Kindom v. Tesla Inc. Document 1

Ramsey Housing Conciliation Court
Case No. 62-CO-21-2149
Filed July 14, 2021

Statement of Claim and Summons

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Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
7/14/2021 12:37 PM
State of Minnesota
Conciliation Court
Judicial District:
Court File Number:
Case Type:
Plaintiff #
Plaintiff #
Name: Connor Kindom
Address: 414 cedar view road
City/State/Zip: hudson, WI
Defendant #
Defendant #
Name: Tesla Inc.
Address: 1010 Dale Street N
City/State/Zip: St. Paul, MN 55117-

Check box if there are more than two plaintiffs or more than two defendants. List the
information for the other parties on the Additional Litigants Form, CCT702.
Information about the Defendant
1. How many defendants are there? a. Defendant #Name: Tesla Inc.
Individual (Person)
If Defendant #1 is an individual:
i. I believe Defendant #1 is at least 18 years old.
Date of birth:
ii. About military service:
Defendant #1 is in the military service
Defendant #1 is not in the military service
b. Defendant #Name:
Individual (Person)
Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim
CCT102 State
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Minnesota Guide & File
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Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
7/14/2021 12:37 PM
If Defendant #2 is an individual:
i. I believe Defendant #2 is at least 18 years old.
Date of birth:
ii. About military service:
Defendant #2 is in the military service
Defendant #2 is not in the military service
If there are more than 2 defendants, use the Additional Litigants Form (CCT702).
Information about the Claim
2. I am filing this claim against Defendant for: (check all that apply)
$7,080.The Defendant owes me __________,
plus filing fees and costs in the amount of
$326.(amount Defendant owes plus
so my total claim is for __________
$7,406.filing fees and costs). I have a claim for this amount because in Mar (month and year), the following happened:
The Defendant owes me money as they are not honoring the specifications as to how the car is
configured. I have physical proof of the original window sticker with the VIN# from Tesla where it
states "AS CONFIURED" - Full Self Driving Capabilities (meaning when the computer is developed
which it is, they will install the hardware and software needed.
Since the car is equipped with this feature/option on its "AS CONFIGURED specifications sheet"). I
have attempted to get Tesla to honor the car as to how it is configured and he service
representative Jim said the vehicle was not configured with the feature but the physical document
from Tesla says it is, which i have in my possession.
Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim
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Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
7/14/2021 12:37 PM
The Defendant has the following property that belongs to me (list property):
My property is valued at
. The filing fees and costs for this case are
. I want the court to order this property returned to me or make the
Defendant pay me $0.
(property’s value plus the filing fees and costs).
3. I understand that if I do not come to court on my hearing date, my case may be
dismissed and I may have to pay money to Defendant on any counterclaim that has been
Important! Each plaintiff must sign the Statement of Claim form and include the date signed, the
name of the state and county where signed, and provide the following information: title, if any,
telephone number, date of birth, and e-mail address.
I declare under penalty of perjury that everything I have stated in this document is true and correct.
Minn. Stat. § 358.116.
7/14/Date: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
/s/ Connor Kindom
Signature (Plaintiff #1)
Signature (Plaintiff #2)
There is only 1 plaintiff
County and State where signed:
County and State where signed:
St. Croix County, Wisconsin
Name: Connor Kindom
Title, if any:
715-338-Date of birth: 09/03/Email address:
Title, if any:
Date of birth:
Email address:
NOTE: If there are more than 2 plaintiffs, all of the other plaintiffs must sign the Statement of
Claim form and include the information listed above.
Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim
CCT102 State
Rev 10/
Minnesota Guide & File
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