Doe v. United States of America

Federal Civil Lawsuit Florida Southern District Court, Case No. 9:08-cv-80736-KAM
District Judge Kenneth A. Marra, presiding
District Judge Kenneth A. Marra
Last Updated September 16, 2019 at 10:49 AM EDT (5.3 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo Jane Doe, Petitioner

Represented by Gary M. Farmer, Jr., P.A

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Bradley James Edwards +1 954 524 2820 +1 954 524 2822

Represented by Jay Howell & Associates PA

Name Phone Fax E-Mail

Represented by University of Utah

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
PRO HAC VICE, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Paul G. Cassell +1 801 585 5202
United States of America United States of America, Respondent

Represented by United States Department of Justice

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Ann Marie C. Villafana +1 561 820 8711 +8208 820 820 8777
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Dexter Lee +1 305 961 9320 +5307 530 530 7139
Other Parties
No Logo Bruce Reinhart, Intervenor

Represented by Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, SC

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED BRUCE E. REINHART +1 561 202 6360 +1 561 828 0983
No Logo Jay Lefkowitz, Intervenor

Represented by Black Srebnick Kornspan & Stumpf

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Roy Eric Black +1 305 371 6421 +3582 358 358 2006

Represented by Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
PRO HAC VICE, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Martin Gary Weinberg +1 617 227 3700 +1 617 338 9538
Epstein, Jeffrey E. Epstein, Jeffrey E., Intervenor
Officially listed as "Jeffrey Epstein"
Officer/Director, Couchbase, Inc.
Twilio, Inc. Officer/Director, Twilio, Inc.

Represented by Black Srebnick Kornspan & Stumpf

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Roy Eric Black +1 305 371 6421 +3582 358 358 2006
No Logo Martin G. Weinberg, Intervenor

Represented by Black Srebnick Kornspan & Stumpf

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Roy Eric Black +1 305 371 6421 +3582 358 358 2006

Represented by Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
PRO HAC VICE, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Martin Gary Weinberg +1 617 227 3700 +1 617 338 9538
No Logo Roy Black, Intervenor

Represented by Black Srebnick Kornspan & Stumpf

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Roy Eric Black +1 305 371 6421 +3582 358 358 2006

Represented by Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Represented by Law Firm Placeholder

