
Federal Civil Lawsuit Nevada District Court, Case No. 3:04-cv-00407
District Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr, presiding
District Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr
Last Updated August 2, 2017 at 12:09 PM EDT (7.5 years ago) Update UpdateSpaceE-Mail Alert AlertsSpaceJump Jump

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No Logo International Gaming Technology, Plaintiff

Represented by Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
Space Jared Egan Hedman +1 312 862 2282 +1 312 862 2200 jhedman@kirkland.com
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Barry F. Irwin +1 312 861 2423 +1 312 861 2423 birwin@kirkland.com
TERMINATED: 08/02/2007, LEAD ATTORNEY Christopher Michael Kaiser +1 312 469 7032 +1 312 862 2200 ckaiser@kirkland.com

Represented by Laxalt & Nomura, Ltd.

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Wayne A Shaffer +1 775 322 1170 +1 775 322 1865 wshaffer@laxalt-nomura.com
No Logo Shuffle Master, Inc., Plaintiff

Represented by Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Adam J. Gill +1 312 861 2051 +1 312 660 0534 adam.gill@kirkland.com
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Jared Egan Hedman +1 312 862 2282 +1 312 862 2200 jhedman@kirkland.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Barry F. Irwin +1 312 861 2423 +1 312 861 2423 birwin@kirkland.com
TERMINATED: 08/02/2007 Christopher Michael Kaiser +1 312 469 7032 +1 312 862 2200 ckaiser@kirkland.com
TERMINATED: 08/02/2007, LEAD ATTORNEY Colby Anne Kingsbury +1 312 861 2000 +8612 861 861 2200 ckingsbury@kirkland.com

Represented by Laxalt & Nomura, Ltd.

Represented by Reed Smith LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Michael P. Bregenzer +1 312 207 3853 mbregenzer@reedsmith.com
No Logo Bally Gaming, Inc., Counter-Claimant

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Andrea Pallios Roberts +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 andreaproberts@quinnemanuel.com
No Logo MP Games LLC, Counter-Claimant

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Andrea Pallios Roberts +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 andreaproberts@quinnemanuel.com
No Logo Alliance Gaming Corporation, Defendant

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Jennifer A. Kash +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 jenniferkash@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Andrea Pallios Roberts +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 andreaproberts@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Rachel Heather Smith +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 rachelsmith@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Charles Kramer Verhoeven +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 charlesverhoeven@quinnemanuel.com

Represented by Schiff Hardin LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
TERMINATED: 02/03/2006 William Paul Schuck +1 415 901 8700 +1 415 901 8701 wps@mjllp.com
No Logo Bally Gaming, Inc., Defendant

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Jennifer A. Kash +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 jenniferkash@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Andrea Pallios Roberts +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 andreaproberts@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Rachel Heather Smith +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 rachelsmith@quinnemanuel.com
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Charles Kramer Verhoeven +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 charlesverhoeven@quinnemanuel.com

Represented by Schiff Hardin LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
TERMINATED: 02/03/2006 William Paul Schuck +1 415 901 8700 +1 415 901 8701 wps@mjllp.com
No Logo MP Games LLC, Defendant

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Jennifer A. Kash +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 jenniferkash@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Andrea Pallios Roberts +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 andreaproberts@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Rachel Heather Smith +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 rachelsmith@quinnemanuel.com
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Charles Kramer Verhoeven +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 charlesverhoeven@quinnemanuel.com

Represented by Schiff Hardin LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
TERMINATED: 02/03/2006 William Paul Schuck +1 415 901 8700 +1 415 901 8701 wps@mjllp.com
No Logo Robert Mouchou, Defendant

Represented by Holland & Hart LLP

Represented by McDonald Carano Wilson LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
TERMINATED: 10/19/2004, LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Patricia K. Lundvall +1 702 873 4100 +1 702 873 9966 lundvall@mcdonaldcarano.com

Represented by Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Jennifer A. Kash +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 jenniferkash@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Andrea Pallios Roberts +1 650 801 5000 +1 650 801 5100 andreaproberts@quinnemanuel.com
LEAD ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Rachel Heather Smith +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 rachelsmith@quinnemanuel.com
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Charles Kramer Verhoeven +1 415 875 6600 +1 415 875 6700 charlesverhoeven@quinnemanuel.com

Represented by Schiff Hardin LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
TERMINATED: 02/03/2006 William Paul Schuck +1 415 901 8700 +1 415 901 8701 wps@mjllp.com
No Logo Shuffle Master, Inc., Counter-Defendant

Represented by Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Name Phone Fax E-Mail
ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Barry F. Irwin +1 312 861 2423 +1 312 861 2423 birwin@kirkland.com
TERMINATED: 08/02/2007 Christopher Michael Kaiser +1 312 469 7032 +1 312 862 2200 ckaiser@kirkland.com
Citation Section 28 U.S.C. § 1331
Nature of Suit 830 - Property Rights: Patent
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Since this appears to be a very large docket, we will only show 500 entries at at time.

