECEIVED. Motion to file brief and appendix under seal received from Petitioner Jamie Doe. (MS)
003014207479 |
Filed: 8/26/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe for Leave to File Opening Brief, Appendix, Motion to Supplement the Record (Documents 23, 25 and 27) and Related Reply Briefs under Seal. Certificate of Service dated 08/26/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652]--[Edited 08/30/2022 by MS] - SEND TO MERITS PANEL--[Edited 09/20/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
003014207004 |
Filed: 8/26/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Response filed by Respondent SEC to Motion to Supplement the Record. Certificate of Service dated 08/26/2022. [22-1652]--[Edited 08/26/2022 by MS] - SEND TO MERITS PANEL--[Edited 09/20/2022 by MS] (MK)
Request |
Filed: 8/25/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Petitioner Jamie Doe - REDACTED Appendix. Copies: 4. Volumes: 2. Received on 08/24/22. (MS)
Filed: 8/25/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Petitioner Jamie Doe - SEALED Appendix. Copies: 4. Volumes: 2. Received on 08/24/22. (MS)
Filed: 8/25/2022, Entered: None |
? |
Respondent SEC verbally granted an extension of time to file brief until 10/05/2022 pursuant to Third Cir. LAR 31.4. (TMM)
Filed: 8/24/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Petitioner Jamie Doe - Opening Brief (FILED UNDER SEAL). Copies: 7. (KEL)
Filed: 8/24/2022, Entered: None |
? |
HARD COPY RECEIVED from Petitioner Jamie Doe - Redacted Opening Brief. Copies: 7. (KEL)
Filed: 8/23/2022, Entered: None |
? |
TEXT ONLY ORDER (Clerk) directing Attorney Ingrid D. Johnson, Esq. for Petitioner Jamie Doe to file a motion for leave to file brief and appendix under seal. Due on or before 08/26/2022. (MS)
003014203445 |
Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED ELECTRONIC BRIEF on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 08/22/2022 by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014203442 |
Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: REDACTED ELECTRONIC BRIEF on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 08/22/2022 by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014203439 |
Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe to supplement the record. Certificate of Service dated 08/22/2022. [22-1652] - SEND TO MERITS PANEL--[Edited 09/20/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
003014203436 |
Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: REDACTED Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe to supplement the record. Certificate of Service dated 08/22/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652]--[Edited 08/23/2022 by MS] - SEND TO MERITS PANEL--[Edited 09/20/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
003014203432 |
Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED ELECTRONIC APPENDIX Volumes I & II on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 08/22/2022 by ECF. [22-1652]--[Edited 08/23/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
003014203428 |
Filed: 8/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: REDACTED ELECTRONIC APPENDIX Volumes I & II on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of service dated 08/22/2022 by ECF. [22-1652]--[Edited 08/23/2022 by MS] (IDJ)
Request |
003014202748 |
Filed: 8/21/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: LETTER from Attorney Ingrid D. Johnson, Esq. for Petitioner Jamie Doe Letter advising of law firm change. Certificate of Service dated 08/21/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
Filed: 5/10/2022, Entered: None |
? |
TEXT ONLY ORDER (Clerk) Petitioner's Unopposed motion to stay the briefing schedule, construed as a motion for a seventy-five (75) day motion for extension of time to file brief and appendix. So construed, the motion is granted. Petitioner's brief and appendix must be filed and served on or before August 22, 2022. Counsel is advised to review the Court's Notice of October 15, 2012 advising that extensions of time are disfavored. Any further requests for extension of time will be presented to the Court and should be based on exceptional circumstances. (CLW)
003014125540 |
Filed: 5/5/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Response filed by Respondent SEC to motion to stay briefing. Certificate of Service dated 05/05/2022. [22-1652]--[Edited 05/06/2022 by TMM] (MK)
Request |
003014124649 |
Filed: 5/4/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: UNOPPOSED Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe to stay briefing schedule. Certificate of Service dated 05/04/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014123165 |
Filed: 5/3/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED/IMPOUNDED Agency Certified Index/List transmitted. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
Save 25% on a pre-paid one year subscription. |
003014123162 |
Filed: 5/3/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Agency Certified Index/List transmitted. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
