Park v. Kim

Appeal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Case No. 22-2057
Last Updated February 28, 2024 at 2:02 PM EST (10.7 months ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Minhye Park, Plaintiff - Appellant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jae Soog Lee +1 718 461 8000 +1 866 449 8003
No Logo David Dennis Kim, Defendant - Appellee

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert B. Gibson +1 914 559 3100
Space Alejandra R. Gil +1 914 559 3100
Space Daniel Scott Ratner +1 212 286 8585
Nature of Suit 4362 - Personal Injury: Medical Malpractice
Case Type Civil
Lower Court Case
Lower Court Case
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209615425 Filed: 2/27/2024, Entered: None
MOTION, for hearing en banc, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park received in a closed case, RETURNED.[3611894] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209615398 Filed: 2/26/2024, Entered: None
MOTION, for hearing en banc, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/26/2024 by CM/ECF. [3611885] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209614321 Filed: 2/23/2024, Entered: None
JUDGMENT MANDATE, ISSUED.[3611499] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209614306 Filed: 2/23/2024, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, denying motion to stay mandate [203] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, by BDP, AJN, SALM, FILED. [3611494][213] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209610370 Filed: 2/14/2024, Entered: None
STRIKE ORDER, striking Appellant Minhye Park motion to vacate judgment, [191], [192], [194] from the docket, FILED.[3610001] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209609404 Filed: 2/12/2024, Entered: None
MOTION, to stay mandate, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/12/2024 by CM/ECF. [3609636] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209607621 Filed: 2/8/2024, Entered: None
ITEMIZED BILL OF COSTS, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 02/08/2024 by US mail, email, CM/ECF.[3608950] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209607317 Filed: 2/7/2024, Entered: None
LETTER, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, requesting that the filing be processed as a motion to vacate judgment, RECEIVED. Service date 02/07/2024 by CM/ECF.[3608826] [22-2057]--[Edited 02/08/2024 by ML]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209606704 Filed: 2/7/2024, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, motion to vacate judgment, [194], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3608594] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 2/7/2024, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE, motion to vacate judgment, [193], [194], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3608559] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 2/6/2024, Entered: None
MOTION, to vacate judgment, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/05/2024 by CM/ECF. [3608538] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209605828 Filed: 2/5/2024, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, motion to vacate judgment, [192], [191], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3608276] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 2/5/2024, Entered: None
MOTION, to vacate judgment, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/05/2024 by CM/ECF. [3608273] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 2/5/2024, Entered: None
MOTION, to vacate judgment, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/05/2024 by CM/ECF. [3608272] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209602594 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
INTERNET CITATION NOTE: Material from decision with internet citation, ATTACHED.[3607083] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209602589 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
INTERNET CITATION NOTE: Material from decision with internet citation, ATTACHED.[3607082] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209602393 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
JUDGMENT, FILED.[3607001] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209602268 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
CERTIFIED ORDER, dated 01/30/2024, to EDNY receipt, RETURNED.[3606953] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
ATTORNEY, Daniel S. Ratner, for Appellant Minhye Park, TERMINATED.[3606905] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209602139 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
CERTIFIED ORDER, dated 01/30/2024, to EDNY, ISSUED.[3606904] [22-2057]
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Legal Document 00209602124 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
OPINION, the judgment of dismissal is affirmed, per curiam BDP, AJN, SALM, FILED.[3606898] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209602116 Filed: 1/30/2024, Entered: None
NEW CASE MANAGER, Margaret Lain, ASSIGNED.[3606892] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 12/15/2023, Entered: None
CASE, to BDP, AJN, SALM, SUBMITTED.[3598512] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209569170 Filed: 11/29/2023, Entered: None
LETTER, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, response to the Court Order dated 11/20/2023 RECEIVED. Service date 11/29/2023 by CM/ECF.[3594126] [22-2057]--[Edited 11/29/2023 by WD]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209563748 Filed: 11/20/2023, Entered: None
ORDER, dated 11/20/2023, directing appellant to submit a copy of a decision filed in the lower court, FILED.[3592031] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209558878 Filed: 11/14/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to reconsider [161] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3590135][170] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209549449 Filed: 11/1/2023, Entered: None
SUBMITTED NOTICE, to attorneys/parties, TRANSMITTED.[3586434] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 10/10/2023, Entered: None
CASE CALENDARING, on submission for 12/15/2023, SET.[3579460] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 9/11/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, referring motion to reconsider [161] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3566721][165] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209497974 Filed: 9/9/2023, Entered: None
REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 07/24/2023 by CM/ECF. [3566624] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209497971 Filed: 9/9/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to reconsider, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 09/08/2023 by CM/ECF. [3566623] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 9/8/2023, Entered: None
