USA, et al v. Exxon Corporation, et al

Federal Civil Lawsuit Rhode Island District Court, Case No. 1:94-cv-00148-L
District Judge Ronald R. Lagueux, presiding
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District Judge Ronald R. Lagueux
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No Logo State of NH, Plaintiff

Represented by Office of the New Hampshire Attorney General

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Maureen D Smith +1 603 271 3679
United States of America United States of America, Plaintiff
Officially listed as "USA"

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Marcia Lamel
Space Kenneth Long +1 202 514 2840

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Gretchen Leah Witt +1 603 225 1552 +2251 225 225 1470
BASF Corporation BASF Corporation, Counter-Claimant
No Logo Freudenberg-Nox General Partnership, Counter-Claimant
No Logo General Latex And Chemical Corporation, Counter-Claimant
No Logo Lockheed Sanders Corporation, Counter-Claimant
Officially listed as "Lockheed Sanders,Inc"

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Thomas X. Tsirimokos +1 603 885 4556 +8852 885 885 2167
No Logo Town of Londonderry, Counter-Claimant
No Logo Waste Management of New Hampshire, Inc., Counter-Claimant
Exxon Company Exxon Company, Defendant
Officially listed as "Exxon Corporation"

Represented by WINER AND BENNETT

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John V. Dwyer +1 603 882 5157
No Logo Grassy Knoll Assoc., Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven M. Latici
No Logo John D. Tinkham, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John Tinkham
No Logo Peter Johnson, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Steven M. Latici
Space Emily Gray Rice +1 355 355 3550
No Logo Town of Londonderry, Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Andrew W. Serell +1 603 226 2600 +2262 226 226 2700
Space Sherilyn B. Young +1 603 226 2600 +5957 595 595 7489
No Logo Workplace Systems, Inc., Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Edward L. Cross +8892 889 889 2212

Represented by Wiggin & Nourie, PA

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Gregory A. Holmes +1 603 669 2211
United States of America United States of America, Counter-Defendant
Officially listed as "USA"
Other Parties
No Logo Allard Industries, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Norman Benjamin Berger
Space Rob Cohen
Space Robert A Stein +1 612 961 7356 +1 952 829 1040
No Logo American Biltrite Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Daniel Paul Carter +1 610 789 1771 +4499 449 449 9622
Space Henry Winkleman +1 617 237 6655 +2376 237 237 6880

Represented by Wilbraham Lawler & Buba

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John J. Dugan +1 215 564 4141
No Logo Atlantic Grinding and Welding, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Joseph Galuska
BASF Corporation BASF Corporation, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Giarrusso, Norton, Cooley & McGlone, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Roy P. Giarrusso +1 617 770 2900 +1 617 773 6934
No Logo Bemis Company, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Louis N. Massery +1 617 523 1125 +5238 523 523 8652
No Logo Browning-ferris Industries, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Charles P. Bauer +2280 228 228 0477
Space Jeffrey N. Martin +1 202 955 1552
No Logo Consolidated Plastic, Third Party Defendant
No Logo Continental Can Company, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space James W. Craig +1 601 360 9711
Space John H. Reilly +1 212 943 2000
No Logo Crompton Modutec Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Dibble +1 603 742 1300
Space Stephen H. Roberts +1 603 742 1300
No Logo Disogrin Industries Corporation, Third Party Defendant
Officially listed as "Disogrin Industries, Corp."

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Arthur G. Greene +6256 625 625 6464
No Logo Electronic Production Equipment. Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Kevin M. Fitzgerald +6284 628 628 4000
No Logo Freudenberg-Nox General Partnership, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Giarrusso, Norton, Cooley & McGlone, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Roy P. Giarrusso +1 617 770 2900 +1 617 773 6934
No Logo Gencorp, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Katherine M. Hanna +6680 668 668 0300
Space William A. Simon, Jr. +1 216 869 4253 +8694 869 869 4272
No Logo General Latex And Chemical Corporation, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Joseph M. Kerrigan +1 603 883 5501 +8800 880 880 0458

Represented by Giarrusso, Norton, Cooley & McGlone, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Roy P. Giarrusso +1 617 770 2900 +1 617 773 6934

Represented by Goodwin Procter, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Sandra Sue McQuay +1 617 570 1000 +5231 523 523 1231
No Logo Hadco Corporation, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Patricia Randall +1 617 523 3716
Space Charles A. Szypszak +2242 224 224 2381 +2242 224 224 2381
No Logo Hitchiner Manufacturing Company, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Finis E. Williams, III +1 603 226 1919
No Logo Honeywell, Inc., Third Party Defendant
Officer/Director, Allied-Signal, Inc.
No Logo Lockheed Sanders Corporation, Third Party Defendant
Officially listed as "Lockheed Sanders,Inc"