003014120356 |
Filed: 4/29/2022, Entered: None |
? |
BRIEFING NOTICE ISSUED. Brief on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe due on or before 06/08/2022. Appendix due on or before 06/08/2022. (TMM)
Request |
003014120344 |
Filed: 4/29/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (MATEY, Circuit Judge) Motion by Petitioner for Leave to Proceed Under a Pseudonym is granted. Panel No.: DCO-070. Matey, Authoring Judge. (TMM)
Request |
003014116096 |
Filed: 4/25/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: SEALED SEALED SUBSTITUTED PETITION FOR REVIEW filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 04/25/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014115965 |
Filed: 4/25/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: REDACTED Substituted Petition for Review filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 04/25/2022. Service made by ECF. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014115028 |
Filed: 4/22/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Response filed by Respondent SEC to motion Seal Document or Case. Certificate of Service dated 04/22/2022. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
003014113787 |
Filed: 4/21/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: AGENCY INFORMATION STATEMENT on behalf of Petitioner Jamie Doe. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014113764 |
Filed: 4/21/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: ENTRY OF APPEARANCE from Ingrid D. Johnson, SLARSKEY LLC on behalf of Petitioner(s) Jamie Doe (pseudonymously). [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014113580 |
Filed: 4/21/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: ENTRY OF APPEARANCE from Emily True Parise on behalf of Respondent(s) Securities and Exchange Commission. [22-1652] (ETP)
Request |
003014112646 |
Filed: 4/21/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: ENTRY OF APPEARANCE from Michael J. Kelly on behalf of Appellee(s) Securities and Exchange Commission. [22-1652] (MK)
Request |
003014110431 |
Filed: 4/18/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (Clerk) The foregoing motion for leave to substitute the original petition for review with a redacted version is granted, The petition for review previously filed on April 8, 2022 (ECF No. 1) will be removed from the Court's docket. Petitioner must file the redacted petition for review within seven (7) days from the date of this order. The foregoing motion to proceed under a pseudonym and any response are referred to a motions panel. The petitioner will be referred to a motions panel. The petitioner will be referred to by the pseudonym Jamie Doe. The parties are directed to use only the pseudonym in all filings pending disposition of the motion. (TMM)
Request |
003014108829 |
Filed: 4/14/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe to amend Petitioner asks that the original Petition (Dkt. 1.1) be substituted with Exhibit 1 to this motion.. Certificate of Service dated 04/14/2022. Service made by US mail. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014108768 |
Filed: 4/14/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Motion filed by Petitioner Jamie Doe to seal Petitioner requests leave to proceed under the pseudonym Jamie Doe, that all references to Petitioner's real identity be filed under seal, and that all references to participants in the underlying Covered Action be filed under seal.. Certificate of Service dated 04/14/2022. Service made by US mail. [22-1652] (IDJ)
003014108621 |
Filed: 4/14/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ECF FILER: Agency Record. [22-1652] (IDJ)
Request |
003014104515 |
Filed: 4/11/2022, Entered: None |
? |
ORDER (Clerk) It appears that Petitioner wishes to proceed using a pseudonym for purposes of this petition. The petition has been temporarily docketed using Petitioner's initials. Petitioner must file in this Court within ten (10) days of the date of this order a motion to proceed under a pseudonym or Petitioner's full name may be substituted It is noted that Petitioner does not include with the petition a copy of the decision of which he/she seeks review. Within ten (10) days of the date of this order, Petitioner must also provide a copy of the decision. If the decision must be filed under seal, a separate motion to seal must accompany the decision. In accordance with the Court's November 4, 2008 Notice to Bar, the parties are advised that dockets in the Court of Appeals are not sealed as the text of the docket contains procedural information only. (TMM)
003014104470 |
Filed: 4/8/2022, Entered: None |
? |
AGENCY CASE DOCKETED. Petition filed by Jamie Doe. Certificate of Service dated 04/08/2022. Service made by US mail. Payment made through Receipt No. A03-62552-449. [-Document has been restricted because it contains identifying information for Petitioner.]--[Edited 08/26/2022 by CJG] (TMM)
Request |