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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 911 Filed: 12/23/2009, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr, on 12/23/2009. The Court currently has custody of exhibits in this action. It having been determined these exhibits can be returned to the parties in accordance with LR 79-1, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the parties have 30 days from the date of this Order within which to claim the exhibits from the Clerk of Court in accordance with said Local Rule or said exhibits shall be destroyed by the Court. Please contact the Clerk's Office in Reno at (775) 686-5800 to make arrangements to have the exhibits picked up or said exhibits shall be destroyed by the Court. Deadline to return exhibits set for 1/22/2010.(no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (Entered: 12/23/2009)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 910 Filed: 7/2/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
FINAL JUDGMENT. 908 Stipulation for Dismissal of Case with prejudice approved by 909 Order. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 7/2/08. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) (Entered: 07/02/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 909 Filed: 7/1/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON 908 STIPULATION for dismissal. The parties have reached an agreement resolving all the claims at issue in this litigation. IT IS ORDERED that this stipulation is approved. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 7/1/08. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) (Entered: 07/02/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 908 Filed: 6/30/2008, Entered: None
STIPULATION of Dismissal Stipulation and [Proposed] Order for Entry of Final Judgment and Dismissal With Prejudice of Case by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Roberts, Andrea) (Entered: 06/30/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 907 Filed: 6/11/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
SCHEDULING ORDER re 906 Stipulation to Continue Deadline for the Parties to File Proposed Joint Pretrial Order . IT IS ORDERED, the parties' Joint Pretrial order shall be due on June 30, 2008 . Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 6/11/08. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KO) (Entered: 06/12/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 906 Filed: 6/10/2008, Entered: None
STIPULATION Regarding Continuing the June 16, 2008 Deadline for the Parties to File Their Proposed Joint Pretrial Order by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Roberts, Andrea) (Entered: 06/10/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 905 Filed: 5/14/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
PRETRIAL NOTICE ORDER. Proposed Joint Pretrial Order due by 6/16/2008. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 5/14/08. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CLL) (Entered: 05/14/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 903 Filed: 4/21/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr., on 4/21/2008. By Deputy Clerk: Jennifer Cotter. The recording of the motion hearing held on January 11, 2006 may be unsealed to counsel in this case for the purpose of obtaining a copy of the recording or a transcript of the proceeding. (no image attached) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (Entered: 04/21/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 902 Filed: 3/27/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: 899 Motion Hearing, held on 2/29/2008 before Judge Edward C. Reed. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (no image attached) (PM) (Entered: 03/28/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 901 Filed: 3/27/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: 898 Motion Hearing, held on 2/28/2008 before Judge Edward C. Reed. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (no image attached) (PM) Modified on 3/28/2008 to link to appropriate docket number(PM). (Entered: 03/28/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 900 Filed: 3/21/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER DENYING Ps' 891 Motion to Strike and 885 Motion for Leave to File.;DENYING Ds' 824 Motion to Srike as to Strisower but GRANTING as to Carmichael.;AMENDING 322 Order (as set forth herein).; GRANTING Ds' 580 , 742 Motions wrt non-infringement and DENIED wrt invalidity.; GRANTING Ds' 566 , 743 Motions for Sum Judg on the issue of invalidity.; DENYING AS MOOT Ds' 575 and Ps' 672 Motions for Sum Judg.; DENYING AS MERITLESS AND MOOT Ds' 572 Motion for Sum Judg.; GRANTING Ps' 577 Motion for Sum Judg (re specfics detailed herein).; GRANTING Ds' 578 Motion for Sum Judg (re specifics detailed herein). Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr on 3/21/2008. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (Entered: 03/21/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 899 Filed: 2/29/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 2/29/2008 before Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr. Crtrm Administrator: C. Larsen; Pla Counsel: B. Irwin; M. Bregenzer; Def Counsel: C. Verhoeven; D. Perlson; K. Bennett; A. Roberts; Court Reporter/FTR #: K. French; Time of Hearing: 9:35 AM to 10:40 AM; RE: 835 Notice (Other), Notice (Other), 838 Notice (Other), Notice (Other), 837 Notice (Other), Notice (Other), Notice (Other), 834 MOTION for Summary Judgment Shuffle Masters Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of The Asserted Claims Of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,517,436 And 6,520,857, 833 MOTION for Summary Judgment Plaintiffs Cross Motion For Summary Judgment On Defendants Claim That U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Is Invalid For Failure To Name Willy Florschuetz As A Co-Inventor, 836 Notice (Other), Notice (Other), 839 Notice (Other), Notice (Other) Motions taken under advisement; written order to follow. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CLL) (Entered: 02/29/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 898 Filed: 2/28/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 2/28/2008 before Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr. Crtrm Administrator: C. Larsen; Pla Counsel: B. Irwin; M. Bregenzer; W. Shaffer; Def Counsel: C. Verhoeven; D. Perlson; K. Bennett; A. Roberts; Court Reporter/FTR #: K. French; Time of Hearing: 10:05 AM; Motion hearing re motions [833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839] Motion Hearing continued to 2/29/2008 09:30 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr..) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CLL) (Entered: 02/29/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 897 Filed: 1/10/2008, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge, on 1/10/2008. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. RE: 896 Stipulation is APPROVED. Motion Hearing set for 2/6/08 is vacated, and rescheduled on 2/28/2008 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CLL) (Entered: 01/10/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 896 Filed: 1/9/2008, Entered: None
STIPULATION Regarding Postponing February 6, 2008 Summary Judgment Hearing by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/09/2008)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 895 Filed: 12/21/2007, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 891 MOTION to Strike 886 Errata, ; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 12/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 894 Filed: 12/7/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 891 MOTION to Strike 886 Errata, ; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS MOTION TO STRIKE DEFENDANTS NOVEMBER 13, 2007 NOTICE OF ERRATA (#886) Replies due by 12/21/2007. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 12/07/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 893 Filed: 12/4/2007, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Shuffle Masters Reply In Support Of Its 885 Motion For Leave To File Responses To Defendants Supplemental Statements Of Undisputed Facts In Support Of Defendants Motions For Summary Judgment Of Non-Infringement And Invalidity Of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 And 5,781,647 (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 12/5/2007 link added. (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 12/04/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 892 Filed: 11/28/2007, Entered: None
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 891 Filed: 11/19/2007, Entered: None
MOTION to Strike 886 Errata, by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Responses due by 12/7/2007. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 11/19/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 890 Filed: 11/16/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge, on 11/16/2007. Hearing on motions now set for Dec 12, 2007, is continued to Feb 6, 2008, at 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Each side will be allowed not to exceed two hours for presentation of oral argument. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (Entered: 11/16/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 886 Filed: 11/13/2007, Entered: None
ERRATA to 854 Notice (Other), Notice (Other), Notice (Other) ; Notice of Errata to Defendants' Notice of Re-Filing of Defendants' Reply in Support of Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 11/13/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 884 Filed: 10/30/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER DENYING Ds' 878 Motion to Strike. The Court has already afforded 877 Plaintiffs fifteen (15) additional pages for responsive briefing. Defendants shall be afforded an additional fifteen (15) pages for responsive briefing as well. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 10/30/2007. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (Entered: 10/30/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 883 Filed: 10/29/2007, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 878 MOTION to Strike PORTIONS OF PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF REGARDING THE EFFECT OF KSR INTL CO. V. TELEFLEX, INC. ON THE PARTIES PENDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONS AS VIOLATING THE COURTS JUNE 14 AND 21, 2007 ORDERS ; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 10/29/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 882 Filed: 10/25/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 878 MOTION to Strike PORTIONS OF PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF REGARDING THE EFFECT OF KSR INTL CO. V. TELEFLEX, INC. ON THE PARTIES PENDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONS AS VIOLATING THE COURTS JUNE 14 AND 21, 2007 ORDERS ; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Replies due by 11/8/2007. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 10/25/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 881 Filed: 10/16/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge, on 10/16/2007. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. granting 879 Motion to Expedite.; RE: 878 MOTION to Strike PORTIONS OF PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF REGARDING THE EFFECT OF KSR INTL CO. V. TELEFLEX, INC. ON THE PARTIES PENDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONS AS VIOLATING THE COURTS JUNE 14 AND 21, 2007 ORDERS Responses due by 10/25/2007; reply due 10/29/07. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CLL) (Entered: 10/17/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 880 Filed: 10/17/2007, Entered: None
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 879 Filed: 10/16/2007, Entered: None
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 878 Filed: 10/16/2007, Entered: None
MOTION to Strike PORTIONS OF PLAINTIFFS SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF REGARDING THE EFFECT OF KSR INTL CO. V. TELEFLEX, INC. ON THE PARTIES PENDING SUMMARY JUDGMENT MOTIONS AS VIOLATING THE COURTS JUNE 14 AND 21, 2007 ORDERS by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. Responses due by 11/3/2007. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 10/16/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 877 Filed: 10/11/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge, on 10/11/2007 DENYING 874 Motion to Strike ; DENYING 876 Motion to Expedite. See order for spec details. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC) (Entered: 10/12/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 876 Filed: 10/10/2007, Entered: None
MOTION to Expedite Plaintiffs Motion For An Expedited Ruling Pursuant To LR 6-1 And Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support Of Same by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 10/10/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 874 Filed: 10/10/2007, Entered: None
MOTION to Strike Plaintiffs Motion To Strike Defendants Supplemental Statements Of Undisputed Facts And For Sanctions And Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support Of Same by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Responses due by 10/28/2007. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 10/10/2007)
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Blank 860 Filed: 10/4/2007, Entered: None
DECLARATION of James T. Carmichael in Support of Plaintiffs Supplemental Points And Authorities Regarding Obviousness And The Impact Of The Supreme Courts KSR Decision On The Pending Summary Judgment Motions by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, Part 1# 2 Exhibit 1, Part 2# 3 Exhibit 1, Part 3# 4 Exhibit 1, Part 4)(Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 10/04/2007)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 858 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILING REPLY NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC Defendants Notice of Re-filing of Defendants Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment of Plaintiffs Counts I-III of Counterclaims for Interference (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 10/10/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to motion 572 and related documents 744 , 745 , and 756 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 857 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILING REPLY NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC Defendants Notice of Re-filing of Defendants Reply in Support of Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Due to Failure to join Co-Inventor Willy Florschuetz (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 10/10/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to motion 575 and related documents 746 , 747 , 748 ,and 766 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Blank 856 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILING REPLY NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC Defendants Notice of Re-filing of Defendants Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment on Shuffle Masters Claim for Correction of Inventorship in Counts III through IX of the First Amended Complaint (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 10/10/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to motion 578 and related documents 750 , 751 , 756 , 758 , and 764 . (Gorbet, Brenda) (Entered: 09/28/2007)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 855 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILING REPLY NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC Defendants Notice of Re-filing of Defendants Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 10/10/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to motion 580 and related documents 760 , 761 , 762 , 767 , 769 , 770 , 771 , 772 , 773 , 780 , and 809 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 854 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILING REPLY NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC Defendants Notice of Re-filing of Defendants Reply in Support of Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 10/9/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to motion 566 and related documents 759 , 760 , 761 , 765 , 767 , 768 , 771 , 773 , 776 , 809 , and 815 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 853 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILING REPLY NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC Defendants Notice of Re-filing of Defendants Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 10/9/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed reply to motion 580 and related documents 569 , 570 , 581 , 582 , 603 , [604-629], 630 , 631 , 632 , and 742 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007) (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 10/9/2007 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 852 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILED REPLY to Response to filed by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. Shuffle Masters Reply In Support Of Its 577 Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of The Asserted Claims Of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,517,436 And 6,520,857 (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 10/9/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to motion 577 and related documents 774 , 583 , 584 , 585 , 587 , 588 , 589 , 593 , 594 , 595 , 596 , 597 , and 598 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 851 Filed: 9/28/2007, Entered: None
REFILED REPLY to Response to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Reply In Support Of Their Cross Motion For Summary Judgment On Defendants Claim That U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Is Invalid For Failure To Name Willy Florschuetz As A Co-Inventor (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 10/9/07 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Reply to Motion 577 and related documents 673 , 674 , and 675 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/28/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 850 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC AMENDED NOTICE OF RE-FILING OF DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS 575 CROSS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON DEFENDANTS CLAIM THAT U.S. PATENT NO. 6,313,871 IS INVALID FOR FAILURE TO NAME WILLY FLORSCHUETZ AS A CO-INVENTOR (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/27/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 575 , 746 , [747, 748 , and 766 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 849 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC AMENDED NOTICE OF RE-FILING OF DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO SHUFFLE MASTERS 577 MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY OF THE ASSERTED CLAIMS OF U.S. PATENT NOS. 6,517,436 AND 6,520,857 (Pallios, Andrea). Modified on 9/27/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 577 , 688 , 689 , 690 , 760 , and 763 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 848 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Opposition To Defendants [Ninth] 578 Motion For Summary Judgment On Shuffle Masters Claim For Correction Of Inventorship In Counts III Through IX Of The First Amended Complaint Replies due by 10/5/2007. (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/27/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 677 , 678 , 679 , 680 , and 802 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 847 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants [Eighth] 572 Motion For Summary Judgment On Plaintiffs Counts I-III Of Counterclaims For Interference (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/26/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 572 and 682 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 846 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Opposition To Defendants [Seventh] 575 Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Due To Failure To Join Co-Inventor William Florschuetz (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/26/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 575 , 672 , 673 , 674 , and 675 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/26/2007 to add additional related links. (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 845 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants [Sixth] 566 Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/26/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 566 , 691 , 692 , 698 , 700 , 702 , 726 and 802 . (Brenda Gorbet) (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 844 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants [Fifth] 566 Motion For Summary Judgment Of Non-Infringement Of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Replies due by 10/5/2007. (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/26/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 566 , 695 , 698 , 701 , 704 , 706 , 707 , 710 , 712 , 800 , and 802 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 843 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants [Fourth] 580 Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647. (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/26/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 580 , 691 , 692 , 699 , 700 , 702 , and 802 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/27/2007 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 842 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants [Third] 580 Motion For Summary Judgment Of Non-Infringement Of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647 Replies due by 10/5/2007. (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/24/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 695 , 699 , 703 , 708 , 709 , 711 , 713 , 714 , 715 , 716 , 717 , 718 , 732 , 733 , 800 and 802 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/26/2007 to add additional related links. (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 841 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC OF RE-FILING OF DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS 575 CROSS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON DEFENDANTS CLAIM THAT U.S. PATENT NO. 6,313,871 IS INVALID FOR FAILURE TO NAME WILLY FLORSCHUETZ AS A CO-INVENTOR (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/24/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 746 and 747 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 840 Filed: 9/21/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC OF RE-FILING OF DEFENDANTS OPPOSITION TO SHUFFLE MASTERS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT OF INVALIDITY OF THE ASSERTED CLAIMS OF U.S. PATENT NOS. 6,517,436 AND 6,520,857 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/24/2007 to reflect compliance w/Order 817 Renewed Opposition and related documents 688 689 and 690 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 839 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of REFILING by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC of Re-filing of Defendants' 572 Motion for Summary Judgment of Plaintiffs' Counts I-III of Counterclaims for Interference (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/17/2007 to reflect notice of refiling of 572 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda)Modified on 9/17/2007 link added to 572 (Gorbet, Brenda).. (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 838 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of REFILING by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC of Re-filing of Defendants' 575 Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Due to Failure to Join Co-Inventor William Florschuetz (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/17/2007 to reflect notice of refiling of 575 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/17/2007 link added to 575 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 837 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of REFILING by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC of Re-filing of Defendants' 578 Motion for Summary Judgment on Shuffle Master's Claim for Correction of Inventorship in Counts III through IX of the First Amended Complaint (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/17/2007 to reflect notice of refiling of 578 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/17/2007 link added to 578 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 836 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of REFILING by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC of Re-filing of Defendants' 580 Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/17/2007 to reflect notice of refiling of 580 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/17/2007 link added to 580 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 835 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of REFILING by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC of Re-filing of Defendants' 566 Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 9/17/2007 to reflect notice of refiling of 566 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/17/2007 link added to 566 (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 834 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of Refiling of 577 - Shuffle Masters Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of The Asserted Claims Of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,517,436 And 6,520,857 by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc. (Irwin, Barry) Modified to reflect notice of refling of 577 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/14/2007 to link 577 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 833 Filed: 9/14/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE of Refiling of 672 - Plaintiffs Cross Motion For Summary Judgment On Defendants Claim That U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Is Invalid For Failure To Name Willy Florschuetz As A Co-Inventor by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.(Irwin, Barry) Modified on 9/14/2007 to reflect notice of refling of 672 in compliance w/order 817 . (Gorbet, Brenda). Modified on 9/14/2007 add link to 672 . (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 831 Filed: 9/13/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE to counsel for your convenience in compliance with Order dated June 14, 2007 document 817 , attached hereto is a complete copy of the Court Docket Sheet. (BLG) Modified on 9/13/2007 to reflect incorrect image detached. (Gorbet, Brenda). (Entered: 09/13/2007)