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John G. Cronin +6244 624 624 4333

Represented by Giarrusso, Norton, Cooley & McGlone, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Roy P. Giarrusso +1 617 770 2900 +1 617 773 6934
No Logo McGraw Edison, Inc, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Russell F. Hilliard +2247 224 224 7791
Space Ceil E. Price +1 713 209 8670
No Logo Pinard Waste Systems, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Dibble +1 603 742 1300
Raytheon Company Raytheon Company, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Sheehan Phinney Bass + Green, PA

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space John S. Peltonen +1 603 668 0300 +6278 627 627 8121
No Logo Scovill Manufacturing, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Robert S. Molloy +1 617 737 3100 +7371 737 737 1191

Represented by Hunton & Williams LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Charles A. Perry +1 404 888 4000
No Logo Summit Packaging Systems, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Dibble +1 603 742 1300
Space Stephen H. Roberts +1 603 742 1300
No Logo Tellabs, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jean H. McCreary +1 716 263 1000
Space James M. McNamee +8829 882 882 9716
No Logo Velcro Usa Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Stephen J. Dibble +1 603 742 1300
Space Stephen H. Roberts +1 603 742 1300
No Logo Waste Management of Maine, Third Party Defendant

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space C. Russell Shillaber +3321 332 332 1234

Represented by K&L Gates LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space David M. Jones +1 617 261 3100 +2613 261 261 3175
No Logo Waste Management of Massachusetts, Inc., Third Party Defendant
No Logo Waste Management of New Hampshire, Inc., Third Party Defendant

Represented by Giarrusso, Norton, Cooley & McGlone, PC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Roy P. Giarrusso +1 617 770 2900 +1 617 773 6934
No Logo Allard Industries, Inc., Third Party Plaintiff