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
PRO HAC VICE, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Martin Gary Weinberg +1 617 227 3700 +1 617 338 9538
Citation no cause specified
Nature of Suit 440 - Civil Rights: Other
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 478 Filed: 9/16/2019, Entered: None Judgment
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 473 Filed: 8/8/2019, Entered: None Order on Motion to Seal
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 472 Filed: 7/29/2019, Entered: None Order on Motion to Seal
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 468 Filed: 7/24/2019, Entered: None Leave to File Document
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 467 Filed: 7/23/2019, Entered: None Motion to Seal (Public)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 465 Filed: 7/15/2019, Entered: None Motion to Seal (Public)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 346 Filed: 12/22/2015, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER re 345 SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 26(f)/16.1 filed by United States of America Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 12/22/2015. (cbr) (Entered: 12/23/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 312 Filed: None, Entered: None
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and To Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners, in Excess of Twenty Pages by United States of America. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Respondent's Opposition to Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and to Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter) (Entered: 02/23/2015)
Request Request From Archives (Scanning Fees/Delay May Apply)Space LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 310 Filed: 2/6/2015, Entered: None
RESPONSE/REPLY to 280 Motion to Adopt/Join Jane Doe 3 and Jane Doe 4's Reply in Support of Motion Pursuant to Rule 21 for Joinder in Action by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Edwards, Bradley) (Entered: 02/06/2015)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 292 Filed: 1/21/2015, Entered: None
MOTION to Seal (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(tpl) (Entered: 01/22/2015)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 280 Filed: 1/2/2015, Entered: None Miscellaneous Relief
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 279 Filed: 12/30/2014, Entered: None Miscellaneous Relief
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 267 Filed: 10/21/2014, Entered: None
MOTION to Seal (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(mg) (Entered: 10/22/2014)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 464 Filed: 7/9/2019, Entered: 7/9/2019 Response/Reply (Other)
REPLY to [462] Response/Reply (Other) Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Reply to the Government in Support of Their Submission on Proposed Remedies by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Legal Document 463 Filed: 7/8/2019, Entered: 7/8/2019 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [459] Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Submission on Proposed Remedies re [454] Order,, Terminate Motions, [458] Notice (Other) Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's Brief In Opposition To Proposed Remedies filed by Jeffrey Epstein. Replies due by 7/15/2019. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1 - Jeff Sloman Op Ed Miami Herald, # (2) Exhibit 2 - Stephanie Thacker Letter to Senior Associate Deputy AG, # (3) Exhibit 3 - Transcript of Change of Plea June 30, 2008, # (4) Exhibit 4 - Redacted Jane Doe 1 Settlement Agreement, # (5) Exhibit 5 - Redacted Jane Doe 2 Settlement Agreement)(Perczek, Jacqueline)
Legal Document 462 Filed: 6/24/2019, Entered: 6/24/2019 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE to [458] Notice (Other) of Submission on Proposed Remedies by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Kitchens, Nathan)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 461 Filed: 6/21/2019, Entered: 6/24/2019 transcriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Telephonic Status Hearing held on 3/28/16 before Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon, 1-21 pages, Court Reporter: Bonnie J. Lewis, 305-523-5635. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased by contacting the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 7/12/2019. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 7/22/2019. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 9/19/2019. (hh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 460 Filed: 6/4/2019, Entered: 6/4/2019 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
PAPERLESS ORDER granting [459] Motion for Extension of Time. The response is due on or before July 8, 2019. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/4/2019. (mln)
Legal Document 459 Filed: 6/3/2019, Entered: 6/3/2019, Terminated: 6/4/2019 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Respond to Submission on Proposed Remedies re [454] Order,, Terminate Motions, [458] Notice (Other) by Jeffrey Epstein. Responses due by 6/17/2019 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Perczek, Jacqueline) Modified Text on 6/3/2019 (ls).
Legal Document 458 Filed: 5/23/2019, Entered: 5/23/2019 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe of Filing Submission on Proposed Remedies (Edwards, Bradley) Modified Text on 5/24/2019 (ls).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 457 Filed: 5/14/2019, Entered: 5/14/2019 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Scott Jeffrey Link on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein. Attorney Scott Jeffrey Link added to party Jeffrey Epstein(pty:intv). (Link, Scott)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 456 Filed: 5/13/2019, Entered: 5/13/2019 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [453] MOTION Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's Submission Regarding The Procedure To Determine Remedy re [435] Order on Sealed Motion,, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion to Produce,
Legal Document 454 Filed: 5/13/2019, Entered: 5/13/2019 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER ESTABLISHING BRIEFING SCHEDULE. Motions terminated: [453] MOTION Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's Submission Regarding The Procedure To Determine Remedy re [435] Order on Sealed Motion. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 5/13/2019. See attached document for full details. (ir)
Blank 455 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: 5/13/2019 Response/Reply (Other)
Submission regarding the Procedure to Determine Remedy re [435] Order on Sealed Motion,, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion to Produce, by Jeffrey Epstein. (ls)(See Image at DE #453)
Legal Document 453 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: 5/10/2019, Terminated: 5/13/2019 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's Submission Regarding The Procedure To Determine Remedy re [435] Order on Sealed Motion,, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion to Produce, by Jeffrey Epstein. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Legal Document 452 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: 5/10/2019 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 Position on the Procedures to Be Followed to Determine a Remedy for the Government's Violation of the Crime Victims' Rights Act (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Text of Proposed Order) (Edwards, Bradley)
Legal Document 451 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: 5/10/2019 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Proposed Procedures for the Determination of a Remedy (Kitchens, Nathan)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 450 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: 5/10/2019 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Jill E. Steinberg on behalf of United States of America. Attorney Jill E. Steinberg added to party United States of America(pty:res). (Steinberg, Jill)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 449 Filed: 5/10/2019, Entered: 5/10/2019 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Nathan P. Kitchens on behalf of United States of America. Attorney Nathan P. Kitchens added to party United States of America(pty:res). (Kitchens, Nathan)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 448 Filed: 3/14/2019, Entered: 3/14/2019 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ORDER granting in part and denying in part [440] Motion for Extension of Time. The parties shall file their responses to the Court's Order no later than May 10, 2019. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/13/2019. See attached document for full details. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 447 Filed: 3/11/2019, Entered: 3/11/2019 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [440] Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time to Confer with Petitioners Regarding the Court's Opinion and Order of February 21, 2019 re [435] Order on Sealed Motion,, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,, Order on Motion for Miscellan Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 Position on the Government's Motion for Enlargement of Time to Confer with the Victims filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 3/18/2019. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 446 Filed: 3/8/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [439] Notice (Other). Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [de#445]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (ls)
Blank 444 Filed: 3/8/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [438] Notice (Other). Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [de#443]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (ls)
Blank 445 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Dexter Lee on behalf of United States of America (ls)(See Image at DE #439)
Blank 443 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/8/2019 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Dexter Lee on behalf of United States of America (ls)(See Image at DE #438)
Blank 442 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 OrderCourt Filing
PAPERLESS ORDER : The Court has reviewed DE 440. The Court will grant an extension of time, but the Court will wait until Petitioners respond to DE 440 to determine the length of the extension of time. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/7/2019. (mln)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 441 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Scott Alan Srebnick on behalf of Jeffrey Epstein. Attorney Scott Alan Srebnick added to party Jeffrey Epstein(pty:intv). (Srebnick, Scott)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 440 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019, Terminated: 3/14/2019 Motion for Extension of Time
Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time to Confer with Petitioners Regarding the Court's Opinion and Order of February 21, 2019 re [435] Order on Sealed Motion,, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment,, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion to Produce, by United States of America. Responses due by 3/21/2019 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 439 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Entry of Appearance - Asst. U.S. Attorney Nathan P. Kitchens (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 438 Filed: 3/7/2019, Entered: 3/7/2019 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Entry of Appearance - Asst. U.S. Attorney Jill E. Steinberg (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 437 Filed: 2/22/2019, Entered: 2/22/2019 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER OF CLARIFICATION re [435] OPINION AND ORDER on Sealed Motion, Order on Motion for Summary Judgment, Order on Motion to Produce. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/22/2019. See attached document for full details. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 436 Filed: 2/22/2019, Entered: 2/22/2019 USCA order
ORDER of Dismissal of USCA, this appeal is DISMISSED, sua sponte, for lack of jurisdiction. Appellant R. Wayne Johnsonwho is not a party to the underlying litigation and did not move to intervenedoes not have standing to appeal from the district court's order denying his motion for production of documents (see order for details) as to [433] Notice of Appeal, filed by R Wayne Johnson, USCA # 19-10036-H (hh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 435 Filed: 2/21/2019, Entered: 2/21/2019 Order on Sealed Motion +Court Filing
OPINION AND ORDER denying without prejudice [348] Sealed Motion to Compel Answers ; granting [361] Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; denying without prejudice [414] Motion for Finding Waiver of Work Product; denying without prejudice [414] Motion to Produce. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/21/2019. See attached document for full details. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 434 Filed: 1/11/2019, Entered: 1/11/2019 Acknowledgment of Receipt from USCA
Acknowledgment of Receipt of NOA from USCA re [433] Notice of Appeal, filed by R Wayne Johnson. Date received by USCA: 1/3/19. USCA Case Number: 19-10036-H. (hh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 433 Filed: 1/3/2019, Entered: 1/3/2019, Terminated: 2/22/2019 Notice of appeal
Notice of Appeal as to [430] Order on Motion to Produce by R Wayne Johnson. FILING FEE: (NOT PAID). Within fourteen days of the filing date of a Notice of Appeal, the appellant must complete the Eleventh Circuit Transcript Order Form regardless of whether transcripts are being ordered [Pursuant to FRAP 10(b)]. For information go to our FLSD website under Transcript Information. (apz)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None transmission of notice of appeal and docket sheet to USCA
Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Order under appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re [433] Notice of Appeal, Notice has been electronically mailed. (apz)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 432 Filed: 12/19/2018, Entered: 12/19/2018 Notice - Other
NOTICE of filing receipt of correspondence. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 431 Filed: 12/10/2018, Entered: 12/10/2018 Notification of Ninety Days Expiring
Notification of Ninety Days Expiring by Jane Doe re [408] Response in Opposition to Motion, filed by United States of America, [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed by Jane Doe (Scarola, John)
Legal Document 430 Filed: 12/10/2018, Entered: 12/10/2018 Order on Motion to ProduceCourt Filing
ORDER denying [428] Motion to Produce Documents. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 12/10/2018. See attached document for full details. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 429 Filed: 12/4/2018, Entered: 12/4/2018 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by John Scarola on behalf of Jane Doe. Attorney John Scarola added to party Jane Doe(pty:pet). (Scarola, John)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 428 Filed: 5/14/2018, Entered: 5/14/2018, Terminated: 12/10/2018 Motion to Produce
MOTION TO PRODUCMENT DOCUMENTS (not a party to case letter sent) by R Wayne johnson (Attachments: # (1) Supplement, # (2) Supplement, # (3) Supplement) (mee) Modified text to convert to motion on 5/15/2018 (dm).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 427 Filed: 10/10/2017, Entered: 10/10/2017 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [401] Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Govt Response to Petitioners' Statement of Undisputed Facts, and Response to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Blank 426 Filed: 10/10/2017, Entered: 10/10/2017 Order on Motion for Leave to FileCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [425] Motion for Leave to File Reply in excess of ten pages. Leave is granted to file 19-page Reply to Response to Government's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/10/2017. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 425 Filed: 10/6/2017, Entered: 10/6/2017, Terminated: 10/10/2017 Motion for Leave to File
Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Reply to Petitioners' Opposition to Govt's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment in Excess of Ten Pages by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Govt's Reply to Petitioners' Opposition to Govt's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 424 Filed: 9/18/2017, Entered: 9/18/2017 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [423] Motion for Extension of Time to file reply Re: [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 10/6/2017. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/18/2017. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 423 Filed: 9/15/2017, Entered: 9/15/2017, Terminated: 9/18/2017 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to file reply to petitioners' response to respondent's cross-motion for summary judgment re [416] Response in Opposition to Motion, by United States of America. Responses due by 9/29/2017 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 422 Filed: 9/1/2017, Entered: 9/1/2017 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [414] MOTION Jane Doe 1 and 2's Motion for Finding of Waiver of Work Product and Similar Protections by Government and for Production of Documents MOTION to Produce filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 421 Filed: 8/25/2017, Entered: 8/25/2017 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [414] MOTION Jane Doe 1 and 2's Motion for Finding of Waiver of Work Product and Similar Protections by Government and for Production of Documents MOTION to Produce filed by United States of America. Replies due by 9/1/2017. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 420 Filed: 8/14/2017, Entered: 8/14/2017 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [414] MOTION Jane Doe 1 and 2's Motion for Finding of Waiver of Work Product and Similar Protections by Government and for Production of Documents. Motion with Multiple Reliefs Filed as One Relief; ERROR - The Filer selected only one relief event and failed to select the additional corresponding events for each relief requested in the motion. The docket entry was corrected by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future filings must comply with the instructions in the CM/ECF Attorney User's Manual. (mc)
Blank 419 Filed: 8/14/2017, Entered: 8/14/2017 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [413] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Leave is granted to file 32-page reply in support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 8/14/2017. (ir)
Blank 418 Filed: 8/14/2017, Entered: 8/14/2017 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [412] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Leave is granted to file 64-page response to Government's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 8/14/2017. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 417 Filed: 8/11/2017, Entered: 8/11/2017 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Reply in Support of their Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 416 Filed: 8/11/2017, Entered: 8/11/2017 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [401] Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Govt Response to Petitioners' Statement of Undisputed Facts, and Response to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and 2's Response in Opposition to the Government's Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 8/18/2017. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Edwards Affidavit)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 415 Filed: 8/11/2017, Entered: 8/11/2017 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE to [402] Statement Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Response to Government's Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in Support of Cross Motion for Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 414 Filed: 8/11/2017, Entered: 8/11/2017, Terminated: 2/21/2019 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Jane Doe 1 and 2's Motion for Finding of Waiver of Work Product and Similar Protections by Government and for Production of Documents by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley). Added MOTION for Production of Documents on 8/14/2017 (mc).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 413 Filed: 8/11/2017, Entered: 8/11/2017, Terminated: 8/14/2017 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Motion of Jane Doe 1 and 2 to Exceed Page Limits in Their Reply in Support of their Motion for Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 412 Filed: 8/11/2017, Entered: 8/11/2017, Terminated: 8/14/2017 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Motion of Jane Doe 1 and 2 to Exceed Page Limits in Their Response to the Government's Motion for Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 411 Filed: 7/21/2017, Entered: 7/21/2017 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [409] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed by Jane Doe. Petitioners shall file their reply in support of their motion for summary judgment (DE 361) and response to the Governments cross-motion for summary judgment (DE 403) by 8/11/2017. The Government shall file its reply in support of the Governments cross-motion for summary judgment (DE 403) by 9/15/2017. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/21/2017. (ir)
Blank 410 Filed: 7/20/2017, Entered: 7/20/2017 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [409] Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply to Government's Response and Opposition to Victims' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and REsponse to Government's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment re [401] Defendant. Wrong Motion Relief(s) Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs. (ls)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 409 Filed: 7/20/2017, Entered: 7/20/2017, Terminated: 7/21/2017 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [408] RESPONSE in Opposition re [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. Responses due by 8/3/2017 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified Relief/Link on 7/20/2017 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 408 Filed: 6/6/2017, Entered: 6/6/2017 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment filed by United States of America. Replies due by 6/13/2017. (Lee, Dexter)
