Concord Music Group, Inc. et al v. Anthropic PBC

Federal Civil Lawsuit Tennessee Middle District Court, Case No. 3:23-cv-01092
District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr, presiding
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District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr
Last Updated June 24, 2024 at 10:31 AM EDT (7.9 months ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo ABKCO Music, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Capitol CMG, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Concord Music Group, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Polygram Publishing, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Songs Of Universal, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Universal Music-mgb Na LLC, Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
No Logo Universal Music Corp., Plaintiff

Represented by Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Richard Dannay +1 212 790 9256 +1 212 575 0671
Space Jonathan Zachary King +1 212 790 9200 +1 212 575 0671
Space TTAB Attorney Placeholder

Represented by Oppenheim Zebrak, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Audrey Adu-Appiah +1 202 851 4080
Space Timothy Seungmin Chung +1 440 985 8308
Space Andrew Guerra +1 212 951 1156
Space Nicholas C. Hailey +1 202 480 2999
Space Matthew Oppenheim +1 301 299 4986 +1 866 766 1678
Space Jennifer Pariser +1 212 951 1156

Represented by Riley & Jacobson, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Timothy G. Harvey +1 615 320 3700
Space Grace Peck +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Space Steven Allen Riley +1 615 320 3700 +1 615 320 3737
Anthropic, PBC Anthropic, PBC, Defendant

Represented by Latham & Watkins LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Sarang Damle +1 202 637 2200 +1 202 637 2201
Space Andrew Gass +1 415 395 8806
Space Allison Levine Stillman +1 212 906 1200 +1 212 751 4864
Space Joseph Richard Wetzel, Jr., +1 415 391 0600

Represented by Neal & Harwell, PLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Olivia Rose Arboneaux +1 615 244 1713 +1 615 726 0573
Space Aubrey B. Harwell, III +1 615 244 1713
Space Nathan C. Sanders +1 615 244 1222 +1 615 726 0573
Other Parties
No Logo Association Of American Publishers, Inc., Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob T. Clabo +1 615 329 4440 +1 615 329 4485
Space Lauren E. Kilgore +1 615 329 4440

Represented by Pryor Cashman LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya B. Katalan +1 212 421 4100
Space Frank Phillip Scibilia +1 212 326 0445 +1 212 798 6375
No Logo Black Music Action Coalition, Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob T. Clabo +1 615 329 4440 +1 615 329 4485
Space Lauren E. Kilgore +1 615 329 4440

Represented by Pryor Cashman LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya B. Katalan +1 212 421 4100
Space Frank Phillip Scibilia +1 212 326 0445 +1 212 798 6375
No Logo Chamber of Progress, Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicole Saad Bembridge +1 425 802 1960
Space Kevin C. Klein +1 615 600 4780 +1 615 600 4780
Space Eric P. Tuttle +1 206 883 2500 +1 866 974 7329
No Logo National Music Publishers Association, Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob T. Clabo +1 615 329 4440 +1 615 329 4485
Space Lauren E. Kilgore +1 615 329 4440

Represented by Pryor Cashman LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya B. Katalan +1 212 421 4100
Space Frank Phillip Scibilia +1 212 326 0445 +1 212 798 6375
No Logo NetChoice, LLC, Amicus

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kevin C. Klein +1 615 600 4780 +1 615 600 4780

Represented by Netchoice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Nicole Saad Bembridge +1 425 802 1960

Represented by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Eric P. Tuttle +1 206 883 2500 +1 866 974 7329
No Logo News Media Alliance, Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob T. Clabo +1 615 329 4440 +1 615 329 4485
Space Lauren E. Kilgore +1 615 329 4440

Represented by Pryor Cashman LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya B. Katalan +1 212 421 4100
Space Frank Phillip Scibilia +1 212 326 0445 +1 212 798 6375
No Logo Recording Industry Association of America, Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya B. Katalan +1 212 421 4100

Represented by Pryor Cashman LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Frank Phillip Scibilia +1 212 326 0445 +1 212 798 6375

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob T. Clabo +1 615 329 4440 +1 615 329 4485
Space Lauren E. Kilgore +1 615 329 4440
No Logo Songwriter of North America, Amicus

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jacob T. Clabo +1 615 329 4440 +1 615 329 4485
Space Lauren E. Kilgore +1 615 329 4440

