District Of Columbia District Court
Case No. 1:23-cv-01599-ABJ-ZMF
Filed June 6, 2023

DECLARATION by SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION re [8] MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages filed by SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-81, # (2) Exhibit A-82, # (3) Exhibit A-83, # (4) Exhibit A-84, # (5) Exhibit A-85, # (6) Exhibit A-86, # (7) Exhibit A-87, # (8) Exhibit A-88, # (9) Exhibit A-89)(Scarlato, Matthew)


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Page 1 EXHIBIT A-86
Page 2 HO-
Coley, Catherine - Vol. I.20220127.
371307- HQ
1/27/2022 10:17 AM
Full-size Transcript
Prepared by:
HO-Tuesday, June 06, 2023
Page 3

In the Matter of:


File No. HO-13865-A

Catherine Coley

1 through
Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C.
Thursday, January 27,
The above-entitled matter came on for hearing, via
WebEx, pursuant to notice, at 10:17 a.m.

Diversified Reporting Services, Inc.
(202) 467-
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this isn’t coming from Mr. Zhou.

that I think the question we have or the -- the answer

to the question is that she had discussions with Mr.

Zhao about it.

just to be clear that we’re not sort of incorporating

things that Mr. Zhou had told or Mr. Robins after Mr.


And then asking about her understanding,
I’m a little worried
I’ll take you up on your
Jamie, thank you.
So, we were talking -- the first question was

asking what was your initial understanding about what

the service agreements were supposed to cover or

intended to cover, and you gave a response.

the basis for your understanding?

What was
As I kind of mentioned, the concept of

licensing the technology was what I was aware of, and

then I relied on legal counsel to properly paper and

document what it was that we needed to document in order

to allow that to happen and take place.

purely legal crafting and putting together the proper

documents required to allow us to operate a platform

using technology of someone else.

loosely encompassing all four of the service agreements

underneath that wing of technology.
So, that was
And I say technology
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In terms of what -- your understanding of what

was intended by the agreement to not cover if you can

answer without revealing the content of privileged


Anything in my opinion outside of the

technology was for us to build out on my own and for BAM

going forward, so initially I came from a service-

oriented background, and I understood that the way I

treated my clients and the way that I interacted with

U.S. persons would lead me to be putting a customer

centric focus for our business.

customer support and our client coverage to be BAM

originated and built out, and as we built that out, we

took some of those services which were originally

outlined and no longer relied on dotcom’s team to

provide those services.

areas where BAM was responsible for building those out,

and that was something that I thought would be additive

to our platform having a U.S. centric support and sales

coverage team.

And so, I wanted our
That’s an example of one of the
Other aspects that were kind of outside of the

technology were the representation, the culture inside

of the company, that Binance.US had among its employees.

The employee kind of recruiting process and interview

process of how we would conduct ourselves was outside of
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the licensing agreements as well.
Those are a couple of

the examples, but there’s -- it was really quite easy

for me to see.

someone that was outside of the team that I brought on,

which initially was legal compliance, customer support,

eventually HR and finance roles, and risk roles

eventually, those were all initially part of the

agreement that we could rely on.

kind of minimize the amount of services that we would
And anything where we had to rely on
And we continued to

need to rely on for sake of any company not wanting to

have an enormous dependency.

for independence from those resources overseas because

it would make us a stronger business, and we’d be able

to have more flexibility addressing our users that were

based in the United States.

We would continue to push
So, something I want to pick up on in what you

just said, you know you had mentioned sort of areas such

as risk, HR.

category or two, as being covered by the agreements, the

four service agreements, but that you wanted to


I believe finance, perhaps another
Is that accurate over time?
So, the agreements covered -- I think

it mentions the customer support functionality that we

eventually brought over to be solely operated and

managed by the U.S. team, and that was largely because
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of the language discrepancies.
The times to which our

customers were meeting responses were different based on

using the services that were initially covered in those


So, you’re understanding was that risk, and

HR, and finance were covered by the four service



Is that based on reading the agreements

themselves or was that from conversations that you had

with counsel or other people?

Conversations with counsel and as well as
reviewing the Master Services Agreement.
And then one thing you may have

mentioned was that you considered outside or not covered

by the four service agreements something with


you just elaborate on that?


Is that something you were saying?
And just one more reminder if

that’s -- sometimes the question is asking for your

understanding, and then the question is what’s the basis

for that.

where you offered an understanding, and the basis was at

least in part counsel.
So, I think the last one was a good example
We really need to separate the
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So, when BAM Trading began opening user

accounts for its platform in September of 2019, the four

service agreements were unsigned then.

