Hastings v. State of NH, et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Rhode Island District Court, Case No. 1:92-cv-00078-P-JH
District Judge Raymond J. Pettine, presiding
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District Judge Raymond J. Pettine
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No Logo Earl C. Hastings, Plaintiff
No Logo Brian T. Tucker, Defendant

Represented by Wadleigh Starr & Peters PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Judge +1 603 669 4140 +2712 271 271 2110 sjudge@wadleighlaw.com
No Logo Gary Sloper, Defendant

Represented by Wadleigh Starr & Peters PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Judge +1 603 669 4140 +2712 271 271 2110 sjudge@wadleighlaw.com
No Logo John Barthelmes, Defendant

Represented by Wadleigh Starr & Peters PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Judge +1 603 669 4140 +2712 271 271 2110 sjudge@wadleighlaw.com
No Logo Laurence D. Hastings, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Edward John Burke +1 312 738 2800 +1 312 738 1199 ned_burke@yahoo.com
No Logo Michael Miles, Defendant

Represented by Wadleigh Starr & Peters PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Judge +1 603 669 4140 +2712 271 271 2110 sjudge@wadleighlaw.com
No Logo Roland Lamy, Defendant

Represented by Wadleigh Starr & Peters PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Judge +1 603 669 4140 +2712 271 271 2110 sjudge@wadleighlaw.com
No Logo State of NH, Defendant

Represented by Wadleigh Starr & Peters PLLC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Judge +1 603 669 4140 +2712 271 271 2110 sjudge@wadleighlaw.com
Office Providence
Filed 2/12/1992
Jury Demand None
Demand $0
Nature of Suit 550 - Prisoner Petitions: Civil Rights
Cause Section 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights
Jurisdiction Federal Question
Disposition Transfer/Remand - Transfer to Another District
County Providence
Terminated 11/22/1993
Origin 5
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case CA89-413[U.S. Dt. Ct. NH]
Def Custody Status
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Blank -- Filed: 11/22/1993, Entered: 11/22/1993
Case closed (Dube, P)
Blank -- Filed: 11/22/1993, Entered: 11/22/1993
PER letter received by Sr. Judge Pettine from James Starr, Clerk - USDC NH, this case is hereby transferred back to the Dt. of NH. Certified copy of docket, copy of letter from Jim Starr and original order entered on 3/4/93 sent to the Clerk's office - NH. (Dube, P)
Blank 5 Filed: 10/20/1993, Entered: 10/20/1993 Court Filing
ORDER, Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Jacob Hagopian for the purposes of PTC; disposition of all motions, & finalizing case so that the same will be ready for trial ( signed by Judge Raymond J. Pettine ) (Dube, P)
Blank 4 Filed: 2/26/1993, Entered: 3/4/1993 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [3-1] joint motion to Enlarge Time for 30 days to respond to request for production. ( signed by Magistrate Judge Timothy M. Boudewyns ) (Dias, J)
Blank -- Filed: 2/25/1993, Entered: 2/25/1993
CASE assigned to Judge Raymond J. Pettine . Assigned to Magistrate Judge Lovegreen (Lagueux, C)
Blank 3 Filed: 2/22/1993, Entered: 2/26/1993, Terminated: 2/26/1993 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by Laurence D. Hastings, Brian T. Tucker, John Barthelmes, Gary Sloper, Michael Miles, Roland Lamy, State of NH, Earl C. Hastings to Enlarge Time for 30 days to respond to request for production. (Zinni, C)
Blank 2 Filed: 3/12/1992, Entered: 3/12/1992
STATUS REPORT by Earl C. Hastings (Dube, P)
Blank -- Filed: 2/18/1992, Entered: 2/20/1992 Case Referred to Magistrate Judge
CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Jacob Hagopian (Dube, P)
Blank 1 Filed: 2/12/1992, Entered: 2/20/1992 Case Transferred In - District Transfer
Original file, certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received from District of New Hampshire. (Docket entries 1 through 38 enclosed). (Dube, P)


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