Humphrey v. Prudential Insurance, et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Virginia Eastern District Court, Case No. 2:92-cv-00178-HCM
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No Logo William T. Humphrey, Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Christine Kelly Barnes +1 757 468 7700

Represented by J M Computer Services, Inc.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Charles Wayne Austin +1 804 379 3590 +1 866 814 4642

Represented by Norris & St. Clair, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John S. Norris, Jr. +1 757 498 7700
No Logo Prudential Securities Inc., Defendant
Officially listed as "Prudential Securities, Incorporated"

Represented by Kutak Rock, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Daniel Allen Gecker +1 804 644 1700

Represented by Law Offices of Steven S. Biss

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven Scott Biss +1 804 643 2090 +1 202 318 4098

Represented by McGuireWoods LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John S. Barr +1 804 775 4709 +1 804 698 2238
No Logo Prudential-Bache Properties, Inc., Defendant

Represented by Kutak Rock, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Daniel Allen Gecker +1 804 644 1700

Represented by Law Offices of Steven S. Biss

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven Scott Biss +1 804 643 2090 +1 202 318 4098

Represented by McGuireWoods LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John S. Barr +1 804 775 4709 +1 804 698 2238
No Logo Richard W. Johnson, Defendant

Represented by Kutak Rock, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Daniel Allen Gecker +1 804 644 1700

Represented by Law Offices of Steven S. Biss

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven Scott Biss +1 804 643 2090 +1 202 318 4098