Is that correct?
I don’t recall if there had been a prior

version that had been signed.

the on that I had seen with you was the January


The one I recollect and
So, to your knowledge, there weren’t
any signed versions that you signed?
I don’t recall if I had signed a prior version

or if one had been signed by me but never was completed,

so I don’t recall if there had been a previous version

of that.

When did BAM Trading start using any of
Binance Holding’s services?
Upon my first week when I went to Shanghai and

began corresponding with -- well, I should specify.

began workshopping with members of dotcom that would

come and be underneath the service level agreements, and

this was all conceptual.

were live with the technology, so that started early on

kind of leveraging their resources and understanding of

how they built dotcom and to interpret how that would

impact running and launching Binance.US.

This was nothing yet where we
So, BAM did start using Binance Holding’s
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services as early as June 2019 to your knowledge?
As services being discussions with the teams

and beginning laying out of what it would take, but we

hadn’t used the matching engine until the trading

platform went live in September 2014 -- 24 of 2019.

Were there any term sheets for the four

service agreements prior to the drafting of the


Are you aware of any?
Not that I’m aware of.
The first versions of

these SLAs I received from Harry, and that was early

into us building this out.

Do you ever understand if there was any

impediment that prevented BAM Trading and Binance

Holdings from signing the four service agreements until

January 2020?

Excluding anything that you

would’ve -- excluding anything that would constitute

legal advice.

I think any of the --

the sequence of timing and signatures was conducted by

our legal counsel and determined by them, so I don’t

think I can respond there.

Ms. Coley, if I may,

sometimes you say our legal counsel, and I’m not sure

who you’re talking about.
So, if it’s Harry Zhou, can
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you tell us?

So, now if you would kindly, you said you couldn’t

respond because it involved your legal counsel.

tell us which one?

And if it’s Chris Robins, can you tell us?
Can you
Thank you for asking me to

I understand our is confusing to understand.

So, Harry was counseling me on the initial months of

these SLAs.

them until I had Chris look over them and review them,
I wasn’t going to sign them or complete

and then it was Chris’s responsibility to determine when

were ready to sign those.


So, I have a few follow-up questions here.

So, when the platform went live in September, do you

remember having signed service agreements?

I don’t remember having signed service

agreements at that time, but I do remember having seen

the service agreements.

in their final form at that moment.

And I don’t know if they were
And you’re aware that there were signed

service agreements later on in I believe January of



So, between the time that the company went

That’s correct.
live in January 2020, you can’t tell us whether the
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company had an executed service agreement with its


I don’t know if we had an executed

service agreement with our counterparty between the




Thank you.
After the four service agreements were signed,
were there any changes in the relationship or course of
dealing between BAM Trading and Binance Holdings?
I mentioned this a little bit when describing

some of the services that we relied on initially that we

over time operated solely out of the U.S.

a couple of the instances where those service agreements

were broader than what we needed at that time.

customer support is mentioned in the Master Services

Agreement, and that eventually became solely operated by

Binance.US and a team in the U.S.

we continued to try to rebuild on our own in the U.S.

that were kind of chipping away at the service level

agreement, but many of the components still remained

intact until my departure such as matching engine.

That would be
And other components
Are you familiar with the enhancement

work orders that were contemplated or their provisions

for them under the Master Services Agreement?
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In reviewing those documents for this

conversation or testimony with you, I did see the

enhancement documents, but I did not recollect the

nuances of those from prior.

So, did BAM Trading during your tenure ever
submit any enhancement work orders?
I did not.
I had direct contact with the

members that I needed to enhance specific functions and

so would so in a faster way of requests.

I don’t recall
putting those enhancement orders through.
Could someone else, one of your reports, have

submitted those enhancement work orders without your



I wouldn’t know if they did if they did it
without my knowledge.
Are you familiar with the Master Service

Agreements provisions regarding access to confidential

information and sharing of confidential information

between parties?

Did you say the Master Service or across all
of them?




I’m talking about the Master Services
I’d like to review the document and point out
specifically what you’re asking if that’s the case.
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So the website that we designed was stripped of

many of the pop-ups and moving parts and simplified and

provided there.

buy/sell was obviously a very useful component for the

U.S. and for the sophistication level of the U.S.


That's when introducing one-click
I did feel like because those limits were

quite small, a good portion of our users were looking

for a purchase of digital assets around the 50,000 mark,

that would size them out of the one-click buy/sell, and

they wouldn't be sophisticated enough to use the order

So that's where OTC made sense to incorporate.