Represented by Pryor Cashman LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maya B. Katalan +1 212 421 4100
Space Frank Phillip Scibilia +1 212 326 0445 +1 212 798 6375
Office Nashville
Filed 10/18/2023
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Nature of Suit 820 - Property Rights: Copyright
Cause Unknown
Jurisdiction Federal Question
County Davidson
Origin 1
Lead Case
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Defendant Custody Status
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Legal Document 124 Filed: 6/24/2024, Entered: None Order Dismissing Case
Legal Document 123 Filed: 6/24/2024, Entered: None Memorandum Opinion of the Court
Legal Document 120 Filed: 4/17/2024, Entered: None Order to Ascertain Status
Legal Document 119 Filed: 4/12/2024, Entered: None Ascertain Status
Blank 118 Filed: 3/4/2024, Entered: 3/4/2024 Appear - Pro Hac Vice
ORDER granting [112] and [113] Having satisfied the requirements of Local Rule 83.01(b), the Amended Motions for Frank Scibilia and Maya Katalan to Appear Pro Hac Vice are granted. Signed by Lynda M. Hill, Clerk of Court, on 03/04/2024. (lh)
Legal Document 117 Filed: 2/27/2024, Entered: 2/27/2024 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to re [102] MOTION For Leave to File Amicus Curiae filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America. (Clabo, Jacob)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 116 Filed: 2/27/2024, Entered: 2/27/2024 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to re [97] MOTION for Leave to Request Oral Argument re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 115 Filed: 2/20/2024, Entered: 2/20/2024 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [102] MOTION For Leave to File Amicus Curiae filed by Anthropic PBC. (Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 114 Filed: 2/20/2024, Entered: 2/20/2024 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [97] MOTION for Leave to Request Oral Argument re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Anthropic PBC. (Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 113 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024, Terminated: 3/4/2024 Motion to Amend/Correct
Amended MOTION to Amend/Correct [101] MOTION for attorney Maya Katalan to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-4013463) by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Ex.1-Supplemental Declaration-Katalan, # (2) Exhibit Ex.2-Supplemental Certificate of Good Standing - Katalan)(Kilgore, Lauren)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit Ex.1-Supplemental Declaration-Katalan
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Ex.2-Supplemental Certificate of Good Standing - Katalan
Legal Document 112 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024, Terminated: 3/4/2024 Motion to Amend/Correct
Amended MOTION to Amend/Correct [100] MOTION for attorney Frank Scibilia to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-4013462) by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Ex.1-Supplemental Declaration Scibilia, # (2) Exhibit Ex.2-Supplemental Certificate of Good Standing - Scibilia)(Kilgore, Lauren)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit Ex.1-Supplemental Declaration Scibilia
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Ex.2-Supplemental Certificate of Good Standing - Scibilia
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Certificate
CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service DE 103 filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America re [103] Memorandum in Support, filed by Black Music Action Coalition, Recording Industry Association of America, News/Media Alliance, Songwriter of North America, Association of American Publishers, Inc., National Music Publishers' Association. (Kilgore, Lauren)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Certificate
CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service DE 102 filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America re [102] MOTION For Leave to File Amicus Curiae filed by Black Music Action Coalition, Recording Industry Association of America, News/Media Alliance, Songwriter of North America, Association of American Publishers, Inc., National Music Publishers' Association. (Kilgore, Lauren)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Certificate
CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service DE 101 filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America re [101] MOTION for attorney Maya Katalan to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-4013463) filed by Black Music Action Coalition, Recording Industry Association of America, News/Media Alliance, Songwriter of North America, Association of American Publishers, Inc., National Music Publishers' Association. (Kilgore, Lauren)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 108 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Certificate
CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service DE 100 filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America re [100] MOTION for attorney Frank Scibilia to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-4013462) filed by Black Music Action Coalition, Recording Industry Association of America, News/Media Alliance, Songwriter of North America, Association of American Publishers, Inc., National Music Publishers' Association. (Kilgore, Lauren)
Legal Document 107 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Ben Y. Zhao filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [92] Reply to Response to Motion,. (Chung, Timothy)
Legal Document 106 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Certificate
CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re [95] Declaration, filed by Songs of Universal, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, ABKCO Music, Inc., Universal Music Corp., Polygram Publishing, Inc.. (Chung, Timothy)
Legal Document 105 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Certificate
CERTIFICATE Certificate of Service filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re [94] Declaration, filed by Songs of Universal, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, ABKCO Music, Inc., Universal Music Corp., Polygram Publishing, Inc.. (Chung, Timothy)
Legal Document 104 Filed: 2/15/2024, Entered: 2/15/2024 Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal
Amended MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Memorandum in Support of Amended Motion for Leave to File Under Seal, # (2) Attachment Proposed Order Granting Amended Motion for Leave to File Under Seal)(Chung, Timothy)
  • Attachment 1 Attachment Memorandum in Support of Amended Motion for Leave to File Under Seal
  • Attachment 2 Attachment Proposed Order Granting Amended Motion for Leave to File Under Seal
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Deficiency Notice