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Blank 830 Filed: 9/12/2007, Entered: None
SUPPLEMENT to 826 Response to Motion to Strike,, ; Plaintiffs Supplemental Memorandum In Opposition To Defendants Motion To Strike The Supplemental Expert Report Of James T. Carmichael And The Portions Of The Supplemental Expert Report Of John Strisower Addressing Plaintiffs Interference Claim For Violation Of The Courts June 14, 2007 Order by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2)(Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 09/12/2007)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 829 Filed: 9/10/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER GRANTING 775 Motion to Strike 757 duplicate document with incorrect docket caption. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 9/10/2007. See ord for spec. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM) (Entered: 09/10/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 827 Filed: 8/23/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc. Plaintiffs Notice To The Court Regarding Allowance Of Reissue Patent For Asserted U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 08/23/2007)
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Blank 826 Filed: 8/16/2007, Entered: None
RESPONSE to filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Plaintiffs Opposition To Defendants 825 Motion To Strike The Supplemental Expert Report Of James T. Carmichael And The Portions Of The 824 Supplemental Expert Report Of John Strisower Addressing Plaintiffs Interference Claim For Violation Of The Courts June 14, 2007 Order Replies due by 8/30/2007. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D)(Irwin, Barry) Modified on 8/17/2007 add links (Julian, Wayne). (Entered: 08/16/2007)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 823 Filed: 8/2/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology Notice of Withdrawal of Christopher M. Kaiser, Colby Kingsbury, and Courtney Holohan as Attorney of Record for Plaintiffs (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 08/02/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 822 Filed: 7/16/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC re 817 Order,,,, Set/Reset Deadlines & Hearings,,,, Terminate Deadlines/Hearings,,,, Terminate Motions,,,. Defendants' Notice of Withdrawal of Summary Judgment Motions 566 , 572 , 575 , 578 , AND 580 (Pallios, Andrea) Modified on 7/18/2007 to link motions being w/drawn. (BLG). (Entered: 07/16/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 821 Filed: 7/16/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc. re 817 Order,,,, Set/Reset Deadlines & Hearings,,,, Terminate Deadlines/Hearings,,,, Terminate Motions,,,. Plaintiffs Notice Of Contingent Withdrawal Of Shuffle Masters Motion For Summary Judgment Of Invalidity Of The Asserted Claims Of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,517,436 And 6,520,857 (Docket No. 577) And Cross Motion For Summary Judgment On Defendants Claim That U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Is Invalid For Failure To Name Willy Florschuetz As A Co-Inventor (Docket No. 672) Without Prejudice To Re-File Pursuant To The Courts June 14, 2007 Order (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 07/16/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 820 Filed: 6/26/2007, Entered: None
NOTICE by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc., Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc. Shuffle Master's Notice Of Withdrawal Of Declaration And Corrected Declaration Of Jonathan Jones In Support Of Plaintiffs' Opposition To Defendants' Motion For Summary Judgment Of Non-Infringement Of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647, Docket Nos. 697 and 728 (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 819 Filed: 6/21/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge, on 6/21/2007. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. RE: 818 SEALED MOTION for District Judge to Reconsider Order re 817 Order, is DENIED. (see attached order) (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CLL, ) (Entered: 06/21/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 817 Filed: 6/14/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER; P's mtn to supplement 732 is GRANTED. D's Cross-Mtn to strike 778 is DENIED. P's mtn to supplement 800 is GRANTED. P's mtn for leave to file surreplies 781 is DENIED. P's mtn to strike 676 the dec of Glenn Fishbine 571 is GRANTED (see order for details). Mtn hearing set for 7/5/07 vacated. Parties have until 7/14/07 to withdraw summ jdgmt mtns 566 , 572 , 575 , 577 , 578 , 580 , and 672 . Parties shall re-file mtns by 9/14/07. Hearing set for 12/12/07 at 10:00 am on re-filed mtns. Re-filed Motions due by 9/14/2007. Responses due by 9/21/2007. Replies due by 9/28/2007. Withdrawal of current summ jdgmt mtns is due by 7/14/2007. Hearing on re-filed motions set for 12/12/2007 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Many other deadlines and details. See order for specifics. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 6/14/07. (JW ) (Entered: 06/14/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 816 Filed: 6/8/2007, Entered: None
STIPULATION Stipulation Regarding Postponing Summary Judgment Hearings To Permit Additional Discovery And Re-Briefing Of Summary Judgment Motions In Light Of The Supreme Court's KSR Decision by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc., Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/08/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 812 Filed: 4/16/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER Setting Hearing on 566 MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871, 572 MOTION for Summary Judgment of Plaintiffs' Counts I-III of Counterclaims for Interference, 575 MOTION for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 Due to Failure to Join Co-Inventor William Florschuetz, 577 MOTION for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of the Asserted Claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6517436 and 6520857 and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof, 578 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Shuffle Master's Claim for Correction of Inventorship in Counts III Through IX of the First Amended Complaint, and 580 MOTION for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity 5,781,647, Motion Hearing set for 7/5/2007 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 4/16/07. (JW ) (Entered: 04/16/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 804 Filed: 3/23/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 803 Stipulation, re P's objections to Ds' Summary Judgment Declarations filed March 20, 2007: The briefing schedule for P's Motion to Supplement Their Opposition to Ds' Motions for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patents shall be as follows: Responses due by 3/29/2007. Replies due by 4/9/2007. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 3/23/07. See stip and ord for spec. (DRM, ) (Entered: 03/26/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 803 Filed: 3/22/2007, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Regarding Timeliness of Plaintiffs' Objections to Defendants' Summary Judgment Declarations and Granting Defendants an Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiffs' Motion to Supplement Their Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,313,871 and 5,781,647 by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 03/22/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 801 Filed: 3/20/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 3/20/2007 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: Frank Justiliano; Pla Counsel: Mike Bregenzer appeard telephonically.; Def Counsel: Jennifer Kash and Rachel Smith appeared telephonically.; Court Reporter/FTR #: 8:55:03 - 9:25:35 a.m.; Time of Hearing: 9:00 a.m. RE: 752 SEALED MOTION for Hearing/ REQUEST TO RESET HEARING OF DEFTS' 414 CROSS-MOTION TO COMPEL RULE 30(b)(6) DEPOSITION AND FURTHER PERSONAL DEPOSITIONS, AND MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC, IT IS ORDERED that the defendants be allowed four (4) hours of Rule 30(b)(6) deposition of IGT on the following subjects:1) The patent purchase agreement between IGT and Shuffle Master, as it relates to the value of the Schubert and Fishbine patents. 2) The value attributed to the Schubert and Fishbine patents in the patent purchase agreement.3) Whether any valuation of the Schubert and Fishbine patents was prepared in connection with the negotiations surrounding the patent purchase agreement.The court excluded: Defendants first category: Why IGT purchased the Schubert and Fishbine patents and Defendants third category regarding the product development. The Court found that these two categories do not have any relevance to any issue in this case or any claim between IGT and any of the defendants in the case. (no image attached) (FJ, ) (Entered: 03/20/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 799 Filed: 3/6/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge, on 3/6/2007. By Deputy Clerk: Amber Freeman. RE: 752 DEFENDANTS' REQUEST TO RESET HEARING OF DEFTS' CROSS-MOTION TO COMPEL RULE 30(b)(6) DEPOSITION AND FURTHER PERSONAL DEPOSITIONS. A Motion Hearing is set for Tuesday, 3/20/2007 at 9:00 a.m. in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel shall contact Amber Freeman, at (775) 686-5768, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call. Counsel have been telephonically notified.(no image attached) (AF) (Entered: 03/06/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 789 Filed: 1/24/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER GRANTING 787 Stipulation for extension of time to brief pending motions. Re 752 Response due 1/26/07; Reply due 2/6/07. Re 732 Reply due 1/26/07. Re 778 Response due 1/26/07; Reply due 2/6/07. Re 781 Response due 1/26/07; Reply due 2/6/07. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/24/07. (JW ) (Entered: 01/24/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 788 Filed: 1/23/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: 785 Discovery Hearing, held on 1/11/07 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (no image attached) (JW ) (Entered: 01/23/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 787 Filed: 1/23/2007, Entered: None
STIPULATION [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING THE PARTIES AN ADDITIONAL EXTENSION OF TIME TO BRIEF PENDING MOTIONS by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/23/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 786 Filed: 1/12/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION GRANTING 784 Stipulation and Proposed Order Granting the Parties Extesion of Time to Brief Pending Motions. P's reply in suprt of their 732 motion to suplmntl their oppo to D's motion for summary judgment of non-infringement of u.s. patent no 5,781,647 due January 23, 2007 . P's respns to 778 D's cross-motion to strike the declaration of Donald Hook and Jonathon Jones due January 23, 2007 . P's respns to 752 D's reqst to reset hearing of D's cross-motion to compel rule 30(b)(6) depo and further personal depo, and motion for leave to file suplmntl briefing in suprt therof due January 23, 2007 . D's respns to 781 P's motion for leave to file P's surreplies in oppo to D's motion for summary judgment of non-infringement and invalidity due January 23, 2007 . D's reply in suprt of their 778 cross-motion to strike the declarations of Donald Hook and Jonathon Jones due February 5, 2007 . D's reply in suprt of their 752 reqst to reset hearing of D's cross-motion to compel rule 30(b)(6) depo and further personal depo and motion for leave to file suplmntl briefing in suprt therof due February 5, 2007 . P's reply in suprt of their 781 motion for leave to file P's surreplies in oppo to D's motion for summary judgment of non-infringement and invalidity due February 5, 2007 . Responses due by 1/23/2007. Replies due by 2/5/2007. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/11/2007. (LK) (Entered: 01/12/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 785 Filed: 1/11/2007, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Discovery Hearing held on 1/11/2007 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Barry irwin; Michael Bregenzer; Def Counsel: Jennifer kash; David Perlson; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 1:59 pm - 2:05 pm. The Court advises the parties that, as this hearing was set at their request, to begin. The parties present their respective arguments to the Court. The Court allows the questions to be asked of the witness and for the witness to answer in the allotted seven hour time period. There being nothing further, the Court adjourns. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 01/11/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 784 Filed: 1/11/2007, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Granting the Parties Extension of Time to Brief Pending Motions by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 01/11/2007)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 779 Filed: 12/20/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting the Parties an Extension of Time to Brief Pending Motions re 777 Joint Stipulation. Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of their Motion to Supplement their Opposition to include Declaration of Mr. Hook is due January 16, 2007. Plaintiffs' Responses to the Cross-Motion to Strike the Declarations of Hook and Jones and to the Motion/Request to reset Hearing on Cross-Motion to Compel Rule 30(b)(6) are due January 16, 2007. Defendants' Replies in support of their Cross-Motion to strike the declarations of Hook and Jones, and their Motion to file supplemental briefing to their Cross-Motion to Compel Rule 30(b)(6) are due Juanuary 29, 2007. Responses due by 1/16/2007. Replies due by 1/29/2007. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 12/19/06. (AF) (Entered: 12/22/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 777 Filed: 12/19/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION Joint Stipulation and [Proposed] Order Granting The Parties an Extension of Time to Brief Pending Motions by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 12/19/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 775 Filed: 12/18/2006, Entered: None
MOTION to Strike 757 / 758 DEFENDANTS' REQUEST TO STRIKE DOCUMENT INCORRECTLY TITLED IN E-FILING SYSTEM by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Responses due by 1/5/2007. (Perlson, David) Modified on 12/22/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 12/18/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 749 Filed: 12/15/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 741 Stipulation for Page Length Extension for Reply Briefs in Support of Motions for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 12/15/06. (AF) (Entered: 12/15/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 741 Filed: 12/14/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER FOR PAGE LENGTH EXTENSION FOR REPLY BRIEFS IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 12/14/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 739 Filed: 12/7/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 738 proposed Stipulation: Parties stip that D's rspn to P mtn to supplement their oppo to D's mtn for S/J on non infringement be due 12/15/2006. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 12/7/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/08/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 738 Filed: 12/6/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Modifying Deadline for Filing Response to Plaintiffs' Motion to Supplement Their Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 5,781,647 by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 12/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 735 Filed: 11/29/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 734 Stipulation modifying Deadline: Summary Judgment Replies due 12/15/06. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 11/29/06. See ord for spec. (DRM, ) (Entered: 11/30/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 734 Filed: 11/29/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE FOR FILING REPLIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 11/29/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 731 Filed: 11/21/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON 730 STIPULATION : Ds' Response to P's 676 Motion to Strike declaration of Glenn Fishine due by 11/30/2006. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 11/21/06. See ord for spec. (DRM, ) (Entered: 11/21/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 730 Filed: 11/20/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION Stipulation and [Proposed] Order Modifying Deadline for Filing Response to Motion to Strike the Declaration of Glenn Fishbine by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 11/20/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 727 Filed: 11/6/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc., Plaintiff International Gaming Technology Notice of Filing Plaintiffs' 726 Corrected Oppostion to Defendants' Sixth 566 Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 6313871 (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 12/21/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 11/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 725 Filed: 11/6/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc., Plaintiff International Gaming Technology Notice of Filing Plaintiffs' 724 Corrected Oppostion to Defendants' Fifth 566 Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 6313871 (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 12/21/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 11/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 723 Filed: 11/6/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc., Plaintiff International Gaming Technology Notice of Filing 722 Corrected Oppostion to Defendants' Fourth 580 Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of U.S. Patent No. 5781647 (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 12/21/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 11/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 721 Filed: 11/6/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc., Plaintiff International Gaming Technology Notice of Filing Corrected Certificates of Service for Certain Summary Judgment Oppositions, Associated Declarations and Statements of Fact re 566 and 580 . (Attachments: # 1 Appendix A)(Irwin, Barry) Modified on 12/21/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 11/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 719 Filed: 11/1/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER GRANTING 668 Motion, to the extent that P's will be permitted to file two briefs, each not to exceed 50 pages, in opposition to each of the motions for summary judgment (#566 and #580). If Ds require additional briefs for their replies or if they require additional time to file the same, they should make an appropriate motion to the Court. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 11/1/06. See ord for spec. (DRM, ) (Entered: 11/03/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 705 Filed: 11/2/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE of Manual Filing by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Exhibits 4, 6, 7, 10, and 33 to Declaration of Michael P. Bregenzer in Support of Plaintiffs' 694 Opposition to Defendants' 566 Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 filed in paper form with the Clerks Office. (Irwin, Barry) Modified on 12/21/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 11/02/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 671 Filed: 11/1/2006, Entered: None
ERRATA to 669 Response - Other,, 670 Reply to Response to Motion,, ; Corrected Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Motions to File Separate Responses in Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Invalidity and Non-Infringement and to File Overlength Briefs in Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Kaiser, Christopher) (Entered: 11/01/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 670 Filed: 10/31/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 568 668 MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Motions to File Separate Responses in Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Invalidity and Non-Infringement and to File Overlength Briefs in Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement (Kaiser, Christopher) Modified on 11/1/2006 corrected link to motion. (BLG). (Entered: 10/31/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 669 Filed: 10/30/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE in Opposition to Plaintiffs' 668 Motion to File Separate Responses in Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Invalidity and Non-Infringement and to File Overlength Briefs in Opposition to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement filed by Counter Claimants Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC, Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) Modified on 10/31/2006 link added. (BLG). (Entered: 10/30/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 667 Filed: 10/23/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