Represented by McGuireWoods LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John S. Barr +1 804 775 4709 +1 804 698 2238
Office Norfolk
Filed 3/3/1992
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Demand $0
Nature of Suit 850 - Other Statutes: Securities/Commodities/Exchange
Cause Section 15 U.S.C. § 77 Securities Fraud
Jurisdiction Federal Question
Disposition Dismissed - Settled
County Virginia Beach City
Terminated 1/31/1996
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Def Custody Status
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Blank 38 Filed: 1/31/1996, Entered: 1/31/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Dismissing This Action, Agreed , entered and filed 1/31/96 (signed by Judge Henry C. Morgan Jr.) OB. Copies Mailed: 1/31/96 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 1/31/1996, Entered: 1/31/1996 Terminated Case
Case closed (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 1/31/1996, Entered: 1/31/1996 Case Assigned/Reassigned
CASE assigned to Judge Henry C. Morgan Jr. (clerk)
Blank 37 Filed: 1/26/1996, Entered: 1/29/1996 Notice of Voluntary Dismissal
NOTICE of Dismissal by Stipulation. (clerk)
Blank 36 Filed: 9/27/1993, Entered: 10/7/1993 Docket Annotation
Copy of bill of costs from the U.S. Court of Appeals. (mgra)
Blank 35 Filed: 9/27/1993, Entered: 10/7/1993 USCA Judgment
JUDGMENT OF USCA (certified copy) stating that the Court dismisses the appeal from the judgment of the District Court, Re: [26-1] appeal by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, Richard W. Johnson. o.b. (mgra)
Blank 34 Filed: 9/27/1993, Entered: 10/7/1993 USCA Mandate
Opinion of USCA re: [26-1] appeal by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, Richard W. Johnson (mgra)
Blank 33 Filed: 9/7/1993, Entered: 9/8/1993 USCA Mandate
Opinion of USCA re: [26-1] appeal by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, Richard W. Johnson (mgra)
Blank 32 Filed: 6/2/1993, Entered: 6/3/1993 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER denying [28-1] motion by William T. Humphrey to supplement record on appeal, etc.; entered and filed on June 2, 1993 (signed by Judge Henry C. Morgan Jr.) Copies mailed to counsel and faxed to counsel and USCA on 6/2/93. (clerk)
Blank 31 Filed: 5/26/1993, Entered: 5/28/1993 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY to joint brief in opposition to [28-1] motion by William T. Humphrey to supplement record on appeal, by William T. Humphrey (clerk)
Blank 30 Filed: 5/25/1993, Entered: 5/26/1993 Memorandum in Opposition
APPELLANTS' JOINT MEMORANDUM by Richard W. Johnson, Prudential-Bache, Prudential Secur. in opposition to [29-1] support memorandum by William T. Humphrey (clerk)
Blank 29 Filed: 5/13/1993, Entered: 5/14/1993 Memorandum in Support
MEMORANDUM by William T. Humphrey in support of [28-1] motion by William T. Humphrey to supplement record on appeal. by William T. Humphrey (mgra)
Blank 28 Filed: 5/13/1993, Entered: 5/14/1993, Terminated: 6/2/1993 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION by William T. Humphrey to supplement record on appeal. (mgra)
Blank 27 Filed: 5/7/1993, Entered: 5/7/1993 Appeal Transcript
TRANSCRIPT filed [26-1] appeal by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, Richard W. Johnson for dates of September 15, 1992, before the Honorable Henry Coke Morgan, Jr. (mgra)
Blank -- Filed: 2/24/1993, Entered: 3/2/1993 Certificate of Completion
Certificaton of completion sent to USCA re: [26-1] appeal by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, Richard W. Johnson (bwin)
Blank 26 Filed: 2/3/1993, Entered: 2/3/1993, Terminated: 1/31/1996 Notice of Appeal
NOTICE OF APPEAL by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, Richard W. Johnson . FILING FEE $ 105.00 RECEIPT # 4780 (mgra)
Blank -- Filed: 2/3/1993, Entered: 2/3/1993, Terminated: 1/31/1996 Transmission of Notice of Appeal to 4CCA
Conformed copy of Notice of Appeal, Opinion and Order filed Jan. 8, 1993, transmittal notices and docket sheet to USCA; copy of notice of appeal, docketing statement, transcript order and receipt to John S. Barr, Esq.; copy of notice of appeal to Charles William Austin, Jr., Esq.; [26-1] appeal by Richard W. Johnson, Prudential-Bache, Prudential Secur. (mgra)
Blank 25 Filed: 1/8/1993, Entered: 1/14/1993 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER mooting [14-1] motion to Dismiss the motion for a more definite statement and motion to dismiss of the Prudential Insurance Company of America; granting [12-1] motion to Compel arbitration and [12-2] motion to Stay; denying [10-1] motion for More Definite Statement, [10-2] motion to Dismiss, [9-1] motion for More Definite Statement, [9-2] motion to Dismiss, [8-1] motion for More Definite Statement, [8-2] motion to Dismiss, [7-1] motion for More Definite Statement, and [7-2] motion to Dismiss on behalf of defendants; etc.; entered on Jan. 6, 1993, filed on Jan. 8, 1993 (signed by Judge Henry C. Morgan Jr.) Copies mailed to counsel on 1/11/93. (clerk)
Blank 24 Filed: 9/22/1992, Entered: 1/14/1993 Docket Annotation
Letter brief on behalf of defendants Prudential Securities, Inc., et al., received. (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 9/15/1992, Entered: 9/17/1992 Minutes-Miscellaneous
COURT PROCEEDINGS/Minute entry: HCM,jr., judge; Horace Weiss (OCR). Charles Austin and John S. Norris, Jr. on behalf of plaintiff. Steven Biss and John Barr on behalf of defendant. Matter came on for hearing on pending motions. Arguments of counsel heard. Counsel may file any additional authorities in one week (9/22/92); set Brief deadline to 9/22/92 . Court takes matter under advisement. (clerk)
Blank 23 Filed: 8/24/1992, Entered: 8/25/1992 Memorandum in Opposition
MEMORANDUM by William T. Humphrey in opposition to [18-1] response reply by Richard W. Johnson, Prudential-Bache, and Prudential Secur., received. (clerk)
Blank 22 Filed: 8/24/1992, Entered: 8/25/1992 Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE of Hearing on behalf of plaintiffs: Motion Hearing set for 9:00 a.m. on 9/15/92 for [14-1] motion to Dismiss the motion for a more definite statement and motion to dismiss on behalf of the Prudential Insurance Company of America, [12-1] motion to Compel arbitration, and [12-2] motion to Stay . (clerk)