NOTICE TO FILER re DE# [100] and [101]: The pending pro hac vice motion does not comply with the Court's local rules, because the motion fails to state whether disciplinary proceedings by any disciplinary authority, a finding of contempt or a sanction under 28 U.S.C. ยง 1927 by any court, or criminal charges have been instituted against the attorney seeking pro hac vice admission. Local Rule 83.01(b)(2). By no later than five (5) business days from the date of this docket annotation, the pro hac vice motion must be supplemented by the filing of a statement under oath of the attorney seeking pro hac vice admission disclosing such matters. Failure to do so will result in denial of the pro hac vice motion. (kc) Modified on 2/15/2024 (kc).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Deficiency Notice
NOTICE TO FILER re DE# [94], [95], [100], [101], [103]: Pursuant to Local Rule 5.01, Certificates of Service shall identify by name the person served, what was served, the method of service, and date of service. Counsel did not include a certificate of service. Please FILE a conformed Certificate of Service for this document. (kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
NY State Bar status verified as active for Maya B. Katalan, Frank P. Scibilia not admitted to this court - Local counsel secured. (kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
TN State Bar status verified as active for Lauren E. Kilgore, Jacob T. Clabo admitted to this court. (kc)
Legal Document 103 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM in Support of [102] MOTION For Leave to File Amicus Curiae filed by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America . (Kilgore, Lauren)
Legal Document 102 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION For Leave to File Amicus Curiae by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - Amicus Curiae Brief)(Kilgore, Lauren)
Legal Document 101 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024, Terminated: 3/4/2024 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Maya Katalan to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-4013463) by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Maya Katalan, # (2) Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing - Maya Katalan)(Kilgore, Lauren)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Maya Katalan
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing - Maya Katalan
Legal Document 100 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024, Terminated: 3/4/2024 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Frank Scibilia to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-4013462) by Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Frank Scibilia, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit 2 - Certificate of Good Standing - Frank Scibilia)(Kilgore, Lauren)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Frank Scibilia
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Exhibit 2 - Certificate of Good Standing - Frank Scibilia
Legal Document 99 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Jacob T. Clabo on behalf of Association of American Publishers, Inc., Black Music Action Coalition, National Music Publishers' Association, News/Media Alliance, Recording Industry Association of America, Songwriter of North America (Clabo, Jacob)
Legal Document 98 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Lauren E. Kilgore on behalf of Recording Industry Association of America, National Music Publishers' Association, Association of American Publishers, Inc., News/Media Alliance, Songwriter of North America, Black Music Action Coalition (Kilgore, Lauren)
Legal Document 97 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Motion for leave
MOTION for Leave to Request Oral Argument re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 96 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Michael Candore filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [92] Reply to Response to Motion,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 - Love You Like a Long Song, # (2) Exhibit 2 - Roar, # (3) Exhibit 3 - Time After Time, # (4) Exhibit 4 - What a Wonderful World, # (5) Exhibit 5 - Payphone, # (6) Exhibit 6 - Sign of the Times, # (7) Exhibit 7 - A Change is Gonna Come, # (8) Exhibit 8 - Wonderful World, # (9) Exhibit 9 - Ain't No Sunshine, # (10) Exhibit 10 - All Along the Watchtower, # (11) Exhibit 11 - Bless the Broken Road, # (12) Exhibit 12 - Blowin' in the Wind, # (13) Exhibit 13 - Born to Be Wild, # (14) Exhibit 14 - California Dreamin', # (15) Exhibit 15 - Chasing Cars, # (16) Exhibit 16 - Cheek to Cheek, # (17) Exhibit 17 - Crawling, # (18) Exhibit 18 - Don't Stop, # (19) Exhibit 19 - Faint, # (20) Exhibit 20 - Fireflies, # (21) Exhibit 21 - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, # (22) Exhibit 22 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, # (23) Exhibit 23 - I Am Woman, # (24) Exhibit 24 - I Can't Make You Love Me, # (25) Exhibit 25 - I Will Rise, # (26) Exhibit 26 - In the End, # (27) Exhibit 27 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now, # (28) Exhibit 28 - New Divide, # (29) Exhibit 29 - Numb, # (30) Exhibit 30 - Radioactive, # (31) Exhibit 31 - San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers in Your Hair), # (32) Exhibit 32 - Say Something, # (33) Exhibit 33 - Simple Man, # (34) Exhibit 34 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, # (35) Exhibit 35 - Somewhere Only We Know, # (36) Exhibit 36 - The Long Black Veil, # (37) Exhibit 37 - The Scientist, # (38) Exhibit 38 - The Times They Are A-Changin', # (39) Exhibit 39 - To Make You Feel My Love, # (40) Exhibit 40 - Vanilla Twilight, # (41) Exhibit 41 - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night), # (42) Exhibit 42 - We're Not Gonna Take It, # (43) Exhibit 43 - White Christmas, # (44) Exhibit 44 - Whicita Lineman, # (45) Exhibit 45 - Your Song, # (46) Exhibit 46 - American Pie, # (47) Exhibit 47 - Demons, # (48) Exhibit 48 - I Will Survive, # (49) Exhibit 49 - Leave Out All the Rest, # (50) Exhibit 50 - One Step Closer)(Chung, Timothy)
Legal Document 95 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Michael D. Smith filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [92] Reply to Response to Motion,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - Sealed Anthropic Emails, # (2) Exhibit Anthropic Hugging Face Finetuning Prompts)(Chung, Timothy)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Sealed Anthropic Emails
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Anthropic Hugging Face Finetuning Prompts
Legal Document 94 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Declaration
SEALED DOCUMENT DECLARATION of Ben Y. Zhao filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [92] Reply to Response to Motion,. (Chung, Timothy) Modified on 2/15/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 93 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Timothy Chung filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [92] Reply to Response to Motion,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Anthropic Hugging Face Finetuning Prompts, # (2) Exhibit Examples of Infringement, # (3) Exhibit Reddit Post and Lyrics, # (4) Exhibit Emails re Proposed Stipulated Preliminary Injunction Order, # (5) Exhibit Proposed Stipulated Preliminary Injunction Order)(Chung, Timothy)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit Anthropic Hugging Face Finetuning Prompts