Represented by Unknown Firm

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Norman Benjamin Berger
Space Rob Cohen
Space Robert A Stein +1 612 961 7356 +1 952 829 1040
Exxon Company Exxon Company, Third Party Plaintiff
Officially listed as "Exxon Corporation"
No Logo Grassy Knoll Assoc., Third Party Plaintiff
No Logo Peter Johnson, Third Party Plaintiff
No Logo Workplace Systems, Inc., Third Party Plaintiff
Office Providence
Filed 3/22/1994
Jury Demand None
Demand $0
Nature of Suit 893 - Environmental Matters
Cause Section 42 U.S.C. § 9607 Real Property Tort to Land
Jurisdiction U.S. Government Plaintiff
Disposition Judgment - Judgment on Consent
County Providence
Terminated 8/10/2000
Origin 1
Reopened None
Lead Case None
Related Case
Other Court Case 92-486[NewHampshire]
Def Custody Status
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Blank -- Filed: 8/1/2001, Entered: 8/22/2001 FRC Information
File located at National Archives and Records Administration Waltham, MA. Accession no. 21-01-0080, 2 volumes. (Mercurio, A)
Blank 118 Filed: 11/27/2000, Entered: 11/28/2000 Judgment*
JUDGMENT for USA, State of NH against Exxon Corporation, Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson, Town of Londonderry, Allard Industries, American Biltrite, Atlantic Grinding, Basf Corporation, Bemis Company, Consolidated Plastic, Continental Can Co., Crompton Modutec,Inc, Freudenberg-Nox, Gencorp, Inc., Hadco Corporation, Hitchiner Manufac., Lamont Labs, Inc., McGraw Edison, Inc, Raytheon, Scovill Manufact., Summit Packaging, Tel-Labs, Inc, John D. Tinkham, Velcro U.S.A., Inc, Waste Management, Waste Manag.of Maine, Waste Manag. of NH, Workplace Systems, Workplace Systems, Browning-Ferris, Electronic Product., General Latex, Lockheed Sanders,Inc, Pinard Waste Systems, Exxon Corporation, Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson, Workplace Systems, General Latex, Lockheed Sanders,Inc, Town of Londonderry, Basf Corporation, Freudenberg-Nox, Waste Manag. of NH, USA, Disogrin Industries, Basf Corporation, Waste Manag. of NH, Allard Industries, Honeywell, Inc., James R. Starr () (Saucier, M)
Blank 117 Filed: 11/17/2000, Entered: 11/17/2000 Court Filing
STIPULATION of dismissal of Lamont Lab signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 116 Filed: 8/10/2000, Entered: 8/10/2000 Court Filing
STIPULATION of dismissal signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 8/10/2000, Entered: 8/10/2000
Case closed (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 115 Filed: 6/2/2000, Entered: 6/2/2000
Correspondence to excuse Mr. Long from status conf (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 5/26/2000, Entered: 5/26/2000
Status conference set at 2:00 6/8/00 Before Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 114 Filed: 4/13/2000, Entered: 4/13/2000 Court Filing
ORDER granting [113-1] joint motion for an order disbursing funds deposited in the registry of the Court. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Barletta, B)
Blank 113 Filed: 4/7/2000, Entered: 4/10/2000, Terminated: 4/13/2000 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by USA, Exxon Corporation, Town of Londonderry for an order disbursing funds deposited in the registry of the Court. (Barletta, B)
Blank 112 Filed: 3/16/2000, Entered: 3/16/2000 Court Filing
ORDER granting [111-1] motion for entry of consent decree ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 111 Filed: 3/16/2000, Entered: 3/16/2000, Terminated: 3/16/2000 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION by USA for entry of consent decree (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 110 Filed: 3/10/2000, Entered: 3/10/2000 Court Filing
CONSENT decree for USA, State of NH against Exxon Corporation, Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson, Town of Londonderry ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 109 Filed: 2/11/2000, Entered: 2/11/2000 Court Filing
ORDER granting [108-1] motion to Enlarge Time ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 107 Filed: 2/11/2000, Entered: 2/11/2000
THIRD-PARTY COMPLAINT by Allard Industries against Honeywell, Inc. (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 106 Filed: 2/11/2000, Entered: 2/11/2000 Court Filing
ORDER granting [105-1] motion for Leave to File 3rd amended complaint ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 108 Filed: 2/10/2000, Entered: 2/11/2000, Terminated: 2/11/2000 Terminated:
MOTION by Allard Industries to Enlarge Time , reset Answer deadline to 45 days to ans 3rd party complaint (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 105 Filed: 2/10/2000, Entered: 2/11/2000, Terminated: 2/11/2000 Terminated:
MOTION by Allard Industries for Leave to File 3rd amended complaint (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 104 Filed: 11/19/1999, Entered: 11/19/1999 Court Filing
ORDER - status report due 12/15/99( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Delano, D)
Blank 103 Filed: 8/19/1999, Entered: 8/19/1999 Court Filing
ORDER - status report due 10/6/99( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 102 Filed: 7/6/1999, Entered: 7/6/1999