CASE CALENDARING, for the week of 12/11/2023, PANEL B, PROPOSED.[3566518] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209495454 Filed: 9/7/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, denying motion to extend time file late reply brief, [156] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3565645][159] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209494559 Filed: 9/7/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 09/07/2023 by CM/ECF. [3565307] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209494521 Filed: 9/6/2023, Entered: None
ORAL ARGUMENT STATEMENT LR 34.1 (a), on behalf of filer Attorney Jae Soog Lee, Esq. for Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 09/06/2023 by CM/ECF. [3565294] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209469920 Filed: 8/14/2023, Entered: None
STRIKE ORDER, striking Appellant Minhye Park Reply brief, [148] from the docket, FILED.[3555792] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209461622 Filed: 8/7/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to file a late reply brief, directing Appellant cure defective reply brief by 08/09/2023, or it will be stricken from the docket [146], [149] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3552590][153] [22-2057]--[Edited 08/07/2023 by WD]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209454029 Filed: 8/1/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Reply Brief, [148], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3549627] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209444831 Filed: 7/25/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to file late, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 07/25/2023 by CM/ECF. [3546116] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 7/25/2023, Entered: None
REPLY BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 07/25/2023 by CM/ECF. [3546072] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209435293 Filed: 7/17/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 07/17/2023 by CM/ECF. [3542403] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209397497 Filed: 6/12/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to extend time to file reply brief and supplemental appendix until 07/17/2023, [142] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3527880][145] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209396218 Filed: 6/9/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 06/09/2023 by CM/ECF. [3527361] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209379637 Filed: 5/24/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to extend time to file a supplemental appendix and reply brief, [138] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3520904][141] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209378854 Filed: 5/24/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 05/24/2023 by CM/ECF. [3520604] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209372164 Filed: 5/18/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to file supplemental appendix [131] filed by Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. [3518041][135] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 5/18/2023, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE MOTION, to file supplemental appendix, [129], on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED.[3517800] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209371496 Filed: 5/18/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to file supplemental appendix, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 05/18/2023 by CM/ECF. [3517779] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209364347 Filed: 5/12/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Motion to file appellee's appendix, [128], on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED.[3515059] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 5/12/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to file appellee's appendix, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 05/12/2023 by CM/ECF. [3515021] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209353267 Filed: 5/5/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 05/05/2023 by CM/ECF. [3510908] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209353262 Filed: 5/5/2023, Entered: None
SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 05/05/2023 by CM/ECF. [3510907] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 4/26/2023, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE : BRIEF and JOINT APPENDIX, [118], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3505184] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209337986 Filed: 4/26/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, BRIEF and Appendix, vo l 1of 2, [113], [116], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3505176] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209337781 Filed: 4/25/2023, Entered: None
JOINT APPENDIX, volume 1 of 2, (pp. 1-263), on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 04/25/2023 by CM/ECF.[3505100] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 4/25/2023, Entered: None
JOINT APPENDIX, volume 1 of 2, (pp. 1-263), on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 04/25/2023 by CM/ECF.[3505098] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209337708 Filed: 4/25/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 04/25/2023 by CM/ECF. [3505074] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209337702 Filed: 4/25/2023, Entered: None
JOINT APPENDIX, volume 2 of 2, (pp. 264-351), on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 04/25/2023 by CM/ECF.[3505072] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 4/25/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 04/25/2023 by CM/ECF.[3505069] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209326820 Filed: 4/18/2023, Entered: None
ORDER, dated 04/18/2023, that the appeal is dismissed effective 04/25/2023, unless Appellant electronically files compliant versions of her brief and appendix, and submits the six required hard copies of her special appendix. FILED.[3500967] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209325795 Filed: 4/17/2023, Entered: None
STRIKE ORDER, striking Appellant Minhye Park Brief and Special Appendix, Appendix vol 1 & 2, [80], [82], [89], [88], [84], [83], [92], [91], [101], [100], [99], [106] from the docket, FILED.[3500588] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209325255 Filed: 4/17/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Brief and Special Appendix [106], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3500376] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 4/17/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 04/17/2023 by CM/ECF. [3500319] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209306249 Filed: 4/3/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Brief and Special Appendix, [101], [100], [99], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3493209] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 3/31/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/31/2023 by CM/ECF. [3493166] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 3/31/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/31/2023 by CM/ECF. [3493165] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 3/31/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/31/2023 by CM/ECF. [3493164] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209288473 Filed: 3/20/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to file late brief, [86] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, by JAC, FILED. [3486367][97] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209288415 Filed: 3/20/2023, Entered: None