Legal Document 407 Filed: 6/6/2017, Entered: 6/6/2017 Response/Reply (Other)
Defendant's RESPONSE to [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law Petitioners' Statement of Material Facts in Support of Petitioners' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Blank 406 Filed: 6/6/2017, Entered: 6/6/2017 OrderCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER accepting briefing schedule re [400] SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 26(f)/16.1 filed by United States of America, Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law. Responses due by 5/26/2017, Replies due by 7/21/2017. Reply to response due 8/4/17. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/6/2017. (ir)
Blank 405 Filed: 6/6/2017, Entered: 6/6/2017 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [401] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages and VACATING [404] Order requiring expedited response. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/6/2017. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 404 Filed: 6/6/2017, Entered: 6/6/2017 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER requiring expedited response. Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings as to [401] Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Govt Response to Petitioners' Statement of Undisputed Facts, and Response to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment. Responses due by 6/9/2017. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/5/2017. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 403 Filed: 6/2/2017, Entered: 6/2/2017 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America re [402] Statement of Filing Exhibits in Support of Opposition to Petitoners' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, and Respondent's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A- Sep 21, 2006 ltr from James Eisenberg to AUSA Villafana, # (2) Exhibit B-OEO Approval of Testimonial Immunity for Jane Doe 2, # (3) Exhibit C - Transcript of April 24, 2007 Interview of Jane Doe 2, # (4) Exhibit D - December 21, 2007 letter from Jay Lefkowitz, Esq. to United States Attorney R. Alexander Acosta, # (5) Exhibit E - August 4, 2006 victim letter to Jane Doe 2, # (6) Exhibit F - August 11, 2006 victim letter to Jane Doe 1, # (7) Exhibit G - Epstein Appeal Letters to CEOS, # (8) Exhibit H - May 15, 2008 Letter from CEOS to Lefkowitz, # (9) Exhibit I - June 23, 2008 letter from John Roth to Lefkowitz, # (10) Exhibit J - January 2008 FBI Victim Letters, # (11) Exhibit K - Nov 28, 2007 letter from Kenneth Starr to Alice Fisher, # (12) Exhibit L - December 11, 2007 letter, Lefkowitz to Acosta, # (13) Exhibit M - Atty General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance (2005), # (14) Exhibit N - Nov 27, 2007 email, Jeff Sloman to Lefkowitz, # (15) Exhibit O - Dec 26, 2007 letter, Lefkowitz to Acosta, # (16) Exhibit P - Complaint, E.W. v. Epstein, # (17) Exhibit Q - Complaint, L.M. v. Epstein, # (18) Exhibit R - Declaration of FBI S/A E. Nesbitt Kuyrkendall, # (19) Exhibit S - Declaration of AUSA A. Marie Villafana w/ exhibits, # (20) Exhibit T - July 11, 2008 Hearing Transcript, # (21) Exhibit U - August 14, 2008 Hearing Transcript, # (22) Exhibit V - Epstein Letters to Deputy Atty General Filip) (Lee, Dexter)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 402 Filed: 6/2/2017, Entered: 6/2/2017 statement
Statement of: of Undisputed Material Facts in Support of Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment by United States of America (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 401 Filed: 6/2/2017, Entered: 6/2/2017, Terminated: 6/6/2017 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Govt Response to Petitioners' Statement of Undisputed Facts, and Response to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Govt Resp to Pets Stmt of Undisputed Material Facts, # (2) Exhibit B - Govt Resp and Opp to Pets' Motion and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment, # (3) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 400 Filed: 5/11/2017, Entered: 5/11/2017 SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 26(f)/16.1
Joint SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 16.1 by United States of America (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 399 Filed: 9/27/2016, Entered: 9/27/2016 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [357] Motion to Seal Reply in Support of Motion to Compel. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/27/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 398 Filed: 9/27/2016, Entered: 9/27/2016 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [353] Motion to Seal Opposition to Petitioner's Motion to Compel. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/27/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 397 Filed: 9/27/2016, Entered: 9/27/2016 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
ORDER granting [347] Motion to Temporarily Seal Motion to Compel Answers to Supplemental Requests for Admissions and Request for Production. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/27/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 396 Filed: 7/5/2016, Entered: 7/5/2016 settlement conferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon: Continuation of Settlement Conference held on 7/5/2016. Plaintiff present with her counsel, Brad Edwards, Esq., and Jay Howell, Esq. AUSA Marie Villafana, AUSA Eduardo Sanchez, and AUSA Dexter Lee present for Defendant. Jacqueline Perczek, Esq. present for Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein. Substantial progress made. Impasse declared regarding one matter. Parties agree to continue negotiating on their own. (Digital/Time in Court: 11:28:03 / 3 hrs. 34 mins.) (jrz)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 395 Filed: 6/24/2016, Entered: 6/24/2016 Order on Motion to continueCourt Filing
ORDER Granting [394] Joint Motion to Continue Settlement Conference; Granting [394] Motion for Extension of Time to File Status Report. Signed by Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 6/24/2016. (sa)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None set/reset deadlines/hearings
Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings : Joint Status Report due by noon on 7/1/2016. Settlement Conference reset for 7/5/2016 at 10:30 AM in West Palm Beach Division before Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon. (sa)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 394 Filed: 6/23/2016, Entered: 6/23/2016, Terminated: 6/24/2016 Motion to Continue
Joint MOTION to Continue Settlement Conference re [393] Endorsed Order, Set/Reset Hearings,,,,, Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to Submit Joint Status Report re [393] Endorsed Order, Set/Reset Hearings,,,, by Jane Doe, United States of America. Responses due by 7/11/2016 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 393 Filed: 5/23/2016, Entered: 5/23/2016 Endorsed OrderCourt Filing
ORDER SETTING SECOND ROUND SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE: To allow the parties adequate time to continue their good faith negotiations aimed at potentially resolving this matter, the settlement conference is continued to Tuesday, June 28, 2016, at 10:00 A.M. 4th Floor, Courtroom 3 in West Palm Beach Division. By or before 12:00 Noon EST on Friday, June 24, 2016, a designated attorney shall submit to Chambers ( a joint status report with a brief description of progress made since the first settlement conference and any outstanding matters to be resolved. Signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 5/23/2016. (jrz)
Blank 392 Filed: 5/23/2016, Entered: 5/23/2016 settlement conferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon: Settlement Conference held on 5/23/2016. Plaintiff present with her counsel, Brad Edwards, Esq., Jay Howell, Esq., and Paul Cassell, Esq. AUSA Marie Villafana, AUSA Eduardo Sanchez, and AUSA Dexter Lee present for Defendant. Martin Weinberg, Esq., Jack Goldberger, Esq., and Jacqueline Perczek, Esq. present for Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein. After joint opening session, Plaintiff and Defendant engaged in good faith, confidential negotiations during which progress was made. Negotiations to remain ongoing. Second Round Settlement Conference set for Tuesday, June 28, 2016, at 10:00 A.M. Order to follow. (Digital/Time in Court: 9:48:31/ 5 hrs. 11 mins.) (jrz)
Blank 391 Filed: 5/9/2016, Entered: 5/9/2016 Endorsed OrderCourt Filing
ORDER PERMITTING STANDBY PRESENCE OF COUNSEL FOR INTERVENOR JEFFREY EPSTEIN AT UPCOMING SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE: Having considered the respective memoranda of counsel regarding intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's rights at a settlement conference [385] [386] [388], the Court finds that Mr. Epstein's interest in this case is adequately preserved by allowing his counsel to be present for the joint opening session, after which his counsel may remain in the courthouse on standby and subject to limited participation if deemed appropriate by the Court during the course of the settlement negotiations. Signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 5/9/2016. (jrz)
Blank 390 Filed: 5/9/2016, Entered: 5/9/2016 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER EXCUSING JANE DOE NO. 2 FROM PERSONALLY ATTENDING UPCOMING SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE and granting Plaintiff Jane Doe No. 2's Unopposed Motion to be Excused [387], conditioned on counsel's ability to secure a written authorization from Jane Doe No. 2 concerning her agreement to an amicable resolution, if any, that is acceptable to Jane Doe No. 1. Counsel shall immediately notify the Court and opposing counsel if such written authorization is not secured. Signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 5/9/2016. (jrz)
Blank 389 Filed: 4/25/2016, Entered: 4/25/2016 case referred to magistrate judgeCourt Filing
CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon for settlement. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 388 Filed: 4/22/2016, Entered: 4/22/2016 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Position Regarding Attendance of Jeffrey Epstein at Upcoming Mediation Session by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 387 Filed: 4/22/2016, Entered: 4/22/2016, Terminated: 5/9/2016 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Unopposed MOTION Jane Doe No. 2's Unopposed Motion to be Excused from Upcoming Mediation Session by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 386 Filed: 4/22/2016, Entered: 4/22/2016 MEMORANDUM
MEMORANDUM of Law re [377] Endorsed Order, Addressing Role of Intervenors in Settlement Conference by United States of America. (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 385 Filed: 4/22/2016, Entered: 4/22/2016 MEMORANDUM
MEMORANDUM in Support re [377] Endorsed Order, of His Attendance At Or Participation In Settlement Conference by Jeffrey Epstein. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 384 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank 383 Filed: 4/20/2016, Entered: 4/20/2016 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [381] Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/20/2016. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 381 Filed: 4/19/2016, Entered: 4/19/2016, Terminated: 4/20/2016 Motion to Seal
Unopposed MOTION to Seal Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Ad Testificandum per Local Rule 5.4 by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order) (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 382 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (982789)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 380 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: 3/31/2016 transcriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Telephonic Status Conference held on 03/01/2016 before Judge Kenneth A. Marra, 1-7 pages, Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin, 561-514-3768 / Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased by contacting the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 4/25/2016. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/5/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2016. (sf)
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Blank 379 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: 3/31/2016 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction - Chambers and Clerks
Clerks Notice of Docket Correction re [378] Scheduling Order,. Docket Text Modified by Clerk. (jas)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 378 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: 3/31/2016 Scheduling OrderCourt Filing
ORDER SCHEDULING SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE BEFORE U.S. MAGISTRATE JUDGE: (Settlement Conference set for 5/23/2016 09:30 AM in West Palm Beach Division before Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon.), Signed by Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 3/31/2016. (jas) Modified on 3/31/2016 (jas).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 377 Filed: 3/31/2016, Entered: 3/31/2016 Endorsed OrderCourt Filing
ORDER SETTING BRIEFING SCHEDULE: As discussed more fully on the record at the status conference held on March 28, 2016, any legal memoranda addressing the issue of the appropriate role of intervening parties in the upcoming settlement conference process shall be filed with the Court on or before 5:00 P.M. EST on Friday, April 22, 2016. Signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 3/31/2016. (jrz)
Blank 376 Filed: 3/28/2016, Entered: 3/28/2016 Status ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon: Telephonic Status Conference held on 3/28/2016. Paul Cassell present for Petitioners. Marie Villafana and Dexter Lee present for Respondent. Martin Weinberg present for Intervenor, Jeffrey Epstein. The Court requests briefing on the issue of presence of intervenors at a settlement conference to be filed by 5:00 p.m. EST on 4/22/2016. The Court sets the settlement conference for 5/23/2016 at 9:30 a.m. Order to follow. (Digital/Time in Court: 13:30:04/ 28 mins.) (js00)
Blank 375 Filed: 3/23/2016, Entered: 3/23/2016 Endorsed OrderCourt Filing
ORDER SETTING TELEPHONIC STATUS CONFERENCE: This cause has been referred to the undersigned to conduct a settlement conference [374]. To facilitate matters, a telephonic status conference is set for Monday, March 28, 2016, at 1:30 P.M. The Court has reserved Wednesday, April 20, 2016 and Thursday, April 28, 2016 as possible conference dates. Counsel should confer and be prepared to briefly discuss: (1) their availability for these two possible dates, bearing in mind that the Court generally requires the presence of an individual with full and complete authority to negotiate and finalize a settlement for each party, and (2) the role of intervenors in the settlement conference process. Counsel for the United States of America shall forthwith provide the Court ( and all counsel of record with a dial-in conference call number for use during the status conference. Signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon on 3/23/2016. (jrz)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 374 Filed: 3/23/2016, Entered: 3/23/2016 Order Referring Case to Magistrate JudgeCourt Filing
ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Dave Lee Brannon for settlement conference. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/23/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 373 Filed: 3/11/2016, Entered: 3/11/2016 Telephone ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Kenneth A. Marra: Telephone Conference held on 3/11/2016. Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin, 561-514-3768 / (ir)
Blank 371 Filed: 3/10/2016, Entered: 3/10/2016 Notice re HearingCourt Filing
NOTICE OF TELEPHONIC HEARING: Telephone Conference set for 3/11/2016 02:00 PM in West Palm Beach Division before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. Parties shall call Conference call number 1-888-684-8852, access code 989 2114, security code 3765. (ir)
Blank 372 Filed: 3/1/2016, Entered: 3/11/2016 Status ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Kenneth A. Marra: Telephonic Status Conference held on 3/1/2016. Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin, 561-514-3768 / (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 370 Filed: 2/29/2016, Entered: 2/29/2016 Notice re HearingCourt Filing
NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Conference set for 3/1/2016 08:30 AM in West Palm Beach Division before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 369 Filed: 2/19/2016, Entered: 2/19/2016 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [368] Motion for Extension of Time to File ; granting [368] Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/19/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 368 Filed: 2/19/2016, Entered: 2/19/2016, Terminated: 2/19/2016 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer as to [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law, [356] Order on Motion to Amend/Correct , Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery Responses by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 367 Filed: 2/11/2016, Entered: 2/11/2016 Notice of Compliance
CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance re [366] Order. *Action: DE #[361] and [362] Stricken and Removed from the record in part. DE 361-70, 362-24, & 362-26 Stricken & Removed. (jmd)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 366 Filed: 2/11/2016, Entered: 2/11/2016 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER re [363] Notice of Striking, filed by Jane Doe. The Clerk shall remove entries from the record. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/11/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 365 Filed: 2/11/2016, Entered: 2/11/2016, Terminated: 2/17/2016 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Plaintiffs' Motion to Redact/Strike Exhibit 70 [DE 361-70], Exhibit 94 [DE 362-24], and Exhibit 96 [DE 362-26] to Plaintiffs Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Document 362-25, 362-27, filed on 02/10/2016, modified/deleted. (jmd)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Document 361-71, filed on 02/10/2016, modified/deleted. (jmd)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 364 Filed: 2/10/2016, Entered: 2/10/2016 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law of Filing Redacted Exhibits 70, 94 & 96 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 70, # (2) Exhibit 94, # (3) Exhibit 96) (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 363 Filed: 2/10/2016, Entered: 2/10/2016 Notice of Striking
NOTICE of Striking Exhibit 70 [DE 361-70], Exhibit 94 [DE 362-24] and Exhibit 96 [DE 362-26]to Plaintiffs' Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Jane Doe (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 362 Filed: 2/10/2016, Entered: 2/10/2016 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [361] MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law Of Filing Exhibits 71-140 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 71, # (2) Exhibit 72, # (3) Exhibit 73, # (4) Exhibit 74, # (5) Exhibit 75, # (6) Exhibit 76, # (7) Exhibit 77, # (8) Exhibit 78, # (9) Exhibit 79, # (10) Exhibit 80, # (11) Exhibit 81, # (12) Exhibit 82, # (13) Exhibit 83, # (14) Exhibit 84, # (15) Exhibit 85, # (16) Exhibit 86, # (17) Exhibit 87, # (18) Exhibit 88, # (19) Exhibit 89, # (20) Exhibit 90, # (21) Exhibit 91, # (22) Exhibit 92, # (23) Exhibit 93, # (24) Exhibit 94 *STRICKEN/REMOVED, # (25) Exhibit 95, # (26) Exhibit 96 *STRICKEN/REMOVED, # (27) Exhibit 97, # (28) Exhibit 98, # (29) Exhibit 99, # (30) Exhibit 100, # (31) Exhibit 101, # (32) Exhibit 102, # (33) Exhibit 103, # (34) Exhibit 104, # (35) Exhibit 105, # (36) Exhibit 106, # (37) Exhibit 107, # (38) Exhibit 108, # (39) Exhibit 109, # (40) Exhibit 110, # (41) Exhibit 111, # (42) Exhibit 112, # (43) Exhibit 113, # (44) Exhibit 114, # (45) Exhibit 115, # (46) Exhibit 116, # (47) Exhibit 117, # (48) Exhibit 118, # (49) Exhibit 119, # (50) Exhibit 120, # (51) Exhibit 121, # (52) Exhibit 122, # (53) Exhibit 123, # (54) Exhibit 124, # (55) Exhibit 125, # (56) Exhibit 126, # (57) Exhibit 127, # (58) Exhibit 128, # (59) Exhibit 129, # (60) Exhibit 130, # (61) Exhibit 131, # (62) Exhibit 132, # (63) Exhibit 133, # (64) Exhibit 134, # (65) Exhibit 135, # (66) Exhibit 136, # (67) Exhibit 137, # (68) Exhibit 138, # (69) Exhibit 139, # (70) Exhibit 140) (Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 2/11/2016. *Attachments #24 & #26 Stricken/Removed from record, per Order DE #[366]. (jmd)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 361 Filed: 2/10/2016, Entered: 2/10/2016, Terminated: 2/21/2019 Motion for Summary Judgment
MOTION for Summary Judgment Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Consolidated Statement of Undisputed Material Facts and Motion for Partial Summary Judgment with Incorporated Memorandum of Law by Jane Doe. Responses due by 2/29/2016 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit 5, # (6) Exhibit 6, # (7) Exhibit 7, # (8) Exhibit 8, # (9) Exhibit 9, # (10) Exhibit 10, # (11) Exhibit 11, # (12) Exhibit 12, # (13) Exhibit 13, # (14) Exhibit 14, # (15) Exhibit 15, # (16) Exhibit 16, # (17) Exhibit 17, # (18) Exhibit 18, # (19) Exhibit 19, # (20) Exhibit 20, # (21) Exhibit 21, # (22) Exhibit 22, # (23) Exhibit 23, # (24) Exhibit 24, # (25) Exhibit 25, # (26) Exhibit 26, # (27) Exhibit 27, # (28) Exhibit 28, # (29) Exhibit 29, # (30) Exhibit 30, # (31) Exhibit 31, # (32) Exhibit 32, # (33) Exhibit 33, # (34) Exhibit 34, # (35) Exhibit 35, # (36) Exhibit 36, # (37) Exhibit 37, # (38) Exhibit 38, # (39) Exhibit 39, # (40) Exhibit 40, # (41) Exhibit 41, # (42) Exhibit 42, # (43) Exhibit 43, # (44) Exhibit 44, # (45) Exhibit 45, # (46) Exhibit 46, # (47) Exhibit 47, # (48) Exhibit 48, # (49) Exhibit 49, # (50) Exhibit 50, # (51) Exhibit 51, # (52) Exhibit 52, # (53) Exhibit 53, # (54) Exhibit 54, # (55) Exhibit 55, # (56) Exhibit 56, # (57) Exhibit 57, # (58) Exhibit 58, # (59) Exhibit 59, # (60) Exhibit 60, # (61) Exhibit 61, # (62) Exhibit 62, # (63) Exhibit 63, # (64) Exhibit 64, # (65) Exhibit 65, # (66) Exhibit 66, # (67) Exhibit 67, # (68) Exhibit 68, # (69) Exhibit 69, # (70) Exhibit 70 *STRICKEN/REMOVED)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 2/11/2016. *Attachment #70 Stricken/Removed from record, per Order DE #[366]. (jmd)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 360 Filed: 2/5/2016, Entered: 2/5/2016 Notice of withdrawal of motion
NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION by Jane Doe re [344] MOTION Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses filed by Jane Doe (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 359 Filed: 2/1/2016, Entered: 2/1/2016 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [344] MOTION Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses filed by United States of America. Replies due by 2/11/2016. (Lee, Dexter)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 357 Filed: 1/29/2016, Entered: 1/29/2016, Terminated: 9/27/2016 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Reply in Support of Motion to Compel Answers to Supplemental Requests for Admission and Request for Production per Local Rule 5.4 by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order) (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 358 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (982789)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 356 Filed: 1/21/2016, Entered: 1/21/2016 Order on motion to amend/correctCourt Filing
ORDER granting [355] Motion to Amend/Correct Scheduling Order. Summary Judgment Motion due by 2/10/2016. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/21/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 355 Filed: 1/20/2016, Entered: 1/20/2016, Terminated: 1/21/2016 Motion to Amend/Correct
Unopposed MOTION to Amend/Correct [346] Order of December 23, 2015 by United States of America. Responses due by 2/8/2016 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 353 Filed: 1/14/2016, Entered: 1/14/2016, Terminated: 9/27/2016 Motion to Seal
Defendant's MOTION to Seal Opposition to Petitioners' Motion to Compel Answers to Supplemental Requests for Admission and Requests for Production per Local Rule 5.4 by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order) (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 354 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (611442)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 352 Filed: 1/12/2016, Entered: 1/12/2016 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [351] Motion for Extension of Time to file response to [344] MOTION Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses filed by Jane Doe. Responses due by 2/1/2016. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/12/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 351 Filed: 1/11/2016, Entered: 1/11/2016, Terminated: 1/12/2016 Motion for Extension of Time
Second MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to Petitioners' Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses by United States of America. Responses due by 1/28/2016 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 350 Filed: 1/5/2016, Entered: 1/5/2016 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [349] Motion for Extension of Time Re: [344] MOTION Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses filed by Jane Doe. Responses due by 1/11/2016. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/5/2016. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 349 Filed: 1/4/2016, Entered: 1/4/2016, Terminated: 1/5/2016 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to Petitioners' Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses re [344] MOTION Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses by United States of America. Responses due by 1/22/2016 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 347 Filed: 12/28/2015, Entered: 12/28/2015, Terminated: 9/27/2016 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal , Temporarily, Motion to Compel Answers to Supplemental Requests for Admissions and Requests for Production by Jane Doe No.1 and Jane Doe No. 2 per Local Rule 5.4 by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order) (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 348 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (982789)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 346 Filed: 12/22/2015, Entered: 12/23/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER re [345] SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 26(f)/16.1 filed by United States of America Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 12/22/2015. (cbr)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 345 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: 12/17/2015 SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 26(f)/16.1
SCHEDULING REPORT - Rule 16.1 by United States of America (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 344 Filed: 12/17/2015, Entered: 12/17/2015, Terminated: 2/5/2016 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Motion for Depositions of Government Witnesses by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 343 Filed: 12/7/2015, Entered: 12/7/2015 transcriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Status Conference held on 11/23/2015 before Judge Kenneth A. Marra, 1-15 pages, Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin, 561-514-3768 / Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased by contacting the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 12/31/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/11/2016. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/10/2016. (sf)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 342 Filed: 11/23/2015, Entered: 11/24/2015 Status ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Kenneth A. Marra: Status Conference held on 11/23/2015. Dexter Lee, Ed Sanchez, Brad Edwards, Britney Edwards present. Paul Cassell by telephone. Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin, 561-514-3768 / (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 341 Filed: 11/23/2015, Entered: 11/23/2015 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [325] Order, [324] Order on Motion to Amend/Correct, Order on Motion for Leave to File, Order on Motion to Adopt/Join, Order on Motion to Intervene, Order on Motion to Seal,,,,, of Filing Redacted Pleadings in Compliance with Order DE 324 and DE 325 (Attachments: # (1) Redacted DE 280, # (2) Redacted DE 291-1, # (3) Redacted DE 310-1) (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 340 Filed: 11/16/2015, Entered: 11/16/2015 Order Setting Status ConferenceCourt Filing
ORDER Setting Status Conference: Telephonic Status Conference set for 11/23/2015 01:30 PM in West Palm Beach Division before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. SEE ORDER FOR CONFERENCE CALL INSTRUCTIONS. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 11/16/2015. (ir) Modified on 11/16/2015 (ir).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 339 Filed: 10/1/2015, Entered: 10/1/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER ON THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL PRIVILEGE LOG re [338] Notice of Filing Third Supplemental Privilege Log and Documents in Camera filed by United States of America. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/1/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 338 Filed: 8/3/2015, Entered: 8/3/2015 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Third Supplemental Privilege Log and Documents in Camera (Attachments: # (1) Appendix Third Supplemental Privilege Log) (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 337 Filed: 7/31/2015, Entered: 7/31/2015 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Notice of Withdrawal of Request for Further Names From the Government (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 336 Filed: 7/27/2015, Entered: 7/27/2015 OrderCourt Filing
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER re [330] Order granting [263] Motion for the Court to Protect from Disclosure Grand Jury Materials; denying 267 Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/27/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 335 Filed: 7/24/2015, Entered: 7/24/2015 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [333] Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to certify compliance with Court Order [DE330] re [330] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Seal filed by Robert C. Josefsberg. Attorney Robert C. Josefsberg added to party Robert C. Josefsberg(pty:ip). Replies due by 8/3/2015. (Josefsberg, Robert)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 334 Filed: 7/20/2015, Entered: 7/20/2015 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [333] Motion for Extension of Time to comply with this Court's Order. Deadline extended to 8/3/15. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/20/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 333 Filed: 7/20/2015, Entered: 7/20/2015, Terminated: 7/20/2015 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to certify compliance with Court Order [DE330] re [330] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Seal by United States of America. Responses due by 8/6/2015 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 332 Filed: 7/20/2015, Entered: 7/20/2015 Notice of Compliance
NOTICE of Compliance (Partial) by United States of America re [330] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Seal (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 331 Filed: 7/6/2015, Entered: 7/6/2015 Notice of Compliance
CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance re [330] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Seal (dj)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 330 Filed: 7/6/2015, Entered: 7/6/2015 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [263] Motion for the Court to Protect from Disclosure Grand Jury Materials; denying [267] Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/6/2015. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 329 Filed: 6/23/2015, Entered: 6/23/2015 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Second Supplemental Privilege Log (Attachments: # (1) Appendix) (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 328 Filed: 5/18/2015, Entered: 5/18/2015 Order on Motion for Leave to FileCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [327] Motion for Leave to File a Single 60-Page Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 5/18/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 327 Filed: 5/14/2015, Entered: 5/14/2015, Terminated: 5/18/2015 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION Unopposed Motion of Jane Doe 1 and 2 to File a Single 60-Page Motion for Partial Summary Judgment by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified relief on 5/14/2015 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 326 Filed: 4/15/2015, Entered: 4/15/2015 Order on motion to interveneCourt Filing
ORDER granting [305] Motion to Intervene ; denying [261] Motion for Protective Order. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/15/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 325 Filed: 4/7/2015, Entered: 4/7/2015 OrderCourt Filing
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER re [324] Order on Motion to Amend/Correct, Order on Motion for Leave to File, Order on Motion to Adopt/Join, Order on Motion to Intervene, Order on Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/7/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 324 Filed: 4/7/2015, Entered: 4/7/2015 Order on motion to amend/correctCourt Filing
ORDER denying [311] Motion to Amend/Correct ; denying as moot [317] Motion for Leave to File ; denying [280] Motion to Adopt/Join; denying as moot [282] Motion to Intervene ; denying as moot [292] Motion to Seal. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/6/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 323 Filed: 4/6/2015, Entered: 4/6/2015 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [321] Response/Reply (Other),. Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [322]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (asl)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 322 Filed: 4/3/2015, Entered: 4/6/2015 Notice of Supplemental Authority
Notice of Supplemental Authority in Support re [291] Response to Motion for Limited Intervention by Jane Doe. See [321] for image (asl)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 321 Filed: 4/3/2015, Entered: 4/3/2015 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [291] Response to Motion,, Supplemental Authority in Support of Response to Motion for Limited Intervention by Alan M. Dershowitz by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified to re-docket, see [322] on 4/6/2015 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 320 Filed: 4/3/2015, Entered: 4/3/2015 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [317] MOTION for Leave to File Supplement to Reply in Support of Motion for Limited Intervention by Alan M. Dershowitz filed by Alan M. Dershowitz. (Groisman, Gabriel)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 319 Filed: 3/24/2015, Entered: 3/24/2015 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [317] MOTION for Leave to File Supplement to Reply in Support of Motion for Limited Intervention by Alan M. Dershowitz filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 4/3/2015. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 318 Filed: 3/19/2015, Entered: 3/19/2015 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY in Support of re [311] Motion to Amend/Correct Jane Doe No. 1and Jane Doe No 2S Reply in Support Of Their Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petitiion filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified text on 3/20/2015 (yar).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 317 Filed: 3/12/2015, Entered: 3/12/2015, Terminated: 4/7/2015 Motion for Leave to File
MOTION for Leave to File Supplement to Reply in Support of Motion for Limited Intervention by Alan M. Dershowitz by Alan M. Dershowitz. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Coffey, Kendall)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 316 Filed: 3/2/2015, Entered: 3/2/2015 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [315] Motion for Extension of Time to file reply Re: [311] Motion to Amend/Correct filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 3/19/2015. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/2/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 315 Filed: 2/27/2015, Entered: 2/27/2015, Terminated: 3/2/2015 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time By the Victims to File Reply in Support of Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and to Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners re [311] Motion to Amend/Correct by Jane Doe. Responses due by 3/16/2015 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 314 Filed: 2/25/2015, Entered: 2/25/2015 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [311] Motion to Amend/Correct Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and to Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners filed by United States of America. Replies due by 3/9/2015. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 313 Filed: 2/25/2015, Entered: 2/25/2015 Order on Motion for Leave to FileCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [312] Motion for Leave to File Opposition in excess of 20 pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/25/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 312 Filed: 2/23/2015, Entered: 2/23/2015, Terminated: 2/25/2015 Motion for Leave to File
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Opposition to Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and To Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners, in Excess of Twenty Pages by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Respondent's Opposition to Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and to Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 311 Filed: 2/6/2015, Entered: 2/6/2015, Terminated: 4/7/2015 Motion to Amend/Correct
MOTION Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2's Protective Motion Pursuant to Rule 15 to Amend Their Petition to Conform to Existing Evidence and to Add Jane Doe No. 3 and Jane Doe No. 4 as Petitioners by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified relief on 2/6/2015 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 309 Filed: 2/6/2015, Entered: 2/6/2015 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [307] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/6/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 310 [respm] restricted/sealed until further notice. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 308 Filed: 2/5/2015, Entered: 2/5/2015 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [305] MOTION to Intervene to Oppose Intervenor Epstein's Motion for Entry of a Supplemental Protective Order Jeffrey Epstein's Response To The Media's Opposition To A Temporary Seal Of Plea Negotiations filed by Jeffrey Epstein. Replies due by 2/17/2015. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 307 Filed: 2/4/2015, Entered: 2/4/2015, Terminated: 2/6/2015 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Jane Doe Nos 1, 2, 3, and 4 to File an Overlength Reply in Support of their Motion for Joinder in Action by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 306 Filed: 2/2/2015, Entered: 2/2/2015 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY in Support re [282] MOTION to Intervene on a Limited Basis filed by Alan M. Dershowitz. (Groisman, Gabriel) Modified title text on 2/3/2015 (asl).
Legal Document 305 Filed: 2/2/2015, Entered: 2/2/2015, Terminated: 4/15/2015 Motion to Intervene
MOTION to Intervene to Oppose Intervenor Epstein's Motion for Entry of a Supplemental Protective Order by The Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach Daily News. Attorney Rachel Elise Fugate added to party The Palm Beach Post(pty:intv), Attorney Rachel Elise Fugate added to party Palm Beach Daily News(pty:intv). (Fugate, Rachel)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 304 Filed: 1/30/2015, Entered: 1/30/2015 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Declaration of FBI Special Agent Timothy R. Slater (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit D - Declaration of FBI Special Agent Timothy R. Slater) (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 303 Filed: 1/30/2015, Entered: 1/30/2015 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [299] Motion for Extension of Time Re: [280] Motion to Adopt/Join filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 2/6/2015. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/30/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 302 Filed: 1/30/2015, Entered: 1/30/2015 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [301] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/30/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 301 Filed: 1/29/2015, Entered: 1/29/2015, Terminated: 1/30/2015 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by Alan M. Dershowitz. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Groisman, Gabriel)
Blank 300 Filed: 1/28/2015, Entered: 1/28/2015 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [298] Affidavit, Response/Reply (Other), [286] Order Epstein's Reply in Support of Supplemental Protective Order by Jeffrey Epstein. (Black, Roy)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 299 Filed: 1/28/2015, Entered: 1/28/2015, Terminated: 1/30/2015 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of Motion Pursuant to Rule 21 for Joinder in Action re [290] Response in Opposition to Motion, by Jane Doe. Responses due by 2/17/2015 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 298 Filed: 1/26/2015, Entered: 1/26/2015 Affidavit
AFFIDAVIT in Opposition re [286] Order Victim's, RESPONSE/REPLY Response to Order Requesting Justification for Epstein's Unopposed Motion for Supplemental Protective Order by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 297 Filed: 1/26/2015, Entered: 1/26/2015 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [295] MOTION Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's Response to Order Requesting Justification for Supplemental Protective Order re [286] Order . Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [296]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (asl)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 296 Filed: 1/26/2015, Entered: 1/26/2015 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE to [286] Order Requesting Justification for Supplemental Protective Order by Jeffrey Epstein. See [295] for image (asl)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 295 Filed: 1/26/2015, Entered: 1/26/2015, Terminated: 1/26/2015 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein's Response to Order Requesting Justification for Supplemental Protective Order re [286] Order by Jeffrey Epstein. (Black, Roy) Modified to re-docket, see [296] on 1/26/2015 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 294 Filed: 1/22/2015, Entered: 1/22/2015 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [282] MOTION to Intervene on a Limited Basis filed by United States of America. Replies due by 2/2/2015. (Lee, Dexter)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 293 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (tpl)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 292 Filed: 1/21/2015, Entered: 1/22/2015 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(tpl)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 291 Filed: 1/21/2015, Entered: 1/21/2015 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [282] MOTION to Intervene on a Limited Basis filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 2/2/2015. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1. Affidavit, # (2) Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit 4 and 5, # (5) Exhibit 6, # (6) Exhibit 7, # (7) Exhibit 8, # (8) Exhibit 9, # (9) Exhibit 10, # (10) Exhibit 11, # (11) Exhibit 12, # (12) Exhibit 13, # (13) Exhibit 14, # (14) Exhibit 15, # (15) Exhibit 16, # (16) Exhibit 17, # (17) Exhibit 18, # (18) Exhibit 19, # (19) Exhibit 20, # (20) Exhibit 21, # (21) Exhibit 22, # (22) Exhibit 23, # (23) Exhibit 24, # (24) Exhibit 25, # (25) Exhibit 26, # (26) Exhibit 27, # (27) Exhibit 28, # (28) Exhibit 29, # (29) Exhibit 30)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 11/14/2017 (dgj).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 290 Filed: 1/20/2015, Entered: 1/20/2015 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [280] Motion to Adopt/Join Jane Doe #3 and Jane Doe #4 filed by United States of America. Replies due by 1/30/2015. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - September 3, 2008 Notification Letter to Jane Doe #3, # (2) Exhibit B - Civil Action filed on May 1, 2009 by Jane Doe #3, # (3) Exhibit C -Extract of Phone Interview of Jane Doe #3, April 7, 2011, by Jack Scarola, Esq. and Brad Edwards, Esq.)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 289 Filed: 1/20/2015, Entered: 1/20/2015 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [288] Motion to File a Single Consolidated Pleading in Response to Alan Dershowitz's Motion for Intervention [282] and related filings. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/20/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 288 Filed: 1/16/2015, Entered: 1/16/2015, Terminated: 1/20/2015 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Unopposed MOTION Motion of Jane Doe Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4's to File a Single Consolidated Pleading in Response to Alan Dershowitz's Motion for Interventions, Declaration in Support of Motion and Supplement to Motion for Intervention re [285] Supplement, [282] MOTION to Intervene on a Limited Basis by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 287 Filed: 1/16/2015, Entered: 1/16/2015 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Gabriel Groisman on behalf of Alan M. Dershowitz. Attorney Gabriel Groisman added to party Alan M. Dershowitz(pty:intv). (Groisman, Gabriel)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 286 Filed: 1/14/2015, Entered: 1/14/2015 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER REQUESTING JUSTIFICATION FOR INTERVENOR EPSTEIN'S [261] Unopposed MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Protective Order filed by Jeffrey Epstein. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/14/2015. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 285 Filed: 1/12/2015, Entered: 1/12/2015 supplement
