Hughes v. Fingerhut Corp.

Federal Civil Lawsuit Virginia Eastern District Court, Case No. 2:97-cv-00820-JBF
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No Logo Tony Hughes, Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas John Harlan, Jr. +1 757 625 8300

Represented by Epstein & Sandler PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John Milton Flora +1 757 627 8900
No Logo Fingerhut Corporation, Defendant

Represented by Poole Mahoney PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John D. Radd +1 757 499 1841
Other Parties
No Logo Liyang Industrial Co. Ltd., Consolidated Defendant

Represented by Taylor & Walker PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Fred Bradford Stillman +1 757 625 7300
Office Norfolk
Filed 8/20/1997
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Demand $7000000000
Nature of Suit 365 - Personal Injury: Product Liability
Cause Section 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Jurisdiction Diversity
Disposition Dismissed - Settled
County Norfolk City
Terminated 9/23/1998
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case 2:98-cv-00049 1[USDC]
Def Custody Status
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Blank 24 Filed: 9/23/1998, Entered: 9/29/1998 OrderCourt Filing
BOTH CASES: ORDER Dismissing these actions with prejudice , agreed, with each party to bear its own costs, entered and filed 9/23/98, ( signed by Judge Jerome B. Friedman ) O.B. Copies Mailed: 9/24/98 (ariv)
Blank -- Filed: 9/23/1998, Entered: 9/29/1998 Disposable Record
Disposable Record (ariv)
Blank -- Filed: 9/23/1998, Entered: 9/29/1998 Terminated Case
Case closed (ariv)
Blank -- Filed: 9/23/1998, Entered: 9/29/1998 Case Assigned/Reassigned
CASE assigned to Judge Jerome B. Friedman (ariv)
Blank -- Filed: 9/11/1998, Entered: 9/11/1998 Suspense Deadline
**Suspense 9/21/98 (notice sent for dismissal order) (ariv)
Blank 23 Filed: 9/4/1998, Entered: 9/8/1998 Docket Annotation
BOTH CASES: Petition to supplement affidavit previously filed, by Tony Hughes. (ariv)
Blank 22 Filed: 9/3/1998, Entered: 9/4/1998 Memorandum in OppositionCourt Filing
SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM by Tony Hughes in opposition to [13-1] motion by Liyang Industrial for Summary Judgment, received. With permission to file by Judge Friedman on 9/4/98. (clerk)
Blank 21 Filed: 9/3/1998, Entered: 9/3/1998 Notice of Hearing.
NOTICE of Hearing, motion for summary judgment by defendant Liyang Industrial Co., Ltd. (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 9/2/1998, Entered: 9/2/1998 Motion Hearing
Motion hearing re: [13-1] motion by Liyang Industrial for Summary Judgment set at 11:00 a.m. on 9/9/98 (clerk)
Blank 20 Filed: 8/27/1998, Entered: 8/28/1998 Reply to Response to Motion
2:98cv49: REPLY BRIEF by Liyang Industrial to plaintiff's response to [13-1] motion for Summary Judgment by Liyang Industrial, received. (ariv)
Blank 19 Filed: 8/27/1998, Entered: 8/28/1998 Affidavit
2:98cv49: AFFIDAVIT of Tony Hughes in support of [17-1] opposition memorandum by Tony Hughes (ariv)
Blank 19 Filed: 8/27/1998, Entered: 8/28/1998 Affidavit
2:98cv49: AFFIDAVIT of Rose Marie Hughes in support of [17-1] opposition memorandum by Tony Hughes (ariv) Modified on 08/28/1998
Blank 18 Filed: 8/26/1998, Entered: 8/28/1998 OrderCourt Filing
BOTH CASES: ORDER granting [16-1] motion by Tony Hughes to Continue Final Pretrial Conference, agreed, entered and filed 8/26/98, ( signed by Magistrate Judge Tommy E. Miller ) Copies Mailed: 8/26/98 (ariv)
Blank -- Filed: 8/26/1998, Entered: 8/28/1998 Set/Reset Deadlines:
BOTH CASES: Deadline updated; reset Final Pretrial Conference for 12:00 noon on 9/11/98 (ariv)
Blank 17 Filed: 8/24/1998, Entered: 8/25/1998 Affidavit
AFFIDAVIT of Joseph Price in support of [17-1] opposition memorandum by Tony Hughes (ariv)
Blank 17 Filed: 8/24/1998, Entered: 8/25/1998 Memorandum in Opposition
2:98cv49: MEMORANDUM by Tony Hughes in opposition to [13-1] motion by Liyang Industrial for Summary Judgment, received. (ariv)
Blank 16 Filed: 8/21/1998, Entered: 8/25/1998, Terminated: 8/26/1998 Motion to Continue
MOTION by Tony Hughes to Continue Final Pretrial Conference (ariv)
Blank 15 Filed: 8/17/1998, Entered: 8/20/1998 Motion for Summary Judgment
2:97cv820: MOTION by Fingerhut Corporatio for Summary Judgment (incorporating by reference doc. [13-1] and [14-1] filed by Liyang Industrial Co.) (ariv)
Blank 14 Filed: 8/14/1998, Entered: 8/20/1998 Memorandum in Support
2:98cv49: MEMORANDUM in support of [13-1] motion for Summary Judgment by Liyang Industrial, received. (ariv)
Blank 13 Filed: 8/14/1998, Entered: 8/20/1998 Motion for Summary Judgment
2:98cv49: MOTION by Liyang Industrial for Summary Judgment (ariv)
Blank 12 Filed: 5/5/1998, Entered: 5/6/1998 OrderCourt Filing
PROTECTIVE ORDER Protective Order setting forth the confidential handling of materials produced pursuant to the discovery process, agreed , see this Order for specifics, entered and filed 5/5/98 (signed by Judge J. C. Clarke Jr.) Copies Mailed: 5/6/98 (clerk)