Status report dated 6/30/99 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 101 Filed: 6/18/1999, Entered: 6/18/1999 Court Filing
ORDER directing the deposit of funds into the registry of the Court( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 100 Filed: 6/7/1999, Entered: 6/7/1999
Plaintiffs' 5/31/99 report on settlement negotiations (Barletta, B)
Blank 99 Filed: 5/25/1999, Entered: 5/25/1999 Court Filing
ORDER - re: status report due 5/31/99( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 98 Filed: 4/19/1999, Entered: 4/19/1999 Court Filing
ORDER denying [89-1] motion for Joinder into the Motion for order that the parties complete settlement by 4/30/99 or all claimis be dismissed against plaintiffs and American Biltrite ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 97 Filed: 4/13/1999, Entered: 4/13/1999
4/12/99 Status Report (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 96 Filed: 4/13/1999, Entered: 4/13/1999 Court Filing
ORDER denying [88-1] motion for an order that the parties complete settlement documents by 4/30/99 or all claims against Bemis be dismissed by plaintiff and third party plaintiffs. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 95 Filed: 4/1/1999, Entered: 4/5/1999 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Town of Londonderry to [88-1] motion for an order that the parties complete settlement documents by 4/30/99 or all claims against Bemis be dismissed by plaintiff and third party plaintiffs. (Barletta, B)
Blank 94 Filed: 4/1/1999, Entered: 4/5/1999 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Town of Londonderry to [89-1] motion for Joinder into the Motion for order that the parties complete settlement by 4/30/99 or all claimis be dismissed against plaintiffs and American Biltrite (Barletta, B)
Blank 93 Filed: 4/1/1999, Entered: 4/2/1999 Terminated:
OBJECTION by USA to [88-1] motion for an order that the parties complete settlement documents by 4/30/99 or all claims against Bemis be dismissed by plaintiff and third party plaintiffs. (Barletta, B)
Blank 91 Filed: 4/1/1999, Entered: 4/1/1999, Terminated: 8/10/2000 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
OBJECTION by Exxon Corporation to [89-1] motion for Joinder into the Motion for order that the parties complete settlement by 4/30/99 or all claimis be dismissed against plaintiffs and American Biltrite (Barletta, B)
Blank 90 Filed: 4/1/1999, Entered: 4/1/1999, Terminated: 8/10/2000 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
OBJECTION by Exxon Corporation to [88-1] motion for an order that the parties complete settlement documents by 4/30/99 or all claims against Bemis be dismissed by plaintiff and third party plaintiffs. (Barletta, B)
Blank 92 Filed: 3/31/1999, Entered: 4/2/1999 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Workplace Systems to [89-1] motion for Joinder into the Motion for order that the parties complete settlement by 4/30/99 or all claimis be dismissed against plaintiffs and American Biltrite, [88-1] motion for an order that the parties complete settlement documents by 4/30/99 or all claims against Bemis be dismissed by plaintiff and third party plaintiffs. (Barletta, B)
Blank 89 Filed: 3/29/1999, Entered: 3/29/1999, Terminated: 4/19/1999 ~Motion for Joinder
MOTION by American Biltrite for Joinder into the Motion for order that the parties complete settlement by 4/30/99 or all claimis be dismissed against plaintiffs and American Biltrite (Barletta, B)
Blank 87 Filed: 3/22/1999, Entered: 3/22/1999 Court Filing
ORDER - extending time for updated status report to 4/12/99 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 86 Filed: 3/22/1999, Entered: 3/22/1999
Plaintiffs' status report dated 3/12/99 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 88 Filed: 3/19/1999, Entered: 3/23/1999, Terminated: 4/13/1999 Terminated:
MOTION by Bemis Company for an order that the parties complete settlement documents by 4/30/99 or all claims against Bemis be dismissed by plaintiff and third party plaintiffs. (Barletta, B)
Blank 85 Filed: 2/3/1999, Entered: 2/3/1999 Court Filing
ORDER - granting stay until 3/12/99 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 84 Filed: 12/30/1998, Entered: 12/30/1998 Court Filing
ORDER - status report due 1/30/99 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 83 Filed: 12/30/1998, Entered: 12/30/1998
Status report (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 10/14/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998
Status conference held ; all parties represented; status report due 11/12/98 from Mr. Long; case stayed; (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 10/8/1998, Entered: 10/14/1998 Status Conference
Status conference set at 10/8/98 Before Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 82 Filed: 8/28/1998, Entered: 8/28/1998 Court Filing
ORDER granting [78-1] motion to extend stay of proceedings and status report. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 81 Filed: 8/21/1998, Entered: 8/24/1998 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson to [74-1] motion to Stay until 7/30/98 (Barletta, B)