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Examples of Infringement
  • Attachment 3 Exhibit Reddit Post and Lyrics
  • Attachment 4 Exhibit Emails re Proposed Stipulated Preliminary Injunction Order
  • Attachment 5 Exhibit Proposed Stipulated Preliminary Injunction Order
Legal Document 92 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Chung, Timothy)
Sealed Legal Document 91 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Sealed document
Sealed Document Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Declaration of Michael Smith, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit A to Declaration of Michael Smith - Anthropic Emails)(Chung, Timothy)
Legal Document 90 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal
MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Motion for Leave to File Document under Seal, # (2) Attachment Proposed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Under Seal)(Chung, Timothy)
  • Attachment 1 Attachment Motion for Leave to File Document under Seal
  • Attachment 2 Attachment Proposed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Under Seal
Legal Document 89 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: 2/14/2024 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to re [54] MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction and Improper Venue or, in the Alternative, to Transfer Venue filed by Anthropic PBC. (Harwell, Aubrey)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
TN State Bar status verified as active for Grace Peck admitted to this court. (kc)
Legal Document 88 Filed: 2/6/2024, Entered: 2/6/2024 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Grace Peck on behalf of All Plaintiffs (Peck, Grace)
Blank 87 Filed: 1/24/2024, Entered: 1/24/2024 Appear - Pro Hac Vice
ORDER granting [73]and [74]: Having satisfied the requirements of Local Rule 83.01(b), the Motions for Eric P. Tuttle and Nicole Saad Bembridge to Appear Pro Hac Vice are granted. Signed by Lynda M. Hill, Clerk of Court, on 01/24/2024. (lh)
Legal Document 86 Filed: 1/23/2024, Entered: 1/23/2024 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to re [75] MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Chamber of Progress, NetChoice, LLC. (Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 85 Filed: 1/23/2024, Entered: 1/23/2024 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER: On January 22, 2024, the parties filed a notice stating they have met and conferred regarding the timing and scope of Defendant's preliminary injunction discovery production and ask that the telephone conference regarding that discovery set on January 23, 2024, be cancelled. [78]. The motion is GRANTED. The telephone conference set on January 23, 2024 (Doc. No. 65), is CANCELLED. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 1/23/2024. (kc)
Legal Document 84 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of David Kokakis (UMPG) filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [79] Response in Opposition to Motion,. (Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 83 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Kenton Draughon (CCMG) filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [79] Response in Opposition to Motion,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Claude Search Queries)(Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 82 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Duff Berschback (Concord) filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [79] Response in Opposition to Motion,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - Clause Search Queries)(Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 81 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Alisa Coleman (ABKCO) filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [79] Response in Opposition to Motion,. (Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 80 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 Declaration
DECLARATION of Attorney Timothy Chung filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [79] Response in Opposition to Motion,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A - CNBC Article, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit B - Anthropic Product, # (3) Exhibit Exhibit C - Supported Countries and Regions, # (4) Exhibit Exhibit D - Claude Signup, # (5) Exhibit Exhibit E - Glossary, # (6) Exhibit Exhibit F - TN Prompts in Hugging Face Data Set, # (7) Exhibit Exhibit G - Thompson Paine LinkedIn, # (8) Exhibit Exhibit H - Thompson Paine Tweet, # (9) Exhibit Exhibit I - Thompson Paine Twitter Repost, # (10) Exhibit Exhibit J - Thompson Paine LinkedIn Post, # (11) Exhibit Exhibit K -Laura Holmes LinkedIn Post, # (12) Exhibit Exhibit L - Thompson Paine LinkedIn Hiring Post, # (13) Exhibit Exhibit M - Brian Kustera Nashville - LinkedIn, # (14) Exhibit Exhibit N - Getting Access to Claude Webpage, # (15) Exhibit Exhibit O - Claude API Access, # (16) Exhibit Exhibit P - Lonely Planet Registration, # (17) Exhibit Exhibit Q - Claude 2 on Amazon Bedrock, # (18) Exhibit Exhibit R- Expanding access to safer AI with Amazon, # (19) Exhibit Exhibit S - Amazon steps up AI race with Anthropic investment, # (20) Exhibit Exhibit T - Preverity Anthropic Story, # (21) Exhibit Exhibit U - LivTech Anthropic Story, # (22) Exhibit Exhibit V - Preverity home page, # (23) Exhibit Exhibit X - LivTech Homepage)(Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 79 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [54] MOTION to Dismiss filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 78 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 Notice (other)
NOTICE by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. Notice re Jan 23 Telephone Conference (Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Legal Document 77 Filed: 1/22/2024, Entered: 1/22/2024 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [75] MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven) Modified on 1/23/2024 (kc).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
State Bar status verified as active for Eric P. Tuttle (CA), Nicole Saad Bembridge (DC) not admitted to this court - Local counsel secured. (kc)
Legal Document 76 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM in Support of [75] MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Chamber of Progress, NetChoice, LLC . (Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 75 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024 Motion for leave
MOTION for Leave to File Amicus Brief in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by Chamber of Progress, NetChoice, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Amicus Brief)(Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 74 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024, Terminated: 1/24/2024 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Nicole Saad Bembridge to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3994001) by Chamber of Progress, NetChoice, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 73 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024, Terminated: 1/24/2024 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Eric P. Tuttle to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number BTNMDC-3993993) by Chamber of Progress, NetChoice, LLC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 72 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
