Federal Civil Lawsuit United States Court of Federal Claims, Case No. 1:02-cv-00175-LSM
District Judge Lawrence S. Margolis, presiding
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District Judge Lawrence S. Margolis
Last Updated April 27, 2022 at 10:38 AM EDT (2.8 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo NEBRASKA, STATE OF, Plaintiff

Represented by State of Nebraska

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jeffery T. Schroeder +1 402 479 4611
United States of America United States of America, Defendant
Officially listed as "USA"

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Marc Edmond Gordon +1 202 305 0291 +1 202 353 7763
Office COFC
Filed 3/6/2002
Jury Demand
Demand $33300000
Nature of Suit 514 - Taking - Other
Cause Section 28 U.S.C. § 1491 Tucker Act
Jurisdiction U.S. Government Defendant
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case None
Def Custody Status
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 4/27/2022, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 4/5/2022, Entered: None Status Report (JOINT)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 10/26/2021, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 10/22/2021, Entered: None Status Report (JOINT)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 4/28/2021, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 105 Filed: 4/26/2021, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 104 Filed: 4/23/2021, Entered: None Status Report (JOINT)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 103 Filed: 10/27/2020, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 102 Filed: 10/23/2020, Entered: None Status Report (JOINT)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 101 Filed: 4/28/2020, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 100 Filed: 4/23/2020, Entered: None Status Report (JOINT)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 10/30/2019, Entered: None Status Conference Order
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 98 Filed: 10/25/2019, Entered: None Status Report (JOINT)
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Legal Document 52 Filed: 9/4/2008, Entered: 9/4/2008 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 2/25/2009 02:30 PM in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Blank -- Filed: 9/3/2008, Entered: 9/3/2008
Minute Entry for proceeding held in Washington, DC on 9/3/2008 before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis: Status Conference. [Total number of days of proceeding: 1]. Proceeding was not officially recorded. (Click HERE for link to Court of Federal Claims web site forms page for information on ordering: certified transcript from reporter or certified transcript of proceeding from official digital recording.)(lmc)
Legal Document 51 Filed: 6/26/2008, Entered: 6/26/2008 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 9/3/2008 02:30 PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Blank -- Filed: 6/25/2008, Entered: 6/25/2008
Minute Entry for proceeding held in Washington, DC on 6/25/2008 before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis: Status Conference. [Total number of days of proceeding: 1]. Proceeding was not officially recorded. (Click HERE for link to Court of Federal Claims web site forms page for information on ordering: certified transcript from reporter or certified transcript of proceeding from official digital recording.)(lmc)
Legal Document 50 Filed: 3/19/2008, Entered: 3/19/2008 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER:Status Conference set for 6/25/2008 02:30 PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (dtm)
Blank -- Filed: 3/19/2008, Entered: 3/19/2008
Minute Entry for proceeding held in Washington, D.C. on 3/19/2008 before Judge Lawrence S. Margolis : Status Conference. [Total number of days of proceeding: 1]. Proceeding was not officially recorded. (Click HERE for link to Court of Federal Claims web site forms page for information on ordering: certified transcript from reporter or certified transcript of proceeding from official digital recording.)(dtm)
Legal Document 49 Filed: 12/19/2007, Entered: 12/19/2007 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER:Status Conference set for 3/19/2008 03:00 PM in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (dtm)
Legal Document 48 Filed: 11/21/2007, Entered: 11/21/2007 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER:Status Conference set for 12/19/2007 03:00 PM in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (dtm)
Legal Document 47 Filed: 9/6/2007, Entered: 9/6/2007 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER:Status Conference set for 12/12/2007 03:00 PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 46 Filed: 7/5/2007, Entered: 7/5/2007 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER:Status Conference set for 9/5/2007 03:00 PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 45 Filed: 4/26/2007, Entered: 4/26/2007 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER:Status Conference set for 6/27/2007 03:00 PM in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 44 Filed: 3/1/2007, Entered: 3/1/2007 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 4/25/2007 03:00 PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 43 Filed: 12/14/2006, Entered: 12/14/2006 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 2/28/2007 03:00 PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 42 Filed: 10/19/2006, Entered: 10/19/2006 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 12/13/2006 02:30 PM in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 41 Filed: 9/7/2006, Entered: 9/7/2006 Court Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 10/18/2006 02:30PM ET in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 40 Filed: 8/23/2006, Entered: 8/23/2006 Court Filing