Blank 11 Filed: 5/4/1998, Entered: 5/4/1998, Terminated: 9/23/1998 Motion to Quash
MOTION by Tony Hughes to Quash Subpoena Duces Tecum (clerk)
Blank 10 Filed: 4/3/1998, Entered: 4/6/1998 OrderCourt Filing
Both Cases - Order on Initial Pretrial Conference setting Jury Trial 10:00 a.m. on 9/28/98; Final Pretrial conference for 9:00 a.m. on 9/4/98; proposed voir dire and written jury instructions on or before 9/21/98; all de bene esse depositions to be concluded by 8/14/98; Discovery cutoff for plaintiff 7/1/98; Discovery cutoff for defendant 7/31/98; establishing deadlines for disclosure of expert testimony; entered 4/2/98 and filed 4/3/98 (signed by Magistrate Judge Tommy E. Miller) Copies 4/3/98 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 4/2/1998, Entered: 4/6/1998 Pretrial Conference - Initial
Both Cases - Initial pretrial conference held (clerk)
Blank 9 Filed: 3/18/1998, Entered: 4/2/1998 Summons Returned Executed
2:98cv49 - Summons returned unexecuted as to Liyang Industrial (clerk)
Blank 9 Filed: 3/18/1998, Entered: 4/2/1998 Waiver of Service Executed
2:97cv820 - WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed as to Liyang Industrial 1/15/98 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 3/16/1998, Entered: 3/16/1998 Pretrial Conference - Initial
Both Cases - Initial pretrial conference set at 2:30 p.m. on 4/2/98 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 3/12/1998, Entered: 3/12/1998 Miscellaneous Document
2:97cv820 and 2:97cv49 Referred for Initial Pretrial Conference (clerk)
Blank 8 Filed: 3/10/1998, Entered: 3/12/1998 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER consolidating 2:98cv49 and 2:97cv820 for further proceedings; directing the parties to appear at the direction of the Court at a scheduling conference; directing that a new trial date for the consolidated civil actions be set at the scheduling conference; entered and filed 3/10/98. ( signed by Judge J. C. Clarke Jr. ) Copies Mailed: 3/10/98 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 3/10/1998, Entered: 3/12/1998 Set/Clear Flags
Consolidated Lead Case (clerk)
Blank 7 Filed: 2/25/1998, Entered: 2/25/1998, Terminated: 9/23/1998 Motion to Quash
MOTION by Tony Hughes to Quash Subpoenas Duces Tecum (clerk)
Blank 6 Filed: 2/3/1998, Entered: 2/4/1998 Motion to Compel
MOTION with Memorandum in Support by Tony Hughes by Tony Hughes to Compel (clerk)
Blank 5 Filed: 11/21/1997, Entered: 11/21/1997, Terminated: 9/23/1998 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION by Tony Hughes for Costs of Service (clerk)
Blank 4 Filed: 11/20/1997, Entered: 11/21/1997 OrderCourt Filing
Order on Initial Pretrial Conference setting Jury Trial 10:00 a.m. on 4/27/98; Final Pretrial conference for 11:00 a.m. on 4/3/98; proposed voir dire and written jury instructions due on or before 4/20/98; all de bene esse depositions to be concluded by 3/13/98; Discovery cutoff for plaintiff 1/27/98; Discovery cutoff for defendant 2/27/98; establishing deadlines for disclosure of expert testimony; entered and filed 11/20/97 (signed by Magistrate Judge Tommy E. Miller) Copies 11/20/97 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 11/20/1997, Entered: 11/21/1997 Pretrial Conference - Initial
Initial pretrial conference held (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 10/30/1997, Entered: 10/30/1997 Pretrial Conference - Initial
Initial pretrial conference reset at 3:00 p.m. on 11/20/97 (clerk)
Blank 3 Filed: 10/23/1997, Entered: 10/23/1997 Summons Returned Executed
SUMMONS Returned Executed as to Fingerhut Corporatio 10/9/97 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 10/23/1997, Entered: 10/23/1997 Pretrial Conference - Initial
Initial pretrial conference set at 3:00 p.m. on 11/6/97 (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 10/21/1997, Entered: 10/21/1997 Docket Annotation
Case referred for initial pretrial conference. (clerk)
Blank 2 Filed: 10/20/1997, Entered: 10/21/1997 Answer
ANSWER to Complaint by Fingerhut Corporatio (Attorney John D. Radd) (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 9/30/1997, Entered: 9/30/1997 Suspense Deadline
**Suspense 10/30/97 to check on return of service of summons (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 9/30/1997, Entered: 9/30/1997 Summons Issued
SUMMONS, with 1 copy, issued for Fingerhut Corporation and delivered to counsel. Magistrate notice. (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 9/25/1997, Entered: 9/25/1997 Suspense Deadline
**Suspense 10/10/97 for status report re: waiver of service (clerk)
Blank -- Filed: 8/21/1997, Entered: 8/22/1997 Request for Waiver of Service
REQUEST FOR WAIVER of Service as to Fingerhut Corporatio 8/21/97 Waiver of Service due by 9/22/97 (clerk)
Blank 1 Filed: 8/20/1997, Entered: 8/22/1997 Complaint
COMPLAINT Filing Fee $ 150.00 Receipt # 14740; jury demand (clerk)


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