Legal Document 71 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Chamber of Progress. (Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 70 Filed: 1/19/2024, Entered: 1/19/2024 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Kevin C. Klein on behalf of Chamber of Progress, NetChoice, LLC (Klein, Kevin)
Legal Document 69 Filed: 1/17/2024, Entered: 1/17/2024 Order Setting Case for TrialCourt Filing
ORDER SETTING CASE FOR TRIAL: Jury Trial is set for 11/18/2025 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 6B before Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr. Exhibit List due by 11/3/2025. Witness List due by 11/3/2025. Pretrial Conference is set for 11/10/2025 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 6B before Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw Jr. Proposed Pretrial Order due by 11/3/2025. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 1/17/2024. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc)
Sealed Legal Document 68 Filed: 1/16/2024, Entered: 1/16/2024 Sealed document
Sealed Document Defendant Anthropic PBC's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction filed by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment 1 - Declaration of Jared Kaplan, # (2) Exhibit B to Kaplan Declaration, # (3) Exhibit C to Kaplan Declaration, # (4) Attachment 2 - Declaration of Julia Lowd, # (5) Exhibit H to Lowd Declaration, # (6) Exhibit I to Lowd Declaration, # (7) Exhibit J to Lowd Declaration, # (8) Exhibit K to Lowd Declaration, # (9) Attachment 3 - Declaration of Dawn R. Hall, # (10) Attachment 4 - Declaration of Steven R. Peterson PhD, # (11) Attachment 5 - Declaration of Andrew M. Gass, # (12) Exhibit A to Gass Declaration)(Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 67 Filed: 1/16/2024, Entered: 1/16/2024 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [66] MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal filed by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment 1 - REDACTED Declaration of Jared Kaplan, # (2) Exhibit A to Kaplan Declaration, # (3) Exhibit B to Kaplan Declaration, # (4) Exhibit C to Kaplan Declaration, # (5) Attachment 2 - REDACTED Declaration of Julia Lowd, # (6) Exhibit A to Lowd Declaration, # (7) Exhibit B to Lowd Declaration, # (8) Exhibit C to Lowd Declaration, # (9) Exhibit D to Lowd Declaration, # (10) Exhibit E to Lowd Declaration, # (11) Exhibit F to Lowd Declaration, # (12) Exhibit G to Lowd Declaration, # (13) Exhibit H to Lowd Declaration, # (14) Exhibit I to Lowd Declaration, # (15) Exhibit J to Lowd Declaration, # (16) Exhibit K to Lowd Declaration, # (17) Attachment 3 - REDACTED Declaration of Dawn R. Hall, # (18) Exhibit A to Hall Declaration, # (19) Attachment 4 - REDACTED Declaration of Steven R. Peterson, PhD, # (20) Exhibit A to Peterson Declaration, # (21) Attachment 5 - Declaration of Andrew M. Gass, # (22) Exhibit A to Gass Declaration, # (23) Exhibit B to Gass Declaration, # (24) Exhibit C to Gass Declaration, # (25) Exhibit D to Gass Declaration, # (26) Exhibit E to Gass Declaration, # (27) Exhibit F to Gass Declaration)(Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 66 Filed: 1/16/2024, Entered: 1/16/2024 Motion for Leave to File Document Under Seal
MOTION for Leave to File Document Under Seal by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Memorandum in Support of Motion for Leave to file Under Seal, # (2) Attachment Proposed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Under Seal)(Harwell, Aubrey)
  • Attachment 1 Attachment Memorandum in Support of Motion for Leave to file Under Seal
  • Attachment 2 Attachment Proposed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Under Seal
Legal Document 65 Filed: 1/12/2024, Entered: 1/12/2024 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER: A telephone conference with the magistrate judge is set on January 23, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. Counsel for the parties shall call (888) 557-8511 and enter access code 7819165# to participate. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 1/12/2024. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc)
Legal Document 64 Filed: 1/11/2024, Entered: 1/11/2024 Case Management OrderCourt Filing
INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER: Amended Pleadings due by 8/12/2024. Discovery due by 11/22/2024. Dispositive Motions due by 6/6/2025. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 1/11/2024. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc) Modified on 1/18/2024 (kc).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Case Management Conference by Telephone
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern: Case Management Conference by Telephone held on 1/11/2024. (Hearing lasted 00:42)(sd)
Legal Document 63 Filed: 1/8/2024, Entered: 1/8/2024 Proposed Case Management Order
PROPOSED CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER Joint filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Proposed ESI Protocol)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 62 Filed: 1/8/2024, Entered: 1/8/2024 protective orderCourt Filing
Legal Document 61 Filed: 1/8/2024, Entered: 1/8/2024 Order on Motion for protective orderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [60] Joint Motion for Entry of Stipulated Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 1/5/2024. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc)
Legal Document 60 Filed: 1/4/2024, Entered: 1/4/2024, Terminated: 1/8/2024 Motion for Protective Order
Joint MOTION for Protective Order by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Proposed Stipulated Protective Order)(Riley, Steven)
  • Attachment 1 Attachment Proposed Stipulated Protective Order
Legal Document 59 Filed: 12/6/2023, Entered: 12/6/2023 Order on motion to amend/correctCourt Filing
ORDER granting [58] Unopposed Motion to Correct. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 12/6/2023. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc)
Legal Document 58 Filed: 12/5/2023, Entered: 12/5/2023, Terminated: 12/6/2023 Motion to Amend/Correct
Unopposed MOTION to Amend/Correct [57] Order,,, Set Motion and R&R Deadlines/Hearings,, Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion to Correct the Court's Order in Regard to Page Limits for Plaintiffs' Preliminary Injunction Motion Briefing by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 57 Filed: 12/1/2023, Entered: 12/1/2023 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER: Briefing of the motion for a preliminary injunction [40] and the motion to dismiss [54] will be concurrent. Defendant shall respond to Plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction by January 16, 2024, and Plaintiffs shall file any optional reply by February 14, 2024. Plaintiffs shall respond to Defendant's motion to dismiss by January 22, 2024, and Defendant shall file any optional reply by February 14, 2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 12/1/2023. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None scheduling conference