DOCKETING ERROR - DUPLICATE DOCKET ENTRY - SEE IMAGE: ORDER on Stipulation re 665 Stipulation: ORDERED the briefing schedule is amended as follows: Summary Judgment Opposition Due 11/2/06; Summary Judgment Replies due 11/30/06. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 10/23/06. See Ord for spec. (DRM, ) Modified on 10/24/2006 (DRM, ) to reflect duplicate docket entry. (Entered: 10/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 666 Filed: 10/23/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 665 proposed Stipulation: Parties stip that the briefing schedule prev entered in this case for dispositive mtns be amended as fols: S/Js opposition amended to 11/2/06; summary judgments replies amended to 11/30/06. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 10/23/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 10/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 665 Filed: 10/20/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION Joint Stipulation and [Proposed] Order Granting The Parties an Extension of Time to Brief Pending Summary Judgment Motions by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 10/20/2006)
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Sealed Legal Document 630 Filed: 10/6/2006, Entered: None
SEALED EXHIBIT(s) 1 - part 1 to the Declaration of Rick Huizinga in Support of Defendants' 566 580 Motions for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and Invalidity of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,313,871 and 5,781,647 filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) Modified on 12/21/2006 (AF, ). (Entered: 10/06/2006)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 601 Filed: 10/5/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 568 Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages, see ord for spec. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 10/5/06. (JAR, ) (Entered: 10/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 568 Filed: 10/4/2006, Entered: None
MOTION for Leave to File Excess Pages in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc., Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 10/04/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 565 Filed: 10/2/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER re 564 Stipulation of Dismissal, filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC, ORD tht Ps cnt for misappropriation of trade secrets in amnd cmplnt is dism w/prejudice; ORD tht cnt 3 for misappropriation of trade secrets in Ds answr, cntrclms to first amend cmplnt for patent infringement is dism w/prejudice, each party shl bear its own costs and atty's fees, see ord for spec. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 10/2/06. (JAR, ) (Entered: 10/03/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 564 Filed: 9/29/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION of Dismissal and [Proposed] Order for Dismissal With Prejudice of Plaintiff Shuffle Master's Claim for Trade Secret Misappropriation and Defendants' Claim for Trade Secret Misappropriation by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 09/29/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 563 Filed: 9/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 562 proposed Stipulation: The Deadline for dispositive motion shall be extended one day from 10/3/06 to 10/4/06. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 9/27/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 09/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 562 Filed: 9/27/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION AND {PROPOSED} ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE FOR FILING DISPOSITIVE MOTIONS by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 09/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 561 Filed: 8/23/2006, Entered: None
ANSWER to [] Complaint with Jury Demand Defendants' Answer And Affirmative Defenses To Plaintiffs' Counterclaims In Plaintiffs' Fourth Amended Reply To Defendants' Counterclaims To First Amended Complaint For Patent Infringement by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Certificate of Interested Parties due by 9/2/2006. Discovery Plan due by 10/7/2006.(Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 08/23/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 560 Filed: 8/16/2006, Entered: None
THIS IS A DUPLICATE ENTRY TO ORD 559 SEE IMAGES; Modified on 8/16/2006 (JAR, ) TO REFLECT DUPLICATE ENTRY. (Entered: 08/16/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 559 Filed: 8/16/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER: Ord that shuffle master's mtn for S/J 303 on D's trade secret misappro counterclaim is granted with respect to all of Bally's asserted trade secrets except trade secret No 14. The mtn 303 is denied as to trade secret No 14. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 8/16/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 08/16/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 556 Filed: 8/3/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to 14 Answer to Complaint; Plaintiffs' Fourth Amended Reply to Defendants' Counterclaims to First Amended Complaint for Patent Infringement and Affirmative defenses and Counterclaims in Reply Thereto filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 08/03/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 554 Filed: 7/28/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of MARKMAN HEARING Proceedings: held on 7/20/06 before Judge EDWARD C. REED. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (no image attached) (SA, ) (Entered: 07/31/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 553 Filed: 7/28/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of EMERGENCY MOTION TO COMPEL #457 Proceedings: held on 6/14/06 before Judge EDWARD C. REED. Court Reporter: Katheryn M. French. (no image attached) (SA, ) (Entered: 07/31/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 552 Filed: 7/28/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Motions Hearing Numbers 452, 482, 488 Proceedings: held on 6/29/06 before Judge EDWARD C. REED. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (no image attached) (SA, ) (Entered: 07/31/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 547 Filed: 7/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
SCHEDULING ORDER re 546 Stipulation Modifying Schedule. Rebuttal Expert Reports: 8/17/2006; Close of Expert Discovery: 9/15/2006; Deadline to file dispositive motions: 10/3/2006; Deadline to file any opposition to dispositive motions: 10/26/2006; Deadline to file any reply briefs re dispositive motions: 11/21/2006. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 7/27/2006. (HJ, ) (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 546 Filed: 7/27/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION AND[PROPOSED] ORDER MODIFYING SCHEDULE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 545 Filed: 7/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 541 proposed Stipulation: Ordered approving stipulation to allow both parties to have access to transcripts of the hearings bef Hon ECR on 7/20/06 and 7/21/06, which were sealed. (see order for further specifics) Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 7/27/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 544 Filed: 7/26/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER tht Shuffle Master's Mtn doc # 311 Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,517,436; 6,520,857; and 6,530,836 is DENIED. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 7/25/06. (SA, ) (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 543 Filed: 7/27/2006, Entered: None
DUPLICATE ENTRY - SEE 545 . (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 542 Filed: 7/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 540 Stipulation Regarding Motions on Calendar for 7/25/2006. See Stip/Order for specs. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 7/27/2006. (HJ, ) (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 541 Filed: 7/27/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and Proposed Order Releasing Transcripts of Court Proceedings on July 20 and July 21, 2006 by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Kaiser, Christopher) (Entered: 07/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 540 Filed: 7/26/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING MOTIONS ON CALENDAR FOR JULY 25, 2006 by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 07/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 539 Filed: 7/24/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 7/24/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. The parties have advised the Court that a hearing is no longer necessary as they have resolved the issues pending in the eight motions set to be heard on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. and that a stipulation to that effect will be filed the morning of Tuesday, July 25, 2006. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the hearing regarding Docket Numbers 404, 410, 411, 429,442, 443, 447and 469 is hereby VACATED. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 07/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 538 Filed: 7/21/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 7/21/2006 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: C. Larsen; Pla Counsel: B. Irwin; C. Kaiser; Def Counsel: C. Verhoever; R. Smith; Court Reporter/FTR #: L. Urmston; Time of Hearing: 10:05 AM to 4:55 PM. RE: 311 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., motions taken under submission. (CLL, ) (Entered: 07/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 537 Filed: 7/21/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Markman Hearing held on 7/21/2006 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: C. Larsen; Pla Counsel: B. Irwin; C. Kaiser; W. Shaffer; Def Counsel: C. Verhoeven; R. Smith; Court Reporter/FTR #: K. French; Time of Hearing: 10:05 AM to 5:45 PM. (see attached minutes) (CLL, ) (Entered: 07/21/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 536 Filed: 7/18/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER re 334 Notice (Other) filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 339 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, filed by Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 335 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment,,,,,,,,, filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 342 Notice (Other) filed by Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,.ORDER tht D's Rule 56(F) Motions # 334 and # 335 and # 342 and # 339 are DENIED. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 7/18/06. (SA, ) (Entered: 07/18/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 535 Filed: 7/18/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER that D's mtn doc # 389 Motion to Strike 389 is DENIED. SEALED MOTION to Strike Declaration of Attila Grauzer. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 7/18/06. (SA, ) (Entered: 07/18/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 534 Filed: 7/17/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER tht D's Mtn doc # 292 for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of United States Patent No. 6,313,871 is DENIED. FUR ORD tht P's cross Mtn doc # 319 for Summary Judgment tht Robert Mouchou Received Shuffle Master's claimed trade secrets from Oliver Schubert & for Summary Judgment of No Pre-Critical Date Sale of Technology Related to U.S. Patent No. 6,313,871 is GRANTED. FUR ORD tht the Court's minute order doc # 439 setting the hearing for oral argument on these two mtns doc # 292 & doc # 319 is vacated with respect to these mtns. This order does not affect other mtns set on the crt's calendar by tht order doc # 439 . Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 7/17/06. (SA, ) (Entered: 07/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 533 Filed: 7/17/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER tht D's Mtn doc # 449 for Summary Judgment on Inequitable Conduct or, in the alternative, request for Evidentiary Hearing is DENIED. FUR ORD tht P's Cross Mtn doc # 500 for Summary Judgment on D's Inequitable Conduct Defense is GRANTED. FUR ORD tht the Crt's minute order doc # 439 setting the hearing for oral argument on these two mtns doc # 449 & doc # 500 is vacated with respect to these mtns. This ord does not affect other mtns set on the crt's calendar by tht ord doc # 439 . Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 7/17/06. (SA, ) (Entered: 07/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 532 Filed: 7/17/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 7/17/2006. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. Time limits for hearing 7/20/06 are modified. See attached order. (CLL, ) (Entered: 07/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 531 Filed: 7/14/2006, Entered: None
SUPPLEMENT Plaintiffs' Supplemental Authority in Support of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity of United States Patent No. 6,313,871 by Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc., Plaintiff International Gaming Technology. (Kaiser, Christopher) (Entered: 07/14/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 528 Filed: 7/13/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 512 Response - Other, ; Responsive Supplemental Claim Construction Brief Regarding "Chip Tray" and "Chip Carrying Surface" filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Kaiser, Christopher) (Entered: 07/13/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 527 Filed: 7/11/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 7/11/2006. By Deputy Clerk: Rosemary Damron. At the request of counsel, the motions that were scheduled for hearing on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. are rescheduled to Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. before Mag. Judge McQuaid: RE: 404 SEALED MOTION for Protective Order Concerning Defendants' Discovery Into Irrelevant IGT Products and IGT's On-Going Business Dealings with Third Party PGIC and Shuffle Master filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 469 SEALED MOTION to Compel SHUFFLE MASTER'S RESPONSES TO MP GAMES' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 443 MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 410 SEALED MOTION to Compel A Proper Response to Interrogatory Number 21 and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 442 SEALED MOTION to Compel an Inspection of Defendants' MP21 System and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 429 SEALED MOTION to Compel Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition and Further Personal Depositions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 411 SEALED MOTION for Leave to File A Fourth Amended Reply to Defendants' Counterclaims for Patent Infringement and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, Motion Hearing set for 7/25/2006 01:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr..(no image attached) (RD) (Entered: 07/11/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 526 Filed: 7/10/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Supplement (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 07/10/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 524 Filed: 7/5/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 7/5/2006. By Deputy Clerk: Rosemary Damron. At the request of counsel, the following motions have been rescheduled from Thursday, July 6, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. to Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 9:00 a.m.: RE: 404 SEALED MOTION for Protective Order Concerning Defendants' Discovery Into Irrelevant IGT Products and IGT's On-Going Business Dealings with Third Party PGIC and Shuffle Master filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology; RE: 469 SEALED MOTION to Compel SHUFFLE MASTER'S RESPONSES TO MP GAMES' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES filed by Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC,; RE: 443 MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions filed by Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC,; RE: 410 SEALED MOTION to Compel A Proper Response to Interrogatory Number 21 and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology,; RE: 442 SEALED MOTION to Compel an Inspection of Defendants' MP21 System and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology,; RE: 429 SEALED MOTION to Compel Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition and Further Personal Depositions filed by Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC,; RE: 411 SEALED MOTION for Leave to File A Fourth Amended Reply to Defendants' Counterclaims for Patent Infringement and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology,; RE: 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Motions Hearing set for 7/12/2006 09:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.(no image attached) (RD) (Entered: 07/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 521 Filed: 6/30/2006, Entered: None
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 518 Filed: 6/29/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 6/29/2006 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Barry Irwin; Terrence McMillin; Def Counsel: David Perlson; Andrea Pallios; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR #2:59 p.m. to 3:43 p.m.; Time of Hearing: 2:59 p.m.. RE: 452 Sealed Defendants' Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Glenn Fishbine 482 Emergency SEALED MOTION to Reconsider Magistrate Judge Order re 488 Motion Hearing,,,,,, Motion to Reconsider the Court's Order on Plaitniffs' Emergency Motion to Compel Production of Communications betw filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, 488 Plaintiffs' Cross-Motion to Disqualify Glenn Fishbine as a Consulting or Testing ExpertThe Court addresses the parties and explains the purpose of this hearing. The parties present their respective arguments to the Court. The Court finds that the Defendants are not improperly paying a fact witness. The case law relates to the payment of fact witnesses before they testified as such. Here, Mr. Fishbine was not paid anything for his fact testimony. Now, any payments made are made in his role as an expert consultant. That being said, it is proper in this case for Defendants to retain Mr. Fishbine as a consultant concerning the Track 21 and its relationship with the 831 patent and that is all. Nothing to do with the 647 patent because the Court believes that contact is in fact contrary to Mr. Fishbine's agreement in the assignment of the patent. The Motion 452 is GRANTED to the extent that the only documents to be disclosed are those documents that relate to the Track 21 and the claim of invalidity of the 831 patent. The cross-motion 488 as to disqualifying Mr. Fishbine is GRANTED as to any issues at all regarding the 647 patent and DENIED as to issues of the Track 21 as it relates to the 831 patent. The Court advises Plaintiff's counsel that if Mr. Fishbine testifies at trial as a fact witness the trier of fact may be told that after Mr. Fishbine's deposition testimony as a fact witness, he was retained as Defendants' expert consultant and has been paid a certain amount for that consulting work. The emergency motion for reconsideration 482 is DENIED. There being nothing further, the Court adjourns. The record reflects the full ruling of the Court. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/29/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 517 Filed: 6/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: 400 Motions Hearing, held on 2/28/06 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (DRM, ) (Entered: 06/29/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 516 Filed: 6/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: 349 Discovery Dispute Hearing,, held on 1/12/06 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid. Court Reporter: Kathryn M. French. (DRM, ) (Entered: 06/29/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 514 Filed: 6/28/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of David A. Perlson re 513 Response - Other, ; Declaration of David A. Perlson in Support of Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Cross-Motion to Disqualify Glenn Fishbine by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A)(Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 06/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 513 Filed: 6/28/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Cross-Motion to Disqualify Glenn Fishbine as a "Consulting" or "Testifying" Expert filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 06/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 512 Filed: 6/28/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE DEFENDANTS' SUPPLEMENTAL CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF PURSUANT TO COURT'S JUNE 13, 2006 ORDER filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 06/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 511 Filed: 6/28/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/28/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 469 SEALED MOTION to Compel SHUFFLE MASTER'S RESPONSES TO MP GAMES' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 443 MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 442 SEALED MOTION to Compel an Inspection of Defendants' MP21 System and Memorandum of Points and Authorities filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, Motion Hearing set for 7/6/2006 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr..In addition to the following:PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER CONCERNING DEFENDANTS' DISCOVERY INTO IRRELEVANT IGT PRODUCTS AND IGT'S ON-GOING BUSINESS DEALINGS WITH THIRD-PARTY PGIC AND SHUFFLE MASTER 404 ; PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPEL A PROPER RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. 21 410 ; SHUFFLE MASTER'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE A FOURTH AMENDED REPLY TO DEFENDANTS' COUNTERCLAIMS FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT 411 ; DEFENDANTS' CROSS-M0TION TO COMPEL RULE 30(b)(6) DEPOSITION AND FURTHER PERSONAL DEPOSITIONS 429 ; the Court will also hear PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPEL AN INSPECTION OF DEFENDANTS' MP21 SYSTEM 442 ; DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO COMPEL THE DEPOSITION OF DOUG LOVGREN AND FOR SANCTIONS 443 ;PLAINTIFFS' MOTION TO COMPEL PRODUCTION OF HARD DRIVE GHOST IMAGES 447 and DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO COMPEL SHUFFLE MASTER'S RESPONSES TO MP GAMES FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES 469 at the July 6, 2006 hearing.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 508 Filed: 6/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 6/27/2006. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. motions 389 , 449 and 500 will also be heard at hearing 7/20/06. (CLL, ) (Entered: 06/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 507 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