Blank 80 Filed: 8/19/1998, Entered: 8/20/1998 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Allard Industries, American Biltrite, Bemis Company, Gencorp, Inc., Hadco Corporation, McGraw Edison, Inc, Raytheon, Scovill Manufact., Honeywell, Tel-Labs, Inc to [74-1] motion to Stay until 7/30/98 (Barletta, B)
Blank 79 Filed: 8/17/1998, Entered: 8/17/1998, Terminated: 8/10/2000 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
OBJECTION by Town of Londonderry to [78-1] motion to extend stay of proceedings and status report. (Barletta, B)
Blank 78 Filed: 8/11/1998, Entered: 8/14/1998, Terminated: 8/28/1998 Terminated:
MOTION by USA, State of NH to extend stay of proceedings and status report. (Barletta, B)
Blank 77 Filed: 5/22/1998, Entered: 5/27/1998 Terminated:
RESPONSE by USA, State of NH in opposition to [75-1] motion response (Barletta, B)
Blank 76 Filed: 5/22/1998, Entered: 5/22/1998 Court Filing
ORDER granting [74-1] motion to Stay until 7/30/98 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 75 Filed: 5/18/1998, Entered: 5/19/1998 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Hitchiner Manufac. to [74-1] motion to Stay until 7/30/98 (Barletta, B)
Blank 73 Filed: 5/4/1998, Entered: 5/4/1998 Court Filing
ORDER - directing the deposit of funds into the registry of the court (Southern District of Texas) ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 74 Filed: 5/1/1998, Entered: 5/15/1998, Terminated: 5/22/1998 Terminated:
MOTION by USA, State of NH to Stay until 7/30/98 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 72 Filed: 2/17/1998, Entered: 2/17/1998 Court Filing
ORDER - case stayed until 4/30/98 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 71 Filed: 2/9/1998, Entered: 2/9/1998, Terminated: 8/10/2000 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
OBJECTION by Hitchiner Manufac. to [66-1] joint motion to Enlarge Time up to 10/31/97 for the stay of proceedings (Barletta, B)
Blank 70 Filed: 11/12/1997, Entered: 11/12/1997 Court Filing
ORDER extending stay until 1/30/98 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 69 Filed: 8/29/1997, Entered: 9/2/1997 Remark
STATUS REPORT of Exxon Corp., et al (Burgess, J)
Blank 68 Filed: 7/25/1997, Entered: 7/25/1997
Partial release of real estate attachment (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 67 Filed: 7/10/1997, Entered: 7/10/1997 Court Filing
ORDER granting [66-1] joint motion to Enlarge Time up to 10/31/97 for the stay of proceedings ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 7/10/1997, Entered: 7/10/1997
Status conference held in courtroom; Mr. Long, Giarrusso, Latici, Dwyer, Peltonen addressed Court; stay in effect until 10/31/97; status report due 8/29/97 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 66 Filed: 6/20/1997, Entered: 6/23/1997, Terminated: 7/10/1997 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by USA, Exxon Corporation, et al to Enlarge Time up to 10/31/97 for the stay of proceedings (Burgess, J)
Blank -- Filed: 6/19/1997, Entered: 7/10/1997 Status Conference
Status conference set at 12:30 7/10/97 Before Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 65 Filed: 3/3/1997, Entered: 3/4/1997 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of withdrawal of appearance by Erich R. Luschei for McGraw Edison, Inc (Burgess, J)
Blank -- Filed: 2/28/1997, Entered: 3/3/1997 Remark
ADMISSION PRO HAC VICE paid for Ceil E. Price $50.00 receipt # 34981. (Burgess, J)
Blank 64 Filed: 2/27/1997, Entered: 2/27/1997 Court Filing
ORDER granting [63-1] joint motion to extend the stay of proceedings to 6/15/97 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 63 Filed: 2/14/1997, Entered: 2/14/1997, Terminated: 2/27/1997 Motion for Extension of Time
JOINT MOTION by USA, State of NH, Exxon Corporation, et al to extend the stay of proceedings (Burgess, J)
Blank 62 Filed: 2/13/1997, Entered: 2/13/1997 Court Filing
ORDER granting [60-1] motion for Ceil E. Price to Appear Pro Hac Vice ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 61 Filed: 1/24/1997, Entered: 1/27/1997 Affidavit
AFFIDAVIT of Ceil E. Price Re: [60-1] motion for Ceil E. Price to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Burgess, J)
Blank 60 Filed: 1/24/1997, Entered: 1/27/1997, Terminated: 2/13/1997 Terminated:
MOTION by McGraw Edison, Inc for Ceil E. Price to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Burgess, J)
Blank 59 Filed: 10/28/1996, Entered: 10/28/1996
WRIT of attachment executed - Town of Lindonderry - property of Peter Johnson and Grassy Knoll Asoc. (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 58 Filed: 10/18/1996, Entered: 10/18/1996 Court Filing
ORDER granting [57-1] joint motion to Enlarge the stay of proceedings through 2/14/97 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 57 Filed: 9/30/1996, Entered: 9/30/1996, Terminated: 10/18/1996 Motion for Extension of Time
JOINT MOTION by USA, Exxon Corporation, and other mediating parties to Enlarge the stay of proceedings through 2/14/97 (Burgess, J)
Blank 56 Filed: 9/23/1996, Entered: 9/23/1996
WRIT of attachment executed - as to Town of Londonderry attachments to Grassy Knoll Associates and Peter Johnsons' properties (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 55 Filed: 7/3/1996, Entered: 7/3/1996 Court Filing