SO-ORDERED SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, setting Appellee David Dennis Kim Brief due date as 05/05/2023, FILED.[3486336] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209278074 Filed: 3/13/2023, Entered: None
LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, informing Court of proposed due date 05/05/2023, RECEIVED. Service date 03/13/2023 by CM/ECF.[3482413] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 3/9/2023, Entered: None
APPENDIX, volume 2 of 2, (pp. 264-351), on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF.[3481186] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 3/9/2023, Entered: None
APPENDIX, volume 1 of 2, (pp. 1-263), on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF.[3481182] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209270647 Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Appendix, [89], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3479449] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF. [3479428] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF.[3479423] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209270204 Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to file late, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/07/2023 by CM/ECF. [3479298] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209269299 Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT,Brief and Appendix, , [82], [83], [84], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3478911] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF. [3478865] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 3/7/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF. [3478864] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 3/6/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF & SPECIAL APPENDIX, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/06/2023 by CM/ECF. [3478863] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209267404 Filed: 3/6/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Brief, [80], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3478199] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 3/4/2023, Entered: None
BRIEF, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 03/03/2023 by CM/ECF.[3478123] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209262791 Filed: 3/1/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to extend time to file brief until 03/03/2023, [74] filed by Appellant Minhye Park, by JAC, FILED. [3476413][79] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 2/27/2023, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE MOTION to extend time, [71], [73], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3474954] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209259010 Filed: 2/27/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/27/2023 by CM/ECF. [3474952] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209258625 Filed: 2/27/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Motion to extend time, [72],[72], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3474797] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 2/27/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to expedite motion, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/27/2023 by CM/ECF. [3474792] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209258360 Filed: 2/27/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Motion to extend time, [70],[70], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3474701] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 2/27/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, to expedite motion, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 02/27/2023 by CM/ECF. [3474666] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209219744 Filed: 1/27/2023, Entered: None
NEW CASE MANAGER, Wilson Dudley, ASSIGNED.[3459823] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209219552 Filed: 1/27/2023, Entered: None
MOTION ORDER, granting motion to extend time to file the opening brief. Appellant’s brief must be filed by February 27, 2023. Counsel is cautioned to heed this Court's deadlines or risk sanctions [56], by JAC, FILED. [3459758][65] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209218217 Filed: 1/26/2023, Entered: None
OPPOSITION TO MOTION, [56], on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 01/26/2023 by CM/ECF. [3459242] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE Motion, to extend time, [53], [56], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3453669] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE Motion, to extend time, [54], [56], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3453668] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
CURED DEFECTIVE Motion, to extend time, [55], [56], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3453665] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209203371 Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 01/17/2023 by CM/ECF, US mail. [3453429] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209203361 Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Supplementary papers to writ, [52], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3453423] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209203342 Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Motion, to extend time, [50], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3453413] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209203317 Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Motion, to extend time, [49], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3453407] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
SUPPLEMENTARY PAPERS TO WRIT [41], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 01/17/2023 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3453397][52] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209203271 Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, for Re-submission: motion for an extension time to file a brief., on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 01/17/2023 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3453391] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 01/17/2023 by CM/ECF, US mail. [3453390] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 1/17/2023, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 01/17/2023 by CM/ECF, US mail. [3453384] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209185587 Filed: 1/4/2023, Entered: None