Mail Returned as Undeliverable not at this address, addressed to Colby A Kingsbury re notice of mandatory electronic filing requirements. (WJ, ) (Entered: 06/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 506 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Paul C. Meyer re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Inequitable Conduct by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 505 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Justin A. White re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Inequitable Conduct by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 504 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Mark A. Litman re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Inequitable Conduct by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 503 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Richard Pennington re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Inequitable Conduct by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 502 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Michael P. Bregenzer re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment of Inequitable Conduct by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-C# 2 Exhibit D-E# 3 Exhibit F-G# 4 Exhibit H-L)(Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 501 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Adam J. Gill re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment on Inequitable Conduct and Plaintiffs' Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment on Defendants' Inequitable Conduct Defense by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A Tab 1# 2 Exhibit A Tabs 2-5# 3 Exhibit B-G# 4 Exhibit H-L)(Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 500 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
Cross MOTION for Summary Judgment on Defendants' Inequitable Conduct Defense by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. Responses due by 7/14/2006. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 499 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
STATEMENT re 498 Response to Motion for Summary Judgment, ; Plaintiffs' Combined Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in Support of Their Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment and Response to Defendants' Statement of Undisputed Material Facts by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 498 Filed: 6/26/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 449 MOTION for Summary Judgment ON INEQUITABLE CONDUCT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology, Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. and Plaintiffs' Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment on Defendants' Inequitable Conduct Defense Replies due by 7/10/2006. (Irwin, Barry) (Entered: 06/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 496 Filed: 6/22/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 6/22/2006. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. RE: 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, 292 SEALED MOTION filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 319 SEALED MOTION filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, 311 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., Motion Hearing set for 7/26/06 is hereby vacated, and is ADVANCED for hearing on 7/20/2006 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr..(no image attached) (CLL, ) (Entered: 06/22/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 495 Filed: 6/21/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 6/21/2006 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Barry Irwin; Terrence McMillin; Def Counsel: David Perlson; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR #2:59 p.m. to 4:12:39 p.m.; Time of Hearing: 2:59 p.m.. RE: 478 SEALED MOTION to Compel Additional Deposition Time With Defendants' Software Rule 30(B)(6) Designee And Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, Motion Hearing set for 6/29/2006 03:00 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr..(no image attached) The Court advises the parties that he has read all the papers on file regarding these matters and will first take up Defendants' Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Glenn Fishbine 452 . The parties present their respective arguments to the Court and answer the Court's questions. The Court orders that this hearing is continued to Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 3:00 p.m., so that Defendants may file their opposition to Plaintiff's cross-motion contained within Plaintiffs' opposition to the above-referenced motion. Counsel shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call. The Court next addresses Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel Additional Deposition Time with Defendants' Software Rule 30(b)(6) Designee 478 . The parties present their respective arguments to the Court. The Court orders that the Motion is GRANTED to the extent that Plaintiffs shall one more day. The Court further orders that if Defendants need more time for their deposition, they will so advise the Court at the next hearing. There being nothing further, the Court adjourns.(GMM, ) (Entered: 06/22/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 494 Filed: 6/21/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Kaiser, Christopher) (Entered: 06/21/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 487 Filed: 6/19/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC Proof of Service (Pallios, Andrea) (Entered: 06/19/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 486 Filed: 6/19/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/19/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. The parties will please disregard the Minute Order 483 of today's date, which was issued just to clarify the hearing date set for the Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Glenn Fishbine 452 (Wednesday, June 21, 2006 at 3:00 p.m.) and is in no way connected to Docket 481.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/19/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 483 Filed: 6/19/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/19/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. The Minute Order 481 is amended/corrected to reflect that the hearing date is Wednesday, June 21, 2006 at 3:00 p.m.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/19/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 481 Filed: 6/13/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 6/13/2006. Ordered the parties have 15 days fo file p&a wrt the proper construction of the terms "chip tray" and "chip carrying surface" ; thereafter the parties will have 15 days to file responsive p&a the Court will consider the proper construction the two terms at the hearing set for July 26, 2006. (DRM, ) Modified on 6/16/2006 (DRM, ) to reflect that Level 1 Notice of E-Filing Requirment sent to attorneys PALLIOS, KINGSBURY, HEDMAN,GILL, and BREGENZER together with this Minute Order via regular mail. (Entered: 06/16/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 480 Filed: 6/15/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/15/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 478 SEALED MOTION to Compel Additional Deposition Time With Defendants' Software Rule 30(B)(6) Designee And Memorandum Of Points And Authorities In Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, In addition to hearing Defendants' Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Glenn Fishbine 452 , the Court will also hear Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Additional Deposition Time with Defendants' Software Rule 30(b)(6) Designee 478 . Motion Hearing set for 6/21/2006 03:00 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/15/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 479 Filed: 6/15/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/15/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 477 Motion Hearing,,,,,,, 461 Minute Order,, The hearing set for Monday, June 19, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. regarding the Motion for Order 452 is VACATED as it has been reset for Wednesday, June 22, 2006, at 3:00p.m.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/15/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 477 Filed: 6/14/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 6/14/2006 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Michael Bregenzer; Def Counsel: David Perlson; Andrea Pallios; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 1:59 p.m. to 2:20 p.m.. RE: 457 Emergency MOTION to Compel Production of Communications Between Defendants and Flenn Fishbine filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, The Court advises the parties that he has reviewed the papers on file in this matter and asks the parties to proceed. The parties present their respective arguments and answer the Court's questions. The Court orders that the Motion to Compel Production of Communications Between Defendants and Glenn Fishbine 457 is DENIED without prejudice. Plaintiff shall file its response to Defendants' Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Glenn Fishbine 452 as soon as possible and provide Chambers with a courtesy copy.A hearing on Defendants' Motion 452 is set for Wednesday, 6/21/2006 at 03:00 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call. There being nothing further, the Court adjourns. The record reflects the full ruling of the Court.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/14/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 476 Filed: 6/13/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 457 Emergency MOTION to Compel Production of Communications Between Defendants and Flenn Fishbine filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 06/13/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 471 Filed: 6/8/2006, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. RE: DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO COMPEL SHUFFLE MASTER'S RESPONSES TO MP GAMES' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES (Smith, Rachel) (Entered: 06/08/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 465 Filed: 6/8/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of RACHEL H. SMITH re 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Smith, Rachel) (Entered: 06/08/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 463 Filed: 6/8/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 447 MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Replies due by 6/22/2006. (Smith, Rachel) (Entered: 06/08/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 461 Filed: 6/7/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/7/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 458 Minute Order Setting Hearing on Motion,,,, 459 Minute Order Setting Hearing on Motion, At the request of counsel for Defendants, the time of the hearing set for Wednesday, June 14, 2006 is changed from 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.. Also at the request of counsel for Defendants, the time of the hearing set for Monday, June 19,2006 is changed from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/07/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 460 Filed: 6/6/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/6/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 404 SEALED MOTION for Protective Order Concerning Defendants' Discovery Into Irrelevant IGT Products and IGT's On-Going Business Dealings with Third Party PGIC and Shuffle Master filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 410 SEALED MOTION to Compel A Proper Response to Interrogatory Number 21 and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology,, 429 SEALED MOTION to Compel Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition and Further Personal Depositions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 411 SEALED MOTION for Leave to File A Fourth Amended Reply to Defendants' Counterclaims for Patent Infringement and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, Motion Hearing set for 7/6/2006 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 459 Filed: 6/6/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/6/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. 452 Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Glenn Fishbine by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/26/2006) Motion Hearing set for 6/19/2006 01:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 458 Filed: 6/6/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 6/6/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 457 Emergency MOTION to Compel Production of Communications Between Defendants and Flenn Fishbine filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, Motion Hearing set for 6/14/2006 01:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 06/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 457 Filed: 6/1/2006, Entered: None
Emergency MOTION to Compel Production of Communications Between Defendants and Flenn Fishbine by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Responses due by 6/19/2006. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 06/01/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 454 Filed: 5/26/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC Proof of Service (Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 451 Filed: 5/26/2006, Entered: None
STATEMENT of UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS [LR 56-1] IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS' 449 MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON INEQUITABLE CONDUCT by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) Modified on 6/21/2006 linked motion (BLG). (Entered: 05/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 450 Filed: 5/26/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION OF RACHEL H. SMITH IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS' 449 MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON INEQUITABLE CONDUCT by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H# 9 Exhibit I)(Perlson, David) Modified on 6/21/2006 to link motion (BLG). (Entered: 05/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 449 Filed: 5/26/2006, Entered: None
MOTION for Summary Judgment ON INEQUITABLE CONDUCT OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Responses due by 6/13/2006. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 448 Filed: 5/26/2006, Entered: None
AFFIDAVIT of Service of Subpoena on Progressive Gaming International Corporation by Counter Claimant Bally Gaming, Inc., Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Peek, J.) (Entered: 05/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 447 Filed: 5/24/2006, Entered: None
MOTION to Compel Production of Hard Drive Ghost Images and Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support thereof by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Responses due by 6/11/2006. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 05/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 446 Filed: 5/24/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash re 443 MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-F# 2 Exhibit G-L# 3 Exhibit M-O# 4 Exhibit P-R)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 445 Filed: 5/24/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Andrea K. Pallios re 443 MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 444 Filed: 5/24/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Tamera Johnson re 443 MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 443 Filed: 5/24/2006, Entered: None
MOTION to Compel the Deposition of Doug Lovgren and for Sanctions by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Responses due by 6/11/2006. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 05/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 441 Filed: 5/8/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 440 Stipulation Modifying Schedule for Expert Reports. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. on 5/8/2006. (HJ, ) (Entered: 05/08/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 440 Filed: 5/5/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER MODIFYING SCHEDULE FOR EXPERT REPORTS by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Kash, Jennifer) (Entered: 05/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 439 Filed: 4/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 4/27/2006. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. RE: 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, 292 SEALED MOTION filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC,, 319 SEALED MOTION filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, 311 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., Motion Hearing set for 7/26/2006 10:00 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. (CLL, ) (Entered: 05/02/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 438 Filed: 4/28/2006, Entered: None
LETTER from Wayne Shaffer dtd 4/27/06 to ECR re proper linking of documents filed by parties. (WJ, ) (Entered: 05/01/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 437 Filed: 4/26/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 4/26/2006. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. RE: 435 Minute Order, amended - see attached order (CLL, ) (Entered: 04/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 436 Filed: 4/25/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: 416 Motion to Compel, Hearing held on 3/29/06 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid. Court Reporter: Margaret E. Griener. (DRM, ) (Entered: 04/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 435 Filed: 4/26/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Edward C. Reed Jr., U.S. District Judge on 4/26/2006. By Deputy Clerk: C. Larsen. RE: 319 SEALED MOTION filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., Responses to motion 319 due by 5/12/2006. See attached order (CLL, ) (Entered: 04/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 433 Filed: 4/18/2006, Entered: None
Mail Returned as Undeliverable addressed to Michael Bregenzer re 408 , re-mailed to Michael Bregenzer and address updated to read 48th floor, see co-cnsl Adam Gill. (JAR, ) (Entered: 04/19/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 425 Filed: 4/10/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 417 Ex Parte Motion. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. (HJ, ) (Entered: 04/10/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 423 Filed: 4/7/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC Proof of Service (Perlson, David) (Entered: 04/07/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 419 Filed: 4/6/2006, Entered: None
Submission of PROPOSED ORDER on 417 First EX PARTE MOTION for a One Week Extension of Time to Comply with the Court's March 29, 2006 Order to Supplement Document Production; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 04/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 418 Filed: 4/6/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash re 417 First EX PARTE MOTION for a One Week Extension of Time to Comply with the Court's March 29, 2006 Order to Supplement Document Production; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 04/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 417 Filed: 4/6/2006, Entered: None
First EX PARTE MOTION for a One Week Extension of Time to Comply with the Court's March 29, 2006 Order to Supplement Document Production by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 04/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 416 Filed: 3/29/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 3/29/2006 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Michael Bregenzer; Def Counsel: Jennifer Kash; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 1:26 p.m. to 1:46 p.m.. RE: 386 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Request for Sanctions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC, The Court addresses the parties and advises them of the purpose of this hearing. Counsel present their respective arguments to the Court. The Court orders that the Motion to Compel is GRANTED to the extent that the Plaintiffs will produce ALL documents, not just the documents presented to the PTO, related to reissue applications and continuation applications that have not been produced to date on a weekly basis. If any are subject to a privilege log, then a privilege log will be done. Plaintiffs will continue to produce documents, if there are any, on a weekly basis. This will begin within ten (10) days of the date hereof. The above order concerning supplementing discovery responses is relative to both Plaintiffs and Defendants. Both parties are to supplement their discovery responses as they learn about or create documents that are responsive to discovery requests every week starting in ten (10) days from the date hereof. The parties are to meet and confer Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. as previously arranged to determine which documents are needed by Plaintiffs. The Motion for Sanctions is DENIED. The record reflects the full ruling of the Court. There being nothing further, the Court adjourns.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 03/29/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 413 Filed: 3/27/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendant Alliance Gaming Corporation Notice of Name Change (Perlson, David) (Entered: 03/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 409 Filed: 3/22/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 3/22/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 386 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Request for Sanctions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC, Pursuant to a request from Defendants' counsel, the hearing set on the Court's calendar for Wednesday, March 22, 2006 is CONTINUED to Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. The parties have been telephoncally notified. The parties shall advise the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini (775-585-5758) 2 days in advance of the hearing of the telephone numbers where they may be contacted for the hearing. The courtoom deputy will initiate the call. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 03/22/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 408 Filed: 3/16/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 3/16/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 386 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Documents and Request for Sanctions filed by Robert Mouchou,, Alliance Gaming Corporation,, Bally Gaming, Inc.,, MP Games LLC, Motion Hearing set for 3/22/2006 10:30 AM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel, if they have not already done so, shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her if they wish to participate telephonically and, if so, of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 03/16/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 406 Filed: 3/10/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of RACHEL H. SMITH re 405 Reply - Other; by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 03/10/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 405 Filed: 3/10/2006, Entered: None