ORDER granting [50-1] motion for ex parte attachment, granting [48-1] motion for ex parte ATTACHMENT ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 54 Filed: 6/4/1996, Entered: 6/24/1996 Minutes-MiscellaneousCourt Filing
CLERKS Minute entry re: Hearing held on 6/4/96 before Chief Judge Ronald R. Lagueux. (Burgess, J)
Blank -- Filed: 6/4/1996, Entered: 6/24/1996 Motion Hearing
Motion hearing re: [50-1] motion for ex parte attachment Motion hearing held. Attorney Serell for the plaintiff and Attorney Latici for the defendant. crtrpt-Fontes. Arguments heard. Court grants motion. Attorney Serell to prepare order. (Burgess, J)
Blank -- Filed: 5/21/1996, Entered: 5/21/1996
Motion hearing re: [50-1] motion for ex parte attachment at 9:30 6/4/96, [48-1] motion for ex parte ATTACHMENT at 9:30 6/4/96 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 53 Filed: 5/16/1996, Entered: 5/16/1996 Court Filing
ORDER granting [47-1] joint motion for a further Stay of proceedings to Sept 30, l996. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 52 Filed: 5/15/1996, Entered: 5/15/1996 Court Filing
ORDER granting [51-1] motion to convert petition for ex parte attachment to petition for attachment with notice ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 5/7/1996, Entered: 5/7/1996
Motion hearing re: [47-1] joint motion for a further Stay of proceedings. at 9:30 5/20/96, [48-1] motion for ex parte ATTACHMENT at 9:30 5/20/96 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 51 Filed: 5/6/1996, Entered: 5/8/1996, Terminated: 5/15/1996 Terminated:
MOTION by Town of Londonderry to convert petition for ex parte attachment to petition for attachment with notice (Burgess, J)
Blank 50 Filed: 4/25/1996, Entered: 4/29/1996, Terminated: 7/3/1996 Terminated:
MOTION by Town of Londonderry for ex parte attachment (Burgess, J)
Blank 49 Filed: 4/24/1996, Entered: 4/29/1996 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson to [48-1] motion for ex parte ATTACHMENT (Burgess, J)
Blank 48 Filed: 4/17/1996, Entered: 4/26/1996 Terminated:
MOTION by Town of Londonderry for ex parte ATTACHMENT (Burgess, J)
Blank 47 Filed: 4/17/1996, Entered: 4/18/1996, Terminated: 5/16/1996 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by USA, Exxon Corporation, et al for a further Stay of proceedings. (Burgess, J)
Blank 46 Filed: 3/28/1996, Entered: 3/28/1996 Court Filing
ORDER granting [45-1] motion to Stay proceedings through 4/5/96 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 45 Filed: 3/15/1996, Entered: 3/21/1996, Terminated: 3/28/1996 Terminated:
MOTION by USA, State of NH, Exxon Corporation, et al to Stay proceedings through 4/5/96 (Burgess, J)
Blank 44 Filed: 1/29/1996, Entered: 2/7/1996 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of designation as Liaison counsel by Roy P. Giarrusso. (Burgess, J)
Blank 43 Filed: 12/29/1995, Entered: 2/5/1996 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [28-1] motion for entry of terms of proposed case management order and discovery schedule not in dispute and for hearing on terms that remain in dispute - See schedule order ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 43 Filed: 12/29/1995, Entered: 12/29/1995 Court Filing
SCHEDULING ORDER setting Discovery cutoff 10/1/96 ; Pretrial Memorandum Deadline ; ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 41 Filed: 12/11/1995, Entered: 12/18/1995 Terminated:
MOTION by USA for entry of revised proposed case management order and discovery schedule. Case management order attached. (Burgess, J)
Blank 42 Filed: 12/4/1995, Entered: 12/21/1995 Minutes-Miscellaneous
Minute entry: granting [41-1] motion for entry of revised proposed case management order and discovery schedule. Case management order attached. (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 40 Filed: 12/4/1995, Entered: 12/6/1995 Remark
TOWN OF LONDONDERRY'S rep;y to partial opposition of defendant Workplace Systems, Inc. to entry of United States proposed case management order and discovery schedule and to objection of Exxon Corporation to joint motion of plaintiff's and the Town of Londonderry to trifurcate trial and partially sequence discovery. (Burgess, J)
Blank 39 Filed: 12/4/1995, Entered: 12/6/1995 Terminated:
MOTION by Town of Londonderry for Leave to File reply to oppositions of Workplace Systems, Inc. and Exxon Corporation to joint motion of plaintiffs and Town of Londonderry to Trifurcate trial and partially sequence discovery (Burgess, J)
Blank 38 Filed: 11/29/1995, Entered: 11/29/1995 Court Filing
ORDER granting [32-1] motion for Leave to reply to partial opposition of defendant workplace systems, Inc. to entry of United States' proposed case management order and discovery schedule, and to objection of Exxon Corp. to joint motion of plaintiffs and the Town of Londonderry to trifurcate trial and to partially sequence discovery. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 37 Filed: 11/28/1995, Entered: 11/29/1995 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of appearance and substitution of counsel by Scovill Manufact. Attorneys' William D. Gillis, Louis N. Massery, Lawrence J. Bracken II and Robert E. Hogfoss substituting Charles A. Perry, Catherine D. Little and Robert S. Molloy. (Burgess, J)