Blank 21 Filed: 8/24/1992, Entered: 8/25/1992 Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE of Hearing on behalf of defendants: Motion Hearing set for 9:00 a.m. on 9/15/92 for [10-1] motion for More Definite Statement, [10-2] motion to Dismiss, [9-1] motion for More Definite Statement, [9-2] motion to Dismiss, [8-1] motion More Definite Statement, [8-2] motion to Dismiss, [7-1] motion for More Definite Statement, and [7-2] motion to Dismiss . (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 8/19/1992, Entered: 8/19/1992 Motion Hearing
Motion hearing re: all pending motions set for 9:00 a.m. on 9/15/92. (clerk)
Blank 20 Filed: 8/18/1992, Entered: 8/19/1992 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY by William T. Humphrey to response to [12-1] motion to Compel arbitration and [12-2] motion to Stay by William T. Humphrey. (clerk)
Blank 19 Filed: 8/12/1992, Entered: 8/12/1992 Affidavit
AFFIDAVIT of Deborah Musick Re: [18-1] response reply by Richard W. Johnson, Prudential-Bache, and Prudential Secur. (clerk)
Blank 18 Filed: 8/11/1992, Entered: 8/12/1992 Reply to Response to Motion
REPLY by Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, and Richard W. Johnson to response to [7-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential Insurance, [8-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential Secur., [9-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential-Bache, and [10-2] motion to Dismiss by Richard W. Johnson. (clerk) Modified on 08/20/1992
Blank 17 Filed: 8/4/1992, Entered: 8/4/1992 Memorandum in Opposition
MEMORANDUM by William T. Humphrey in opposition to [10-2] motion to Dismiss by Richard W. Johnson, [9-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential-Bache, [8-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential Secur., and [7-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential Insurance. (clerk)
Blank 16 Filed: 8/3/1992, Entered: 8/4/1992 Memorandum in Opposition
MEMORANDUM by William T. Humphrey in opposition to [10-1] motion for More Definite Statement by Richard W. Johnson, [9-1] motion for More Definite Statement by Prudential-Bache, [8-1] motion for More Definite Statement by Prudential Secur., and [7-1] motion for More Definite Statement by Prudential Insurance. (clerk)
Blank 15 Filed: 8/3/1992, Entered: 8/4/1992 Memorandum in Support
MEMORANDUM by William T. Humphrey in support of [14-1] motion to Dismiss the motion for a more definite statement and motion to dismiss of the Prudential Insurance Company of America. (clerk)
Blank 14 Filed: 8/3/1992, Entered: 8/4/1992, Terminated: 1/8/1993 Motion to Dismiss
MOTION by William T. Humphrey to Dismiss the motion for a more definite statement and motion to dismiss of the Prudential Insurance Company of America . (clerk)
Blank 13 Filed: 8/3/1992, Entered: 8/4/1992 Memorandum in Support
MEMORANDUM by William T. Humphrey in support of [12-1] motion to Compel arbitration and [12-2] motion to Stay. (clerk)
Blank 12 Filed: 8/3/1992, Entered: 8/4/1992 Motion to Compel
MOTION by William t. Humphrey to Compel arbitration and to Stay . (clerk)
Blank 11 Filed: 7/21/1992, Entered: 7/21/1992 Memorandum in Support
MEMORANDUM by Prudential Insurance, Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, and Richard W. Johnson in support of [10-1] motion for More Definite Statement by Richard W. Johnson, [10-2] motion to Dismiss by Richard W. Johnson, [9-1] for More Definite Statement by Prudential-Bache, [9-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential-Bache, [8-1] motion for Definite Statement by Prudential Secur., [8-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential Secur., [7-1] motion for More Statement by Prudential Insurance, and [7-2] motion to Dismiss by Prudential Insurance. (clerk)
Blank 10 Filed: 7/21/1992, Entered: 7/21/1992, Terminated: 1/8/1993 Motion for More Definite Statement
MOTION by Richard W. Johnson for More Definite Statement and to Dismiss . (clerk)
Blank 9 Filed: 7/21/1992, Entered: 7/21/1992, Terminated: 1/8/1993 Motion for More Definite Statement
MOTION by Prudential-Bache for More Definite Statement and to Dismiss . (clerk)
Blank 8 Filed: 7/21/1992, Entered: 7/21/1992, Terminated: 1/8/1993 Motion for More Definite Statement
MOTION by Prudential Secur. for More Definite Statement and to Dismiss . (clerk)
Blank 7 Filed: 7/21/1992, Entered: 7/21/1992, Terminated: 1/8/1993 Motion for More Definite Statement
MOTION by Prudential Insurance for More Definite Statement and to Dismiss . (clerk)
Blank 6 Filed: 7/14/1992, Entered: 7/15/1992 Summons Returned Executed
Summons on original complaint returned unexecuted as to all defendants. (clerk) Modified on 08/17/1992
Blank 5 Filed: 7/9/1992, Entered: 7/10/1992 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER OF ABATEMENT dismissing this action without prejudice as to THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA , pursuant to Rule 4(j) of FRCP and Local Rule 6, service not having been effected on said defendant; entered and filed 7/9/92 ( signed by Judge Robert G. Doumar ) Copy Mailed: 7/9/92 to plaintiff's counsel. O.B. (mwin)
Blank 4 Filed: 7/6/1992, Entered: 7/10/1992 Summons Returned Executed
SUMMONS Returned Executed as to Prudential Securities, Incorporated by personal service on John S. Barr, Registered Agent, on 7/2/92; and executed as to Prudential-Bache Properties, Inc., by delivery to Gail Timbert Banks at the usual place of business of Edward R. Parker, Registered Agent, on 7/2/92. Answer due on 7/22/92 for Prudential Securities and for Prudential-Bache (mwin)
Blank 3 Filed: 7/6/1992, Entered: 7/10/1992 Summons Returned Executed
SERVICE RETURN of process server indicating service as to Richard W. Johnson by POSTING on front door of residence on 7/2/92. (mwin) Modified on 07/10/1992
Blank -- Filed: 7/2/1992, Entered: 7/10/1992 Summons Issued
SUMMONS(ES) with 3 copies issued for Prudential Securities, Incorporated; Prudential-Bache Propertiees, Inc.; and Richard W. Johnson. Magistrate Judge notice. (mwin)
Blank 2 Filed: 7/1/1992, Entered: 7/10/1992 Amended Complaint
AMENDED COMPLAINT by Dr. William T. Humphrey amending [1-1] complaint; jury demand (mwin)
Blank -- Filed: 3/4/1992, Entered: 3/4/1992 Summons Issued
SUMMONS issued with four copies for Prudential Insurance, Prudential Secur., Prudential-Bache, and Richard W. Johnson; magistrate notice and order; mailed to counsel. (clerk)
Blank 1 Filed: 3/3/1992, Entered: 3/4/1992 Complaint
COMPLAINT; $ 120.00 filing fee paid - Receipt # 02792 - Anderson, Norris & Geroe, P.C.; jury demand. (clerk)


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