REPLY IN SUPPORT OF 386 MOTION TO COMPEL PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS AND REQUEST FOR SANCTIONS filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) Modified on 3/20/2006 to add link to motion(BLG). (Entered: 03/10/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 403 Filed: 3/7/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 402 Stipulation Modifying Case Schedule. Close of Fact Discovery: May 16, 2006; Close of Expert Discovery: August 25, 2006; Dispositive motion deadline: September 8, 2006; Responses to dispositive motions: October 6, 2006; Reply to dispositive motions: October 27, 2006. Signed by Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. (HJ, ) (Entered: 03/07/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 402 Filed: 3/3/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Modifying Case Schedule by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 03/03/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 400 Filed: 2/28/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 2/28/2006 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Michael Bregenzer; Terry McMillan; Def Counsel: Jennifer Kash; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 9:30:12 a.m. to 9:56:32 a.m.. RE: 377 MOTION to Compel Production of Brown Raysman Documents and For Sanctions filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. The parties present their respective arguments to the Court. The Court orders that the Motion to Compel 377 is DENIED as moot as the privilege log and documents requested have been produced. The Motion for Sanctions 377 is DENIED. The parties discuss the issue of privilege. The Court orders that the parties meet and confer as to this issue to see what the common ground may be and what the disputes are and set the disputes forth in some sort of categories. Bally can then say here is the privilege log, here is the issue and here is the brief. Then Shuffle Master can respond to that. After this issue is briefed, a hearing will be set. The record reflects the full ruling of the Court.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 02/28/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 396 Filed: 2/22/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 388 Stipulation: Ordered parties stipulation 388 is granted allowing Defendant's to file their reply in support of their 56(f) motion by 2/15/06. (reply was filed as 391 . Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 2/21/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 02/23/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 395 Filed: 2/23/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 2/23/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. RE: 377 MOTION to Compel Production of Brown Raysman Documents and For Sanctions filed by Shuffle Master, Inc.,, International Gaming Technology, A telephonic hearing regarding Plaintiffs' Motion to Compel 377 is set on the Court's calendar for Tuesday, February 28, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. The courtroom deputy will initiate the call. The parties have been telephonically notified.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 02/23/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 394 Filed: 2/17/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash in Support of Opposition to Motion to Compel Brown Raysman Documents and for Sanctions re 393 Response to Motion to Compel; by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibits A-E# 2 Exhibit Exhibits F-I# 3 Exhibit Exhibits J-O)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 02/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 393 Filed: 2/17/2006, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 377 MOTION to Compel Production of Brown Raysman Documents and For Sanctions; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Replies due by 3/3/2006. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 02/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 388 Filed: 2/15/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Granting Defendants an Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of Rule 56(f) Motion relating to Shuffle Master's Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 02/15/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 383 Filed: 2/7/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER re 327 Proposed Order Submission filed by Shuffle Master, Inc., and International Gaming Technology: Ord that out of state cnsl Christopher M. Kaiser, for plaintiffs is approved. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 2/7/06. (WJ, ) (Entered: 02/08/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 382 Filed: 2/7/2006, Entered: None
STATEMENT of Notice of Change of Assigned Attorney by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 02/07/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 381 Filed: 2/6/2006, Entered: None
359 DESIGNATION of Local Counsel is APPROVED. Local Counsel - J. S Peek for Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC appointed as Designated Resident Nevada Counsel in this case. Signed by Clerk of Court Lance S Wilson. (BLG) (Entered: 02/06/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 378 Filed: 2/2/2006, Entered: None
Mail Returned as Undeliverable addressed to William Paul Schuck, spoke with Rachel H. Smith, atty with this firm and also on the case, advises tht Mr. Schuck is no longer working with their firm, terminated on mail list. (JAR, ) (Entered: 02/03/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 377 Filed: 2/2/2006, Entered: None
MOTION to Compel Production of Brown Raysman Documents and For Sanctions by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Responses due by 2/20/2006. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 02/02/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 375 Filed: 2/2/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 02/02/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 373 Filed: 2/1/2006, Entered: None
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re 349 Discovery Hearing,, addressed to William Schuck. rtn to sender (WJ, ) (Entered: 02/02/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 372 Filed: 1/31/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 369 Stipulation, APPROVED. Reply to motion for summary judgment 311 and response to 334 due by 2/2/2006. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/31/06. (CLL, ) (Entered: 01/31/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 371 Filed: 1/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER granting 360 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice for Andrea K. Pallios. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/27/2006. (KV, ) (Entered: 01/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 370 Filed: 1/27/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
359 DESIGNATION of Local Counsel is APPROVED as to Andrea K. Pallios for MP Gaming, Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corp., and Bally Gaming, Inc. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/27/2006. (KV, ) (Entered: 01/27/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 369 Filed: 1/26/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and Order Granting Plaintiffs an Extension of Time to Reply to Defendants' Opposition to Shuffle Master's Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement and to Respond to Defendants' Rle 56(f) Motion Regarding Shuffle Master's Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 01/26/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 366 Filed: 1/23/2006, Entered: None
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re 282 Order, 281 Order addressed to Adam J. Gill, attempted not known. (WJ, ) (Entered: 01/24/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 361 Filed: 1/23/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings: RE Markman Hearing held on 11/21/2005 & 11/22/2005 before Judge EDWARD C. REED. Court Reporter: MARGARET E. GRIENER. (SA, ) (Entered: 01/23/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 360 Filed: 1/20/2006, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice By Attorney Not Admitted to the Bar of This Court submitted by attorney Andrea K. Pallios, by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Johnston, Brad) (Entered: 01/20/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 359 Filed: 1/20/2006, Entered: None
DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Designation of Resident Attorney Admitted to the Bar of This Court and Consent Thereto (Andrea Pallios) by Brad M. Johnston on behalf of Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Johnston, Brad) (Entered: 01/20/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 355 Filed: 1/18/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 345 Stipulation. Response to Rule 56(f) motion 334 due by 1/23/2006; response to Rule 56(f) motion 342 due 1/26/06. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/18/06. (CLL, ) (Entered: 01/18/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 354 Filed: 1/18/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC re 351 Status Report. Amended Proof of Service (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/18/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 353 Filed: 1/18/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 348 Stipulation,. Responses to motion 292 and 319 , due by 1/18/2006. Replies to 319 due by 2/8/2006. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/17/06. (CLL, ) (Entered: 01/18/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 352 Filed: 1/17/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC re 351 Status Report. Proof of Service (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 351 Filed: 1/17/2006, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT Interim Status Report Pursuant to Local Rule 26-3 by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 350 Filed: 1/17/2006, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT Interim, Pursuant to LR26-3 by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 01/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 349 Filed: 1/12/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Discovery Hearing held on 1/12/2006 before Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: GMM; Pla Counsel: Barry Irwin; Def Counsel: Jennifer Kash; Court Reporter/FTR #: FTR; Time of Hearing: 2:26 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.. At the request of Defendants' counsel, Ms. Kash, an emergency discovery hearing is had. Ms. Kash relates to the Court the reason for this hearing. Mr. Irwin presents Plaintiffs' argument. The Court orders that the personal deposition of Mr. Soltys will proceed for the two days. Per Ms. Kash the 30(b)(6) deposition will be rescheduled. There being nothing further, the Court adjourns. (no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 01/17/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 348 Filed: 1/16/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Granting Defendants an Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiffs' Opposition to Motion for Sumary Judgment of Invalidity of the '871 Patent and to Plaintiffs' Partial Motion for Summary Judgment by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/16/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 347 Filed: 1/11/2006, Entered: None
Mail Returned as Undeliverable re 281 Order addressed to Adam Gill, return for postage. remail 1/12/06 (WJ, ) (Entered: 01/12/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 345 Filed: 1/11/2006, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Regarding Extension of Time for Plaintiffs' Responses to Defendants' Rule 56(F) Motions by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 01/11/2006)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 343 Filed: 1/9/2006, Entered: None
REPLY to Response to 317 MOTION for Protective Order; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of Platinffs's Cross-Motion for Protective Order Precluding Further Deposition of Oliver Schubert and Further Discovery Into the MD-2 Card Shuffler (Shaffer, Wayne) (Entered: 01/09/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 342 Filed: 1/5/2006, Entered: None
NOTICE by Counter Claimants Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC NOTICE OF DEFENDANTS' RULE 56(F) MOTION (Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 341 Filed: 1/5/2006, Entered: None
DECLARATION of RACHEL H. SMITH IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS' OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT; AND RULE 56(f) REQUEST by Counter Claimants Bally Gaming, Inc., MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 # 2)(Perlson, David) (Entered: 01/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 338 Filed: 1/5/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ON STIPULATION re 332 Stipulation,. Responses to motion for summary judgment 303 due by 12/29/2005. Replies due by 1/23/2006. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 1/6/06. (CLL, ) (Entered: 01/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 337 Filed: 1/5/2006, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTE ORDER IN CHAMBERS of the Honorable Robert A. McQuaid Jr., U.S. Magistrate Judge on 1/5/2006. By Deputy Clerk: GMM. A telephonic Hearing on Defendants' Motion for Order Allowing Disclosure of Documents to Georg Seka 280 , Defendants' Motion to Compel the Appearance of Oliver Schubert at Deposition 308 and Defendants' Motion to Compel Production of Translated German Documents 323 is set on the Court's calendar for Wednesday, 1/11/2006 at 01:30 PM in Reno Courtroom 2 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr. Counsel, if they have not yet done so, shall contact the courtroom deputy, Gina Mugnaini, at (775) 686-5758, two days in advance of the hearing to advise her of the telephone number(s) where they may be reached for the hearing. The courtroom deputy will initiate the conference call. The parties have been notified telephonically and by facsimile.(no image attached) (GMM, ) (Entered: 01/05/2006)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 336 Filed: 12/29/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE/OPPOSITION to 323 SEALED MOTION to Compel Production of Translated German Documents, 324 SEALED MOTION to Compel; filed by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. Replies due by 1/12/2006. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/30/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 334 Filed: 12/29/2005, Entered: None
NOTICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC re 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment. Notice of Defendants' Rule 56(F) Motion (Johnston, Brad) (Entered: 12/29/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 333 Filed: 12/28/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc. re 330 Declaration, 329 Declaration, 328 Proposed Order Submission. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/29/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 332 Filed: 12/28/2005, Entered: None
STIPULATION and [Proposed] Order Regarding Deadline for Defendants' to File a Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Defendants' Trade Secret Counterclaims by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Johnston, Brad) (Entered: 12/28/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 330 Filed: 12/23/2005, Entered: None
MEMORANDUM of Christopher Kaiser in support of 327 Proposed Order Submission; by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/23/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 329 Filed: 12/23/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Christopher Kaiser re 327 Proposed Order Submission; by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/23/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 328 Filed: 12/23/2005, Entered: None
Submission of PROPOSED designation of retrained cnsl wayne Shaffer re 327 Proposed Order Submission; filed by Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/23/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 327 Filed: 12/23/2005, Entered: None
Submission of proposed verified petition of Christopher M. Kaiser, out of state cnsl for Plaintiffs Shuffle Master, Inc., International Gaming Technology. Receipt 18464 (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/23/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 326 Filed: 12/20/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC re 325 Declaration,, 324 SEALED MOTION to Compel. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/22/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 322 Filed: 12/20/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
AMENDED PER 900 ORDER : ORDER It is hereby ordered that the claims presented for construction in Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction [#137] and in Defendants' Joint Opening Claim Construction [#140] are construed as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. Signed by Judge Edward C. Reed Jr. on 12/20/05. (Attachments: #(1) Table of Contents to Exhibit A and #(2) Exhibit A)(KV, ) Modified on 3/21/2008 (DRM). (Entered: 12/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 317 Filed: 12/16/2005, Entered: None
MOTION (CROSS) for Protective Order by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/19/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 316 Filed: 12/16/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE/OPPOSITION to 308 SEALED MOTION to Compel; filed by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. Replies due by 12/30/2005. (WJ, ) (Entered: 12/19/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 315 Filed: 12/16/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of of Attila Grauzer in spt of re 316 Response to Motion for Miscellaneous Relief 280 ; by Counter Defendant Shuffle Master, Inc.. (WJ, ) Modified on 12/19/2005 (WJ, ). (Entered: 12/19/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 314 Filed: 12/5/2005, Entered: None
REPLY in Support of 280 MOTION forOrder Allowing Disclosure of Documents toGeorg Seka; filed by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of J. Georg Seka in Support# 2 Declaration of Jennifer A. Kash in Support# 3 Proof of Service)(AF, ) (Entered: 12/16/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 312 Filed: 12/6/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Attila Grauzer in support of re 311 SEALED MOTION for Summary Judgment; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 310 Filed: 12/1/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC re 309 Declaration,, 308 SEALED MOTION to Compel. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 307 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Paul Topley in support of re 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 part 2# 2 part 3)(JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 306 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Ramya Ravindran in support of re 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 part 2# 2 part 3# 3 part 4# 4 part 5# 5 part 6# 6 part 7# 7 part 8# 8 part 9# 9 part 10)(JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 305 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Michael P. Bregenzer in support of re 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 part 2# 2 part 3)(JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 304 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Colby Anne Kingsbury in support of re 303 MOTION for Summary Judgment; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 303 Filed: 11/29/2005, Entered: None
MOTION for Summary Judgment on Ds Trade Secret Misappropriation Counterclaim by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. Responses due by 12/17/2005. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 302 Filed: 11/22/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Christopher M. Kaiser in support of re 300 Response to Motion to Compel; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 301 Filed: 11/22/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Terrence W. McMillin in support of re 300 Response to Motion to Compel; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) Modified on 12/13/2005 (JAR, ). (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 300 Filed: 11/22/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE to 280 MOTION to Compel; filed by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. Replies due by 12/6/2005. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 299 Filed: 11/22/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc. re 286 Designation of Local Counsel, 282 Order, 287 Designation of Local Counsel, 285 Designation of Local Counsel, 281 Order. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 298 Filed: 11/21/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC re 294 Declaration,, 297 Statement,, 292 SEALED MOTION. (JAR, ) (Entered: 12/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 296 Filed: 11/18/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Adam Gill in support of re 295 Supplement; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) Additional attachment(s) added on 12/13/2005 (JAR, ). (Entered: 12/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 295 Filed: 11/21/2005, Entered: None
SUPPLEMENTED claim construction disclosures by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) Additional attachment(s) added on 12/13/2005 (JAR, ). (Entered: 12/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 293 Filed: 11/22/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Markman Hearing held on 11/22/2005 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: C. Larsen; Pla Counsel: R. Krupka; M. Bregenzer; Def Counsel: C. Verhoeven; D. Perlson; W. Owen; Court Reporter/FTR #: M. Griener; Time of Hearing: 9:37 A. M.. (CLL, ). (Entered: 11/22/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 291 Filed: 11/22/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Markman Hearing held on 11/22/2005 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. Crtrm Administrator: C. Larsen; Pla Counsel: R. Krupka; M. Bregenzer; D. Hayward; Def Counsel: C. Verhoeven; D. Perlson; W. Owen; Court Reporter/FTR #: M. Griener; Time of Hearing: 10:06 A. M.. Markman Hearing set for 11/22/2005 09:30 AM in Reno Courtroom 3 before Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.. (CLL, ) (Entered: 11/22/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 290 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
ORDER: Ord out of state cnsl Jared E Hedman, cnsl for P and loc cnsl Wayne Shafer approved. Signed by Lance S Wilson. (WJ, ) Modified on 11/21/2005 (WJ, ). Receipt 18286 (Entered: 11/21/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 289 Filed: 11/18/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Adam J. Gill in support of Shuffle Master's reply in support of its opening claim construction brief by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (JAR, ) (Entered: 11/21/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 288 Filed: 11/18/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
LETTER addressed to Judge Reed from Michael P. Bregenzer. (JAR, ) (Entered: 11/21/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 287 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
DESIGNATION of Local Counsel Wayne Shaffer obo Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc. and IGT for out of state cnsl (cant read the name). (WJ, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 286 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
DESIGNATION of Local Counsel of Wayne A. Shaffer by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, IGT for out of state cnsl (cant read name) (WJ, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 285 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
DESIGNATION of Local Counsel of Wayne A Shaffer on behalf of Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc. out of state cnsl Courtney Holohan. (WJ, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 284 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
Memorandum in spt of 282 Order, 281 Order, 283 Certificate of Service; by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc.. (WJ, ) Modified on 11/18/2005 (WJ, ). (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 283 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Plaintiff Shuffle Master, Inc. re 282 Order, 281 Order. (WJ, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 282 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