Blank -- Filed: 11/28/1995, Entered: 11/28/1995
Motion(s) referred: [32-1] motion for Leave to reply to partial opposition of defendant workplace systems, Inc. to entry of United States' proposed case management order and discovery schedule, and to objection of Exxon Corp. to joint motion of plaintiffs and the Town of Londonderry to trifurcate trial and to partially sequence discovery. referred to Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 36 Filed: 11/24/1995, Entered: 11/29/1995 Terminated:
MOTION by Electronic Product. for Joinder in plaintiffs' joint motion to trifurcate trial and partially sequence discovery (Burgess, J)
Blank 35 Filed: 11/21/1995, Entered: 11/21/1995, Terminated: 4/19/1996 ~Motion for Joinder
MOTION by Allard Industries, American Biltrite, Bemis Company, Crompton Modutec,Inc, Hadco Corporation, Hitchiner Manufac., Scovill Manufact., et al for Joinder with Exxon's objection to trifurcation of trial and sequencing of discovery (Burgess, J)
Blank 34 Filed: 11/15/1995, Entered: 11/17/1995 Terminated:
OBJECTION by Continental Can Co. to [30-1] joint motion to trifurcate trial and to partiaaly sequence discovery., [28-1] motion for entry of terms of proposed case management order and discovery schedule not in dispute and for hearing on terms that remain in dispute (Burgess, J)
Blank 33 Filed: 11/14/1995, Entered: 11/15/1995 Terminated:
RESPONSE by USA, State of NH in opposition to [31-1] motion response (Burgess, J)
Blank 32 Filed: 11/14/1995, Entered: 11/15/1995, Terminated: 11/29/1995 Terminated:
MOTION by USA, State of NH for Leave to reply to partial opposition of defendant workplace systems, Inc. to entry of United States' proposed case management order and discovery schedule, and to objection of Exxon Corp. to joint motion of plaintiffs and the Town of Londonderry to trifurcate trial and to partially sequence discovery. (Burgess, J)
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Blank -- Filed: 10/27/1995, Entered: 10/27/1995
Motion hearing re: [30-1] joint motion to trifurcate trial and to partiaaly sequence discovery. at 10:00 12/4/95, [28-1] motion for entry of terms of proposed case management order and discovery schedule not in dispute and for hearing on terms that remain in dispute at 10:00 12/4/95; in NH (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 31 Filed: 10/26/1995, Entered: 10/26/1995, Terminated: 8/10/2000 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
PARTIAL OBJECTION by Workplace Systems to [28-1] motion for entry of terms of proposed case management order and discovery schedule not in dispute and for hearing on terms that remain in dispute (Burgess, J) Modified on 10/26/1995
Blank 30 Filed: 10/12/1995, Entered: 10/12/1995, Terminated: 10/15/1996 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
JOINT MOTION by USA, State of NH, Town of Londonderry to trifurcate trial and to partiaaly sequence discovery. (Burgess, J)
Blank 29 Filed: 10/10/1995, Entered: 10/10/1995
JOINDER of Town of Londonderry in motion of United States for entry of terms of proposed case management order and discovery schedule not in dispute and for hearing on terms that remain in dispute. (Burgess, J)
Blank 28 Filed: 10/6/1995, Entered: 10/6/1995, Terminated: 12/29/1995 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION by USA for entry of terms of proposed case management order and discovery schedule not in dispute and for hearing on terms that remain in dispute (Burgess, J)
Blank 27 Filed: 9/5/1995, Entered: 9/5/1995 Court Filing
ORDER granting [26-1] joint motion to Enlarge Time for filing proposed case management order and discovery schedule up to and including 10/6/95 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux - Original filed in NH ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 26 Filed: 8/21/1995, Entered: 8/24/1995, Terminated: 9/5/1995 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by USA, State of NH, Exxon Corporation, et al to Enlarge Time for filing proposed case management order and discovery schedule up to and including 10/6/95 (Burgess, J)
Blank 25 Filed: 6/8/1995, Entered: 6/8/1995 Court Filing
ORDER granting [23-1] motion to Stay Litigation until 7/21/95 (original forwarded to USDC in NH) thi sis the last stay that will be allowed ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 24 Filed: 5/26/1995, Entered: 5/26/1995, Terminated: 8/10/2000 Response/Reply - Miscellaneous
OBJECTION by Allard Industries to [23-1] motion to Stay Litigation until 7/21/95 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 23 Filed: 5/26/1995, Entered: 5/26/1995, Terminated: 6/8/1995 Motion to Stay
MOTION by USA to Stay Litigation until 7/21/95 (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 5/26/1995, Entered: 5/26/1995
Motion(s) referred: [23-1] motion to Stay Litigation until 7/21/95 referred to Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 22 Filed: 4/17/1995, Entered: 4/17/1995 Court Filing
ORDER granting [18-1] motion to Withdraw the firm of Ouellette, Hallisey, Dibble & Tanguay, P. A. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank -- Filed: 4/12/1995, Entered: 4/12/1995