ORDER granting [37] Motion to Substitute Attorney. Added Attorney Jeffery T. Schroeder for Thomas E. Stine. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lmc)
Legal Document 39 Filed: 8/15/2006, Entered: 8/15/2006
NOTICE of Designation of Electronic Case. (lg1, )
Blank 38 Filed: 8/15/2006, Entered: 8/15/2006 Court Filing
ORDER directing the Clerk to designate this case as an electronic (ECF) case. All future filings will be in electronic form. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (lg1, )
Blank -- Filed: 8/15/2006, Entered: 8/15/2006
***Attorney Jeffery T. Schroeder for NEBRASKA, STATE OF added. Attorney Thomas E. Stine terminated. (lg1, )
Blank 37 Filed: 8/14/2006, Entered: 8/15/2006, Terminated: 8/23/2006 Terminated:
Consented MOTION to Substitute Attorney Jeffrey T. Schroeder in place of Thomas E. Stine , filed by NEBRASKA, STATE OF. Service: 8/10/2006.Response due by 8/31/2006.(lg1, )
Blank 36 Filed: 6/8/2006, Entered: 6/9/2006 Status Conference OrderCourt Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 9/6/2006 at 2:30 PM before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (mb2, )
Blank 35 Filed: 3/16/2006, Entered: 3/20/2006 Status Conference OrderCourt Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 6/7/2006 02:30 PM in Chambers (Telephonic) before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (dw1)
Blank 34 Filed: 10/11/2005, Entered: 10/13/2005 Status Conference OrderCourt Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 1/11/2006 at 4:00 PM before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (mb2, )
Blank 33 Filed: 6/16/2005, Entered: 6/21/2005 Status Conference OrderCourt Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 10/5/2005 at 4:00 PM before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (mb2, )
Blank 32 Filed: 6/8/2005, Entered: 6/13/2005 Status Conference OrderCourt Filing
STATUS CONFERENCE ORDER: Status Conference set for 6/14/2005 at 2:00 PM before Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (mb2, )
Blank 31 Filed: 4/20/2005, Entered: 4/21/2005 Order on Motion to StayCourt Filing
ORDER granting [30] Motion to Stay. Answer due by 7/27/2005. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (mb2, )
Blank 30 Filed: 3/22/2005, Entered: 3/25/2005, Terminated: 4/20/2005 Terminated:
JOINT STATUS REPORT and JOINT MOTION to Stay Proceedings filed by NEBRASKA, STATE OF and USA.Service: 3/22/05. (dw1)
Blank 29 Filed: 8/6/2004, Entered: 8/10/2004 Order on Motion to StayCourt Filing
ORDER: The parties [27] Joint Motion for Stay of All Proceedings to Allow for Settlement Negotiations, Including the Filing of Dft's Answer, to and Including 1/27/2005, is GRANTED. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (jcp, )
Blank 28 Filed: 7/30/2004, Entered: 8/5/2004 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Appearance by Marc Edmond Gordon for USA Service: 07/29/2004.(lld, )
Blank 27 Filed: 7/30/2004, Entered: 8/5/2004, Terminated: 8/6/2004 Terminated:
JOINT STATUS REPORT AND JOINT MOTION to Stay Proceedings to allow for settlement negotiations by NEBRASKA, STATE OF, USA. Response due by 8/16/2004 (lld, )
Blank 26 Filed: 2/9/2004, Entered: 2/13/2004 Order on Motion to StayCourt Filing
ORDER: [25] Joint Motion for Stay of Proceedings, Including the Filing of Dft's Answer, to and Including 8/1/2004, is GRANTED. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (jcp, )
Blank 25 Filed: 2/4/2004, Entered: 2/9/2004, Terminated: 2/9/2004 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION to Stay proceedings to allow for settlement negotiations by STATE OF NEBRASKA and USA.Service: 2/3/04. (hw1, )
Blank 24 Filed: 11/5/2003, Entered: 11/10/2003 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to AnswerCourt Filing
ORDER granting [23] Dft's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Answer.Answer Due by 2/4/2004. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (jcp, )
Blank 23 Filed: 10/31/2003, Entered: 11/5/2003, Terminated: 11/5/2003 Terminated:
UNOPPOSED MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re: [1] Complaint until 2/4/2004 by USA.Service: 10/31/03. Response due by 11/17/2003. (jcp, )
Blank 22 Filed: 8/20/2003, Entered: 8/22/2003 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to AnswerCourt Filing
ORDER: As indicated by telephone, [21] Dft's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Answer the Complaint is GRANTED.Answer Due by 11/6/2003. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (jcp, )
Blank 21 Filed: 8/6/2003, Entered: 8/8/2003, Terminated: 8/20/2003 Terminated:
UNOPPOSED MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re: [1] Complaint until 11/6/2003 by USA.Service: 8/5/03. Response due by 8/22/2003. (jcp, )
Blank 20 Filed: 6/19/2003, Entered: 6/20/2003 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to AnswerCourt Filing
ORDER granting [19] Motion for Extension of Time to Answer. Answer Due by 8/8/2003. Signed by Senior Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (dw1, )
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Blank 19 Filed: 6/11/2003, Entered: 6/17/2003, Terminated: 6/19/2003 Terminated:
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer [1] Complaint until 8/8/2003 by UNITED STATES.Service: 6/5/03. (hw1, )
Blank 18 Filed: 6/11/2003, Entered: 6/17/2003 Order on Motion For Leave to File.Court Filing
ORDER granting [17] Motion for Leave to File motion for enlargement of time to respond to the complaint. Signed by Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. (hw1, )
Blank 17 Filed: 6/5/2003, Entered: 6/17/2003, Terminated: 6/11/2003 Terminated:
MOTION for Leave to File out of time motion for enlargement of time to file response to complaint by UNITED STATES.Service: 6/5/03. Response due by 6/23/2003 (jat, ) Modified on 6/17/2003 (jat, ).