ORDER re V/P for out of state cnsl robert G Krupka, cnsl for Ps. receipt #18287. Signed by Lance S Wilson. (WJ, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 281 Filed: 11/10/2005, Entered: None
ORDER re Verified Petition as to out state cnsl G Countney Holohan, cnsl for Ps. Signed by Lance S Wilson. (WJ, ) (Entered: 11/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 280 Filed: 11/7/2005, Entered: None
MOTION to Compel for order allowing disclosure of documents to George Seka with declaration of Jennifer A Kash in support of and certif of service obo Defendants Alliance Gaming Corporation, Bally Gaming, Inc., Robert Mouchou, MP Games LLC. Respons es due by 11/25/2005. (Attachments: # 1 # 2)(WJ, ) (Entered: 11/15/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 279 Filed: 10/26/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 10/26/05; re: teleph stat conf; FTR; cnsl infrms the crt tht this case has not settled; jnt status rpt following 90 dy stay (#278) with dates and those dates shl govern the case (see ord); dispositive mtns c/o date is 6/1/06; th (Entered: 10/26/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 278 Filed: 10/21/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT obo parties (p) (Entered: 10/25/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 277 Filed: 10/14/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 1/13/05; re: teleph stat conf (Entered: 10/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 276 Filed: 10/14/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Colby Anne Kingsbury in support of mtn to join (#260) obo P. (p) (Entered: 10/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 275 Filed: 10/14/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Michael P. Bregenzer in support of mtn to join (#260) obo P. (p) (Entered: 10/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 274 Filed: 10/14/2005, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to oppo (#266) to mtn to join (#260) obo P. (p) (Entered: 10/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 273 Filed: 7/29/2005, Entered: None
ORDER due to a chng in the crt's calendar the stat conf sched for 10/27/05 @ 130pm is advanced to 10/26/05 @ 9am, (Entered: 08/01/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 272 Filed: 7/28/2005, Entered: None
ORDER in light of the order (#271), stying all proceedings in this case for a period of 90 dys til and including 10/13/05, the markman hrg for claim construction set by our order (#270) is cont to 11/21/05 @ 10am. (Entered: 07/29/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 271 Filed: 7/25/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION ORD tht this matter shl be stayed for 90dys til 10/13/05; a stat conf shl be set for 10/27/05 @ 130pm; The parties shl meet and confer in good faith and submit a stat rpt on 10/21/05 addressing the status of sttlmnt talks and if nece (Entered: 07/26/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 270 Filed: 7/12/2005, Entered: None
ORDER a Markman hrg for clm construction is set for 9/22/05 @ 10am (see ord for spec) (Entered: 07/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 269 Filed: 7/8/2005, Entered: None
NOTICE (OTHER) ntc of filing declaration with original signature page to #67 obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 07/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 268 Filed: 7/5/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #266 & 267 via fedex obo Ds. (Entered: 07/08/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 267 Filed: 7/5/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Rachel H. Smith in support of oppo (#266) obo Ds. (Entered: 07/08/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 266 Filed: 7/5/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to join IGT as a P (#260) obo Ds. (Entered: 07/08/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 265 Filed: 7/1/2005, Entered: None
ORDER the crt hvng been notified by Ps cnsl tht the matter set for hrg on 7/6/05 @ 9am has been resolved, the hrg is vacated. (Entered: 07/01/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 264 Filed: 6/30/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
ORDER ORD tht this action is reassigned to Judge Reed, USDJ, for all further proceedings; Cnsl are advised tht all further docs shl bear the correct case # CV-N-04-0407-ECR(RAM) (Entered: 07/01/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 263 Filed: 6/28/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT re: teleph stat conf dtd 6/17/05 (Entered: 06/30/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 262 Filed: 6/21/2005, Entered: None
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS tht Laxalt & Nomura has moved to 9600 Gateway Dr., Reno, NV 89521 (Entered: 06/23/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 261 Filed: 6/20/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 6/17/05; re: teleph stat conf; FTR; tht renewed mtn to compel (#237) is denied; The close of discovery will be 11/14/05; A stat hrg re: Ps data request is set for 7/6/05 @ 9am (see order for spec) (Entered: 06/22/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 260 Filed: 6/17/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF mtn to join IGT as a named P obo P. (p) (Entered: 06/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 259 Filed: 6/15/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT to crt for stat conf on 6/17/05 re Ps document production obo Ds. (Entered: 06/17/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 258 Filed: 6/15/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT regarding depostion scheduling and rule 30(b)(6) topics obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 06/17/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 257 Filed: 6/15/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT regarding deposition schedule obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 06/17/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 256 Filed: 6/15/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT obo P. (p) (Entered: 06/16/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 255 Filed: 6/10/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION to status rpt (#252) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 06/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 254 Filed: 6/10/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 5/27/05; re: transcript of teleph stat conf (Entered: 06/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 253 Filed: 5/31/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 5/27/05; re: teleph stat conf; FTR; The crt infrms the parties tht he has rec'd Ps latest mtn and will give Ds til 6/10/05 to rspnd. The crt sets a further stat conf for 6/17/05 @ 130pm.(see ord for spec) (Entered: 06/02/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 251 Filed: 5/25/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION ORD tht P may file its amended reply to Ds cntrclms for patent infrngmnt (Entered: 05/26/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 250 Filed: 5/24/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 5/13/05; re: Ps mtn to compel and supplmnt #205 and 212 (Entered: 05/26/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 249 Filed: 5/23/2005, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to oppo (#244) to mtn to compel discovery reflecting Mouchou's relationships and interactions with Mindplay obo P. (p) (Entered: 05/25/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 248 Filed: 5/19/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT to Ps mtn for leave to file an amended reply (#240) obo P. (p) (Entered: 05/24/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 247 Filed: 5/18/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 4/8/05; re: renewed mtn #149 (Entered: 05/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 246 Filed: 5/13/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 5/13/05; re: teleph hrg on Ps mtn to compel (#205) and Ps emergency mtn (#242); FTR; ORD tht Ps mtn to compel (#205) is grntd. (see ord) Fur ORD tht Ps emergency mtn (#242) is grntd to the extent the expert deadlines will be ex (Entered: 05/16/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 244 Filed: 5/12/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to Ps renewed mtn to compel discovery (#237) obo Ds. (m) (Entered: 05/16/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 243 Filed: 5/12/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION to Ps emergeny mtn for order re: depositions, protective order and modifications to jnt DPSO obo Ds. (m) (Entered: 05/16/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 242 Filed: 5/10/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER emergency mtn for ord re: depositions, protective ord and modifications to jnt DPSO obo P. (f) (Entered: 05/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 241 Filed: 5/10/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to compel (#205) obo 3D prty El Dorado(m) (Entered: 05/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 240 Filed: 5/9/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF for leave to file an amended reply to Ds cntrclms for patent infringemnt obo P. (p) (Entered: 05/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 239 Filed: 5/9/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT certificate of compliance obo P. (p) (Entered: 05/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 238 Filed: 5/9/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT certification of completion of production of documents obo Ds. (f) (Entered: 05/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 237 Filed: 5/6/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL renewed mtn to compel discovery reflecting Mouchou's Relationships and interactions with mindplay obo P. (p) (Entered: 05/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 236 Filed: 5/4/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 4/30/05 re: mtns hrg (Entered: 05/09/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 235 Filed: 5/2/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION second amend reply to Ds cntrclms to first amend cmplnt for patent infringmnt and affirmative defenses and cntrclms in reply thereto obo P. (m) (Entered: 05/04/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 234 Filed: 5/2/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 4/29/05; re: teleph hrg on mtn (#177 & 192); FTR; mtn to compel #177 is grntd, see ord for spec; mtn to compel #192 grntd in prt and denied in prt, see ord for spec; mtn to compel #221 is grntd, mtn to compel #223 is grntd, ren (Entered: 05/04/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 233 Filed: 4/28/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #231 & #232 by hand delivery obo Ds. (Entered: 05/03/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 230 Filed: 4/28/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT to the cert of service of (#212), referenced hand delivery to Mirandu Du, but tht Mirandu Du was not srvd and now srvd by and delivery obo P. (Entered: 05/03/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 229 Filed: 4/28/2005, Entered: None
ORDER Ps mtn for ord short time (#206) is denied. 3D party Eldorado's mtn for ext of time to oppose mtn to compel (#219) is grntd. 3D party Eldorado shl hv til 5/10/05 to file oppo to mtn to compel (#205). A hrg on Ps mtn to compel and supplmnt (#205&2 (Entered: 05/03/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 228 Filed: 4/28/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Michael P. Bregenzer in support of replies (#226 & 227) obo P. (p) (Entered: 04/28/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 225 Filed: 4/26/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service by fedex re: docs #221,222,223,224 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 219 Filed: 4/26/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME to oppose mtn to compel (#205) obo 3D party Eldorado Resorts (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 218 Filed: 4/26/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn for order shortening time (#206) obo 3D party Eldorado Resorts (f,m) (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 217 Filed: 4/25/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #215 and #216 by hand delivery obo Ds. (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 215 Filed: 4/25/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to Ps second omnibus mtn to compel Ds compliance with discovery (#192) obo Ds (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 214 Filed: 4/25/2005, Entered: None Court Filing
LETTER to Judge McQuaid frm atty for Ds. (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 213 Filed: 4/25/2005, Entered: None
ORDER the crt has rec'd a ltr frm cnsl for Ds dtd 4/19/05. The clk shl file the letter. (Entered: 04/27/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 212 Filed: 4/22/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT to mtn to compel (#205) and renewed mtn for ord shortening time to file oppo to same obo P. (m,f) (Entered: 04/26/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 211 Filed: 4/20/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to (#209 & 210) mld & hld delivered on 4/20/05 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 209 Filed: 4/20/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to renewed mtn to compel (#149) obo Ds, MP Games, LLC, Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corp., & Bally Gaming, Inc. (m) (Entered: 04/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 208 Filed: 4/18/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT telephonic hrg tkn on 3/21/05 re Ps mtn to compel. (C/R: Cathy M. Worken) (Entered: 04/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 207 Filed: 4/19/2005, Entered: None
ORDER The mtn to dism Count IV of the counterclaim is granted w/o prej. (Entered: 04/20/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 206 Filed: 4/15/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Mtn for ord shortening tm to file oppositn to Ps mtn to compel & req for expedited consideratn of mtn (#205) obo Ps. (Entered: 04/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 205 Filed: 4/15/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL Eldorado Resorts compliance w/subp & req for expedited consideratn obo Ps. (m) (Entered: 04/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 204 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Proof of service as to #202, & 203 mld on 4/14/05 obo Ds, MP Games LLC, Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corp., & Bally Gaming, Inc. (Entered: 04/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 203 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Paul Schuck in spt of Ds ex-Parte mtn to file overlength brf (#202) obo Ds, MP Gaming LLC, Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corp., & Bally Gaming, Inc. (m) (Entered: 04/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 202 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION mtn to file oversized brf (#196) obo Ds, MP Games LLC, Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corp., & Bally Gaming, Inc. (m) (Entered: 04/18/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 201 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
ORDER P mtn for order to shorten #195 is granted. (Entered: 04/15/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 200 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re doc #198-199 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/15/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 199 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Rachel H. Smith in spt of oppo #198 re mtn to shorten #195 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/15/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 198 Filed: 4/14/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to P mtn for order shortening time #195 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/15/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 196 Filed: 4/13/2005, Entered: None
ORDER Ord P sh be allowed to file reply memo in excess of 20 pgs in spt of opening clm constructn brf. See Ord for specifics. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 195 Filed: 4/12/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO EXPEDITE for to file oppo to mtn to compel #192 obo P. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 194 Filed: 4/12/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT certification of civil proced #37 and LR 26-7 in spt of its mtn to compel #192 obo P. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 193 Filed: 4/12/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Micahael P. Bregenzer in spt of mtn to compel #192 obo P. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 192 Filed: 4/12/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL (2d Omnibus)D's compliance with discovery obo P (Entered: 04/13/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 191 Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE fo doc #187-190 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
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Blank 190 Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Dr. Robert C. Hannum in spt of D's joint reply claim construction brief obo Ds. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
Blank 189 Filed: 4/11/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT declaration of Dr A Lynn Abbott in spt of D's join reply claim construction brief #187 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/13/2005)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 186 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re doc #145 and 146 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 185 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION in spt of status rpt #145 obo Ds. (Entered: 04/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 184 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT and position paper re P production of doc relating to smarttable obo Ds. MP Games; Mouchoe, Alliance and Bally (Entered: 04/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 182 Filed: 4/8/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING re mtn #149 dtd 4/8/05: court acknowledge recript of P ex parte mtn for one juducial day extn #181. The court that the mtn be filed and its granted. brief of P may be filed and served on 4/11/05; D brief may be filed today, but (Entered: 04/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 181 Filed: 4/8/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF ex parte for one judicial day extn of time to file Markman reply brief obo Suffle Master. (Entered: 04/11/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 180 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: None
STATUS REPORT on its smart table document production obo P (Entered: 04/08/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 179 Filed: 4/7/2005, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to mtn to comply #177 obo P (Entered: 04/08/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 177 Filed: 4/5/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL RENEWED/MOTION to compel the prodctn of certain categories of documnts obo P. (m) (Entered: 04/06/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 174 Filed: 3/30/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service by personal delivery as to (#172/173) obo Ds. (Entered: 04/01/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 173 Filed: 3/30/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Rachel H. Smith in support of req for add'l time (#172) obo Ds. (Entered: 04/01/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 172 Filed: 3/30/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME req for add'l time and update regarding the status of Moucho's personal info reflecting Mouchou's relationship and interactions with mindplay obo Ds. (Entered: 04/01/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 171 Filed: 3/28/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE via hand delivery as to oppo (#169) and declaration (#170) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/29/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 170 Filed: 3/28/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash in support of oppo (#169) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/29/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 169 Filed: 3/28/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to compel (#149) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/29/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 168 Filed: 3/25/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION to Ds jnt opening claim construction brief (#140) obo P. (p) (Entered: 03/29/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 167 Filed: 3/25/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by personal service as to response (#164), declarations (#165/166) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 166 Filed: 3/25/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT supplmntl declaration of W.Paul Schuck in support of Ds joint responsive claim const brief obo Ds. (sep folder due to size) (Entered: 03/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 165 Filed: 3/25/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Dr. Abbott in support of response (#164) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/28/2005)
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Blank 164 Filed: 3/25/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION responsive claim construction brief obo Ds. (Entered: 03/28/2005)
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 163 Filed: 3/23/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by personal delivery as to oppo (#161) and declaration (#162) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 160 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 3/21/05; re: hrg mtn to compel (#147); CR: Cathy Worken; deposition dates set, see ord for spec. (Entered: 03/23/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 159 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION tht a one day ext frm 3/14/05 to 3/15/05 for Shuffle Master to file its motion regard Ds noticed rule 30(b)(6) depo and a 2dy ext frm 3/21/05 to 3/23/05 for Ds to file their oppo brief. (see ord for spec) (Entered: 03/23/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 158 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION tht the parties will file and oppo brief supporting their construction of claim terms by 3/25/05; tht the patent holder may file a reply brief in support of its claim construction; (see ord for spec) (Entered: 03/23/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 157 Filed: 3/21/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT of mtns hearing dtd 3/1/05 bef RAM. C/R Margaret E. Griener. Placed in separate folder. (Entered: 03/22/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 156 Filed: 3/18/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service via fax of oppo (#153) and declaration (#154) (Entered: 03/20/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 155 Filed: 3/18/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service via fedex of oppo (#153) and declaration (#154) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/20/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 154 Filed: 3/18/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash in support of opppo (#153) obo Ds. (Entered: 03/20/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 153 Filed: 3/18/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to compel deposition dates obo Ds. (Entered: 03/20/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 152 Filed: 3/16/2005, Entered: None