SUPPLEMENT to [282] MOTION to Intervene on a Limited Basis by Alan M. Dershowitz (Groisman, Gabriel)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 284 Filed: 1/6/2015, Entered: 1/6/2015 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Steven Russell Safra on behalf of Alan M. Dershowitz. Attorney Steven Russell Safra added to party Alan M. Dershowitz(pty:intv). (Safra, Steven)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 283 Filed: 1/6/2015, Entered: 1/6/2015 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Thomas E. Scott, Jr on behalf of Alan M. Dershowitz. Attorney Thomas E. Scott, Jr added to party Alan M. Dershowitz(pty:intv). (Scott, Thomas)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 282 Filed: 1/5/2015, Entered: 1/5/2015, Terminated: 4/7/2015 Motion to Intervene
MOTION to Intervene on a Limited Basis by Alan M. Dershowitz. Attorney Kendall Brindley Coffey added to party Alan M. Dershowitz(pty:intv). (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Declaration of Alan M. Dershowitz)(Coffey, Kendall)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 281 Filed: 1/5/2015, Entered: 1/5/2015 Notice of unavailability
NOTICE OF UNAVAILABILITY by Jane Doe for dates of 2-6-2015 through 2-15-2015 (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 280 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (ir)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 279 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 278 Filed: 11/24/2014, Entered: 11/24/2014 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [277] Response/Reply (Other) Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Reply is Support of Reassertion of Objections to Government's Assertions of Privleges by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 277 Filed: 11/14/2014, Entered: 11/14/2014 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE to [265] Notice (Other), Petitioners' Reassertion of Objections to Government's Assertions of Privileges by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter) Modified title text on 11/17/2014 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 276 Filed: 11/10/2014, Entered: 11/10/2014 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ORDER granting [275] Motion for Extension of Time to respond to Petitioner's reassertion of objections to government's assertions of privileges. Response due 11/14/14. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 11/10/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 275 Filed: 11/7/2014, Entered: 11/7/2014, Terminated: 11/10/2014 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to Petitioners' Reassertion of Objections to Government's Assertions of Privileges by United States of America. Responses due by 11/24/2014 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 274 Filed: 11/6/2014, Entered: 11/6/2014 Response/Reply (Other)
REPLY to [266] Response/Reply (Other), Petitioners' Response to Government's Motion for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production of Documents by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter) Modified title text on 11/7/2014 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 273 Filed: 10/31/2014, Entered: 10/31/2014 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ORDER granting [272] Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply to Petitioners' Response to Government's Motion for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production of Documents by United States of America. Reply due 11/6/14. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/31/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 272 Filed: 10/30/2014, Entered: 10/30/2014, Terminated: 10/31/2014 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Reply to Petitioners' Response to Government's Motion for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production of Documents by United States of America. Responses due by 11/17/2014 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 271 Filed: 10/24/2014, Entered: 10/24/2014 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [263] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Response to Epstein's Motion to Protect From Disclosure Grand Jury Materials filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 270 Filed: 10/23/2014, Entered: 10/23/2014 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [269] Notice (Other). Document Not Linked; ERROR - The filed document was not linked to the related docket entry. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document. (asl)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 269 Filed: 10/23/2014, Entered: 10/23/2014 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jeffrey Epstein of Joining Petitioners' Motion to Seal D.E. [267] (Perczek, Jacqueline) Modified to add document link on 10/23/2014 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 268 Filed: 10/21/2014, Entered: 10/22/2014 Sealed document
Sealed Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe # 2's Sealed Supplement Supporting Response to Government's Motion for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents (mg) Modified on 7/6/2015 unsealed per de #[330](dj).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 267 Filed: 10/21/2014, Entered: 10/22/2014 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(mg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 266 Filed: 10/20/2014, Entered: 10/20/2014 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE re [260] Response/Reply (Other), Response to Government's Motion for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified title text on 10/21/2014 (asl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 265 Filed: 10/20/2014, Entered: 10/20/2014 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [257] Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages,, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,,,,,,,,,,, Reassertion of Objections to Government's Assertions of Privileges (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit, # (2) Privlege Log) (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 264 Filed: 10/14/2014, Entered: 10/14/2014 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ORDER granting [262] Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Assert Objections to Government's Assertion of Privilege and Otherwise Comply with Court Order DE 257 by 10/20/2014. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/10/2014. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 263 Filed: 10/9/2014, Entered: 10/9/2014, Terminated: 7/6/2015 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION For the Court to Protect from Disclosure Grand Jury Materials Indentified in Government's Privilege Logs by Jeffrey Epstein. (Perczek, Jacqueline) Modified event on 10/10/2014 (tpl).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 262 Filed: 10/9/2014, Entered: 10/9/2014, Terminated: 10/14/2014 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Assert Objections to Governments Assertion of Privilege and Otherwise Comply with Court Order DE 257 re [257] Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages,, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,,,,,,,,,,, by Jane Doe. Responses due by 10/27/2014 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 261 Filed: 10/8/2014, Entered: 10/8/2014, Terminated: 4/15/2015 Motion for Protective Order
Unopposed MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Protective Order by Jeffrey Epstein. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 260 Filed: 10/6/2014, Entered: 10/6/2014 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [257] Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages,, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,,,,,,,,,,, Respondent's Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production to the Government by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 259 Filed: 9/22/2014, Entered: 9/22/2014 Notice of Compliance
CLERK'S NOTICE of Compliance re [258] Order on Motion to Seal. (jmd)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 258 Filed: 9/22/2014, Entered: 9/22/2014 Order on Motion to sealCourt Filing
ORDER denying [250] Motion to Seal. Clerk shall unseal DE #[251] Sealed Document. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/21/2014. (jmd)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 257 Filed: 9/22/2014, Entered: 9/22/2014 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ORDER granting [218] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages; granting [219] Motion for Leave to File. Clerks Notice: Filer must separately re-file the amended pleading pursuant to Local Rule 15.1, unless otherwise ordered by the Judge; denying as moot [225] Motion to Compel; denying without prejudice [226] Motion for an order directing the U.S. Attorney's Office not to withhold relevant evidence; granting [227] Motion for disclosure of grand jury materials. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/21/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 256 Filed: 9/22/2014, Entered: 9/22/2014 Order on motion to interveneCourt Filing
ORDER granting [215] Motion for Limited Intervention. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/21/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 255 Filed: 9/22/2014, Entered: 9/22/2014 Order on Motion for protective orderCourt Filing
ORDER granting in part and denying in part [247] Motion for Protective Confidentiality Order. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/21/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 254 Filed: 6/11/2014, Entered: 6/11/2014 USCA Mandate
MANDATE of USCA AFFIRMING the disclosure order and LIFT the stay of the order compelling the United States to disclose the correspondence with court's opinion; re [195] Notice of Appeal, filed by Jeffrey Epstein, [194] Notice of Appeal, filed by Roy Black, [196] Notice of Appeal, filed by Martin G. Weinberg ; Date Issued: 6/11/2014 ; USCA Case Number: 13-12923-CC, 13-12926-CC and 13-12928-CC (mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 253 Filed: 5/23/2014, Entered: 5/23/2014 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [247] MOTION for Protective Order Reply to Response Opposing a Protective Confidentiality Order filed by Roy Black. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit 2)(Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 252 Filed: 5/16/2014, Entered: 5/16/2014 Clerk's Notice of Filing Deficiency
Clerk's Notice of Filing Deficiency Re: [251] Sealed Document. Document(s) missing required signature(s) (Fed.R.Civ.P. 11(a)). (mg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 251 Filed: 5/16/2014, Entered: 5/16/2014 Sealed document
*Unsealed* Sealed Document Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2's Response in Opposition to Epstein's Motion for Protective Confidentiality Order (mg) Modified on 9/22/2014, Unsealed per Order DE #[258] (jmd).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 250 Filed: 5/16/2014, Entered: 5/16/2014, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion to Seal
MOTION to Seal (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(mg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 249 Filed: 5/7/2014, Entered: 5/7/2014 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER informing petitioners not comply re [248] Notice of Intent to Comply, filed by Jane Doe re [188] ORDER granting DE 51 Motion to unseal unredacted pleadings ; denying 160 Motion for Protective Order; denying 162 Motion for Protective Order. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/18/2013. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 5/7/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 248 Filed: 5/6/2014, Entered: 5/6/2014 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [188] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Protective Order, Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe2s Notice of Intent to Comply with Court Order Directing Filing of An Unredacted Motion and Correspondence in the Public Court File (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 247 Filed: 5/2/2014, Entered: 5/2/2014, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION for Protective Order by Roy Black. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit 1, # (2) Exhibit Exhibit 2, # (3) Exhibit Exhibit 3, # (4) Exhibit Exhibit 4, # (5) Exhibit Exhibit 5)(Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 246 Filed: 2/13/2014, Entered: 2/13/2014 Order on motion to interveneCourt Filing
ORDER granting [207] Motion to Intervene ; granting [245] Motion to Expedite. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/13/2014. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 245 Filed: 2/13/2014, Entered: 2/13/2014, Terminated: 2/13/2014 Motion to Expedite
MOTION to Expedite Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Unopposed Motion for Expedited Ruling on Epstein's Unopposed Motion for Intervention in Advance of Eleventh Circuit Argument by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 244 Filed: 10/28/2013, Entered: 10/28/2013 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [226] Renewed MOTION for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 243 Filed: 10/18/2013, Entered: 10/18/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Declaration of OPR Counsel Robin C. Ashton (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit B - Declaration of OPR Counsel Robin C. Ashton)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 242 Filed: 10/7/2013, Entered: 10/7/2013 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [241] Motion for Extension of Time to file declaration in support of deliberative process privilege. Declaration due 10/18/13. Reply due 10/28/13. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/7/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 241 Filed: 10/4/2013, Entered: 10/4/2013, Terminated: 10/7/2013 Motion for Extension of Time
Fourth MOTION for Extension of Time to File Declaration in Support of Deliberative Process Privilege by United States of America. Responses due by 10/21/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 240 Filed: 9/23/2013, Entered: 9/23/2013 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [239] Motion for Extension of Time to file declaration in support of deliberative process privilege. Declaration due 10/4/13. Reply due 10/15/13. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/23/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 239 Filed: 9/20/2013, Entered: 9/20/2013, Terminated: 9/23/2013 Motion for Extension of Time
Third MOTION for Extension of Time to File Declaration in Support of Deliberative Process Privilege re [232] Order on Motion for Extension of Time by United States of America. Responses due by 10/7/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 238 Filed: 9/20/2013, Entered: 9/20/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Declaration of United States Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Declaration of United States Attorney Wifredo A. Ferrer)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 237 Filed: 9/18/2013, Entered: 9/18/2013 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [236] Motion for Extension of Time to file declaration of U.S. Attorney. Respondent's declaration due 9/20/13. Petitioner's reply due 9/30/13. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/18/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 236 Filed: 9/13/2013, Entered: 9/13/2013, Terminated: 9/18/2013 Motion for Extension of Time
Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time to file Declaration of United States Attorney in Support of Deliberative Process Privilege by United States of America. Responses due by 9/30/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 235 Filed: 9/10/2013, Entered: 9/10/2013 Electronic Availability of ROA
Pursuant to F.R.A.P. 11(c), the Clerk of the District Court for the Southern District of Florida certifies that the record is complete for purposes of this appeal re: [195] Notice of Appeal, [194] Notice of Appeal, [196] Notice of Appeal, Appeal No. 13-12923-CC, 13-12926-CC and 13-12928-CC. The entire record on appeal is available electronically. (mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 234 Filed: 9/6/2013, Entered: 9/6/2013 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
PAPERLESS ORDER granting [233] Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply to [226] Renewed MOTION for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence JANE DOE #1 AND JANE DOE #2 UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION. Replies due by 9/23/2013. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/6/2013. (kb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 233 Filed: 9/6/2013, Entered: 9/6/2013, Terminated: 9/6/2013 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [226] Renewed MOTION for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence JANE DOE #1 AND JANE DOE #2 UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME IN LIGHT OF GOVERNMENTS EXTENSION OF TIME by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 232 Filed: 9/4/2013, Entered: 9/4/2013 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
PAPERLESS ORDER granting [231] Motion for Extension of Time. The Declaration in Support of Assertion of Deliberative Process Privilege is due on or before 9/13/13. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/4/2013. (kb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 231 Filed: 9/3/2013, Entered: 9/3/2013, Terminated: 9/4/2013 Motion for Extension of Time
Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time to File Declaration in Support of Assertion of Deliberative Process Privilege by United States of America. Responses due by 9/20/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 230 Filed: 9/3/2013, Entered: 9/3/2013 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [226] Renewed MOTION for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 229 Filed: 9/3/2013, Entered: 9/3/2013 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [225] MOTION to Compel Production of Documents that are not Privileged filed by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Declaration of FBI S/A E. Nesbitt Kuyrkendall)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 228 Filed: 8/19/2013, Entered: 8/19/2013 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [218] MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages for Ordinary Briefing Schedule and Ordinary Page Limits to Respond to Government Privilege Assertions filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 227 Filed: 8/16/2013, Entered: 8/16/2013, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Protective Petition for Disclosure of Grand Jury Materials Relevant to Their Petition for Enforcement of Their CVRA Rights by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 226 Filed: 8/16/2013, Entered: 8/16/2013, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Renewed MOTION for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 8/16/2013 (ls). Modified Link/Text on 8/16/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 225 Filed: 8/16/2013, Entered: 8/16/2013, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion to Compel
MOTION to Compel Production of Documents that are not Privileged by Jane Doe. Responses due by 9/3/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Affidavit of Bradley J. Edwards, Esq.)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 224 Filed: 8/16/2013, Entered: 8/16/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [212] Notice (Other), [216] Notice (Other) of Filing Objections to Privilege Log (Attachments: # (1) Privilege Log with Victims' Objections)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 223 Filed: 8/15/2013, Entered: 8/15/2013 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [219] Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production to The Government filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 222 Filed: 8/9/2013, Entered: 8/9/2013 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [215] Third Party MOTION to Intervene filed by Jeffrey Epstein. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 221 Filed: 8/8/2013, Entered: 8/8/2013 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [215] Third Party MOTION to Intervene filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified Text on 8/9/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 220 Filed: 8/5/2013, Entered: 8/5/2013 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [219] Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production to The Government filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified Text on 8/6/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 219 Filed: 8/2/2013, Entered: 8/2/2013, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion for Leave to File
Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Relevance Objections to Petitioners' First Request for Production to The Government by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A - Relevance Objections, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter) Modified Text on 8/5/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 218 Filed: 8/1/2013, Entered: 8/1/2013, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages for Ordinary Briefing Schedule and Ordinary Page Limits to Respond to Government Privilege Assertions by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified Text on 8/2/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 217 Filed: 8/1/2013, Entered: 8/1/2013 Transcript information form
TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION FORM by Jeffrey Epstein, Martin G. Weinberg re [195] Notice of Appeal,, [194] Notice of Appeal,, [196] Notice of Appeal,,. No Transcript Requested. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 216 Filed: 7/27/2013, Entered: 7/27/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Supplemental Privilege Log (Attachments: # (1) Appendix Supplemental Privilege Log)(Villafana, Ann Marie) Modified on 7/29/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 215 Filed: 7/26/2013, Entered: 7/26/2013, Terminated: 9/22/2014 Motion to Intervene
Third Party MOTION to Intervene by Jeffrey Epstein. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 214 Filed: 7/22/2013, Entered: 7/22/2013 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [211] Motion for Extension of Time to complete responses to request for production. Deadline extended to 7/26/13. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/22/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 213 Filed: 7/19/2013, Entered: 7/19/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Response to Petitioners' First Request for Admissions to the Government (Attachments: # (1) Response to First Request for Admissions)(Lee, Dexter) Modified Text on 7/22/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 212 Filed: 7/19/2013, Entered: 7/19/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Privilege Log (Attachments: # (1) Appendix Privilege Log)(Villafana, Ann Marie) Modified Text on 7/22/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 211 Filed: 7/19/2013, Entered: 7/19/2013, Terminated: 7/22/2013 Motion for Extension of Time
Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time To Complete Responses to Request for Production re [190] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief,, Order on Motion to Compel,, Order on Sealed Motion,, Order on Motion to Strike, by United States of America. Responses due by 8/5/2013 (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 210 Filed: 7/16/2013, Entered: 7/16/2013 Transcript Notification
TRANSCRIPT NOTIFICATION - Transcript(s) ordered on: Hearing 8/12/2011 has/have been filed by Court Reporter: Melinda Colchico 561-682-0905 re [204] Transcript Information Form, [194] Notice of Appeal. (mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 209 Filed: 7/12/2013, Entered: 7/12/2013 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [207] MOTION to Intervene for Prospective Limited Intervention at the Remedy Stage of These Proceedings filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 7/22/2013. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 208 Filed: 7/10/2013, Entered: 7/10/2013 Transcript -AppealCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Hearing held on 8/12/2011 before Judge Kenneth A. Marra, 1-113 pages, re: [195] Notice of Appeal, [194] Notice of Appeal, [196] Notice of Appeal. Court Reporter: Melinda L. Colchico, US Legal Support 561-835-0220. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased by contacting the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 8/5/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/15/2013. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/11/2013. (Attachments: # (1) Designation)(mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 207 Filed: 7/8/2013, Entered: 7/8/2013, Terminated: 2/13/2014 Motion to Intervene
MOTION to Intervene for Prospective Limited Intervention at the Remedy Stage of These Proceedings by Jeffrey Epstein. Attorney Roy Eric Black added to party Jeffrey Epstein(pty:intv). (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 206 Filed: 7/8/2013, Entered: 7/8/2013 Order on Motion to stayCourt Filing
ORDER denying [193] Motion to Stay Pending Appeal and Imposing Temporary Seven (7) day Stay Pending Appellate Review of Order Denying Motion for Stay. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/6/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 205 Filed: 7/5/2013, Entered: 7/5/2013 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America re [187] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief of Filing Unsealed Documents in Accordance with Court's Order (Attachments: # (1) Appendix A -- Unsealed Motion to Seal United States' Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (formerly DE 118), # (2) Appendix B -- Unsealed and Redacted United States' Sealed Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (formerly DE 119), # (3) Appendix C -- Unsealed Motion to Seal Respondent's Motion to Stay Discovery pending Ruling upon Respondent's Motion to Dismiss (formerly DE 120), # (4) Appendix D -- Unsealed and Redacted Respondent's Sealed Motion to Stay Discovery Pending Ruling upon Respondent's Motion to Dismiss (formerly DE 121), # (5) Appendix E -- Unsealed Motion to Seal United States' Reply in Support of its Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (formerly DE 146), # (6) Appendix F -- Unsealed and Redacted United States' Reply in Support of Its Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (formerly DE 147))(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 204 Filed: 7/2/2013, Entered: 7/2/2013 Transcript information form
TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION FORM by Roy Black re [195] Notice of Appeal,, [194] Notice of Appeal,, [196] Notice of Appeal,,. Pre-trial hearings transcript(s) ordered. Order placed by Jackie Perczek, Esq.. Email sent to Court Reporter Coordinator. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 203 Filed: 7/1/2013, Entered: 7/1/2013 Acknowledgment of Receipt from USCA
Acknowledgment of Receipt of NOA from USCA re [196] Notice of Appeal,, filed by Martin G. Weinberg. Date received by USCA: 6/27/2013. USCA Case Number: 13-12928-C. (mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 202 Filed: 7/1/2013, Entered: 7/1/2013 Acknowledgment of Receipt from USCA
Acknowledgment of Receipt of NOA from USCA re [195] Notice of Appeal,, filed by Jeffrey Epstein. Date received by USCA: 6/27/2013. USCA Case Number: 13-12926-C. (mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 201 Filed: 7/1/2013, Entered: 7/1/2013 Acknowledgment of Receipt from USCA
Acknowledgment of Receipt of NOA from USCA re [194] Notice of Appeal,, filed by Roy Black. Date received by USCA: 6/28/2013. USCA Case Number: 13-12923-C. (mc)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 200 Filed: 6/28/2013, Entered: 6/28/2013 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [199] Motion for Extension of Time to comply with Court's Order. Deadline extended to 7/5/13. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/28/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 199 Filed: 6/28/2013, Entered: 6/28/2013, Terminated: 6/28/2013 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to Comply with Court's Order to File Pleadings in Public Portion of Court File re [187] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief by United States of America. Responses due by 7/15/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Villafana, Ann Marie) Modified on 7/1/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 198 Filed: 6/28/2013, Entered: 6/28/2013 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [193] MOTION to Stay re [190] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Sealed Motion, Order on Motion to Strike,,,, [189] Order on Sealed Motion, [188] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Protective Order filed by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 7/1/2013 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 197 Filed: 6/28/2013, Entered: 6/28/2013 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [195] Notice of Appeal,,. Document Not Linked; ERROR - The filed document was not linked to the related docket entry. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document. (amb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None transmission of notice of appeal and docket sheet to USCA
Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Orders Under Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals (electronically) re [196] Notice of Appeal,, (amb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None transmission of notice of appeal and docket sheet to USCA
Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Orders Under Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals (electronically) re [195] Notice of Appeal,, (amb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None transmission of notice of appeal and docket sheet to USCA
Transmission of Notice of Appeal, Orders Under Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals (electronically) re [194] Notice of Appeal,, (amb)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 196 Filed: 6/27/2013, Entered: 6/27/2013, Terminated: 6/11/2014 Notice of appeal
Notice of Appeal by Third Party Intervenor Martin Weinberg as to [190] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Sealed Motion, Order on Motion to Strike,,,, [189] Order on Sealed Motion, [188] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Protective Order, by Martin G. Weinberg. Filing fee $ 455.00 receipt number 113C-5845357. Within fourteen days of the filing date of a Notice of Appeal, the appellant must complete the Eleventh Circuit Transcript Order Form regardless of whether transcripts are being ordered [Pursuant to FRAP 10(b)]. For information go to our FLSD website under Transcript Information. (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 195 Filed: 6/27/2013, Entered: 6/27/2013, Terminated: 6/11/2014 Notice of appeal
Notice of Appeal by Third Party Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein by Jeffrey Epstein re [188] Order; [189] Order; [190] Omnibus Order. Filing fee $ 455.00 receipt number 113C-5845336. Within fourteen days of the filing date of a Notice of Appeal, the appellant must complete the Eleventh Circuit Transcript Order Form regardless of whether transcripts are being ordered [Pursuant to FRAP 10(b)]. For information go to our FLSD website under Transcript Information. (Black, Roy) Text Modified on 6/28/2013 (amb).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 194 Filed: 6/27/2013, Entered: 6/27/2013, Terminated: 6/11/2014 Notice of appeal
Notice of Appeal by Third Party Intervenor Roy Black as to [190] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Sealed Motion, Order on Motion to Strike,,,, [189] Order on Sealed Motion, [188] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Protective Order, by Roy Black. Filing fee $ 455.00 receipt number 113C-5845273. Within fourteen days of the filing date of a Notice of Appeal, the appellant must complete the Eleventh Circuit Transcript Order Form regardless of whether transcripts are being ordered [Pursuant to FRAP 10(b)]. For information go to our FLSD website under Transcript Information. (Black, Roy)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 193 Filed: 6/26/2013, Entered: 6/26/2013, Terminated: 7/8/2013 Motion To Stay
MOTION to Stay re [190] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion to Compel, Order on Sealed Motion, Order on Motion to Strike,,,, [189] Order on Sealed Motion, [188] Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Order on Motion for Protective Order, Pending Appeal by Roy Black. Responses due by 7/15/2013 (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 192 Filed: 6/19/2013, Entered: 6/19/2013 Notice of Compliance
Clerk's NOTICE of Compliance re [187] Order on Motion (mg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 191 Filed: 6/19/2013, Entered: 6/19/2013 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction - Chambers and Clerks
Clerks Notice of Docket Correction re [190] Omnibus Order. Correction Other. To reflect order not filed under seal, and NEF notification. (jmd)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 190 Filed: 6/18/2013, Entered: 6/19/2013 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
OMNIBUS ORDER denying without prejudice [128] Motion ; granting [130] Motion to Compel (see order for further details); denying as moot [152] Sealed Motion; denying as moot [177] Motion to Strike. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/18/2013. (jmd) Modified on 6/19/2013 to reflect not under seal. (jmd).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 189 Filed: 6/18/2013, Entered: 6/19/2013 Order on Sealed Motion +Court Filing
ORDER denying [119] government's motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The stay of discovery pending ruling on the government's motion to dismiss entered 11/8/2013 DE# [123] is lifted. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/18/2013. (jmd)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 188 Filed: 6/18/2013, Entered: 6/18/2013 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [51] Motion to unseal unredacted pleadings ; denying [160] Motion for Protective Order; denying [162] Motion for Protective Order. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/18/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 187 Filed: 6/18/2013, Entered: 6/18/2013 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [150] Motion to require Government to File Redacted Pleadings in Open Court and to Unseal the Government's Response in Opposition to the Motion. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/18/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 186 Filed: 6/13/2013, Entered: 6/13/2013 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [185] Notice of Supplemental Authority,. Incorrect Document Link; ERROR - The filed document was not correctly linked to the related docket entry. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future filings must comply with the instructions in the CM/ECF Attorney User's Manual. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 185 Filed: 6/12/2013, Entered: 6/12/2013 Notice of Supplemental Authority
Notice of Supplemental Authority in Support of Motion for Court to Deny the Government's Motion to Dismiss Based on Existing Pleadings or, at the Minimum, Allow Leave to File A Sur-Reply by Jane Doe (Edwards, Bradley) Modified Link on 6/13/2013 (ls).
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 184 Filed: 3/29/2013, Entered: 3/29/2013 Order on Motion to ExpediteCourt Filing
ORDER granting [179] Motion to Expedite; granting [183] Motion to Compel. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/28/2013. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 183 Filed: 3/14/2013, Entered: 3/14/2013, Terminated: 3/29/2013 Motion to Compel
MOTION to Compel Production of Court-Ordered Discovery and for a Prompt Ruling on the Motion by Jane Doe. Responses due by 4/1/2013 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 182 Filed: 12/21/2012, Entered: 12/21/2012 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [179] Motion to Expedite Ruling Denying Government's Motion to Stay Prompt Ruling filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 181 Filed: 12/10/2012, Entered: 12/10/2012 Notice of Supplemental Authority
Notice of Supplemental Authority in support of Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Response to Government's Sealed Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction by Jane Doe (Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 12/11/2012 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 180 Filed: 12/7/2012, Entered: 12/7/2012 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [179] MOTION Prompt Ruling Denying Government's Motion to Stay . Wrong Motion Relief(s) Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong motion relief(s) when docketing the motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future motions filed must include applicable reliefs. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 179 Filed: 12/6/2012, Entered: 12/6/2012, Terminated: 3/29/2013 Motion to Expedite
MOTION to Expedite Ruling Denying Government's Motion to Stay Prompt Ruling by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified Relief on 12/7/2012 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 178 Filed: 6/12/2012, Entered: 6/12/2012 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [177] MOTION to Strike [173] Notice of Supplemental Authority filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 6/22/2012. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 6/13/2012 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 177 Filed: 6/6/2012, Entered: 6/6/2012, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion to Strike
MOTION to Strike [173] Notice of Supplemental Authority by Roy Black. Responses due by 6/25/2012 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 176 Filed: 5/23/2012, Entered: 5/23/2012 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [175] Motion for Extension of Time To Respond re [173] Notice of Supplemental Authority by Roy Black, Jeffrey Epstein, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. Deadline extended to 6/8/12. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 5/23/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 175 Filed: 5/23/2012, Entered: 5/23/2012, Terminated: 5/23/2012 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time To Respond re [173] Notice of Supplemental Authority by Roy Black, Jeffrey Epstein, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. Responses due by 6/11/2012 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 174 Filed: 5/22/2012, Entered: 5/22/2012 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [172] Response to Motion,,. Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [de#173]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 173 Filed: 5/21/2012, Entered: 5/22/2012 Notice of Supplemental Authority
Notice of Supplemental Authority re [167] Response in Opposition to Motion,,, by Jane Doe (ls)(See Image at DE #[172])
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 172 Filed: 5/21/2012, Entered: 5/21/2012 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [160] MOTION for Protective Order by Intervenors Black, Weinberg and Lefkowitz and Opposition to Motions of Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, and Disclosure of Settlement Negotiations Supplemental Authority in Support of Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2s Response to Supplemental Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg and Jay Lefkowitz filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 6/1/2012. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhibit A)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 171 Filed: 4/24/2012, Entered: 4/24/2012 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [169] Reply to Response to Motion,,,. Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [de#170]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 170 Filed: 4/23/2012, Entered: 4/24/2012 Response/Reply (Other)
REPLY to [164] Supplemental Briefing by Roy Black, Jeffrey Epstein, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. (ls)(See Image at DE #[169])
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 169 Filed: 4/23/2012, Entered: 4/23/2012 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [160] MOTION for Protective Order by Intervenors Black, Weinberg and Lefkowitz and Opposition to Motions of Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, and Disclosure of Settlement Negotiations, [162] MOTION for Protective Order by Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein And Opposition To Motions of Jane Doe 1 And Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations, [161] MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Briefing Of Intervenors Black, Weinberg, And Lefkowitz In Support Of Their Motion For A Protective Order Concerning Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations filed by Roy Black, Jeffrey Epstein, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 168 Filed: 4/19/2012, Entered: 4/19/2012 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [166] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/19/2012. (dby)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 167 Filed: 4/19/2012, Entered: 4/19/2012 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [160] MOTION for Protective Order by Intervenors Black, Weinberg and Lefkowitz and Opposition to Motions of Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, and Disclosure of Settlement Negotiations, [162] MOTION for Protective Order by Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein And Opposition To Motions of Jane Doe 1 And Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations, [161] MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Briefing Of Intervenors Black, Weinberg, And Lefkowitz In Support Of Their Motion For A Protective Order Concerning Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Response to Supplemental Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene of Roy Black filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 166 Filed: 4/19/2012, Entered: 4/19/2012, Terminated: 4/19/2012 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages to Respond to Supplemental Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene by Roy Black by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified Text on 4/20/2012 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 165 Filed: 4/18/2012, Entered: 4/18/2012 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [161] MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Briefing Of Intervenors Black, Weinberg, And Lefkowitz In Support Of Their Motion For A Protective Order Concerning Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations. Wrong Event Selected; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. The document was re-docketed by the Clerk, see [de#164]. It is not necessary to refile this document. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 163 Filed: 4/18/2012, Entered: 4/18/2012 Notice of Supplemental Authority