But my Reliance was more on the consistency

and making sure that we had, you know, a fast platform

that worked for our users, and would have minimal

downtime or bugs that would pop up.

kind of kept it simple as we could because the U.S.

audience wasn't looking for a highly distracting



And that's what we
When you're answering the question, were you
thinking more of migrating personnel?
I interpreted the question before as to

what tech components I wanted to see built out in the

U.S. product.

initially, and the personnel that I eventually brought
The personnel that I worked with
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over to BAM's side and brought on as contractors, was a

group that would be nimble enough to take on new tech

build-outs that we were looking for, and be versatile

enough to accommodate the new aspects of the business.

If there were technology advancements on the

dot-com side that the knowledge base did not include

those members of the BAM team, there may be some

information shared from a tech lead to educate them on

how to build it.

at that time.
But our engineers were specific to BAM
And so we were --

What --

--limited in what we could build due to the

technical knowledge of our team that we had on BAM's


In terms of you know your views about

migration, were any sort of more components of the

platform that were not user-facing contemplated as well

for the migration that you viewed as important for the



Can you just clarify the migration that you're
Yeah, we were talking about the migration of

some BAM Trading technology from overseas to the United


your view, was that, you know, something that you wanted
Was any technology more backend or was -- in
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to accomplish?
As we -- as I was building out my team in the

U.S., and getting familiar with the technology

components that we had, that we relied on dot-com for

the support and maintenance of abroad, there was --

there were categories of elements that I wanted to have

full independence from.

everything, but that wouldn't necessarily be possible or

be possible at that time, given our reliance on some of

I wanted full independence of
those components.

But the departments in the areas where we did

want that independence as quickly as we could would --

it started off with customer support.

get as much finance and clearing and settlement in the

U.S., given that's a 24/7 job that's required for our


users quickly.
We're looking to
And we need that real-time ability to respond to

The wallet and custody was one that I wanted

to have, at least U.S. participation in so that we would

have control over the custody of the tokens.

data was one that I wanted custody of the data and

ability to interact with the raw data in real-time, as

to my directions, not waiting on someone else's


And the
The components on the tech side product ideas,
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there was an amount of innovation that we were allowed,

but there was also an enormous amount of products that

we hadn't incorporated yet.

new technology advancement on the BAM side was not as

well-received as just completing the list of products

that we hadn't incorporated yet.

And so for us to make a net
So I was looking to have an engineering team

in the U.S. so that we could have net new advancements.

For instance, a tax service and an easy tax procedure is

very specific to the U.S.
And so that would be

something that we would need net built new.

those were some of the kind of frictions I would have.

The other components outside of a tech team,
And so

the design team I wanted to be able to have real-time

designs for either our marketing or updating of our

website, updating of our app.

bring over the design with Pascal.

elements being kind of the support functions for our

And so we were able to
But then other

So DevOps was a team that would be internal

only-facing and critical for us to get bugs fixed and

elements tuned to kind of a like the firemen of our


bring over.

those I didn't.
So those are all the components that I sought to
Some of those I accomplished.
Some of
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And every time that I would feel defeated on

one, I would aim for another and continue to keep

pushing for that level of independence such that we

could operate in the vision that I had for the business.

And from a business perspective side, I felt like I had

the support I needed to grow and build the business and

the success was apparent for that.

I can really hear your passion on this topic.
Not to cast any sort of negative light on it, but to

focus on where you were getting pushback, you know, what

were the areas of this plan and your vision, where were

you getting pushback, and who was giving you the


The kind of the major components of pushback

outside of the -- I will back up.
A couple of major

pain points up at front, and then I will break them down

as to how we were able to overcome or how we weren't

able to overcome.

The codebase that was used and the engineers

that were used to build out the platform, the majority

of the codebase was in Chinese so that presented a high

level of difficulty for a Western- and U.S.-based

engineering team to come in and begin building and

maintaining and updating the codebase.

Certainly, there is plenty of talent that is
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of building a team, so.

an immediate difficulty for us bringing the engineering

team over was just the language aspect of it, and it's

how integrated that was to the tech.

But the cultural combination is a huge part
And that is kind of -- that was
I say that integrated to the tech, that's some

parts of the tech.
Other parts of the tech were -- I

don't know the language that they were written in, other

than Rust.
But Rust is a computer language, not a

country language.
So that was a pushback initially on

the engineering team was that was our difficult pain


The other aspects of the -- the data and the

finance were the two most difficult ones to bring over

to the U.S., and the data was -- had a significant

opacity to it.

or how or what we would need to do to be able to bring

the data over.
And I did not get answers from CZ on why

And then on the finance side, we were able to

bring over the signatories of our bank accounts so that

it was Josh and I.

teams we were not able to hire the adequate persons for

operating those functions in the U.S. by the time that I

had left.

conducted to be able to bring the clearing and
But the clearing and settlement
So we had job descriptions out and interviews
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