Blank 16 Filed: 3/4/2003, Entered: 3/6/2003 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [15-1] motion to Extend Time to answer the complaint Answer to complaint due 6/2/03 (signed by Sr. Judge Lawrence S. Margolis). Copy to parties. (LTD)
Blank 15 Filed: 2/27/2003, Entered: 3/5/2003, Terminated: 3/4/2003 Terminated:
MOTION by USA (Service: 2/27/03) to Extend Time to answer the complaint until 6/1/03. Response due: 3/17/03. (LTD)
Blank 14 Filed: 1/7/2003, Entered: 1/10/2003 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance for USA by Brian Scott Heslin Service :1/7/03 (HW)
Blank 13 Filed: 12/4/2002, Entered: 12/6/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [12-1] motion to Extend Time to answer the complaint Answer deadline to 3/3/03 (signed by Sr. Judge Lawrence S. Margolis). Copy to parties. (FE)
Blank 12 Filed: 12/2/2002, Entered: 12/4/2002, Terminated: 12/4/2002 Terminated:
MOTION by USA (Service: 12/2/02) to Extend Time to answer the complaint until 3/3/03. Response due: 12/19/02. (LTD)
Blank 11 Filed: 9/5/2002, Entered: 9/9/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [10-1] motion to Extend Time to answer the complaint Answer to complaint due 12/2/02 (signed by Sr. Judge Lawrence S. Margolis). Copy to parties. (LTD)
Blank 10 Filed: 9/3/2002, Entered: 9/5/2002, Terminated: 9/5/2002 Terminated:
MOTION by USA (Service: 9/3/02) to Extend Time to answer the complaint until 12/2/02. Response due: 9/20/02. (LTD)
Blank 9 Filed: 8/2/2002, Entered: 8/6/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [8-1] motion to Extend Time to respond to the complaint Response to complaint due 9/3/02 (signed by Sr. Judge Lawrence S. Margolis). Copy to parties. (LTD)
Blank 8 Filed: 8/1/2002, Entered: 8/2/2002, Terminated: 8/2/2002 Terminated:
MOTION by USA (Service: 8/1/02) to Extend Time to respond to the complaint , (until September 3, 2002). (FE)
Blank 7 Filed: 7/11/2002, Entered: 7/15/2002 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [6-1] motion to Extend Time to answer the complaint Answer to complaint due 8/5/02 (signed by Sr. Judge Lawrence S. Margolis). Copy to parties. (LTD)
Blank 6 Filed: 7/8/2002, Entered: 7/10/2002, Terminated: 7/11/2002 Terminated:
MOTION by USA (Service: 7/5/02) to Extend Time to answer the complaint until 8/4/02. Response due: 7/22/02. (LTD)
Blank 5 Filed: 5/8/2002, Entered: 5/8/2002
ORDER granting [4-1] motion to Extend Time to respond to the complaint. reset Answer deadline to 7/5/02 ( signed by the Clerk ) Copy to parties. (DS)
Blank 4 Filed: 5/6/2002, Entered: 5/8/2002, Terminated: 5/8/2002 Terminated:
MOTION by USA (Service: 5/6/02) to Extend Time to respond to the complaint (to July 5, 2002). (DS)
Blank 3 Filed: 4/16/2002, Entered: 4/17/2002 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance for USA by Susan V. Cook. Service: 4/15/02. (LTD)
Blank 2 Filed: 3/6/2002, Entered: 3/7/2002 Case Assigned/ReassignedCourt Filing
Notice of assignment to Sr. Judge Lawrence S. Margolis. Copy to parties. (FE)
Blank 1 Filed: 3/6/2002, Entered: 3/7/2002 Complaint
COMPLAINT, FILING FEE $150, RECEIPT #053382. Answer due on 5/6/02. (FE)


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