Notice of Supplemental Authority re [160] MOTION for Protective Order by Intervenors Black, Weinberg and Lefkowitz and Opposition to Motions of Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, and Disclosure of Settlement Negotiations, [162] MOTION for Protective Order by Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein And Opposition To Motions of Jane Doe 1 And Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations, [161] MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Briefing Of Intervenors Black, Weinberg, And Lefkowitz In Support Of Their Motion For A Protective Order Concerning Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations by Roy Black, Jeffrey Epstein, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 164 Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: 4/18/2012 supplement
SUPPLEMENTAL Briefing in support of Motion for a Protective Order concerning Production, Use, and Disclosure of Plea Negotiations by Roy Black, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg (ls)(See Image at DE #[161])
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 162 Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: 4/17/2012, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION for Protective Order by Limited Intervenor Jeffrey Epstein And Opposition To Motions of Jane Doe 1 And Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations by Jeffrey Epstein. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 161 Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: 4/17/2012, Terminated: 4/17/2012 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION for Protective Order Supplemental Briefing Of Intervenors Black, Weinberg, And Lefkowitz In Support Of Their Motion For A Protective Order Concerning Production, Use, And Disclosure Of Plea Negotiations by Roy Black. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 160 Filed: 4/17/2012, Entered: 4/17/2012, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion for Protective Order
MOTION for Protective Order by Intervenors Black, Weinberg and Lefkowitz and Opposition to Motions of Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 For Production, Use, and Disclosure of Settlement Negotiations by Roy Black. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 159 Filed: 3/29/2012, Entered: 3/29/2012 Order on motion to interveneCourt Filing
ORDER granting [93] Motion to Intervene. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/29/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 158 Filed: 3/29/2012, Entered: 3/29/2012 Order on motion to interveneCourt Filing
ORDER granting [56] Motion to Intervene. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/29/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 157 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 155 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 156 Filed: 2/24/2012, Entered: 2/27/2012 Sealed document
Respondent's sealed opposition to petitioners motion requesting an order directing the government to file redacted pleadings in the public court file (dj) Unsealed on 6/19/2013 per Order [187] (mg).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 154 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 153 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 150 Filed: 2/7/2012, Entered: 2/7/2012, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Government to File Redacted Pleadings in Public Court File Jane Doe#1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion Requesting an Order Directing the Government to File Redacted Pleadings in the Public Court File by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 152 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (mg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 151 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (mg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 149 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 148 Filed: 2/3/2012, Entered: 2/3/2012 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER denying without prejudice [50] Motion for Order Directing U.S. Attorney's Office not to Withhold Relevant Evidence. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/3/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 145 Filed: 1/27/2012, Entered: 1/27/2012 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [143] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/27/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 147 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 146 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 144 Filed: 1/26/2012, Entered: 1/26/2012 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [128] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief filed by United States of America. (Sanchez, Eduardo)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 143 Filed: 1/26/2012, Entered: 1/26/2012, Terminated: 1/27/2012 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 142 Filed: 1/25/2012, Entered: 1/25/2012 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [141] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [128] Motion for Remedies and Motion to Dismiss. Responses/Replies due by 1/26/2012. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/25/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 141 Filed: 1/24/2012, Entered: 1/24/2012, Terminated: 1/25/2012 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [128] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, [127] Response/Reply (Other) by United States of America. (Sanchez, Eduardo)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 140 Filed: 1/24/2012, Entered: 1/24/2012 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [130] Motion to Compel and Reply to Response to Sealed Motion to Stay Discovery Pending Ruling upon Respondent's Motion to Dismiss [DE 129] filed by United States of America. (Villafana, Ann Marie) Modified Text on 1/25/2012 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 139 Filed: 1/9/2012, Entered: 1/9/2012 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [138] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [130] Motion to Compel, [128] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. Responses due by 1/24/2012. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 1/9/2012. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 138 Filed: 1/6/2012, Entered: 1/6/2012, Terminated: 1/9/2012 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
Second MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to Petitioners' Responses and Motions Filed on December 5, 2011 by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 137 Filed: 12/15/2011, Entered: 12/15/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [136] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [130] Motion to Compel, [128] Motion for for Remedies. Responses due by 1/6/2012. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 12/15/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 136 Filed: 12/15/2011, Entered: 12/15/2011, Terminated: 12/15/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
Defendant's MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [128] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, [127] Response/Reply (Other), [130] Motion to Compel, [129] Response/Reply (Other) by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 135 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 131 Filed: 12/7/2011, Entered: 12/7/2011 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [126] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 12/6/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 134 [misc] restricted/sealed until further notice. (mg)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 133 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (mg)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 132 Filed: 12/6/2011, Entered: 12/7/2011 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [128] Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. Wrong Event Selected - Document is a Motion; ERROR - The Filer selected the wrong event. A motion event must always be selected when filing a motion. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document. (mg)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 130 Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: 12/5/2011, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion to Compel
MOTION Protective Motion to Compel Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Protective Motion to Compel by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 12/7/2011 (mg).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 129 Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: 12/5/2011 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Response to Governments Sealed Motion to Stay by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 128 Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: 12/5/2011, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Protective Motion for Remedies by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 12/7/2011 (mg).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 127 Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: 12/5/2011 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Response to Goverment's Sealed Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 126 Filed: 12/5/2011, Entered: 12/5/2011, Terminated: 12/7/2011 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Motion for Four Extra Pages to Respond to Government's Motion to Dismiss by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 125 Filed: 11/16/2011, Entered: 11/16/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [124] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [119] SEALED MOTION to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Responses due by 12/5/2011. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 11/16/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 124 Filed: 11/16/2011, Entered: 11/16/2011, Terminated: 11/16/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Unopposed Motion for 10-day Extension of time to Respond to Government's Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Stay of Discovery by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 123 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 122 [order] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 121 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 120 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 119 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 118 [motion] restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 117 Filed: 11/1/2011, Entered: 11/1/2011 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [116] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 11/1/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 116 Filed: 10/31/2011, Entered: 10/31/2011, Terminated: 11/1/2011 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages by Roy Black, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 115 Filed: 10/31/2011, Entered: 10/31/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz filed by Roy Black, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 114 Filed: 10/17/2011, Entered: 10/17/2011 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [109] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/17/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 113 Filed: 10/17/2011, Entered: 10/17/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [110] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz. Replies due by 10/31/2011. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/17/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 112 Filed: 10/16/2011, Entered: 10/16/2011 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jeffrey Epstein re [109] MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages in Omnibus Reply In Support of Motion For Limited Intervention Notice of No Objection From Government (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 10/16/2011, Entered: 10/16/2011 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Roy Black re [110] MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [106] Response in Opposition to Motion, [94] Supplement Notice of No Objection By Government (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 10/14/2011, Entered: 10/14/2011, Terminated: 10/17/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [106] Response in Opposition to Motion, [94] Supplement by Roy Black. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 10/14/2011, Entered: 10/14/2011, Terminated: 10/17/2011 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages in Omnibus Reply In Support of Motion For Limited Intervention by Jeffrey Epstein. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 10/14/2011, Entered: 10/14/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention filed by Jeffrey Epstein. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 10/11/2011, Entered: 10/11/2011 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [105] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/11/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 10/10/2011, Entered: 10/10/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz Response to Supplemental Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz (DE 94) filed by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Jan. 18, 2011 Hrg. Transcript)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 105 Filed: 10/10/2011, Entered: 10/10/2011, Terminated: 10/11/2011 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Unopposed Moton for Five Extra Pages to Respond to Supplemental Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene by roy Black, et. al. by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 104 Filed: 9/30/2011, Entered: 9/30/2011 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [103] Motion for Extension of Time To File Omnibus Reply In Support of [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention. Reply due 10/14/11. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/30/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Set/Reset Motion/R&R Deadlines and Hearings
Set/Reset Deadlines as to [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention. Replies due by 10/14/2011. (ir)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 103 Filed: 9/29/2011, Entered: 9/29/2011, Terminated: 9/30/2011 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time Until October 14, 2011 To File His Omnibus Reply In Support Of His Motion For Limited Intervention re [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention, [98] Response to Motion, [96] Response in Opposition to Motion, by Roy Black. Responses due by 10/17/2011 (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 102 Filed: 9/28/2011, Entered: 9/28/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [101] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to supplemental briefing in support of [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz. Responses due by 10/10/2011. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/28/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 101 Filed: 9/28/2011, Entered: 9/28/2011, Terminated: 9/28/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [100] Response/Reply (Other), [94] Supplement Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Unopposed Motion for Extension of time to Respond to Supplemental Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene by Roy Black,e by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 100 Filed: 9/27/2011, Entered: 9/27/2011 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [94] Supplement Briefing in Support of Motion to Intervene of Black, Weinberg, and Lefkowitz by United States of America. (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 9/26/2011, Entered: 9/26/2011 Order on motion for summary judgmentCourt Filing
ORDER granting in part [48] and DE 52 Motion for finding of violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act; denying [49] Motion to have facts accepted; deferring ruling on [50] Motion for order directing the U.S. Attorney's Office not to withhold relevant evidence; denying [79] Motion to Intervene ; denying [79] Motion for Sanctions. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/26/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 98 Filed: 9/25/2011, Entered: 9/25/2011 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention filed by United States of America. Replies due by 10/6/2011. (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 97 Filed: 9/19/2011, Entered: 9/19/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ORDER granting [95] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention by Jeffrey Epstein. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/19/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 96 Filed: 9/16/2011, Entered: 9/16/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Response to Motion for "Limited" Intervention of Jeffrey Epstein filed by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 95 Filed: 9/16/2011, Entered: 9/16/2011, Terminated: 9/19/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [93] MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention, [94] Supplement by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 94 Filed: 9/2/2011, Entered: 9/2/2011 supplement
SUPPLEMENT to [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz by Roy Black (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 93 Filed: 9/2/2011, Entered: 9/2/2011, Terminated: 3/29/2012 Motion to Intervene
MOTION to Intervene For Limited Intervention by Jeffrey Epstein. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A -- Motion For Protective Order)(Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 92 Filed: 8/23/2011, Entered: 8/23/2011 Order on motion for extension of timeCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [91] Motion for Extension of Time TO File Supplemental Briefing by Proposed Intervenors re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz. Supplemental brief due 9/2/11. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 8/23/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 91 Filed: 8/22/2011, Entered: 8/22/2011, Terminated: 8/23/2011 Motion for Extension of Time
Unopposed MOTION for Extension of Time to File Supplemental Briefing by Proposed Intervenors re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz, [89] Motion Hearing by Roy Black. Responses due by 9/9/2011 (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 8/19/2011, Entered: 8/19/2011 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America of Filing Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel Opinion (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 89 Filed: 8/12/2011, Entered: 8/12/2011 Motion HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Kenneth A. Marra: Pending Motion Hearing held on 8/12/2011. Court Reporter: Melinda Colchico, Consor and Associates, 561-682-0905 (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 88 Filed: 7/9/2011, Entered: 7/9/2011 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [85] Notice of Supplemental Authority,, by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 87 Filed: 6/23/2011, Entered: 6/23/2011 Order Setting Hearing on MotionCourt Filing
ORDER Setting Hearing on pending motions: [79] MOTION to Intervene MOTION for Sanctions, [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz, [49] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Have Their Facts Accepted Because of the Government's Failure to Contest Any of the Facts, [51] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Use Correspondence to Prove Violations of the Crime Victims' Right Act and to Have Their Unredacted Pleadings Unsealed, [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing, [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence : Motion Hearing set for 8/12/2011 02:00 PM in West Palm Beach Division before Judge Kenneth A. Marra.. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/23/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 86 Filed: 6/23/2011, Entered: 6/23/2011 order on motion for miscellaneous reliefCourt Filing
ORDER granting [82] Motion to Supplement Authorities in Support of their Motion for an Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 6/23/2011. (ir)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 85 Filed: 6/17/2011, Entered: 6/17/2011 Notice of Supplemental Authority
Notice of Supplemental Authority re [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Notice of Newly-Available Supplemental Authority in Support of Their Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crimes Victims Rights Act by Jane Doe (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Exhbit A)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 84 Filed: 5/30/2011, Entered: 5/30/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [82] MOTION Motion to Supplement Authorities re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe & MOTION Motion to Supplement Authorities re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe & MOTION Motion to Supplement Authorities re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe & filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 83 Filed: 5/23/2011, Entered: 5/23/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [79] MOTION to Intervene MOTION for Sanctions OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE FOR A SUA SPONTE RULE 11 ORDER filed by Bruce Reinhart. (Reinhart, Bruce)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 82 Filed: 5/16/2011, Entered: 5/16/2011, Terminated: 6/23/2011 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
MOTION Motion to Supplement Authorities re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Motion to Supplement Authorities in Support of Their Motion for an Order Directing the US Attorneys Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit OPR May 2011 Letter, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 81 Filed: 5/16/2011, Entered: 5/16/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [79] MOTION to Intervene MOTION for Sanctions Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Response to Motion to Intervene of Bruce Reinhart filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 80 Filed: 5/12/2011, Entered: 5/12/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz filed by Roy Black, Jay Lefkowitz, Martin G. Weinberg. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 79 Filed: 5/3/2011, Entered: 5/3/2011, Terminated: 9/26/2011 Motion to Intervene