ORDER a teleph hrg is sched for 3/21/05 @ 130pm re: Ps mtn to compel depo dates (filed 3/11/05) (see ord for spec) (Entered: 03/18/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 150 Filed: 3/11/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Adam J. Gill in support of renewed mtn to compel (#149) obo P. (p) (Entered: 03/15/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 149 Filed: 3/11/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL renewed mtn to compel proper and complete response to interrogatroy no. 1 to Alliance and Bally obo P. (p) (Entered: 03/15/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 148 Filed: 3/11/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Colby Anne Kingsbury in support of mtn to compel deposition dates (#147) obo P. (p) (Entered: 03/15/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 147 Filed: 3/11/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL mtn to compel deposition dates obo P. (p) (Entered: 03/15/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 146 Filed: 3/2/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 3/1/05; re: teleph hrg regarding various mtns; CR: Margaret Griener; as to Ps mtn to compel discovery (#93), ORD tht Ds will produce w/in 30dys those docs; As to Ds mtn to compel (#94), ORD tht P will produce the req docs w/in 3 (Entered: 03/03/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 145 Filed: 3/1/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION tht P may file an opening clm construction brief, the body of which shl be no longer thn 50 pages and Ds may file an oppo brief, the body of which shl be no longer thn 50pages. (Entered: 03/03/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 144 Filed: 2/28/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to compel depositions (#133) obo P. (p) (Entered: 03/03/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 143 Filed: 2/25/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to docs #140, 141, 142 via mail obo Ds. (Entered: 02/28/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 141 Filed: 2/25/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Richard Soltys in support of Ds joint opening claim construction brief (#140) obo Ds. (Entered: 02/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 139 Filed: 2/25/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Adam Gill in support of Ps claim construction brief (#137) obo P. (p) plcd in sep folder (Entered: 02/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 138 Filed: 2/25/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Kenneth R. Castleman in support of Ps opening clm construction brief (#137) obo P. (p) (Entered: 02/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 137 Filed: 2/25/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT opening claim construction brief obo P. (p) (Entered: 02/28/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 136 Filed: 2/22/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to (#133,134,135) by personal srvc and fedex obo Ds. (Entered: 02/24/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 135 Filed: 2/22/2005, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer Kash in support of mtn to compel depositions (#133) obo Ds. (Entered: 02/24/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 134 Filed: 2/22/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT federal rule of civil procedure 37 and local rule 26-7 certification in support of their mtn to compel depositions (#133) obo Ds. (Entered: 02/24/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 133 Filed: 2/22/2005, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL mtn to compel depositions obo Ds. (Entered: 02/23/2005)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 132 Filed: 2/18/2005, Entered: None
ANSWER TO COMPLAINT answr and affirmative defenses to Ps cntrclms obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 02/23/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 131 Filed: 2/15/2005, Entered: None
ORDER at the req of Mr Bregenzer the teleph hrg tht is sched for 3/1/05 @ 130pm is resched to 3:30pm tht same day re: #93, #94, #98 & #119 (Entered: 02/16/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 128 Filed: 2/1/2005, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to oppo (#117) to mtn to compel (#98) obo P. (m) (Entered: 02/02/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 126 Filed: 1/28/2005, Entered: None
ORDER a teleph hrg is sched for 3/1/05 @ 130pm re: Ps mtn to compel discovery (#93); Ds mtn to compel Ps prod of docs(#94); Ps mtn to compel proper responses (#98) and Ps cntr/mtn for an ord allowing a crt reporter (#119). (see ord for spec) (Entered: 01/31/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 125 Filed: 1/27/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION ORD tht prtys are granted a 30 day extn of time for the clm constructn process so tht all clms now @ iss may be properly construced. See ord for specs. (Entered: 01/27/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 124 Filed: 1/26/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION 1st amnd'd reply to Ds cntr-clms to 1st A/C obo P. (m) (Entered: 01/27/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 123 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 11/22/04 re: transcript of teleph mtns hrg (Entered: 01/25/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 122 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 11/18/04 re: transcript of teleph mtn hrg. (Entered: 01/25/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 120 Filed: 1/24/2005, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to oppo (#103) to mtn to dism (#88) obo P. (p) (Entered: 01/25/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 119 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF for an order allowing crt rptr for all furture meet and confers obo P. (p) (Entered: 01/25/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 118 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to compel Ps production of docs obo P. (p) #118/119 same doc (Entered: 01/25/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 117 Filed: 1/21/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to compel proper responses to written disc req and the production of docs (#98) obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 01/25/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 115 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to J. Stephen Peek, local cnsl for out of state cnsl (Entered: 01/20/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 114 Filed: 1/19/2005, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to Rachel H. Smith, out of state cnsl for Ds-MP Gaming, Robert Mouchou, Alliance Gaming Corp & Bally Gaming Inc. (Entered: 01/20/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 113 Filed: 1/13/2005, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 1/13/05; re: teleph stat conf; CR: Kathryn French; It is the opinion of the crt tht the Ds trade secrets hv been disclosed with particulartiy and the deposition as sched will go forward. The Ds are bound by what they have state (Entered: 01/14/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 112 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 12/20/04; re: teleph status conf (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 111 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
TRANSCRIPT dtd: 12/14/04 re: transcript of teleph mtns hrgs. (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 110 Filed: 1/12/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION tht oppo to mtn to compel (#93) is due 1/21 and oppos to mtns to compel (#94 & 98) are due 1/21/05 (see ord for spec) (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 109 Filed: 1/12/2005, Entered: None
ORDER the hrg tht is sched for 2/7/05 @ 130pm re: Ps mtn to stay (#54) is vacated. (see ord for spec) (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 108 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #104 via hand delivery obo Ds. (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 107 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #104 via fax obo Ds. (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 106 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #103 via hand delivery obo Ds. (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 105 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of srvc as to #103 via fedex obo Ds. (Entered: 01/13/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 104 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE TO MOTION to stmnt (#101) obo Ds. (Entered: 01/12/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 103 Filed: 1/11/2005, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to dism (#88) obo Ds. (Entered: 01/12/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 102 Filed: 1/10/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ORD tht Ps mtn to stay Ds patent infringement cntrclm (#54) is denied w/o prejudice. (Entered: 01/11/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 101 Filed: 1/4/2005, Entered: None
STATEMENT of deficiencies in Ds trade secret identification obo P. (f) (Entered: 01/05/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 100 Filed: 1/4/2005, Entered: None
ORDER a hrg is sched for 2/7/05 @ 130pm re: Ps mtn to stay Ds patent infringement cntrclms (#54). (see ord for spec) (Entered: 01/05/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 99 Filed: 1/3/2005, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION tht Ds oppo to Ps mtn to compel (#93) is due 1/13/05 and Ps oppo to Ds mtn to compel is due 1/14/05 (see ord for spec) (Entered: 01/04/2005)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 97 Filed: 12/23/2004, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re doc#94-95 obo Ds (Entered: 12/27/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 96 Filed: 12/23/2004, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE re doc #94/95 obo D. (Entered: 12/27/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 95 Filed: 12/23/2000, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT certification re mtn to compel #94 obo Ds (Entered: 12/27/2004)
Request Request From Archives (Scanning Fees/Delay May Apply)Space LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 94 Filed: 12/23/2004, Entered: None
MOTION TO COMPEL production of documents obo Ds. (Entered: 12/27/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 92 Filed: 12/22/2004, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION ORD tht Ds hv til 1/11/05 to file their response to Ps mtn to dism Ds trade secret misappropriation and breach of contract cntrclms for improper venue (#88) see ord for spec (Entered: 12/23/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 91 Filed: 12/23/2004, Entered: None
ORDER Ps renewed mtn for a more definite stmnt (#53) is denied as moot. (see ord for spec) (Entered: 12/23/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 90 Filed: 12/22/2004, Entered: None
ORDER Ps mtn for leave to file a reply brief in excess of 20pages (#76) is grntd. (see ord for spec) (Entered: 12/23/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 89 Filed: 12/20/2004, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Michael P. Bregenzer in support of mtn to dism (#88) obo P. (p) (Entered: 12/21/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 88 Filed: 12/20/2004, Entered: None
MOTION TO DISMISS mtn to dism Ds trad secret misappropriation and breach of contract counterclms for improper venue obo P. (p) (Entered: 12/21/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 87 Filed: 12/20/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 12/20/04; re: teleph stat conf; tape #04-131; ORD tht the depo of Oliver Schubert will be taken on 1/19/05; ORD tht Mr. Irwin has til 1/4/05 to submit his position on trade secrets. Mr. Verhoeven has til 1/11/05 to rspnd. ORD (Entered: 12/21/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 86 Filed: 12/16/2004, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Michael P. Bregenzer in support of Ps oppo (#85) obo P. (f) moot see ord (#82) (Entered: 12/17/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 85 Filed: 12/16/2004, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to emergency mtn to compel (#79) obo P. (f) moot see ord (#82) (Entered: 12/17/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 84 Filed: 12/14/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT to declaration of Michael P Beringer in support of mtn for protective order, (declartn atthchd to mtn) obo P. (p) (Entered: 12/15/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 83 Filed: 12/14/2004, Entered: None
ORDER a teleph hrg is sched for 12/14/04 @ 10am re: Ds emergency mtn to compl the appearance of Oliver Schubert at depo on 12/15/04 as ntcd (#79) (see ord for spec) (Entered: 12/15/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 82 Filed: 12/14/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 12/14/04; re: hrg on mtn (#79 & 80); tape #04-129; ORD tht Ds emergency mtn to compel (#79) is denied and it is ord tht Ps mtn for protective ord (#80) is grntd. ORD a teleph stat conf is sched for 12/20/04 @ 9am (see ord for (Entered: 12/15/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 81 Filed: 12/13/2004, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE titled declaration of Laurie Pieratt re: mailing as to docs #73, 75, 76 & 77 (Entered: 12/14/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 80 Filed: 12/13/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER mtn for protective ord concerning Ds ntcd depo of Oliver Schubert obo P. (p) plcd in sep folder due to size (Entered: 12/14/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 79 Filed: 12/13/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF emergency mtn to compel the appearance of Oliver Schubert at deposition on 12/15/04. obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 12/13/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 78 Filed: 12/13/2004, Entered: None
NOTICE (OTHER) ntc of emergency mtn to compel depo of Olivei Schubert as sched on 12/15/04 (Entered: 12/13/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 77 Filed: 12/10/2004, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION in support of renewed mtn for more definite stmnt obo P. (Entered: 12/13/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 76 Filed: 12/10/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF to file a reply brief in excess of 20pages obo P. (Entered: 12/13/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 72 Filed: 12/3/2004, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to J. Stephen Peek, local cnsl for out of state cnsl, cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 12/06/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 71 Filed: 12/3/2004, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to William P. Schuck, out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 12/06/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 70 Filed: 12/2/2004, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to Wayne Shaffer, local cnsl for out of state cnsl, cnsl for P. (Entered: 12/03/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 69 Filed: 12/2/2004, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to Adam Gill, out of state cnsl for P. (Entered: 12/03/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 68 Filed: 12/2/2004, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to Wayne Shaffer, local cnsl for out of state cnsl, cnsl for P. (Entered: 12/03/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 67 Filed: 12/2/2004, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to Colby Kingsbury, out of state cnsl for P. (Entered: 12/03/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 66 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: None
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE proof of service as to #61 & 65 via fedex obo Ds. (Entered: 11/30/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 65 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash in support of Ds oppo (#61) obo Ds. (p) plcd in sep folder due to size (Entered: 11/30/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 64 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash in support of Ds oppo (#62) obo Ds. (p) placed in sep folder due to size (Entered: 11/30/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 63 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Richard Soltys in support of Ds oppo (#62) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 11/30/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 62 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn to stay Ds patent infringement counterclaims (#54) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 11/30/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 61 Filed: 11/29/2004, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to renewed mtn for a more definite stmnt (#53) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 11/30/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 60 Filed: 11/22/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 11/22/04; re: teleph hrg/Ds mtn for for protective ord (#43) and sched of rule 30(b)(6) depo. (Entered: 11/23/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 59 Filed: 11/22/2004, Entered: None
ORDER protective order governing confidentiality (see ord for spec) (Entered: 11/23/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 58 Filed: 11/22/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT supplmntl citation to authority in support of Ps oppo to Ds mtn for protect ord concerning Ps ntc'd rul 30(b)(6) depo obo P (m) (Entered: 11/23/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 57 Filed: 11/18/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS HEARING dtd: 11/18/04; re: teleph hrg on Ds mtn for protect ord (#43); Tape #04-121; The crt deems tht Ds are entitled to know what the trade secrets are prior to producing the 30(b)(6) witness. To tht extent the mtn for protect ord will b (Entered: 11/19/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 56 Filed: 11/15/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT supplmnt declaration of Jennifer A. Kash in support of mtn for protective ord (#43) obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 11/16/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 55 Filed: 11/15/2004, Entered: None
REPLY TO RESPONSE TO MOTION to oppo (#50) to mtn for protective ord (#43) obo Ds. (fedex) (Entered: 11/16/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 54 Filed: 11/12/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF mtn to stay Ds patent infringement cntrclms obo P. (p) (Entered: 11/15/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 53 Filed: 11/12/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF renewed mtn for a more definite stmnt obo P. (p) (Entered: 11/15/2004)
Request RequestSpace LREF
Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 52 Filed: 11/12/2004, Entered: None
ANSWER TO COMPLAINT to Ds cntrclms to 1st amend cmplnt for patent infringemnt obo P. (p) (Entered: 11/15/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 51 Filed: 11/8/2004, Entered: None
ORDER teleph hrng set for 11/18/04 130pm re Ds mtn for protec order #43; Courtroom Dep will initiate conf call. cnsl teleph notif. (Entered: 11/12/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 50 Filed: 11/8/2004, Entered: None
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION to mtn for protective order (#43) obo Ps. (p) placed in separate folder due to size (Entered: 11/08/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 49 Filed: 11/5/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT stmnt of add'l application to verified petition (#36) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 11/08/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 48 Filed: 11/5/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT stmnt of add'l application to verified petition (#34) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 11/08/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 47 Filed: 11/5/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT stmnt of add'l application to verified petition (#32) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 11/08/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 46 Filed: 10/28/2004, Entered: None
SCHEDULING ORDER discovery c/o 7/29/05; dispositive mtns c/o 8/25/05; PTO due 8/25/05; (Entered: 11/01/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 45 Filed: 10/28/2004, Entered: None
ANSWER TO COMPLAINT answr and cntrclm to 1st amend cmplnt obo Ds. (p) plcd in sep folder due to size (Entered: 10/29/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 44 Filed: 10/28/2004, Entered: None
DECLARATION of Jennifer A. Kash in support of mtn for protective ord (#43) obo Ds. (p) (Entered: 10/29/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 43 Filed: 10/28/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER obo Ds (p) (Entered: 10/29/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 42 Filed: 10/20/2004, Entered: None
AMENDED COMPLAINT 1st amend cmplnt (plcd in sep folder due to size) (Entered: 10/22/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 41 Filed: 10/20/2004, Entered: None
ORDER ON STIPULATION stipulated between P and Ds tht Ds mtn to dism (#15) is withdrawn; P may file its amend cmplnt attchd to mtn for lv to file amend cmplnt (#19); P mtn to stay briefing (#25) is withdrawn; Ps mtn to strike (#30) is withdrawn; Ps mtn for (Entered: 10/22/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 40 Filed: 10/19/2004, Entered: None
ORDER ON MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE ATTORNEY ORD tht Jennifer Kash, in the place and stead of Pat Lundvall as cnsl for D-Robert Mouchou. (m) (Entered: 10/21/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 39 Filed: 10/18/2004, Entered: None
ORDER parties hv failed to submit a DPSO. Parties hv 5dys frm receipt of this ord in which to submit a DPSO (Entered: 10/18/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 38 Filed: 10/14/2004, Entered: None
MOTION FOR MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF for a more definite stmnt obo P. (m) (Entered: 10/18/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 37 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to J. Stephen Peek, local cnsl for out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 36 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to Jennifer A. Kash, out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 35 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to J. Stephen Peek, local cnsl for out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 34 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to David A. Person, out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 33 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None
DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL apprv'd as to J. Stephen Peek, local cnsl for out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 32 Filed: 10/8/2004, Entered: None
VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE PRO HAC VICE apprv'd as to Charles K. Verhoeven, out of state cnsl for Ds. (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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Legal Document (Payment Possibly Required) 31 Filed: 10/7/2004, Entered: None
MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT memorandum in support of Ps mtn for lv to file first amend cmplnt (#19) obo P. (m) (Entered: 10/13/2004)
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