APPEARANCE Bond Entered as to Nomma Zarubina. Agreed conditions of release: $25,000 personal recognizance bond; To be co-signed by one financially responsible person. Additional conditions... (job)
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron: Initial Appearance as to Nomma Zarubina held on 11/21/2024. Bond Hearing as to Nomma Zarubina held on 11/21/2024. AUSA David Robles present for the Government. Defendant present with attorney Kristoff Williams. BAIL DISPOSITION: Agreed conditions of release: $25,000 personal recognizance bond; To be co-signed by one financially responsible person; Travel restricted to SDNY/EDNY unless prior approval by PTS; Surrender travel documents and no new applications; Pretrial supervision: As directed by PTS; Def. to continue or seek employment; Def. not to possess firearm/destructive device/other weapon; No contact with foreign government officials other than Russian consulate officials; Any firearms at the defendants residence must be surrendered to local authorities and proof of surrender must be provided to pretrial services; Def. to released on own signature; Remaining conditions to be met by: 12/5/2024. ***Preliminary Hearing Date: 12/23/2024 on defendant's consent. (Added attorney Kristoff Isiah Williams for Nomma Zarubina) (job)
Filed: 11/21/2024, Entered: 11/22/2024
Financial Affidavit - CJA 23
CJA 23 Financial Affidavit by Nomma Zarubina. Federal Defender, attorney Kristoff Williams appointed counsel. APPROVED. (Signed by Magistrate Judge Stewart D. Aaron) (job)