Motion(s) referred: [18-1] motion to Withdraw the firm of Ouellette, Hallisey, Dibble & Tanguay, P. A. referred to Judge Ronald R. Lagueux (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 21 Filed: 3/29/1995, Entered: 3/29/1995 Court Filing
ORDER granting [20-1] joint motion to extend Stay of litigation until May 22, 1995. ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 20 Filed: 3/24/1995, Entered: 3/27/1995, Terminated: 3/29/1995 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by USA, Exxon Corporation to extend Stay of litigation until May 22, 1995. (Burgess, J)
Blank 18 Filed: 3/6/1995, Entered: 3/7/1995, Terminated: 4/17/1995 Terminated:
MOTION to Withdraw the firm of Ouellette, Hallisey, Dibble & Tanguay, P. A. (Burgess, J)
Blank 17 Filed: 3/6/1995, Entered: 3/7/1995 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of substituting attorney. (Burgess, J)
Blank 16 Filed: 3/1/1995, Entered: 3/7/1995 Remark
WITDRAWAL OF appearance for Atlantic Grinding by Stephen H. Roberts. (Burgess, J)
Blank 19 Filed: 2/23/1995, Entered: 3/7/1995 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [15-1] motion to Enlarge stay Time until March 23, 1995 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 15 Filed: 2/22/1995, Entered: 2/24/1995, Terminated: 2/23/1995 Terminated:
MOTION by USA, State of NH to Enlarge stay Time until March 23, 1995 (Burgess, J)
Blank 13 Filed: 11/25/1994, Entered: 11/25/1994 Court Filing
ORDER granting [12-1] motion to Stay litigation for 90 days ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 14 Filed: 11/23/1994, Entered: 11/28/1994 Terminated:
JOINT MOTION by USA, State of NH, Exxon Corporation to a 90 Stay of proceedings and to withdraw the proposed case management order and discovery schedule filed on 1/11/94. (Burgess, J)
Blank 12 Filed: 11/23/1994, Entered: 11/25/1994, Terminated: 11/25/1994 Terminated:
MOTION by USA, State of NH, Exxon Corporation, Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson, Town of Londonderry, Allard Industries, American Biltrite, Atlantic Grinding, Basf Corporation, Bemis Company, Consolidated Plastic, Continental Can Co., Crompton Modutec,Inc, Freudenberg-Nox, Gencorp, Inc., Hadco Corporation, Hitchiner Manufac., Lamont Labs, Inc., McGraw Edison, Inc, Raytheon, Scovill Manufact., Summit Packaging, Tel-Labs, Inc, John D. Tinkham, Velcro U.S.A., Inc, Waste Management, Waste Manag.of Maine, Waste Manag. of NH, Workplace Systems, Workplace Systems, Browning-Ferris, Electronic Product., General Latex, Lockheed Sanders,Inc, Pinard Waste Systems, Exxon Corporation, Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson, Workplace Systems, General Latex, Lockheed Sanders,Inc, Town of Londonderry, Basf Corporation, Freudenberg-Nox, Waste Manag. of NH, USA, Disogrin Industries to Stay (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 10 Filed: 10/6/1994, Entered: 10/12/1994 Remark
THIRD report to the court on status of mediation. (Burgess, J)
Blank 9 Filed: 6/28/1994, Entered: 6/28/1994 Court Filing
ORDER granting Emily Gray Rice's "Supplemental Motion to Withdraw" - original signature on attachment to Document #5 ( signed by Judge Ronald R. Lagueux ) (Smith, M)
Blank 6 Filed: 5/27/1994, Entered: 5/27/1994
ENTRY of appearance for Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson by Steven M. Latici. (copy of Notice of Appearance - this is a copy which is date stamped March 28, 1994). (Smith, M)
Blank 4 Filed: 5/23/1994, Entered: 5/25/1994 Notice of Appearance
ENTRY of appearance for Allard Industries by Robert A. Stein, Rob Cohen, Norman Benjamin Berger (Burgess, J)
Blank 2 Filed: 5/18/1994, Entered: 5/18/1994
Letter dated May 16, 1994, recd. May 17, 1994, from Kenneth Long: pending M/entry of Proposed Case Management Order and Proposed Discovery Schedule and Plaintiffs' Objection to same, along with Plaintiffs M/Revise the Order; PARTIES ATTEMPTING TO RESOLVE DISPUTE THROUGH MEDIATION. (Smith, M)
Blank -- Filed: 5/18/1994, Entered: 5/18/1994
Blank 8 Filed: 5/16/1994, Entered: 6/6/1994 ~Notice (other)
NOTICE of Withdrawal for Third-Party Defendant, Allard, (fka Jewell) by SHEEHAN PHINNEY BASS + GREEN, Joseph A. DiBrigida, Jr. (Smith, M)
Blank 7 Filed: 5/16/1994, Entered: 6/6/1994 Notice of Appearance
NOTICE of appearance by ROBERT ALAN COHEN for Third-party Defendant ALLARD INDUSTRIES (fka Jewell Electrical Instruments, Inc.) (Smith, M)
Blank 3 Filed: 5/16/1994, Entered: 5/19/1994 Notice of Appearance
ENTRY of appearance for Allard Industries by Robert Alan Cohen (Gilfillan, B)
Blank 5 Filed: 5/5/1994, Entered: 5/25/1994 Terminated:
MOTION by Grassy Knoll Assoc., Peter Johnson to Withdraw as attorney of record, Emily Gray Rice and the law firm of Broderick and Dean, P.A. (Burgess, J)
Blank -- Filed: 3/31/1994, Entered: 3/31/1994
CASE assigned to Judge Ronald R. Lagueux . Assigned to Magistrate Judge Judge Robert Lovegreen (Burgess, J)
Blank 1 Filed: 3/22/1994, Entered: 3/31/1994 Remark
Entire case transferred from New Hampshire (2 brown accordian folders and complaint) Also: DOCKET SHEET DATED March 8, 1994. (Burgess, J)


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