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern: Scheduling Conference held on 11/29/2023. (Hearing lasted 00:23)(sd)
Legal Document 56 Filed: 11/27/2023, Entered: 11/27/2023 Joint Statement
JOINT Statement Regarding Briefing Schedule filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. in support of [39] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 55 Filed: 11/22/2023, Entered: 11/22/2023 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM in Support of [54] MOTION to Dismiss filed by Anthropic PBC . (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Declaration of Jared Kaplan, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit A-Model Card and Evaluations for Claude Models, # (3) Exhibit Exhibit B-Anthropic's Terms of Service, # (4) Exhibit Exhibit C-Anthropic's Prior Terms of Service)(Harwell, Aubrey)
  • Attachment 1 Attachment Declaration of Jared Kaplan
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit Exhibit A-Model Card and Evaluations for Claude Models
  • Attachment 3 Exhibit Exhibit B-Anthropic's Terms of Service
  • Attachment 4 Exhibit Exhibit C-Anthropic's Prior Terms of Service
Legal Document 54 Filed: 11/22/2023, Entered: 11/22/2023 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION to Dismiss by Anthropic PBC. (Harwell, Aubrey)
Blank 53 Filed: 11/21/2023, Entered: 11/21/2023 Appear - Pro Hac Vice
ORDER granting [37]: Having satisfied the requirements of Local Rule 83.01(b), the Motion for Audrey L. Adu-Appiah to Appear Pro Hac Vice is granted. Signed by Lynda M. Hill, Clerk of Court, on 11/21/2023. (lh)
Legal Document 52 Filed: 11/17/2023, Entered: 11/17/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Michael D. Smith filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [41] Memorandum in Support,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Dr. Smith CV)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 51 Filed: 11/17/2023, Entered: 11/17/2023 Certificate
CERTIFICATE of Service filed by Anthropic PBC re [30] Business Entity Disclosure Statement filed by Anthropic PBC. (Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 50 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Dr. Robert Leonard filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [41] Memorandum in Support,. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Appendix A - Dr. Leonard's CV, # (2) Attachment Appendix B - Indirect Claude Response Additional Lyrics, # (3) Attachment Appendix C - Entirely Similar Lyrics, # (4) Attachment Appendix D - Similar Lyrics with Non-Substantive Dissimilarities, # (5) Attachment Appendix E - Similar Lyrics with Missing or Different Lyrics, # (6) Attachment Appendix F - Indirect Claude Responses)(Riley, Steven)
  • Attachment 1 Attachment Appendix A - Dr. Leonard's CV
  • Attachment 2 Attachment Appendix B - Indirect Claude Response Additional Lyrics
  • Attachment 3 Attachment Appendix C - Entirely Similar Lyrics
  • Attachment 4 Attachment Appendix D - Similar Lyrics with Non-Substantive Dissimilarities
  • Attachment 5 Attachment Appendix E - Similar Lyrics with Missing or Different Lyrics
  • Attachment 6 Attachment Appendix F - Indirect Claude Responses
Legal Document 49 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Dan Seymour filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [41] Memorandum in Support,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - List of Compositions by BCG ID, # (2) Exhibit B part 1 - Claude Responses to Explicit Prompts, # (3) Exhibit B part 2 - Claude Responses to Explicit Prompts, # (4) Exhibit B part 3 - Claude Responses to Explicit Prompts, # (5) Exhibit C - Claude Responses to Indirect Prompts, # (6) Exhibit D part 1 - LyricFind Lyrics, # (7) Exhibit D part 2 - LyricFind Lyrics)(Riley, Steven)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit A - List of Compositions by BCG ID
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit B part 1 - Claude Responses to Explicit Prompts
  • Attachment 3 Exhibit B part 2 - Claude Responses to Explicit Prompts
  • Attachment 4 Exhibit B part 3 - Claude Responses to Explicit Prompts
  • Attachment 5 Exhibit C - Claude Responses to Indirect Prompts
  • Attachment 6 Exhibit D part 1 - LyricFind Lyrics
  • Attachment 7 Exhibit D part 2 - LyricFind Lyrics
Legal Document 48 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Timothy Chung filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [41] Memorandum in Support,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - O&Z Attorneys and Staff Queries to Claude, # (2) Exhibit B - Billboard Article, Google Licenses LyricFind for Search Results, # (3) Exhibit Exhibit C -Spotify Web Page, Lyrics, # (4) Exhibit D - Musixmatch Web Page, Where will my lyrics be distributed, # (5) Exhibit E - Reuters Article, Google-backed Anthropic raises $450 mln in latest AI funding, # (6) Exhibit F - Anthropic Web Page, Meet Claude, # (7) Exhibit G - Anthropic Web Page, FAQ, # (8) Exhibit H - Anthropic Web Page, Claude's Constitution, # (9) Exhibit I - Anthropic Trademark Registration No 6,616,966, # (10) Exhibit J - Anthropic Federal Trademark Applications, # (11) Exhibit K - Anthropic Terms of Service, # (12) Exhibit L - Engadget Article, Amazon bets $4 billion on OpenAI rival Anthropic, # (13) Exhibit M - Anthropic Web Page, Glossary, # (14) Exhibit N - Anthropic Web Page, Introduction to Prompt Design, # (15) Exhibit O - Anthropic Model Pricing Chart, # (16) Exhibit P - Anthropic Web Page, Introducing Claude Pro, # (17) Exhibit Q - Anthropic Web Page, Introducing Claud, # (18) Exhibit R - Anthropic Web Page, Product)(Riley, Steven)
  • Attachment 1 Exhibit A - O&Z Attorneys and Staff Queries to Claude
  • Attachment 2 Exhibit B - Billboard Article, Google Licenses LyricFind for Search Results
  • Attachment 3 Exhibit Exhibit C -Spotify Web Page, Lyrics
  • Attachment 4 Exhibit D - Musixmatch Web Page, Where will my lyrics be distributed
  • Attachment 5 Exhibit E - Reuters Article, Google-backed Anthropic raises $450 mln in latest AI funding
  • Attachment 6 Exhibit F - Anthropic Web Page, Meet Claude
  • Attachment 7 Exhibit G - Anthropic Web Page, FAQ
  • Attachment 8 Exhibit H - Anthropic Web Page, Claude's Constitution
  • Attachment 9 Exhibit I - Anthropic Trademark Registration No 6,616,966
  • Attachment 10 Exhibit J - Anthropic Federal Trademark Applications
  • Attachment 11 Exhibit K - Anthropic Terms of Service
  • Attachment 12 Exhibit L - Engadget Article, Amazon bets $4 billion on OpenAI rival Anthropic
  • Attachment 13 Exhibit M - Anthropic Web Page, Glossary
  • Attachment 14 Exhibit N - Anthropic Web Page, Introduction to Prompt Design
  • Attachment 15 Exhibit O - Anthropic Model Pricing Chart
  • Attachment 16 Exhibit P - Anthropic Web Page, Introducing Claude Pro