MOTION to Intervene, MOTION for Sanctions by Bruce Reinhart. (Attachments: # (1) Motion for Sanctions)(Reinhart, Bruce)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 78 Filed: 5/2/2011, Entered: 5/2/2011 Response to motion
RESPONSE to Motion re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Response to Motion to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz filed by Jane Doe. Replies due by 5/12/2011. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 77 Filed: 5/2/2011, Entered: 5/2/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Reply to Government's Response to Their Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for a Hearing on Appropriate Remedies filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 76 Filed: 5/2/2011, Entered: 5/2/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Reply to Government's Response to Motion for Order Directing The US Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 75 Filed: 5/2/2011, Entered: 5/2/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [49] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Have Their Facts Accepted Because of the Government's Failure to Contest Any of the Facts Jane Doe #1 and jane Doe #2's Reply to Government's Response to Their Motion to have Their Facts Accepted Because of the Government's Failure to Contest Any of The Facts filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 74 Filed: 5/2/2011, Entered: 5/2/2011 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [51] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Use Correspondence to Prove Violations of the Crime Victims' Right Act and to Have Their Unredacted Pleadings Unsealed Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Reply to Government's Response to their Motion to Use Correspondence to Prove Violations of the Crime Victims' rights Act and to Have their Unredacted Pleadings Unsealed filed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 73 Filed: 4/26/2011, Entered: 4/26/2011 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER granting [Sealed DE 63] Motion to Seal Appendix to United States Response in Opposition to Petitioner's Motion to use correspondence to prove violations of the Crime Victims' Act and to their unredacted pleadings unsealed. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/26/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 72 Filed: 4/20/2011, Entered: 4/20/2011 Order on Motion to appear pro hac viceCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting Martin Weinberg [55] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/20/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: 4/18/2011 Order on Motion to appear pro hac viceCourt Filing
ORDER granting Jay Lefkowitz [68] Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/18/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 69 Filed: 4/18/2011, Entered: 4/18/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [67] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz. Responses due by 5/2/2011. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/18/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 68 Filed: 4/14/2011, Entered: 4/15/2011 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Jay Lefkowitz. Filing Fee $ 75.00. Receipt # 17328. (ksa)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 67 Filed: 4/14/2011, Entered: 4/14/2011, Terminated: 4/18/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [56] MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Coordinate Filing Deadline for Responding to Motion to Intervene by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 66 Filed: 4/14/2011, Entered: 4/14/2011 Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/AnswerCourt Filing
ORDER granting [65] Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing. Replies due by 5/2/2011. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/14/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 4/13/2011, Entered: 4/13/2011, Terminated: 4/14/2011 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply/Answer
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2 Unopposed Motion for Two Week Extension of Time and For Permission to File an Overlength Reply to Government responses to Their Motions by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 62 Filed: 4/8/2011, Entered: 4/8/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 61 Filed: 4/8/2011, Entered: 4/8/2011 Order on Motion for Leave to FileCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting [57] Motion for Leave to File Memorandum of Law in Excess of Twenty Pages. Clerks Notice: Filer must separately re-file the amended pleading pursuant to Local Rule 15.1, unless otherwise ordered by the Judge. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 4/8/11. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 64 restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 63 restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 71 Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: 4/20/2011 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer. Parties Not Added; ERROR - The Filer failed to add all parties indicated on [DE #56]. The correction was made by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but all future filings must comply with the instructions in the CM/ECF Attorney User's Manual. (mb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: 4/7/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [51] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Use Correspondence to Prove Violations of the Crime Victims' Right Act and to Have Their Unredacted Pleadings Unsealed filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: 4/7/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 58 Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: 4/7/2011 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [49] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Have Their Facts Accepted Because of the Government's Failure to Contest Any of the Facts filed by United States of America. (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: 4/7/2011, Terminated: 4/8/2011 Motion for Leave to File
Defendant's MOTION for Leave to File Memorandum of Law In Excess of Twenty Pages by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Text of Proposed Order)(Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 4/7/2011, Entered: 4/7/2011, Terminated: 3/29/2012 Motion to Intervene
MOTION to Intervene of Roy Black, Martin Weinberg, and Jay Lefkowitz by Roy Black. (Perczek, Jacqueline)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 4/4/2011, Entered: 4/5/2011 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice, Consent to Designation, and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Martin Weinberg. Filing Fee $ 75.00. Receipt # 16719. (ksa)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 3/28/2011, Entered: 3/28/2011 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Roy Black re [50] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence, [51] Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Use Correspondence to Prove Violations of the Crime Victims' Right Act and to Have Their Unredacted Pleadings Unsealed NOTICEOF OBJECTION (Black, Roy)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 53 Filed: 3/23/2011, Entered: 3/23/2011 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [48] Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies MOTION for Hearing. Motion with Multiple Reliefs Filed as One Relief; ERROR - The Filer selected only one relief event and failed to select the additional corresponding events for each relief requested in the motion. The docket entry was corrected by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but future filings must comply with the instructions in the CM/ECF Attorney User's Manual. (lh)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 52 restricted/sealed until further notice. (mg)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 51 Filed: 3/21/2011, Entered: 3/21/2011, Terminated: 6/18/2013 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Use Correspondence to Prove Violations of the Crime Victims' Right Act and to Have Their Unredacted Pleadings Unsealed by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 50 Filed: 3/21/2011, Entered: 3/21/2011, Terminated: 2/3/2012 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion for Order Directing the U.S. Attorney's Office Not to Withhold Relevant Evidence by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A, # (2) Text of Proposed Order PROPOSED ORDER)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 3/21/2011, Entered: 3/21/2011, Terminated: 9/26/2011 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
Plaintiff's MOTION Jane Doe #1 and Jane Doe #2's Motion to Have Their Facts Accepted Because of the Government's Failure to Contest Any of the Facts by Jane Doe. (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 48 Filed: 3/21/2011, Entered: 3/21/2011, Terminated: 9/28/2011 Motion for Summary Judgment
Plaintiff's MOTION for Summary Judgment REDACTED- Jane Doe #1 and Jan Doe #2's Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Rights Act and Request for Hearing on Appropriate Remedies by Jane Doe. Responses due by 4/7/2011 (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit A-SEALED, # (2) Exhibit B, # (3) Exhibit C, # (4) Exhibit D, # (5) Exhibit E, # (6) Exhibit F, # (7) Exhibit G, # (8) Exhibit H, # (9) Exhibit I, # (10) Exhibit J, # (11) Exhibit K)(Edwards, Bradley). Added MOTION for Hearing on appropriate remedies on 3/23/2011 (lh).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: 3/18/2011 Order on Motion for Leave to File Excess PagesCourt Filing
ORDER granting [46] Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 3/18/2011. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 3/18/2011, Entered: 3/18/2011, Terminated: 3/18/2011 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages
Unopposed MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages of Statement of Facts in Support of their Motion for Finding of Violations of the Crime Victims' Right Act by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley) Modified on 3/18/2011 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 12/17/2010, Entered: 12/17/2010 Status report
STATUS REPORT by United States of America (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 10/28/2010, Entered: 10/28/2010 Order Reopening CaseCourt Filing
ORDER REOPENING CASE. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/28/2010. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 43 Filed: 10/28/2010, Entered: 10/28/2010 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice to Filer re [41] Status Report. Two or More Document Events Filed as One; ERROR - Only one event was selected by the Filer but more than one event was applicable to the document filed. The docket entry was corrected by the Clerk. It is not necessary to refile this document but in the future, the Filer must select all applicable events. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 10/27/2010, Entered: 10/28/2010 Response to order to show cause
RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE by Jane Doe. (ls)(See Image at DE #[41])
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 10/27/2010, Entered: 10/27/2010 Status report
STATUS REPORT by Jane Doe (Edwards, Bradley) Modified to add missing event [42] Response to Order to Show Cause on 10/28/2010 (ls).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 10/12/2010, Entered: 10/12/2010 Order to Show CauseCourt Filing
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE for lack of prosecution. Show Cause Response due by 10/27/2010. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 10/8/2010. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 9/13/2010, Entered: 9/13/2010 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe re [38] Administrative Order In Response to Administrative Order Closing Case (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 9/8/2010, Entered: 9/9/2010 Administrative OrderCourt Filing
Administrative Order Closing Case. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 9/8/2010. (tb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 4/9/2009, Entered: 4/9/2009 Notice - Other
NOTICE by Jane Doe of Change of Firm Affiliation (Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 2/12/2009, Entered: 2/12/2009 Order on Motion to unseal documentCourt Filing
ORDER denying [28] Motion to Unseal Document. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 2/12/2009. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 12/22/2008, Entered: 12/22/2008 Affidavit
AFFIDAVIT signed by : A. Marie Villafana. re [14] Affidavit, [13] Response/Reply (Other) Supplemental Declaration by United States of America. (Attachments: # (1) Certification Certificate of Service)(Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 12/9/2008, Entered: 12/9/2008 Clerks Notice of Docket Correction - Chambers and Clerks
Clerks Notice of Docket Correction re [33] Sealed Document. Error(s): Sealed Document Filed in Wrong Case; Correction - Original document restricted and refiled in correct case. (rb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Sealed Legal Document 33 Filed: 12/5/2008, Entered: 12/5/2008 Sealed document
Sealed Document. (rb)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
SYSTEM ENTRY - Docket Entry 32 restricted/sealed until further notice. (dj)
Blank  Filed: None, Entered: None Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer - Attorney
Clerks Notice of Docket Correction and Instruction to Filer re [30] Response/Reply (Other), Response/Reply (Other) filed by Jane Doe. Error - Wrong Event Selected; Correction - Redocketed by Clerk as Reply to Response to Motion. Instruction to Filer - In the future, please select the proper event. It is not necessary to refile this document. (ls)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 10/16/2008, Entered: 10/17/2008 Reply to Response to motion
REPLY to Response to Motion re [28] MOTION to Unseal Document Non-Prosecution Agreement filed by Jane Doe. [See Image at DE #30] (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 30 Filed: 10/16/2008, Entered: 10/16/2008 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to [29] Response in Opposition to Motion to Unseal Non-Prosecution Agreement filed by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit October 9, 2008 letter from Brad Edwards, Esquire to AUSA Dexter Lee, # (2) Exhibit October 15, 2008 Letter from Brad Edwards, Esquire to AUSA Dexter Lee)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 29 Filed: 10/8/2008, Entered: 10/8/2008 response in opposition to motion
RESPONSE in Opposition re [28] MOTION to Unseal Document Non-Prosecution Agreement filed by United States of America. (Villafana, Ann Marie)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 28 Filed: 9/25/2008, Entered: 9/25/2008, Terminated: 2/12/2009 Motion to Unseal Document
MOTION to Unseal Document Non-Prosecution Agreement by Jane Doe. Responses due by 10/14/2008 (Attachments: # (1) Text of Proposed Order)(Edwards, Bradley)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 27 Filed: 8/22/2008, Entered: 8/25/2008 transcriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Hearing held on 8/14/2008 before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin - phone number 561-514-3768 25 pages. (abd) (Main Document 27 replaced on 9/10/2013) (mc).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 26 Filed: 8/21/2008, Entered: 8/21/2008 protective orderCourt Filing
ORDER TO COMPEL PRODUCTION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 8/21/08. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 24 Filed: 8/20/2008, Entered: 8/20/2008 [[ITALIC]]Description not available[[/ITALIC]]
NOTICE of Instruction to Filer: re [22] Notice (Other) filed by United States of America Error: Wrong Event Selected; Instruction to filer - In the future please select the proper event. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 25 Filed: 8/14/2008, Entered: 8/21/2008 Status ConferenceCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Kenneth A. Marra: Status Conference held on 8/14/2008. Court Reporter: Stephen Franklin- phone number 561-514-3768 (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 23 Filed: 8/13/2008, Entered: 8/13/2008 Order Setting Status ConferenceCourt Filing
ORDER Setting Status Conference: Status Conference set for 8/14/2008 03:30 PM in West Palm Beach Division before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. Parties may contact the courtroom deputy at 561-514-3765 to make arrangements to appear telephonically. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 8/13/08. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 22 Filed: 8/13/2008, Entered: 8/13/2008 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America re [19] Response/Reply (Other), Response/Reply (Other) Government's Response to Petitioners' Request for Non-Prosecution Agreement and Report of Interview (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 21 Filed: 8/13/2008, Entered: 8/13/2008 Order on Motion to appear pro hac viceCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting Jay C. Howell [20] Motion for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 8/12/08. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 20 Filed: 8/8/2008, Entered: 8/12/2008 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Jay C. Howell, Filing Fee $75, Receipt #724591. (cw)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document 19 Filed: 8/1/2008, Entered: 8/1/2008 Response/Reply (Other)
RESPONSE/REPLY to Goverment's Notice to Court Regarding Absence of Need for Evidentiary Hearing and Motion for Production of Non-Prosecution Agreement and of Report of Interview filed by Jane Doe. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit Proposed Stipulation, # (2) Exhibit July 17, 2008 Letter, # (3) Exhibit July 3, 2008 Letter)(Edwards, Bradley)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 18 Filed: 7/30/2008, Entered: 7/30/2008 Order on Motion to appear pro hac viceCourt Filing
ENDORSED ORDER granting Paul G. Cassell [16] Motion for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/29/08. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 17 Filed: 7/29/2008, Entered: 7/29/2008 Notice - Other
NOTICE by United States of America To Court Regarding Absence of Need for Evidentiary Hearing (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 16 Filed: 7/28/2008, Entered: 7/28/2008, Terminated: 7/30/2008 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filing for Paul G. Cassell, Filing Fee $75, Receipt #724532. (cw)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 15 Filed: 7/17/2008, Entered: 7/18/2008 transcriptCourt Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Hearing held on 7/11/2008 before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. Court Reporter: Victoria Aiello- phone number 954-467-8204 32 pages. (abd) (Main Document 15 replaced on 9/10/2013) (mc).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 11 Filed: 7/11/2008, Entered: 7/14/2008 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER Denying Motion to Seal re [7] Sealed Document, [6] Sealed Document, [8] Sealed Document. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/11/2008. (ls) (Additional attachment(s) added on 7/15/2008: # (1) docket sheet) (bs).
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 10 Filed: 7/11/2008, Entered: 7/11/2008 Miscellaneous HearingCourt Filing
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Kenneth A. Marra: Miscellaneous Hearing held on 7/11/2008. Court will issue order to unseal pleadings. Court Reporter: Official Reporting Service- phone number 305-523-5635 (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 9 Filed: 7/11/2008, Entered: 7/11/2008 Response/Reply (Other)
REPLY to Response (under seal) re [1] Complaint/Emergency Petition, and Objection to Government's Motion for Sealing of Pleadings filed by Jane Doe. (ls)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 5 Filed: 7/10/2008, Entered: 7/10/2008 Order Setting Status ConferenceCourt Filing
ORDER SETTING HEARING: Petitioner's Emergency Petition for Enforcement of Crime Victim's Rights Act set for 7/11/2008 10:15 AM in West Palm Beach Division before Judge Kenneth A. Marra. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/10/08. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Blank 14 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/15/2008 Affidavit
UNSEALED DECLARATION signed by : A. Marie Villafana. re [13] Response to Victim's Emergency Petition by United States of America. (previously filed as [8] sealed document) (bs)
Blank 13 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/15/2008 Response/Reply (Other)
UNSEALED RESPONSE to [1] Emergency Petition for Enforcement of Crime Victim Rights Act filed by United States of America. (previously filed as [7] sealed document) (bs)
Blank 12 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/15/2008 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief
UNSEALED MOTION to Seal Response to Victim's Emergency Petition by United States of America. (previously filed as [6] sealed document) (bs)
Sealed Legal Document 8 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/10/2008 Sealed document
Sealed Document. (rb) UNSEALED see DE [14] . Modified on 7/15/2008 (bs).
Sealed Legal Document 7 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/10/2008 Sealed document
Sealed Document. (rb) UNSEALED see DE [13] . Modified on 7/15/2008 (bs).
Sealed Legal Document 6 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/10/2008 Sealed document
Sealed Document. (rb) UNSEALED see DE [12] . Modified on 7/15/2008 (bs).
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 4 Filed: 7/9/2008, Entered: 7/9/2008 Notice of Attorney Appearance
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Dexter Lee on behalf of United States of America (Lee, Dexter)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 3 Filed: 7/7/2008, Entered: 7/7/2008 OrderCourt Filing
ORDER requiring U.S. Attorney to respond to [1] Complaint filed by Jane Doe by 5:00 p.m. on 7/9/08. Signed by Judge Kenneth A. Marra on 7/7/08. (ir)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 2 Filed: 7/7/2008, Entered: 7/7/2008 Notice - Other
CERTIFICATE OF EMERGENCY by Jane Doe re [1] Complaint (rb)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 1 Filed: 7/7/2008, Entered: 7/7/2008 Complaint
EMERGENCY PETITION for Victim's Enforcement of Crime Victim's Rights Act 18 USC 3771 against United States of America Filing fee $ 350. Receipt#: 724403, filed by Jane Doe.(rb)
Request RequestSpace LREF


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