STRIKE ORDER, striking Appellant Minhye Park Motion to extend time, [41] from the docket, FILED.[3446468] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209170528 Filed: 12/20/2022, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, for , on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 12/20/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3440750] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209168162 Filed: 12/19/2022, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Motion, to extend time, [41], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3439846] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 12/16/2022, Entered: None
MOTION, to extend time, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 12/16/2022 by CM/ECF. [3439031] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209166089 Filed: 12/16/2022, Entered: None
FORM D, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 12/16/2022 by CM/ECF.[3439030] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209166086 Filed: 12/16/2022, Entered: None
FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 12/16/2022 by CM/ECF.[3439029] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209136014 Filed: 11/29/2022, Entered: None
ORDER, dated 11/29/2022, dismissing appeal by 12/13/2022, unless Appellant Minhye Park, submits Form D, FILED.[3427434] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209135993 Filed: 11/29/2022, Entered: None
ORDER, dated 11/29/2022, dismissing appeal by 12/13/2022, unless Appellant Minhye Park, submits Form C, FILED.[3427400] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 11/29/2022, Entered: None
ATTORNEY, Alejandra R Gil for David Dennis Kim, in case 22-2057, [34], ADDED.[3427389] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209135832 Filed: 11/29/2022, Entered: None
STRIKE ORDER, striking Appellant Minhye Park Form C, [23], [12] from the docket, FILED.[3427368] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209135294 Filed: 11/28/2022, Entered: None
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 11/28/2022 by CM/ECF. [3427169] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209104382 Filed: 11/7/2022, Entered: None
STRIKE ORDER, striking Appellant Minhye Park Form D, [13] from the docket, FILED.[3415342] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209092413 Filed: 10/31/2022, Entered: None
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 10/31/2022 by CM/ECF.[3410996] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209091907 Filed: 10/31/2022, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Form C, [23], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3410806] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 10/26/2022, Entered: None
FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 10/25/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3407741] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209083683 Filed: 10/25/2022, Entered: None
LR 31.2 SCHEDULING NOTIFICATION, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, informing Court of proposed due date 12/22/2022, RECEIVED. Service date 10/25/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3407736] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 10/25/2022, Entered: None
ATTORNEY, Daniel Scott Ratner for David Dennis Kim, in case 22-2057, [19], ADDED.[3407137] [22-2057]--[Edited 10/31/2022 by AC]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209080682 Filed: 10/24/2022, Entered: None
NOTICE OF APPEARANCE AS ADDITIONAL COUNSEL, on behalf of Appellee David Dennis Kim, FILED. Service date 10/24/2022 by CM/ECF. [3406626] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209045028 Filed: 10/5/2022, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Letter, [14], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3394009] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209044921 Filed: 10/5/2022, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Form D, [13], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3393994] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209044904 Filed: 10/5/2022, Entered: None
DEFECTIVE DOCUMENT, Form C, [12], on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED.[3393985] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209041692 Filed: 10/3/2022, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, for , on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 10/03/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3392818] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 10/3/2022, Entered: None
LETTER, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, informing the Court of the date by which Plaintiff-Appellant will submit the opening brief, RECEIVED. Service date 10/03/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3392815] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 10/3/2022, Entered: None
FORM D, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 10/03/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3392813] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 10/3/2022, Entered: None
FORM C, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 10/03/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3392812] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209041668 Filed: 10/3/2022, Entered: None
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. Service date 10/03/2022 by CM/ECF, US mail.[3392810] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 9/21/2022, Entered: None
NON-ADMITTED ATTORNEY, Attorney Robert B. Gibson for Appellee David Dennis Kim, orally informed to apply for admission forthwith and submit Addendum A to Notice of Appearance, NOTIFIED.[3386349] [22-2057]
Blank  Filed: 9/21/2022, Entered: None
NON-ADMITTED ATTORNEY, Attorney Jae Soog Lee, Esq. for Appellant Minhye Park, orally informed to apply for admission forthwith and submit Addendum A to Notice of Appearance, NOTIFIED.[3386345] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209024262 Filed: 9/19/2022, Entered: None
ELECTRONIC INDEX, in lieu of record, FILED.[3386330] [22-2057]
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Blank  Filed: 9/19/2022, Entered: None
PAYMENT OF DOCKETING FEE, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, district court receipt # ANYEDC-15949615, FILED.[3386329] [22-2057]
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209024246 Filed: 9/19/2022, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT JUDGMENT, dated 08/25/2022, RECEIVED.[3386325] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209024242 Filed: 9/19/2022, Entered: None
DISTRICT COURT MEMORANDUM AND ORDER, dated 08/24/2022, RECEIVED.[3386324] [22-2057]
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 00209024222 Filed: 9/19/2022, Entered: None
NOTICE OF CIVIL APPEAL, with district court docket, on behalf of Appellant Minhye Park, FILED. [3386317] [22-2057]
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