  • Attachment 17 Exhibit Q - Anthropic Web Page, Introducing Claud
  • Attachment 18 Exhibit R - Anthropic Web Page, Product
Legal Document 47 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Ben Y. Zhao filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [41] Memorandum in Support,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Ben Zhao CV, # (2) Exhibit B - Transcript of Claude Queries and Responses)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 46 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Bart Herbison filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction , [41] Memorandum in Support,. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - (NSAI Board of Directors Letter))(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 45 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Kenton Draughon filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [41] Memorandum in Support, [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction . (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 44 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of David Kokakis filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [41] Memorandum in Support, [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction . (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 43 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Alisa Coleman filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [41] Memorandum in Support, [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction . (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 42 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Declaration
DECLARATION of Duff Berschback filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. re: [41] Memorandum in Support, [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction . (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 41 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Memorandum In Support
MEMORANDUM in Support of [40] MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp. . (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 40 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 Motion for Preliminary Injunction
MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 39 Filed: 11/16/2023, Entered: 11/16/2023 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [33] Joint MOTION Requesting a Scheduling Conference. A conference is set on November 29, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. Counsel for the parties shall call (888) 557-8511 and enter access code 7819165# to participate. Signed by Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern on 11/16/2023. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset hearings
Set Hearing per Order [39]: Scheduling Conference is set for 11/29/2023 at 11:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern. (kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Deficiency Notice
NOTICE TO FILER re DE# [30]: Pursuant to Local Rule 5.01, Certificates of Service shall identify by name the person served, what was served, the method of service, and date of service. Counsel did not include a certificate of service. Please FILE a conformed Certificate of Service for this document. (kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
TN State Bar status verified as active for Aubrey B. Harwell, III, Nathan C. Sanders, Olivia Rose Arboneaux admitted to this court. (kc)
Legal Document 38 Filed: 11/15/2023, Entered: 11/15/2023 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ORDER: Joint MOTION [34] for Leave to File Excess Pages for Briefing of Motion for Preliminary Injunction GRANTED. Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 11/15/23. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(ad)
Legal Document 37 Filed: 11/15/2023, Entered: 11/15/2023, Terminated: 11/21/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Audrey L. Adu-Appiah to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3955243) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Blank 36 Filed: 11/14/2023, Entered: 11/14/2023 Appear - Pro Hac Vice
ORDER granting [28], [29], [31], and [32]: Having satisfied the requirements of Local Rule 83.01(b), the Motions for Allison Stillman, Sarang Damle, Joseph Wetzel, and Andrew Gass to Appear Pro Hac Vice are granted. Signed by Lynda M. Hill, Clerk of Court, on 11/14/2023. (lh) Modified on 11/15/2023 (lh).
Blank 35 Filed: 11/14/2023, Entered: 11/14/2023 Appear - Pro Hac Vice
ORDER granting [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], and [24]: Having satisfied the requirements of Local Rule 83.01(b), the Motions for Jonathan Z. King, Richard S. Mandel, Richard Dannay, Timothy S. Chung, Andrew L. Guerra, Nicholas C. Hailey, Matthew J. Oppenheim, and Jennifer L. Pariser to Appear Pro Hac Vice are granted. Signed by Lynda M. Hill, Clerk of Court, on 11/14/2023. (lh)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
State Bar status verified as active for Allison Stillman (NY), Sarang Damle (DC), Joseph Wetzel (CA), and Andrew Gass (CA) not admitted to this court - Local counsel secured. (lh) Modified on 11/15/2023 (lh).
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Legal Document 34 Filed: 11/10/2023, Entered: 11/10/2023, Terminated: 11/15/2023 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Joint MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages for Briefing of Motion for Preliminary Injunction by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 33 Filed: 11/10/2023, Entered: 11/10/2023, Terminated: 11/16/2023 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Joint MOTION Requesting a Scheduling Conference by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 32 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Andrew Gass to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3951963) by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 31 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Joseph Wetzel to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3951962) by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 30 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Anthropic PBC. (Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 29 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Sarang Damle to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3951959) by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 28 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Allison Stillman to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3951957) by Anthropic PBC. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 27 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Olivia Rose Arboneaux on behalf of Anthropic PBC (Arboneaux, Olivia)
Legal Document 26 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Nathan C. Sanders on behalf of Anthropic PBC (Sanders, Nathan)
Legal Document 25 Filed: 11/9/2023, Entered: 11/9/2023 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Aubrey B. Harwell, III on behalf of Anthropic PBC (Harwell, Aubrey)
Legal Document 24 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Jennifer L. Pariser to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950903) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 23 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Matthew J. Oppenheim to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950900) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 22 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Nicholas C. Hailey to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950897) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 21 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Andrew L. Guerra to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950872) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 20 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Timothy S. Chung to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950848) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 19 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Richard Dannay to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950590) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 18 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Richard S. Mandel to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950585) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 17 Filed: 11/8/2023, Entered: 11/8/2023, Terminated: 11/14/2023 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for attorney Jonathan Z. King to Appear Pro Hac Vice (paid $150 PHV fee; receipt number ATNMDC-3950575) by ABKCO Music, Inc., Capitol CMG, Inc., Concord Music Group, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Songs of Universal, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Universal Music Corp.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Certificate of Good Standing)(Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 16 Filed: 11/6/2023, Entered: 11/6/2023 summons returned executed
SUMMONS returned executed by Universal Music Corp., Songs of Universal, Inc., ABKCO Music, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Concord Music Group, Inc., Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Capitol CMG, Inc.. Anthropic PBC served on 10/23/2023. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 15 Filed: 10/19/2023, Entered: 10/19/2023 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER: This case is REFERRED to the Magistrate Judge for customized case management in accordance with Local Rule 16.01 and 28 U.S.C. ยง 636(b)(1)(A). Signed by Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr on 10/19/2023. (DOCKET TEXT SUMMARY ONLY-ATTORNEYS MUST OPEN THE PDF AND READ THE ORDER.)(af)
Legal Document 14 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Songs of Universal, Inc.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 13 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Universal Music Corp.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 12 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 11 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Universal Music - MGB NA LLC. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 10 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Polygram Publishing, Inc.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 9 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Concord Music Group, Inc.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 8 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
BUSINESS ENTITY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by Capitol CMG, Inc.. (Riley, Steven)
Legal Document 7 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Business Entity Disclosure Statement
Legal Document 6 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Summons issued
Summons issued as to Anthropic PBC. Service packet placed at intake window for counsel pick up. (kc) (Main Document 6 replaced on 10/18/2023) (kc).
Legal Document 5 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Notice of Case Management ConferenceCourt Filing
NOTICE of Initial Case Management Conference by Telephone is set for 1/11/2024 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Alistair Newbern. (kc)
Legal Document 4 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 NOTICE/INFORMATION regarding Consent of the Parties to the Magistrate JudgeCourt Filing
NOTICE/INFORMATION regarding Consent of the Parties to the Magistrate Judge. (kc)
Legal Document 3 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Notice of Business Entity Disclosure Statement Filing Requirement
NOTICE of Business Entity Disclosure Statement filing requirement. (kc)
Legal Document 2 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Notice of Admin Order 217
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 217 to parties re obligation of counsel to keep Court apprised of current contact information. (kc)
Legal Document 1 Filed: 10/18/2023, Entered: 10/18/2023 Complaint
COMPLAINT against Anthropic PBC (Filing fee $402, Receipt number ATNMDC-3934414), filed by Universal Music Corp., Songs of Universal, Inc., ABKCO Music, Inc., Polygram Publishing, Inc., Universal Music - MGB NA LLC, Concord Music Group, Inc., Universal Music - Z Tunes LLC, Capitol CMG, Inc.. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment - Civil Cover Sheet, # (2) Attachment - Civil Cover Sheet List of Plaintiffs)(kc) (Additional attachment(s) added on 10/18/2023: # (3) Exhibit A to Complaint (List of Works Infringed)). (kc). Modified on 10/18/2023 (kc).
  • Attachment 1 Attachment - Civil Cover Sheet
  • Attachment 2 Attachment - Civil Cover Sheet List of Plaintiffs)(kc) (Additional attachment(s) added on 10/18/2023:
  • Attachment 3 Exhibit A to Complaint (List of Works Infringed
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Deficiency Notice
***DISREGARD. ENTERED IN ERROR.*** NOTICE TO FILER re DE# [1]: Counsel failed to include the mandatory description of the attached exhibits. Counsel is directed to file a notice that lists each exhibit with a brief description. (kc) Modified on 10/18/2023 (kc).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - PHV
NOTICE TO COUNSEL Richard Mandel, Jonathan Z. King, Richard Dannay, Matthew J. Oppenheim, Nicholas C. Hailey, Audrey Adu-Appiah, Jennifer Pariser, Andrew Guerra, Timothy Chung: WITHIN 21 DAYS, counsel shall file a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, a Certificate of Good Standing signed by the Clerk of a United States District Court or a U. S. appellate court where admitted, and pay a fee of $150.00 (LR 83.01(b)). PHV due by 11/8/2023. (kc) Modified on 10/20/2023 (kc).
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
State Bar status verified as active for Richard Mandel (NY), Jonathan Z. King (NY), Richard Dannay (NY), Matthew J. Oppenheim (DC), Nicholas C. Hailey (DC), Audrey Adu-Appiah (DC), Jennifer Pariser (NY), Andrew Guerra (NY), Timothy Chung (NY) not admitted to this court - Local counsel secured. (kc)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Annotation - Bar Status
TN State Bar status verified as active for Steven Allen Riley, Timothy G. Harvey admitted to this court. (kc)


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